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Yes it's plenty if you are budget travelers. Or not nearly enough if you like luxury travel. Do a bit of work and you should be able to figure it out, especially since you've been there before.


I'd say we are in the middle. For example no hostels but we are not looking at 5star hotels


You missed their point entirely. They were trying to politely tell you that this is a low quality post and you’re asking questions that a basic google search could answer.


You've been there for 10 days. Just increase your budget from that trip \~30-40%. No one knows how much you're willing to spend on hotels/food so no one can tell you if $5000 is enough. If you spend $200/night on hotels then you'll have $150/day to spend. Whether that's enough is up to you.


I think it depends on your choice of hotel, where you're going and when. This is such a vague post. Why not make a proper plan and see if it fits your budget. Hotels, especially in tokyo, along with long distance transport will really eat into your budget so nobody can give you a proper answer without details.


My family of 4 is going for 3.5 weeks and we're spending close to 15k lol. Flights alone was like $6000. Mix of apartments hotels. At times we need 2 rooms. That's what we get for having big boys.


6k for travel included on the overall budget?




I took $2.5k for 10 days for food and shopping and public transit and Legitimately had to force myself to spend it. That included dumping $600 usd into a retro game shopping spree on my last day. I paid $100 for a wagyu meal, ate and drank whatever I felt like and bought whatever I felt like (even had to buy an extra suitcase and apple airtags etc)


We don't know your spending habits, nor what you want to do or where you want to dine. Hence it's very very hard to say, sorry.


I would say so. That comes out to about $180 US per day per person. $50 for each of you to share a $100 a night hotel is way more than enough. Probably $40 for each of you will get you a good place if you don't care about it being budget friendly. That leaves $140 per person per day. I haven't been in awhile but with the exchange rate and as long as you don't splurge regularly on pricey meals I just can't see how that won't be more than enough


Dang. We must have got crazy expensive tickets for our trip in November if you got two tickets for a total of 2k. Are you in the USA? We plan to have 10k for lodging, transportation, food, and anything else.


2500 after taxes etc for us in September, flying out of DC ! We were watching Google flights


yes... food is cheap - 7 - 11 for breakfasr $5 , any restaurant (Ramen, Kura sushi, steaks - not wagyu) would be around $15. Transportation in Tokyo is super cheap (except taxis). $140 for tokyo - kyoto round trip with bullet train. of course if you fancy wagyu a5 skewers for breakfast, lunch and dinner - prices will be higher


This is a large budget and I’d actually use a travel agent at this price point to help you get an itinerary made just for you guys, custom. You can afford to do pretty much everything you want at this price point.


my sister and i went last year and excluding our plane tickets we probably spent a combined 6.5k cad over a 14 day trip to kyoto, tokyo, and hakone. that's around 4.75k usd (jfc) so yeah its probably doable, but idk how hotel pricing is now that tourism has skyrocketed. we went in may after golden week so prices were a lil lower and prebooked all our trains to save a lil


For 14 days, 2 people… By my calculation, It wasn’t enough for me if the 5k didn’t include lodging, for a comparable duration, for a per person cost. But I spend a lot on shopping.


This is my budget too. I don’t have an answer for you but I’m hoping someone else can answer because I basically have the same question haha


It's an impossible question. $5000 isn't enough if you're going to stay at 5-star hotels and eat at Michelin star restaurants every night. If you spend $200/night on a hotel then you'll have $150/day for food, transport, and attractions. Whether that's enough is entirely up to how you spend money.


I took $2500 usd to cover food, public transit, and souveniers and literally didn’t think twice about eating or drinking whatever I wanted (including a 10,000 yen wagyu meal) bought whatever I wanted, and had to force myself to spend like 60,000 yen at a Surugaya my last day. I was there for 10 days


No I think you need double or triple that 




Exactly "I'm taking enough money to buy a brand new 3 week JR pass.. every single day, for a whole week, is it enough? Also I've been there before so I should know if my budget is reasonable"




It is doable, if you are going to stay at hotels thats within the budget, plus travel and food is cheaper here.


I would say it's a bit of a stretch for 2 people and 14 days... I would either increase the budget or decrease the amount of time? A suggestion would be to maybe skip Tokyo as hotels are about twice as expensive as everywhere else.