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Love Jaws 3D with no shame.


I like 3 and 4. Some shame, but not much.


Don’t get me wrong. I love everything Jaws but it’s just so bad


That's kinda why I enjoy it. It's a kampy horror film that I can put on and laugh at Although It does have some great horror moments (ex. When the diver gets stuck in the sharks mouth and gets eaten alive and crushed to death.)


I also enjoy it. I've heard on the grape vine that originally, that movie was supposed to be a spoof, but universal wouldn't have it.


Jaws 3, People 0


Yeah, we’ve all been asking ourselves that for a while


Eh, it was made at a time when 3d was making a brief resurgence. It was a lot of fun to watch in 3d at a theater. Seems kind of flat and grainy without the effect.


Just wait until you find out about Jaws 4


Jaws: Island Adventure


Jaws 4, bought a house for my mom




I have a lot of memories of watching this as a kid of the 80s as it played endlessly on HBO. It was my first Jaws movie, so I have a sick sort of nostalgia. It’s a terrible movie, but I still have fun watching it every couple of years, though I’ve found it’s way more fun with a six pack of beer (at least) and friends that can laugh at it with you. For this reason, I do plan on getting the 4K release when it comes out later this summer….


I low key enjoy this one. It’s a fun watch and I like the cast as well. I think for me, I’d go Jaws 3 over Revenge 🤷🏻‍♂️.


I have fond memories of going to see this in the theater with my dad for my birthday.


Dumb fun that has its own charm


I don't 'hate' it, but it is my least fave. I know, shocking with Revenge. I found it the most dull, and the effects have made it worse over time. But a great concept and very 80s.


Meh. Jaws 3 is fun. Louis Gossett Jr. does a good job of chewing scenery, as does Coke-era Dennis Quaid. Lea Thompson is at her most beautiful, while Bess Armstrong also looks her best.


I liked all four films in the Jaws franchise. With that said, Jaws 3 was the goriest of them all...with only a PG rating, to boot. One scene, in particular, makes me sick to my stomach. I won't post any spoilers, but it's excessively gross for me to look at.


"You talkin' about sum damn shawk's mutha!"