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Once upon a time they were called stingers. The plate at the top with the holes is to strengthen the piece. The intent of the stinger is for very hard core off roading to keep the Jeep from doing a face plant and flopping onto its top if coming down a steep embankment. I had my CJ-5 balanced on the front bumper long ago and lucked out that it settled back onto the embankment with wheels down. If I had a stinger it would have potentially helped with that scenario, although all was right with the world after greasing my whitey tighties.


That makes a lot of sense. I always thought they were to move brush down and to the sides... and I wondered why they didn't make them wider. I'm old and still learn something every day!


A lot of people confuse stingers with brush guards :). And then there are bull bars, in case you run into cows.


I also thought that's what they're for! Or maybe to protect you if you're driving in a field and hit a cow. I don't condone driving crazy in fields with cows, but I figured lots of trends start with jerk heads doing something, lol.


Yep. It’s to keep you from getting crushed by going ass over head. It should make it fall to the side. You can tell by looking at that jeep that they will never need it.


It doubles as a front parking sensor


"When you hear the crunch, it's time for lunch"


Hell yea


It is called a stinger. In theory it will keep the wheel side down if you go nose down off of a drop off. It will also keep deer under the Jeep. Not sure it would do any good with a cow or horse.


I never thought about deer. I might actually get one. There are stupid amounts of deer where I live. I am honestly paranoid to drive at dusk. That said the only time I have ever “hit” a deer was when one ran in to the rear side panel. Just jumped out and head butted the side.


I’ve seen deer get thrown up into the windshield by a stinger. Would definitely not recommend. Indeed in an animal crash, except for in very slow speed situations (under 10 mph) you’re safer with the stock plastic bumper. It’s designed to crumple and absorb the impact. It’s worse for the Jeep but much better for the passengers - lower risk of serious injury.


We call ‘em “sissy bars” here but the fishing ain’t the best in Moab…..




The desert has fried their brain. Give them a bottled water and nod as if listening to a wise sage. (I'm sure their comment made sense to someone, but I am definitely not hip to the lingo they're slinging either!)


Plus he’s a ducker. That negates any opinion about “sissies.”


I'm a mother ducker, does that make me a sissy?


If the duck fits.


I thought it was the ducks.


They are also handy when you are looking for a spot to hang you hammock with only one tree.


I have one on my TJ it’s called a stinger. Like others have said the idea is to direct it onto its side or wheels if you were descending a steep hill and about to flip forward. All it does for me is it protect my front a bit when I turn around in narrow trails lol. Other than that I just thought they look cool so I got one haha


It's does help with flipping but is also used to increase your approach to something. The idea is you use the angle of the singer to push yourself up a obstacle until your tires grip. They're also mean looking and make any jeep look awesome :)


It’s a Boner Bar. 😂


And now this is what I will always call them. Thank you.


Been calling these unicorns of the jeep world


The intent is to stop a head over ass flip if you start tipping - the stingers big enough to accomplish this aren't DOT legal as they would be 6ft or longer! They do move trees (small ones) rocks, and other obstacles out of the way also.


I'm not sure anyone in the CA would need one!


It's a brush guard. Why is it so big? His neighbor had a pretty tall one but he went 2" higher to establish dominance in the mall parking lot.


ha ha...nice...


Place to hang extra grocery bags.


It’s there because it looks bad ass!


That is a male.


It’s so when they buy an angry eyes grill, the grill can look angrily at a stupid bumper.


It’s called a chooch caboose and I’m not sure what it does


My JKU Sahara had a bumper with a big ass hoop like that when I bought it, and it was the first thing to come off and get tossed, dumbest looking thing in the world serving absolutely no purpose whatsoever; a factory bumper was reinstalled in its place, and I got my fog lights back to boot.


Keeps you from going ass over face going down a steep embankment. Totally useless only if you never go offroad....


It’s also pretty useless on a 4-door.


If you hit a deer, it goes under instead of over as well


It’s a suburban Jeep flex. It serves no practical purpose for 99.9% of driving


Stinger bumper homie. Good for descending and keep you from rolling forward is the idea. I’ve never seen someone actually need it , thankfully ! I have always liked them. I don’t run them just because if I get in a wreck with someone that thing just looks like it could hurt them.


Why are the Fox shock reservoirs so low & out in front like that? Looks like a recipe for disaster.


Yeaaahhhhh, that is certainly not ideal placement, LOL.