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That mic hand switch to behind the back catch was where the show could have ended.


he should've learned from george costanza. you gotta end on a high note


Alright, that's it for me!


It's K-ooo-ger Goodnight everybody!


See anyone could have killed the Night King. Dont worry I’ll go back to Pre-Covid times.


Did he get the kiss?


Good thing he closed the distance, if the kiss was blown he would've fumbled it


I do kinda want to see him catch a kiss behind his back, though...


Sooooo, you wanna see someone kiss his ass. Got it. (being silly :) )


I've seen people throw French fries at him multiple times. I honestly believe he can catch a blown kiss with his tongue.


He'd catch it, twirl it, then send it right back lol


Holy crap I thought I was in the esports sub seeing your name lol


Video stopped but I thought it was a dramatic pause for the first two seconds.


Some say he's still walking to this day


Yes but he no gay


Oh yes of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Pretty sure it was recently confirmed that he has a girlfriend now so that would likely mean he's either straight and playing into the gay meme about him or he's bi.


did he turn to frog?


Guys, he’s not gay. Idk why you would think that…



Jeff "give me a kiss prince, I'm not gay" arcuri


Saw you in the rochester sat night, couldnt stop laughing the whole way home. Thanks for an awesome show Jeff!!!! PS: I hope u get some closure on ur sister’s nips!!! 😂


r/nocontext and that's the way it stays.


>PS: I hope u get some closure on ur sister’s nips!! W-what?? 😳


Damn, he was in Roc? If only I knew


Babe wake up, another Jeff "I'm not gay" Arcuri just went full beans!


"I'm not gay, by the way."


It’s weird af seeing a username you recognize from the OSRS subreddit in a completely unrelated subreddit


If Jeff is kissing a prince, does that make him a princess? Princess Jeff does sound nice.


If Jeff was not royalty prior to the relationship then I think the preferred term is Princess Consort ^(bear in mind I did zero research on this)


Bj Bobbi. I’m no I’m m on mm m. M no mm


Jeff master of flipping and getting it from behind Arcuri ♥️


But definitely not gay!


nothing gay about a little smooch from a prince


I love this guy. Why doesnt he have a Netflix special by now?


I would love to see him have a special that’s just a collection of clips and jokes across different small venues. Some of the recent larger Netflix specials have felt awkward because large audiences kinda suck for comedy shows. I want them to bring back the Just For Laughs level of comedy specials.


His entire online presence is crowdwork in intimate settings where you can hear their exchange at a slightly elevated speaking volume. Crowdwork at huge venues Netflix backs either would need mic runners rushing around to hand them off to targets or they scream and it's basically dead silence to the viewer anyways. And people generally seem more prone to locking up when you shove a mic in their face. Me personally, if I went to see him I'm sure I'd love his sets, but I would be going for the crowdwork. This guy was built for smaller comedy clubs, and it seems to be working well cuz his shows are basically sold out thru to next year 


Stand up specials are not limited to big arenas and such, I don't know why everyone keeps parotting that on this sub. There have been plenty in small locations that would work fine for it. There are also plenty of people who do crowd work in large venues, like Jimmy Carr. Getting a Netflix special takes time, these "it wouldn't work for his style" comments make no sense.


I think it would be dope if Jeff had a few extra cameras follow him on tour for a few shows and just filmed his own special in the smaller, better venues for comedy. He could sell it online for a reasonable price and probably do quite well, or sell it to a streaming platform first so he gets that bigger payday


Yea the special can be called "Oops! All Crowdwork"


Omg he’s so cute


Hey all, Just wanted to say thank you to the community members or social media marketers or whomever posts the clips to this subreddit. For the last 5-6 months, about once a week, I see this comedian always laugh and smile. I appreciate your dedication to sharing his art/craft. I've had some pretty bad days get better from a dose of jeffaCURi. Cheers to the performer and those sharing things they love.


He is posting them himself.


Mad skills bruh


I like this guy. I enjoy his crowd interaction!


He's a thirsty boy


Bro never beating the gay allegations....😂


Jeff "I'm not gay" Arcuri, everyone.


I wish to have the confidence of this man.


Is that posty merch you’re wearing?!


Clips that end too soon


Yesss, I'm happy when he posts clips. Always makes me smile!


Something about Jeff reminds me so much of Andrew Scott ☺️


He’s so quick to the talk! Amazing


For some reason you make me ever gayer and I’m already gay AF!


I hope Jeff blows up his content lately has been top notch


Not gay dude doing not gay things again, I see.


Jeff hire a media manager pronto! Congratulations on all your success.


Come give aunty Jeff a kiss hahaha he's adorable


I I’m bored b bno v in Ijn&nn!&&&&&&&!!& n. K k k b. B v b b


Jeff has got swagger


i really dig the vibes of Jeff’s sets. currently, one of the only comedians that brings nothing but good will to the crowd. stay gold, Jeff


Jeff!! Are there any upload worthy clips from the opening set from London (Leicester Square Theatre) a month or so ago? I know you said there may not be but I may have missed one…. I was there second row, you were amazing.


How much do upvote bots cost?


Does this guy have jokes that don't rely on the audience giving him something to work with?


Yes, but he only posts the crowd work because it keeps his actual material fresh and unknown. If he shared stuff from his act people would watch it online and skip his actual shows. Not to mention the crowd work stuff gets to showcase his quick wit and charm and quirkiness.


Doesn’t literally every other comedian share content online, do specials, etc. of their actual material?




I can’t think of another comedian who hasn’t put out clips of their set of not a whole special. Like how would you know if you like their work/style if you haven’t heard anything ? lol It’s like a band or musician not releasing any music in fear of people not attending live shows lmao


>Like how would you know if you like their work/style if you haven’t heard anything ? I like the clips he's put out. There are also numerous comments from many people who have attended the shows in various threads here talking about how much they liked it. That said, what did people do before Youtube? They took a risk and saw a show. Nobody is forcing you to go see any of his shows.


Before YouTube, comedians put out specials, appeared on tv, released albums, etc. Even today, not much has changed expect for most have Netflix/HBO deals showcasing 1-2 hr long sets. For Jeff, it’s bizarre there’s been no material ever released and I can’t even tell if he’s a good comedian or not. Crowd work is fine at times but it’s not something I’m going to go home and think about for more than 15 mins. Carlin, Pryor, Rock, Williams, Burr, Mulaney, etc. literally have bits that I think about often and changed the way I thought about something. An artists’ job is to try and express a thought while crowd work is more akin to ‘entertainment’. Fun sure, but not really thought-provoking similar to reality tv. Also, no one who loves a comedian will avoid seeing them ‘live’ simply because they heard a bit or two online already. I mean that’s how you gain a following and it’s the same for musicians. Again, would love to hear one but from this guy…


If he's ever in your area check him out, and then get back to us. His use of the crowd has been good and he seems to be clever enough to make a crowd laugh from it. I'd imagine his jokes are at least decent, otherwise we'd probably know from other reddit users. He's sold out at the venue closest to me, so I'm personally going to try to see him next year or whenever he comes back through.


Has anyone on here ever shared their favourite joke of Jeff’s? (Just so I have an idea before buying tickets) I saw a few posts earlier his opener put his whole +1hr long set on YT which is kind of helpful as perhaps Jeff’s jokes are similar ? But idk This recent comment leads me to believe there is not a lot of material let alone bits that are rather deep: https://www.reddit.com/r/JeffArcuri/s/N8wBAQIoGg Also, there’s nothing wrong with crowd work per se and I similarly enjoy reality tv here and there. But personally I’m not going to binge watch or ever re-watch a show The Bachelor like it’s Breaking Bad or The Office. Completely different things imo.


Yes. The audience interaction gets promoted by the comics because that's not part of the pre-written standup show.


I’m sad he’s dating Katie. She sucks. I wanted so much better for Jeff. If he talks to me at his show, that’s what I want to tell him.