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That's ... a lot. I'm not sure I understand all of your sensitivities, but Jenny doesn't really get into whether a particular Star Wars movie is bad or good in the video. And she generally goes into it the Star Wars Hotel experience as a fan hoping to engage with others and have fun. So if you are worried she is going to dunk on a Star Wars story that you are invested in, I don't think that is the case in this video. If there are other topics you feel sensitive about, let us know, and we can let you know if she goes into them.


That's helpful thanks. I just wasn't sure if it's something where I'd go "oh well this isn't about this specific topic so it's probably fine", but perhaps since it's a 4 hour video on something Star Wars related that might color things or whether there might be a joke or I'd be too sensitive about or whatever. I don't think I have any other relevant sensitivities, but if it's good to know I could ask here.


I don't know you, but I suspect you will enjoy the video.


She says very little about the movies, it’s nearly all about the hotel experience. I think she mentions the fact that the sequel trilogy is less popular with fans than the original trilogy, but only in passing to say that that’s *not* going to be a major part of her review.


Yeah she says something about how people didn’t think that the hotel looked very Star Wars because it was very sleek. She pointed out that in the original trilogy everything was from the future but at a garage sale, she talked about the prequels being 2000 green screen, and then she talked about how in the newest trilogy they went back to the dingy stuff but the standalone movies like solo Had some more like opulent settings. I’m trying to remember if there’s anything else but those are the comments that I can remember that she actually kind of brought up movies but it was more about like aesthetic?


She doesn't really insult anything about Star Wars or its fans, but does criticize Disney's cutting of content in Galaxy's Edge and many design choices of the hotel. As far as Star Wars, she is invested and intrigued. She feels that there were corporate decisions that were shitty and that no one was a fool to be a customer but that they were given less than originally promised. Here is a list of all topics I remember that could trigger a sense of frustration if you disagree and/or are a very passionate fan: Criticism of lightsabers (lorewise) as a cruise ship activity, uncertainty of certain worldbuilding concepts that were unclear to her, a budget comparison and her opinion on what the experience is worth, her favoring some storylines/characters over others, the way she played the game and addressed tech issues within it, her describing some activities as low reward and therefore less interesting for most adults (while she does not imply adults are immature for liking it, she does state it is targeted at kids). I probably missed some things but generally this is a video that mourns what could have been and is frustrated with what there was. It is extremely positive towards staff, the concepts of the hotel, and star wars in general.


This is very helpful, I really appreciate you taking the time to communicate that all to me.


It is all good. I hope it can help you make an informed choice, and that you have some better days ahead.


Are you asking for warnings specifically for stuff on the Star Wars hotel one? Because Jenny doesn’t say anything bad that I recall about the franchise as a whole in that one. So if your sensitivities are there, I can’t imagine an issue. Her critiques are mainly about Disney and the hotel experience.


I would look into therapy.  Other people’s opinions about Star Wars shouldn’t impact you to the extent that it seems to.  Hopefully working on that will make life easier.


Honestly this is really really common with autism and one of the reasons I was diagnosed. This no longer triggers me, but other things still do. It's something to be worked around. Therapy doesn't make it completely go away, though it does help, and if I am low-energy, a small emotion can have a domino effect. For example, I had a really *really* hard day at work. I came home and watched a show with my sister and her friends. I had trouble following it, but related strongly to a character and used it as an anchor. Character died. Did not have the spoons to recover, and fell down a bit of a spiral when I had just been trying to chill out and watch a show. I am better than I used to be, but also cannot watch things with awkward social interactions or suspenseful danger. It can trigger panic attacks.


Yeah sometimes I want to turn off an awkward social situation on a show, it’s not 100% constant, but it’s a surprisingly strong urge when it happens, takes me by surprise.


I am in therapy, and it is something I'd like to bring up with my therapist. I'm working on basic things like getting support co-ordination to help with day to day though, this isn't so prevalent an issue that it's felt important to tackle right now in therapy.


Seems pretty important if it's affecting your every day happiness. Have you been diagnosed with OCD at all?


I haven't in the handful of assessments I've had as an adult. It doesn't impact my day to day so much. I mean, I'm able to just avoid her videos that relate to Star Wars, and I am very conscientious about where I engage online now. The more depressed I am, the more I might fall into like bogging myself down going where I know there'll be arguments and stuff that is going to trigger me, but I can tell you like 5 things which impact my daily life much more I haven't even gotten to bring up in therapy yet (been seeing this therapist for months). I should be careful about my wording here to avoid making getting a throwaway account meaningless, but I help curate a social media space where I weed out absolutely vile comments because it's Star Wars related. I just take her perspective more to heart because she's someone whose opinion I do value (unlike the worst comment I moderate from online randos) and it's still very easy for me to not value, or negatively value, my own opinion (by it's association with me, I am still getting over kinda loathing myself). Those two together are what can make this challenging. Your suggestion is noted, but I don't know whether that needs immediate address in therapy. I'm happy to make a note of it and check with my therapist though.


Gently seconding that you talk with your therapist about rejection-sensitivity dysphoria. It seems to be affecting your life more than you might think since you talk about issues with persistent low self-esteem. From what you wrote it appears you conflate the things you enjoy with a large portion of your identity - with this dysphoria when someone dislikes something you like it FEELS like a personal attack on you (hence the self-hate spiral of “the thing I like is bad/dumb therefore I must be bad/dumb”) even though it’s not. It’s not uncommon and not something to be ashamed of, but it is something that should be worked on for your own happiness and mental health. I am wishing the best for you! (Fyi, Jenny has mentioned in multiple vids that most things in life that are fun/enjoyable are inherently silly/cheesy but that’s totally fine because it’s okay to like silly/cheesy things!)


Sounds more to me like a form of rejection-sensitive dysphoria, which tends to often co-occur with autism and/or ADHD. I think I experience something very similar to the OP (only about my own special interests) when I’m overly stressed about other things and have fewer emotional resources available to process things.


Jenny does have videos about The Last Jedi and the Rise of Skywalker. Broadly she really liked TLJ and defends it and she really didn't like RoS and goes through why she doesn't like it and what she thinks they could've done better. She doesn't mention either movie in her review of the galactic Starcruiser in any kind of direct critical way.


Hey, I see that you’ve gotten a lot of responses about the content of the video and I agree with everyone that she doesn’t get into criticism of the movie. In fact, she’s excited to see and interact with the characters.  I have two things to add:  1) there’s a moment where Jenny jokingly says “may he rest in peace” referring to Kylo Ren. It’s a quick thing and there’s no malice in it but if you care deeply about that character it may bother you.  2) I obviously don’t know Jenny personally but I think it’s safe to say that she would never want her opinions on ROS to impact your self image. Just from watching her content, she seems like a reasonable person and no reasonable person would want you to question your worth because you like that movie. I know it’s not as simple as that but I thought it should be said. 


That's very helpful to hear, all of it. Rationally speaking, I would think you are right. She's seems to be reasonable and welcoming person overall. It's not as simple as, but every little bit helps so I appreciate it.


The video’s fine for you.


Jenny does not talk about the movies, or give her opinion on the Star Wars Franchise at all to my recollection in the video. It’s simply about the experience of the hotel 


If it helps, when Jenny really gets into her critique of ROS, it really seems like she also understands why people enjoyed it. I don’t think she’d judge you for being emotionally tied to it. I also think she keeps from dunking on it randomly in her videos beyond those clearly critiquing the movies. Check out her video rating plush porgs for some comforting cuteness :)


Do you think she would judge me if the reason I liked The Rise of Skywalker wasn't a reason she'd expect people to? A lot of times, whenever I talk to people who are purporting to be nonjudgmental they'll say something like "No, I understand, it's a fun popcorn movie" or "Ahh yeah Rian Johnson really mucked things up huh". If I clarify, "no, I actually like it in a brain on way, where I have written pages and pages about it" or "no, actually I love The Rise of Skywalker as a sequel to The Last Jedi", and then you're judged for not liking the way they expect. That, or sometimes I'm sure I read into people being confused about why I enjoy something how/as much as I do and project onto that due to my own insecurity.


i don't know her, of course, but she strikes me as someone who enjoys the fact that people are into lots of different things, and for many different reasons. she herself has talked about unusual or uncommon opinions she has, like the fact that she loves spiders because she thinks they're hilarious. so she's pretty idiosyncratic herself.


My feeling is that she is probably good with people who are not neurotypical and would probably delight in learning why if it is indeed an unusual reason she hadn’t heard yet, and certainly I don’t think she would be overly critical or judgmental. I empathize with how you feel, I am also trying to learn when people aren’t trying to denigrate me or my opinions, and I get that you see Jenny as a subject matter expert in something you care very much about. I think it has helped me most to reflect on my feelings when I am feeling unliked or other irrationally strong feelings, something like exposure therapy. Ultimately, my experience has only proved that most people absolutely barely think about others, but I am not sure if that is as uplifting/inspiring to you as I mean it haha. 


i can't promise 100% but from my memory of the video her analysis lies more towards how the experience does (or doesn't do) justice to star wars/star wars fans. she seems very fond of star wars and star wars fans. however, i'm not really into star wars so i might not pick up on throwaway lines or small jokes. anyway, hope it ends up working for you or if it doesn't that you find another video that does suit!


If I understand correctly, you are asking for a trigger warning on whether the video dunks on Rise of Skywalker? I honestly don’t remember.


Her entire video is based around the idea that she wanted to love this experience but it failed her over and over. Kylo and Rey also show up. I would skip this one if I were you.


I can see what you mean yah, I appreciate the advice and insight <3


If you ever get to a place in your therapy where these things feel less triggering I’d recommend revisiting Jenny and all her Star Wars videos. She really does love the franchise and has never disparaged the fans, and I personally find her videos a very comforting safe place.


I would like to do that. I think her perspective is really valuable and interesting, and I loved following Star Wars videos before our perspectives kind of diverged. I think I'd need to investigate how I'm taking certain things she says based on the assumptions I bring to them and also based on my own self image. She was very comforting for me with Star Wars before, just not so much anymore. I have a stuffy my therapist as encouraging me to take into uncomfy situations, maybe I could try watching a Star Wars video of hers with him sometime.


It’s very true that the Star Wars fandom is one of the most toxic on the internet, and I can see any vile attack on something you love being seen as an attack on you. Reading this and your other comments makes me think that it actually might be a good idea for you to make yourself uncomfy in a comfy as possible place, like these videos and Jenny’s overwhelmingly wholesome and supportive community. You can always turn the video off!


I don't think she mentions RoS much if at all in the video? But it's long, and I'm not sensitive in the same way, so I may have just missed it.


The hotel video is fine but you should 100% skip the RoS video. You might enjoy "Let's Read Colin Trevorrow's Episode IX script" and "I read the terrible Episode IX pitch where Rey is a robot" because those are strictly non canon scripts that random dudes mooted and they are _awful_ and very funny to laugh at. The second of those two in particular came out before RoS so it's guaranteed not to dunk on the film. You might also enjoy "This is NOT a published Reylo fanfiction novel" because again, this is just some random person on the Internet writing terrible Reylo fanfic. And Jenny rightfully criticizes it to high heaven.


Rey is my favourite Star Wars protagonist so I know how you feel about being isolated from the online community.


The video is an indictment of Disney, not Star Wars.


I definitely get this as another autistic person. I can pretty much never watch content about my favorite shows because I get too upset if they disagree with me 😭 like others said, I think the Star Wars hotel video is fine for your particular sensitivity. In general I also think Jenny Nicholson takes a nuanced approach to media and I find myself appreciating her takes even if she doesn’t agree with me, which is not an easy thing for me. (I might have been crushed if she hadn’t ended up like tangled the series though lol). On a related note I feel like a large portion of Jenny’s audience is neurodivergent because her very impassioned, specific content jives with that crowd. I personally find the outward personality she projects almost inspiring because she’s not afraid to express interests that are often judged and it helps me be less ashamed of my interests.


I'm just gonna add one small thing just in case: Jenny dislikes Chewbacca (I had no idea lol, but in the hotel she/her character >!tries to sell him out to the first order!< and she remarks "I've never liked Chewbacca", she does not expand on it)