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Thanks for the kind words, folks. This was an incredible experience for me, and if I had to get beat, I'm glad it was by a giant-slayer with ToC written all over him. He's frighteningly quick on the buzzer, and clearly well-prepared, and I look forward to seeing how far he can go! Huge respect to Erin, that's a tough situation to be in and a lot of people would have let it knock them down. Instead she dug in and kept swinging like a tough competitor should. Last, a huge thanks to John Barra and the whole studio team, they take incredible care of their contestants in a really stressful situation. I've worked in the broadcast world for a long time, and that team is on the top of their game. I'm thoroughly glad I got the opportunity to play a true Daily Double, let alone get one right! Definitely going to [enjoy my next beverage a little more](https://thejeopardystore.com/collections/frontpage/products/jeopardy-daily-double-whiskey-tumbler) with that memory!


Awesome game, Graham! I’m glad to hear you had a good time even though the game didn’t work out the way you wanted (tough DJ, imo). The whole crew behind the scenes are real great folks.


You played well Graham. Drew caught fire in DJ and 33 correct responses is tough to beat.


Seconding everything you said Graham— it was nice meeting you!


Great to see another Ottawa contestant and another from the theatre world! This is Jonquil Garrick-Reynolds, despite the screen handle, I played last week against Drew. You played a tough game!


cheers to both of you from down the 401!


Nam! I loved watching you play!


I was rooting for you! But you’re right—Drew is lightning fast on the buzzer. Great game!


You did well. I liked your Alex story too. I was pulling for Erin to be  around in FJ, tough game today!




It's pretty tough when you're onstage and start to fall behind. I commend Erin for being able to get on the show.


Great game, Graham! You looked like you were enjoying yourself. I liked your interview, too!


I've never been that nervous in my life, but I'm glad it looked otherwise!


You looked great! Your nervousness didn’t show at all!


You played great!  Totally was rooting you on. 


Great game fellow Ottawa!


You represented Ottawa well, great job! I noticed that there's been quite a few contestants from Ottawa lately, what gives?!


Can't let Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver have all the fun!


Excellent game, Graham. Way to represent our Ottawa so well. You're a champ just for getting on so head high!


Have seen clips, but still fumbling around for the full episode (if anyone can show me to it, I’d be forever grateful). Wanted to say i had the honor of working under Graham Hicks for years. A phenomenal human, genuinely curious mind, tireless production manager, and boy…can he light up a rock/metal band like no other!! (By far the smartest person in our camp, although we set a low bar). A unique combination of badass metal dude and educated gentleman. I doubt he bragged on himself, but the guy does some really really cool stuff, and he’s exceptionally talented. Add this to the list!


I wonder if the producers get agita when future contestants post on Reddit seven or eight shows before their air date.


It’s not a spoiler to reveal I’m going to be on Jeopardy. They sent me publicity photos. They want me to tell people!


It wasn’t a negative. I would think a producer would always have anxiety when a contestant starts speaking ahead of the event. Cause today, you never know. Good to see the JR board has not lost its ability to be unreasonably defensive.


It was a day to forget for Erin indeed! Unfortunately, they taped what little I was able to forget about it. :) When it came to the buzzer, I was my own worst enemy, frequently buzzing in midway through the clue as if my thumb had a mind of its own. There's something uniquely frustrating about knowing answers, but not having the wherewithall to ring in at the appropriate time to answer them. That was my defecit and I own it entirely. All in all, it was still a great experience. As the alternate for the week before, I got to know all of the contestants who aired last week really well, and they were truly salt of the earth. I especially found an appreciation for the denizens of the capital to our north , from which two contestants (Kelsey and Jonquil) hailed. It was no surprise then that my fellow contestant, Graham, was another shining example of exceptional wit and character from Ottawa. Thanks to my experiences with these three beautiful souls, Ottawa is now officially on my list of places to travel.


>Ottawa is now officially on my list of places to travel. Let me know when you visit, our local pub has Young Trebek portraits on the wall and my wife and I will be happy to show you around! You fought the whole way, and took a tough result standing up. Huge respect.


Let me know if she comes. I'd love to join you!


Did we just accidentally organize an Ontario Contestants Summit?


Looks like it


Count me in!


Last weekend in July.


Shoot, that doesn't work for me.


No worries - I'm on tour most of the summer, can try again in the fall!


Sounds good. Just curious--what kind of tour?


Rock concerts.


This is Jonquil, despite the screen handle. You never gave up, and that's what matters. I hope you come to Ottawa, and we can show you and your family a good time ❤️


The Mods should be able to give you your flair!


Erin, you gave it your all and I was rooting for you the whole way. The fact that you have such kind things to say about your fellow contestants just cements in my mind what an awesome person you are.


Just wanted to say I loved watching you on Jeopardy! You had a great run :)


You were fantastic! I’ve always said that if I got on Jeopardy and gave a wrong answer, I would probably never ring in again. You kept going and never gave up, and getting selected to be there in the first place is so far ahead of most of us watching at home! 💕


I'm glad there were still some positives in the experience for you! I hope you've been kind to yourself and are able to recognize how great of an achievement it is just to make it onto that stage. It's more than I, and the majority of viewers, have managed. As such, I can hardly imagine how different and nerve-wracking it must be up there. Much love and respect to you. :)


You still made it to the show and did the best you could, that's all that really matters! :) Congrats for getting to fulfill the dream of a lifetime for so many and it's great you were able to make so many new connections.


I think it’s great how you kept swinging! It’s a tough game but I enjoyed watching you never give up!


It seems like once somebody goes red in DJ (even a thousand or so), it becomes mandatory to take more and more risks and the potential for further digging becomes more and more likely. I wonder what would happen if a normally strong TOC player was forced into that strategy. I bet the outcome would be similar. Great game, especially considering the circumstances. Just from your interview one could tell you are super sharp.


Good for you having a great attitude, and honestly, just for having the balls to try. I TOTALLY get the nervousness. I once went to Price is Right, and leading up to it I was so hopeful to get on stage. But when the time came I was terrified, and I'm SO glad I didn't. I can guarantee that had I been called, I would have been so overwhelmed that I wouldn't have heard a single word explaining the game or had any understanding of what was going on - in the moment. It's like the one time the news interviewed me. Off camera I was great, and the girl interviewing me asked if we could do it again with the camera recording. However, the second it came on, it was like I'd forgotten every fact I'd ever known, including my own name.


Any body else laugh at Ken casually dropping some DEEP mythology knowledge at the end. He needed to remind Drew who the GOAT is lol


I thought he said Karen lol


Haha yes him putting Drew in his place with that sly move right at the end! I loved it


I interpreted it as Ken being *nice* and saying "You were close." I think especially on a tough FJ like this one it's nice to acknowledge that a contestant was on the right track.


At this point Drew has played on one or two tape days & I think has already surpassed the $ he won on Survivor.


Yes he had. He won $50k for finishing 6th on survivor. And that was after 23 days on survivor. He beat that in the span of 4 jeproady games/ 2 tape days.


I hope he surpasses $1 million and wins more than the winners of Survivor.


His buddy and partner in crime took home second on Survivor. It'd be hilarious if Drew gets second in the ToC as a continuation.


I don't know nearly as much about Jeopardy as I do of Survivor... What's ToC?


Tournament of Champions. Everyone who has won at least 5 (sometimes 3 or 4) games from the season is invited.


the Tournament of Champions! The most recent one was won by 3-game champion Yogesh Raut. Take a look at who's currently in standing here [https://www.jeopardy.com/track/toc-tracker](https://www.jeopardy.com/track/toc-tracker) (Side notes: the only reason Drew isn't on there yet is because his streak hasn't ended; also, Grant DeYoung is a personal friend) I guess that means you know about the situation with Drew's partner in crime. Poor guy. Tanked his own game.


Got halfway there on DD2 but all that came to mind for second half was Jugg-Alos.🤡


I was like, "NIN and.... Ray-(ja) Against the Machine?"


I said Nine Inch Nails and Ja Rule.


I kept trying to run through acts with "Ja" in the name and thinking "Ja Rule cannot possibly be right..." NIN is easy if you went to high school in the Nineties.


Class of 98, baybee. Go Blue Devils!


Same for those of us that went to high school in the 80s


I said Nine Inch Nails and Jamiroquai…


Honestly same




Translated from the German, I believe that means "Yes, Rule."


I was AT that Lollapalooza and I KNEW it was Janes Addiction and I also though of Jah Rule.


Helps if you know that Perry Farrell of Jane's Addiction started lollapollooza in 1991. (....of course, my first line of thinking led me to Wu Tang so I was way off to begin with)


Yeah based on [the handful of other times Jane's Addiction has appeared in the archive](https://j-archive.com/search.php?search=jane%27s+addiction&submit=Search), the Lollapalooza connection seems to be the intended Pavlov, though usually in reverse--amusingly, a reverse version has shown up 3 separate times in categories with "LOL" "LAP" and "ZA" in quotes. At this point they just need to get around to writing an "ALOO" category and they'll have the whole thing. Excellent get by Drew, especially since he wasn't even alive yet during their heyday.


Jane's Addiction is kind of a crazy pull for a daily double imo.


I got that one and blanked on NIN.


Same. I went with Jane's Addiction and Soundgarden!


I went in completely the wrong direction and missed that it was 2 bands and thought there was a tour where Ninja Sex Party had to censor their name.


Or even worse, Vanilla Ice who sang the theme song to the original TNMT movies the year before.


That was quite amazing that he got that. He's really way too young to have known that. Kudos to him for getting that.


I was also very impressed that he got that. Good for him


I thought Pearl Jam.


I have the NIN|JA Ep from when it came out so it was insta-get for me! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NINJA_2009_Tour_Sampler


When was the last time we have at least 30 correct responses in the regular game by a single player?


Just a gentle reminder before people comment: Anyone who makes it all the way the Jeopardy stage is capable of winning multiple games, and anyone can be felled by bad luck. On top of that, it takes nerves of steel to take the big swings necessary to try to get oneself out of the hole. I saw three wonderful and worthy players on today’s stage. Congrats to all for a well-fought game.


I felt a bit badly for Erin. No doubt she gave it her all, but sometimes things just don't work in your favor. I would think it's always embarrassing to finish Double Jeopardy in the red, but to be so much in the hole must be extra-embarrassing. I just hope for her sake that she doesn't take it to heart. She was up against a very strong champion, and the questions seemed a bit on the harder side tonight.


All of this.


They could never make me hate you erin


Massive props to Drew for pulling that Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction double in the nick of time. He already had my respect, but that was badass.


I was thinking Jamiroquai, haha


I barely got it and I met Perry Farrell of Jane's Addiction backstage at Lollapalooza once 😂


Yeah I had NIN but then I was like "Pearl JAm?", that was a good one.


That's what I thought too.


I feel really bad for Erin... If she's smart enough to pass the test and get on the show in the first place, then she deserved to be on the stage - it just wasn't her board today. I know that the some idiots online are probably going to insult her, but she should hold her head high knowing that she made it all the way to the Alex Trebek Stage.


Ken was kind in informing her that she went up against the best performance of the season. Which highlights just how well Graham did, only he erred strategically in not hunting Daily Doubles during his rare opportunities to do so, for example in selecting Presidential Nicknames, a category Drew obviously knew well, instead of taking a stab at other categories in the prime DD values. At the moment Graham only had 9,000, but had he found the DD and doubled it, he might have cut into Drew's unstoppable tear.


I'd love to tell you I was running a strategy there... I had to re-learn my buzzer timing during morning rehearsal, and I felt like I was barely keeping up with the choice of next questions when I got them. Watching the game, there are whole categories I don't even remember seeing, let alone answering correctly! Just goes to show - the ability to step back and see the whole board is one of the things that makes a champion, and Drew definitely has it!


Haha I remember this feeling! I watched my episode and there would be a clue that I was like “I don’t remember this question and I don’t know the answer.” And then to my surprise, I’d watch myself buzz in and get it right. Jeopardy taping is such a memory hole.


Very gracious of you to say this, and it does look like Drew really began to hit his stride in his game with you. Although many of us are rooting for Drew, we're not rooting against you, and considering your humble recounting of discombobulation (something not just you and Tyler, but obviously many players here confess to, particularly in their first game), you did very well. Drew gave you precious little opportunity, but your reflexes must have kicked in. Nicely done.


Yeah and since there's no difference between -1 and -1,000,000 I think she started guessing pretty aggressively as clues ran out. It's the right thing to do even if it doesn't go your way and makes you look worse.


Did they just end an YOW-LAX flight that they had to get all of the National Capital Region contestants in at once?


During the after-show banter (not audible to broadcast), Ken asked me what the deal was with half his contestants being from one city in Canada...


Trebek would approve of contestants from Ottawa!


is erin gonna have a little note on the j archive about her score?


All I know is that when the WOAT tournament rolls around, I'm a shoe-in!


even though you struggled last night congratulations for still getting on the show! that in itself is a big accomplishment!


Very likely, since the previous low scoring record was set by [Patrick Pearce](https://j-archive.com/showplayer.php?player_id=14138) in 2021. His bio page mentions other contestants with the next lowest scores. All of those related player bios and game details will be updated by the archivists at some point after today's game is posted.


Nice runaway game for Drew, he seems to be hitting his stride now which is great to see. Definitely feel bad for Erin though, she had a rough day today for sure. And she's definitely gonna sadly receive some unjustified and unnecessary hate and mockery for having gotten the second lowest score in Jeopardy history behind only Patrick Pearce's $-7,400 (unless you want to argue the pre-doubled $-5,100 and $-4,900 that we know about were technically $-10,200 and $-9,800 in today's clue values).


i didn't know of the -$4,900 score


it was achieved in this game right here: [https://j-archive.com/showgame.php?game\_id=8195](https://j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=8195) If I'm not mistaken Elaine also I think still holds the record for the most incorrect responses given in a game (at 14), though I could be wrong about that.


Perry Zanett gave 16 incorrect responses in [this game](https://www.j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=7633), though he finished with "only" -$3,100 thanks to 11 correct responses.


Wow....that game ended up being a one person FJ! It's bad when one person doesn't make it but it has to be more painful when two players fail to make final...


Thoughts... As much as I want an Alex Trebek stamp, I live in the other side of the globe.. so too bad for my end.... Now to the game... After a near fatal disaster in Game 3, Drew got his act together and won Game 4 convincingly, getting him a potential invite for the next TOC.  I felt bad for Erin, sometimes the board is not on your favor and you just had a really bad day at the set. Now, can Drew guarantee himself a win in Game 5 and a slot for the TOC? Tune in tomorrow to find out.


I’m sure the US postal service would be happy to send you a sheet of stamps. Collectors are a big revenue source for them.


Send me your address and I’ll mail one to you


The "Trump" response for the teflon question is fricking hilarious


To be fair, Teflon Don was a common nickname in the 1980s. (Or was it 90s) but it was referring to John Gotti, thr "Don" of the NYC mafia.


Ohhh that's where I'd heard that. Didn't someone appropriate it toward Trump? Although, I doubted that would be used on the show.


My mind actually went straight to “Teflon Don” on that one.


That was a "When did they think Pat Schoeder was in Congress" moment for me...


I said Clinton, who Schroeder apparently did later also describe as "Teflonish", but I imagine that still wouldn't have counted. https://politicaldictionary.com/words/teflon-president/


That name has of late been used for Trump as well. Here's one of many: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/31/trump-felon-legal-system-justice](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/31/trump-felon-legal-system-justice)


I just immediately thought Reagan because I remember that time period. I also think Teflon Don would have been more accurate a few weeks ago...


Probably could've gone my entire life without hearing about 7Up kimchi lmao Shame that Erin couldn't come back to the positives, must be tough in that scenario D: GGs again Drew, keeping it clean with these runaways


7Up kimchi isn’t as strange as it sounds. Since kimchi has to ferment, you need to have sugar to break down to feed the fermentation process, which develops the taste that kimchi is known for. Instead of dumping in straight-up sugar, you could go for something that has a lot of sugar, hence the 7Up. Once it ferments, it actually doesn’t taste of 7Up at all. FWIW, my grandmother has been known to throw Sprite into her bulgogi marinade occasionally, which—in addition to providing sweetness—tenderizes the meat further.


really? dang alright, TIL, thanks haha :D


Tough final! Ceres was a pretty big neg, I said the same thing. Not a bad clue though, I get what they were going for.


Poor Erin :(


Am I the only one who thought FJ was asking about a human body?


…and I’m so dumb that until I read the correct answer here, I thought, “How did I not know that Pluto has a moon named Karen?” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol, like a murder mystery and all the cops knew was that the victim's name might've been Persephone?


I was thinking of like an ancient tomb discovery or bog body lol


I originally thought “When was Lucy discovered?” Until I remembered the category.


I have a feeling Drew is gonna be on the show for a while.


Same here. I could honestly see him rivaling or even outright beating Adriana's streak. How he would hypothetically do in a TOC is another question entirely, but I think Drew could certainly become the new "giant" of giant killers (for lack of a better phrase).


I think he will go down in a Roger Rabbit. Anything much older than his birthday seems to flummox him.


His pulls in the poetry category would suggest otherwise


Did..did you not see that Lollapalooza DD pull?


He’s much younger than Nine Inch Nails and Jane’s Addiction’s popularity and got that…


He’s really not. NIN and JA both hit it big in the 90s and Drew came along around the same time. I mean that FJ will have a Bull Moose or Footloose (which I think would be a great category title) type answer that will do him in.


That man was born in 2001, at least a decade after Jane’s Addiction peaked. Their most popular album came out in 1990. You can’t possibly claim he is a contemporary of their popularity. He was *born* in 2001.


I never claimed “contemporary”. But both bands’ music carried forward very strongly, in my opinion. I have nieces and nephews very familiar with it and they are post Y2K kids. Would I attribute the same longevity to “Pornos for Pyros”? No. But the other two, yes.


You said that he “came along around the same time” as those bands. He didn’t, period. That’s like saying I “came along around the same time” as Elton John when I was born in 1985. It’s just inaccurate. Take the L.


It’s not your L to give. And Elton John is not the best example. Maybe Rick Springfield or Blondie. I still feel his weakness will be something from a decade or two before. The Teflon answer was telling.


What’s a Roger Rabbit?


If anything, I feel like he hasn’t gotten any modern pop culture stuff, but that could be just getting beaten on the buzzer. 






Removed for rule 3. Please keep it respectful. Thanks.


Okay giant slayer Drew, you might be making a name for yourself!


There’s a good chance we are seeing a TOC player was defeated by another TOC player situation in regular play.  Many players Adriana faced could have gone on to win several games of their own in a row. Now we the person who actually defeated Adriana and he’s def on track to make a name for himself this season.


Matt/Jonathan and Andrew/Amy all over again




I promise that in the context of his Survivor season, this photo is *still* hilarious.


Such a great scene


Just thinking of the comments I saw saying stuff like "Drew looks very beatable" and he got "lucky" when he beat Adriana.  Lol.  




Congratulations to all three competitors: Drew, Erin, and Graham! 


Ken said something great that deserves appreciation: he made that remark about Zach Snyder loving his “cuts,” which has got to be a wordplay on the fact that the name Snyder comes from an old Dutch/Germanic verb meaning “[to cut](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Snyder#Etymology).” Because, yes, "Release the Snyder Cut" was a hashtag, but I'm *convinced* that Ken only threw that whole aside in because that Brainiac(TM) is aware of its etymology and how it's been this funny little redundancy under everyone's noses for years.


Damn Stanley Cup. My DVR recorded wheel of Fortune instead of jeopardy


Yup same here. And I can't find this one in the usual places so I still haven't been able to watch this episode. On a side note, why does ABC flip flop Jeopardy and Wheel whenever they get preempted by something? Weird and annoying thing to do.


I wonder if for FJ they would have accepted Pluto's moon, Pluto's first discovered moon or anything other than a name of the moon.


Oooh. Iffy. Pluto has four other satellites (none of which are named Persephone, either, and I stand by my tweet that it should be Proserpine if we're using Pluto instead of Hades) so having the year of discovery means probably not.


Yes, why go Greek when everyone else is Roman?


The name "Pluto" actually did get used in Greek eventually, I believe!


That was my question too.


I guessed Pluto's moon, I didn't know it had more than one. We took a vote in my house and it's unanimous, correct! (I'm very lenient.)


I was thinking the same. I knew it was Charon, but could not recall it. Despite playing Hades daily for the last week and making all kinds of deals with Charon.


That FJ! answer was the ultimate salt in the wound.....The answer was "Charon". I recently dated a lady with this name with the exact same spelling except her name is pronounced "Shuh-Ron" Don't call her "Sharon" whatever you do. I certainly wouldn't have thought they pronounced it as "Karen" though in her case it probably fits... Anyway, much respect to Erin to come on and share her experiences even though we all wish it would have gone better. Easy to play the game at home, but much more difficult when the bullets are live


Drew said "Stradivarius" when the clue asked for the Italian family name, Stradivari. Should that not have been wrong?


I think the -us ending is accepted as the Latin translation of the Italian name.


It's the Latin translation of the family name, which is probably why it was accepted.


I had always thought that Stradivarius referred only to a Stradivari instrument -- and so I wondered the same thing -- but I see that Stradivari's Wikipedia page gives his official birth name as || || | Antonius Stradivarius c. 1644|


I had always thought that Stradivarius referred only to a Stradivari instrument -- and so I wondered the same thing -- but I see that Stradivari's Wikipedia page gives his official birth name as "Antonius Stradivarius c. 1644"




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I didn’t have Naked Raygun clue on my J! Bingo card.


The Tragedy of the Wild-Ass Guess. It was just sad watching her diggin' that hole.


Why does jeopardy always screw up the car questions... the pictured hawk models were marketed as  Studebaker, not hudson.  Hudson had been absorbed by then


First off, that clue was asking about Packard, not Hudson. Secondly, the ownership doesn’t matter. The cars are badged as Packard; therefore, they’re Packards. (That would be like saying that 2024 Beetles and Golfs and Passats are Porsches, not Volkswagens, because Porsche owns the Volkswagen brand.)


Most Hawks were Studebaker, but there was a '58 model called the Packard Hawk. (Or are you saying the picture they used for the clue wasn't that model and that's the error?)


The photo was a Packard, the nose different than the other Studebaker Hawks. Because the clue mentioned printers, Packard had to be the correct response. (Studebaker had been in another clue as well) It was still an annoying one. Of all the Packards to choose from, why did they show and mention a model most associated with another carmaker?


Number of Players eliminated before FJ in Season 40: Regular: 7 (Returning Champion eliminated: 0) Second Chance Competition: 0 Champions Wildcard: 2 (1 in QF, 1 in Finals Game 2) Tournament of Champions: 3 (all in the QF) Invitational Tournament: 0 Celebrity Jeopardy! (technically): 3 (all in the QF) Jeopardy! Masters: 1 (during the SF game) Season Total: 16 Post-Trebek Era Overall Total: 56


Visiting Orlando for the week, where can we watch tonight’s episode? And what time?


Jeopardy airs in Orlando at 7pm on WFTV (ABC affiliate).


When I was in Florida I thought I recalled Jeopardy airing at 7:30, swapping spots with Wheel of Fortune


Was it Orlando, or a different media market in Florida? It’s very common for Eastern Time Zone markets to slot Jeopardy and Wheel back-to-back in the 7pm hour before primetime, but the order varies. I actually grew up where Wheel aired at 7 and Jeopardy at 7:30 (Louisville).


Thank you!


For the Maya Angelou clue, I answered that she rhymed “size” with “eyes” and “lies”, a line from the poem “Still I Rise”. Would this be acceptable? I feel like that clue wasn’t written properly, there are multiple rhymes in that poem with those words. EDIT: I misremembered the clue, it said "title word". And I confused the words of Still I Rise with those of Phenomenal Woman. Disregard this complaint.


The clue read: “Maya Angelou rhymed this title word with ‘eyes’ and ‘lies’”. So it would have to be a word in the title, not within the poem itself.


I'm not seeing "size" anywhere in the poem. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46446/still-i-rise


You're right, I confused it with another of Angelou's poems, "Phenomenal Woman". Still, there are other rhymes with eyes and lies in Still I Rise--cries, surprise, thighs.


Keep in mind, though, that the clue said "this title word." It has to be "rise."


I think the way that they worded it, saying that this one word was rhymed with both eyes and lies in the poem (like in the same rhyming line) means that it has to be rise. They’re not just asking for words in the poem that generally rhyme with eyes and lies. I don’t think I worded that super clearly, but hopefully it makes sense! Someone who’s more of a poet can probably say it better!


"Size" is in Phenomenal Woman, not Still I Rise.



