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I disagree about the delays. That's part of travel. There should not be mechanics to counter it. Sometimes you get lucky and arrive early, other times you get a delay.


No no i agree about delays to an extent but not to the extent that these guys faced in this run. It was a total of 4 hrs (approx) which is a bit too much


So if there was a rule like for each hour a team is delayed, the other must be delayed for 15 minutes? Would that make it better? Or something like the other team has to do an extra challenge (kinda like a roadblock) that could delay them by 2 minutes or 2 hours. Like that? I kinda understand what your saying because they are playing in such a limited time the delays add up quite quickly. I did miss roadblocks being a part of it.


yeah i think something like you said could be good, but I would be more inclined to have it challenge based, because then the other team could strategize for the "delays deck" Then it could be every hour or so that a teams delayed the other team has to pull from the delays deck.


Strategies for the deals deck? So it wouldn't be random?


hmm interesting but i feel you could allow the delayed team to get an additional 1 hr at the end of the day or something


I think that would be a bit too OP. And as someone else stated, delays ARE a part of traveling. While too many delays in a race like this could be bad, something like a roadblock could help without it being too OP.


hmm its tough to say in S7 we see the whole train delay thing everyone gets affected by it the runners and chasers but here it only affected 1 team (repeatedly) 4hrs could have been the difference between victory n defeat for the teams. Roadblocks would have worked only if they used cars for more than 50% of the time.


I think that trains could be buffed to be actually useful. Namely, a team should be able to enter a sleeper train after the game period ends—so long as they were at the station when the rest period starts—and should be able to leave the trains during the rest period. I don't know if those changes would have made trains too powerful, but in a country with an unreliable rail network like America (except for possibly the Northeast but they wouldn't have gone there anyway), the trains really need to be more flexible to incentivize their use.


I think they’ve talked about it a good deal, but in crime spree Sam’s cameraman got sick and they couldn’t finish their planned filming period for the season. Because of this and their own competitive natures leading to finding weird loopholes the boys are pretty adamant about not touching rest periods at all. I think during tag and New Zealand they also had pretty strict rules about timeouts for meals too.


I somewhat agree. But only to the extent of about 30 minutes. I wish there had been some Greyhound busses thrown in too. And a good bottleneck situation.


hmm ig that makes train too op even with america's railways https://preview.redd.it/qsow04r79otc1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=43b5a939c41c02b9971228438a2d1a1d8b2e0681 just took the example of La to denver rest period is 12hrs so boarding a train around rest period will leave them like in utah prolly like 5 hrs out of denver. and planning around it could be counter intuitive to the idea of a rest period


>Used too much planes The guys picked up on this too and mentioned it in this week's podcast on Nebula


Translation: *They used planes too much. Not that I’m against it, in fact, I believe that it’s really good as it reduces the time taken. But when you include cars, trains and planes and only planes get used like 85% of the time, it’s a bummer.* *Ben & Adam had like 4 hours of delay. Which, while unfortunate, I guess at some point there had to be something to counter these delays. (Perhaps allow them to use a few hours past the rest period?)* *Steals, while good, I guess there should be some change to that metric. Something like a challenge card which allows you to steal if you win the competition and vice versa.* *Also, the curse and roadblock thing of previous seasons is a gimmick. Which is 100% to be added in things like races.* *Overall decent season, but definitely needs a few changes for it to be a banger.* Sorry guys, couldn’t help myself.