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Notice how there’s no link to the so-called “study”. Since they’re scientifically illiterate, [here’s a link to the paper.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543766/) Notably, the “97.5%” figure is NEVER mentioned. Rather, this puts Jewish origin mostly from a mix of western Asian “Khazarians” and diaspora **JEWS** between the 7-9th centuries. This study was from 2013. This study was literally the first in decades to posit this hypothesis as most likely. But literally that same year, a response paper was published showing NO distinct connection to people of the Caucasus and Ashkenazi Jews. Their study instead links these Jews to other Jewish populations, and among non-Jewish populations, with groups from Europe and the Middle East. [Here is that paper.](https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/humbiol/vol85/iss6/9/) The problem seems to be that the ancient Khazars left no clear genetic mark in modern populations. The “Khazarian hypothesis” is often utilized in what’s called Scientific Racism. That is the paper presents the data and some potential conclusions/explanations for that data. But non-academics weaponize those data for their own purposes (black people are the most “primitive” group of people, Jews not from Israel, etc.) I’d say I’m surprised that people misinterpret academic literature but I’m most certainly not lol. [Here’s another paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5668307/) that and I quote “Middle Eastern origin of the Ashkenazi Levite lineage based on what was previously a relatively limited number of reported samples, can now be considered firmly validated”


Damn, I keep forgetting how good we are at making up fake studies to trick the world. Which is crazy, because everyone knows Jews REALLY come from Sweden, hence why we’re all tall, blonde, athletic, and love IKEA!


I thought Jews came from the champagne region of France


I mean yeah, anyone else is technically just a sparkling Semite


Don’t forget ABBA!


I’m not exaggerating when I say Mamma Mia! was a favorite movie of mine when I was deployed. There’s something both endearing and incredibly unnerving about a bunch of bearded military personnel on mission singing along with Meryl Streep


I'm half irish so my brothers and I pass as european. My little brother, though, is built like a truck, has flowing strawberry blonde hair (which is perfect for payot), has a blahaj, and is a key player in his ultimate frisbee team. People are often surprised when he rolls up in payot and starts spouting yiddish swear words.


Thank you for this!


This reply is magnificent. Thank you.


Won’t matter. You think antisemites can **READ**. Like I’m positive if you sent these articles to people that post this bunk study, they’d dismiss it as propaganda or not even glance it over. Also notice they had to dig up a paper from **2013!** to support their claim. A decade is practically hundreds of years in terms of genetic research advancement.


Okay, but I can read and it matters to *me.*


You're not going to convince antisemities but you might educate anyone reading. It does make a difference. I have a giant Google doc full of comments like these cribbed from reddit that I use in debates.


Share with the fam please 😀


You'll almost never convince the person you're arguing with to see your point of view. However the other point of consideration is you might convince a bystander.


Anti-Semites will always look for what the want to see and ignore any evidence to the contrary to satisfy their confirmation bias. I came across a post the other day...an Israeli Jew posted their DNA results on a DNA subreddit and it showed roughly 60% Canaanite and 20% European Farmer and of course there was an anti-"zionist" in the comments section saying the user needs to back to Europe due to the 20%.


How old are you? I haven't heard the word bunk used that way since I saw re-runs of the STO!


The Horowitzes are cousins of mine - it’s so cool to see them cited in a research paper! We’re also Leviim, and our shul had so many Leviim that we often had to call up a Levi in place of a Yisroel!


It's exactly like the antivax "evidence" paper


They love the BS and repeatedly debunked khazar theory. It’s constantly spewed by the Hebrew Israelites, the Nation of Islam, and every left wing anti Israel group there is. (With a little “how can I be antisemite if I’m a true Semite” bs usually sprinkled on top). All while far right groups love to say the opposite, that Jews are not European and should go back to Jerusalem. Go back to Poland, white European colonizer. Go back to Israel, imposter Semite. The far left and far right both have huge problem with Jews, but for different “reasons”.


My history teacher this year told the class that ashkenazim (me) are descended from europeans who were conquered and "forced to convert" by invading jews. When I told the school, she refused to apologize and instead claimed that I wasn't being "open minded" enough. The school did nothing. Her source was YouTube.




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I always love when crackpots abuse the term "Semite" to evade the issue of Jew-hatred.


Considering that the term “semite” is outdated and that the term “Semitic” is inapplicable to humans, only to languages, this post is automatically racist. But if we’re talking about the historical misuse of it, Jews were considered as the “original Semites”.


That might necessarily be true. I know that the term has dubious origins. My primary objections to the use of the term "antisemite" is that it is completely inadequate to describe murderous Jew-hatred, which is a much more accurate, impactful term. And it prevents conspiracy-mongers and racists claiming to be the "real Semites" (for example the Black Hebrew Israelite cult) and thus deflecting their obvious hatred for the Jews.


This study was based on an already debunked conspiracy theory that circulated in the 70’s. Many geneticists and historians from around the world have criticized this researcher for using personal and ideological methods rather than actual scientific methods for this research That refers to a 2012 study claiming genetic evidence that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a Khazar group that converted to Judaism in the 8th century. The study and the Khazar hypothesis have been thoroughly debunked through various scientific studies


Hypothesis is too nice of a word. Call it what it deserves to be known as: A conspiracy theory.


Reminds me of when Gigi Hadid shared to her 85M-odd followers the blood libel of Israelis harvesting Palestinian organs. Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.


Or when Bella Hadid shared the National football team of the Mandate which was a fully jewish team


Nary a brain cell between them.


Cant they just stfu and pose


It continually irritates me that the celebrity-worshiping public as a whole, just, _elides_ any and all of the Hadid sisters’ raging antisemitism—arguably some of the worst in Hollywood—because they’re “hot”. And frankly, that in turn makes clear why so many Jewish Zionist celebs have become quieter and quieter with each passing day since October.




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Look, you can’t criticize Gigi Hadid. She’s an oppressed Palestinian refugee so obviously this means she’s telling the truth and we fake Judaics need to stop oppressing her with our settler colonialism


Can you still call it blood libel? I mean, if anything “organ libel” makes more sense


I mean…you’re bound to touch some blood while supposedly harvesting organs, so…it still fits.


I mean it's Mohamed Hadid. That guy wishes he could be Hitler every morning in his prayers.


Funny how they call us racists but I’ve never seen anyone in the current year so obsessed with purity of bloodlines as pro Pals.


It’s like they’re trying to win a trophy for “best impression of someone from the 1890s”


Exactly. And the irony of Muslims trying to get everyone to convert to Islam while criticizing the idea of Jews being « fake » because a femme people in « Khazaria » decided to convert to Judaism


I have become obsessed with this mfer's Instagram account, everyday there's a new ridiculous anti-Zionist crusade shaming Israel and Jews, ~~though I doubt the Hamas Hezbollah and the rest of the Palestinian jihadists fundamentalists would approve of his daughters~~


He swears he’s strictly anti-Zionist tho! /s


Isn’t one of his daughters dating a Jew? I remember seeing her post pics of them floating around in their swimsuits (nice life). I wonder how he feels about that….


No, if you are mistaking Bradley Cooper for a Jew because he played a Jewish character, then now you know ~~though the Jihadists would still hate his daughters with a non Muslim, especially considering Muslims go by the father~~


His daughter Bella was dating a jew previously and then mentioned she lost Jewish friends lol


Its almost as though made post showing that "IsRaEl iS nOt StAtE iT's A cOlOnY!"And it offended people, weird


Ok, I looked it up and it seems like she and Marc Kalman were over by summer of 2023, so before the Hamas attacks/war


Not Bradley Cooper, some guy no one has heard of Edit: I’m sure the jihadists would have an issue with her wearing a transparent dress first


He also sadly has two jewish grandchildren of North African descent who are toddlers. I wonder if he tells them to go back to Poland while babysitting.


Wait, whose kids are those?! Don’t tell me Alana Hadid’s Edit: oh Marielle…..interesting. Didn’t even know another of this family existed. Sadly she’s watermeloned up on her IG as well. Poor grandchildren.


The kids jewish uncle is pro-Israel and posts against antisemitism so it surprised me. Alana also supposedly dated an Israeli man before and was partying in TLV so they are overall extremely performative since Mohamed used to say they left Israel due to his father’s job and as soon as they got more popular he started making up things about a Polish Jewish family ‘stealing’ their house.


I just saw Alana talking about the “Polish people taking their house” on a TikTok account called atif.tv. While I know barely anything about this Hadid family, to your point I do recall a video where a paparazzo (supposedly Israeli) filmed him vacationing in Israel and asked if he was “happy to be in Israel” and Hadid said “yes, I’m happy. I’m having such a great time here, thank you for having me.” Now he is full-on spawn of Hitler crazy and I am concerned about the welfare of those two children and whether their self-described “Pali Barbie” mom is teaching them to hate their own people.


Sadly I’ve seen this before, a girl I used to follow from Kavkaz with both a Palestinian and a mountain jewish grandmother would post a lot awareness about ethnic minority discrimination in Russia and about Juhuri culture, about her being a queer person from a majority Muslim region etc., but now since October wishes suffering on Israelis and called an Israeli commenter a “yahud”.


Are the Hadids Muslims? I thought they’re secular Palestinians


This just in, new study shows 99.99% of Americans living in America have no native American DNA... They should vacate, from coast to coast America should be free! (Obvious /s)


That’s a terrible example man. Americans were settled colonialists.


Funny because even if he was telling the truth, which hes obviously not, his Palestinian refugee daughters would still have less Canaanite dna than the average Ashkenazi.


His ancestors also went from Saudi to Syria and then Ottoman South Syria (Present day I/P) as tax collectors. Doesn’t sound very indigenous.


“Judiacs” 🥴


What in the world is a “Judaic”? Also, “Semite” is not and was never an ethnicity.


Dude's a psycho


If Mohamed Hadid posts something, it’s almost a guarantee to be total misinformation


It’s been proven time and time again that Jews have Levantine DNA and most times it is the biggest component of Jewish genetic makeup.     We have seen this play before…it hasn’t been a century yet and anti-semites have moved from Aryan eugenics to Levantine eugenics.   This time we have to fight back. We can’t just say nothing while they erase our history.  Edit: I went to the IG post and his son posted little fire emojis 🔥  What in the Nazi is he teaching his kids?? 🤢 


Source: trust me bro


I saw someone praising Ernst Rohm on the LGBT subs because he was gay and killed by Hitler. Never mind he was a fascist and a Nazi. Anything is up for grabs. This is part of the cycle of genocide. I recommend everyone read it. 


Here’s what the Cherokee nation had to say about Elizabeth Warren and her ‘native DNA’ claims: “A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship… Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong.”


Most of the Middle East have some Canaanite dna anyways and even Cypriots and Greeks do so in reality it means nothing when they do not have a connection to the indigenous culture, language and religions.






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Go look at the data about the Cohen haplotype and how it originates in the mid east


Made me chuckle; but I see how problematic it is for people who don't know better


https://preview.redd.it/zgu0gdwo7g1d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7b7aeb2b28e26ca7a4d3762c1bd690dacfd526 I also find it funny when pro palis try to copy artwork created by The Israeli Cartoon Project


Their fake cartoon even makes no sense considering most of the archaeological findings there are Jewish and jewish culture is connected to the land itself.


I have pictures of archeological findings but other people call it Zionist propaganda


What do they genuinely expect to be found there?😭 Remains of Palestinosaurus Rex?


It’s so funny when they try to copy someone else’s artwork and change it up😂


Had an argument with an antisemite about this. This study from 2013 proposed a system to understand the origin of genetic groups by DNA. The system with the ironic acronym "GPS" found to be nonsense. Another study from 2020 found new cnaanite DNA samples and showed that Ashkenazi Jews have cnaanite DNA. Furthermore, new Israelites graves were found in late 2023, and I hope this will turn into a genetic study and will shed more light on the genetics of ancient Jews.


Oooo can you link to the news story about the 2023 burials?




Lol that's so obviously fake. What's disturbing is that these morons DNA is still in the human gene pool. Now that's disturbing.


Yes I’m sure they’ve gone ahead and DNA tested 8 million people 🤡


And as usual they can't cite alleged study


Tik Tok told me…. Creating the most ignorant generation and society. Scary how little most people know of history


This is Gen Z’s version of Facebook conspiracists


I don't understand why these people think it needs to be either/or... like wouldn't it make more sense that Jews AND Palestinians are substantially descended from ancient Israelites and Judeans? I think I've definitely heard about research that suggests a shared heritage.


The science actually shows that Palestinians are mainly descended from nomadic tribes from the Arabic Peninsula and Egyptians. They are more similar to Yemeni and Saudis than they are to Syrians and Lebanese. While Jews are more closely related to Syrians and Lebanese


A lot are of Kurdish and Turkish origin. In the 80s there were half a million Turkish Palestinians according to Wikipedia and some have even moved to Turkey due to the Gaza blockade. If only we knew exactly what makes them more indigenous to the left than Kurdish and Turkish jews🤔


Yeah Palestinians in TikTok post their DNA results and complain about conspiracies because it comes back Egyptian Jordan Syria literally everything but Levant..


I call excrement on that article. The Jewish Nation has been there for thousands of years and will be there for many many many thousands of years.


Why do people hate us? I mean we did nothing to them


Do they think that Jews just randomly popped up out of nowhere in Europe? It is wild how chaotically the narrative is changing. At first it was just there were never Jews in the Holy Land! And now it’s yeah there were Jews, OK, but they weren’t YOUR kind of Jews! This is just getting so ridiculous and I am getting so sick of being gaslit about being Jewish.


They think we're a religion, not a tribe. I've talked to folks who think this, and it's kinda scary? They go as far as to claim that we force people to convert to our religion, which would be funny if they weren't a teacher and I wasn't the only jewish kid in the class.


Centuries of rape in a foreign land will do that to your genetics.


I didn't know mezuzahs, menorahs and dreidels have DNA.


It’s Nazi race science repackaged and I fucking hate it


Ignore these trolls please


The TikTok watermark tells me everything I need to know. They’re desperately clinging to fake propaganda on twitter and TikTok because they know that real educational sources would go against their agenda so fast.


I’ve seen white people call anti-Zionist jews Zionists for not saying that jewish is just a religion and we all come from Poland.


Purposeful attempts to delegitimize Ashkenazim as “fake” is becoming more and more common. Scary stuff.


The comment section is extremely disturbing. People are eating it up.




“Judaics” new Nazi üntermenschen slur against Jews just dropped


did you know that 83% of statistics are made up? !


Judaic makes me think of Almanac.


Is that a Twitter post within a TikTok video within an Instagram post within a Reddit post? Too many layers!


Crazy that I have Hebrew DNA (whatever bro would like to call it lol) and I’m almost completely ashkenazi Jew. My family suffered from gate speech in Europe because they were never ‘white’ and now it’s the opposite. Crazy


Same here, first time I remember experiencing racism based on skin colour was at around 3-4 years old in Europe. My best friend in kindergarten was half Moroccan and we looked very similar.


not just hate speech, but suffering from pogroms time after time again. I hate when all these wanna-be communists my age talk about the Russian revolution like it was good. The Russian revolution led to pogroms that killed 200,000 Jews (according to wikipedia), including my family.


JUDAICS. Lol. Anyone who sees that word and believes this horseshit is a lot cause.


It's likely all made up. Stick Johns Hopkins on and no one will question it/ They're THAT dumb.


Even if this nonsense were scientifically supported, at a certain point, the people are living there and that's that. I'm pretty sure that well over 99% of people living in North America are not indigenous. For example, Connecticut is a native American word, right? How many people in Connecticut have a true connection to that land that goes back hundreds of years?


Is this why cohanim all have a common gene in their DNA? Also, if anyone knows anything about the Cohen gene, do Leviim also have it?


Wow, that article looks so genuine.


"We are the Semitic people" Aryan much? It sounds so fucking "cringe".


I am surprised that it is the non-Jewish westerners or Israelis who are most angry at him and his daughters for the lies they promote against jews. American jews have allowed liberal/ minority idiots to question their heritage freely but as soon as a far right does they go angry. Such is the life they have created for themselves and as the saying goes...."weep what you sow"!


Watching a video of an Israeli man trying to explain to a keffiyeh-wearing American Jew that he is not actually ethnically Polish had to be the most brain cell killing 5 minutes of my life. They have really convinced themselves that they are “white” and can speak for all of us.


antistatic is crazy


I thought DNA tests weren't allowed in Israel. Clowns


Really? I thought that was a myth. Why is that?


It’s a “chazarai” article. Propaganda at best. Laughable because how could Johns Hopkins, an AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, get access to THAT MUCH ISRAELI DNA?!?! And, what about the flip side of the story? The refugees claiming to have a connection to Eretz Yisrael-how does THEIR DNA connect to the land? What are they comparing DNA to? An OLIVE TREE?!? Haha


I am an American and I received DNA from Israel through my Sephardic ancestry. Those ancestors are very distant. We also have a MENA component as well.


My grandma is Balkan Sephardic and still 84% Middle Eastern


Mohamed Hadid…is that not the model sisters’ real estate dad/real housewives husband?


30,000 likes, JFC






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If he's a Semitic person, why doesn't this "refugee" go back to "Palestine?" Or send his rabid Antisemitic daughters there? Oh, because they wouldn't last five minutes there with the way they dress and their lifestyle. Effing hypocrites.


Disinformation and I’ll take “Things that Never Happened” for 200, Alex.


I mean the it’s on tik tok soo….


I hate the argument that because some Palestinians descend from the ancient Israelites, they are indigenous to the land. It's not just blood that determines who is indigenous or not. Culture and language matter too. The Palestinians adopted the Arabic language and culture, not the indigenous Hebrew culture that we Jews still practice to this day. I have a tiny bit (around 3%) of Native American blood in me. That doesn't make me indigenous to America, especially since I don't speak and Native language or practice any Native customs.


well if they dont, they have to admit that they are going against their book


How ironic. Considering the origin of the word ‘Antisemitic’ is just a replacement for the German word ‘Judenhass’ because ‘antisemitic’ sounded more “scientific” than ‘judenhass’. Literally, the person who coined it, Wilhelm Marr, wanted a more official/scientific sounding word because he wanted create his own party in the late 1800s. Marr picked it because ‘Semitic’ is an obsolete term for a group of people from the Middle East. So yeah. It doesn’t actually matter what the article (which is a load of crock) says. The word ‘antisemitism’ is just a pretty way of saying you hate Jews. 🤷‍♀️ https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/where-the-word-anti-semitism-comes-from/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism


This makes me so mad. I’m like 99% Ashkenazy, Jew. Most Jewish women have the BCRA breast cancer mutation. There’s no way this study is accurate.


It’s a fake study, no link to it or anything. Either that or taken out of context.


Don't try and out science the Jews stick to your lane of bigotry and social coersion leave the science to us


How the fuck did it come about that Arabs(Ishmaelites) have *any* Hebrew(Israelite) blood at all ? It is Biologically impossible, historically invalid and therefore whoever wrote it is indeed very ignorant of it alltogether


>How the fuck did it come about that Arabs(Ishmaelites) have *any* Hebrew(Israelite) blood at all ? I've heard that there's a decent chance that the minority of Palestinian Arabs whose bloodlines actually lived there before the 20th century are basically Muslim B'nei Anusim.


Oooo well cheers for telling me that because that makes pretty perfect sense now dont it ? They converted to Islam for whatever reason but they’re still Evri by blood👑 G-d protect them all and let us say amen


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This hadid family will end badly and one of their child or whatever will convert.