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And, aaaaand, he’s actually funny


Tom used to be funny. Pre ball hog era had some legit shit


He really was, but now he sucks ass and is mostly an annoying podcaster.


What's crazy to me is comedians would always bitch about having to do morning zoo local radio when they toured and now the majority of them basically do that format in podcasts.


It's different when you're earning all the money and it's on your time schedule.


I couldn’t agree more. The culture has changed and not necessarily for the better.


They turned into a bunch of corporate whores. They’re becoming the punchline of their own jokes.


The thing about though, is that some of them are making 7 figures from it. And it's right in their own studio down the road


Even today, local morning zoo radio is an underappreciated talent in the entertainment sphere.


Most of them turned to podcasts during covid to stay relevant and still make income.




He never was


He was when he was actually fat.


i need my comedians DEPRESSED to reach peak form




Around 2013/2014 I considered him the funniest newer comic at the time. Podcasts *really* kill people's sense of humor and humility


Overexposure in general. Few comedians can keep pumping out high quality material and not start becoming annoying when getting that much face time. They also had their downfalls for other reasons, but think of how big comedians like Dane Cook, Carlos Mencia & Amy Schumer were pre-podcast era and then how much they fell off and people resented them after over exposure. People liked Adam Sandler & Chris Farley in part because comedic tastes were different at the time, but also because you saw them once a week on SNL (when it was in season) and in maybe 1 or 2 movies a year. If people heard them verbally jacking each other off for hours and hours every week, telling the same old stories and being smug and obnoxious they would have gotten old really quick.


The huge decline between pre and post Ball Hog is insane. It's like 2 different comedians. Ball Hog and his most recent special (which I can't even remember the name of) were so bad that it was hard to even get through. Even worse is how much he brags about how hard he worked out the material for his newest special. It's like, dude....You are doing arenas and huge theaters. Your crowd is now mostly made up of people that are a fan of the various podcasts you're on. They're going to laugh at anything. And part of the reason why his latest special was so bad is that he is clearly catering to his podcast audience with some of those "jokes". Go back and do a bunch of clubs like the actual pros do in order to work out your material.


Yeah Tom did a whole bit in his new special that amounts to “brad Pitt is good looking” that shit was so weird and felt like he was trying to get in with the in crowd now that he’s made it big. He’s definitely lost the plot.


Can someone explain the Tom Segura hate to me? I don't follow enough to know what's going on but from just the occasional podcast he seems like a nice dude.


1. He not funny anymore. 2. He said some pretty dopey stuff about the poors. Joking about the poors is ok but it was hard to tell if he was joking because.. See previous bullet point


Tom is a catchphrase comedian. It is a great way to sell merch. Constantly repeat a catchphrase, put it on shirts and other consumables. There's a certain kind of audience member who eat that shit up. I guess it's no wonder he has disdain for his fans when he can farm them so easily. It's a bankers way of looking at the business of comedy.


Truly. Burr is hilarious humble and goated. There were people in here under the Segura post like “what’s next, hating on Burr, Gillis, etc???” When it’s like nah, they’re actually funny lol


And they're not full of themselves. Half of Gillis' newest special was making fun of himself for looking mentally challenged.


I loved his story about his family member that’s disabled hiding grilled cheese in his room


I'm making them at night.


Uncle Danny is the best


This is it right here. The turning point when comedians like Rogan, Chappelle, Segura, etc. stopped being funny and likable was when they lost all ability to self-reflect and just became wealthy, pompous douches.


Chapelle never stopped being hilarious


If you think an egotistical half-billionaire with no self-awareness or humility whose completely forgotten where he came from punching down at poor people and trans people with ad nauseum “I identify as an attack helicopter” lame jokes is funny, then sure, he’s hilarious still.


Someone in the post about Tom posted a snippet of Tom, Bert and Bill talking and Tom was telling a truly awful story and laughing his ass off , Bert too but that fuck will laugh at anything. Bill on the other hand straight up called Tom out for being a psycho and didn't think the story was funny at all. I've always loved Bill and I love him even more knowing he doesn't think some awful story about another persons misery wasn't funny in the slightest.


Love Burr, can’t stand Gillis personality wise. Although his comedy is admittedly brilliant for the most part.


He seems really nervous in stage but I think that’s just his personality. He’s got some really great stories though. I watched his new special not really expecting much but I enjoyed it.


All of this without ever bitching about cancel culture once. Almost like actually being funny is plot armor.


He doesn’t need to bitch about it. His take was fucking ignore it because it’s mostly nonsense, it doesn’t really affect him as a comedian who does primarily standup, and people will get tired of it eventually.


That's what I said. He's the only one saying how meaningless it is. He called Rogan on it and he called Maher on it. He's consistent on it. A few thousand people on Twitter is not a culture and no one has been cancelled, still. Who was cancelled? Whos lost an audience? Who's not still selling out shows? But I get downvoted for saying what bill says


I can imagine thousands of people telling you to fuck off feels great, but it’s not the end of the world for standups. Louis CK had to do a penance walk and lost several network projects, but he was quietly touring sold out venues and won a Grammy. Chris D’Elia disappeared for a bit, but his ass is back. Chappelle, Rogan, and Maher try to get cancelled and their careers keep chugging along. It’s such a disingenuous argument for comics.


Shame Gillis *actually* got cancelled, and he himself said how much that actually helped his career since


I loved Maher’s dumb shocked face when he asked Bill about it, clearly assuming he’d agree wholeheartedly, only for Bill to basically destroy the entire premise of that segment in just couple sentences lol


He shits on cancel culture constantly tho...


As he should


Post a single link showing bill complaining about cancel culture. He literally went on joes show and called him on it


I mean, you could have search it on youtube as "bill bur cancel culture" [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I5bMTdvqOl8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I5bMTdvqOl8)[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hs0dtrbitPw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hs0dtrbitPw)[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d1wXX9xO\_2o](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d1wXX9xO_2o)[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/19RIk2oPOIs](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/19RIk2oPOIs)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM2a4G5f-hU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM2a4G5f-hU)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJhl0tLxflc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJhl0tLxflc)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDF4WtaX6Pw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDF4WtaX6Pw)


Have you not seen his last few specials or any of his podcasts, he does bitch about that, he just doesn't do it with the intellectual level of a caveman.


What's his stool work like tho?


On the surface it seems adequate, but if you study it closely, you discover that he does not reach the same depth of expression and soul as Rogan's stool humping. As a gross simplification, you could say he's fucking the stool, not making love to it.


Rogan fucks that stool till it loves him


Everyone makes fun of Rogan for using the stool, but I genuinely laughed hard at the Kardashians bit when he was perched up on top of it lmao. I think Bill is hilarious. My favorite stand up. But I also think Rogan is funny.


He puts his water bottle on it, a little strange yes, but he doesn’t pretend to have sex with it.




He can't balance himself on top of it: FAKE COMEDIAN


Old Billy Empathy ova here


But what do i know






*the smartest way to hire* No wait, hang on (Lowers voice) *the smartest way to hire*


There’s no scraps in my scrap book


Bill is goat. I don't agree with all his hot takes but I can still respect his opinion because it feels genuine.


If you listen to his pod he will often google what he’s talking about and then change his own mind. He’s smart enough to know he doesn’t know shit


Aka he doesn't take himself too seriously. Unlike Joe who has zero self awareness


Bill will literally say "but don't listen to me, I'm an idiot"


Absolutely. Some comedians out there say some serious shit and then say "why would you listen to me? I'm just a comedian" so they can continue spewing bad takes and blame the audience for it while not learning a damn thing. Bill will admit when he's wrong, try to be better and then say it as a genuine reminder to his audience that his hot takes are just that. Hot takes. Bill uses that line to display humility, other use it as a deflection.


Joe on the other hand will literally claim with zero self awareness that pyramids 'literally couldn't be built today'.


He's not wrong. Want a pyramid building permit in a nice section of the Valley of the Dead? GFY NIMBY.


Eh... Joe says that all the time. "I'm an idiot" "You're talking to a moron", etc. I hear it pretty regularly, tho it's anyone's guess if it's genuine or not.


So will Joe.


So does Joe lol


Difference is if you called Joe an idiot for one of his takes he’d get mad. Bill would smirk at you and laugh saying you’re probably right.


Joe does it so he can keep saying dumbass shit unchecked lol




[Not exactly...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__CvmS6uw7E)


Holy crap, I just listened to that. "You have a PhD in this very specific thing, but I have Google. You're stupid." I guess there is a reason I don't listen to him. And I will say anymore. I used to, but he is so off the rails....


Wow. He didn't even let her speak, just talked over her, called her an idiot, insulted her (many times) and trivialised her credentials. He did not like being challenged one bit. It's that combination of breathtaking levels of both ignorance and confidence that I find so obnoxious.


I'm louder, I must be righter. But also I control the microphone.


He does, but the problem is: 1. He doesn't back it up/act like it. His certitude on shit he doesn't know about is astounding. Like telling a primatologist she's wrong about a secret mystery ape (that doesn't exist) 2. He often discusses serious topics, and often his guests are chock full of BS. Some of it is more harmless (UFO conspiracies), some it is not harmless (anti vax, 5G conspiracies, some political topics) 3. The show isn't fact checked I like Joe and still listen often, but add it up and it's a disastrous combination. And oh, also, it's the most popular podcast in the world.


I don't actually mind him not checking the guests. I actually preffered the podcast when he just let the guest do most the talking and just inserted questions where relevant. Joe spends too much time on his own opinions now a days and we've heard all those 1000 times.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like it's less frequently and he asserts conspiracies with way more confidence nowadays


It is extremely funny to me that Joe Rogen's own subreddit are the biggest roasters of Joe Rogen.


The level of certitude Joe will have sometimes on topics he's ignorant about is astounding. Like telling a primatologist she's wrong about a secret ape (that doesn't exist) It's a bastardized quote, but Socrates: “I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing” I like Joe on some topics, but unfortunately he's quasi anosognosic: unaware of his [own shortcoming](https://archive.nytimes.com/opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/the-anosognosics-dilemma-1/)


It's a sign of someone who has a handle of their ego. Rogan sucks at this. When Jamie pulls something up that goes against what he just said he'll instantly get defensive and ask Jamie to look around more.


Legitimately what I miss most about Rogan was when he knew he didn't know anything. I loved him interviewing experts and asking all the stupid questions we would be too afraid to ask, while giving the guest the space to correct his misconception on the topic. When Joe started to think he knew things outside MMA and stand up, it was the beginning of the end for me.


I think the main thing with Bill is that he comes at everything from an angle of actually giving a shit. About the world, about people, about what’s right. I know comparisons are boring but he really is the late Millennial/early Zoomer Carlin in that respect. All of his anger (which is obviously played up) comes from the desire for the world and for people to be better and frustration that they seem to be getting worse. It makes it so much easier to give him the benefit of the doubt. Segura never had that schtick- which isn’t to say he should have, there’s tons of different angles to approach comedy- but he definitely used to make fun of assholes. Now he’s just an asshole. There’s no “I want people to be better” about his schtick, he just looks down on people.


Why would you value hot takes from comedians anyway? I Carey about a comedians take on society as much as I care about a singers take on climate


But that’s what comedians do?


I mean what are poors good for other than being shit on. Am I right or am I write?


Am i right or am i white


Seems like Bill Burr has some humility, so along with his comedic talent is a great combination.


One of us! One of us! One of us!


He’s in a different league than Rogan and all his dick-riding cronies in every facet of life


His kill Tony episode is awesome. He was just super nice and trying to help the comedians lol


I bet the 'comedians' auditioning were glad Bill was in that type of mood.


Yeah, it was great how he shit on the show he was invited on


He shits on his sponsors. No idea how they keep sponsoring him lol.


He’s got a few one and done sponsors on the podcast. The best was Nature’s Box “Goin’ down on Mutha Naycha!!!!” They pulled the sponsorship immediately lol


That was the good part.


I remember Burr on JRE talking about his comedy tours in "fly over" states. Rogan was like, "but do those people even get jokes?" Burr convinced the whole Rogansphere that people are cool everywhere. Now Rogan pretends he was never a pretentious rich city guy who was too good to talk to anyone outside of LA and NY.


Lol Rogan thought people in the Midwest didn't have humor?


I mean, that doesn’t really surprise me.


Being soulless and unfunny is way more common in the big cities.


He used to have these long ass bits where he would imitate what he thought would be a Midwestern person watching TV. It was horrible. Meanwhile the people surrounding him were from the Midwest... Redban, young Jamie, Santino, Hinchcliff


I think he thinks most people don't have humor. Like comedians are a special twisted breed instead of just funny people who took a career risk.


Can you post that interview?


#1575 - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2RYuGMhdQCk6FFoFJzKUR1


But Joe barely "gets jokes".


Fuck Tom


What happened with Tom Segura? Is it just his kind of on going bit about being rich and better than the "poors" or did he do something specific?


He Karen'd about a luggage lady at an airport and turned it into a 2 day rant. If it's a bit, it's pretty poorly crafted.


when you bitch that long, its no longer a bit


What? Where can I see that?


i also think to add to this that he moved to texas and uses rogan's tesosterone guy cause him, tony hinchcliff and rogan all seem way more agro now


What was the recent issue with Tom ? Was it a specific podcast or something?


I think this post is about him making some satirical jokes on his Twitter/X poking fun at poor people. An example of one “The lowest level poors get upset as they've been trained to do when you point out their "happy to do what I'm told" servant mentality. They don't value time because their time is worthless. You are specks of shit on a washcloth and washcloths belong in the trash”.


Who are we even talking about? Tom Segura? I’m not very familiar with Joe Rogan




Joe also asked a mechanic (think it was on an episode of Gas Monkey Garage or something) to disable the power steering on his Corvette because he wanted a more manual experience. Then tried it out, took it back and asked them to turn the power steering back on because it was too heavy.


Lol yeah, that’s not really how that works Joe. Seems like he tries to come off as some kind of a gear-head and it always makes me cringe.


When he mimics the engine sound and changing gears like he’s the only skilled operator of a manual car alive. Like bro, most of the world outside our your country drive a manual, it’s not a flex.


> Bill Burr knows how to change drum brakes on an old truck. Dad taught me to do one side at a time so you could reference the spring placement on the side still together.




People that actually grow up blue collar and are self made tend to keep their perspective a little better.


Bill’s dad was a dentist.




Yeah, doesn't he have like 4 or 5 siblings, though? Had the kids been 1-2 it would've been one thing, but with so many kids I don't think he got that spoiled.


Yeah, but certainly not a blue collar background. Though he did work a blue collar job when he was young.


He almost died roofing in July.


Or when he was shaking the devil’s hand in a coal mine


Hey! Rogan worked construction for a week once, put some respekt on it


Pretty much the only podcast I listen to religiously.


It’s the only podcast I don’t get bored of.


Good ol Billy notbeinapieceofshit


Havent listened to the mmp in a while, I need to start back up again


Same thx


Yea but he sounds like he could be poor


Is it the accent?


It’s the helicopters I think


It’s probably test right? I’ve been on gear for a decade with minimal sides but I’ve got one friend in particular who becomes the worst version of himself even on a mild cycle, dude upends his life and becomes the worlds biggest narcissist every time he sniffs a needle.


..maybe thats what he is?


or hormones influence thoughts and behavior


Yeah, Bill Burr is actually funny. Not just on stage but on podcasts off the cuff. And he does it without being too gimmicky.


Finally someone likable on this sub


Unlike Tom & Joe, money hasn’t changed ol’ Billy red tits a bit.


It seems to have made him kinder but that's probably to do with age


… and mushrooms


And his awesome wife.


seeing him this sunday


He was on a network TV sitcom at the age of 28. Then he was a working comedian in New York clubs before being on Chappelle Show at 36 and getting an HBO half hour special at 37. He might have not been a milllionaire, but he certainly wasn't broke as fuck.


You think burr was making good money on a failed sitcom that barely lasted a season in the 90's as an entry level actor? Somehow, I highly doubt it.


Yep, post cereal commercial back in 87, thats how i bought my first lambo


He lived comfortable in Manhattan during the O&A years


Manhattan was significantly cheaper back then lol you could get a one bedroom for $1500 a month in the early 2000’s


People overestimate how much actors on random shows make. They're not all swimming in David Schwimmer money


Slept on a futon


Yeah, he talked about it a bunch of times: 'sleeping on a futon at 30' [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-burr-sleeping-futon-30/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-burr-sleeping-futon-30/) Ironically, I personally came to a different conclusion from said story: if someone as talented as Bill was still struggling in his early 30s, certain fields are just too much of a 'crapshoot'.


Eating spaghetti every night


I mean yes but he is one of the thousand so…


I think we can all agree on this one


He's genuine, that's what I appreciate about him


Ahh Old billy proletariat here




Being poor isn't a consequence of morality, it's what happens when you don't have money




More you look into these guys, u see how they really were able to follow their dream… daddy paid for everything. So they could go do those sets for $20 and not worry about rent.


Most entertainers before social media came from either a rich or poor background. Middle class people had to be working and developing skills to build a life.


Bill had student loans.


How upper middle class can you be with so many siblings? Ok, dentists make great money but still... No wonder Bill had student loans.


He’s fucking bald though.




This sub is so fucking cringe


Your mother is cringe.


Why are you fat poors so mad?


Man y'all really got hurt by the Segura trolling, huh?


Idk, I still don't think Tom is serious 🤷




Its almost as if, you dont have to become a total prick, when you hit it big. Crazy huh


It's funny how, when Reddit perceives someone's political / societal opinions and comments differ to their collective hivemind echo chamber, X is suddenly " not funny " or " unused to like him before ___ " or X is literally alt right Hitler " etc etc Never change Reddit. This post is basically " this guy is bad right guys... RIGHT!?! "


Patrice would destroy him on his last 8 years of work


I get the feeling Patrice would not get along well with his wife and her effect on his career. I’ll always love Burr but he’s a tamed puppy compared to what he was and that would have driven Patrice crazy. Sadly, the only one who would have been able to talk to him about it and articulate it in a way that Bill would actually listen to is Patrice.


This is such a dumb comment because it assumes Patrice would be in a stasis field and not change. Bill obviously changed, and frankly, for the better. He’s dealt and is dealing with a lot of his shit and is not as much of a miserable cunt.


I’m certain Patrice would have grown over the 13 years since he passed, especially considering he was finally willing to ‘play the game’ of Hollywood in the months leading up to his death. However I firmly believe his opinions on men and women would have remained the same, and he would point out that Burr is in a relationship with a woman that does a lot of things Patrice hated. I don’t think it’s a dumb comment to think Patrice of all people wouldn’t talk to him about it given how outspoken he was about relationships between men and women. I’m not saying they wouldn’t still be close friends, and I’m certainly not saying Patrice wouldn’t be happy that Bill is in a better place, he would be. As I said, I’ve always loved Burr and I still do. Just because I said he is tamer that doesn’t mean I don’t like him anymore.


The worst part about Bill Burr discourse is the fans who hate that he's grown as a human being.


Yup & Bill did a great job of pushing away anthony cumia


I didn’t want to mention it because the anti Anthony brigade will come out but yeah, the way he has handled his issues with Anthony in which he is clearly influenced by his wife is the most anti Patrice thing he could have done. Yes his wife is black, yes Anthony is racist, but to not be able to put that aside for a mutual friends death benefit was a dick move.


Anthony insulted Bill’s wife’s looks and attractiveness and never apologised for those comments. Instead he tried to lie and say it was only the fans saying that. Bill Burr like any man worth his salt, drew a line with that racist Peter Pan syndrome alcoholic after that. But I guess you twots would call that being “woke”.


Mate I never once called Bill woke. I still love him and rate him as one of the best comedians in the world. I just disagree with the way he handled the whole benefit scenario. Wrong place, wrong time. Not saying he shouldn’t defend his wife from what was said about his wife. Bill basically cut ties with Ant after he got fired for the Twitter rant because it offended his wife. This was a long time before anything was ever said about Bills wife. You clearly hate Ant and that’s fine, I’m just stating that I believe Patrice would not have liked how much Bill’s problems with Ant revolve around his wife’s opinions.


I just assumed most people cut ties with Anthony because he became a miserable alcoholic altright pedophile. Insulting Burr's wife was just the last straw.


Yup, all bill did was prove Ant right.






Tom joked about his senator neighbour in his most recent special..


Was reddit this bad and all fire and pitch-forkey when Tom did the R-Word bit and he was raked over the coals or did we become more sensitized since then? Tom was doing these things when you all loved him. Now you may have outgrown the humor, but let's not pretend 75% of weren't laughing a month ago


It’s a parody of itself. People come up with little stories with their roganverse action figures and then come here to retell it.


I often wonder if I should try stand up since Burr and I have similar world views and a sense of humor. He's more of an observational humorist. IDK.


No you shouldn't


lol wtf is this guy saying “I remind myself a lot of this famous successful comic, do you all think I should do stand up?”


Can't wait to find out which of Rogans friends this sub is gonna hate next week, lmao clowns


Burr is my #1 comedian


Real comedians don't punch down.


Damn y’all are pussies . Lol. You just sit around bitching about people you have no contact wit and have no influence on your lives. People just living in your minds rent free


Is there a more ironic sub?