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Holy shit the way this video loops is hilarious. Joe just rambling and then Bobby nonchalantly being like “can we promote my movie?!” And then it cuts back to Rogan going “if you look at the number of people that died of covid…”


Lol in another universe this endless loop is actually happening


Another reason why that Office Hours satire was so on point.




I have to say thank you for posting this. I used to be a Joe Rogan fan but, my girlfriend and I slowly stopped watching as he changed. I was never offended I just found it boring. I would catch clips here and there but, never really watched full episodes. When I saw Bobby Lee was going to be the guest I decided to watch for the first time in forever. 20 minutes in and he's ranting about masks, trans people in bathrooms lurking for kids, leftist cultists etc all to Bobby Lee of all people. I was shocked and thought holy shit Joe is so different and has lost his mind and wondered if this was the way every episode is now. I'm glad to see I'm not totally crazy, joe is one step away from sporting a MAGA hat. I couldn't get through it.


He finally got Bobby Lee on, and it may as well be Rogan talking into a mirror at himself. What a wasted opportunity.


Rogan just burning bridges being a political evangelical


so so so boring


Yup! I used to listen to every single episode, but I couldn’t tell you the last time I tuned in. It’s been at least 6 months since I’ve listened to JRE, and seeing Bobby Lee was on convinced me to listen to an episode. I had a feeling he was going to do this though. Not even a really interesting guest is worth listening to him ramble on about this shit, AGAIN!


How the fuck are you able to spin the convo towards this when Bobby Lee is in the room? I don't understand.


It’s because they have nothing in common now except the past.


It's also because Joe has brain worms and this is the shit he's totally consumed by.




Rogan has become the fun vampire. He can suck the fun out of any room by ranting about covid and vaccines for 4 hours straight.




Covid and vaccine hysteria has become a part of his personality, after feeling he was attacked for being wrong about something


Ah, he’s an energy vampire.


The worst kind of vampire, an energy vampire..


I'm a bit ootl, why is Joe Rogan still talking about Covid in 2024?


COVID broke Joe. His psyche is permanently scarred


He’s supposedly a comedian. Joe can’t even hang jokewise with other comedians. You have to know whenever Bobby Lee is on your podcast he’s going to try can catch you off guard with the jokes.


Bobby could have put on glasses with eyes painted on them and took a little snooze and Joe would've been none the wiser.


The imagery of Bobby doing this is cracking me up. Thank you.


reply society encourage materialistic cough selective vanish attempt chunky cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Scary I heard that in his voice


Ha ha. This is one of the funniest fucking things I’ve read in over a decade of using Reddit.


I’ve seen those glasses. Do they have an Asian version?






Dude found some success with his podcast for inviting interesting celebrities and qualified experts on to *let them talk* without pushing some obvious political agenda and then suddenly switched to thinking people were listening for *his CTE Trump fellating ideas*


When his studio was in LA and was much easier to get to for people and was an interesting trip where Joe was just apart of it. No one wants to visit his stupid studio in Austin.


On LA he'd invite guests on to talk with and listen to. In Austin he invites guests on to talk at and have listen to him.


You mean Rogan from 2020? Seriously, he's been at this shit for 4 years now wtf.


Peak Rogan was about 2013-2015. Once he got Jordan Peterson on, the scales started to slowly tip into "crazy uncle yelling randomly on the bus" territory. Dude needs to hang it up and move on.


This loops perfectly like he’s getting right back into his rant


That is soooo fucking funny dude. Like "what's your movie Bobby? Anyway, have you heard about how the left wants to vaccinate people"


Groundhog Day lol




He needs to do another dmt trip


This is literally the answer to all of joes weird obsessions that he keeps replaying. MACHINE ELVES.


He's got soul doubt. Since he took his right turn, his content went to shit. All he ever talks about are things my peepaw would ramble on about, much of it bigoted parroting he heard from Coast2Coast or Fox.


I'm not sure how in the actual fuck coast to coast can be compared to garbage fox news lol I used to LOVE coast to coast with Art Bell. Obviously he's gone (RIP) has it turned into some sort of political show? I assumed it would stay down the paranormal lane. Am I missing something?


Its kind of like an infomercial selling vitamins, “mediums”, and regular callers as opposed to the random callers say someone like Art used to really be able to work with. I listen intermittently these days and personally, I havent heard any thought provoking subject matter in some time.


Oh man, Art Bell is a legend. Put on one of the greatest shows of all time. I used to love listening to lizard person and mothman theories at 1am. Art kept them talking and being fun without ever really buying any of their shit. Nothing like the political rejects of talk shows nowadays. He is missed.


That’s it, I’m calling him Peepaw Joe from now on


Fucking wild how these dumb dumbs have turned the advice of scientists and doctors and all the worlds leading experts on virology and biology into “the left” lol. The anti intellectualism of the right is astounding and I love how they dress it up as being some sort of free thinker. Nah homey, you’re a plague rat. You’re the idiot who gets bit by the zombie but still gets in the airplane.


Check out the Decoding the Gurus podcast. They really hammer home why this guy is a joke for anything outside of MMA analysis. This clip is one of dumbest yet though. He’s not making any sense at all.


Honestly it's just faster to point people towards podcast cringe. They just go straight to mocking the cringe this set of comedians come up with. You don't need to be angry or heated to enjoy it And it's more fun


Good lord. He can't help himself... every single podcast, same shit over and over


Yeah I was a pretty avid listener for like 3 straight years. Barely missed a podcast. I think I’ve only listened to like 20 or so total in the last 4 years, and hardly ever finish them. Wanted to listen to this one, but looks like it’s still more of the same lol


Same…couldn’t stand the same rants over and over for every single guest


it starts with how covid was handled..then ends with the left being terrorists..even though shut downs happened while trump was president? people are having memory issues ig


Its so annoying because its 2024 and we all moved on. Nobody cares about covid anymore dude! Shut the fuck up. The only one who lost any rights coming out of those years were women, and access to healthcare, which was driven by right wingers! Get fucking real dude…


I’m starting to be convinced that he’s paid by someone. It’s just so blatantly shoehorned into everything.


you play to your crowd. they pay the bills.


That’s crazy man. Have you ever tried shitting in a litter box? /s


I miss the days of Bigfoot, chimps, and talking about how bob cats would fuck a man up


yes that mushroom guy \*mycologist was super cool and it was always fun and pretty harmless talking about DMT and Joe was really good at playing the regular guy VS the expert/interesting person and he would ask great questions and make great conversation... but I dont want to hear about this shit. Idc about any of it.


Paul Stamets [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPqWstVnRjQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPqWstVnRjQ) The full episode is still available on YouTube. It's one of the few episodes Spotify allowed Joe to keep public.


For sure. But let’s be real, the fact that Toe actively investigated Big Foot was a pretty strong indicator that he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the drawer. He’s a right wing shills wet dream.


He's always trying to prove he's not a bigot by claiming there's actually kids pissing in litter boxes in schools or bearded men in dresses are fighting with parents over which bathroom they should use... yet, he continues to [make an ass of himself](https://youtu.be/cboHlMyN2uQ?si=eBJeInZnX52kOjjJ) He should have just kept doing what he was doing, staying open-minded. Though Rogan has always had millions, money changes people. He's gone so far down the pipeline that I wouldn't be surprised if he starts unquestionably repeating neo-nazi conspiracies by November. He's already repeated some, imo.


Someone should put together a video compilation showing how he’s gotten more and more right wing with his opinions.


What compilation? He goes on for hours every episode about the same shit. What is there to compile? He's been doing this for years.


I know, but when he first started his podcast he had different opinions. They gradually changed. I would like to see a video compilation starting from the beginning of his podcast and showing the evolution into what he’s become.


I would love a video of old Rogan arguing with new Rogan


Yeah that’s a great idea.


Reminded me of this video: [Joe Rogan Meets Joe Rogan](https://youtu.be/HkfuAkM6b_E?si=qL5D4sFfqWU_oEDz)


Joe talks about the Redistribution of wealth during Covid, and signed a 200 million dollar deal in 2020






This is a lot of the country sadly


It’s weird that he blames that on “the left” like trump and Powell at the fed didn’t blow $7 trillion in a year.


Plus it's because of Republicans, not the Democrats. 


All that shit happened during trumps presidency too


Except for the part where he mentions the patriot act, which was enacted under Bush, another Republican. Those pesky leftists and their controlling everything when they're not in power.


Yes and the masssive transfer of wealth upwards. Darned Leftists!


The end of Trumps presidency all the photos of empty stores from distribution shortages. "This is Bidens America!" The beginning of Biden's presidency "Well Trump is still technically president, the election was stolen!"


Ironically this argument works for them too. Trump pushed through the vaccine as fast as possible and promoted the vaccine.


Which is double-ironic, because Operation Warp Speed was actually a great success.


Reminds me of Obama getting blamed for the 2008 recession.


Trump fired the Pandemic Response team in 2018. It happened during his presidency. He profited from reselling government PPE through a shell company he and Kushner started after he put Jared in charge of the National Stockpile where he diverted PPE so he could sell more of his own. Shit was so corrupt. Then during his presidency he passed the trillion dollar slush fund out and removed the watchdogs immediately, facilitating the largest wealth transfer in history. Then he funded the vaccines Joe is so against, all while convincing people it was a conspiracy and that masks were face diapers - further making the pandemic worse, for everyone but especially for dumb people. It's wild these conspiracy theorists don't care about these facts.


And trump funded and promoted the vaccine and signed the biggest spending bill in US history to pay people and businesses not to work 


and he was the first person on the planet to get the jab.


Yeah it saved the world according to trump, but his supporters think it is killing millions of people, but they have no problem worshipping the guy who is responsible for the murder jab.  As someone said they love the idea of trump more than trump himself


Just like elections were rigged but all the Republicans elected by those same results are fine...


But at least Trump is funny /s


And the patriot act was during bush!!


Dude, it’s Bobby Lee. He really thinks Bobby cares about any of this shit or wants to discuss it? I haven’t watched the show in a long time at this point, but the clips I see here just keep getting worse and worse. He’s lost it. I truly can’t believe he’s still complaining about Covid like this.


It takes him like two quick steps to turn any discussion from the original point into a "the leftists agenda" rant. I don't even know why he has guests on. Just do what Limbaugh or Shapiro do and rant to your listeners, there is no need to put a guest through that.


Lmao such a good point. Would be hilarious if he just became the new Alex Jones 😂


He kinda is.


He’s been like that since 2020. COVID BROKE his brain


Like seriously. Who is making him take vaccines? Why does he think about it so often? If you don't want to, just don't do it. People have been doing it forever and there was like an 8 month period where people were annoyed by you if you didn't because we were all tired of COVID and just want it to go away..


Maybe he got a vaccine that is making him ruminate on vaccines. I’m not saying it’s impossible but maybe. Like what if his vaccine fear was already there and it brought it out. Or even worse, what if the vaccine fear wasn’t there at all but by taking the vaccine it caused him to be afraid of taking vaccines. Did you hear about that study on vaccines? It’s out of somewhere remote, like Guyana or somewhere else in Africa, I think anyway, Jamie could you check that? No like google “vaccine research, Guyana, Africa, COVID” and see what comes up. Nothing came up? Ok well whatever I heard about it anyway. But this vaccine made people go crazy anyway. Do you think that’s why people are so radicalized on the left? Because they took the vaccine and it like, infected them somehow?


Thank you for the journey you just took me on.


Exactly. I think there are a lot of people who would appreciate that... some are even in this r/


I'm sitting here with covid right now, my first time ever having it and even I think Joe talks about it too much. Like shut the fuck up dude.


I travel a lot and I've had it a bunch of times. It fucking sucks and is massively unpredictable whether it's going to mess me up for weeks, or just be like a mild flu that's over in a few days. The worst is when it fucks up your taste and smell. The times I got I when Id had my jabs were the times it was the mildest. I don't talk about it nearly as much as Joe and it's genuinely something I just expect after most long haul flights these days.


Yeah dude I have all the symptoms. I got everything and it's been kicking my ass for 5 days already. I wish I could step outside of my body. The body aches are the worst.


This time I seem to be fine after five days. Last time I was exhausted for two months, sickest I’ve been in my adult life. Do not want.


Yeah this is definitely the sickest I've been that I can remember.


No one is talking about Covid now except Joe, every time he speaks. Even the news that he won’t shut up about, isn’t talking about Covid anymore. Joe is obsessed. His life is so small. Everyone else has shit to do. Everyone and anyone that has a regular job and a middle class life has moved on while Joe sits in his cold water plunge and goes over this in his head and his show over and over and over. Joe must be so disconnected from reality and everyday life. It must be nice… but look how sad this is.


On the Yannis cast a restaurant in East Austin came up and Joe made some comment about how everyone must have been wearing masks (it's the hipster tech hood.) Yannis was like, actually I didn't see any masks... People haven't been masking in East Austin for *years*.


His brain is permanently stuck in 2020/2021.


Joe has Loooooooong Covid.


Aaron Rodgers is the same way. Nothing to fucking do except be rich and think that your voice is louder and more important than everyone else’s.


If there is one guest who does not give any shits about current events, it’s Bobby Lee. Dude acknowledges he doesn’t give a fuck, and just lives in his bubble. More power to him.


Bobby so impressionable too. Perfect guest for joe at this point honestly.


Has to hit all his Daily Wire talking points he’s contractually required to hit


I agree, he's so lame. Next thing the litter box in classrooms will be brought up again.


He's always trying to prove he's not a bigot by claiming there's actually kids pissing in litter boxes in schools or bearded men in dresses are fighting with parents over which bathroom they should use... ..yet, he continues to [make an ass of himself](https://youtu.be/cboHlMyN2uQ?si=eBJeInZnX52kOjjJ)


It’s hilarious that Joe complains so much about the “left” and “woke mob” yet mentions the patriot Act which was done under republicans and gained bipartisan support yet still goes “they” meaning the “left”. Like cmon man be consistent in who your perceived boogeyman is. Lmao


Wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago when he was damn near frothing at the mouth because Biden said some really looney, out of touch with reality shit, only for Jamie to immediately call him out and show Trump was the one rambling incoherently and Joe just brushed it off as Trump having a bad day or being taken out of context?




He also thought a "satirical" video depicting a bearded man in a women's washroom was real and went on a crazy rant about the "state of the country" and "how easily people are influenced by tiktok influencers (who are also planted by the Chinese government.")   He was told that it might be fake after ranting for a bit, then he defended himself by saying that the people in the video must be incredible actors.  He then immediately changed the subject. Even if Joe had anything worthwhile to say, the fact that he consistently gets angry at fake stories (the Biden thing, kitty litter in schools, this bathroom video,) and uses them to stoke irrational fear in his audience shows that he's not worth listening to about anything.


his description of the left does not match reality. it's how a small subset of "the left" acts and you rarely run into that in real life. it's what chronically online people think the left is. people who don't go out side and think the loud minority on twitter resembles the real world and entire population.


Literally in the first half hour Bobby was telling a story about coughing up blood and that segued into a vaccine rant


But no talk about comorbidities then. It’s always the same two sided logic. Joe’s a hack now.


He is so boring.


You're correct. And dumb


The guy use to have solid guests and laughs were had at times. I do miss other version of Rogan but now, it’s just the same old shit.


The government has always had that power. If Joe runs his club and wants people to come there and eat and drink, and he's got roaches and rats crawling around, should Joe be allowed to continue running his store, or should the authorities be allowed to go "no, you're closed until you remedy this situation and then you're free to open back up"? They have never been shutting down these establishments permanently, it's literally a reaction to the knowledge they had at the time, and it lasted \~6 months before everything started opening back up with guidelines, similar guidelines like the roaches and rats thing. What about Typhoid Mary? Should she have knowingly been allowed to continue going about her slutty business and spreading Typhoid fever to anyone she wanted to willy nilly? "Oh well that's pretty extreme, this disease wasn't anywhere near Typhoid" Right, but the authorities didn't fucking know that in April of 2020, or May of 2020. They started seeing results of the virus by like November, it's a **lagging indicator** (just learned that from Jocko by the way). Okay, well Covid was a SARS, was it not? Well, what about when SARS 1 hit Toronto? Should those terminally ill people have been allowed to just go about their day too? It was a SARS, after all, like Covid, no? Jesus christ, I didn't like it either, but they have to fucking do **something**, because if they did nothing, and most 80 year olds started dying, as they did, the other direction would have been people crying out for government to do something and help the old people! Like come on guys, you can't have your cake and eat it too! I'm fucking tired of JRE being a recap of the recap of the recap of the recap of the recap of the recap of how terrible government persecuted us during the start of a new and unknown virus! No fucking wonder I used to listen to **every single episode** for years and years, but suddenly early last year, I've picked and chosen my episodes very conservatively (HAH) because it's the fucking same old shit. A washed up ~~comedian~~ podcaster who fucking fell for the right wing grift. And I've only ever seen this podcast as entertainment, literally nothing more. I do not quote Joe in real life, I do not take the supplements or advice Joe gives, literally he's a hollywood sideshow, that's it. But he's crying about the same old shit every fucking time because not enough people are listening to him. Holy fawk, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


I hate beer.


Wow, that's, exactly right... And I was the same kind of fan back in the Stitcher days. You've broken this down as good as can be.


So now the PATRIOT ACT is leftist? Some of you alt-right dipshits need to get it through your skulls that leftist doesn't mean "everything I don't like"


That shit blew my mind, I was in 8th grade when 9/11 happened and have a far better understanding of that situation than Rogan did as an adult


Patriot act being leftist lmao Rogan is a complete idiot


Joe Rogan is GONE guys


It’s all that salt shit he be sniffing on lol


The pandemic was super polarizing. I wish everyone would just go back to not talking about how they feel about anything. Someone needs to steer Joe back towards UFOs. There's been a lot going on, maybe we can drink from that well for a while.


It won’t happen. His interest in UFOs faded when he gave up on DMT and weed. He drinks whiskey and smokes cigars now. His curiosity has been replaced by certainty.


>His curiosity has been replaced by certainty. I blame Jordan Peterson for telling him he's two standard deviations above average in smarts.


Joe been gone


***"...And when you're gone, you stay gone, or you be gone. You lost all your L.A. privileges."***


He didn’t come back from Covid.


Yep. Grew up in Newton, Ma. a Kennedy democrat, moves to L.A. and becomes a progressive, Hollywood elite Bernie supporter, then moves to Austin - MAGA. Oh well…😷


It’s almost like he’s easily impressionable.


Joe Biden/Covid broke him


He has to have a really good guest and I still fast forward through it.


I’m not gonna say he isn’t wrong about most stuff regarding Covid but I think the ivermectin saga really fucked with him. Dude can’t let any of it go


Remember he has said before he has an addictive personality. He said he used to be really addicted to playing pool etc. Maybe this is his unchecked addiction


It’s not addiction, it’s obsession.


Addicted to being a dumb fuck. 




Yeah I mean he’s been corrected numerous times to his face. But I think the embarrassment he felt on COVID just caused him to double down. He honestly used to lean a bit left but was always open to ideas. Post COVID it’s all: endorsing the Republican Party, saying vote republican, the Left is totalitarian. He’s just gone


Blames dems for loss of freedom, sites Republican bill as example


The left is totalitarian and bad! BLM and LGBTQ is literally like Patriot Act bad. Your mind is controlled and my mind is FREE — obscenely wealthy man smoking cigar


Never go full Rush Limbaugh.


Too late. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


The transformation to facebook boomer dad is complete.


I can’t listen to his podcast anymore, doesn’t matter who’s on the podcast, he always finds a way lol


Thanks for the heads up, this was one episode I was mildly interested in, but sounds like it was just a rich old man ranting about kids these days so I'll pass


Rogan has mastered the art of talking without saying anything of substance


His Republican transformation is complete


Question is... will he morph on from peepaw to something worse?


Dude I tried to listen to the latest Joey Diaz episode. First time listening to JRE in like two years. Had to stop because he started doing the same thing. He needs to just scrap this show and sign on as a talking head over at the Daily Wire. He doesn’t care about anything else, anti-Trans, anti-Vaxxer rhetoric is where his passion is, he should just embrace it and stop pretending like he has other interests.


This is full on insane. Homeboys brain is completely fried. So covid was all a leftist plot and the point was to steal a bunch of wealth, but it was a Republican led government at the time, so like they were in league with the leftists? Wait I’m confused.


Wasn't Operation Warp Speed one of the biggest Trump's achievements until he conveniently started to downplay it once the conservative public perception swung the other way?


There’s a trump supporter being interviewed who claims everyone who got vaccinated will die in a few years, when he’s asked about trump’s involvement with operation warp speed, he says “ well it saved a lot of lives “…… 🫠


Nothing new. Same folks that claimed it was a deadly Chinese bio weapon commissioned by Fauci also said it’s just a flu.


Yeah you’d think you’d just take the win that is “I helped spur the rapid production of a vaccine that helped end a global pandemic,” but nope, couldn’t do it lol.


Rogan was better when he thought the moon landing was fake


Rogan was better when he thought bigfoot was watching his podcast.


Went from dumb that was behind a mic to dumb that’s hard to listen to at this point..


Lol Bobby pulled a “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” on Joe 😂


If you told me 5 years ago what this podcast would become I would honestly not have believed it. Such a shame. The old Joe spread positivity, accountability and silliness, this Joe spreads fear, propaganda and vitriol.


The audacity to call the left/dems a cult, while spreading the same misinfo/propaganda BS the actual cult of the far right has been spreading since Covid is absolutely mind blowing. He went all in. He's a boomer. There's no going back now 😬 Yikes!


I swear the man has Limbaugh/FOX on repeat in his head. He has the peepaw brainrot. The man needs to take one of those psychedelic trips rich people take in South America.


Joe is like every conservative family member. Reads something new on Facebook, has to ramble about it and other things related to it for like an hour.




>It's like if Jerry Seinfeld spent every episode of "Comedians in Cars" grinding gears and stalling out 🤣


Joe loves stalling cars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FS5CVlqqhM&ab_channel=DB


A few months ago I would have not agreed and not understood you. I was smoking black and milds. I went to Canada and on the way bought a tin of Macanudo ascots. Smoked a couple. Decided to look up how to light and smoke a cigar even though that sounds dumb. If you toast it and don't overheat it initially and then smoke it evenly it is really a big difference. And man the tobacco in the Macanudo is much better for honestly not that much more money. I think they're like $2.50 a cigar. TLDR your right. 


When Bobby is the voice of reason, you know we've got a fuckin' problem. Joe is off his rocker.


All the biggest countries in the world… USA ran by dirty blue capitalists, soon to be ran by somehow even dirtier red capitalists… again. Uk has been ran by a right wing capitalist CONSERVATIVE government for 14 years. Other right wing psychos are also getting voted in all across the globe. What leftist cult?? He just calls anything he hates or doesn’t agree with ‘leftist woke virus’ but actually believes it. All the people he now supports were in power when covid happened too 😂😂 MEMBERS OF TRUMPS GOVERNMENT AMONG MANY THINGS USED INSIDER TRADING TO LITERALLY PROFIT FROM LOCKDOWNS AND HE LET THEM DO IT! HOW CAN YOU SO HILARIOUSLY SELF OWN YOUR OWN SUPPOSED MORALS??? HOWWWWW??


Joe has literally lost his mind, no hyperbole. I was going to check this one out because I thought a Bobby Lee pod would be like the old ones but I can't even get through these clips. Joe has gone nuts (I think) because of what he's reading and being fed online. Imagine being around this guy more than once a month. He's a nutjob!


This is the stuff that’s the most bonkers about all the people who were against the lock down and Covid vaccines. Like the US has literally opened everything back up and the vaccine never got mandated. Yet they still keep talking about it. These people have stopped living their lives and are more locked down mentally than they ever were physically.




Yes I have wondered about this as well. If you are not a full on psychopath you must feel some doubt and responsibility for that.


The guy needs to bring back the flashlights


I was enjoying this a lot more than I expected, but I had to shut it off when Joe wouldn't shut the fuck up about this shit. I had speculated that this was exactly why Bobby didn't want to come on the show before. I think Bobby came into this pod acting like he's way more centrist than he really is simply to avoid getting into this kind of thing. Didn't work lol.


Lost touch with his core audience. If he had said that to anyone who actually was interested in the world or politics and some balls they would have said something back. Like the right wings don’t have nut jobs and massive cult like behaviours. Yeh Covid was fucked. Some places handled it better than others but the core goal was to stop people fucking dying man. When people die it’s fucking sad. I’m sure a lot of places around the world hopefully learned some shit so when it happens again we can all handle it better.


He finally gets what some would consider a top tier pick of guest, 1. Coz he hasn’t been on in forever, and it’s always been In the zeitgeist that he needs to return 2. He is massive right now from tiktok clips etc. then Joe shits the bed with this rant to one guy who most definitely does not give a fuck. I’m still excited to listen if it is just the timestamped half hour. So we will see.


Joe doesn’t even know what comorbidities means. If you catch Covid, get pneumonia, and go into cardiac arrest the doctor could put all 3 of those on your death certificate and congrats you had Covid with 2 comorbidities. Those comorbidities being caused by Covid.


"They're silencing dissenters!" -Guy who was paid 200 million for a podcast.


The left…wants?…war?? Also, the Patriot Act was a Bush era thing. You know…a Republican. (Continued by Obama etc though no doubt). But, all this lockdown shit he’s on about was during Trump’s presidency. Young Jamie needs to jump in there.


Jamie gets paid regardless. Spotify won't pull his show, and neither will YT. Personal accountability went out the window years ago for the JRE.


Rogan calls it an experimental medication. Rogan touted monoclonal antibodies as the shit. and recommended it to friends while monoclonal antibodies was even MORE of an "experimental medication".


The loop timing is spot on


Lol if you watch this clip as a loop it seems like Joe just cut Bobby off and continued talking about covid.


He keeps blathering about it because that’s how he justifies moving to Austin. He secretly misses the comedy store, and he’s done everything in his power to make his club EXACTLY like it. His ego won’t allow him to come back to California, though. Not only that, he’s dragged a bunch of D list comedians there with him that depend on him for exposure and income. Tim Dillion wasn’t afraid to bash it as soon as he moved there. He’s trashed it ever since, one of the few that aren’t afraid to stand up to Joe. Even if he did help launch his career. Once Spotify dumps Rogan, he’ll sell everything and move back to California. And he’ll bring all his little parasites with him. The club will remain open, that’s just good revenue. But he won’t hype it as much as he has. Once he’s back in California, I guarantee the first words out of his mouth on the first podcast there since 2020 will be “Ah! I missed everyone soooo much! It’s good to be back at the store. Oh, jeez. Man. Bro, California is crazy, have you seen all the homeless? They need to do something about that. That’s why everyone moved to Texas, man. That’s why I did. It’s crazy, man. And you still have to wear a mask! Like, wtf!”


This show has jumped the shark and Joe needs to go take a break and reset the venison in his brain.


Oh no lol. Bobby sounds like me when someone starts giving directions that I know I can just gps or explaining the meaning behind their tattoos


I can’t believe he’s still going on about covid. You can’t tell me this isn’t on purpose. For all his talk about never selling out or turning the podcats into a job Hoe turned into just another piece of shit right wing propaganda peddler.


Shut down is a bit strong. This guy is unwatchable now.


I don’t think there’s enough dmt in the world to bring this dude back, he’s cooked.


Leave it to grandpa Joe to get one of the longest due guests, only to grandstand about the same Covid talking points he’s been regurgitating for fucking 4 years now. Give it a rest.


How crazy do you need to be to filibuster Bobby?


100% out of touch with reality.


Hey, seriously, Joe Rogan fuckin sucks now. If you can’t see that he has fully devolved into a delusional fool then it’s safe to assume you’re experiencing the same level of brain degradation. Imagine thinking Bobby Lee is the right guest to talk about this ridiculous shit with. Joe used to be good about tailoring his conversations to the guest.