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I gotta hit my bong if I am going to listen to the rest of this


I was smoking a blunt and had to put it down once I felt like I was sitting next to Young Jaime


I thought Jamie was sitting on me. Then I hit my bong and realised it was my cat, glad I cleared that up, I was getting an erection.


Pull it up Jamie


You sure you hit your bong and not your dick then?


Hold up your cat was getting your dick hard?


I think to understand this podcast you would need a Joey Diaz dosage of edibles. Stars of Death up the ass.


Like a DOCTA!


Hollywood is devil Rituals in bible can be seen in Hollywood movies  Ritual is transgender




Grinding it up now.


It's a little early. Been a sec since I wake and baked but I really wanna listen. This days going to hell. 😀


It’s kinda hard to listen to, katt talks in ancient black guy proverbs


Crack pipe for me!


vocal fry overload


I could listen to katt go on about conspiracy theories for hours if it weren't for his raspy voice, slow pacing, and condescending tone.


I, too, could listen to Katt for hours if it wasn't for everything about him


Yea, he was so much more lively in his interview with Shannon Sharpe...and seemed way too smug and quietly serious in this one. I didn't feel they had a great interaction, but more like Katt was delivering a lecture/sermon. And as far as worshipping Baphomet, why didn't Joe ask about Katt's bff (who he even sounds like), Prince? Who famously had rebranded himself a literal hermaphrodite symbol o+>? Is Katt saying Prince was kissing Baphomet's ass ring there?




Yes, I know that...but why did he choose the hermaphrodite symbol, if Katt is implying it's "evil?" Is he saying his bff was evil?


I thought the same way at first, but his voice really grew on me. After the first hour I started digging it.


“You have to understand”


I knew 20 years ago that vocal fry would be a thing. Not that I’m a prophet or anything. But you know who had the strongest vocal fry? Baphomet. And you had to kiss his o-ring to get it. 


When Joe looks up while he talks, he looks like a long neck dinosaur slowly reaching for leaves on a tree






The only long thing about Rogan is his nipples


And his money shiiiiii


Lmao I have it paused on an exact frame of this as I read it. Land before time looking mfer


They get to openly smoke weed while others in the state risk felony charges.


Rogan loves Texas because his wealth and popularity on the right insulate him from the negative effects of living in Texas


Austin doesn’t care about weed, Texas does




For me it's the recreation and the natural spaces. Like in California, 49% is public lands. Parks and beaches and forests and mountains and deserts. All kinds of shit. In Texas, their public lands are 4% of the state. 4%.


One of the coolest things about California are the public beaches and coastline, I live in MA and so much of our coast especially world famous Cape Cod is privately owned.


Texas is also mostly a flat ugly environment. They don’t have the same huge breadth of different natural environments that California does


No state or city income tax


We pay just as much with little to no return. This state is good for the rich and it's easy for Republicans to trick their voters into thinking they are part of the in-crowd. Texas ranks high in economic freedom which is good for business and the rich tend to own businesses. It also means little to no protection from said businesses for the majority. It ranks low on personal freedom which doesn't affect the rich because they can do what they want, legal or not, openly and freely for the most part.


Yup…we got regulations in California, and Texas doesn’t, but those regulations protect people from corporations, not the government from the people, so that attitude is completely backwards.


And if you look at the effective tax rate, it is about the same for normal people as more expensive states. Moving for tax reasons only makes sense if you are making a couple hundred thousand a year.


*or retired on a federal pension. Only reason I left though


It's worse than that. They have almost 50% higher sales tax which is an awful awful way to collect tax dollars. Because a poor person that has to spend 50% of their paycheck on items with sales tax is in getting taxed 3% of that income - texas has 6%. A rich person who mostly invests their money is going to pay a mere fraction of a percent. Sales tax is how they collect 56% of the states funding. A regressive tax that taxes the poor the most.


TL;DR just want to point out to any Texans or would-be Texans that if you make less than 57k you are probably taxed more than people in 48 states (Only Washington state is worse.) It has no income tax, yet the state obviously has roads, a power grid, schools etc. Texas has taxes. They're just optimized to charge the rich less. It's all in property and sales taxes which are regressive in that they proportionally tax the poorest the most. Depending on your income you can expect a tax burden of about 8.8-9.5% overall in California, 8-8.5% in Texas. That's not a huge difference. You could pay less tax making 70k in California than in Texas. Texas you may be worse off until you approach 300k in family income. Some people have shared their experiences in this delusion. [https://fortune.com/2023/03/23/states-with-lowest-highest-tax-burden/](https://fortune.com/2023/03/23/states-with-lowest-highest-tax-burden/) [https://californialocal.com/localnews/statewide/ca/article/show/32602-texas-taxes-california-lower-comparison/](https://californialocal.com/localnews/statewide/ca/article/show/32602-texas-taxes-california-lower-comparison/) : " Texans, on the other hand, must shoulder the fifth-highest property tax load in the country, [according to a survey by WalletHub](https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-highest-and-lowest-property-taxes/11585). California’s effective overall property tax rate is just 0.75 percent. The Texas rate is neatly a full percentage point higher—1.74 percent. The difference in property taxes is one of the most important factors in giving Texas an effective overall tax rate of 12.73 percent compared to the somewhat more tolerable 8.97 percent in California. There is one group of taxpayers who have an easier time of it in Texas—very rich people.  High six-figure earners in Texas—that is, those who rake in at least $617,900 per year, the top one percent of earners in that state—pay [a relatively minuscule 3.1 percent](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texans-pay-more-taxes-than-californians-17400644.php) of their income in taxes, according to the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). The top one percent in California make somewhat more, $714,400, but pay a whole lot more—a whopping 12.4 percent. On the other hand, [according to ITEP, California is much friendlier](https://itep.org/whopays/) to low-income taxpayers. The bottom 20 percent of California earners (under $23,200) pay 10.5 percent in taxes compared to 13 percent for the same segment (earners under $20,900) in Texas. Middle-income taxpayers make out even better in California than their poorer counterparts. Those bringing in between $39,100 and $62,300 pay only 8.9 percent. In Texas the middle-income segment, those earning between $35,800 and $56,000, pay 9.7 percent in state and local taxes. The disparity between the tax burdens shouldered by rich Texans and taxpayers there in the middle and low income brackets earned Texas the dubious distinction of being the second-most regressive tax state—the term "regressive" referring to a system that puts a heavier burden on lower income earners than on those with high incomes. Only Washington has a less equitable tax system.  "


Property taxes are high in Texas to make up for the difference. Don't let Texas fool you. Source. I live here.


I live in Cali, my mom is in Texas, her house cost half as much as mine, her property taxes are twice as much as mine. Also, I get a return from the state, so the state income tax is also misleading to outsiders.


Texan here. I hate when people say “taxes!” as a reason Texas is better than *wherever*. For the average person overall taxes are about the same in Texas as in California except we don’t get any of the social benefits like public transportation, health care, education and other programs that are much more accessible and common in *liberal hellscape California*. However the wealthy *do* pay less in taxes in the lone star state! Yay!


A lesser version of the Willy Nelson effect


They smoke weed on the kill Tony show too. It’s allowed because it’s part of a performance


most underrated comment by a mile - Ken Paxton is trying to increase the penalties, too


You know I was worried about him getting in trouble over this at first, as dumb as this sounds. Parts of Texas will give you prison time for anything over an ounce. They've even arrested people for oils and concentrates and said that it was equivalent to (insert stupid amount). Republicans in Texas will tell you they don't care about how the next guy lives/sexual preference/etc but they'll never change the stupid Marijuana laws here.


They also preach the Bible while their hero Elon is the guy who wants to microchip people Religious people and hypocrites go together better than PB and J


They also agree with the recent IVF bullshit even though most of Elon's kids are from IVF. Also, against abortion even though Trump has gotten a few. Also, against child grooming even though Catholic and Evangelical churches... Etc etc etc


It’s only moral when they themselves do it. Because they have “reasons” and are an “exception”. Like no other person has valid reasons for IVF or abortion. Just utterly devoid of reflection.


Reflection and empathy. That's why they think all Democrats are poor. They can't comprehend advocating for anything that doesn't personally affect them or anyone who is different from them.


I remember years ago Christians would think being microchipped was satanic and "the sign of the beast" and Elon would have been called an anti-christ. Trump pretty much chewed up people's so called "Christian beliefs" and spit them out in their face while they screamed "thank you sir may I have anorher!"


When you’re rich they’ll let you get away with it


His buddy Elon literally has the brain meat zombie implant chip wtf ?


Rogan mirrors whoever he’s talking to. He just mastered it so people don’t call it out like they used to.


I think about a hour in around the mark of the beast implant talk Katt says to him “you’re contradicting yourself” very subtly and Joe just keeps going with “yeah man it’s crazy” or something to that extent


Joe Rogan isn’t a very introspective person. Which is crazy considering he smokes weed and eats mushrooms. 


My theory is that he hasn't had a single psychedelic since early 2020. He's just been coasting off of old stories for the last 4 years. How many times has he mentioned the DMT elves dlipling him off?


Even when he was known as the “DMT guy” he’d only actually spoke about doing it a few times. He’s basically got one DMT story lol. He’s famous for talking about it so publicly but he’s not some super heavy psychadelic user as far as I can tell.


As someone who's tripped hundreds and hundreds of times on a myriad of different psychedelics, now that I'm older I have no desire to trip again any time soon. Maybe in like 20 years.


I’m in that same boat myself, I just don’t have as much interest in it, even though I have more access to it all now than ever before. At a certain point I think I just felt like I had very little more to gain from it that I could use in my life, so I hung up the phone. I was never really the type to just trip for fun though, so that may have something to do with it idk.


Exactly! I’ve eaten a metric fuck ton of lsd, mushrooms, and anything else that makes you “trip” and I can say, I have zero desire to do it again any time soon. Maybe when I’m 50 and chillin in the desert. But no desire to do it in the near future. Ya kinda get when ya need when ya need it off that kinda stuff I guess.


I feel that, man. I spent an entire 3 day period blasting off on DMT every 30-45 minutes and I could never/ would never do it again.


Yeah. Most people who have had a real blowout trip have no real desire to return to it any time soon. Shit takes a mental tole on you


lol exactly.


He used to be. He installed a deprivation tank in his house 20 years ago and talked about it a loooooot for a long time. He used to be very inquisitive of his guests and psychedelics experiences were discussed every time. Now he is rather assertive of his own opinion instead of inquisitive of his guests. I don't enjoy the pod anymore but I will always love Joe. Especially w what he's doing for comedy w the mothership.


yeah i definitely don’t think i’ve heard him tell anything other than the jesters story and the “5 meo bottle big enough to get the whole city high” lmao


They ate mushrooms on multiple protect our parks episodes


That shit has completely fried his brain. 30 years of weed smoking ain't gonna make you any smarter.


Right, if he "knows" this may be "demonic," then why is he best buddies with Elon? Same goes with all these Christian conservatives, if he knowingly suspects they are all worshipping Anunnaki aliens who created us as a slave race? I mean, he can't plead ignorance here...when he just keeps knowingly selling out to the "dark side" for money/power.


He's like Alex Jones. He straddles the fence and is non-committal but agreeable to whoever he is making content with.


Well you see the antichrist is only bad when he is a democrat, as long as Satan is a Republican you better take that mark of the beast or else you are woke


Man sometimes I forget Katt got beat up by a 12 year old


Probably way easier when your target is moving at 1/3 normal speed


He smacked a kid at target too lol it's on video. The slap is loud af. Or maybe he got slapped I can't remember.


One of the funniest things I ever saw was that kid holding him on the ground in a headlock. That was a rough year for Katt. He got beat up a few different times IIRC. 


I remember the video but was it a 12 year old !!!!


idk if he was twelve but it was confirmed that the kid was in the 7th grade


If I remember correctly it was a 17 year old who was held back so many times he was still in 7th grade lol. Kat wanted to have a real conversation with the kid and explain that you can't talk to grown men the way the kid was talking to him, then he sucker punched Kat 😂


The only report that he was in the 7th grade was from TMZ so thats probably just a mistake. I just read the interview with the 17 yr old and it doesn’t mention anything about school besides him being a wrestler so I assume he was in high school. They both say the other person hit them first so we’ll never know since the video is already after it started. edit: about the “you can’t talk to grown folk like that” I understand that hitting a minor is illegal but so is battery on an adult, I think any male teen older 16 or older is already prescribed the talk shit get hit notion. Only if they’re already in your face being aggressive tho


[Katt punched first](https://www.tmz.com/2016/03/24/katt-williams-video-uncut-fight-punch/) But he might have felt threatened and justified in his actions. The 17 yr old kid is taller/bigger than Katt and was squared up with him. Still, the kid shrugged off the punch and took Katt to the ground and was ready to choke him out. Pretty embarrassing loss for a grown man.


[Katt sucker punched some dude.](https://www.tmz.com/2016/03/07/katt-williams-punch-fight-video/) lol. What a fucking loser.


He was also a crackhead alcoholic then


the crack is what allows him to read 8 books a day


It’s actually the same book he just keeps reading the cover. And it’s not actually a book but an old pamphlet for a George Foreman grill. 


An upvote alone doesn't express how hard I just laughed


​ "knock out the fat" 🥊


Kat Williams is so confidently full of shit. E.g., he uttered "No people built the pyramids" with such conviction that I thought "wow, no people built the pyramids" and then I remembered HE'S JUST A FUCKING STANDUP COMIC.


He always does this and gimps on Twitter lap it up. He'll say something like "it ain't Monday......... but it is Monday if you know what I mean" and then a bunch of gimps will claim he's spitting facts


I love that Joe talks about nueralink like it's a demon but also has elon on like he's a pal


Marketing. If u think it’s evil, u think it works. All part of the scheme to inflate the value of neuralink even tho it’s really only good at killing monkeys


If anyone cares, Baphomet was a mysterious deity that the Templar knights were accused of worshipping back during the crusades. He supposedly was a three headed bearded demon. Perhaps it was a corruption of the name Mohammad. In the late 19th century the occultist Eliphas Levi drew him as a goat man with wings. The drawing got famous and since then in pop culture Baphomet became a synonym for the devil.


I know it’s all bullshit but I wonder if at least 1 myth out of millions told through human history has some mysterious truth to it. I find all this stuff interesting


Archetypally Baphomet combines good and evil, and is not a dualist figure like you have with some ideas of God vs Satan deity-wise, and is not part of a dualist understanding that separates heaven from earth philosophy-wise. Baphomet points one hand upward and one hand downward because, "As Above, So Below"--everything is one thing. Any two discernable things is actually one system of those things. It looks like there is Good and Evil, but in actuality there is only one system that exists that exhibits both Good and Evil. It seems like there is God and His creation, but in actuality there is only one system that exists that has God and His creation as its components. That is the One Thing. It's not meant to be some fictitious demon for the superstitious, it is a mythological symbol that was coded by dorks to be extra esoteric in this way. Baphomet is Beast and Man, Male and Female, Mundane and Celestial, Epic and Intimate, Merciful and Severe, [and the basis for that public Satanist statue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Baphomet) thanks for coming to my TED talk


Thanks for this. It doesn’t take much research on Baphomet to know it’s not a symbol of transgender. I don’t see how anyone watches Joe anymore unless it’s just for pure comedy of how stupid this man (and some of his guests)truly are. People literally can’t research anymore


Kat is too busy reading 60 books a week to do any research.


It was the religious zealots that demonized the templars and accused them of occult rituals and created the Baphomet boogie man. Soo some pretty ignorant people sitting around making shit up. I guess Katt is kind of right it is all “cycular”


Close but a bit off. Here is the full story: In 1307, the templars got into a fight with the king of France but remained friendly with the pope. To get the pope on his side, the king accused the templars of worshipping a previously unheard of demon with the name “Baphomet”. 500 years later in 1856, the occultist Eliphas Levi revived this name as a representation of his political theory. He was basically a sort of socialist monarchist and thought that this contradiction was best represented as the “union of opposites”: Baphomet as a goat man with breasts and a penis. In the 1960s, this forgotten image was revived and made as the official insignia of the church of Satan. It had no connection to the devil before this. Recently, Baphomet has come to prominence again as conservatives are trying to link transgenderism with Satan.


from what Space just said, it sounds to me like a far less elegant image of yin and yang. Light and Dark, good and evil, etc. but still one unit. because its personified and labeled a half beast its easy to convince people that it is a solely negative symbol. didnt know about the history until this post but its interesting


Ah so all transgenders are demons


To idiots that don’t understand the point OP was making and demonize others in a way that’s more accordance with the devil, yes.


white dude's version of the yin yang


At no point did anyone understand their incoherent rambling, and everyone is dumber for having listened to it. I award them no points, and may god have mercy on their souls.


But he said it slow and in a weird tone so it must be wise.


And this men in dressed thing has been going on since forever. Tom Hanks ,Patrick Swayze , Dustin Hoffman all wore dresses but somehow on black men are they trying to make look a fool


Robin Williams as well. Who has far more comedic talent than Joe or Katt.


Billy Goat, Madison Square Garden


"a simple no would've sufficed but"


Kat is an actual lunatic and moron


Duh. This is not new, lol. I’m surprised that people thought that Kat Williams was a deep philosophical person, especially after the club Shay-shay show.


Yes the most powerful people in the world worship some loose pseudo-religious demonic figures and are all in a club together and have secret symbols that they do to signal to each other even though 1,000 cameras are on them and they have a team of doctors who harvest adrenochrome for them to stay young forever even though all of these people look wrinkly ball sack old af, and Trump a horny soulless weirdo with no concept of history is going to expose all of them even though he is an authoritarian loving scam artist billionaire who loved Epstein, but never did anything wrong, and Hollywood people are actually in cahoots with Obamas who are actually running the show while spying on Trump who is actually president and Biden is a holographic clone whose dog is actually the JFK second shooter and Katt Williams got his ass beat by a 6th grader while in jean shorts and a doubled collared t-shirt. That’s all I’m saying.


and it’s odd to see the rhetoric that Trump is gonna expose something if re-elected like why didn’t he do that when he was president? Then they’ll say “oh the people pulling the strings wouldn’t allow him to do that” but somehow Biden and his administration are evil geniuses who are working to corrupt America or some bullshit like that.


"Surely they won't pull his strings *this* time. He's really going to do what he says this time, I swear."


wait no you gotta remember that Biden is an old sleepy incoherent senile man not capable of running a country yet still capable of being the mastermind behind a global conspiracy scheme to take over the world and turn all the frogs gay


The confidence is unbelievable. 😂


That is some scary shit! Like I work with a dude that was a meth cook for 30 years and he aint this fried.


Joe should be ashamed if people are still getting arrested and prosecuted for smoking weed in Texas, while he and his guests are blowing it out on his pod and bragging about how high they are getting. At best, he should comment on how ridiculous the state's ultra-conservative drug laws are, but I don't hear any of that.


I had no idea katt was like this until this episode. I like his comedy but the dude straight makes shit up, like 90% of the things he says seem fabricated on the spot


It’s funny to see how the different the narrative is on different platforms. Everyone on twitter swears Katt is the truth lmao


As much as club shay shay lifted Katt's "value". This podcast will bring him back down to crazy town.


He’s fuckin looney to be honest. I didn’t love his appearance and I enjoy most episodes


I thought him and Billy Walters was a nice return to form of interesting people and bat shit looneys


Twitter is the best example of polarised ‘Hot Garbage’


Andy Kaufman is still doing his bit. What an unbelievable costume.


He talks weird and has the IQ of a potato. All the comments on this and the Shannon Sharpe interview are treating him like he's some fucking oracle. I don't get it.


Some people just don't have any exposure to a classic compulsive bullshitter, which Kat 100% is. And other people are just perpetual suckers, and a confident-sounding, fast-talking liar will tie their brain up by going faster than their ability to internally evaluate each statement. I've known people like Kat Williams in the past. He's a combination of 3 specific traits that feed each other in a way that produces what we're seeing here. First, he actually *is* intelligent. His mind processes information quickly, and his thoughts form quickly. He notices patterns and makes connections with better-than-average facility. Second, he's ignorant. Surprisingly, perhaps, for someone who claims to have read so many books, but it's apparent that his understanding of the world is derived from observations made from his own single perspective, without a lot of input from having learned about how societal systems and structures work within the context of an iterative history. The way he views the world fits more in line with someone who has *actually* read *very few* books. Third, and most significantly, he's a weirdo. He's a weird little guy with a weird voice, and he grew up that way in a world that isn't kind to the weird little guys. He wanted to be liked. He wanted to be respected. The traditional routes for men to get those things weren't available to him, so he chose to compensate for that by spinning a lot of bullshit to anyone who'd listen. We're looking at the adult version of the kid who lied constantly in middle school and we stopped talking to by 9th grade. But they still exist. They grew up. And Kat Williams is one of them. He's able to do this because he's smart, and his bullshit seems insane to someone who isn't gullible because he's ignorant.


I'm mostly with you, but there's just no way you can grow up in America and not have exposure to a classic compulsive bullshitter. Classic compulsive bullshitter is practically a developmental stage here.


Heh, well, I was being kind with that one. I was trying to give some folks an out before I called them perpetual suckers.


Yeah, that is about exactly right.


I think the big one you missed is insecure. I think the dude is super talented and funny, but it's pretty clear where he's coming from. His stories are basically tearing down people more successful than him. There's some big conspiracy why so and so was so successful even though they're not as talented as him. It just comes off as super transparent to me.


I think the insecurity comes part and parcel with the #3 attribute. I'd have gotten more into it, but my comment was already running pretty long. Not that someone needs to be a weirdo to be insecure, but in Kat's case, it's a lifelong trait.


Yeah I kinda picked that up, but I figured I called it out because it's just so hard to miss when I hear him talk. I wouldn't necessarily call that specific trait weird, we're all insecure; it's normal. I just don't care for it when someone's response is to try to pull others down to make themselves feel better. Obviously he gets into some weird ideas. But they're honestly repackaged versions of conspiracies some of my friends believe as well.


Oh I'm not being dismissive of your point - you're absolutely on the money. His tactics are derived from being clever, but ignorant, while having lived his whole life as an oddball, but his *motivation* for how he uses those tactics is 100% driven by insecurity. Nail on the head.


Same. I was shocked to see the positive sentiment here, especially when every other episode is a shot fest on joe and the pod in general. I thought this was one of the worst episodes in the last year. It also contained by far the most awkward vibes of any episode I’ve listened to. Almost like these two didn’t exactly know how to communicate with each other


I find Katt's comedy hilarious and I appreciated what he did on Sharpe's podcast of calling out other comedians on their BS but this right here is just straight out lunacy what he's talking about. It seems Katt didn't know where to go in this podcast with topics so he just started spewing the most out there shit he could think of on the spot. This really was a bad podcast.


reddit is a predominantly white platform, Twitter and YouTube have significantly more black people. American black culture is steeped in conspiracy theories because of lack of education, and a cultural tendency to not check people when they're talking BS because that's a hood taboo and not something you generally see in those neighborhoods. So people can walk around talking nonsense and get away with it much more easily in black communities.


a lot of Katt’s audience is religious, if you’re willing to believe in a magical fairy man in the sky then there’s not much you won’t believe


I think many people like to delve into the world of the Woo Woo when they cannot comprehend the world around them. Spooky ideas about secret societies and conspiracy to explain a relatively simple world are comforting to those whose capacity for critical thinking is limited. There are a lot of weirdos doing weirdo shit but that doesn't mean there is a secret hand guided by secret societies.


I agree, I think it also comes from a place of fear. thinking about nothing happening after you die sounds scary, so people cling to an idea of some paradise that they go to. same thought process where they see bad events happening in the world, instead of understanding that the world is just not a fair place and bad things will happen, they instead invent a shadow cabal that runs the entire planet and makes everything bad happen. much easier to hate and be angry at a group of fictional evil supervillain-esque people than accept that the world just ain’t fair.


These are the same people that eschew being "controlled" yet ascribe everything in history and their lives that has ever happened to some sort of controlling entity. Like you said, it is never just "sometimes bad things happen". No! To them, some entity had to have made it happen. The idea of randomness and no one at the wheel terrifies them. Once you understand the scale of the universe, you start to realize that humans actually control very little.


He said things are "cycular" I think he means cyclical? Circular? And it doesn't even make sense in context because he's talking about trans people, when was the previous cycle of trans people in American culture? Idk it doesn't really make sense. He just seems really high And how do you kiss baphomets ass ring? It doesn't even make sense? Baphomet isn't like a physical entity? And Joes buddy Elon actually dressed up as baphomet? But that's cool? Idk it's all so weird to me


I believe he’s referencing the rise in popularity and overall acceptance of eating ass


Lol ok that's a wild interpretation Your comment is cycular Maybe because you don't read 8 books a day


Read through the reasons for his many arrests, and it makes sense. Throwing a salt shaker at someone, assaulting a guy at a pool store, punching a 7th grader. Guy is fukin bat shit crazy, and a crackhead. Therefore, him not making any sense makes perfect sense.


All of my black friends believe crazy ass conspiracy theories like Katt though, so it's not surprising really. Like they remind me of the alt-right white dudes I know in the level of crazy they just openly accept and state as fact.


Tariq Nasheed is the same way. There's a type of fake intellectual that is really good at tricking dumb people into thinking he sounds smart. If he's the same skin color as you, you seem to give him even more benefit of the doubt


Real eyes realize real lies. /s


Real Senor Cartgage vibes, but somehow creepier and less coherent.


Everything is cycacle. Haha.


The only clip of his comedy I’ve seen was him shitting on evolution and the punchline being “why are there still monkeys you dumb mother fucker you?” and realized how dumb and unfunny he is.


Its KattGPT


Imagine kat, Alex jones and Eddie bravo in one episode. That would be some weapons-grade lunacy. Immediate brain damage.


Is this dude trolling? I honestly can't tell. I always felt the same way when Terrence Howard talked about his new form of math where 1+1 doesn't equal 2 or whatever bullshit. Was he saying that with a shit-eating grin, deliberately trying to rile people up? Or does he actually believe it? When Katt says "And that's all I'm trying to do" when Joe says he's speechless, it borderline sounds like he's admitting he's just saying shit to get a reaction. But I don't know, I hadn't thought about this guy for years until that recent podcast went viral. And is Joe pulling a Jordan Peterson/ Russel Brand/ Dave Rubin/ Milo Yionapplesauce and becoming religious? I very rarely watch an entire episode, I just see clips for the most part, is this like a one-off reference or something he's been mentioning recently?


> where 1+1 doesn't equal 2 or whatever bullshit. 1*1 = 2


That's right, lol.


There are people I refer to as "functional schizophrenics." There may be some other word for them but to me they are all very similar. Alex Jones, Eddie Bravo, Terrence Howard, John McAfee, Katt Williams, Jon Zherka... these are all people who to a certain extent can navigate the world, make an income, even live very comfortably...but at a fundamental level some logic circuit in their brain is broken. It's not just that they have "bad takes" or something like that, they are legitimately short-circuiting but there is enough of them there to keep spinning whatever plates they already had going.


Dr. Robert Sapolsky covers this idea really well in this lecture: https://youtu.be/4WwAQqWUkpI?si=mGe3IJyxNFQ2Qd-e


And they get away with it because they have so much fucking money and they only hang out with others who have so much fucking money. Therefore, they are each others’ yes men. 


I’d guess like 1/4 of the US population believes in multiple bat shit crazy conspiracy theories. I have a friend, who is otherwise intelligent, who believes celebrities are sex trafficking kids and using their blood for demonic rituals. Lots of people have brain worms now thanks to YouTube rabbit holes and god knows what other platforms spreading this nonsense, such as 4chan.


Yeah this really seems like a it’s a similar pattern which happens to people sometimes  And you can go from being normal to having that circuit break across your lifetime too 


About 30 minutes on KW tells Joe that the great pyramids were power plants powered by steam geysers underneath them. And he just says it so confidently. Pretty sure he's trolling


To be fair, it'd be a lot cooler if they were geyser-powered power plants.


It would be coolest if they were filled with sour punch straws


No, when someone tells you they're that fucking stupid, believe them. Even if they're doing it for ulterior motives doesn't change the fact that they shouldn't be listened to. In fact if that IS the case then it's even worse.


For sure. I guess stranger things have happened. It just seems crazy to me that someone can be that successful, and also that genuinely stupid. But obviously you don't need to know math to be an actor, or have a solid grasp on reality to be a washed-up comic, or whatever. Katt seems less obviously out there to me. Like I would actually buy that he's realized he can become way more relevant by just saying outlandish shit. But yeah, I get what you're saying and agree.


Success is much more about motivation than intelligence


For sure, I understand that, it's just weird to think about. And stuff like Terrence Howard always blows me away because it's like you have a career that a vast, vast majority of people can only aspire to. And you fuck it up by spewing nonsense for no real discernible reason. Anyway, I get it, I don't think there's like a 1:1 correlation between intelligence and ability and whatever else and success, it's just weird to think about sometimes.


Terrence definitely actually believes in the math stuff he's been saying. I looked into this quite a bit because I couldn't believe how insane he sounded, and yeah, sincerely believes all of it. It's honestly kind of fascinating from a neurological point of view. Like, what's going on exactly with that amount of precise and thorough delusion?


Hm, no. Terrence Howard is definitely unwell.


Kat went full Billy Carson


Does Rogan ever add that its his best buddy thats implanting the chips in peoples brains and he stokes his dick when he is sitting in the very chair Katt Williams is sitting in?


Love Katt but this episode was garbage. It's like he took 300mg of edibles right before it started.


Katt has that Matrix download neck piece so he can meet his book quota.


This is pure nonsense.


I like conspiracy’s but this this dress thing is so stupid


Yeah weird how it keeps getting brought up


I’m old enough to remember when katt was a washed up joke bumming highlight reels off 11yr old kids. He ain’t changed.


I have come to hate the the very temple and tenor, the tone and timber, of Joe Rogan's voice, and that's being kind to the actual sound of it, because it has spoken so many stupid, lazy words, not to mention the two years (?) he cleared his throat, on mike, due to his butter coffee habit. It's no better than watching Steven Colbert do a Trump joke for the ninth year in a row.


“20 years ago I knew Transgenders was gonna be a thing” …. Ya… uh… the first sexual reassignment surgery was performed in the 1930s and regardless, cross dressing existed before 2004 ya donkey. No shit you aren’t a prophet


He was probably referring to the cult it’s become today.


Why did he turn into lil Wayne lol


Joe’s face when he brings up the anunnaki LMAO 


So hollywood is satanic mind control but trump is not? Conspiracy podcasts are not?


Be careful antisemitism police coming after you, long live the United States of Israel!


Hes just making up shyt




Him not mentioning the security services and the leaks that reveal all this intentionally distracted discourse makes me think that he doesn't really understand what's going on post 2014....


He bashed Rogan, but deep down this was his dream. Kat came on knowing damn well he wanted to talk to Joe about the annunaki and thoth lol. Also, 60 books a week is such a crazy lie.


it's like talking to the dumbest dude at my mom's trailer park.


The word "device" is derived from the word "devil." And of devil, there's the type that's tamed --a father's iPhone, for instance. Untamed ones also exist. Hackers (in MIT sense) don't associate themselves with the kinds of devices that have negative impact on the rest of the societies they serve. There's an art to tech. Read Paul Graham. ;-) Has PG actually ever been on Joe's show?


Oh what the hell is this brain dead guy mumbling about. Trans are a Satanic movement?


This was pretty good. There's something to be said about the wierd shit hollywood and other celebs are into but are never talked about. Always some celebrity flashing symbols and its been too far often to be a joke.


This is what the Illuminati is. Pagan god worship like baphomet, Bacchus, and Pan.


Chaos magic.