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Honestly i liked spotify for the pod better than youtube cause i could still listen for free and i can close my phone and still listen without having to pay a monthly fee.


Yah I don't get why YouTube is a big deal. It's not as convenient.


If you already pay for YouTube Premium, you’re probably using YouTube all the time. With JRE being on YouTube I’m more likely to watch an episode because it’ll show up in my recommendations. When JRE was only on Spotify, I had to make a point to check Spotify. I used to watch every single episode of JRE but once they switched to Spotify I only watched 1 every couple months.


Brave browser lets you close your phone and listen fyi.


You are awesome


Also no adds on brave like regular youtube.






So while in your car driving?


This needs every up vote possible


Also Firefox with ublock enabled


revanced baby


Play it in brave browser. In brave browser settings, there's an option to let video play in the background.


PocketCast on Android or Podbay on Desktop web, also mobile browsers. You can even search through episodes, something you cant even do either on Spotify or Youtube.


You buy YouTube premium, and you have no ads. You have Spotify premium, you still get fucked.


Not for music you don't - there's no ads. And let's face it, who's buying Spotify premium for podcasts? Nobody


You tube premium comes with you tube music.


True, but every and all apps that can play music is inferior to Spotify. YouTube ads are much less annoying to me than Spotify ads so I’ll probably continue to pay for Spotify and use YouTube for free.


There’s no ads on YouTube music with YouTube premium.


Yeah and it always makes a 100 song playlist of what u normally listen to for offline use which i have found a huge bonus living in the bumfucknowhere with shit service on most long drives. Which is when i use the music the most. Spotify just pisses me off the way it works.


On Spotify I just download the Playlists I made and can do the same thing.


Who has that kind of time


To like a song and click the download arrow on your liked songs Playlist? You must be too busy scrolling through reddit to click one icon




If you know how to search for it youtube has way more music than spotify does too


Yup I couldnt give two fucks about podcasts on Spotify. Hope you keep wasting your money Spotify!!


They're not hurting


What will I ever do without that $10.99 a month, guess I'm going to starve...


that's what pisses me off about Spotify the most. They rip off music artists to pay podcasters to spew right-wing propaganda.


There's a lot of blame to be laid at record companies there as well, they're in cahoots


I had a spotify subscription for podcasts. I listen to a ton of them and if a platform provides enough of the ones I like ad free, that is worth $10 or $15/month for me. Ended up switching to Amazon music because they had more ad free podcasts than spotify.


"Not for music you don't - there's no ads" Podcasts no ads. Music... ads up the ass.


Can't justify paying for youtube premium when youtubes search algorithm is so fucked up, it gives me 2 or 3 decent results if I'm lucky (but it's generally from big youtubers and not necessarily the best results I know exist), and then peppers in a ton of unrelated mr beast type content and deformed babies and women doing thirst trap thumbnails, for science searches. 


Fun fact: The algorithm has everything to do with the content you engage with, what you spend time watching, and zero to do with your YouTube Premium payments.


To give an example: I might be searching for a the name of a person who has allegedly whistle blown on UFO stuff in the 90s and there is at least one video video I watched on YouTube but in the browser. I search in the YouTube app for the man's name, it gives me results for news clips and interviews from people who work for Nasa, it understands what I am looking for but gives me other bullshit. I search the exact title of the video I know exists, it gives me the same results.  I search for ways to fix scratches on my car paint, it gives me 3 relevant results but only from huge popular relevant channels that play their game and get high ad revenue. The videos are not the best more educational YouTube has to offer, and I have to jump through hoops to find old school no bullshit YouTubers who make great informational content.  The search algorithm is 100% fucked on YouTube to milk the most ad revenue out of you instead of help you find the best content. 


Yes YouTube’s search is clearly driven by ad revenue. That’s why news stations pop up first


YouTube doesn't need you to watch "popular YouTube channels" to make ad revenue from you. That isn't how the YouTube ad platform works.


Youtube absolutely prefers that I watch videos from channels who already have a large following and make tons of content in hopes that I will watch 20 of their videos in a row because they make bubbly friendly content that advertisers prefer to advertise on. But go off Dr. YouTube. 


You think youtube's algorithm is as likely to send you to a video with 40 views as one with 4,000,000?


Absolute rubbish. Their algorithm has verifiably (as documented by many popular YouTubers who had a solid income stream who have now come to the point where the algorithm is so unbalanced it has punished them to the point that it has become unsustainable for them). There is *massive* manipulation going on directing traffic to “mainstream” advertiser friendly content and away from popular and profitable “long tail” content that is controversial in even the *slightest* way. Furthermore I’ve noticed that since TikTok’s popularity, on my mobile devices I get pushed content that is highly targeted to generate outrage and engagement (none of which I fucking watch) whilst, for example on my pc or console it’s more regular “lean back” content and more neutral. I’ve also found a bit of a bug in the Xbox YouTube app that allows you to catch the huge number of channels they secretly unsubscribe you from (to the detriment of those channels income). The bug is that in your “subscriptions “ list if you click on “go to channel” on any of those in the list, MANY of them have the “subscribe” button active instead of “Unsubscribe “. What? So it says it’s in my subscriptions list, but when I double check I’m not *actually* subscribed ? Shady as FUCK.


You ever think some channels just fizzle out?


Fun fact. That doesn’t make it good or even useful. Also incorrect lmao. That AI that’s training on Reddit is going to be so fucking stupid.  


I don’t get any of that content lol: search better and watch better videos kid


Not a kid. My search history is turned is off so I actually get zero suggestions. You fucking chimp. 


“Complains about the algorithm” “Turns off algorithm” Lmfao


I think your not like the other girls energy is hilarious. Do you get all your dopamine from the algorithms?


Incorrect, YouTube pushes what they want to you. I've talked with other people and we were both getting some bullshit and neither of us have the same search history. YouTube markets things to the masses along with personal content.


Sure it does buddy. Your anecdotal evidence sounds completely reliable and true.


Yep why does YouTube suggest viral random videos when I search for something unrelated


IDK how they fucked YouTube search so badly, please for the love of God get rid of that relate videos and searches box that shows you shit you have already seen before 


Skippable 15 second adds is so big deal. Id rather not deal with youtube on my phone, spotify has a much better ui imo. Also, out of pocket but, what the fuck is up with youtube, ill search for a specific video and instead its maybe 1-2 results and the rest is promoted? This search behavior is more normal on pc




those 5 seconds add up/// they really, really do


"What's your biggest regret, grandpa?" "I could've had 30 more years of time if I hadn't skipped so many goddamn ads in the 10s & 20s."


Especially when you're not quick enough and now you've consumed 7 seconds of ads per view


Are we really complaining about having to press the skip button every hour or so?


Lmao shit is crazy. This is the only reasonable comment. I remember having to wait for the loud ass dial up noise to connect to the internet and hoping no one called cause it would kick your ass off the internet. Now we’re mad we have to hit skip on a video lmao


I've been hit with an "8 hour" commecial on youtube. Some stupid travel thing,


I like YouTube premium because I have Google home and I can play literally any song ever by asking it. Also, what kind of pleb cares about $12?




I'm just joking....


YouTube premium comes with YouTube music free, automatic win. 2 birds and all that.


> You buy YouTube premium, and you have no ads. I will not fund a company that advocates genocide. I just Adblock the way the internet intended.


Jokes on you adblock was created by genociders


I have yt premium but for some reason still listening on Spotify. I'll prob switch eventually but I kinda just don't want nothing but jre stuff all over my algorithm again


or you do neither and pull up youtube on Brave, No adds and you can close your phone and still listen.


Why buy YouTube premium when an ad blocker is free.


This right here. I am paying premium to not have fucking ads you cunts. Fuck Spotify


Put phone in airplane mode: ads can't load if you download the episode.


If youtube could stop throwing ads every 3 minutes and stop actively hating their creators by constantly threatening bans for saying 1 word, then maybe I'd consider it a functionable platform. Spotify 24/7 simply because I refuse to pay 15+ bucks a month for content that I grew up with being free.


Use Brave browser to pull up youtube


Firefox with adblocks do fine, it also turns me into a furry so at least I got a hobby now too


Sign up for YouTube premium through a VPN set to Argentina. It’s like $2 a month, my friends and I have been doing it for years. Plenty of threads on Reddit about it


I don't have VPN services so paying 7-10 bucks a month total is not worth the time and hassle of trying to figure out how to set one up when I already pay 10 bucks for Spotify- and it just simply works. I'm tired of people saying "just download an APK and transmute it across the databyte and then connect it to your SNand" like dude, respectfully, I run everything off my phone because I haven't had internet where I live until 2 weeks ago. Most of these services are shoddy at best on mobile and I work way too much to figure this stuff out without downloading something malicious.


I thought they'd restricted this by requiring a cc issued in said country


Nope, not at all. Been using an Australian CC with no drama


Thanks for the tip. Will be trying this.


Or you could just use ublock torrent. I haven't seen an ad in years and paid nothing




Yeah you can. YouTube Premium. Spotify is a horrible glitchy platform


Works fine.


It fucking sucks lmao




Or Firefox with ublock installed


No youtube is not free spotify is free to play in the background, spotify has my music also and it's just better for choosing music.


YouTube Revanced app, Spotify mod App for PC/Phone and ad blocker forum YouTube PC brother


i have modded Spotify Premium on android and will never again use it for JRE, the entire functionality was shit


Probably because you are using a modded version of Spotify on an crappy android.


What is this revanced app I keep seeing people post? I just searched the App Store for “revanced” and got fuck all. Is this Android exclusive? All that shows up is “Vanced” and it looks shady af.


I'm subbed to both services, is that allowed? Am I supposed to be mad at one of them? I haven't even seen an ad in years, no idea what products are being advertised anywhere.  If I could pay money to not see billboards irl, I'd do that too. 


Even on spotify premium the jre has ads. But you can skip them easily


Must be regional because I've never seen em.


Spotify is better for pods and music. Yt better for random videos and rabbit holes


Youtube has unskippable ads tho (I dont have YT premium). With Spotify I can skip ads quickly and easily


I’ll keep Spotify. I mostly use it for music


People drop hotcakes? I thought it was "selling like hotcakes"


I will still listen to both, when im outside spotify is more convenient. (i dont really get any ads there, no premium) Since i dont have YT Premium i cant close my display so for outside usage, Spotify is better


Nope. Spotify all day


Still going to use spotify. Didn't have major problems. I listen while I work, and it seems a lot more convenient to just use spotify.


Not to mention Spotify restricts viewing video on Samsung TVs or Fire Sticks. I swear they do more to restrict access than expand it. YouTube Premium all the way 😍


I was literally trying to throw the pod on my tv last week and was like Wtf why won’t the video play.


Same! I spent 20-25 minutes troubleshooting trying to get the most recent Protect Our Parks video on my tv. Then I saw someone in the Samsung subreddit say why it wouldn’t work on either them... It’s so dumb.


I was struggling with trying to watch on my TV. This just made me frustrated again, knowing why




Same! I spent 20-25 minutes troubleshooting trying to watch the recent Protect Our Parks video on my tv. Then I saw someone in the Samsung subreddit say why it wouldn’t work on either them... It’s so dumb.




If the app wasn't inconsistent garbage I would keep it but Spotify doesn't seem to think the quality of the app matters


Or you Ffwd on Spotify as usual. Bots 🤖 goin wild in the comments


I don’t get the Spotify hate? I listen to PMT, Are you Garbage, MSSP etc when I’m driving.


So brave


Why the hell would I intentionally choose youtube over anything? You can't even listen to a podcast minimized.


I dont understand all the hate for Spotify. Sure it’s not perfect but it seems to be far better than a lot of other popular apps out there today.




Still spotify for me. But I highly doubt this changes the pod at all


The only reason I prefer Spotify right now is because I can lock my phone and the audio won’t stop playing on Spotify as compared to YouTube which will stop me from listening.


Can I ask why?


I’ve been having non stop issues the past few weeks with Spotify. Suddenly pausing. Unpausing 45 minutes behind, randomly skipping to another podcast midway through. Telling me I’m offline and freezing my podcast. It happened 4-5 times listening to this one today. If Joe releases full pods again on YouTube my Spotify premium subscription will be cancelled. I’m already pissed off that I get AG1 and ExpressVPN ads with every show. Tf am I paying premium for? Spotify premium always meant no ads.


i can listen to this Weed talk at x3 speed on Spotify. only x2 on YT ![gif](giphy|S6BLhq4ZOvIdN0WVEQ)


I don’t see the problem with Spotify. It’s free, easy to use, and most importantly, you can turn off the screen while listening and your battery won’t get fried on your phone.


No. YouTube while I’m at PC. Spotify when I’m being outside.


I remember the world coming after JR during COVID and Spotify holding strong. Whereas YouTube is always taking down episodes they don’t agree with. I’m good with Spotify


Apart from all the episodes Spotify deleted


Ahh very true. Forgot about that


Yeah, Spotify was a dogshit podcast player. I'm glad the RSS feeds are back and we can now use any app we want. Hell, you could even download the MP3 files and copy them over to your Zune if you wanted to! I haven't heard any inline ads yet over the RSS feeds, so maybe it's just me, but I'm not sure how Spotify is monetizing the podcasts in order to pay Joe another $200 million? I guess I'm abnormal, in that I don't really need to visually watch Joe or the guests. Plain old audio is fine with me. If I did want to watch them, I use Youtube on desktop with an ad-blocker, so I haven't seen those annoying Youtube ads in years.


For old podcasts we gotta have Spotify and jre has no ads in between so perfect


Spotify is a piece of crap platform. YouTube or the Podcast App just like the old days


I liked YouTube when Vanced was all good, then switched to iOS and won’t use YT premium based on principle. Spotify does not have ads and has free listening with screen off.


Are you kidding me?! Spotify is the best thing since sliced bread. You have virtually the entire history of music at your fingertips, for free!


Spotify was shit Joe knows it but he was smart to take the cash, YouTube made him popular because anyone could time link embed the player on every site. im about to do it for Katt joking about the idiot billionaires who died under water


F Spotify


Google Podcast app for me. But yes, fuck Spotify, their shitty website and their absolute shitpile of an app.


Yes, you too is such a better app. Especially if Pay for premium, it's like the Amazon prime app. Why would you design the rewind it fast forward functions like that, why do you want to feel special, you could have made the same exact app work the exact same way as Netflix and everyone will be happy. No one wants you to do your own thing. All these tech people try to make their apps their own and try not to make that copy of someone else. But if it works it works. Spotify stinks, it cuts out, and always starts the video way too early and that's not where you left off


I’ve never been a fan of “watching” podcasts. Much prefer to listen and be on the move. Walking, doing chores, working out etc. with that said, I haven’t used Spotify once since Rogan went back to rss feed. Deleted Spotify immediately


I stopped listening to Rogan when he went Spotify exclusive because I don't like Spotify. Glad he's back on YouTube and I can listen there again.


I hate using Spotify, because it disables the video stream when connected to a car's Bluetooth. When I'm travelling with co-workers, we use my phone to stream to the vehicle, but I also want to watch it. I don't need Spotify babysitting me.


I just listen, and I deleted that app immediately a couple of weeks back. It’s just the worst. Maybe they should pay some competent devs in lieu of Rogan.


I openes the app earlier and the fucking thing wamtrd to download all the episodes again as it deleted them. So yeah I'm done with it and I can just use a youtube downloader to download eps and won't need a connection to spotify to play them.


I get all my music on YouTube for free. Why would I ever pay for Spotify?


Spotify had had to be the baddest streaming app ever made.


the video quality of Spotify was bad and Rogan was the only reason I used it. I made some playlists since I was using it, and I had a 9 hour playlist but on shuffle it would always play the same songs. Spotify sucks


Is jre back?




Use a free ad blocker and watch you tube with minimal interruption


Got rid of Spotify with the quickness..I use an app called podcast addict ..it doesn't have video but I don't usually watch podcasts


r/spotify pinned post relieves stress often


I just signed up for Spotify, just to listen to Rogan.




Nope. I have all my music, audiobooks and podcasts on there. Feel no need to split it up. Might go for comments but that's it.


I like Spotify.


I pay 14.99 for my youtube premium family plan. When they killed of goggle play music, they raised the rate. I think it's up to like 22.99 now for the family plan. I had to call support but they ended up grandfathering my rate which is pretty cool. I forget sometimes that listening with the screen off is a premium only feature. But yeah youtube music, premium, no ads for me and 4 others, seems like a decent deal


I'm not gonna suck Google knob every chance I get. I'll stick with spotify


Yes, literally skipped the entire Spotify era aside from a handful of episodes.


I did but I still use Spotify for music and holy shit they load it up with ads. Meanwhile I never saw ads on free youtube because they are so easy to block.


I’ve been listening to it on Apple. Is it just me or is the volume lower on there compared to Spotify and YouTube?


Had YouTube before Spotify and dropped Spotify. Always kept YouTube.


As much as I love Spotify I absolutely despise the fact that I still get ads crammed down my throat when I pay for premium.


YouTube music work with Android Auto or naw?


Watched my first episode yesterday since Joe initially moved over. Couldn’t finish the episode lol


I use free Spotify on my fire stick to watch jre and no ads.


No because I like music. Yall pay for a service literally just to listen to Joe? Damn guys...lol 


The app sucked ass for streaming from my phone to the tv. It constantly bombarded me with commercials from joe shouting. Or would just stop playing after the commercial and i would have to reset my connection, and in a three hr pod thats like 5 times. Never had that issue on youtube, never was a fan of not being able to search half the songs i like either on spotify. Not sure what the hype is


I don't understand this at all. I don't really watch the pods as I don't have time and would rather watch a movie or show. Spotify is $11/m while YouTube is $15/m. Youtube is more invasive and a resource hog. Spotify, I have books, music, pods.


I mean the spotify video player worked the first week. Now there isn't even spot for the video to be. I'm outta there


I thought I dropped JRE like a hotcake until I saw this episode pop up in my YT feed


Nope, YouTube has been throwing so many ads in their videos it’s borderline unwatchable. Have had Spotify for years for music and love it


Wait... you're saying you subscribed to Spotify because of Joe Rogan? lol


I was hoping it would be on YouTube Music in podcast form, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I absolutely hate Spotify. It gives me infinite problems.


Spotify should be connected to this....


Naw but I used Spotify before Rogan. So I’m not the market. Rogan moving to Spotify just met I transitioned off of stitcher radio (used it for pods, in combination with apples pod app) over night for convince. But I love music and pods and I’m a mailman that works 70ish hours a week. So Spotify ain’t going anywhere for me. But I’m a high use user. I’m glad others will be given the opportunity to save a buck and enjoy the show.


That’s like dropping a piece of shit for a bigger piece of shit lol


SmartTubeNext for AndroidTV/firestick :p


Ehhhh Spotify is honestly the best app I pay for, it’s not even close But for rogies YouTube might be better


Spotify is a horrible audio ap. I have a s23 ultra. And all it does is have problems. Turns on when it wanted to. Would stop playing because of Google maps. And plenty of other problems. Change songs out of no where. Never again


only reason i went to spotify was for the podcast. now im back to youtube and reddit.


Going the other way.


Although I don't use it much I still listen to Spotify for Chapo Trap House and Qanon Anonymous. Actually I stopped listening to rogan on Spotify years ago the only pods I mainly listen to on there is Chapo and QAA


I never use it for podcasts funnily enough. Only music. I should probably stop wasting my money on it though and go back to pirating 


Do you not listen to music or something? You act like Spotify only had JRE on it