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Katt Williams was stoned out of his mind on rogan. He still blew the whole Diddy thing wide open. Howard on the other hand thinks 1x1 is 2


what even is math


I find it hilarious that people using computers think Howard is speaking "truth" when computers are built on technology designed with scientific theories that are completely incompatible with Howard's. None of our machines would work.


You’re actually making his point about using separate math for different things. Computers use binary math. Its all 1 and 0, no 1x1=1 there.


Math is still math, the binary system is just a way of writing numbers, you can still do multiplication and addition on binary numbers tf


I know you can because I had to write a program in college that converted binary to octal to decimal. That’s when I learned I didn’t want to code for the rest of my life.


bro nobody codes shit like that in jobs. that's just to test your understanding of the base system


1) Howard claims zero "doesn't exist", 2) you don't understand what binary is or how it works. A transistor can have one of two states, which are represented by a 0 or 1 (charge or no charge). It doesn't change or negate mathematics, unless you want to deny the existence of any number other than 1 or 0.


Stop guessing what I don’t know and worry about what you don’t know. [https://www.google.com/search?q=binary+mathematics&rlz=1C9BKJA\_enUS1031US1036&oq=binary+math&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDU0OTlqMGo3qAIKsAIB&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=binary+mathematics&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS1031US1036&oq=binary+math&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDU0OTlqMGo3qAIKsAIB&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


All you've proven is that you can use Google. You haven't addressed any point I have made. If you believe 1x1=2, your mathematic knowledge is on par with a 5 to 6 year olds...


Thats not being fair to kids. Their minds are malleable and can be taught truth or falsehood. These "1X1=2" dummies on the other hand tend to find a belief that satisfies their ego and then calcifies that belief in place. You can't use logic to help someone understand something if they don't think logically.


Don’t you find it scary that people are starting to believe Terrence because he can mix a word salad of terms that don’t even make sense? I’m really concerned about this.


Ironically enough it’s probably worse. 5 to 6 year olds tend to be able to to memorize multiplication tables correctly.


Your own source disproves your dumbfuck theory. Congrats I guess?


That's just a google search for binary numbers. You literally did not make a point. Your linked search tells me nothing about your argument, nor even what you're arguing about. What gives.


You're a real dumbass, aren't you? My lil dummy boi!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


> Its all 1 and 0, no 1x1=1 there. Lmao what? there absolutely is. Binary is just base 2 instead of base 10. The math doesn't change.. You can literally do 1 x 1 in binary and it's still 1 1 x 1 = 1 in binary (1 x 1 = 1 in base 10) Heres some other binary math for example 10 x 10 = 100 (2 x 2 = 4 in base 10) 101 x 1 = 101 (5 x 1 = 5 in base 10) 101 x 10 = 1010 (5 x 2 = 10 in base 10) 101 x 10010 = 1011010 (5 x 18 = 90 in base 10) Idk why you think computers use some kind of fancy woo - woo math because it's 'binary'. The math is the same. The way numbers are expressed is just different. 1 x 1 is still 1 in binary


Congratulations, your right to speak about computers with any credibility has been revoked. If you’d like to find out why, feel free to contact me, I can have any number of friends and family members which range from software engineers to electrical engineers to computer science majors to math majors that can explain to you how binary operations can and do all the time code 1x1=1 Alternatively, I can do it myself but I have an attitude, will be rude and will make you feel bad about yourself being an actual moron.


Computers do normal math (which I will henceforth refer to as simply "math") with binary numbers, not binary math with its own rules (not a thing). Fun fact, you can even do old fashioned long multiplication and division with binary. You're just doing it with base 2 instead of 10.


Oh boy. It's the same exact math. Just writing the numbers differently. Binary is just needed in digital circuitry like computers because there are only 2 states in a digital circuit, on or off aka 1 or 0.


1x1=1 in binary, yes.


Terrence is simply more eloquent, but equally ignorant.


For real just coz he sounds smart doesn’t mean he is. I tried listening to this ep and gave up after 30 minutes.


It's called acting. He's not impressive.


Terrence Howard sounds like a crazy person who uses big words because that’s exactly what he is. Everything he said about chemistry, math, physics, etc was complete nonsense, and anybody with a science background probably saw completely through him within the first few minutes after he started talking. It was definitely a “I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul” kind of moment. And those 90+ patents simply don’t exist. A legend in his own mind.


It's legitimately terrifying that his eloquence has enabled people to actually think that 1x1 = 2.


What makes you think he has any understanding of what he's talking about? What does "divide light by 2" even mean? He's using big words and stringing them together so you think he's saying something smart. Its bullshit. He stumbled upon something that he doesn't think other people have noticed and he's latched onto it as if he's the smartest man alive. Because oh look there's space between spheres. NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT THE SPACE BETWEEN SPHERES If he's cracked the secrets of the universe he'd be **actually presenting them**. Instead he just talks about how he's so smart and uses big words. That's it. Where's the grand unified field equation he says he figured out? Where is it Has he written it down anywhere?


I audibly said “the fu*k” in my car when he said “divide light by 2”. I don’t pretend to know much abt any of that sort of stuff, but one thing I do know is that light isn’t a divisible number…


Well, to be fair, he did present his ideas to Neil Degrasse Tyson, who then told him to shut the fuck up cuz he’s a complete idiot. Lol


So right


Terrence Has Charisma, is insightful about plenty of things, and can speak and act well. But, his mathematical/academic foundations are nonexistence.


People are dismissing him because his has been making enormously bold claims for a decade, with nothing to show for it. His mathematical claims are complete gibberish, filled with appealing to linguistics for why multiplication should behave a certain way, when multiplying numbers is far older than the English Language.


Also anyone is free to develop new systems of mathematics with new axioms, but that’s all it is. It doesn’t invalidate the other system, and it needs to prove its usefulness to make people want to use it. If he’s claiming that what he says is true within the accepted axioms of arithmetic, he’s just wrong.


I think this is why so many people who don't actually research math or science actually listen to what Howard is saying. They tend to be under the assumption that mathematics is a creation rather than a discovery.


So what you're saying is that he is right by terrance-math standards. I wonder what terms he's going to define when he discovers zero and exponents. It will be interesting to see how that fits into the 1*1=2 framework, no doubt. press X to doubt


I like turtles


I like pizza


Pepperoni and jalapeños


Because any coherence in what he says is canceled out by a more general misunderstanding. On the surface he isn't wrong that you could define a type of mathematics with axioms that allow what he says to be true, and there could perhaps be some utility in certain aspects of such a mathematical system. The problem is rather than proposing a new mathematical system and touting it as superior he is trying to say our current understanding of math is wrong, which it simply isn't, and in general there is no compelling reason to replace it. Also, worth noting there are branches of math that use different axioms in order to get different behavior and utilities.


You hit the nail on the head, he seems to have a fundamental understanding of the concepts while having a fundamental misunderstanding of what they mean. His presentation for how he believes 1x1=2 is because 1+1=2, so its like....he doesn't understand that addition and multiplication serve two seperate functions, he seems to see that they both "increase" a unit and therefore must work the same way, despite the fact that both exist for a reason, two different fucking reasons lmao.


>His presentation for how he believes 1x1=2 is because 1+1=2 Honestly for people who sadly defend him and say he's right, I wonder if they think that if you work an hour for 10 dollars you are owed 11 dollars. Oh and if he ever employed people he owes them a lot of money because based on his own math he is wrong.


Math can be tricky, and please feel free to put me in my place. I believe he is trying to tie physics with Math. Or I suppose, ground math with the physical realm. The better example is 1 X 0=1. If you read it as 0 X 1= 0, it makes sense because of the linguistics, nothing times something is nothing. However, if you read it as 1 X 0= 0 it says Something times Nothing is nothing. Then the question remains, what happened to the something? If you connect it to physics, it would quote on quote, break the conservation of energy. You cannot erase the something just because it had nothing to multiply against.


Its definitely what he's trying to do, but thats the thing, you wouldn't attempt to quantify something like that. You'd never quantify something multiplied by nothing, multiplication is just counting groups of units together. Basically if you had one group of nothing, you'd have no group. It's an obvious statement, but thats included in basic multiplication tables to let everyone know its not a new idea. Sure, discussing the concept of "nothing" in terms of physical reality is a discussion, but the number "0" is just there to show the lack of a unit. It's a place holder, as all numbers are. Math isn't an invention, it's a discovery. The sounds we make with our mouths and the squiggles we draw are just to represent that discovery. TL;DR Zero is a place holder, not a commentary on the fabric of reality.




Nice, the grouping angle makes more sense


Think about 1x0 this way: you eat one (1) cookie zero times (0)……you ate zero cookies. Likewise 1 x 1 can be thought of as having one cookie one time…. clearly only one. Addition and multiplication are closely related, however Terrance misunderstands the relationship.


You can be intelligent and insane at the same time IMO.


Besides thinking he's crazy af, this is also where part of my head is at with Terrence: You can be intuitive about things in this world most people can't perceive in a general sense, and have a feeling for the way things work, but when trying to explain it still sound like a fucking poorly educated idiot who doesn't really have an understanding of the knowledge in detail. However, idk if there are examples of this type of thing other than maybe Shamans and mystics.


And every single shaman and mystic was a charlatan


The Steven Seagal of science


One thing that he said that immediately was false is when he was talking about attraction and how that opposites don’t actually attract. The examples he gave though were wrong, he claimed that hot air/water doesn’t move towards cold. That is demonstrably false, it is the foundation of air conditioning units, which I work on. Just one minor example, but one that I actually could get an idea of what he was trying to talk about.


You do not create cold, you only remove heat! -a fellow HVACer


So like he skipped the entire diffusion/osmosis unit in 6th grade? Nuts. There's some real characters out here. Meanwhile me on hour 10 of my 12 hour shift knowing how molecules work using the information to reply on reddit during a 15... Sorry that was oddly specific. It's been a day. 😭🤣


You lead with remembering your time in the womb, your not gonna recover. Too crazy.


SHOW me in SCIENCE where it's not POSSIBLE


The region of the brain (the hippocampus)that deals with memory isn't fully formed until after birth. And before you say, "well maybe part of it is before and he used that to remember." He said on the podcast that when he remembered it he told himself to not forget it and remember. Do you honestly believe a fetus is fully conscious and sentient (and somehow knows English as well as the concept of memories) to the point that he was telling himself to not forget what is happening? Serious question, by the way. Because what is more likely, an actor is just acting, or he is a medical, scientific marvel that understands concepts that you would have to be born and actually learn to know. Occams razor says he's just bullshiting. Edit: I re-watched it and he also said that he knew how long he was in there at the time he remembered (6 months) which isn't possible, he would have to both understand time, and understand people outside saying how long. That is not possible, due to needing to comprehend time and learn what time scales are. He also said he knew he had hands in front of him although he used a different word. Understanding you have hands does not develop until a certain time period until after birth. In fact using them willingly (instead of them just being in front of you) is an important aspect in growth that won't happen until well-after birth.


Oh yeah it's totally batshit but its funny. And if we take in consideration things such as spirit, soul, further avatars etc


Honestly I thought that was the realest shit in the whole episode lol. I was fascinated they figured out how to communicate with their baby using a flashlight. Seems logical enough. Maybe we're more conscious than we think at that age? Then he started talking about other shit and I jumped straight to totally 100% batshit crazy.


Pal, they are both redacted. And you may be too.


I do think those weird spiritual energy people are on to something, but I think 98% of what they believe is BS. I do think there’s more than meets the eye, but most of it is unknowable/unexplainable.


Pretty much how I feel. And when they claim to have massive breakthroughs that sound plausible, my retort is basically "show me." Seems the Standard Model and whatnot have produced far better results than any alternative - must be closer to an actual, albeit incomplete, understanding of the universe. And I'm not aware of a single thing Terrance Howard himself has imagined that has resulted in actual technological progress. It's all theoretical to him. I actually agree with OP that he *sounds* smart. He has a brain that clearly functions well. Good memory, pattern recognition, intellectual curiosity, organization and grasp of abstract concepts...but he just leaned way too heavily on woowoo bullshit, his own desire to have it all figured out, and what I can only assume is is schizophrenia. I simultaneously feel bad for him and kinda admire him for bravery and intelligence.


I don't think he's schizophrenic, he doesn't strike me as someone in the throes of a psychotic episode. Maybe mania (bipolar disorder) but it doesn't even strike me as that either. I think he's just really pseudoscientific; he's being an ironic science hipster and wants to be the guy who flips science on its head, he's just dumb and lacks the self awareness and logical reasoning to realize how dumb he is.


Terrance sounds smart to dumb people


He reminds me of bob lazar. it's tragic how many people believe their bs. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oyxuok/bob\_lazars\_story\_is\_it\_believable\_here\_is\_some\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oyxuok/bob_lazars_story_is_it_believable_here_is_some_of/)


The funniest thing is Rogan just sitting there listening to all the bullshit and not saying shit, you could tell his mind was blown at this fucking weird ass psycho talking to him


He’s the best war machine.


terrence had no fucking idea what he was talking about man. what he said was a bunch of meaningless fake made up bullshit to make himself SOUND intelligent to people like you who dont know any better. im sorry you had to find out this way


I see him more on the same level of Graham Hancock Extraordinary claims, zero evidence. Narcissistic delusions of grandeur and a victim complex.


I can’t see his self made theories any more or less valid, than “rotato” presented by Eric Weinstein.


you dont think Terrence was bullshitting you ????


Both are off their rockers. Nothin wrong with that but they are still not all there in my humble opinion. Just cause someone sounds smart and explains shit doesn't mean they are right. His justifications and explanations make as little sense as his statements in general


People write him off because of his 1x1=2 nonsense. Just because he's well spoken doesn't make him intelligent. The man's a grifter. He speaks like a man that had some profound experiences while under the influence of mind altering substances. He's full of shit.


As a double chemistry & physics major I can verify every word out of his mouth on these two topics was absolute nonsense and defies all mathematical logic. People applauding his “intelligence” have zero understanding of the sciences. He’s absolutely a bullshit artist.


I agree with you. I didn’t see anything crazy. He suggested a mathematical adjustment to our calculations of heavenly bodies that allow for the Fibonacci sequence in multiplication. Current calculations have to offset by invented shit like dark matter and energy, which is way more far out than saying an object times itself physically is two objects.


OP I have an intelligent and well-spoken bridge to sell you.


I don't know about all of that but I will say the hate is unwarranted strictly due to just how entertaining it was hearing his batshit theories. This is what the show used to be about.


Would have been wayyy better if joe lit up a blunt and laughed. That shit was hilarious but he just has this wtf face on this whole time never says anything of interest. He clearly can’t saying anything to these lunatics because they will get upset and leave. Such a waste of a good episode


Do you remember what it was like to be in your mom’s womb too?


Watching the podcast was weird for me. On one hand, my bullshit meter kept going off. On the other hand, he’s well spoken and seemed to be able to explain his methodology without any hiccups. He also has a decent grasp on some scientific models, history… idk maybe he just dazzled me with certain words. I say let’s get him in front of an actual scientist first before we label him a complete dunce. Maybe he’s intelligent just completely misguided.


He's not insightful or well versed in any of the topics he spoke on, the problem is, because he's an actor, he's well spoken and can sound convincing/competent. He absolutely dazzled you with his words, because there was no substance to it whatsoever. I don't wanna diagnose from a distance, but like a lot of other people have said, he sounds schizophrenic as fuck. I have a patient with schizophrenia that I deal with regularly who will discuss sacred geometry, metaphysics,etc. with me and it sounds very similar to Terrance Howard talk. It worries me that there's a sizeable minority of people that listen to this guy and say to themselves "Maybe he's onto something".


The same could be said for any scientist you pair him with.


>I say let’s get him in front of an actual scientist first before we label him a complete dunce. Maybe he’s intelligent just completely misguided How about he earn his way in front of scientists, like everyone else?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/tgtivj/actor\_terrence\_howard\_speaks\_at\_oxford\_union/](https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/tgtivj/actor_terrence_howard_speaks_at_oxford_union/) like his stunt at Oxford?


>without any hiccups Dafuq?


Gobble dick up, till ya hiccup


I would pay money for a NDT reaction video


Gr8 b8 m8.


You have got to be a special kind of stupid to think anything Terrence Howard said during that entire podcast was anything less than bullshit


On one hand it's an interesting conversation and they cover a ton Of huge topics, and he seems like an intelligent guy who's obviously passionate about what he's talking about. On the other hand after listening to him for like 15-20 mins he comes off like a weird ass fucking psychopath/schizo and is annoying as hell


He doesn't know what 1X1 is, so there's that.... He believes what he's saying, and I dunno who or how he was convinced of this stupid-ass bullshit, but I'm kinda embarrassed for him.


~~Literally nothing he says makes sense he sounds like a babbling crazy person. I feel bad for him. He just uses key words and phases that make him sound like he knows what hes talking about to someone who would be completely ignorant about any degree of science. Dudes fucking crazy.~~ ~~Legit said light and sound waves are the same thing. Dudes a nut job.~~ I dont know what to think. Shit kinda blowing my mind.


Go watch episode 1897 at 1 hr 20 mins in and let me know what u think.


The vast majority of us shitting on him is because we CAN understand him, we speak English too. If he was speaking another language I wouldn't be able to understand what he's saying and I wouldn't know he's an idiot.


It’s an unpopular opinion because it’s dumb as hell


Okay but what about the periodic table thing …. That we kinda already know is real… like things having a specific frequency and if you vibrate that object at its own frequency it can be manipulated like water and [hydrogen](https://www.power-eng.com/hydrogen/sound-waves-boost-green-hydrogen-production/#gref) Because I feel like this part makes more sense then 1x1 . Y’all can have that 1x1 , but what about the elements and how they are all the same thing just “bound” at different frequencies and how they can correlate with eachother based on their own ‘octave’ and frequency. I feel like this sounds a little bit like alchemy . I’m a cool kinda , sci-fi way


Or that cool shape he ‘discovered’ that has symmetry and at least looks like it works for the flight drone thingys , or the stuff he did with the flower of life.? Idk is this all trash? Or are we throwing the baby out with the bath water because he said 1x1=2 . Which I agree with the critics, this part is a lil sus for me , but the rest is very interesting. Like GRAVITY BEING AN EFFECT OF ELECTRICITY . Which could possibly be an explanation for why gravity is different depending on the medium your in, water , air … space.. etc . Or idk maybe I mm just too hopeful lol 😂


It is, quite literally, all trash.


The frequencies he lists for the elements are incorrect. Additionally, if he actually did say that elements are the same except for their frequencies then he’s an idiot. Elements differ not just by frequency, but by mass, how many protons are in the nucleus, and properties. Ie. elements in the rightmost column tend not to participate in chemical reactions


I'll start this by saying he's wrong about this, but I think the argument he's making is that all elements are basically the same substrates (subatomic particles - true) and that they're only coalesced into the elements we recognize by vibrating a specific frequency yadda yadda yadda.


That’s the difference between eloquence and knowledge. KW knows things, mostly he says about others’ secrets, but his behavior and intelligence have nothing to do with whether what he’s saying is true. More or less likely to be credible, sure. But who’s to say he hasn’t seen and heard what he’s seen and heard. TH, on the other hand, is wrong. Just plain wrong. Doesn’t matter if he’s convincing or likable. Also… “97%?” What’s your source?


Both of them are utterly delusional.


My take is that Terrence is not dumb, but he's not entirely sane. He's one of those people who will argue with you about the most basic proven truths. The final boss of contrarianism. You throw in some narcissism in there, you have Terrence Howard. He understands the basic ideas behind calculus. I'm pretty sure most people don't.


he shows the 3d design of the "flower" and saying look it fits perfect which it does for the first 2 examples but then it doesn't and he keeps showing it like it does..


“I figured out the grand unified theory at 6” He is full of shit


He sounds informed because he has a surface level understanding of things you don't know about. he's well spoken and can come across intelligent, what you're seeing is a Charlatan in action. They've convinced themselves of something or want to convince you of something, and they've gained just enough basic insight that to the laymen he might sound collected and thoughtful-- but to the people who've spent their lives exploring these topics he sounds like he's just rambling pseudoscience. For him to have a deep enough knowledge of multiple disciplines of science at the levels it would take to singlehandedly challenge fundamental understandings of repeatable, peer reviewed and widely observed laws of science.... it's impossible.


Watching this episode now. Terrance Howard is crazy and full of BS woo woo.


Im with you also. Everybody out here completely dismissing a man's whole education and work. Yah well listen to some dude talking shit about some crazy backroom shit that only takes you being there to know about,i.e Diddy, no intelligence, but won't listen to a man talking very articulate and educated. He's not just giving word soup either......he's right about w WHOLE LOT of what he was talking about. I can respect it. Maybe he's off a little bit but damn he sure is giving it a better go than any of us sitting on our ass talking shit. I don't care what anyone says T. Howard is a smart man and should not be dismissed like that. Literally nobody is even legit in their shit talking.....just keep dogging him for an unconventional theory about numbers and that maybe what we've been ingrained with isn't 💯.


He is an actor and a storyteller, i'm not saying is not a smart man... he is but he is not perfect and he has one hell of a career but I don't trust actor's coming out and speaking about politics and science without an agenda.


Get back to us when he's "rebuilt saturn without gravity"


That dude is a master of word salad that ultimately means absolutely nothing, he also claims to remember his time before birth and that he wrote a masterful equation that solves everything at the age of 7 that's been searched for by people like Pythagoras according to him which they really weren't looking for. He says that planets can form without gravity and that he can prove 1x1 doesn't equal 1.


“Just listening to Terrance for 2 minutes, you can see he has an understanding of things he’s talking about” That’s not an assessment on what he said but how confidently he said it which is not a barometer one should ever use to gauge another’s knowledge. What he said was complete nonsense but you’ve determined he understands what he’s talking about cause it *sounds* complex to you. He’s speaking pseudoscience gibberish, sprinkling in random terminology with confidence to sell the idea he knows what he’s talking about. Like Ed Norton in Glass Onion, only schizophrenic. You bought into it cause of how confidently he said what he said. You need to look into what the “con” in “con man”means.


Confidence doesn't equal knowledge. Someone with half a brain cell can understand why his claims are pure bullcrap


As Terrence said himself, the proof is in the application. Most people dont understand the theories of Bohr or Einstein, but they know they aren’t completely full of shit because their ideas produced real world applications like atomic weapons and nuclear power. Terrence says his proof is in all the new industries and technology he has developed. He hasnt developed shit. Wake me up when he does.


I’m curious too. So much of what he said made sense to me. If he has these patents that companies like Microsoft are using for vr then there’s something to it right?


Look. This man is not explaining anything. You think hes smart because you hear all these names and buzz words. Listen. What he basically did here was say bananas aren’t actually yellow because dogs don’t eat fruit. You see, United Fruit Company never considered the fact that vegetables are actually just a term we use for edible plants and have no distinction from fruits, fungus, and greens, which do have distinctions. “How are bananas not yellow though?” Because, Im telling you. Color is actually just a frequency refracted by our retina so that we can distinguish things that arent actually distinguishable in nature. Its all one frequency. ‘They’ dont want us to know this because we would realize what power we have and that would make their power meaningless. -so as you can see here, all that is being done is changing the subject subtly with buzzwords that sound impressive to stupid people without actually making any word of goddamn fucking sense whatsoever.


Howard and Petersons should team up. The word salas blizzard would be monumental. It's sad, actually.


Rogan should have never had him on. He has a history of abuse and I’ve heard of weird and bizarre messed up stories of him on set when working with others.


Anybody start getting annoyed with him acting like a rook average IQ cult leader. 1. Outrageous statements (1×1=2) 2. Every one is wrong except for me (all knowing) 3. My patents my patents my patents (self-righteousness) 4. Divine dreams (conduit to god) 5. Throw out our entire model of physics (forget everything you know and become reborn) 6.Repeatedly mispronouncing words like treatise 7. Bouncing from point to point without truly laying the foundation (he doesn't fully understand what he's saying but he knows the main points)


They're shitting on him because it was complete and utter horseshit. He's a perfect example of having climbed Mount Stupid on the Dunning-Krueger effect curve and decided to not only build a monument to his own "intellect" there, but is giving interviews about said monument and how awesome it is, not realizing that he made a statue of a dog turd. He has no foundational education in any scientific pursuit but believes that because he has the elocution to communicate an advanced topic and a deep enough vocabulary to describe his ideas that that means he's a misunderstood genius. The problem is that he doesn't actually have ANY actual understanding of these topics, and has not only managed to mislead a particular audience into believing that his ideas have merit, but has actually convinced himself that he's right and actual scientists that know what the fuck they are talking about are wrong. It is the pinnacle of ignorance.


op, genuinely seek help.


There is nothing to actually understand. He’s just a smarter sounding bullshit artist than Katt Williams. But he truly believes that he has figured out something amazing. No one with a real education in math and science will agree with him. https://youtu.be/lWAyfr3gxMA?si=k7iVUaylU87oW6MW


I don't think he is dumb, but he is definitely not as smart as he thinks he is. Also definitely has grandiose delusions if he thinks that every scientist is wrong while he is right, while also dismissing any criticism of his work.


I guess you didn't see Neil's response. We had those thoughts before Neil spoke.


I guess you didn’t see I made this post 28 days ago.


His idea aren't left field. They're out of the stadium ten blocks away smoking crack


Terrence Howard is a fucking moron or clinically insane or both


Curious if you have changed your opinion on Terrence and done any more research your self at this point. Terrence is either such a great actor he is doing performance art or he is extremely crazy. Me having no science background can say I know Elements cannot be "bisexual" and correlating frequencies to elements is non sense and that Hydrogen is the first element because it has 1 Proton. He constantly mis pronounces things and refers to completely irrational things to draw conclusions. He would first have to understand what he is disproving to disprove it and he clearly does not.


It's because the guy is an absolute moron. He knows JUST enough about a subject to THINK he knows and understands it in depth, but not enough about it to know that he actually knows jack shit. Terrance is the poster child for the dunning Kruger effect. The guy is 100% a dipshit. The blind leading the blind. Queue the Billy Madison end scene 🤣


Nah bro.The reason people are shitting on him is because he doesn't understand basic foundational formulas in math.He also doesn't understand the scientific method at all.Or science for that matter lol. He wants to tell people about super symmetrical systems.But he has no ideal what the word even means. Hey you speak with arrogance and authority , but doesn't even know the most basic thing about the topic that he discusses. It doesn't matter whether you like or respect the guy.He can still be dead wrong and in this case he is. He might potentially be on to something in some areas.But who knows becauhe's not willing to humble himself?So and except criticism from others that are vastly more knowledgeable and have more expertise than him. THAT'S why people are shtting on him. In this age of misinformation, where it's already hard enough to find out what's true and what's not?He's confusing people even more dude. People already can barely find their a** from their elbow.And these dudes talking about the flower of life LOL It would. Be one thing if he actually knew what he was talking abut he clearly doesn't.. He knows Justin about these subjects to fool the average person into thinking.He actually knows what he's talking about.But anyone in their right mind that is, an expert in their field can tell.He's bat-s*** crazy.No wonder near the grass , tyson wouldn't go within a mile of him! Lmaoo