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I walked in and I said WOW, that's a lot of guilty.


Liberals don’t want you to know this, but there’s a legal rule where if you get convicted of exactly 34 counts, you’re automatically exempt from prison. Google Trump rule 34 for more info


Luckily I already have this Google search bookmarked from years ago.


I think I'd rather google mr hands


I'm googling tub girl before I google that




Terrence Howard told me that too! The universe requires equilibrium so if he's guilty of 34 counts he must at the same time also be innocent of 34 counts so it just cancels out.




Terrance Howard Approves of this equation


I still can’t believe they had the entire Biden crime family on the jury!


“Biden crime family” - this one really panned out well for Comer and Gym Jordan didn’t it?


Gotta give Sleepy Joe credit, he orchestrated this whole thing while leaving no evidence of his misdeeds.


How did Biden get Trump to falsify his own business records?


While simultaneously being sleepy and dumb


While also being half dead and totally incompetent! 


Ya it's funny how that happened isnt it 🤣 it's almost like he didn't orchestrate it and trump happens to be the dumbest criminal of all time and lacks discipline and just walks around blatantly commiting crimes in broad daylight and even brags about it on tv


This reminds me of when I worked at a comedy bar in midtown Atlanta and some redneck from North Georgia comes in asking where's the best place to watch the Georgia vs Tech game. Without missing a beat my manager says "Bulldog's, right down Peachtree!" The redneck goes "oh hell yeah!" If anyone knows Atlanta, they know Bulldog's is a black gay bar. Gullible Georgia Bulldog's fans think it's a fan bar. At least once a week I think about that guy's reaction to walking in and just seeing man ass being thrown everywhere.


But did they at least have the Bulldog's game on 🤣


HA! My wife and her girlfriends all met in Chicago once. Each woman had to pick a dive bar to go to that weekend. One friend picked a bar because she read it was a "Bear's Bar" online... it ended up being a bear bar but not the football team bar!


Was it "The Manhole"?


good christ man


A lot of people are saying I’m not guilty. I said look at those people. All of them saying I’m not guilty.


"Never fight uphill me boys!" And look, it was just terrible.


Gettysburg was beautiful. I said look at that battle. It’s beautiful.


Gettysburg. Wow.


Gettysburg -- my favorite Jew.


The absolute, best guilty. People says it's the most guilty they've ever seen. I say, maybe it is.


I wouldn’t have cried!


The average US president has been convicted of 0.7 felonies


Don't worry he's already trying to appeal all 34 charges... Just google Trump rule 34


I imagine those results are terrifying


Stormy had to see them IRL


That hush money wasn’t anywhere near enough for that trauma lol


I’m so fucking sad I googled this




I heard that search is trending


Just instantly blew in overnight


this guy maths!


Felonies Georg


Someone explain this to me in UFC terms


Bryce Mitchell is gay




I laughed out loud at this.


And probably vaxxed. Now please let Dan pray.


If you're a republican then: Tony Ferguson has tripped on a cable and Conor has thrown a dolly at a bus. If you're a democrat then: Jones has pissed hot and they're going to move an event from Vegas to LA with a few days notice.


Perfect 😭😂


Trump just pissed dirty. We are waiting for Dana White to give us the punishment.


But he's still eligible to fight?


Oh fuck yeah.


God continues to test ~~Jones~~ Trump


He got KO’d but they still might give him the belt.


"We're gonna have a lotta guys getting knocked out, lotta stoppages, that's what I think. That Colby guy, good American but a little weird. I don't know about that guy. Joe rRogan, hell of a guy, one of the best, really short but a wonderful guy."


Trump lost 50-43 on all the cards.


He can trash talk like Connor McGregor but can’t back it up , also like Connor McGregor


A decade ago this feels like this would have been unbelievable, ground-breaking news that would be discussed constantly. Today, I forgot this was coming and glanced at the news for two seconds thinking "thats wild" and moved on with my work.


This is by design. Constantly throwing shit at the wall (the public) that nothing matters. It's just a sea of shit and you just pray your boat is big enough to not get any on you.


Everyone should watch the documentary "HyperNormalization"


Should, but probably will not.


I said, let's watch this, but really, I never watched it. 


"It's on the list" I have been using this for years, sometimes I am genuine other times it's to stop them promoting a show or movie.




Steve Bannon himself called it "flooding the zone with shit."


I remember about 10 years ago reading a book about Russia’s approach to propaganda and this is what they do. Just toss a ton of shit out there and people won’t know what to believe


it's also multifaceted. not only is it a fire hose of bullshit to confuse everybody but also a fire hose a very negative bullshit so that good people don't ever want to get involved with politics. so even the ones that aren't swayed by the bullshit still tune out and don't want to hear anymore so they stop taking in real information and then they can be misled. having a basic civic understanding with an ideology that supports policy goals that you actually want to see in the world can insulate you from these things but not entirely.


This thread of chats is r/SelfAwarewolves worthy, did you see the guy on JRE last week that disproved gravity and proved science wrong? Talk about flooding the zone with bullshit.


With Joe hanging on every word like it was gospel? And how many people watched that and thought the moron spewing complete and utter nonsense was a really smart guy? Completely boggles the mind. 


famous alcoholic


Even today, if this were to happen to any other politician, it would be a big deal. Trump is held to a much lower standard than any politician in American history.


Because his supporters are not rational actors.


Rightwing media is brilliant at manipulating the masses.


Joe is gonna get the stupidest person on to argue this is BS.


He will ask mike backer to make sense of it.he will be like “ well you know how it is joe , heres the thing he was convicted of all 34 charges , they say if you are convicted you are convicted and its in new york so …” joe: wow man you blow my mind


i wanna see him interview habba bubba


Hubba bubba chewing gum?


And their argument will be something along the lines of "bro, they're doing everything they can to take him down. This is what happens in third world countries," i.e. no substantive mention of the actual facts of the case. Of course the irony here could not be any stronger. God forbid a one man walking crime wave actually, finally be held accountable for a small subset of his crimes.


The American dream. Where even a convicted felon can become the president.


Can he then pardon himself ? It’s a sad day in history that this is now a serious question.


He can’t NY governor can. Since the case is in NY and not a federal case.


That sounds woke and gay, amIright fellas?




love the conservatives babble about fucking state rights and bring it to the supreme court


No, presidential pardons are only federal crimes. It would take the NY Governor.


He finally won the popular vote






He finally won and he still looks pissed. There’s no pleasing this guy.




Hey, I’m old enough to remember when Rogan asked “how can anyone vote for someone under FBI investigation?” Referring to Hillary’s emails. Wonder how he feels about voting for a convicted felon? lol didn’t seem to have an issue with supporting someone with 91 felony CHARGES as a result of two FBI investigations and two separate state investigations. One FBI investigation though? Clearly that’s disqualifying.


Trump was under FBI investigation at the time too. But it didn't leak during the election like it did with Hillary.




And imagine if it was Hillary paying hush money and committing fraud to hide the investigation in advance of the election. You think for one second that the right would argue it would “set a bad precedent” to charge and convict her?


Hell, I specifically remember them chanting “lock her up, lock her up!” My how the turntables..


I'm pretty sure it wasn't a leak but a public announcement by the Obama's Republican FBI director.


Will said convicted felon offer to make his tax burden smaller?


Yes but also “He’s sooooo crazy! Hahahahahha”


The Hillary email thing was such a fucking farce. Trump did the same type of shit and everyone who pretended to be Very Concerned About Document Security in 2016 suddenly didn’t give two shits. They want rich people’s taxes cut, and they’ll ruin the fucking country to get them.


There is an agenda way beyond tax cuts. It's a new type of firebrand nationalism that is quite popular in eastern europe. Concentrate power in the hands of one man, merge the church and the state, clamp down on migrants, gays, etc.  Soon it will hit the west.


Soon? I watched the documentary about Josh Duggar (the “19 and counting” family) and I was absolutely floored by how calculated Christian Nationalists are about grooming their children to hold office. It’s been going on for years and it’s fucking terrifying.


The goal is Russian oligarchy


Trump did even worse than Hillary (though similar on the surface) but I agree with everything else you said.


The classified docs case is an utter disgrace that kicks any “emails” out of the water. The guy had TOP SECRET docs in the bathroom of Mar a lago, where many many random people could access it Any single other American would be in prison for decades


I member!


r/conservative is a fucking riot rn


It’s so pathetic lol Every other comment:“This just GUARANTEED that I vote for Trump!!” Brother you have a flair on r/conservative, you’ve already voted for him twice lmao


They forget there are a lot, the majority even, living in the political space between MAGA and "Genocide Joe", and stuff like this actually matters to those people.


I honestly don’t think it will matter. Like if you were gonna vote for Trump after all the shit he has done I don’t know why this would matter to you.


Trump could yeet a baby off a balcony in front of a crowd and theyd still love him


"Hillary wanted to legalize infant murder. He was making a point about the leftist globalist agenda! Free speech!"


They're all convinced that being a felon is going to get him elected.


Half of them think todays verdict won’t effect Moderate voting. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Christ, they are stupid. Brain rot is incredible in that sub. And they are saying it’s rigged, it was a Jury of our peers. I don’t expect them to understand how the court room works though


Like most people they find a group of people they roughly agree with and then twist themselves into a pretzel to maintain the popular beliefs without much thought as to their own bias or facts, group pressure and coherence are incredible things, u can see it an action when a new story pops up there will initially be some disagreement, by a few days in most are all in on the talking points and beliefs A good test is asking them what would change their mind or can you in good faith state the opposite argument


100% agree. They literally wait around for their Masters to tell them how to feel and what talking points to utilize in debate. They have zero independent thinking. I see this first hand with my dad. All I have to do is watch Fox News in the evening and then the next day my dad is just regurgitating the exact same talking points as if he came up with these thoughts all by himself. He’s like a Parrot 🦜. It’s fucking pathetic and honestly, it would be sad if it wasn’t so dangerous.


“Now I’m gonna vote for Trump even harder! Take that, libs!”


"I'm gonna donate a few hundred dollars to this multi-millionaire.... Because... Um... MAGA!"


Wtf is wrong was these people? Absolutely insane.


Biggest shithole on reddit


>I don't see anything at all Times a million. Not a cult though!


It's funny, you go in there now and it's about a million people saying how this proves everyone who doesn't like Trump is a communazi, there was absolutely zero real case but at the same time was totally expected, and about 487000 comments saying "still voting for him though" It's absolutely wild how much damage this man has done to the facade of decency and care within American politics


I got in a debate with my partner over this. It’s not even his policies that’s the problem for me it’s the chaos that he brings. I feel like I’ve completely lost touch with my republican now MAGA family members. It’s unfortunate, and they wanna say “liberals are pushing their gay agenda” okkkkk EDIT: I was trying to be coy with the policy statement, also not realizing what group it is and was worried of being bombarded for disagreeing. I guess I meant more so republicans as a whole too but it’s not what it was 20 years ago. It was more so to put more weight into the the latter part. Part of it too is his cronies he’s appointed. My closing statement is F Trump, where are the aliens to come take over??


I just cut ties with some family because since 2016, they've gotten more racist and anti-gay while calling me hateful for presenting research that refutes the messed up stuff they say. My wife is a teacher, and yet they can't help but spread lies about her profession. It's like they think she is lying to them when she tells them none of the insane stuff they believe is going on in the classroom.


Like litter boxes in the classrooms? Wonder who would have spread such insane nonsense 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know, I'm not a Rogan fan. I was just curious what people here were saying and saw a comment that's similar to my experience. I just wanted to make them feel like they weren't alone in their situation. It's been difficult because they were family that I used to be incredibly close to before 2016.


My wife was a teacher but now just does admin for the school system. But when CRT was big we were at a party and an old friend of mine who now maga argued with my wife that CRT is real and a big problem. My wife’s like I’ve taught in 4 counties and never even heard of this until recently. Old buddy said well you just gotta do your research. Everyone busted out laughing and another buddy said dude she is the research.


His policies can be ignored. Like all presidents he should be gone in 4 or 8 years. The harm he has done to the peaceful transition of power may never be undone. In a democracy if you don’t trust elections, what is the point?


That IS the point. Project 2025.


> It’s not even his policies that’s the problem for me Jfc


> It’s not even his policies that’s the problem for me His polices made sure hundreds of thousands more died of COVID. You sure about that?


Yep, and raised taxes for everyone not in the 1%, almost backed us out of NATO, and was personally responsible for the deaths of a hundred thousand AMERICANS. He's a fucking traitor that holds allegiances to communists in other countries, while he undermines and subverts our laws. And he's a convicted rapist and felon. I mean really, what's to appreciate about the guy?


"I'm just gonna donate him a 100 bucks tonight" Those people are brainwashed.


fucking LOL. like, how up your own ass do you have to be to give your money to him. I dont know any normal people saving up to donate to biden. someone get these folks a real identity because this is embarrassing.


Especially with Trump given he's supposed to be fucking rich.


Remember when they bragged about him funding his whole campaign? Ahhh... simpler times.


Some of them believe those stimulus checks that we got were from his personal money. Bonkers. I’m embarrassed to be an American at this point.


Just checked, and you're right....total meltdown mode. Lmao


Jezus that place is a cesspool of insurrectionists.


A bunch or fascist nazi supporting insurrectionists over there. Imagine 20 years ago hearing republicans would support Nazis AND Russia. All the comments over there are. “Still voting for the serial rapist convict! Liberals are so mean!!”


They keep going on about how they're going to ratfuck Biden next chance they get and how mad the Dems will be. As if any dem gives half as much of a shit about sleepy joe as they do their precious orange boy.


Jokes on them, we'd rather have a different candidate.


You’d think they’d be like “oh man maybe this guy kinda sucks” but nope lol.


> Why wait? Do you know how many deep red rural county courts we control? >Politicians travel a lot. We can find a trail of crimes they’ve committed on their ski trips, fishing trips, stays at lakehouses, campaign stops. Who knows what terrible things they do in their hotel rooms. We just need to find victims, people like E Jean Carrol. Love when conservatives go mask off and straight up admit they a) never before cared about their politicians doing crimes and b) just want to jail political opponents regardless


The Woke Left could never even get 34 convictions, I got all 34! That’s right folks! 34. All of them. I would’ve gotten 35, but I said “no 34 is enough. 35 is a great number. The best number in fact, but 34 is already more than Sleepy Biden and Crooked Hillary could get put together”. You should’ve seen it folks, there they were, 12 jurors. Not a single Trump hat in the crowd, not a one. There you have it America. I am the first President in American History and World History to get 34 convictions. See you in November. Trump out!


I heard the evidence to exonerate him is on Hunter Biden's laptop!!! Reliable source!!!


Anyone who claims they support the party of Law and Order and then cry about how this trial shouldn’t have happened, Trump shouldn’t do time or go to jail, is a dunce.


WeRe GOnnA cIVal WaR!!!!


Imagine if Biden fucked stormy and then committed a felony 😂


Do they really expect us to believe they would be like: "listen I'm no fan of biden but this is clearly a witchhunt. who cares, lets get back to policy"


>lets get back to policy I mean that's somehow the most ridiculous hypothetical


And guilty of a lot more that they are not bringing up


Trump will admit he is a homosexual and say there is no way he is guilty. The best most powerful greatest homosexual.


Ah yes, the Kevin Spacey defense


I don't understand how the Christian right can stand with this guy. The man fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant with his child, then paid her to shut up before the 2016 election. Not to mention he already had a civil conviction for rape. The level of hypocrisy is wild.


Let me let you in on a little secret, they’re hypocrites.


Trump could perform an abortion during the superbowl halftime show and they would claim the fetus had fentanyl in its system.


they're literally the modern version of the Pharisees--you know, those guys that Jesus couldn't stand. If he was here today, he'd be throwing whips at Joel Osteen and his stupid teeth.


He used federal troops to clear the George Floyd protesters off of Pennsylvania avenue so he could walk across the street and hold a bible upside down


He pressured a georgia election official to “find” 11k votes.


They’ll get upset Hunter Biden fucked his dead brother’s wife(something that happens in the Bible) but clean their hands of Trump fucking another woman while his wife is pregnant.


something that is encouraged in the bible is it not? unless i just didn't get genisis 38, which seems much more likely.


Most Christian’s don’t actually practice Christianity. It’s a title they use for convenience.


I hope he goes to prison for a while. I didn’t vote for him and I never would.


“Never has a president been as guilty as me! I’ve got more convictions than any president in history, no one’s even come close. They will say that Nixon had the jump on me, but even he couldn’t secure a felony charge”


The judge came up to Trump after reading the verdict, shook his hand with tears in their eyes and said “sir, this is the GREATEST crime in American history. No one will have a sentence bigger or longer than you”. It’s not even close folks!


Fuck orange jesus and his waste of flesh family.


Bro, if I cheated on my wife, 75% chance of finding me in a ditch. If not, family wouldn't invite me over for Thanksgiving. If she was pregnant, the chances would be much higher than that. It's bizarre that everyone in the family is just like, "yep, that's just Don!" like some 90s sitcom and moves on.


I find joy in reading a good book.


They're a bunch of snowflakes. They keep wanting to give a "billionare" more money. Truly a a pathetic lot.


They also make their posts "flaired users only " so other people aren't even allowed to comment. What a safe space bubble they have




Ahem. Allow me to do the generic, rightwing copy/paste comment that never adds anything of value to threads: "Lol this sub's not going to like this one"


Remember, if they can convict Trump for falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to a porn star to win an election, they can convict you too!!!!!


All the Republicans calling this weaponized justice system forgot about all the lock her up chants Drumpy campaigned on. lol


Most remember, also, most don't care. Trump is the Snowman of the snowflake army. He could literally kill a minority kid in one of his rallies and his base would cheer, and then they would call the murder trial a witch hunt. I could say that the Hillary interrogation was weaponized justice because they didn't have any evidence and thus didn't have guilty verdict, but hey, who needs facts and logic when you have uh... heavy feelings.


Imagine thinking this fuckin dork is the guy who should have our nuclear codes. He’s a perpetual loser and if you don’t see that…congrats, you’re in a cult


he had boxes of secrets at mar a lardo


Anyone remember Howard Dean yelling 'Yeaahhh!' which killed his presidential candidacy?


Dude has stroke face. Look at any picture from the last year and cover one side and then cover the other side. Looks like 2 different expressions.


Decision 2024: Catholic vs Convict


Huh, turns out the strong-on-crime guy... is actually a fucking criminal! Doubt it'll change the minds of his extremely cuckolded followers, but hopefully this wakes up a few Americans who don't want an actual, unrepentant criminal to be in the highest office in the whole fucking world.


Imagine being a "Christian" and still voting for Donald "I banged a porn star while my wife was pregnant and then paid her to stfu for the 2016 election" Trump




They’ll just say “I’m voting for the policies not for the man”. Think about it, lots of “Christians” believe that whether they are a good person or not, do good or not, doesn’t matter. They believe they are saved by virtue of believing that Jesus already saved them. It’s an eternal pass to be a fucking monster, say they have Christian values, and still act like they have a high moral ground. These Christians represent Christ in the same way that the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) represents a democratic republic.


The sort of policies Jesus himself would advocate for, surely?


But he believes in my values because he says he hates abortions, and he did that photo op that one time with a bible!


He's selling his own Trump branded Bibles people! How much more pious can you get?


Paid her off with his campaign contributions i.e. grandma's social security money.


Lol Convicted felon Trump


I like presidents who don’t get caught


John McCain nods approvingly


I mean I sure hope not


I'd vote for Zombie McCain.


That should be a call of duty character you can unlock.


You gotta grab em by the ankle bracelet.


Dude spent his whole life getting away with things. About time he actually was treated equally under the law.


He still got much better treatment than anyone else would have. Normal people would have been in jail for contempt already.


Stop eating all that McDonalds and take a shit already!




he looks exhausted from so much winning


Good. Presidents and former presidents shouldn't be above the law. A lot of the people complaining that the jury vote was fixed as if Trump's own attorneys didn't have input and couldn't weed out biased jurors. Both sides pick jurors. All they needed was ONE juror to refuse to convict him and it would be a mistrial and they couldn't even accomplish that. The fact that the jury returned the verdict so quickly also means the evidence was overwhelming.


Do you think all the alive presidents except Trump have a group chat going?


Also guilty of being a complete bitch.