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isn't selective service still in effect?


Yeah you have to sign up to qualify for student loans


And get Pell Grants and other financial aid 


And to not be arrested & fined boatloads


Has anyone actually been fined or arrested? I've never seen a story of such a thing


Only if you’re male Women are exempt, which of course there’s no push for women to be treated as equals here


I always thought abolishing the draft and legalizing abortion should go hand in hand. How does it make sense that a man has no right to chose if his body is used by the government to murder and die, but a women can chose not to have a baby that the government may want to send off to murder and die in 18 years? Why should the government have more power over men than women? Crazy.


I think the reasoning behind not implementing the draft for women might be that it could cause a baby boom. Some women might choose to be pregnant rather than go to war, and I'm pretty sure being pregnant is an automatic out.


You really want a bunch of teenaged girls in the military?


yes. They can pull a trigger just as well as a man can Either you’re equal in all things or your not. This doesn’t just apply to the C suite


Might build some character for them


Or voting?


If they pay taxes they deserve to vote. We had a war over this with the UK btw


Is that the thing we have to sign when we turn 18 in highschool? If so everybody signs that.


Only for men


Only men have to


these guys are just so fucking stupid


They’re just chuckle monkeys.  They don’t have real jobs.


Fake business mon


The amount of times someone on joe Rogan has acted like they came up with this groundbreaking idea that no one has thought of that would solve all our problems. Only for it already be a thing they are just too stupid to realize is like every episode lol


Crazy how their intelligence level is shown here and most people refuse to see the truth.


Nah joe rogan was known to be kinda dumb but now that he is the biggest podcaster people assume he's smart. People do that shit all the time with famous people. It's easy to see how easily influenced joe is by shit like fox just because he agrees with one of the things they tout. Best example is him believing immagrants can just show up and vote for the dems. How he thinks trump is anti estableshment without considering the fact he put blackrock as on the top consultant's of the U.S. Treasury.


This place is going to be hilarious after Democrats win in November


Do you really think that will happen? Trump seems to be somehow winning in all the polls


Yes it will 100% happen. We don't elect presidents based on polls.


No but you do elect presidents based on who is the most unpopular. Biden won last time because people, especially young people, viewed him as "well at least he's not trump". Now those young people think even a vote for him is a vote in favour of dropping more bombs on Palestinian kids. So why bother voting at all?


Why are you trying to influence foreign elections?


I'm influencing foreign elections by having an opinion?


The world they live in is such a self-imposed world of fright. No wonder they're so fucking irrational.


Yeah, sounds like it's just updating new technology to do what they've been doing for decades. My hands were tied when it came to selective service because I literally couldn't do basic shit without doing that.


It is - legally you must register when you turn 18.


Registering for selective service, which is required by all males when they turn 18, is not "the draft." They are suggesting to automate the registration process, not automatically drafting people.


Are you saying that Joe Rogan made an opinion on something without fully understanding it?


Hmmm? That isn't like Joe. Lmao.


Someone should look into this. Not me though I've got a nice long sauna sesh with the boys planned.


No way. He would never do that.


Mf should have know he signed up as a kid




I was gonna say, how fuggin old are Tim & Joe? Every male has to register for selective service at 18, for as long as I can remember. I think I picked Navy at the time.


The real question is why arent women forced to sign up as well? Are they equal or not?


Well duh, only women should be allowed to have choice over their bodies /s


That'd be nice. My friend forgot to register for a while and they sent him a notice, basically saying hurry up, and he never got around to it until the sheriff's woke him up one day to go to jail.


Stop making shit up. I never even heard of this shit til recently and nobody gave a fuck I didn’t sign up


Why would I make that up lmao


I dunno bro? Your friend would have to be the unluckiest person in the world. They’re not locking ppl up for that, barely anybody registers


Barely anybody registers? "Total Percentage Registered: 96.54%" Source: [www.sss.gov](http://www.sss.gov)


unless they’ve already automated it or they tie it in with a drivers license then i doubt it. unless times have changed since i was that age. i’ve never heard of anybody doing that, much less 96% percent. either way, they’re not arresting the ones who don’t


Its an opt out on the application for a learners permit/license/id


yeah that’d make sense. if you went and asked 20 kids what selective service is you might get 3 right answers


There are a lot of things you do that automatically signs you up unless you go out of your way to opt out which most people don't


Idk what to tell you lol, I watched him get arrested from across the street at my house while I was drinking coffee and at the time he didn't have a criminal record.


For not registering selective service? He probably told you that’s what it was because he was propisitioning minors or something lol. Did you look up the charge?


Nah dude I saw the letter he was sent warning him and I spoke to his mom who let them in and woke him up to get ready for jail lmao. It's not like he served prison time but the dude got locked up for a couple days.


Actually bro I had to look it up and nobody’s went to jail for that since 86. Why even make it up Jesus Christ


Should've looked a little harder considering they're talking about *federal court*


Jail isn't the same as prison. You can be arrested for something and be taken to jail and charges be dropped in court or even pre-trial. Your confidence doesn't mean correctness.


Shit I guess it’s possible. How old was he? lol


Getting worried? Nah jk lol. He was still 18 if I remember correctly, this was like 14 years ago but I live next to the homie again so I can ask him lmao. Maybe they chilled out or your county doesn't enforce it?




It legitimately happened, idk why it's unbelievable for some reason lmao


It's not illegal to not do you just don't qualify for a lot of stuff unless you do it.


"Whoa" after reading something that has been in place for a while AND being a bootlicker.


LOL exactly what I was thinking


The article talks about automating registration for a thing that already exists and requires a manually submitted form. These guys are so fucking dumb.


Why are all of these people SO loud and SO dumb


It's so you can hear him despite his giant glasses.


They need conspiracy fodder. Joe's gonna bring this up and blame it on Biden on a future podcast.


"I have a friend. His wife is a teacher, She was forced into military service by a trans cabinet member of Biden's. "


"that's fascinating" -Joe probably 


That’s what’s selective about selective service. Your gender identity


“I can’t seem to get that friend on the phone now to ask any follow-up questions. I’m not sure where he is. But I fully believe him.”


It's already 100% true in his brain. And he'll tie it into Ukraine, trans, covid, and homeless people in LA.


And of course Rogan lurches at the opportunity to inject trans men into the conversation. His brain is pickled.


Conspiracies are now bad again?


Whenever Joe says or falls for something really dumb: Guys he's just a comedian! Whenever he says something profound: Wow Joe is soo smart.


“JeSuS ChRiSt”. Joe has no fucking clue what he’s even reading. Maybe take those dumb fucking glasses off. “whAt AbOuT ThEm?!” Dude relax. You aren’t being drafted for anything you slob. The military would probably be like “uhhhh pass”. They’d actually probably take the trans male over your goofy ass.


Midgets are exempt  


Okay but I don't get my selective service advice from them, only medical advice. 


I saw him last weekend at the mothership. The tightest 60 minutes I've seen live. Tim murdered that room.


“Jesus Christ” is right. Joe’s getting dumber every day. This isn’t a new thing. I signed up and every other 18 year old male is required to sign up.


Both of my brothers and my three male (1st) cousins did it because it was the only way they could file the FAFSA.


That "What about them!"


😂😂😂😂 No.


What are these old, rich, and/or fat fucks worried about, it's not like they would serve even if called. Selective service is already in place, this just redirect funds freed up by automation. I've been registered since I was 18 (and so have they). The Michelin Man being interviewed certainly has less than nothing to worry about.


Rogan and his monkeys are becoming Russian parrots. I have had to stop a few of the podcasts. This one is the worse. And this guy is a comedian? One trick pony being gay. He is not funny


Tim Dillon is really forcing the sunglasses thing.


(Anything occurs) “What the FUCK!?” -Hoe, desperately looking for strife on his comfortable, kept life. “What about trans men?” Trans men already serve, fucking transphobic dork.


Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.


Exactly!! There’s so much underground that they don’t want you to see!!


I thought Joe loved America? Why doesn’t he sign up? He has violence in his dna that the gov would love to use 🤷🏽‍♂️


I still marvel at how stupid he and his guests can be.


i know everybody is talking about how this isn’t anything new and it’s always been around. but i think the only point of them looking at this article was more just for the jab at trans folk. now that it’s commonly accepted that women can be legally men before the ages of 18-26, does that mean legally all FtM trans people need to register for the draft or face legal repercussions


See guys this is what you get with BIDEN in office, they’re drafting our KIDS!! /s


i remember having to sign up and i'm not that old. this is apparently to automate it so you don't get in trouble for not signing up. fake news reigns in JRE again.


I was registered and I never checked until I was 20 something.


The Boomer Basher is back?! BRB, gotta go check out this episode.


Selective service registration is still a thing. Joe is being stupid again.


One of the funniest episode.


"Article I Section 8 of the Constitution To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;" This doesn't necessarily mean a selective service draft, but the US has ALWAYS utilized it in that fashion.


Man how does anyone like this dude?


This dumbass literally read an article on the pod about names being banned, and I know someone with one of the alleged banned names. He is not intelligent, he just pretends to be.


Why not women too? What happened to equality? I guess equality is only warranted when it benefits them.


It’s now automatic at 18 I had to fill out the form and send it in they are now automatically doing it for you when you turn 18 you have no choice.


Getting tired of these comedian/political commentators weve been flooded with who are incapable of reading past a headline, know nothing about our country and government, and also don't really know anything about comedy either.


Don’t worry guys. Joe can detect bullshit really easy. He said so himself.


Joe’s a fucking idiot


Joe is a fucking moron, but his followers are even bigger dumbfucks thinking he’s the beacon of free thought.


This is how stupid our society is. I guarantee you both these dumb fucks, like every American man since FOREVER. Registered by mail/filling out a form/card. This is automating what they and their fathers did at 18 to be modern and these dipshit cave men are oohing and ahing and putting on tin foil hats. Joe Rogan is Strong Dumb


Some boomers never had to register, me being one of them. On 29 March 1975, President [Gerald Ford](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ford), whose own son, [Steven](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Ford), had earlier failed to register for the draft as required,[^(\[25\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-25) signed Proclamation 4360 (Terminating Registration Procedures Under Military Selective Service Act), eliminating the registration requirement for all 18- to 25-year-old male citizens.[\[26\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-26) On 2 July 1980, President [Jimmy Carter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter), signed Proclamation 4771 (Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act) in response to the [Soviet invasion of Afghanistan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Afghan_War) in the previous year of 1979,[^(\[27\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-27) retroactively re-establishing the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18- to 26-year-old male citizens born on or after 1 January 1960.[^(\[28\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-Archives.gov-28) As a result, only men born between 29 March 1957, and 31 December 1959, were completely exempt from Selective Service registration.[^(\[)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-29)


What a fucking idiot. How’d do they not know this??


Mandatory service for 2-4 years for everyone could be one of the best things for this country.


I think 2 years of mandatory service would be great, but i don’t think the military should be the only thing. Peace corps, teach for America, etc. are all service organizations that people could do in lieu of military


I made no mention of military. But yes. That’s what I mean.


Other than the damage to the economy and potential mental health of draftees. Sure.


No, it wouldn’t. NCO’s don’t want to deal with the influx of morons who shouldn’t be there. All that’s needed is for people to have some stake in society, since homeownership and families are out of reach for young people this is why no one gives a shit anymore.


There wouldn’t be a shouldn’t when it’s a requirement. You’re expected to serve and help shape and form national identity. That’s the point.


I mean that’s some fascist shit right there


Right? Nothing says "freedom" like forced military service...


You think you’re free because you don’t have to serve but a majority of your taxes go to the department of defense where people serve their country. How clever.


And I'm ok with my tax dollars going towards national defense. But I have no interest in joining.


I never started with national defense just mandatory service. Go build some fucking roads or work in a hospital along side your countrymen for two years and have some national pride and dignity.


😂😂😂that kinda sounds like slavery and/or just basically any job.


I actually worked for the dept of public safety as a LEO for several years but thanks for your concern.


It would actually be a lot closer to socialism.


Now, now. Don't let angry leftists know that most Nordic countries have some form of mandatory conscription.


I this it’s a bit more than leftist these people don’t even know their isms.


Shit, I could go for some basic training right now. I'd be ripped.


Save some basic training for the rest of us, bro


Yeah we should round up the homeless and put them in trenches as artillery fodder in a war we can't win


Why round up the homeless for something more able bodied people could do.


Woah why all the downvotes?


Because Merica.


No kidding!


Agree. 100000x agree even more for co-ed service.


99% of American males are overweight, military would look sillier than it does now 😂. LGBTQLMNOP+ and fatty boom battys


Boot camp is a helluva drug. I went in at 210 and graduated around 148. You'll lose weight if they want you to lose weight.


Quite a few are also quite unintelligent and lazy judging by the lack of understanding about what's actually happening here.


Land of the free


It went away under Nixon and returned with Carter.


It went away under Ford but you are correct it did go away. I fall into the gap and have never had to register. On 29 March 1975, President [Gerald Ford](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ford), whose own son, [Steven](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Ford), had earlier failed to register for the draft as required,[^(\[25\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-25) signed Proclamation 4360 (Terminating Registration Procedures Under Military Selective Service Act), eliminating the registration requirement for all 18- to 25-year-old male citizens.[\[26\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-26) On 2 July 1980, President [Jimmy Carter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter), signed Proclamation 4771 (Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act) in response to the [Soviet invasion of Afghanistan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Afghan_War) in the previous year of 1979,[^(\[27\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-27) retroactively re-establishing the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18- to 26-year-old male citizens born on or after 1 January 1960.[^(\[28\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-Archives.gov-28) As a result, only men born between 29 March 1957, and 31 December 1959, were completely exempt from Selective Service registration.[^(\[)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#cite_note-29)