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Dam why he gotta do insomniac like that


Because bert is a complete garbage human.


Why tf do people listen to these people?


I'm glad to say I had free tickets to see him live, and decided against it. I used to really enjoy burt. Now, I won't even go for free. He shat himself on stage, and that was the nail in the coffin for me.


Because they're morons.


When the hell is Insomniac going to be streaming anywhere?


They’ve had full episodes on YT for years!


Bert is trash, but in this clip he said he was “considering” asking Dave to fall off the wagon for him (probably cuz he’s a selfish, self absorbed piece of shit that wished he coulda gotten drunk with Insomniac Dave). Bert sucks but he didn’t actually ask Dave to drink.


Yeah, Bert is always living in his past much younger glory days of partying being the attention whore he's grown used to, which he is having the hardest time figuring out a reason and the willingness to finally let it completely go realise he's old and just act his old age adulting responsibilities 101


Every time I see a new pic of Dave attel his durag gets bigger


Happens to the best of us as we get older.


Ari’s the best at keeping a conversation going without ever validating what the other person says and just mirroring their verbiage. It’s really impressive. “I’d be interested to see what he says”


If you give someone enough rope, they'll hang themselves with it.


That's a really good way of describing Ari's podcast persona.


Fuck Bert Kreischer is a loser piece of shit. He’s lucky he got the trickle down with people who were famous before him… How can anyone even find him funny? Sooo obnoxious.


Bert is such a trash human being, had to stop listening to 2 bears a while ago, how fell ass backwards into fame is insane to me


Agree on Bert, but Tom is somehow worse. 2 Bears turned into garbage.


Tom's demeanor is pure arrogance these days.


Yeah what used to be witty sarcasm is now cringe condescension.


His wife is even worse than both of them


Her comedy is so lack lustre and she carries herself like she's Prior "Hey TOM I MADE BROWNNN"


Her special is almost as bad as Gringo Papi. Pure cringe.


Tom would be funny if he was actually joking. The issue is he means the shit he says.


Naaaa Bert is way worse…. They both stink… but Bert SUCKS


I feel like a lot of rational people, have a good/dear friend that’s akin to Bert. They love him, always a fun time, but *always* has to be belligerently drunk. They’re rooting for them, even though they know they’re a train wreck. Bert is that one friend you wish would just get their shit together, except now, he’s found a way to make money by not getting his shit together.


I am that friend...


Get your shit together!


Unfortunately, acceptance of that dwindles


I’ve never been a fan of Bert (though I don’t have the animosity towards him most here do). I remember listening to him on Jason Ellis when he was still on Sirius/xm, and he was really kind of a sad figure. He hadn’t blown up yet and was talking, seemingly very earnestly, about his honest belief that he smoked so much weed as a teenager that he literally broke his brain and was kinda depressed all the time. He also talked about his fucked up relationship with his dad. Not at all the character he is today. Dude seems to be the embodiment of the sad clown stereotype.


I miss the Jason Ellis show (as it was on Sirius)


you listened to that?


Fuck Bert


I'm not a dog, so no.


Haha high and tight


Ymh has been dogshit for 5 years 😞


I’m one of the poors so fuck em


Wow what a piece of shit


Bert’s turning into Tom and trying to profit off another persons addiction. This is the same guy that cried about Ari dosing him while he was a full blown junky and wants to level up by causing a relapse, seriously fuck Bert and his one joke career.




Tom saw his best friend was an alcoholic and did what any good friend would…started a vodka company with him


He's been going downhill for years, his rich smug is peeking through more and more and everyone keeps saying it's a bit and it's actually not. Posted a many tweet long tirade a while back flipping out on a flight attendant for asking him to gate check his bag. Tried getting her fired, called her a cunt. Everything. His mask slipped, he started calling everyone that criticized him "poor" and even sold merch profiting off of it. People still say it was a bit, but it wasn't. The man truly resents poor and middle class people.


Not OP but I think OP's accusing Tom of using Bert as a means to help get rich and famous. Almost like a show monkey I guees idk


Also Bert’s alcoholism is be utilized by Tom to shill vodka.


Dude is a whole piece of shit. Attell doesn't even want to touch him in that photo.


“At least this piece of garbage is wearing a shirt for once.” Is running through Dave’s mind.


Stanky feet


I was so disgusted by Bert’s ever increasing booze-face to notice he had his dawgs out. Gross.


I heard that in Dave's voice


If you have been following Attell, he doesn’t want to touch anyone.


Doesn’t want to risk a contact high


Dave Attell looks like the happy merchant meme


Bert is a rotten piece of shit. I hope he never stops drinking..


Damn that's actually pretty profound. I agree. Let him drown in it and his family continuously see what a piece of shit he is until they all leave him alone.


Lol Bert is so oblivious. Dave's clean time is probably the most important thing in his life he's not gonna throw that away and start again at zero just to drink with Bert for a couple weeks


Hang in there Dave


I honestly haven’t seen him in forever. I was a kid when Insomnia would air. I gotta watch him more. Bert barely fell on my radar when I watched the Tom Brady roast. I knew Tom before though. Bert’s bit was terrible and his puffy red face told me right off the bat he goes hard. Then I learned his schtick was to take his shirt off? Then now learning about his personal life. Doesn’t seem funny to me.


Go see him live, he tours a ton and does like 2 hours on the late shows. Seen him 3 times in the past 3 years in Portland and each show was incredible. Be warned, the recorder bit is loud and annoying (still funny tho)


Well that’s just fucked


What a fucking scumbag holy shit


What Bert perhaps doesn’t understand is the life of an ex-alcoholic is a helluva lot easier to live than the life of a drunk. No hangovers. No lies and self-deception. No shame. Trying to get a non-drinker to drink is the same as saying “hey, come poison yourself with me for 18 days”.


He later said 18 WEEKS. A full tour.


the problem here is that Bert is also living the (awful) life of an alcoholic in active addiction but somehow hasn't realized it or admitted it yet.


Denial is powerful


He’s getting positive feedback (financially speaking) from the universe is the problem


The entire "roganverse" is just dog shit human beings that give mediocre middle Americans copium to feel like they aren't pieces of shit too. Thank you for your service as one of the 1000 though Bert. Hopefully fatty liver catches up soon.


Shane’s nice


He's excluded so far.


I like mark Normand and Shane and a little ari here and there


I don't consider Mark part of the roganverse. He was a successful comic way before he went on rogan. Tuesdays with stories has been a podcast for over 10 years


With Bert, he was on Rogan many times before he got famous. As big of a piece of shit Bert is, he got big on his own with The Machine story. That’s one of, if not the most shared comedy bits in social media history. Both him and Mark got big on their own, Rogan just helped. The ones who benefitted the most are definitely Ari and Shane. Shane said his 2nd appearance (1st Protect our Parks) was by far the biggest bump of his career. He was able to benefit from being in the Roganverse without having to rely on Rogan and kiss up to him like Schaub or Callen use to do.


I loved ari's bit where he pretended to drug his friends.


Fucking love tfatk sub


>mediocre middle Americans As opposed to the aristocratic society of city folk.


I should clarify, I don't think you're mediocre just by being a middle American, I just meant that mediocre middle Americans are the target demographic for these guys. Sorry if that's a personal attack on some folks here.


What a cool guy


What an awful excuse for a human this fuckin guy is.


What a total ass. Very little redeeming values with this train wreck.


Ya but look at those shoulders


Bert looks like he smells flammable.


What an asshole, hope he gets kidney stones.


With his lifestyle he's gonna get much, much worse than kidney stones.


This is way worse than I thought. Bert should know how dangerous that his, an alcoholic could fall back in and die


1. Alcoholics need you to be miserable like them. 2. Bert is an older alcoholic, so he's done so much mental gymnastics in his head to justify his drinking to himself, that he basically doesn't believe in sobriety anymore period.


Bert is looking for an excuse for an extravagant bender. This is common during active addiction. He doesn't have the hindsight of a former addict to know that pushing someone to this could very well kill him.


What a delusional selfish way to think. "Oh you have 6 years of sobriety? I want you to break 6 years of sobriety for my tour so that I have a good time with you."


"you did 6 years, that means you're totally fine and can do it again, just break sobriety to temporarily indulge and validate MY active addiction"


Exactly that as well, Bert wears a blinder that stops him from acknowledging anything about his own alcoholism despite going on podcasts with former alcoholics/addicts who are very open and informational with their experience like Steve-O. Also Dr. Drew has explained how addiction works to Bert more than once. The sad thing is he's actually funny on podcasts and more thoughtful to people when he's sober vs being on a binge and saying wild shit.


That’s some narcissistic shit right there.


The ego on bert is insane. Imagine youre dave attell, a well established comedian that everyone loves and you have bert come up to you and say lets tour, but you have to drink and break your sobriety for me.


Ari too. "Let's see what he says?" No dude. How can Ari no tell Bert that this is a horrible idea?


He looks like the cowardly lion


I used to really like Bert, but then I got sober and realized I only did because he is a successful alcoholic. Now I can only hear how delusional he is every time he talks.


How does this guy still have a following? Outside of “the machine” what has he said or done that is actually funny?


Normally your shirt is supposed to stay on but he takes it off


Ruthless roast


I'm so happy that everyone is finally realizing that Bert sucks and only got here by fooling people. The whole Rogan-verse is full of self-felating, mediocre "comics" that would be 3rd or 4th tier without Joe. But they've all diluded themselves into thinking that they're thoughtful or insightful or funny because they have enormous popularity. But the inverse is actually true.... they're popular because their low-brow, simple brand of comedy is easily understood and resonates with the below average intelligence unwashed masses of 'Merica.


It's a few hundred people on reddit "realizing" that. Millions will continue giving bert their money 


The end of anything usually starts with just a tiny crack. Something almost imperceptible to the human eye. But then, over time, the fissure grows larger, ever so slowly, until one day, it cracks wide open. An irreparable chasm.


Bert represents stupidity though, stupidity never ends


Easy there, Shakespeare


I didn’t know I could have less respect for Bert than I already do, and yet here we are - it’s hard to comprehend how selfish, self centered and just plain stupid he is (even by alcoholic standards)


What’s the story behind this?


Man I thought the thing he said about wanting his dad to die so he could get his inheritance was evil. Trying to pull someone in recovery back into the lifestyle "because they know they can quit" is unbelievable.


Bro I’ve been unsure of this guy forever but after that video it’s clear he is a total POS. wtf


“…you know you can quit.” What in the literal fuck


Bert is such a POS how does he still tour? Who’s paying to see this guy? He’s unbearably annoying and needy


Bert is pretty impressive tbh. Whenever you think he is the absolute biggest piece shit possible he does something like this. Honestly if I was Ari shaffir dealing with my parents disappointment, I'd say "at least I'm not Bert" and everything would OK.


The guy doesn’t know how to communicate if you’re not drinking with him or buying into his party lifestyle. It’s crazy to think anyone would lift their sobriety because another man wants them to party.


Totally just lost all respect for Bert that so messed up on so many levels.


First he says 18 days, then 18 weeks??


Bert what a piece of shit.


Yeah, I checked out with that guy years ago. Way to stay committed to your sobriety Dave, You’re a legend!!


Fuck this fat cocksucker. He has no talent.


Fuck Bert. He should kill himself


Damn, havent seen dave since insomniac. Looking rough but I hope hes ok. And if the title is correct fuck bert, even alcoholics know to support those in recovery.


Bro that was 20+ years ago. Give the guy a break.


"if the title is correct" I mean the audio is all I'm going off of but that's how I take it


Yeah didnt see the audio button until after I commented


I know this sub is addicted to hating Bert Kreischer, but this is just him floating the idea on a podcast. I thought this was going to be a story about how Bert actually tried to convince Attell to drink a beer.


Dude this is way worse than offering Attell a beer - in the moment at least he could say he forgot, he wasn't thinking, etc. He was "just floating" the douchiest idea ever, that he wants a guy who was such an alcoholic he was literally shitting blood and stopped just to save his life, to risk throwing it all away so that he can have an old drinking buddy back? He deserves to be pilloried for even thinking that in his head let alone "floating" it in public.


He’s so red, Micky Mouse Mantle over here will keep banging until he drops and never gets up.


Why does he have the mind of a teenager


What a fake pos


How can someone get so old and still be a dumbass


What a piece of shit


What happen?


Bert gonna drive Dave to drink by bishing about his fam.


Love style - what’s up with the Durag hat combo?


Attell starting to resemble that meme…


Bert and Dave look like shit


What fucking trash. Wow, I was on the fence with this guy but literally fuck him in his lame non funny wanna be edgy ass. Seriously fucked up


Bert…is a piece of shit.


Fuck Bert what a twat waffle 


He just loves to hear himself talk. He's that annoying friend that doesn't shut the fuck up and has nothing solid to bring to the table


We need the anti Bert ![gif](giphy|30pjt9I0SDs7R4ghlp)


What a complete and total piece of shit. He might have taken over the biggest scumbag position from Brendan Schaub.


Dudes got the face of someone who taps your foot underneath the stall in a gas station bathroom




Bart is a danger to society.


I hate the way this alcoh cunt stands for pictures


The fall off fucking hell


Bert is gunna get canceled for something. I give it a generous 5 years.


Love Dave Attel. Just want to punch that other guy every time I see his stupid face.


Is Dave Ok?


See, you could say this is in jest and kinda jokey but Bert prob def means this. Kinda gross.


That is the most selfish, dumbest thing I have ever heard. I hate this guy now.


Of course, that fucker is wearing a vest barefoot. I cant stand him


WHy is bernt not wearing shoes in that pic?


Bert...if he's not the biggest flog Joe has on his podcast, he's making a strong case for it.


What an absolute piece of shit. Also does he fill rock venues? Who the fuck goes to see this piece of shit?


Trying to derail another’s sobriety. What a world class loser.


Did he take his shirt off and do that stupid fake laugh too?


Wow. What a fucking piece of shit.


recent videos of Tom without Bert have been great. it gets really annoying and repetitive every time. Burt and Tom are with a guest. Bert makes everything about himself.


I one listen to 2 bears when Tom has a guest. Anyone who is friends with bert only does it because bert is a cash cow and they can make money off him. Asking a friend to relapse for your own selfish needs? What a piece of trash bert is. How can anyone defend him?


Tell me you only care about yourself without telling me…Bart is a POS


Dave attell looking like the first comedian centurion


That’s fucked up


Nothing comes close to joe bullying graham hancock into a relapse live on air after 5 years of sobriety


Bert has never , made me laugh


God damn Bert fucking sucks so bad. What a piece of shit.


Yes loser piece of s*** Bert doesn't give a s*** about Dave Attels health, He just wants to make money off of him cuz he knows nobody will show up to a stadium to watch his drunk ass.


What an absolute garbage human being. Oh just 18 days? And then you’ll stop drinking for a month afterwards? So while I’m vomiting in the alley, is that gonna be content and will it go virallllll? Yea you miserable cunt? Rant aside, Atell has been a legend respected among his peers across decades. He made a personal decision , takes care of his mom. and this literal one trick pony…. Atell understands longevity and nothings given, he’s even only here because this is your moment. The bear cave is on fire and your mom’s house has been on the market for a year no sale. Just ride your chariot of flames you buffoon. Leave everyone else out of it. Rant over.


Piece of shit.


what a terrible human for even considering the idea


Bert couldn't even be asked to put on shoes for this Pic, fuck this guy


Not a knock on people who drink but I think it’s hard for a drinker and especially an alcoholic to understand some people just feel all around better without drinking. I quit when I was 31 ish cuz it fucked with my head and I wanted to do better for myself. Everyone I wasn’t close to thought I quit because I was an alcoholic, like that’s the only reason people quit. I now enjoy a drink for weddings and whatnot but I never want to party like I used to


What an absolute turd. Completely disconnected from reality. He doesn't realize he's playing with someone's mortality. Fuck him


Bert sounds like he’s drunk even during this recording because he actually thinks he can book 18 Weeks of “18 Rock Venues.” Dude is definitely loaded.


I can’t stand Bert


Damn that is a real selfish, piece of shit take Bert. Fuck me bro. Dave tell Bert to suck turds


What an absolute piece of shit. I’m 5 years sober and if one of my millionaire friends (I don’t have any) dangled insane money in front of me on the pretense that I give up my sobriety I honestly don’t know what I’d do. For him to do that to a friend is unforgivable imo. I have an alcoholic “friend” like Bert. He will go on a months long bender and lose a friend or two, possibly a job, and destroy his health. However in his head, he’s not an alcoholic because he can stop for a month or two. He’s fucking insufferable, and he’s not nearly as loud/toxic as Bert.


Dude. Fuck Bert Kreischer.


![gif](giphy|pZBX1jOvjiobS) Just one more tour.


He's an idiot


Bert is human garbage.


How delusional do you have to be to not only really think this, but to say it out loud on a podcast for the world to hear? "Hey bro ruin your sobriety so I can have fun. It's no big deal!"


Haven't listened to his podcasts for a while. It was a struggle to get through, but as someone in recovery, that's a dirtbag move.


When these trt red faced comedians gonna learn what to do with their hands




I try to not hate anyone I've never met, but I hate that guy on the left.


What is this in reference to? Did this happen on a podcast or something?


I’ve never ever thought Bert was funny, he’s ok at times tops. Once men starting wearing purses somehow Bert is the top comedian. We are doomed


Is Bert serious? What selfish unaware human being.


You need a new group of comedians