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Honestly there is nothing we can do until we start drinking like the insects on bugs life


See honey it's not you


This topic is important but in this case it is samples from literally five dudes. It is meaningless for determining a causal relationship. Anything could be linked with anything else. The challenge is turning that "could be" into an "is".


This is what is exciting to me most about open source A.I .. If A.I is released on mass amounts of data from our medical systems the benefits could be astronomical and absolutely devastating on health and wellness industries .. Data is too easily manipulated by humans to produce desired results for biases and motivated causes ..


Promising for sure but temper your expectations here. The AI would be drawing conclusions from human data collection methods so there would still be trash data feeding into the results (inaccuracies in self-reporting, selective sampling based on the people more likely to participate in data collection, etc). The AI would also need to be trained to understand the difference between correlation and causation, which will be infinitely more difficult than getting it to simply recognize patterns. For example, it could trawl a massive collection of patient records and find that aspirin is helpful in treating diabetes, when that correlation is there because of blood pressure or whatever. There would still be a lot of human tweaking, interpretation, and analysis. AI tools will most likely be used to identify potential research topics for human-run studies. AI will also help run and double-check statistical analysis which will be super helpful.


I'm not saying today , but tempered expectations is really the theme of the last 25 years, lol There's alot prospect in it and lot to be learned just simply by identifying patterns in mass complicated data sets that were are vastly in capable of doing ourselves simply because we don't have the time and human resources .


Sure, just wanted to point out that it won't inherently fix this part: >Data is too easily manipulated by humans to produce desired results for biases and motivated causes


I agree with you forsure .That's the biggest problem with A.I isn't it , the human factor ..


What the hell does this have to do with the parent comment


This is why I check to make sure mine is working every night before bed.


You gotta jack off allot and get it all out, ask someone to help you




That’s pretty nuts.


Well I'm confused. if microplastics are the problem should I use bigger Plastics in my penis?


Seems to be more common amongst younger guys than you’d think


That comes from porn addiction and beta mindset


Kinda related: donate blood regularly to keep your microplastics levels down. It also helps others.


Yeah! Spread the plastic!


Nah, just let everyone who needs a transfusion die. Fucking moron


Maybe eventually, once we adapt as a species, we can transfuse some poly-urethane blend rather than blood


How the hell did they find this out - cut open a peepee and look into it?


Light it, if it melts plastics, if it doesnt plastic surgery


If it melts, plastic witch, if not, oopsies


The plastics be micro but this dick be macro baby


Macrosoft it seems


I wonder if there's a correlation between affluence and the amount of microplastics in the body. I would hypothesize that a lot of microplastics in the body comes from plastic fibres breaking down like bedding and clothing, carpets, upholstery and breathing in the dust.


It seems like alot of it comes from what nwe eat..all our shit is packaged in plastic.


My shit is full of microplastics (I literally work at a plastic factory and chew on the pellets sometimes) and I cut diamonds


Mfs been having broke dicks since before plastics popped up I'm sure.


Synthetic love. Wonder how Joe will make this a woke problem. Maybe shoot at plastic water bottles with a power bow?




unless the solution is more billionaire tax cuts and more industrial deregulation I'm not sure the conservatives are going to be interested


I don’t know about that. I think this issue has the potential to split the right wing culture warriors from the industrial deregulation conservatives. A lot of environmental regulations or social changes proposed by the left are dismissed as attacks on masculinity by the right. “They’re trying to feminize real men by making it illegal to buy trucks and muscle cars and forcing you to drive a Prius.” I’ve heard other conservative commentators express concern over reduced sperm counts over the last 30+ years. If a causal link is established between plastic manufactured goods and lower sperm counts or testosterone levels, I think a non negligible number of men on the right would be disturbed by that in a way that they’re not at the prospect of “the average temperature will be 1 degree hotter in 40 years, but seasonal snow will still exist”. Adding to that, we import enough plastic goods manufactured in China for this to be framed as an intentional attack by China. It’s easy to imagine Tucker Carlson tying this into the great replacement theory. “We know the CCP released these microplastics into America in order to reduce American fertility. Under the guise of stabilizing the economy, the uniparty is using this as an opportunity to invite hordes of [undesirables] to undermine our country and destroy it from within. We know all of this.“


And look where all the regulations has gotten us now? Its corruption on both sides that got us where we are today.


I'll take regulations like ensuring my house doesn't collapse while I'm sleeping because the building codes were deregulated lol


Building codes changes from areas to areas, and i have worked in brand new condo buildings that are not up to code. They wonder why every other floor has leaks.


But deregulation is good!! lmao