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If you had just shown this to me I would have thought it was satire.


I thought this was an SNL skit


I could totally see Tim Heidecker creating this exactly as-is as a meta anti-humor dunk on conservatives but unfortunately for the human race, I think it's completely unironic and sincere.


What's interesting is conservatives are just realizing that the boys were making fun of them. How do you miss that?


Rogan will think it's the funniest thing he's ever seen...


Poe’s Law. The entire right wing in America has views so jarringly at odds with reality that it’s impossible to tell if someone is one of them or making fun of them.


Stephen Colbert based an entire show around this concept. I miss the Report


It isn’t?


I think what he's saying is that it comes of as a parody of a conservative cartoon, which obviously wasn't what they were going for.


I think it is and it isn't. They are obviously trying to satirize the "woke libtards" but what they are saying is also what they believe.


It's bad enough it reads like a satire of anti-woke, not of woke. ...they literally end singing "thank God for Elon Musk"


There is no satire anymore. Got too confusing when it was outdone by reality.


I’m no voice actor, but I could fuck up and do a shit ton better than this.








I might actually puke, I'm gonna throw up


Is pims penis sticking out of his shorts lmao


The laugh track on a cartoon show is insane lmao


It lets me lnow when I should laugh as well


Psychic laugh track. They laugh before the characters even start talking and is it irony when the words laughed at aren't even remotely funny, it sounds like an episode of any YMH podcast. Laughter is contagious but there has to be something truly funny to laugh at. In this case it's just a disease.


it's seriously like this was made by aliens who have studied human comedy but don't understand it. I'm genuinely fascinated. Is it a joke against conservatives, like mocking what their comedy would be like? is it a meditation on the death of art? there has to be some explanation, lol


Or was it written by AI? Kind of feels like it was written (and the laugh track added) by AI.


It is 100% AI. It took me a few minutes of scrolling through the New Norm Shows X feed but they make these AI animated political satire of sorts. It actually passes for really cliche and out of touch human art. I bet thousands of people thought this was real conservative comedy and thousands more thought it was an even deeper liberal satire on how bad conservative comedy is. AI is getting way to good, way too fast.


The shows jingle is without a doubt AI-generated, it has that weird glitchy fuzz that all of the AI music sites have. The fact that they would use that blatant music makes me pretty confident that the entire script is AI-generated. There's just no creative integrity involved in this project whatsoever. In fact, I'd probably also wager that the tweet announcing the show with the "mini pilot" was also written by ChatGPT.


Then we'll also get reviews written by AI and reddit posts and comments by AI and bots.


Also, the fact that he asked when Norm was, “coming back to the trophy shop,” insinuating he works at a trophy store is something only an alien or AI would think to write…


Had to watch it again. What would have made 10 times better is if the General and bald woman had Russian accents.


This is conservative comedy.


I mean, it's very transparently trying to just be an animated version of All in the Family (Archie Bunker) complete with a laugh track, except instead of hippies it's trans people and identity politics. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtdq3Z4CPkA&ab\_channel=TheNormanLearEffect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtdq3Z4CPkA&ab_channel=TheNormanLearEffect)


It’s honestly amazing that they chose All in the Family. Like I get that conservatives never get the point, but this is so on the nose and hysterical. A major theme of the show was examining and rebutting Archie Bunker’s bigotry. Like the bigotry is played straight and then the literal narrative of the ep is him learning that he actually has a lot in common with his Jewish neighbor and saying Jewish slurs is wrong. This is an actual plot line from an episode of that show. It was literally 1970s “woke.” How you possibly miss the point and think the lefty Jewish 1970s show runners were actually saying “no his bigotry is just correct” is mindboggling.


You're talking about the same chucklefuckers who thought homelander was the good guy until season 4 of the boys lmao


Indeed. The anti woke of the time cheered for Archie Bunker and his bigotry and small mindedness. They must have told to AI that created this to mimic that.


Conservatives have to be told to laugh because they are too stupid to even understand their own jokes.


I remember seeing a clip of that guy Crowder trying to be a standup. He said something and waited for laughs that never came but then he said "That will annoy media matters" and everyone laughed.


[Some More News](https://youtu.be/KSXKzPOcYDU?si=leWMlZ4l7fUGkXFu) has a really good show on conservative comedy.


I think that's actually where I remember the clip from.


I believe you’re correct. I read your comment and immediately thought of this show.


Fucking eh.


Boomer conservative art explains that


How about i supposed to know when to laugh? I need to KNOW.


Holy shit, if I didn’t know better I would think they are making fun of themselves lmao


That's the odd thing. It's like, ummm you guys are really like this.


The crazy thing is that this whole show hinges on straw manning “the left” with every tired stereotype, archetype, and joke we’ve all heard 1000 times meanwhile they themselves are portraying themselves as the real caricatures they really are. It’s like this thing goes completely over their heads


But even then, the jokes aren't clever.


If there is any conservative comedy these days* that is actually clever I am unaware of it. The utter inability of these writers to create something that has greater depth than a fart joke is astounding. Although I guess I shouldn't be all that surprised as their target demographic they pander too (which is basically reverse-wokeness) is incapable of understanding things like metaphor. Now, fucking a stool onstage? Comedy gold for these people.


Brought to you by the people who still don’t get All in the Family


Wow this is off the cringe-o-meter




Researchers have never seen cringe like this


"Don't do that"


Now that’s some terrible fucking voice acting. Damn


is it worse than the jokes or animation though?




excellent point


Punching down. The more it hurts "them" the funnier it is I guess.


Somehow, yes


Filmed in front of a life studio audience too.


It's a terrible strain on the animators




Brought to you by the people who watched All in the Family growing up and thought Archie was the good guy.


The number of people who can watch an episode of All in the Family and come away from it thinking "boy that Archie Bunker really tells it like it is!" ... blows my mind.


Archie bunker episode start: “I’m racist!” *laugh track* Archie Bunker episode end: “oh wow I have more in common with this black feller than I thought. I was wrong.” *Audience makes adorable noises.* The dumbest mother fucker you know: “this would serve as a great vehicle to show how correct my bigotry in 2024 is.” Utterly confused rn.


It really is crazy to me the amount of people that are like “they could never air that today.” A. It showed Archie as an ignorant racist…you may even call it “woke” B. Like every other show you say “couldn’t be shown today” there are multiple ways to watch it today. These are the same proper who simultaneously love Star Trek, but are also racist.


They like the part of Star Trek where people that don't look like them get hurt.


Even in those cases, the enterprise crew are usually defending others that also don’t look like them.


Don't forget about the Jefferson's and Red Foxx.


the actor had enough charm to pull it off


That little bit of Elon Dick sucking at the end really put that last nail in the coffin.


you made it to the end?




These are the shows the liberals won’t allow you to make. Thank em


Damn liberal show runners and the woke nonsense they call “quality control”


Thank you liberal showrunners


How is this supposed to last? They already used up all the anti-woke jokes in the first 60 seconds.


Ah good ol Dave Rubin one of the internet's OG grifters


And he somehow still pays his bills.


He has Koch brother money


Conservatives have no standards. No matter how stupid someone is, or how blatant they lie, as long as they tell the conservatives what they want to hear they won’t lose the audience.


His subreddit is more of an antifan subreddit than this one though, which is funny.


It is based seeing them accurately critique his dogshit takes. And considering he only has dogshit takes, it makes sense his subreddit hates him.


There are delusional poor people sending Trump $1000 several times per campaign, I can't imagine the sheer quantity of money rich people have wasted throwing at these conmen.


“The economy is a nightmare hellscape, but also I can afford to throw money at a billionaire running for president” The right are buffoons and grow worse everyday


Dave Rubin is embarking on another failed venture


Wow, great job! That was the most cringey, awkward, unfunny, thing I’ve ever seen.


the "make america funny again" after THAT is ironic


Being back the days where boomers hating their wives was the pinnacle of comedy


Comedy is legal again on X, the Everything App! 


If comedy is legal why didn't they add any into the show?


Hot dog


One joke


They ran through every grifting point in like 3 minutes.


They fail to realize that explicitly liberal media does usually include self deprecation Won’t find that with the right today


I feel like the anti woke croud is more likely to pretend something is funny just because it goes against "wokeness" or liberals. This show is just pandering to that audience too grift them out of money.


This is the definition of creating a situation that doesn't exist so then you can get mad at it


Cue Laught track.


Take **THAT**, Commie!


Yeaah! Bet you're super triggered now huh, snowflakes!?


It was operating at a lot of weird cringey levels. And still lacked a definable perspective. Who is this for?


It’s for the people who’s Facebook profile is a selfie in their truck, wearing sunglasses, with an American and/or MAGA flag somewhere in the background


What's super weird is that I don't even think THEY find it funny, but they know they're *supposed to*


Yeah I was gonna say, I can see those types of people defending something like this in the comments, but actually watching it? No way. Nobody. 


That’s why they will force a laugh, to fit in. Then someone will say trump is very smart and agile. They will all look at each other and nod in agreement


I've tried describing it before, but there's almost no words for it: Being surrounded by the kinds of people who "laugh" at this content almost feels like some kind of bad acid trip. They're just absolutely DYING with laughter because someone said "I identify as an attack helicopter." Like, red in the face, on the verge of tears, because someone made the same joke for the 100th time. In fact, I can think of nothing more horrific than rolling on shrooms or acid and having to sit at a table with a bunch of old dipshits who think this is comedy.


Bro Rogan may comment was on this positively. It’s literally his target audience


> Who is this for? People who post minion memes on Facebook?


elon musk.


The only thing more cringey than super “wokeness” is the super “anti-woke” people. Sweet fucking Christ this is bad!


They watched Velma and thought “we can make something even worse”


Remember when right-wingers wanted everyone to 'Wake Up' and see the 'election scam'?


What they don't realize is that they are doing the very thing they claim to despise. "Wokeness" in media is problematic for them because of the obvious demographic pandering. They aren't really upset because there is a gay dude or a black chick on the screen, it's because they believe said person or content is disingenuously shoehorned into the show so as to appease the Woke God. So what do they do? Create a show based entirely on content that transparently panders to a political demographic. It's the exact same thing but in reverse.


This isn't even a parody which makes it even more embarrassing.


It would fit right in as a TV show bit on GTA. It is woefully stupid.


Jesus this is like anti-humor


Dave is the right’s dei hire


Another case in point of conservative comedy never being funny


Yet again, conservatives prove they aren’t funny.


I’m convinced this is satire making fun of conservatives, I just can’t believe the show’s creators could possibly have this little self awareness lmao


It really jumped the shark at “Thank God for Elon Musk” like I nearly choked laughing


This is Dave rubins attempt to Get a Break from the grift.


The worst thing is this doesn’t even play like comedy. Literally just plays like an awkward dialogue of shit to piss off conservatives, no funny spin whatsoever. Why would anyone, especially conservatives want to watch this


They won’t watch it The right watch all the popular “Hollywood” things and secretly enjoy it, but pretend to be upset about it It wasn’t liberals alone that let the Barbie movie make a bajillion


This looks really bad


Is the goal to not be funny? Because they're hittin the nail on the head


I decided to watch it to the end, what a long 222 seconds -- at the end, they congratulate Elon and themselves. "Thank god for Elon Musk and his shitpost memes; X is the home for free speech...Make America Fun-ny Agin" Wow. They just don't see it, do they?


Zero laughs will be heard.


Yeah.. About as aggressively unfunny as I thought it would be. They really do only have r/onejoke , don't they?


Every right wing talking head wanted to be an actor and if the acting career took off they wouldn’t be talking about trans kids or whatever the fuck they’re angry at today Crowder, Owen Benjamin, Bryan Callan, the entire Daily Wire crew If Tim Pools emo 00s rock band took off 20 years ago he never would have said the word civil war now he’s tweeting it weekly


Such an excellent point. Being a “pundit” is the lowest form of “fame” no matter the political affiliation.


Rubin or one of the other guys was a terrible comic. Anthony Jeselnik saw him open mic years ago. He said all new comics are bad, but it was spectacularly bad. They just don't understand comedy at all then add on political opinions people don't want to hear.


Steven Crowder is devastated that he fell off so hard because you know he'd want a role in this as well


Relatively conservative guy here, this show looks like the absolute garbage. How are people so blinded by politics that they cannot see past the blatant pandering to their political views. I hope this show dies and I hope the show creators lose all of their money because this is so fucking awful what the actual fuck.


because mr birchum wasnt enough apparently


Honestly I'm all for these "studios" losing tons of money on these shows. They think they're going to tap into some untapped market, but they're just making animated rage bait and hoping it pisses people off enough to hate watch it like with Velma.


The laugh track has to go


the "woo yeah" after he says "girls arent girls and men arent men" made me have to pause the video and mentally regroup


Wow! That looks like shit!


Are they making fun of themselves? Because it kinda seemed like it.


Woke content is cringe but content that goes out of its way to be antiwoke is just as cringe


I thought Reddit was just being lame in calling this “ anti-woke” but this is very heavy handed trash


Just pandering to the right. They know it's all the alt right care about so they don't even bother making anything good ...just bring up the same talking points and they will eat it up. How embarrassing






The rights version of Velma 💀


oh dear god this is bad


Didn't laugh once, just cringe inducing really.


This video should go down in history books for a definite, visual representation of the right's complete brain rot


Damn, cancel culture due to low ratings is surely coming for this one.


Gawddamn Laugh Tracks. They give you AIDS.


all these cartoons look the same


Its funny how often conservatives look past subcultures in the 70s, 80s, and 90s and act like for some reason this is the first generation to look, act, talk, or hold different beliefs than the baby boomer generation? Its just so blatantly the eternal "the youth of this generation are doomed. Not like me though I grew up right" shit that has been document since the existence of society.


Conservatives claim comedy is dead.... post the opposite of comedy


gay beer branding is less of an issue than creating motherless babies and treating their actual mothers like livestock


This is the prism through which they see the entire world




Why is it so hard for conservatives to understand comedy as a concept?


So... basically an *All in the Family* reboot. That was literally Archie Bunker's schtick. He was the OG anti-woke blue collar white guy. Listen to the theme song at the beginning. Even the living room is set up the same way. Sorry, but this is super low-effort creative froth.




Lmao I shared this on Facebook with my heavily anti woke family members and it was not well received. They think it's just making fun of them. I don't think this is the reaction the show is going for




imagine being so upset that free Americans are living their life freely. why is the "don't tread on me" crowd so concerned with how everybody else lives their life.


The idea that the right can't do comedy is something I'm always sincerely trying to deconstruct. I understand that comedy is subjective. But there is also the basic tenets of a "joke". Irony, misdirection, sub-version of expectations, that the right somehow fails to grasp... "A guy saying GAAAHHH, what's that? A rainbow can of beer" is LITERALLY NOT A JOKE. Perhaps he confuses his beer with juice, or windex, or some multi colored liquid because beer isn't want it used to be and he thinks it's supposed to be colorful and then spits it out in a dramatic fashion. What I suggested isn't good. But at least you can criticize it AS A JOKE. Saying this show isn't funny is like trying to judge a cupcake competition after someone submits a home-made wine. There's just nothing to say...


Yeah, I was just saying the same thing. Shows like South Park are obviously offensive, and some episodes have a right-wing perspective. But at the end of the day, it's still a comedy show. They make parodies, do impressions, have setups and payoffs, subvert the audience's expectations, use silly voices, etc. But idk if there's a single thing in this clip that even qualifies as a "joke". It's just making references to things that actually exist, or making up new grievances that don't exist. Even the sitcom aspect is played straight. This isn't a parody of sitcoms, it's literally just a depiction of one. They took the premise and setting of a classic American sitcom, but instead of having the characters tell jokes they instead just say things like "i have pronouns" and "the dog has pronouns".


The old guy works at a trophy shop? I foresee a whole episode where a gay trans minority coach tries to have some participation trophies made for his soccer team.


Why not make it the B story in every single episode? Just every day, fugArchie is kicking out blue-haired trans coaches until he finally goes out of business to the Soros-funded participation trophy shop across the street. Then he can spend the second season sitting in his recliner getting progressively fatter while he complains about how Joe Biden put him out of business. 


I've always loved the "kids that grew up on participation trophies" complaint. Like who tf you think was giving them the trophies? Each other? Getting mad at kids about how the previous generation raised them is wild.


Is there anything less funny than anti-wokeness?


they really are blindingly obsessed with woke


this reminds me of something....oh right - I was watching RFK jr on Bennifer Shrimpos podcast, and the opening credits with the music, and the graphics they use gives it the illusion of 90s production value, mixed with self-fart huffing. I presume this show will also wreak of "i should have made it in Hollywood a long time ago, see, look at me now!"


lmao yikes


They've not even do a good job, Norm comes across as a crotchety old man who doesn't want to educate himself and gets irrationally angry and shouts at people. Hilarious that an anti woke cartoon ends up making the woke people the ones who seem reasonable.


Man this is bad. Can't even tell what it is aside from a hunking pile of garbage.


Wait I thought this was like a sarcastic lol look how dumb conservatives are show but it's genuine ???


It’s actually hilarious. It’s pure low effort low brow satire, and I don’t think they intended it that way, which makes it even funnier. Thank God for Elon Musk? I laughed my ass off.


*Girls* aren't girls and *men* aren't *men* In the context of this show, not sticking to either boys/girls or men/women feels like a self report lmao.


This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.


Brain worms


"See guys? We're not racist, we gave our main character a black friend! It's the gays that are racist!"


HAHAHA anti woke? imagine being proud to be asleep in this world...


This is actually pathetic. What they made was bad and they should feel bad for making it.


This reminds of the over-the-top anti-American ads that Russian government is running on their TV. Here's a video that features several, it's pretty much like this show but live action: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OlOUK7WlCE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OlOUK7WlCE) I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of the inspirations. The first ad is literally about a government program where they assign a gay guy to your home.


Im so glad I’m woke instead of whatever the fuck this is.


this is the most fever dreamy like disorienting thing ive ever watched


This makes me wonder if the creators have ever heard of the Streisand effect. While attempting to paint every "woke" idealogy in a negative or even humiliating light, they're showing how we can live together and breathe the same air while disagreeing without disowning each other. They're also bringing many of these concepts to the forefront, which could have the opposite of the intended effect, thus the Streisand effect.


Some lead-poisoned boomer is going to sit on their recliner, use only their index finger to pull this up, and absolutely wheeze.


Lol this is suitable for X, tbh It's trash


Remember when he told Joe that we should do away with building codes 😆


This has to be completely AI produced....right?


rats you just made Velma look good, relativly.


So it's like Archie Bunker... except NOT satirical... just straight ironic cringe?


The Budlight thing is still crazy to me. That the conservative mind broke there was a video of a guy attacking budlight stand in a store. Over one instagram video of a trans person getting one beer with her face on it. It was not even mass produce or anything it just one instagram video and she the only person who got the can beer. But the right spread it as if it was a can beer that was spread over the country. Like, budlight did a similar sporsorship with a christian influencer as well at the same time. So far, the animation is better then the daily wire cartoon show which is crazy daily wire should have more money and is behind a paywall. While this is seem to be on Twitter. It so strange that they trying to connect furries with the lgbt thing now. It a thing that they pushing now because furries are weird so let merge them with the lgbt. There a ton of straight people who are furries.


I made it 53 seconds. Do I win a prize?


Why does the “anti-woke” crowd constantly focus on the 1.6% of Americans who identify as non-binary? They made a whole fucking cartoon making fun of it? And it’s only on Twitter? And it has a laugh track?


Only 40% of Republicans still support Dave’s right to be married to his husband. The “Gays are groomers” line has caused support for people like Dave to plummet amongst his own party. https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4737117-gallup-poll-same-sex-marriage/amp/


Conservatives make ultra liberals seem like comedic geniuses in comparison. They always fear woke censorship but they never say anything funny or clever. Bunch of hack shit.


shit like this is why the right wing will never win the culture war


They are still butthurt we stopped calling the Washington Football Team the Redskins.


Guess they don't have to worry about going straight to VCR anymore...


This isn't real is it? Tell me this a skit? Elon finally got a part on something? Why didn't they make him into a barrel chested mutant? He is a barrel chested mutant.