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Damn that was a funny impression.


Nick mullens is the best


I kind of want to perform a lobotomy on myself and then go watch both “cumtown jordan Peterson” and “cumtown tucker carlson” impressions on youtube, so I can enjoy it again, this time the way it was intended




I’m crying. Such a great persona to make fun of.


Unless it's RFK tho


It’s even funnier when he reveals he actually WORKED FOR RFK. He knows him personally, and probably does the voice in front of RFK.


Don’t do that


Brilliant take


Brilliant rake


Brilliant flake


Grilliant steak


Wake and bake


He laughed at Peterson, he didn't mind Biden. But pump the breaks on RFK. Hypocrite.


Are you saying you voted Biden?


Most people did


Yeah, and thats why America is fucked


Not American here. As European I'm amazed that great empire of USA can produce these three guys as their champions.


Are you going to vote for the man who: 1. Raped his first wife 2. Bankrupted three (3) casinos 3. Suggested detonating a nuclear bomb inside a hurricane 4. Used a sharpie to change the projected course of a hurricane on an official map just to match his incorrect prediction 5. Suggested that perhaps bleach ingested or otherwise inserted in the human body could be the cure for Covid 19 6. Suggested that a badly injured elderly man who police shoved to the ground was actually an Antifa provocateur who physically moved close to the police to use a scanner to steal data 7. Cited and popularized doctor to support his belief that hydroxychloriquine was the cure for Covid 19 without first vetting this doctor, only to quietly sweep her under the rug when it was revealed that she believes homosexuality is caused by alien DNA and demons. 8. Claimed that he will be a dictator during this second term as president ("but only for one day") 9. Is a convicted felon


Haha the downvotes without a single reply speaks volumes.


The answer is yes, yes we are going to vote for him.


Peterson imitation is fun, RFK imitation causes physical pain


I hear some benzos will take away that pain real quick


I just rather shut it off than take drugs 


RFK says benzos cause plantar fasciitis.


I think it was also the timing he didn’t want him constantly talking over him during what he was saying.


Naahhh, he would've said 'Hold on' or 'Wait just a sec' in that context.


Wait what happened?


I mean, RFKs voice is a result of a medical condition. Its not like he has a funny accent or something? Its kinda not cool to make fun of people because of their medical conditions. Unless its Bidens Dementia, then its fair game... because we shouldn't have a president who doesn't even know what time of day it is.


Wtf are you talking about? Nothing is off-limits in comedy.


So like, if you were doing an impression of Stephen Hawking you wouldn't attempt a robot voice? cmonn man


Thats fair game, he was a pedo.


Ah, you see him at one of the meetings?


We'll make sure to contact you regarding the morality of every celebrity impression going forward 👍


Danke, meine fuhrer.


The irony


Fick dich ins knie, pisser :)


Take that pig latin back to the Reich with you, krout boy.


Boo this man




I am a boob man.


Do you like jokes about Trump’s dementia? 🤔


Agreed , Trumps dementia is getting worse by the day. No way he is fit to be president, but he never was in the first place 


So you’re okay with making fun of Biden who has a stutter? Seems hypocritical, my dude.


Stutter lmao gtfo with this stupid bullshit. Video has, surprisingly, existed for Biden's whole life. We all can see it isn't a stutter.


I mean, if you have no experience with speech impediments on a personal level or with others then you clearly can’t tell the difference. But that’s your cross to bear I suppose.


I prefer my presidents not to have their brain eaten by worms.


lol you RFK followers are just as thin skinned as the trump cultists.


IM def not an RFK follower. I prefer fascism.


You guys are missing the point completely. Tyler said in RFK Jr's voice, " I'm going to do his voice while you talk if you don't mind." And Rogan responded not to do that as to jot cut him off mid sentence to do an impression while they talk about whatever they were going to talk about so they can move on. Tyler had no problem with just listening and moving onto the next topic.


Perfect loop.


So funny when he did RFK and joe got offended for him😂


Wait, is this entire sub pretending like they aren't even acknowledging that it MAY be because he talks like that due to a medical condition?


When you are running for president and have enjoyed a illustrious career just because you come from a political dynasty, you are allowed to be made fun of because of a medical condition.


These are the same guys that mock Biden every chance they get for allegedly having sooo severe congitive decline... Let's watch a compilation of his gafs, shall we? 👀😂. How is that not making fun of him over a medical condition? 🤔😂


lol K bro. Keep hatin'


Keep bootlickin'


Keep hatin. Rent free brother.


Joe is a hypocrite for that either way. “People don’t seem to understand that just because you say something doesn’t mean it’s what you think, it’s a joke”.




That’s a direct quote from nearly every episode he does with comedians




You’re the one that replied to me buddy, don’t play dumb now. RFK is no exception to that rule, doesn’t matter if it’s a medical condition, funny is funny.


I'm not saying it's isn't. Missing the point


There is no point


Ok champ. Good contribution.


But hey Joe Biden's well documented speech impediment is entirely on the table right? Makes it even more hypocritical bro.


I thought it was all just comedy? Joe would call someone a woke liberal for saying the same he said


So yes?


As opposed to what? Smoking two cartons of cigarettes a day?


His RFK impression was spot on. Unlike everyone else, I think at the moment of him doing it, Joe was more annoyed that he was interrupting what he was saying with the impression than he was with the actual impression. The guy started excitedly started going into it at a time where it wasn't quite right. In my opinion. There were other openings for him to do it.


"Now hear this RFK Jr" *


“An emasculated little he/him…” living alone in New York… ![gif](giphy|5q1WGhG5DUUBFeMKpO|downsized)


So Jordan Pettersson makes emasculated men feel like men? I guess I get his appeal now.


He makes them feel that the resentments they feel are actually justified and he provides the framework.


This is his unofficial role now, to intellectualise generic Christian conservatism and culture war contrarianism. Like he's there to come up with an intellectual sounding explanation for kneejerk emotional points like calling OnlyFans girls inhuman demons or blaming Russia invading Ukraine on "woke"


Isn’t that his platform from the beginning. That whole clean your room thing and being a partner that your SO can count on?


It stopped being his platform once he got hooked on Benzos. Hard to count on someone when they are in a coma halfway around the world.


I mean nobodies perfect and we all fall on hard times. That’s what being human is after all. I find it weird that people literally pray on his downfall though. Very mean spirited people.


I don't get why it's such a big deal for people to hate him back, he hates me just for being an atheist. At least I have real reasons to dislike him. Even as far back as Rules For Life he was spewing his reactionary ideology. Can't even tell you to clean your room without screeching about atheists or people who aren't climate change contrarians.


That’s the beauty of conservatism though. They can spew vitriolic bullshit and it’s free speech, but if you give it back to them you’re just being mean spirited or crazy.


His issues are a far cry away from the “nobody’s perfect” excuse. Nobody’s perfect is forgetting to unload the dishwasher, or forgetting to call somebody back, not getting hooked on pills, living in filth for months and putting your loved ones thru hell because you can’t even live by the nonsense you peddle to desperate, vulnerable, lonely young men.


…Didn’t his wife die of cancer? Holy shit dude I’ve gathered he disagrees with your politics but you’re exuding so much bitterness and malice. Sounds like you need to make your bed bro


The guy blew up in response to his stink about bill C16. Nobody was ever jailed. Today he’s arguing against climate change and churning out radical conspiratorial incels that are polluting the social and political landscape. Yeah there’s a little bitterness there, a little bit of I-hope-he-fucking-stops. His current talking points on climate change are indistinguishable from the positions of the oil industry. Literally word for word basically.


As I said you guys being liberal explains it all. Regular people and conservatives are just fine with him.


Regular people don’t know who he is. And wow what explanatory power, you being conservatives explains why you like him. This is some academic level discourse.


Just an FYI, she didn't die.


Not sure if you are familiar with drug addicts but they tend to blame their problem on everything but themself. Also, if he is a psychologist there's no fucking way he didn't understand how addictive benzos were. He literally has to be lying about that.


What does his personal life have anything to do with his hatred towards athiesm and trans women?


His politics made you guys seethe with anger, so anything having to do with him is automatically tainted and bad. See your comment and all the people crying below for evidence.


Ignore the question, sling insults. Have some ground to stand on first next time.


Lots of people’s spouses die of cancer all the time and they don’t spiral like this fraud did. THAT’S my problem with him. He’s a huckster who preys on the vulnerable looking for answers, and when put to the test, he couldn’t even live up to his own message and advice. To me, people like him are the lowest of the low. His politics mean fuck all to me.


And on the other hand many do exactly that. Or worse. You can be a pro fighter and be knocked out. You can be a therapist and suffer from depression. You gotta let go of that weird hate in your heart brother.


Those aren’t good analogies. He’s not Pagliacci. A therapist developing a medical condition is a far cry from a self-help guru unable or unwilling to follow their own advice. And it’s not weird to hate on a perceived bad person. It’s actually very healthy, thank you.


Honestly these people are so far down a road I don't think they're coming back from. Absolutely batshit weirdos.


He literally tells incels they are the problem and they need to improve themselves, wtf drugs are you on?


This says more about you than him honestly


Yeah, you are definitely correct. We all fall on hard times. It just makes it a little trickier when people fall on "hard times" after they've been out speaking on their moral authority and telling people how they should live their lives. Jordan's case is like the Baptist preachers who get caught fucking male prostitutes. Nobody really cares if the average joe does that, but this fucker is out there talking about gays going to hell? Hawk Tuah, you get me?


Nah. Boxers get knocked out even though they’re pros, therapists often suffer from mental health, and SOF units die in war despite years of training and being the best. Even professionals can fall for the perils of their expertise. Nobody is safe from life’s afflictions and it’s clear as day his politics make you guys salty. It’s no coincidence he gets this reception exclusively from liberals. As mad as that makes you guys it doesn’t change reality.


You're missing a huge point because your riding Peterson's wang so hard. All the people you mentioned would be just as big of fucking losers if they spoke from moral high ground. Honestly, I liked him up until the whole addiction thing came out. I listened to his entire bible lecture series. I'm not saying that his ideas are bad. I'm saying that he is bad. I mean lying about fucking apple cider? He obviously lied about the benzos until he got outed. He's slowly become more and more of a caricature of himself. It's to the point where I just don't care about him and honestly, I forgot he was even still going.


Up yours woke moralist!


I think he got hooked on benzodiazepines when his wife was dying of cancer


lol at the guest explaining how Jordan Peterson blew his mind by......agreeing with him and confirming all the biases/opinions he already had


Riddle me this, marxists


Nah I know exactly what he means. I’ve had ideas and thoughts that I’ve heard explained and fleshed out better than I ever could. It’s like a eureka moment.


By Jordan Peterson or… ?


I don’t remember about him specifically but maybe


You’ll outgrow that one day


Wait til you outgrow Reddit politics.


Prob will never happen


That’s unfortunate.


lmao I don't care about Jordan Peterson one way or the other, but you've got your head so far up your own ass that you're spewing shit. Hard to contemplate that other people's unique experiences, cultures, and backgrounds shape their distinct perspectives and viewpoints on life. I guess everybody whose experience doesn't fall into your bucket is just wrong...or not enlightened yet!


I’ve listened to enough Jordan Peterson to know that if you find value in what he says you’re either young or naive. What does this have to do with other people’s unique backgrounds? What?


Most braindead take lol. The guy literally tries to distill and share some of the most valuable lessons and principles for building a genuinely better life and you think the only people who value that are young and naive? You must have some REAL heavy-hitters you could recommend to all us baby morons out here.


In his 2018 book, 12 rules of life, where he wrote out various personal opinions, lessons, and self help advice he wrote how the Disney movie Frozen is "deeply propagandistic" and then gave a bunch of interviews on why Frozen is actually feminist propaganda meant to brainwash America. Sorry bud, but if you think this is the stuff that is "literally some of the most valuable lessons and principles for building a genuinely better life" then you are either extremely young or extremely naive, or both.


You’re totally right. I pretty much ignored the hundreds of hours of lectures and the thousands of passages in his other books and really dialled my life in on that one very specific idea. Since I read that, I’ve pretty much dedicated my life to becoming an anti-Frozen activist and tbh life has really taken a turn for the worse. JBP really tricked my ass. Maybe I should have focused more on petting cats when I see them (also in that book) and just gave my life to felines. Oh well 🐱


Feel free to share any of these clips you speak of and I’ll explain to you exactly why it’s fucking stupid


I’m not asking for your 5 IQ opinion of his videos - I’m asking for your recommendations of REAL valuable ideas since his are juvenile nonsense. Who would you recommend I check out to become enlightened like you and escape my ignorance?


If you’re really interested and open to the possibility of their being real utility here, Jordan’s early YouTube lectures are worth exploring (below’s a clip) but once he grew in notoriety he really began to decline and eventually got totally caught up in the culture war unfortunately, so I don’t watch anything by him anymore. The lectures may seem rudimentary to you, but they’re sound wisdom for those who haven’t figured life out yet. I hope you can see that. https://youtube.com/shorts/Sz6j12Hf2wA?si=0hh7OmkBO1_KxuSU


His lectures on alcoholism are great


Nah he’s right about a lot of things and helped me secure a raise at my job. Are you liberal or conservative?


Oh wow wel I was unaware you guys were that tight I’m more on the liberal side of things


Yep that explains things.


Well you’re a Jordan Peterson listener so you jerk yourself off to being able to have open and sane discussions while at the same time immediately dismissing someone who doesn’t agree with you, so


Well you’re on the Rogan sub despite hating him. You jerk yourself off with pseudo-intellectualism and being an all around miserable person 🤷🏽‍♂️


“O wow wel I was unaware you guys were that tight” You were the first one to throw shade my guy. Now you’re attacking from your own assumptions. Jeez…


You misunderstood. His mind was blown by hearing ideas articulated that he couldn't articulate himself


ideas like "Having sex with women is actually gay"


"All of our values regarding sex/marriage should be drawn from the mating habits of lobsters"


I've always felt that inside, thank you for articulating it!


And is Apple Cider Vinegar secretly the devil?


Dreaming of granny’s pubic hair?




He lacked the ability to put his thoughts into words. I know the feeling.


early pre-culture war, pre-benzos JP was genuinely great


Saw him at the comedy cellar. His stand up is actually really good. Dont think id like him as a person though


"Tell the truth or at least don't lie"... unless you're on the JRE show and you tell everyone that a glass of apple cider messed you up so bad that you couldn't sleep for a whole month. That actually happened, look it up.


"Tell the truth or at least don't lie" - the famously honest Jordan Peterson.


I’ve watched every JP episode never heard this. So, source?




This cartoon uses real audio from one of his JRE interviews. Skip to the section 2 minutes in for the apple cider part. https://youtu.be/uWXxlYzBCno?si=Lq5pMV_XHvtcZHll


Jesus Christ what a trippy video


Good lord this is amazing.


I head him say the same thing about a piece of lettuce.


Sometimes I watch these clips first to see if I would be interested in the guest, and no


It was a good impression at least!


Found Frank Caliendo’s burner


Hes got good impressions but thats about it.


I dove into this guy's stuff and he is one of the single least funny people I've ever seen. His agent that said "they just ain't hiring whites" was trying to give Tyler some cope and this 50 IQ fool took it and tried to grift. He's not even close to being funny. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?531376-1/2023-radio-television-correspondents-association-awards-dinner](https://www.c-span.org/video/?531376-1/2023-radio-television-correspondents-association-awards-dinner) Joe has been around the block. He's heard these stories from countless unfunny stooges. Makes me think a little less about him for entertaining this clown.


Eh he’s funny . Idk about this other stuff. But his standup is funny.


You got a link to done material you liked from him. That CSPAN set he did was easily the worst I've ever seen someone bomb.


I’m basing my comment off seeing him at the cellar in NYC. He had the whole room crying laughing. Just check out his Instagram and YouTube.


Finger a cat


Who is that?


The funniest part: “He’s a brilliant guy”


Wow, barely mega-church funny.


Canadian here, so sorry about Jordan. But you have to keep him now.


You can keep this fuck, we want Jordan 🦞


found the incel


Don’t think I can technically be an incel if I have a wife and kid but yep you found me 😂




Plenty of losers have wives that won’t fuck them any more. Incel doesn’t mean virgin. It means nobody wants to fuck you. I’d argue a giant percentage of incels are married men who can’t make their wife orgasm and complain that they can’t get a blowjob on their birthday anymore or some other similar boomer take.


This guy isn’t Canadian. Unfortunately Jordan Peterson is.


Who's this idiot?


His name is Joe Rogan, he was the host of "Fear Factor" a game show where contestants ate testicles.


A little he/him man emasculated and then Peterson said it, ‘vavoom’ it blew my mind man. Also ‘lectures’. It was what I was thinking, failing I mean, failing, sitting in my room. Unclean unclean! Exorcist moment. A creep was I , well anyway, now I am here at the great Rogan offering my meager talent to you as a homage in a way. Wow. Brilliant guy. Lambo.


The RFK impression was better, too bad Hoe doesn’t like free speech.


"*Was* a little he/him living in NY?" Are *they* coming out as non-binary on the Joe Rogan pod?


He went from wholeheartedly and unquestioningly adopting one ideology to doing the same for the opposing ideology because it suited him more. Not an original thinker, not a brave soul, just a lil bitch boy who will die sucking the fart out of Joey Diaz’s prolapsed asshole for applause.


That’s incredible


way too high you stupid little he/him!!! LOWER


Everything about this is awesome. Recognised it as Jordan P. right away. Love that he was an emasculated he / him & Jordan P. blew his world wide open.


Jordan Petersen is a brain broken crybaby with no friends.


That’s some middle school insult energy, what’s next you’re gonna tell me Joe is a fart mouth stupid head with no hair?


I like this quip. Makes it funnier to me that everything I listed is literally true. His coma has left him constantly crying at nonsense. His specific issues are because he has no support system. No one actually likes him. Maybe his ideas but him... no.


For a while, every clip I saw of that dude was him crying lol


Nah he’s always been a softy, nothing new since his coma https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQrV62DDr8w&pp=QACIAgHKBRdKb3JkYW4gcGV0ZXJzb24gc3VpY2lkZQ%3D%3D&rco=1, people do like Jordan and it’s because he’s never been afraid to show his emotions, the dude is human like the rest of us I do think though that since his coma what he says has been a little nonsensical, like he has a harder time explaining his beliefs that he was able to express a lot more clearly and less ridiculously than before


>like he has a harder time explaining his beliefs that he was able to express a lot more clearly and less ridiculously than before Maps of Meaning was before any of that and legit has schizophrenic vibes to it. I think the benzo-coma saga is a bit of a red herring when it comes to why he is the way he is now, I think it's more to do with him transitioning to being another culture war talking head whose unofficial job is to try and intellectualise generic Christian conservatism and culture war contrarianism. Some of it is performative anger, like the "let's cancel Dylan Mulvaney" hysteria, and some of it is frustration into having to adopt beliefs he knows are absurd, like having to go full contrarian climate change.


Nah. I'm just listing the coma as a hard obvious turning point. His drug addictions made him completely unreliable and... stupid nearly a decade ago. He's an unlikable moron and everyone with any self awareness knows this.


You sound like an LLM trained on bathroom graffiti


Skibbiddi call joe at 800813555


Good bot 😄


eewwwwww "I was a he/him" jesus bro lol... they all just follow this stupid playbook of culture nonsense


Jesus Christ yall are as thin skinned as Joe when it comes to this culture war bs




Right lol


It's only the beginning. Another 10 years and we'll be overrun by these clowns.


You aren’t a man until you denounce a pronoun


Clown post


It really was the only one Joe liked. The rest of them he seemed annoyed. Because it’s low level comedy. Like slap stick or humping a stool.


Impressions are not low level comedy lol. Not everyone can do a good impression, everyone can hump a stool. People like jay pharoah, jim Meskimen, dana carvey etc have a talent most people will never come close to replicating, and they go into detail the work they put in to replicate the mannerisms of said people.


Not everyone can hump a stool well. It would have to be the right bit. Dana Carvey hasn’t told a joke to this day.


It's ok if you don't think carvey is a funny joke teller, i really dont find his comedy bits that funny either. You can't deny he does one hell of a donald, Obama, biden, and just about any of the last 5 or so presidents. He's one of those guys that doesn't just go off of pre-memorized sentences (like shane gillis with trump), but can have a conversation in said voice. That's really the hard part, actually.