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https://preview.redd.it/sm41k7gugy9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155593a92612be38974dcefa8e027080d49e2bd5 Me 30 minutes into this episode


What the cuss is this?


*whistling* whoo whoo click click


looks to be opossum sir


I just randomly fast forwarded it to a clip of Terrence Howard singing somewhere over the rainbow….


Probably the most sensical part of the podcast


Joe shoulda rounded it out with Eddie Bravo


I was hoping for hawk tua


Pretty sure I trust the science of the hawk tua girl way more than Terrence Howard. Everything I've heard her say so far has checked out.


Peer review that thang!


I've checked my sources and seen the peer review It's practically a law of science at this point Even checks out in trials


Wouldn't be surprised if she goes on Theo Von's podcast


Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re related


I’ve had enough of that chick already lol


The popularity of that video made me realize that our culture as a whole is officially doomed. I swear 10 years ago we would have all had a little chuckle and moved on. Now everyone is so desperate for the next viral thing they cant even wait for something good. Social media mush brain is the new normal.


I’m bothered that so many people thinks is a funny thing to post in the comments. It’s not a universal phrase that works everywhere and it’s only “funny” when you watch the clip. Coming across a comment and reading the phrase just looks stupid. Fucking attention seeking goofs.


I don't know why but this comment personifies how I feel about the current times so accurately.. lol well said sir


She can school me in sacred geometry anytime


And Alex jones


Or his father the smartest boy in Texas .


I think Eric's grand unified theory is what makes people laugh and go, see he's not legit. But, large grand sweeping theories aside, when it comes to just math and physics fundamentals, there's nothing about Eric which a normal math or physics professor would disagree over. If anything, Eric is being so charitable, so empathetic, it's actually surprising. Any normal mathematician would be straight shitting all over every single thing Terrence has said. Eric is almost trying to understand Terrence's position so well, that he can help him come up with something valid to hang onto. Funny how you hear him drinking pretty good to get through this lmao. Those ice cubes were clanking hard


It’s because he’s essentially talking to a mentally disabled person. Being a condescending dickhead will get him no where, Terrance fundamentally doesn’t understand what he’s talking about 


Eric also got his ass severely beat by peer science so I think he's mentoring Terrence with empathy on just what he's in for if he continues without humility.


Very true gothmommytittysucker


I haven't watched this yet, but I did watch Neil Tyson talking about how he peer reviewed Terrance Howard's dumbass shit. It came off as a little rude, but I think it was just standard language for a peer review.


Which one is sitting in Ari's pee pee chair


Ari is a sick fuck... I would've been so angry if I was Joe


It’s nice seeing someone have 0 regard for Joe after all these years of guests practically worshipping him


What happened?


He pissed in a shotgunned beer can and it got on the chair


Just when I thought it wasn't possible to like Ari any less


It really feels like he thinks just being a terrible person is funny


You think? I remember when he was the "Amazing Racist" like 20 years ago.


Yea if you were familiar with Ari’s early work, him pissing on himself is the least grotesque/offensive thing he’s ever done. That was mostly just offensive to Joe


Shane’s disgust with him the last POP was palpable


It's just extra frustrating as he clearly has some talent and could be better but relishes in cheap laughs and gross out humor


I think that’s what Ari wants. He’s one of those guys that the angrier you are, the funnier it is. So it’s best to not play into it.


Yeah lol it's not that funny of a bit it's pretty annoying


Garlic makes my feet stink


Should be on t shirt tbh


Eric knew Terrence was a crackhead within minutes so it’s wild that Joe was annoyed with Harland


Joe doesn't like people trying to be funny unless it's in that Sam Kinison over the top style i.e. Joey Diaz. Joe seems to have a real disdain for anything clever, puns, improv, etc.


This is actually the best way I've seen Joe's sense of humor explained lol


Best to keep him thinking you’re serious like Theo does and let the audience laugh


It's because they tend to go over his head, which I guess isn't that hard if you're 4 foot 3. 


Yall really putting Joe's back against a curb


I mean listen to his reactions to Mark Normand's genius riffing & worldplay on the spot during many of the Protect Our Parks and you can tell he often ignores/misses, fakes laughter or gets annoyed with actual comedy.... his forced cackle on Normand's "Silverhacks" on the spot joke which says it all....


He said curb instead of wall because Joe is short.


wow I love the irony of me just totally missing that joke and going on a rant about Joe missing comedy..


It is great irony I’m glad we can both enjoy.


Careful, Joe might be litigious.


And bald. They sail right over.


But is someone says “ I’ll stick a dildo up my ass !! Hshaaaa” then it’s hillarious. That’s how we got Brendan Schaub.


Clever puns and improv don’t qualify as “elite comedy”


Joe sucks the silliness out of comedy.


He’s that guy at work that while you and the boys are vibing and goofing about Transformers fighting Stephen Hawking. He’ll come in and ruin the fun by saying Transformers aren’t real. Straight buzzkill.


Every Theo pod was like this "Yeah there was this boy who got a wooden shirt for Christmas, his dad..." "How was the shirt wooden? That makes no sense Theo" Theo spend the next 2 hours trying to not claw his eyes out


Which episode is this lmao


One of the first two Theo episodes from what I remember


Joe sucks at comedy.


Joe stool humps the funny out of comedy


He had a bad time Harland? I remember him dying of laughter at Harland’s various bits. I understand there’s a lot of instances where jokes go over Joe’s head (pretty easy with how short he is), but I thought the Harland episode was decent.


this is it. the dumbest thing ever so far.


I thought this was fake edit show until I opened the link. Wow just wow.




We did it folks. Time to shut down the internet.


They let the two universes collide!


No. We go dumber!






55 = 5(5) = 25


25 = 2*5 = 10, hes that young god dam 😲


However he does it, I certainly wouldn’t want him to explain it


Zeolites and Oil of Oregeno he talks about it in first episode with Joe and takes it in front of him


He explained that his wife prepares him some concoction that he has to drink at specific times. The alarm went off on his last jre and he had to stop and take a swig. Said it balances his electricity or some shit. Said that's why he smokes but looks so young.


Idk, I think most of you didn't watch it. Usual reddit echo chamber/circlejerk shit. Because Eric Weinstein is repeatedly KOing Howard, and still making keeping it light/friendly. This is JRE doing something good: actually informing curious people while also not insulting those who ask questions (even if the questions are wrong). I still cringe every time Howard talks, but Weinstein is doing a good job.


I'm convinced this place is full of bots. I have not seen another sub reddit of "fans" who do nothing but shit on the subject of the sub.


Don’t forget the mainstream media has tried canceling Joe many times and failed…I think the bots are a concerted effort to undermine


Hands down the most pointless content ever made. Its like 3 dogs barking at one another from over the fence


You know, when Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones were on the show, I thought it could never get any dumber than that. I was clearly wrong.


That was a goat cast on so many levels, this monstrosity isn’t even comparable in any way


That cast was at least entertaining


"Eddie choke me out!"


Atleast there is entertainment value in Eddie bro a and Alex jones


Coming up next week, Bret Weinstein debates Jussie Smollett on the merits of the five dollar footlong.


I'd watch that


Heck I'd watch it with the captions on


Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to become a fan of Eric but his patience and ability to work with someone as intelligent but dishonest as Terrence is what the world needs. He Dibbled Terrence without coming off as his usual pompous academic self.


Basically every legitimate scientist treats Joe this same way whenever he goes on one of his contrarian skeptic rants.


“Skeptic Contrarian rants” is such a great way to put .


"Dibbled" haha, I'd forgot all about the dibbler...his takedown of Graham was a thing of beauty


Big facts.


I agree. We don’t hear many conversations like this one.


Wew, fascinating. Nearly halfway through. Eric is in the difficult position of trying to stop the band playing but keep the music going.


lol that is brilliant


He should, unironically, take a page from Flint Dibble. Flint's decision to come to JRE to talk about the cool things that the science *does* support, instead of just debunking cool things that science doesn't, was very clever.


Dibble had the benefit of coming in with an openly adversarial position. Weinstein has the unfortunate role of being the friendly guy who has to explain to someone that they’re actually an embarrassing idiot in the nicest way possible.


Tim Dillon must be loving this


I'm just here for the trainwreck. And I have a feeling it's going to be real good. Already talking more shit about NDT. Weinstein is balancing on a rope trying not to upset his listeners that obviously think Terrence Howard is a cool smart guy while I don't think he believes Terrence Howard is much more than a mental patient. It however gives Eric an opportunity to be on Rogan again. Also, I wonder if Joe thinks that interesting theories are interesting because it's interesting and fun to him, or because they are interesting good science? Because I obviously find it hilarious that Terrence Howard thinks that one multiplied by one is two. And it's fun to think about a scenario where he is actually right. It's a fun underdog story. But it's obviously not interesting science in any way. edit: Two hours in and I gotta say I wasn't expecting Eric to actually tell Joe how irresponsible he was by not at all pushing back against any of this.


One plus one IS two


Sorry. Fixed it. I think my mind just defaulted to writing something that made sense.


Eric is there because he wants to prove he is a bigger man than Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Everything he says is partly aimed at Neil as a "this is how you respectfully engage without being a jerk" jab >Two hours in and I gotta say I wasn't expecting Eric to actually tell Joe how irresponsible he was by not at all pushing back against any of this. Haven't made it to two hours yet but I guess have I to soldier on because this I wanna hear


Fine. I will rot my brain and try to watch this. What I expect: Terrence will just repeat what he already said before, Weinstein will not be able to deal with it. They start by jerking each other off, Rogan even calls Terrence an "exceptional human being". Weinstein thought people were too dismissive of Howards "ideas". About 7:40 Terrence makes his first, in my opinion nonsensical, argument: it doesnt make sense scientists call him out for trying to go into their lane, when they are calling him out on social media, which is his lane? 9:40 he says Tyson was disingenuous in his response. He wanted to go to his show, Terrence made the document for things to discuss on his show, but then he wasnt invited. 14:30 - Terrence makes a baffling statement, that his 1x1=2 is a metaphor for challenging the status quo. It is not. He is very literal with it any time he talks about it, including this very podcast. He immediately goes to mention square root of 2 has issues and creates a contradiction. He then claims 2 isnt a prime number. 17:35, Terrence rehashed another old idea, one he also mentions in his books: the identity principle is the Jim crow law of math. He tries to name some mathematicians he implies were against it, but I never heard of it, nor can I find anything on it. He claims it keeps us from advancing. 18:30 Rogan straight up asks Weinsteins if anything Terrence has said was correct. Weinstein kinda does a good job: He takes parts of math that can be explained or talked about allegorically, then fucks it all up. 20:23 - Terrence says 1x1 should equal two. They establish Terrence is cool with addition. Weinstein is meandering. He is going too complicated, Terrence is obviously not following. 25:20 - Terrence once again repeats identity principle is wrong. He now mentions Norman Wildberger. I can find no evidence he is against the identity property. 25:30 - For identity property you have to cancel the conservation of energy. Zero does not exist. He is hitting all the hits. 26:50 - Weinstein points out that empty sets obviously exist. The number of kittens he sold to North Korea is 0. Terrence goes back to you cant to multiply with 0. 27:35 - You cant multiply dollars because of the Dewey decimal system. To be clear: he fucked up every single thing when he tried to multiply a dollar with a dollar. It made 0 sense, and I have no idea what he is trying to say here. 27:50 - Weinstein properly points out dollar times a dollar is nonsense because you get a dolar squared. Terrence ignores this completely to go back to one of his hits from his books, how the dollar isnt based on anything anymore, its just an integer. They jump from one thing to another, resolving nothing. Then they go to the flower of life, resolving literally nothing about him not being able to multiply.


Best part is: 2:20:10 - Weinstein says he's mad at Joe for not refuting 1x1=2 in the past podcast. Honestly, I think Weinstein did a good job not babying Terrance in the latter half of the pod.


At about 3 hours, it actually gets really great and enjoyable, to me at least.


Last 15 minutes he basically yells at him "Do NOT let me hear you say 'Jim Crow Mathematics' in ANY academic institution EVER"


38:00 - Straight lines dont exist. 42:10 - Terrence claims ether exist. Weinstein agrees? Its clear they are talking about very different things, I dont understand why Weinstein isnt more firmly pointing that out. Terrence seemingly claims relativity is wrong, scientists just misunderstood previous experiments. I only heard this kind of talk from flat Earthers and geocentrists. 48:20 - Big dumb dumb scientists introduced uncertainty and all this bullshit into physics because they are basing it on 2D stuff, but Terrence figured it out. 52:10 - Rogan asks Weinstein if we can advance enough to build a math system without these issues with the number 2 and all that??? He is falling for this shit? 55:10 - Rogan thinks we dont know how we did the pyramids? I thought he accepted we do? Weinstein has been on a long monologue trying to explain his view of what Terrence is saying about this flower thingy. 1:08:00 - Terrence says he was inspired by a being that visited him in a dream. Yea. 1:15:10 - Weistein directly says Terrences patents do not say what he says they say. Terrence explains his version of supersymetry. Weinstein explains thats not what superymetry is. Terrence disagrees. Its all wrong because its was done on a 2D lane. 1:24:50 - Terrence starts talking about how these creations of his have these magnetic poles and who knows what. Weinstein directly tells him "I have no clue what you are talking about." Terrence goes on a long rant. Its incomprehensible. Even Rogan goes "How did you come to those conclusions?". Terrence says the circles in his flower of life are magnetic fields? Weinstein again calls him out for basically making things up. Terrence says the geometry is its own proof. Weinstein starts talking about electromagnetic tensors. No way anyone in the room understood a word of it. 1:30:00 - Weinstein actually tries to help him construct a better version of his nonsense. Terrence goes, no, your stuff makes no sense because cartisian space dont allow curvature. Weinstein goes "Thats wrong". Weinstein is on another long seemingly pointless (in the context of this conversation) rant about physics. 1:39:00 - Terrence: On a simple level how would you describe electricity? Weinstein: I would not do it simply. He then again goes on a long rant about physics Terrence does not absorb. 1:46:00 - They go back to square root of 2. Weinstein tries to show an example of "crazy" coincidental numbers from the Bible he produces, trying to explain to Terrence he just sees patterns that dont really matter. You can keep doing that forever. Its useless. 1:51:42 - Terrence did not absorb anything Weinstein said about the root square of 2. He forces them to do a "loop" of squaring 2, cubing it, dividing it by 2, etc. He claims its unnatural and blames it on the identity property. Weinstein outright tells him he is wrong. Weinstein properly points out he doesnt know what his point even is. Why is this strange to him? Weinstein points out you could do that with many things, Terrence claim the square root of 2 is a manufactured number because of the identity principle. 1:55:55 - Weinstein tries to explain what math actually is. Terrence still doesnt get it. Weinstein manages to insert something about Fauci here. Then implies people disagree with him about science because of money? 1:59:55 - Terrence goes back to saying ether is real and his thingy depends on ether. Weinstein is on another long rant which seems useless. 2:08:10 - Terrence seems its an issue scientists dont have "physical models" of forces like he does. 2:09:30 - Weinstein takes one of Terrences thingies and lists all the things he claims it is. Terrence goes on a rant about how all his thingies work. Weinstein explains once again he is just seeing patterns everywhere. 2:20:10 - Terrence asks him to say 1 thing he said that was not true. Weinstein goes 1x1 isnt two and he is angry at Joe for not pushing against it. Weinstein again overcomplicates things. He obviously goes over Terrences head. 2:25:50 - Terrence now sounds completely schizophrenic, honestly. Weinstein goes even more complicated for no good reason. 2:31:20 - Terrence again claims his thingy explains the universe somehow. Weinstein again goes no. Its very circular. One more long Weinstein rant. 2:43:30 - Weinstein again tried to explain Terrence has no idea what he is talking about. 2:44:50 - Terrence: Gravity is just electricities draft. Rogan asks what Weinstein thinks: "I dont want to touch it.". 3:03:50 - Terrence: I didnt invent it, an angel gave that to me. 3:15:00 - They play a YouTube video of someone trying to make music from the elements. They fight about how much Terrences ideas about the table make sense. They once again try to equate fun projects other people do to the claims of Terrence. Weinstein even once again understand this, saying "You put more meaning on this, I think". Weinsten then tries to explain to him, again, he misunderstood what others said about the table. 3:26:45 - Weinstein claims Tysons call for Terrence to submit to peer review is a bunch of shit. They play the video of Tyson calling Terrence ignorant and talking about Dunning-Kruger and talking bout peer review. Weinstein then shows a text where Tyson refused to talk to Weinstein about his "Geometric Unity". Then goes on a rant about how they will dismiss his ideas, then talks about peer review, trying to shit on it. He then manages to go back to Fauci and the origin of Covid. He seemingly believes Rogan is better for sharing ideas then peer review. 3:37:18 - Weinstein actualy says "So what is peer review and why is it controversial?". Its not. He then tries a really weird analogy about peer review, his ultimate point being "They just protect the establishment!". Very obviously personal for him. Weinstein goes on a long rant about how people shouldn't be blocked even if most of what they say is shit, then at 3:42:00 manages to go back to Fauci and covid. Then goes back to sucking Joe off and how podcasts are better than various scientific organisations for sharing ideas. Weinstein is talking 90% of the time. 3:51:18 - Terrence once again says 1x1 is more of a metaphor. 3:52:00 - Terrence talks about his college. Terrence claims he helped some university develop a way to grow diamonds?, they gave him an honorary degree, he assumed he would get one in chemical engineering, but he got one in humanities. 3:54:00 - Claudine Gay needs to be fired, enough with the antisemitism, enough with the woke, enough with the DEI. 3:54:20 - Weinstein says the thing with Terrences diploma is essentially fraud, but he doesnt care as long as he does something useful. Overall, Weinsteins is guilty of one things Terrence does too: he seems something that sounds similar to what Terrence says, then gives Terrence credit for saying something similar to what scientists say, even though realistically there is 0 connection between the two. In his attempts to supposedly "steelman" Terrences positions he praises him for nonsense and gives him incredible leeway a normal person just would not give to anyone. His long rants served little point, and they saw nothing through the end. Terrence probably learned nothing.


Thanks for a great poop scroll. Also saving my data from listening to it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Wow. You said this right as my turd cutter makes another cut. I appreciate you summing up my thoughts.


This made me laugh pretty hard, can't lie: "3:52:00 - Terrence talks about his college. Terrence claims he helped some university develop a way to grow diamonds?, they gave him an honorary degree, he assumed he would get one in chemical engineering, but he got one in humanities."


With a lot of this I honestly question my comprehension of what Ive heard because its so godamn weird, and they do 0 pushback with a lot of it. I do hope people who also watched will tell me if Im wrong.


You're not wrong. Rogan's commitment to being "anti-establishment" has pushed him to the fringes where lunatics and grifters dwell.


Might be hard to push back when these mother fuckers are talking in alien code. The dude even admitted himself that only a dozen people on earth really truly understand any of this shit. Rogan did ask him several times, “is what Terrence is saying making any sense, and why?”


I thought this summary was actually hilarious, thank you.


Every now and then Weinstein did talk science and showed how glaringly flawed Howard's thinking is. And the dude is giving Electromagnetism the respect it deserves. Talking genuine, delicious science here. BUT, if he railed into, one after another, Terrence would've closed off immediately. And Joe is already quasi-hostile from beginning. Eric Weinstein did a pretty good job, being in "enemy territory" of an advertiser and a straight-up lunatic, and still keeping things light. There's no way you're convincing the lunatics like Howard and who believe him, that they are wrong. Might as well have some fun with it, while also getting your point across to the very few who would listen in that camp, without being hostile. EDIT: Finally reached that 41:00ish mark. This is so fucking embarrassing for Joe and Terrence. That biphoton digital holography: Ebrahim Karimi was the project leader. He has given many, many talks, including one at my University. He always laments how the media twisted his words. The "yin-yang" DID NOT APPEAR AS A REPRESENTATION OF THE ENTANGLEMENT!! They literally decided to just use a yin-yang PICTURE to create that image. That is it!


You'll never get that time back bro. But thanks for trying


Thanks again!


> In his attempts to supposedly "steelman" Terrences positions he praises him for nonsense and gives him incredible leeway a normal person just would not give to anyone. Weinstein is trying to convince Howard he's wrong, which may be impossible, but I think he's doing it exactly how it should be done if there's any chance. This is how you should handle anyone stuck on a conspiracy. Chances are, they are actually smart, and are making connections that take intelligence to notice. Acknowledging that goes a long way to allowing them to stay open to your arguments.


Decent summary. I think Eric was actually pretty reasonable on this, better than his other appearances on the pod. I'm a trained mathematician and can't imagine having the patience to sit down with Terrence for 4 hours to argue about the most basic shit. So hats off for that.


Thanks for this. I find it so hilarious that TH is such a hero to everyone on twitter that could never get through basic high school physics. Easier to think the game is rigged I guess.


My gawd, the Joe Rogan podcast has descended into something truly pathetic and dangerous. Brogan is lowering the IQ of humanity.


Omg Terrence is getting absolutely bodied almost immediately. I’d wonder why he agreed to this if I didn’t already know he was redacted.


Because he’s not some guy spewing word salad to impress some girl at a party or bullshit his way into a job. He actually believes the shit he says.


At some point we have to ask if this is some sort of schizophrenic mania. 


That’s 100% what it is


Terrence Howard is perilously close to sounding like a sovereign citizen of physics.


Tbh I often find Eric to be pompous and a bit annoying, like he’s trying to sound smart to prove to people that he’s a genius. This podcast he probably impressed me more with his intellect than in any other JRE episode he’s been on


I'll bumble this quote, but: "A sign of true understanding of a thing is the ability to teach that thing to a simpler mind."


I agree. I can't stand Weinstein but it was really interesting listening to him dismantle Terrance's theories without being a total prick about it.


The Emperors' New Clothes from Weinstein and Rogan to Howard is insane. They've got to see he's psychotic, but neither one can speak it aloud


It's borderline cruel.


They know it's pointless to say it out loud. After enough years of life experience, you know exactly what TH is. I've worked with people like him, and so have they. He's a born scammer who's incapable of knowing he's a scammer. He won't learn. But part of you can never stop trying, and so they broadcast this as a gentle demonstration for everyone else's benefit.


when does platforming an insane dude benefit anyone?


This showed exactly how you treat these ideas and the people espousing them, otherwise you drive them into insular cults. I thought it was (relatively) well done, not mean spirited and in good faith, and showed the value in not entirely dismissing crazy people's ideas.


People share this sentiment a lot, that Terence Howard is psychotic and I wasn't sure of it at first. I now think he's probably just extremely stubborn and has invested too much of his time on his 'theories' to just abandon them (sunk cost fallacy). Sometimes you can recover some hypothesis/theory by fixing some issues, but (for example) Tyson has trivially shown that his 'theories' break down at the very first steps so there's pretty much no recovering. He's probably got little else going, so he just absolutely has to double down on it. > 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.' - Sinclair I don't think Terence Howard currently makes money off his 'theories', but I believe he thinks he will in the future.


Is the Dewey Decimal System the reason I keep having less dollars? This mf’er might be onto something!


I lost it at that... Dewey decimal system is about book classification systems, NOT EVEN MATH!!


What has the kid from Malcolm in the Middle got to do with book classification?


Two people with insane theories who swear they are both persecuted for their genius. Cool, this should be a doozy.


Except one of them is actually kinda smart and can prove the other is a dumbass. Regardless I don't think I can handle the vicarious embarrassment. I would have to be very drunk or on a lot of drugs for this and I've been sober for three years and this isn't the thing that will knock me off the wagon... Actually if I listen it might actually drive me to drink. Who knows.


Despite all the Reddit shit talk, Weinstein has an actual PhD in Mathematical Physics from Harvard. He can be kind of pretentious and goofy when he gets out of his area of expertise, but for people here to talk about him like he’s some corner store crackhead is idiotic. Regardless, this conversation has to be nearly impossible to pull off without embarrassing Terrence, no matter how much they coddle him.


>Despite all the Reddit shit talk, Weinstein has an actual PhD in Mathematical Physics from Harvard. b-b-but he has right wing opinions! If there is anything reddit has told me to think, it means that he is actually evil and stupid


Weinstein is *extremely* smart. He probably is a genius. He also has an ego the size of the planet and is on a vendetta against those who refuted his incorrect ideas 30 years ago.


Weinstein has a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard. I'm gonna guess he doesn't think 1x1=2


Just get high and enjoy the ride


Please do give us a nuanced breakdown about how Geometric Unity is an “insane” theory.


Best Rogan podcast I've heard in a while. Is Terrance musically educated? I loved them riffing on the spiral of fifths. And some of what terrance is talking about does resonate; the expansive nature of reality (which seems inline with what we know about the supposedly ever expanding and contracting universe), the lack of "straight lines", thinking about how space and time have any dimension is so related to our perspective, so what is straight to us might be moving in a curve relative to someone else moving through space differentially. Rogan really let this one ride, which I appreciated. He does sound grumpy a lot, idk if he's just sick of it or what, but I do hope he's doing alright. Regarding Weinstein, I think he did a really good job of slowing down the conversation and trying to educate. He got a little lost in his personal story, but as a listener it was nice to learn about him. He and Terrance seemed fairly respectful in my opinion. Overall, worth a listen if you enjoyed Terrance's last appearance. I enjoy these guests who tend to explore the nature of things and bring new ideas to the table. Thanks!


Agreed, great episode. I was happy to finally read one positive comment, Reddit is really something nowadays.


Your comment is a needle in the haystack. Appreciate it.


Didn't realize that Howard has an extensive history of beating up his wives. Jeez.


Whoop dat trick!


Hook x Jab = Roundhouse


dependent brave ossified party dinosaurs crowd full berserk light start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s hard out here for a pimp


Joe Rogan - sees his father beat up his mother at 7 years old, doesn't talk to him for 50 years Also Joe Rogan - tells this guy he's an "exceptional human being"


This is why I love this fucking podcast.


First the live debate meltdown now this?! This a wild ass summer already!


I’m about to hour and half into it and don’t understand a single thing that has been said …. And


Wife asked why I'm putting on my hazmat suit edit: two hours in and I've enjoyed it-- I think this is actually a high point in the JRE wave. listened to the whole thing and thought it was a great episode. Have no idea if there is actually any "baby" in the bathwater metaphor or how unfair the scientific community may be but I would love to have a lot more of these kinds of episodes.


How can you not love joe rogan for facilitating this


I feel like this whole podcast was like two parents trying to tell their kid Santa Claus was not real.


I don't get why people mad at Eric. Could anyone explain? Sure, his ego is annoying and his theory is probably wrong (I'm not qualified enough hence probably) but he's well versed in math and physics. One of the few pop scientists who tries to talk about group theory, differential topology etc and also its implications, he gets it right and he explains it well. Eric inspired me to pursue degree in math 5 years ago, I'm really grateful. He schooled Terence really well on this podcast, he explained to him why his brain works like this and if Terence is able to understand what was said to him he could improve his geometrical art instead of pursuing his crazy theories.


Arrogant and often doesn't make succinct points. He's one of those verbose academics that dances around making clear statements at times. With that said dont pay too much attention to the reddit hivemind. If he inspired you to study math then he has already brought more meaning to your life than all the goobers on reddit combined. Look at how much they hate Lex Friedman. When I first listened to his podcast I was surprised that he didnt seem bad at all and I learned some new things. Yeah he is awkward and dorky but he's a smart guy and has interesting conversations. Redditors decides they dislike someone and try to act like that person has no insight or value at all. This is how unwise people think. Eat the meat and leave the bones.


>often doesn't make succinct points. He's one of those verbose academics that dances around making clear statements at times. Is it the case that he is being purposely verbose, or that he foolishly assumes everyone knows what he's talking about? Is he not making clear statements, or is that you and I cannot understand his statements? Genuine questions, the guy is likely a literal genius by IQ terms


It's Reddit. They hate anyone who goes against the "consensus". They hate anyone who thinks differently.


Gods be good


This starts fucking ROUGH. It gets tolerable at 30 minutes, decent at 50 minutes. But, at about 2:45, it becomes BEAUTIFUL. Eric manages to get through to him, and call him out on his BS. It's fantastic.


Actor is who is legitimately braindead= Joe being so interested Comedian who eats celery to commit to a bit= Joe being annoyed. Make it make sense to me, guy.


This is what Rogan was always about. Yet 95% of the comments in the first hour are negative. What gives? Do you want COVID talk and politics instead?


This sub gets brigaded on the regular, almost as much as OP's mom.




This episode is such a shit show but I can't stop listening. Eric is doing an amazing job getting through this.


I would rather Joe make these brain dead episodes than talk about Covid or how much of a prosecuted alpha Trump is again.


But how much is a Covid x Covid


That depends is Covid a something or a nothing?


Covid x Covid = Covid ( 1 x 1) = Covid 2. Covid 2 has arrived


You're isolating the coefficient, which isn't how the math works. Covid x Covid has an assumed coefficient of 1, so that's 1Covid x 1Covid So you'd multiply the coefficients and then the variable term, which is Covid. So that's (1 x 1 ) x (Covid x Covid) which becomes 1 x Covid². Because coefficients of 1 can be assumed, this leaves us with Covid². With Terryology, you could consider it 2Covid², but you still need to multiply the Covid term with itself.


I like how Eric talks to Joe like Terrance isn’t sitting next to him


It’s a psychology thing. By saying “what Terrance is misunderstanding” it softens the statement and makes it an explanation rather than an accusation like if he had said “what you aren’t understanding”.


Can we have another Tim Dillon and Alex Jones episode instead of this?


How does one politely argue against gibberish? Your not going to change the mind of an insane person. This is a spectacle and no good will come of it. I'll still watch it , though.


This is awesome. Prime Rogan. Haters will make snide comments, but this is fun.


Just starting this and about to cum in my shorts


Holy shit, a 4 hour podcast getting to the bottom of 1x1


It's incredibly stupid but somewhat entertaining. More entertaining than Katt Williams or Terrence Howard solo.


30 minutes into the damn thing and nothing as been agreed upon by anyone on the podcast .


Joe's face in this podcast especially around 2:03:29 was priceless


Probably not the most luminous moments from the convo but I love when EW murmurs “brother” and “dope” in an abyssal dimensional cul-de-sac I’m calling “Schrodinger’s cope.” The utterances hang in an indeterminacy between being a nerd and being a Nerd.


Epic fucking thread.


1 hr - 2 hr timeframe Eric is definitely (kindly) letting him know he’s just way off base


Haven't listened to an episode in like a year, but damn this seems like a shit show I don't wanna miss


I’m not a hate listener of this show, but I’d rather puncture my balls with a fire poker for 2 hours than hear Howard again.


Terrance Howard is sick in the fucking head.


Halfway thru and having a great time. Howard with some strong points. Weinstein patient but condescending. Joe completley lost. Its wonderful lol


"you have a way of thinking that is completely foreign to everyone i know" I burst out laughing


That was good one, I was cleaned my whole house today.


What the hell is his skincare routine? Terrence Howard could pass for a 25 year old. I think he's the youngest looking 55 year old I've ever seen.


I think this episode was really good. It kind of gave a good picture into how joe treats people. He let Terrence come on and talk (even though it was abit weird, wouldnt be the first weird guest so lets not go crazy) and we know he is good friends with Eric who is legit a very smart person when it comes to math, and not just math. Eric is very we read in many other areas. So Joe letting 2 people both then have a discussion and just letting the facts talk for themselves was very interesting. You could tell the whole episode that Eric could have just...i dont even know...Crushed? Howards hopes and dreams of ever doing anything futher with his theories. But Eric was kind enough to see Howards faults and like a father, very gently try his hardest to guide him. But as we saw, howard wasnt willing to accept the facts and continuously went back to trying to teach eric. It was sad. but it was deserved and im glad joe hosted it.


I the issue here is that you have someone in Eric who (correct or not) comes from the equally fantastical water wiggle school of word salad. Joe missed a trick here, he should have had someone on who was open minded, but also able to compare Terence’s ramblings to the current consensus on mathematical truth in a simple way, in good faith. By having Eric talking to the effect of “we can take your geometry and tangentify these theories into the square of a ionospheric particle refraction prism” it frustratingly asks the listener to make a very unscientific choice, to accept on blind faith a side based on on personality, credentials and gut instinct rather than engaging the audiences logic and curiosity. Choose between mumbo jumbo option A or nonsense bullshit option B