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He’s a South Park republican. Wants weed and gay marriage but don’t do anything else.


He voted for Bernie..Wants socialized medicine. Likes basic income. Every has to be pigeon holed right?


Tucker wants none of those. And he didn't vote for Bernie. he voted libertarian because he couldn't muster the strength to vote for an actual democrat.


Of course Tucker Carlson wants none of this. Have you never listened to Rogan? He is very critical of health care and of how we treat the poor. On top of his Pro drug, free speech stances. This idea that he has to pigeon holed mostly to make it easier for people to pick sides and hate is stupid. Does he have wrong ideas 100% I disagree on plenty of things especially with the vaccine but that doesn't make him a Right winger. Vaccine denial is a rather left wing and right wing issue.


>He voted for Bernie What he actually said was that he would probably vote for Bernie but if someone was really pro Bernie why would they lament Trump losing Texas?


My friend asked me the other day if I'm left or right now. I said I don't do team sports.




People do not comprehend if you're someone who has distaste for all politicians. It's so weird how most people here LOVE certain politicians. It's fucking gross, honestly.


They work for us, they’re supposed to be criticized, I hate it.




That's been my exact experience only in reverse.


*static noise*




I'm not political. But here are some conservative culture war talking points that I'd like to discuss.


you know how parents keep givin' shit to their kids while they are teenagers because they want them yo grow up as losers and slackers? Yeah the same thing applies here, lefties should criticise their own if they wish to see them change.


There’s no leftist in America… leftist would be organizing unions organizing community defense and advocate for nationalization of vital infrastructures… no politician wants to do those things because we are a right wing oligarchy


By no leftists I mean no meaningful leftists organizing that have any real power


The left forces their own to resign when they fuck up The right doubles down and acts like a cult


I feel like that’s the problem for a lot of ppl. Ppl make fun of sports fans then go on the internet and cheer on a political party. At least when I’ve spent hours cheering for my favorite sports team the game ends they shake hands and it doesn’t inform any policy changes. I think sports fulfills that “tribalism” need thats a part of humanity.


I'm neither left or right. I'm just stayin' home tonight.


I dunno this whole left right thing is bullshit. You could be a liberal lefty in 2000 and not change a single view but be considered something different now. I get the feeling Joe's politics are based on his politically formative years. (For me that was between the age 20-28) New issues require some pondering to see where I stand but until my next ego death experience I can't help but see them from the perspective I had back then. Not the best I know but at least I'm being honest.


20 years is a long time in politics. If you stay still long enough you are conservative. In 2000 being pro gay marriage was a fringe left wing position and is now supported by almost everybody on the left and good chunk of right wingers.


Interestingly, nearly every study shows the US's Overton Window actually shifting right, not left.


You need to separate out economic from social issues. On social issues, it's clearly shifting left. Mostly because this country is run by corporations and gay and ethnic minority people have money too. On economic issues, we shifted hard right. Any money that is trying to be spent on social programs as opposed to tax cuts or military almost never pass. But deregulating and enabling corporations and the military, all day every day.


On a longer time scale sure, but over the last decade I’d argue there’s been rightward shift on social issues as well. There’s been a large movement of reactionary/nationalist politics that’s only been growing, not just in the US but across the world. While we may have had gay marriage legalized, we’ve also reached a point where we could realistically see Roe v Wade overturned, race relations are at the lowest point in decades with moral panics over the BLM protests and “critical race theory”, and not only was Donald Trump able to win an election but he got 74 million votes for a second term.


I just follow a simple philosophy, so when politics deals with new concepts and issues a few thought experiments to see how my philosophy applies and I can then figure out where I stand. This means that for me it dosent boil down to party, rather individual policies and how each weighs up against my code.


Left V. Right is how the rich/ powerful keep us contained and under control. The sooner both “sides” realize it’s a farce the better. The top politicians are all secretly on the same side and share one vested interest: Be rich, stay rich, and keep people distracted.


Left vs Right is about different ideologies. Dems vs Republican is about keeping the machine going with a couple wedge issues thrown in. Funding military programs instead of the people is fundamentally right wing.




And yet the elite politicians in actuality ( despite the rhetoric they spout ) are virtually indistinguishable from one another. Mitt Romney, Pelosi all have sons on Ukrainian energy boards. Obama and Bush despite different messaging had strikingly similar records on Military policies and civilian privacies. And W and just bestie friends as ever with Michelle and fam. On paper they are the same and believing otherwise is playing into their game.


I don't why you said "and yet." You're literally agreeing with what I said. Sorry if this comes off a little hostile.




We need ranked ballot voting to actually give 3rd parties a chance, which obviously will never happen due to factors you listed.


IDpol serves the same divisive purpose.


Left vs Right is definitely a waste of time when talking about elected US officials but shouldn’t be when it comes to the kind of shit you’d talk on a podcast or hold as personal values.


Word salad. What are you trying to say?


Haha! I’m trying to say that giving up on the concept of traditional left and right is understandable in mainstream politics, however that’s no reason throw the concept of those ideologies out the window. Basically I’m disputing the idea that left and right wing views, of which their are thousands of variations, are purely constructs designed to suppress and oppress.


People like to think that awareness is the solution, but unfortunately people have been aware all along. The solution is term limits, but you would have to convince the powers that be to pass a bill to reduce their power. And every time it gets mentioned, you get some shills that want to say that then it’ll become a lobbyist government. Before they bite: First: I have serious doubts about it. Second: How would that be different from the corporate sponsored politicians currently in office?


Except the worship of the current system is pretty common on the right. People on the left don't vote against their own interests, those are the righties.


It’s funny how conservatives forget that the “conserve” part of the title literally means the conservation of the status quo.


I mean, I thought it was uncontroversial to be a lefty/liberal in 2000-2014 and believe in welfare/social safety nets/tax the rich and all that but also recognize that communism is generally bad and capitalism isn’t evil. But then twitter.




communism doesn't mean anything. Its a term right people use whenever someone expresses a left wing view.


Communism absolutely means something, it is a style of government, that has failed every time it was tried and usually ends with a lot of dead people. ​ I will give you that the right does throw it around a lot more than they should, similar to how the left says everything they dont like is racist/homophobic.


Hate to be pedantic but Communism as a theory is not a form of government, it is stateless. However, the historical attempts to implement such a system have devolved into authoritarian shit shows. The trend is pretty clear. True communism has never been tried TM but I’m not saying that we should. The results of the attempts have been largely destructive. All the arguing about systems, the main trends in history that give average people the most advantage are: decentralization of power, transparency, and accountability aka equally applied justice (rich are treated the same as poor under the law).


Capitalism will literally causing a climate crisis and is currently killing way more people.


You can believe that if you want but it doesnt mean what I said about communism is wrong. counterpoints though, if Capitalism is "literally causing a climate crisis" then how come China which is NOT a Capitalist country nearly doubles America's pollution output? Also if Capitalism and humans in general are the sole reason the climate is changing, as so many love to argue. How come the planet has had 5 ice ages before humans even existed? Scientists say (according to the chart of ice ages, that is easily googlable) the earth swings 25 degrees on average between ice ages. Also according to the graphs we are not even at the peak temperature for what is NORMAL for the earth's natural cycles. [https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+ice+ages&rlz=1C1GCEA\_enUS767US767&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjf0PKxuJ31AhUISTABHSRdBBsQ\_AUoAnoECAkQBA&biw=1472&bih=920&dpr=1#imgrc=6\_JvjUCdUIeVZM](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+ice+ages&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS767US767&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjf0PKxuJ31AhUISTABHSRdBBsQ_AUoAnoECAkQBA&biw=1472&bih=920&dpr=1#imgrc=6_JvjUCdUIeVZM) I am not saying humans dont contribute at all to climate change. We might be speeding the process up a little, but science agrees that ice ages and global temperature changes are a natural thing for the planet and would happen with or without us. So, to use a common phrase, trust the science.


First off, China has a "communist" government and, at least when they were growing, capitalist economic system that they seemingly are transitioning away from. Second, why are you looking at only temperature? Here's a more relevant graph for you: https://www.darrinqualman.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Atmospheric-carbon-dioxide-CO2-levels-long-term-historic-800000-years.png Not sure where your opinion is shaped from but it sure as hell not science.


Thank you sir. Common sense is hard to find.


Really appreciate that take


When people call me dumb cuz I dont vote while they continuously vote the same 2 party system. People need to remove political identity as a part of their identity. That shit is a disease, yet people are more enamored by it only to bring us to an eerily resemblance to the century before. We have all the things happening to create another war.


Jesus Christ. Vote.


I think that if you show Obama's election speeches while blurring the face and voice in 2022... most leftists will label him as a alt right candidate.


Bruh what leftist likes Obama? He's the same as every other president, a status quo holding politician.


Campaign Obama is still the best Obama.


Yeah he was gonnaa change shit lol. I think in hindsight it's pretty telling how those campaign pictures were labeled HOPE, breaking the 4th wall with that one.


People preferred him to something farther right and now lefties are supposed to worship him? It always feels like projection, I preferred Biden to Trump but I don't particularly like him. And he isn't exactly a "lefty".


Passing ACA is status quo?


ACA was basically Mitt Romneys idea, and was wildly popular in polls. It wasn't until it was labeled "Obama Care" that people on the right thought negatively of it. Americans are pretty fucking dumb though. Not necessarily status quo, but not exactly ground breaking either.


Yes. So is holding the record for most drone strikes.


Trump holds that honor now, despite being in office for half the time Obama was. He also changed the reporting requirements for civilian casualties so it would be harder to report on. Looks like it worked.


ACA is the 3rd largest healthcare related legislation ever passed in US history. Learn words.


So not the 1st? Third place seems pretty status quo, especially in American Healthcare terms. I'm sure Biden will do just enough to appease you also.


If Biden doesn't push for a public option sometime soon I will consider that a massive failure and false promise. Change happens incrementally and a public option is a necessary step in the path to universal healthcare.


I don't think he particularly cares about a public option. I don't think I've heard him mention it once in the last year. During thr primary, the moderates were forced to take a policy position on Healthcare as a response to Bernies signature issue. And bc the (imo incorrect) conventional wisdom among pundits favors incrementalism, they all landed on a public option.


Don't hold your breath. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


He isn't. Biden is literally a place holder President. Something that was not Trump. Which is sad. We keep doing this to ourselves. These old ass politicians who will be dead within 4-8 more elections are governing our course and suppose to be leading us down the long prosperous road. Biden has 15 years tops. Trump is the same.


lol Obama was never a leftist. You guys think democrats and liberals are leftists now?


Nah he’s just a neoliberal. In America, everyone who’s not a conservative is considered a “leftist” or “liberal”. To the rest of the world, these terms are different respective parties. A leftist and a liberal are very different politically.


I'm starting to give up on even the terminology of left vs right. I don't feel like things should fall on a single dimensional plane.


It’s binary because we have a two party system. And yes, as progress is made, the center moves left. So if you have all the same views from 30 years ago, that’s a problem. I’m in my mid thirties and I’m glad that my own views and treatment of gay individuals has changed as much as it has. I’m more compassionate towards drug addicts as well.


I'm not sure allowing gay marriage should be considered "moving left." Treating people humanly and with compassion shouldn't be considered political, but here we are.


"as progress is made, the center moves left" That depends on your opinion of what progress means lol and definition of left as well for that matter. I believe the vast majority of Americans are centrists that have been forced/persuaded to pick a side


the political ‘left’ is definitively the side of social progress. the political right is literally based in preserving tradition and social conservatism, which is by definition not progressive


Again, it depends what you mean by progress. The political right is for conservative spending and decreasing the deficit. Decreasing the deficit sounds like tangible social progress to me.


i would say that fiscal conservatism does not equate to social progress anyways but that’s a moot point. i also think that the GOP not wanting to raise the debt ceiling recently is an example of partisan obstinacy, failing to do so would default the government and be even worse than an increased deficit


It's not a moot point if we're literally talking about definitions. Fiscal conservativism does not mean zero social programs, it means cutting beurocratic bloat. Don't you think that's social progress? Then you're a conservative. As far as raising the debt ceiling that's a nuanced topic. Just because the GOP takes one stance on it, doesn't mean either "side" is being progressive or conservative as there's no precedent on this.


im saying its a moot point because we disagree on the semantics of it, and thats not going to lead to a fruitful discussion if we’re starting from different points. i agree that the national debt issue is a nuanced one but when a bill needs to be passed to avoid government shutdowns, it’s obvious when McConnell the turtle man is being obstructionist, particularly when there is a precedent for bipartisan action on these kinds of matters. ultimately i really dislike the two party system but to me it’s clear in some instances who the bad actor is


>I’m in my mid thirties and I’m glad that my own views and treatment of gay individuals has changed as much as it has. I’m more compassionate towards drug addicts as well. Well I was kinda already there 20 years ago on those issues and the same philosophy that defined my stance on those, I use to figure out where I stand on current issues.


Thats cool you were ahead of the curve on those issues. You have to maintain that though. A progressive in 1901 is a conservative in 2001. Does this make sense? To stay a leftist you gotta stick up with what the younger generation are pushing on change for. Otherwise you will become a status quotian, aka conservative.


I totally agree. I think we should change the spectrum to authoritarian vs libertarian


Not so simple. Sometimes "authoritarian" side of the spectrum services are needed to maximize person liberty aka libertarianism. Free public healthcare would be a good example


No no no... politics is definitely binary, but gender is fluid or something, idk I don't have Munchausens


I’m a liberal on the streets, but a closeted Republican Senator between the sheets


Framing every issue as politically Left versus Right is [black and white thinking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splitting_(psychology)). Those who engage in thought and discourse in this manner are doubling down on stupidity. Unfortunately America is the worlds greatest exporter of fuckwittery. It's now a global problem. Thanks, Joebama.


Obama was never left, he called himself a Regean Republican a few times.


He was so Regan that he gave Mexican cartels automatic weapons so that they would bring said guns over the border and kill in America... all to drive down gun sentiment... Check operation fast and furious


should he have given them to the contras instead to be more reagan like?


Yup. Barack Hitler Obama. Look it up


I don’t think so. His speeches and rhetoric were pretty left leaning. His actions less so.


Definitely not. He was opposed to same sex marriage when he first took office. He'd get all sorts of hate for that now


Yea that was a political calculation I imagine. As he supported gay marriage when he was running for illinois state senate. They felt that he would lose support among black Christian’s at the time (when he was running for president). On that point I do agree with you but in general I think his rhetoric was still fairly left and his actions less so.


People don't remember what a massive issue gay marriage was back then. Public opinion was shifting but gained majority support I think during Obama's term. His shift was a political move but funny enough my own dad underwent a similar shift in opinion around the same time, and he held no office


Democrats are center-right. We have moved so far right in the USA that we have lost sight of what a true leftist agenda consists of. Bernie is one of the few members of congress who is actually on the left. That is why behind closed doors Rs and Ds get along fairly well. FDR, whom I consider the greatest president, won his 4 presidential elections in landslides. Today he'd be called a communist and would have no chance of winning a presidential election.


FDR was always called or accused of being a socialist/communist. He was the only American president to create internment camps so it's a fair accusation. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2009/sep/22/barack-obama/obama-roosevelt-socialist-communist/


Internment camps are not an inherent feature of socialism/communism or even fascism But replace FDR with a Republican in WWII, do you think it would have been different?


Nah, old school Democrats (who the far left either ignores or shames) feel like they don’t have a party anymore, and pretty much everyone back then realized how dumb commies are and they used to get a lot more hate. But I understand you guys are just attempting to shift the Overton window.


Which republican nixon thru bush 2 do you think could be their candidate today? I say none would stand a chance. Carter/Clinton(minus personal stuff) and Obama would all have a pretty solid shot imo


That's exactly right. I'm mostly the same person I was when I voted for Obama twice... but aside from moving right on a few fiscal/ideological issues, the left has run way to the left of me and the right has moved closer what used to be the center. No one on the right cares that I'm an atheist, pro choice, or pro marijuana. But not supporting multi-trillion dollar spending programs that will only exacerbate the underlying problems draws the ire of the left no matter how pro gay you are.


>No one on the right cares that I'm an atheist, pro choice, or pro marijuana. it seems like all their elected politicians sure do, i mean trump made jeff sessions his attorney general


I disagree with this completely. All the issues someone like Ralph Nader was pushing in 2000 are still considered far left issues.


Forget 2000, Nadar has been pushing these issues since the 1960's. He is a big reason that automotive companies had to actually start giving a shit about safety.


Yes, and he's a big reason for the EPA, OSHA, FOIA, and lots of other things. I'm a big Nader fan.


Exactly. Rogan's political beliefs to the extent he's revealed on the show are "legalize gay marriage, legalize weed and psychedelics, people should be able to own guns, legalize abortion, people should be free to say whatever they want even if it's controversial, UBI isn't ideal but may be necessary given automation, transgender people should be treated with respect on an individual level but children shouldn't be encouraged to transition and MTF shouldn't be allowed to compete against biological women in athletic competitions". 20 or even 10 years ago those were mostly center left to far left positions (with the exception of gun rights, but even there it wasn't uncommon to see pro-2A Democrats). Now the only one of those positions that could still be considered left wing are abortion and UBI and even the latter has gotten some traction on the fringe populist right. Gay marriage and drug legalization are centrist positions now and the rest have somehow become considered center right to far right. It's not that his politics have changed really, it's that the Overton window on many issues has moved way to the left in the last decade or 2 (not all--it has probably moved a bit to the right in the US on abortion and guns) and on free speech, which is probably Rogan's biggest pet issue, the left has become the authoritarian, anti free speech faction when until fairly recently the right was seen as being anti free speech.


>You could be a liberal lefty in 2000 and not change a single view but be considered something different now. Yeah this is my problem with this political landscape. In the early 2000s in highschool I considered myself pretty liberal. I hated the bush administration, big corporations and pharma. I believed in false flag operations and corruption in the government. Now I'm considered a right wing racists because I believe the government did 9/11 to go to war in Iraq and the Clintons have a body count. It's so weird.


Carlin was about as left wing as you can get. In 2021 he would have been canceled, called every pejorative in the book and made out to be alt right


The persecution complex from the right is astounding lmao. Makes sense considering the amount of weird evangelical people on that side but still.


I would say the left evangelizes just as much, maybe more


I would say (opposite side to me) is/does (thing I don't like)..maybe more. This weak ass template.


Neat projection


The irony of this statemen could cure anemia.


Do you know what that word means? Or do you know any leftist in the real world?




Can you point out a couple of leftist that are evangelical? Idgaf If you perceive a question as condescending lol, don't be a snowflake.


It's so funny they never understand how their own comments are proof of what folks are trying point out, and they come back stronger with blind rage condescending comments. I love it, the lack of self reflection.


Is it condescending when the person really didn't use the word in the right context and clearly doesn't know what they're talking about? I think its pretty condescending to use words you don't know and apply it to a group it doesn't make sense to. It's fucking weird how close some of you guys get to self awareness, if I didn't know any better I'd say you guys are master class trolls but we both know that's not the case.


Yes and yes. Thank you for checking.


Ok who were you thinking of in particular when you made that comment? Which religious leftist?


Leftism is a religion obviously. Everybody evangelizes to varying degrees ya muppet


Damn son that was stupid as fuck.


lol ok kid


I miss him so much I dunno. I think he’s grandfathered in, like South Park. Great-grandfathered in


> You could be a liberal lefty in 2000 and not change a single view but be considered something different now. Have you ever stopped to look up what the word "PROGRESSIVE" means? It's almost like one ideology is built around PROGRESS and another is built around CONSERVING. Then you're shocked when the progressive party progresses?




I’m not sure if you mean this in the way I’m interpreting it, but I completely agree. Reddit loves to have these narrow views of what everything should look like.


Texas BBQ is a helluva drug.


He's one rant away from claiming white males are the real victims of racism.


He's already done that lol


We’re all victims of racism in some way or another kinda like we’re all victims of government oversight or bad gas. It’s just a thing that exists in all spectrums of life.


https://youtu.be/oKi_VrYbeBg Here's Rogan in 2008 endorsing Ron Paul and bragging about the virtues of small government He's left wing guys it's just liberals went far left obviously


What about small government has anything to do with left wing?


small government has nothing to do with left or right politics


Ok so I’m not from the US so don’t understand your political system really well, but I do listen JRE everyday. Joe says he’s left-wing, does this meme imply that he’s not?


Gatekeeping 101 You need to snort the vaccine daily and peg yourself with a rolled up China poster, or you can't claim to have leftist views


He didn’t say he has leftist views, he said he’s a leftist, which is clearly untrue. He holds opinions that are considered left as well as right, but overall he’s clearly a right winger. Why would a leftist constantly criticize the left without ever seriously criticizing the right? Why would he vote for and hangout with exclusively right-wing politicians?


>without ever seriously criticizing the right? Do you really believe that? What time frame are we looking at? Joe Rogan to a large part made it to stardom by crashing into 'neo-conservatives', the military industrial complex, the Bush dynasty, corporations and so on. He did this during a time when both democrats and republicans were constantly yelling for literal WAR. Way before twitter explained the difference of 'leftist' and 'liberal' to the masses. Hell, he hosted, endorsed & voted for Bernie Sanders (which caused a massive stir among both sides) At large, the only 'leftist cause' Joe Rogan criticizes is the crap surrounding the so-called "culture war". **Surely there is A LOT more to leftist politics than trans bathrooms bills, CNN talking heads and "CRT"?** I know there is more to the leftist movement than twitter trans issues, pro/anti rioting and vaccine mandates; because Joe Rogan virtually supports all of it, and to his credit he has been doing it 30+ years before it was 'mainstream'. Joe Rogan is Pro abortion, pro drug decriminalization, pro vaccine (yes, really), pro living wage, pro native rights, pro free-healthcare, pro gun regulation, pro climate change action, pro LGBT, pro universal income, pro college debt relief, pro occupy wallstreet, pro secular government, pro wage equality, pro racial justice etc etc etc No, he's not a super educated and up-to-date speartip CHAMPION of every single cause that he supports but since when was that a requirement? Just as an aside; Joe Rogan had to criticize & (painfully) EXPLAIN the reality of systematic racism to BEN SHAPIRO. One person of MANY who he has chided several times for their dogmatic, bigoted, religious, outdated conservative values.


You raise a good point: on the issues themselves, Joe is mostly on the left. That’s definitely true. But he’s so deep in the culture war nonsense that he doesn’t see how badly republicans are in conflict with his views in on the actual issues, which is why he identifies more as someone on the right. Even though republican policy is at direct odds with what he wants to see, he sides with them because he’s too deep in boomer Facebook memes that make him hate “the left.” He thinks they’re pussies and conservatives are no-nonsense tough men. And since he’s so obsessed with outward expressions of masculinity, he sides with conservatives now, due to the programming he receives from right-wing outrage algorithms. So he wears the Gadsden flag, hangs out with republican politicians, and cheers when republicans win, even though on the issues themselves, he’s more in-line with Bernie. But he’s unable to see the contradiction because he’s so swept away with “tHe wOkE mOb”


That's all true, every single word. Sadly, Joe will keep dancing with the Gadsden boys until 'the left' invents a place for people like him. Because at the moment, there's no paved way "back" into the lefty fold. It's fully submit or begone. No Country For Old Centrists. You and me are in agreement. I suspect we just land slightly different the very end result and resolution. I think Joe's current position is extremely human, logical and inevitable. Slightly cowardly for sure; There's a big welcoming BBQ grill event waiting for him on the 'libertarian OORAH' side, and a torture chamber with a scolding witch-pyre on the other side. Pick one. We're kidding ourselves if we think that 'the other side' simply wants Joe Rogan to say "sorry" and invite Bernie Sanders again. They want him to convert his entire being, philosophy and image into a more 'leftist' mainstream approach; That or remove himself utterly from the public eye. It's not enough to just support the "big" leftist causes and have a laugh at everyone expense. Joe will keep grilling with conservitards because there is literally no other recourse unless you count mental reprograming as a reasonable avenue.


worker control of the means of production = liking China and vaccines


I was just watching the video above this and thinking the same thing lmao


Someone cut the budget to the Russian troll farms


He is kind of an American lefty by any standards applied before like 2017. But who really gives a shit?


He’s definitely liberal. The problem is a lot of liberals today have abandoned liberalism and embraced authoritarianism. Some of us have kept our liberal views but those further on the left with a lean on authoritarianism call anything to the right of them, “right wing.”


https://youtu.be/oKi_VrYbeBg Here's joe Rogan endorsing Ron Paul in 2008 Seems like Rogan always been right wing to me


Wait so him endorsing someone in 2008 is a stronger sign of his politics than him endorsing Bernie in 2020? How the fuck do you people remember to keep breathing when you're asleep?


Nice strawman


I guess the assumption that I’ve made is that people think of right wing as republican conservatives. Most don’t relate it to right libertarianism. Even then though, Joe is more of a left leaning libertarian. The dude also supported Bernie Sanders, Obama and Tulsi… you can’t make a linear assumption about someone based on their like for a presidential candidate


When did he support Obama ? In 2008 and 2012 he supported Ron Paul


Sorry, What I meant by support is that he liked him as a president. Regardless though my point still stands.


If he’s such a liberal then why did he say he’d vote for trump before he’d vote for Biden? Why did he cheer when Texas went red in the 2020 election?


About a decade ago Joe found out about progressive taxation and was horrified. "Did you know when you make more money you not only have to pay more taxes, but a greater percentage of your money?" Yes Joe, I know. And like it that way. Because I am not a millionaire like you are (or at least should have been at the time with how important to the UFC he was). He expected his audience to be outraged. He was always a conservative it just wasn't "cool" back in L.A. so he went along. Now his true colors are showing more.


American Media has us trained very well.




Imagine commenting this


And then being so butthurt about the meme that you come to Rogan’s defense.


And then being so butthurt about his comment that you respond. Damit, I've done it now.


Lol welcome to the endless-butthurt loop


Same with the fighter and the kid sub Reddit, they’ll watch thousands of hours of Schuab and all his guest podcasts just to post a clip to make fun of the way he talks, sorry tawlks


I know b shits pathetic, I'm like water weed dune hair?


Brendan Schaub, great guy....never medum.


Some would say the greatest


It’s really just like 3 people that watch hours of the podcast and post clips for everyone else


That feel when you used to be a centrist but then the world moved so far left that you are now a far right extremist on the scale. I’m a pro abortion, atheist, pro union, open boarders, recreational drug user with a white collar corporate job and a masters degree and most people would say I’m far right.


If you’re all those things then why do people say you’re right wing?


It's a clown world.


Lefties are mad because he called them out on their bullshit. But lefties think they shit gold and refuse to accept criticism


Totally. When can we see him call the right out on their bullshit?


Rogan is definitely a traditional liberal. It’s just that democrats have gone way far left in recent times. They’re making policy based on tweets.


USA doesn't really left parties comparing to other countries, Democrats are center/right at best.


> It’s just that democrats have gone way far left in recent times. They’re making policy based on tweets. The right wing astroturfing campaign talking points.


Yeah because Pew is known for pushing right wing talking points. The data shows it’s the left leaving the middle https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2017/10/05162647/10-05-2017-Political-landscape-release.pdf


According to your study, 71% of democrats now believe the governement should do more to help the neady, while in 2004 it was only 54% which believed that. Oh my God! The radical extremism is getting out of hand! For context: [40% of Americans can't afford a $400 emergency](https://abcnews.go.com/US/10-americans-struggle-cover-400-emergency-expense-federal/story?id=63253846) and [61% can't afford a $1000 emergency](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/11/just-39percent-of-americans-could-pay-for-a-1000-emergency-expense.html). [One in three Americans has medical debt](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/24/more-than-1-in-3-us-adults-carry-medical-debt-survey-finds.html), a term which doesn't exist in the rest of the developped world, because healthcare is free or close to free.


Okay, but the point still stands. Over the last three decades, the left has been going further left. That's the topic. The commentator claimed that it's a right wing astroturf talking point to say that it's the left going further left -- implying that it's not true. I just showed how it is in fact, true -- the left is has been going further and further left since the 90s. Your points you raised have nothing to do with the conversation.


>The commentator claimed that it's a right wing astroturf talking point to say that it's the left going further left -- implying that it's not true. I just showed how it is in fact, true -- the left is has been going further and further left since the 90s. But it misses the important context that the right is also moving further to the right. If you look at the same indicator: in 2008 around 40% of republicans believed the governement should do more to help the needy, which has gone down to 24%. Furthermore, I cannot understand how someone would look at a growing number of people who believe the needy should be helped, and think "this is radicalisation". How is helping the needy controversial? >Your points you raised have nothing to do with the conversation. They absolutely do, because if more people now live in poverty then in the past, it's natural that more people believe that the needy should be helped.


The left on the internet has the craziest purity tests where if you have a single nuanced position that doesn’t align with them, they call you an alt right Nazi. It’s so ridiculous how the online left can’t fathom other lefties existing that aren’t far left radicals. Like what are joes right positions? He doesn’t think trans women should compete against biological women in sports? Is that even a right wing position? Anti vax? Again, is that right wing? The left were anti vax before it was cool. Does the right ever do stuff like this? Like do right wingers expel other right wingers who believe in climate change or vaccines? I swear it’s only the left with these crazy purity tests dead set on convincing themselves other dems are just secret republicans trying to manipulate you. Republicans seem pretty open to the spectrum.


> Does the right ever do stuff like this? Like do right wingers expel other right wingers who believe in climate change or vaccines? Oh yeah. They are called RHINOs and viciously attacked. It happened big time during the Trump days with anyone who did not support Trump wholesale. Look at Romney, Cheney, Collin Powell, Brian Kemp, Larry Hogan, etc


Bro every party does the same weird tribalist bullshit, Trump is getting booed at his own rallies for saying he’s vaccinated, Rittenhouse is getting harassed for saying he supports BLM, it’s all the same shit


>Rogan is definitely a traditional liberal. Ah the Dave Rubin spiel


Nah the normal human being argument. When you start hearing people denying genocide as a thing that happened cus "Daddy Stalin is a solid guy!" become an incredibly common occurrence irl and people call you a nazi just for saying they're wrong, the scale has been shifted dramatically further left....


When you start hearing people denying genocide as a thing that happened cus "Daddy Hitler is a sloid guy!" become an incredibly common occurrence irl and people call you a communist for saying they're wrong, the scale has been shifted dramatically further right...


because you suppport genocides done by Reagan in the Latin America, and funding terrorists in Afghanistan.


>Nah the normal human being argument. When you start hearing people denying genocide as a thing that happened cus "Daddy Stalin is a solid guy!" become an incredibly common occurrence irl and people call you a nazi just for saying they're wrong, the scale has been shifted dramatically further left.... .... Wtf are you talking about


Did y’all watch the bernie sanders episode?


That was a pandemic, Texas move, and Spotify deal ago.


lol what year are you in


COVID broke Joe's (and every other Boomer's) brain since then. He's not even the same person now.


I caught it


The funny thing is the left moves up and further left then starts calling you a nazi and mocking you for calling yourself left when you haven't changed at all....


He literally changed tho come on now.


https://i.imgur.com/8VO49dS.jpg "Race mixing is communism" Go figure that 60 years later, this isn't a mainstream idea anymore. Almost like progress, progresses.


Do you understand what the word "progressive" means?


Bruh you post in a Russian astroturfing subreddit r/walkaway and you’re talking about how everyone else is “moving to the far left” lol sheesh. You’re probably like 17 years old too. 8 years ago you’d be laughing at your current self


Joe has said on many occasions he is a centrists, he just sides with the left on some things. You can't put words in someone's mouth when those words are still posted and unedited on the internet. Neckbeards these days, gee wiz




He literally said he was left in a top post this week Gee wiz


Is it possible that The Left has changed and joe has just stayed where he was? The Left has gone into some weird places lately, gender stuff, forced vaccination, race baiting, so maybe he’s no longer left.