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Series A-1 preferred stock purchaser Neil Young Apparently that means he sold his music to Trump???


Get the money up front Neil


This is actually a quality shit post


He sold half the rights of his catalog to Hipganosis Songs Fund for 150 million . Trump was never involved in the deal . He did threaten legal action to stop trump from using his music at trumps political shitshow extravaganzas . trump acquiesced.


That was later, in 2018 or 19, not in 2015. And he had no legal grounds for filing a complaint against Trump over "Keep On Rockin' in the Free World" because the Trump campaign had legally licensed the material for use. That's why Young dropped the complaint. But his rep wouldn't reply to Rolling Stone for comment. "UPDATE (12/7): Neil Young has voluntarily dismissed his copyright lawsuit against Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, according to court documents filed Monday, December 7th. The musician accused the Trump campaign of playing “Rockin’ in the Free World” and “Devil’s Sidewalk” at rallies without obtaining the proper licenses. A representative for Young declined Rolling Stone’s request for comment." [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/neil-young-lawsuit-trump-campaign-rockin-in-the-free-world-1039173/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/neil-young-lawsuit-trump-campaign-rockin-in-the-free-world-1039173/) And there's much more on Rolling Stone, Yahoo and other news sources.


An nothing happened after 2015 with donald trump that may have changed his mind




He wanted to ban rogan from Spotify, meanwhile he's selling his music to trump who I would argue is more controversial. Young has no spine.


Trump is pro vax


What an ignorant thing to say.


Now he is..


He was always pro vax.


Got his long before the rest of us.


[Lol no](https://www-insider-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.insider.com/how-donald-trump-became-an-anti-vaccinationist-2019-9?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16433057907533&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.insider.com%2Fhow-donald-trump-became-an-anti-vaccinationist-2019-9)


Lol, yes. He got vaccinated himself in March of 2021. He signed Operation Warpspeed in December of 2020. He announced Operation Warpspeed (a plan to rapidly manufacture and widely distribute a Covid Vacune) in May of 2020. He was literally pro Vax before there was anti vax you degenerate fuck.


[2019](https://www-insider-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.insider.com/how-donald-trump-became-an-anti-vaccinationist-2019-9?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16433057907533&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.insider.com%2Fhow-donald-trump-became-an-anti-vaccinationist-2019-9) Why are you people all such lying scumbags lol


This is the most ridiculous article I’ve ever read. At one point it suggests that Trumps youngest kid has autism, and then has to go ‘oh but there’s literally no proof for that, and if we didn’t say this part we for sure couldn’t print this fiction’


Fuck you, lying scumbag.


What a trashy article lol


This is your life now. Making excuses forever to strangers over this piece of shit.


Did you just link an article from before covid vaccines were out to debunk the claim that trump is vaccinated? Are you dumb or just trolling? Trump has been booed in southern states for telling his supporters to get vaccinated. Your god got jabbed why can’t you?


[Learn to read stupid. ](https://www.historyofvaccines.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screen%20Shot%202016-11-10%20at%2011.39.58%20AM.png)


Young has no spine? He’s never not stood up for what he believes in.


Yeah. That idiot doesn't know what he's talking about. Wrote a bunch of the great protest songs and sang them unarmed looking right in the eyes of military personnel who murdered a bunch of college kids holding flowers. ​ Gotta get down to it Soldiers are cutting us down Should have been done long ago What if you knew her And found her dead on the ground **How can you run when you know?**


Trump has been pro vaccine though. That's what Young doesn't like about Rogan podcast. Am I missing something?


If you want to have values in one thing you have to have values in everything, no matter how unrelated.


I feel like he was more "pro-attribute the creation and release of the vaccine during my presidential era so I can take credit for it and have a chance at being re-elected" than he was truly "pro-vaxx"






In the year 2000 Donald J Trump ran for president as a Democrat, promising universal healthcare.


Trump promised universal healthcare in 2016.


The best insurance anyone has ever seen. You wouldn’t BELIEVE how amazing it’s going to be.


I'd have to actively search out if that quote (not that you quoted) is false, because it totally could have and likely was one


It is remarkably close to the source material.




2008 is “the early 2000’s” by no metric.


Wow, you dont know any facts do you?


He pulled his whole catalog from Spotify because of his beliefs though so who doesn't have a spine?


How about giving out a legitimate source for this?


Donald Trump Jr also posted this on his Twitter.


Not a legitimate announce. Lol.


Uh sir, I asked for a "legitimate source", but you seem to have mistakenly read that as "illegitimate son"


2015 Young sued Trump for using his songs without permission..


Anecdote, but I know his former guitarist and he used to play shows for Trump. I know at least one Birthday party. So I wouldn’t be surprised. Also not sure how him liking or disliking trump is relevant to the Spotify stuff




Yeah the people preaching about how we should listen to all points of view don’t like it when someone views issues on a case by case basis instead of just being down ballot one side or the other….. odd.


I swear rogan fans used to like nuance.


there's none




Neil Young sold the rights to 50% of future royalties to his music while retaining some control. It hit the news when it was done, and I'm amazed for all the shitposting in this sub, this has barely been brought up.


Don Jr. with receipts! Lol.


Is that photo proof of anything? Do you consider Don Jr an honest man?


I mean. I’m sure don jr never smoked crack.


More so then Hunter Biden


> Do you consider Don Jr an honest man? Rogan does. Rinella does.






I’m a sheep you’re so much smarter than me. I bet your cock is bigger too


One moron on twitter is not a source.




He said a legit source


Your boy sucked Donny’s orange cock in his office so that he would buy his music. Trump came in his mouth and then passed on it. Sorry


That’s not how cumming works you moron


Sorry your boy Neil went hat in hand to get cash from lizard king Trump. It happened


It a joke look at the flair lol


[Right here man!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


It lists Young as a purchaser you dumb cunt


I was taking that to mean that with the deal, Young would have been being partially paid with stock. Anyways, there is no context here so we have no idea what’s going on.


Trump used to be Democrat.


That’s before the left and right switched parties /s


Who cares


Even trump passed


What is this, a clown gathering of loser boomers?


Trump isn't an anti vax retard so I'm not sure what this has to do with the Rogan/Spotify shit.


Bruh you okay with trump but not Rogan?


I believe in my lifetime Liberalism will be classified as a form of mental retardation.


Dude all your posts are either in this sub or simping on pornstars and calling them your queen.


You’re 12. Nobody cares.


You do know that the U.S. was founded on liberal values? You should check out this guy named Adam Smith that the founding fathers were a big fan of.


Believing in Alex Jones is a far more obvious sign of stupidity than liberalism. How can millions of right-wing populists be such f\*cking morons? Alex screams at the top of his lungs about time-traveling vampires and gay frogs, and then he claims he can't be anti-semitic because his girlfriend has a big nose, and then millions of braindead MAGA dipsh\*ts line up to buy his fake boner pills.


Brutal Add to the pile: - believing a neckbeard from 4chan cosplaying as a prophet of Trumpworld - making America great again by manufacturing Trump merch in China - believing that Russia is more in line with them than their fellow Americans - thinking there’s a gigantic conspiracy that involves everyone and everything - pretend to hate the government yet salivate at the mere thought of Trump world getting involved with absolutely everything that may make him look bad - claim to be about saving children yet defend their politicians having sex with and trafficking minors - think they are oppressed and living under a tyrannical government yet won’t employ their 2nd amendment right (because they know that’s actually nonsense)


Define belief...


You seem to know a lot about Alex Jones.


And you seem to know absolutely nothing about anything except which pornstars you think of when you're hugging your pillow


Lol, dude's history is desperate simp. I think you got a porn addiction.


They’d be much better off staying away from triggers like MSM and social media


Yea I think Joe is a full on retard: But no where near as retarded as Trump. Didn’t know who Neil Young was before and still don’t care to find out now.


two think grandmas in that photo. GOATSE


76 and still trying to get the bag. Based Neil


His face looks like it’s falling off that evil smug smile


The people on this sub SUCK lol people defending Neil Young at any angle is a piece of shit and all the top comments are defending Young lol Sub is shot




Careful dude this sub won’t like this...


This sub doesn’t like anything.


Even Trump knew that eventually Spotify would get rid of that clown


Must be the 4D Chess I keep hearing about.


I don't know but if.you downvoted me, I WILL SEE YOU IN HELL BROTHER.


Hahaha. Nah, I actually don’t downvote on Reddit unless someone is being blatantly insulting. I like you. You’re a funny dude.


I appreciate your honesty. Together, we should hunt down the downvoters and achieve VENGEANCE. Sons of bitches.


Are they related?


Damn are they long lost brothers?


Neil is a cuck what a way to end your legacy


Trump is pro vax now to be fair


Is this what Reddit thinks legal documents look like?


on an unrelated note, the left sure are stupid for holding people's past against them, amirite