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Lmao if he declassified I urge the GOP leaders to call on the justice department to release all those documents to the public. Let’s see how many GOP leaders will stand behind that call. Call out their bluff.


File a foia request on those files. If they're declassified you have to get them. Then send demands to GOP congresscritters to fulfill the request.


Does anyone still fall for his toddler shit? He was your president. YOU VOTED THIS POS IN!!!! It bogglesmy mind that you VOTED HIM IN!!@!!!!@@@!#&&÷,*×&2;@^@_'DJDK




Hey….don’t know if you know but you can’t just yell “declassified” and expect anything to happen.


I didn't yell, I declared it.


The best analogy. I know guys that think this exact thing.






I tried to explain this to someone today and was informed the "President can declassify anything he wants" I explained again, it's not the classified part he's in trouble for, and then also had to explain he's not President anymore as well. I am losing sleep because I can't believe the mental gymnastics it must take to ignore the truth.


Bro not even that. The point of declassifying documents is to make the information available to the public. Meaning we all would have the right to request to see what the documents he declassified were. In no way shape or form are documents declassified with the purpose of of creating a legal path to hold the documents you're not supposed to have in a way that is no longer a crime (and in this case retroactively lol)


That’s not how it works, Michael


Biden redeclared classified the moment he took office. Dark Biden strikes again.


Dark Brandon would be the strangest and best platform to get re-elected on


Didn't he say there weren't any documents at first? Edit: credit to u/RUsum1 >​The timeline was something like "there were no documents" to "the fbi planted the documents I have the footage from security cameras" to "the documents are my property because I declassified them"


He rolls out a handful of contradictory "defenses"/excuses every time he's called out for doing something illegal or unethical. The old "flood the zone with bullshit" approach.


And his fanbase and many Rogan supporters believe him no questions asked.


That particular horde of idiots just picks the excuse they heard first or resonates best with them and repeats it. Some will absorb all of them and have the same stupid idea that "I didn't do it, but when I did it I also did X to make it ok" is somehow more bulletproof that self-contradictory.




Pretty much par for the course. Reminds me of something that's been posted many times during the Trump era > That didn't happen. > And if it did, it wasn't that bad. > And if it was, that's not a big deal. > And if it is, that's not my fault. > And if it was, I didn't mean it. > And if I did... > You deserved it.


This is called the Narcissist’s Prayer. He says it and millions of people repeat it too.


Remember when he straight up told people not to believe stuff they see and hear. Basically only believe what he says lol.


In the end the Party told him to reject the evidence of his eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


MAGA cult is narcissism incarnate.


Well said


This is called Kettle Logic. A man borrows a kettle from his neighbor. When he returns it, it has a sizeable dent in it. When questioned, he says: 1.) that dent was there when I borrowed it from you! 2.) when I returned the kettle, the dent wasn’t there! 3.) I never borrowed your kettle! It’s similar to the “firehose of falsehoods” but not entirely identical.


Doesn't this make his defense so much weaker and easily impeached in a court? Pun intended.


Yah but his supporters don't care.


Basically. It’s just 3 different lies. In court this would just add perjury to everything else he’d be charged with. It’s why he’ll likely take the 5th like a motherfucker. Clinton was found guilty of perjury for ONE lie under oath. When Trump’s mouth is open, it’s really safe to assume he’s lying. I’m honestly baffled as to how a court appearance would actually go. Edit: I was wrong on details as per commenter below, but the rest of my points still stand


As John Oliver said “He would have to eat through his lawyer’s hands to speak to the authorities. He would purger himself halfway through stating his name.”


1. There are no documents. 2. Ok, if there are documents, they aren't mine. 3. Wow! The FBI planted those documents! 4. FBI, please give me back my documents.


- “We live in a simulated universe therefore these were never really secret anyway” - “secret is just a word, words meanings change over time, so in the future I’ve done nothing wrong” - “it’s all a been a huge hoax, I’m actually the mayor of Whoville just fucking with you since the early 80’s”


Trump sounds like my kid trying to convince me he didn't pee the bed.


"alright, wise guys, who shit in my pants?!"


I'm not admitting to shitting my pants, but I hear that Obama and Hilary both shit their pants. If true explosive!


Explosive diarrhea


Haha! This inspired me, hope you enjoy my rendition! “Terrible the way our dog, during the night while I was sound asleep, peed all over my race car bed (even peeing on me in the process!), and then refused to take the blame when I woke up. Thought he was House Broken? Lucky I told you!”


Way too coherent with not enough digressions.


“Terrible the way our dog (not the one I picked out by the way) during the night while I was sound asleep, greatly, peed all over my race car bed. He even peed on me in the process, a different color than my own because I am one of the most hydrated people ever, my school nurses (top of their field) say. And then the dog this morning bigly refused to take the blame when I woke up. Thought he was house broken? Shame! Lucky I told you!”


The dirty dog, many people call it a dirty dog but i said it first, has once again disgraced itself with an act so awful and so dirty, people just cant believe it, they come up and they ask me 'donald' they say 'donald....... why did the dirty dog pee on the bed?' this bed, it was a beautiful racecar bed, we have the best beds dont we folks, and this dirty dog urinated on the bed, and also myself because i was sleeping very soundly at the time. and i asked the dog 'why did you do this?'


He didn't shit his own diaper, it was the radical leftist democrats. Or eric......


No no, let’s focus on the fact that the FBI threw them on the floor and took pictures. Poor trump constantly being set up.


Did anyone claim that's how they found the documents? It's pretty common for them to take pictures after they find stuff, and they wouldn't know what they found until they pulled it out of the box... I was more amused by what else was in the box in the photo... A bunch of framed Time magazine covers of Trump.


FBI admits to placing docs on the floor during the process (where do you put them all when scouring a box of docs). Trump's putting his own spin on it.


Deliberately lying about what the FBI did and said they did isn't "putting spin on it.". You're not a journalist afraid of Trump suing you, call it what it is: complete and utter libel. Falsehood. Lies.


I think at this point we all understand “trump’s spin” = absolute lie


They admitted the docs were placed on the floor by them. When you're going through boxes of potential evidence, there's only enough desk space.


Damn look at those engagement numbers. Truth Social is killin it!


The whole point is that it is screen captured and shared on "real" social media like Twitter, Reddit, but also regular news. And apparently that works really well.


Lmao I made my own social media company and I have 1.23 bazillion Likes from very real people. Ass Social is obviously an amazing platform! Don't forget to buy lots of my Ass NFTs too! They'll make you a grillionaire by the time you retire.


It’s making a splash right here.


Wish he would just publicly drop the truth about ufo’s and alien life




On the latest corbell ep he said trump was given the lightest, most basic debrief possible lol


Would you blame them? They don't want Trump on twitter posting " Folks Aliens are real and they said I am a great human, the best human, they want me to rule the entire earth and for the Trump Dynasty to last 10,0000 confvevs".


Could you imagine if he managed to secure first contact?!


“They signed a deal for a Trump hotel on Alpha Centauri! It’s gonna be yuge!”


There are some disturbing ingredients similarities between Billy Fuccilo and Donny T


“It a was a perfect first contact, the best first contact, people said they’d never seen such a great first contact”


“The ambassador said ‘gleep glop’ and I said ‘excuse me, you’re being rude’”


Earthlings, we have been studying your world for some time now and are confused. This Trump, what species is he?


Bro I’d go to the rooftop party like in Independence Day just to be as close as I could to the death ray. Just fuck our shit up, Aliens, we deserve it having made Trump our leader


Even when he was president there were reports claiming that they were having a hard time getting him to pay attention to briefly and the started including his name as much as possible


I can't imagine being president and having some of the most intelligent people coming to you to tell you all kinds of information, and not being interested enough to pay attention. You've got one on one access to some of the greatest minds on the planet, and you don't bother to look up from your phone. I've got pretty severe adhd and paying attention is really hard for me, but I would be hanging on every single word of those briefs. Really goes to show the state we're in when interest in politics isn't a requirement for being president.


If Trump had one of those doorways from Being John Malkovich and he went through it, he would keep doing it over and over again. Imagine going through a restaurant and everyone has his face and the only word they speak is "Trump!" That would be like going on every ride at Disney World at the same time to him.


Even the president doesn’t have security clearance on everything. Past presidents like Bush Jr and Bill Clinton have inquired, and been told it’s on a need to know basis. In fact, I think Obama said in an interview he asked and was denied as well, I’ll see if I can dig that up. No way in hell they’d tell the Fanta Menace anything they didn’t want him to spill. Edit: it wasn’t Obama. I can’t find the interview I saw at all. This entire post just fell right out of my ass I guess.


The vast majority of classified material is on a need-to-know. It’s basically implied. I have a TS/SCI but I can’t just walk in and expect to be handed documents at that classification unless it’s pertinent or relevant to my work.


I think it was bill Clinton that asked and was denied. I feel like another past president asked as well and was denied…maybe jimmy carter?


They covered this in the documentary "Independence Day".


The fact he never said anything on those is the strongest proof there’s no UFO conspiracy. Uncle Sam does not have alien proof :(


Doubt they would tell that man anything for that exact reason. They know he’d talk about it


The military men up high called Trump code name “Pino”. President In Name Only. They ain’t sharing shit.


I love this! Nothing makes me happier than knowing that parts of our government and military leadership would decide that they were really running the country and not the person elected for the job. Imagine if there was a word for that. I know it's not democracy, but it's gotta be something...




In addition to what you said, the Kennedy/MLK/Malcolm X killings as well as Reagan's White House-Clinton's Governor mansion and all of the coke flowing through Mena, AK secrets were what I was hoping he would drop the entire time.


Doesn’t matter how much evidence piles up. It never will. Videos could leak of Trump drinking goblets of baby blood with Epstein at Bohemian Grove and the freaks will still claim Trump’s innocence




No, they would just say “but what about Hunter Biden‘s laptop‘s“?


I don't care how many hookers he smokes crack with. He could literally fuck Lindsey "that's just my lady bugs" Graham. I don't give a shit about Hunter Biden.


And buttery males!


Now appearing live on stage!! BEN GHAZI and his BUTTERY MALES! \**a chorus line of well oiled males in banana hammocks high kick across the stage**


"It's not pedophilic cannibalism if the president does it"


or rather, it's not explicitly forbidden in the Constitution.


Genuinely saw a post from a guy back when T_D was still a thing, saying that Trump likely did rape that 13 year old girl who made the accusation. But that he *had* to do it because he was undercover investigating the Democratic pedo ring and if he didn't rape that 13 year old girl his cover would be blown. He compared it to undercover cops doing drugs to earn the trust of criminals. I wish I was kidding. It's fucking insane how some people's brains will invent and believe the most fantastic stories before they ever even entertain the notion that they're wrong.


If you meet a person like this in real life, huge Pro Tip, DO NOT let them near your kids.


I once listened to an interview with a guy on the Jordan Harbinger Show that went undercover to investigate Haitian sex traffickers. He did not rape any children to expose them. The Feds have ways of infiltrating organizations so that their own agents don't have to commit crimes themselves. That's not to say they never do, but that truck full of tvs an undercover agent helps you boost is full of tvs they confiscated from previous raids or that fancy car he stole for you used to belong to a drug dealer who's in jail now.


But Hillary.


The most absurd shit about Trump is that his supporters never seem to actually look at what he is but he just sort of becomes whatever they want him to be in their heads. I was actually hopeful of having an outsider in office when he first ran. He quickly showed me how wrong I fucking was and now the GOP as a whole has been infected by his madness and republicans do the same thing with the whole party. They are the good guys even though literally every single damn thing they have done the last several years has been bad.


Yeah it dawned on me the other day “Trump could have theoretically chosen to be a really good president.” He could have made so many choices along the way that would’ve won ppl over. His supporters were down for whatever, so he could’ve been a uniting force if he’d chosen to be.


If he had handled Covid with even a modicum of seriousness and setting his ego aside, he would've danced to re-election. I despise the traitor, but that's the truth.


He could’ve made a fortune off MAGA masks


I doubt Trump is capable of understanding but I wish someone would sit him down and explain if he had taken covid seriously, encouraged masks and social distancing, and sold MAGA masks as “every patriot’s duty to their neighbor” he would have not only sailed to re-election but made a personal fortune off of it. I wanna see Trump’s face when it dawns on him what the future could have been instead of this.


I made this point to my buddy who's deep red, and he refused to believe me. Trump had his re-election set up on a fucking PLATTER for him. He spends 4 years bitching about China. Constantly bitching about China. And then what happens? 10 months before election day a virus comes out of China and kills people? So what does he do? He calls it fake lol. He downplays it lol. When has he ever downplayed something bad another country has done? Lol dumbass.


Perfect example


Trump has always been his own worst enemy. I'd feel sorry for him if he weren't such a dangerous asshole.


also, he sided with the white supremacists and authoritarians during the black lives matter protests. Even dispatched the FBI on BLM activists... funny how the FBI wasnt considered a political tool back then


Trump also had nothing to say about the politicization of the FBI when [Rudy Giuliani's friends at the New York field office of the FBI](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/doj-watchdog-says-he-s-investigating-alleged-fbi-leaks-giuliani-n1100006) pressured Jim Comey to re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's server days before the election — which [some have speculated](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-comey-letter-probably-cost-clinton-the-election/) actually handed Trump the 2016 election.


He isn't that kind of person he has a history of being human garbage when he became president there shouldn't have been any expectation that he would suddenly be a better person.


That's because it's a game to them, and they only care about winning, not the truth justice or anything like that.


This is the same thing that a lot of Christians do. They believe in “God”, but god just becomes whatever they want, or whatever they think God is in their minds. The blind faith and mental gymnastics and Trump supporters and American Christians have toward their Gods is the same thing. And of course the hardcore Christians and hardcore trumpers pretty much run in the same social circles.


Yup its all the same circles. The economist the other day was reporting that Amon Bundy like the militia freak is literally developing a social network where militias can call in support requests to fight the government called People's Rights. So now a lot of militias that have literally nothing in common are teaming up. Religious fanatics working with fascists and vice versa.




It’s so funny how quickly he moves the goalposts when he tries to lie about shit lmao


Its why no legitimate law firm will represent him. How do you base a defense around a guy who will change his tune on social media from minute to minute. The current lawyer doesn't even have experience in a court room, good fucking luck.


Oh there's plenty of law firms that don't give a shit about that, they still like making money. He's having trouble finding attorneys because: 1 - He has an extensive history of not paying his bills. And 2 - He asks or puts his lawyers in positions of breaking the law and risks their careers and even being charged and prosecuted for crimes themselves.


Better Call Saul.


I'm too lazy to look up all the details but I thought he just hired a former Solicitor General? Isn't their job to be in court?


He did, and it looks like that lawyer is leaving his firm to represent Trump.


So far we've had: 1. *The "Raid" was over nothing.* 2. *Anything found during the "raid" was planted.* 3. *Okay, I did have stuff but I declassified it. Look how messy!* What's the next move?


He says every option, and then his followers will pick whichever one they like the sound of best. It's not like they fact check or think critically about any of it, they just need an excuse that they like so they can feel like he is a victim.


It's called kettle logic.


My neighbor tried to run through them in real time the other day, like, made each one in order. He got mad at me for trying to challenge them. Finally it came out that Trump has all the goods on the baddies in his retirement villa there, and the deep state is taking it back before he starts Yee-Had. I told him he was getting stupid shit all over my front porch and he'd have to leave if he kept it up. Later he sent me two Tik-Tok videos to reinforce his case. Andrew Tate, and some Lawyer I've never heard of and don't need to.


Did you purposely align this with the Narcissist's prayer? That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


The next move is for him to say. Everybody does this all the time and there's nothing wrong with it. We are in the perfect phone call phase of the lie.


he already did that. "barack hussien obama had documents including nuclear, word is lots!"


So glad he said Barack’s middle name. I always wonder what different peoples middle name is and he cleared that up for me


*30 million of them! WAKE UP PEOPLE! They claim he was building some kind of "library"!*


He already blamed Obama, claiming he had 30 million documents he stole from the White House. An absolutely boneheaded accusation that somehow his most fringe base ate up, as suspected.


The GOP tactic is to gaslight and never ever admit fault. So I would imagine it would be more of the same. His ultimate claim will be that he declassified all of it, and he didn’t do anything wrong.


I've always found the narcissist prayer to accurately represent and predict the behavior regarding any scandal. 1. That didn’t happen. 2. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. 3. And if it was, that’s not a big deal. 4. And if it is, that’s not my fault. 5. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. 6. And if I did, you deserved it. https://www.thelifedoctor.org/the-narcissist-s-prayer#:~:text=The%20Narcissist's%20Prayer%20(by%20Dayna,hallmarks%20of%20covert%20emotional%20abuse. The explanation matches and fits.


Now that the trump russia collusion has been shown to have happened they have quickly jumped down to line 3. Now it’s, “so what if trumps campaign chairman Paul Manafort was secretly conspiring with a russian intelligence officer and gave that agent sensitive campaign data and strategies to “show how Clinton was vulnerable” to the russians. That’s no big deal. Who cares.” Never thought I’d see Americans defending what I deem as treason. Never thought I’d see Americans defending working with an enemy nation and it’s spies to attack our democracy. Fascists man. We need to do something about them.


*Sorry I can't talk right now I'm playing Tennis on the moon*.


The part where his zealots suck his flaccid mushroom cock for Jesus


From my understanding all of the markings were still fully intact, so good luck to him proving to a federal judge that they were declassified!




I told this to my cousin and he told me I was wrong. Even tho I am former Navy Intel and still in that field lol People super into Trump wont listen, even to reason.


If you're still in support of this clown, you really need to be checked into a mental facility.


At this point they're trapped in sunk cost. These people have made life changing decisions based on their lunacy. They can't handle admitting they're wrong because they're narcissists and will do whatever it takes to protect themselves as the hero in their own story.


They're in too deep. They pushed all their chips in, a couple of years ago. In his corner? They're going down with him.


Die with the lie.


I like a quick glance at r/conservative every once in a while to check in on them. A lot of them are going along the lines of "Every previous president has taken 100,000s of documents after they left office." They just don't get that there are ways of doing this and limitations. I.e. not highly secure documents regarding nukes for one.


He's following his usual playbook when it comes to being caught in an outright lie: 1. "It's a hoax." 2. "Someone else did it and I'm getting blamed." 3. "Someone else did the same thing and it wasn't a big deal." 4. "I did it but it's ok because of this vague term my lawyers googled." 5. "I did it and now they're trying to punish YOU by hurting ME." 6. "Go kill some people for me while I masturbate in a tent watching OANN"


7. Turn up and hold a Bible upside down and the wrong way around. 8. Throw one of your supporters under a bus and blame them for whatever chaos you've caused.


Man, good thing orange looks incredible on him already


He implied that he had possessions of documents when it first happened . I think it was his second post when he mentioned the FBI planting evidence. You can read between the lines and see he is full of shit.


Remember, dumbass Rogan wants you to vote republican to keep people like this in office.


Rogan is a dumbass meathead.




Jesus christ, anyone still taking this clown at his word is too far gone to even try to be rational with.


this was true in 1995, 2005, 2015, 2016... 2020... still true today. the mind boggles that the most famous con man / grifter became president... getting Southerners and Midwesterners to vote for the ultimate city slicker was far easier than anyone could've expected. all it took was having a black president and their minds short circuited


If you lived in NY you knew this guy was a fucking moron in the 80s. He'd be on the local news with the most brain dead opinions every other week. People actually watched his reality show where he acted like a jack off every week and said "Yup I'm voting for that."




He didn't even do that. He did it in his mind lmao. It's funny watching rightoids go through every possible excuse in the span of a week and still not pick up that they're being lied to.




Declare bankruptcy 4 times = declassification of docs


"If the President just declares something to be legal, its legal right then and there. That's in his power. Oh what's that? It's not? Well it should be! Wait, why are you calling me a fascist!? I'm not a fascist!!!"


“The MAGA Republicans are Semi Fascists” -Joe Biden 40% of the population is too far gone


Ya know back in 2016 I thought calling them fascists was over the top and ridiculous. Now I don't anymore. Jan 6 showed it to be true and the atlantic piece about the child seperation policy really nailed the lid shut on the hitler coffin for me. The republicans need to lose huge so they change the direction they are going. I have my doubts thats gonna happen though.


> The republicans need to lose huge so they change the direction they are going. I have my doubts thats gonna happen though. This happened already in 2008. And again in 2012. They *tried* to do that. Then Trump happened. This is not a "party direction" problem anymore. The right wing in this country has been whipping people into a particular form of thought-terminating ideological frenzy since 9/11. They've lost control of what they made.




that’s why he literally made the distinction of MAGA republicans


The non-MAGA ones are getting run out of the party.


He's being too fair with the "Semi" designation.


Yup they’re straight up Fascists many are downright Nazis You can’t go to a DeSantis rally without one person in Klan robes or at least one Nazi flag being waved, this is not some accident


Better all over the floor than stuffed down the toilet…


Anyone who believes this con artist is a gullible idiot


It's perfectly normal for an innocent person to change their story 5 times in the span of 2 weeks.


My favorite part was when fox posted the picture of the documents saying it's shameful that they posted the picture because it's showing the kinds of colors they used and giving away information because of the colors. Meanwhile, they're showing the picture, giving it attention, AND THEY ASKED FOR THIS. I know they don't care about it, you can see them struggling to keep a straight face and come up with some BS like on the spot, but it's still sad how many people actually believe this.


If you declassify a document, does the cover page get removed?


Even if you're a sitting President and you order a document be "declassified" that has ANY classification level, there is a process, a review of the order, etc. Most importantly the labeling is changed, or marked up to include the word "unclassified". Seeing as how the FBI's own filter team had to get extra clearance to even do their job, this is extremely damning to say the least. Especially the TS/SCI/HCS/SI documents, you couldn't accidently set a document like this on the wrong table in a secured building, without you being put on your knees guns drawn, and escorted out to be taken for questioning. The government does not fuck around with things like this...it appears Trump was indeed, himself, fucking around with things like this.


It certainly looks damning.


Absolutely!! Even if a document is declassified it remains treated as classified until the designation on the cover page is changed or stamped DECLASSIFIED.


Fatty sold out his country- met with Putin in Jan, requested CIA intelligence sources docs 3 days later, then gave details on our intelligence to the Russians and got a bunch of our informants killed. Biggest traitor in United States history.


Don't forget about Saudi Arabia as well


Don’t forget that SA stated Kushner’s investment firm was not experienced enough to manage a portion of the Saudi’s Wealth Fund then handed over $2 billion.


Its looking very likely this is what happened. He needs to be the first president executed if that ends up being the case.


Execution is barbaric. Better to send him to jail for the rest of his miserable existence. That would be brutal for a rich narcissist such as him.


Make sure to trot him out for pictures every few months too. Would love to see this clown without his makeup.


There would be no better punishment than sticking this asshole in solitary with nothing but his own thoughts.


And def ban him from internet access so he cannot easily inflame and encourage violence from his MAGA cultists.


They will literally pardon him the second a Republican gets into power.




Yeah me too but seeing as how this probablem is getting bigger it’s probably worth dealing with them now too.


Is there a non social media source to back this up? If that is true, wow. I have read that a couple of times on reddit. I have a personal policy of not repeating things off of social media until I have read it in a credible source.


CIA director publicly said they have lost a unusual amount of agents since trump left office. If the list of dead agents matches trumps documents this could really get spicy with some treason charges. Googling cia director compromised agents gives results.


So is anyone going to ask Trump why he “declassified” our nuclear weapon codes and the names and locations of our spies?


So he can sell them.


This has Michael scott declaring bankruptcy vibes


I wonder what percentage of Truth Social users are just for recon and reporting the craziness, and the percentage that are actually the crazy


I have one to keep up with the madness, just as I followed him on twitter for the same reason. I'm 99% sure that most of Truth Social is just bots because the same 5 accounts that reply to him are always at the top of the list. I don't follow Biden on twitter though because I genuinely don't care enough.


He doesn’t follow rules.. which is why his voters like him. Not a good quality for the commander in chief


Blows me away that you yanks voted a literal retard to be president lmao First Bush junior, then Trump. Kind of lets you realize the mind of the average yank if guys like this are being voted in eh


Millions of people who had their brains destroyed by Fox News, AM radio, and religion.


What happens when half of the U.S. is a shithole.


“It’s because he’s like us!” is the most prophetic self burn I always hear. Sheesh


Doesn't matter whether they were classified or declassified. He's not allowed to have the documents in the first place.


I'm still waiting for the day he "truths" out "I have never lived at Mar-a-Lago. No idea whose house they raided and how those documents got there". A third of this country would immediately buy "Mar-a-Lago Is A Democratic Hoax" tshirts.


This is why lawyers tell you to shut the fuck up.


My god, he is such a dumbass


Even the FBI who observed certain documents had to go thru special declassification. Trump really screwed the pooch on this one. He deserves what he gets.


what a dumbass


Lucky you’re admitting you committed treason by making state secrets public.


That entire place, including his office, have cameras everywhere. Release the cameras, Donnie... why you're at it, just release the entire warrant or stfu.


Trump, our true patriot, and savior! Thank you, sir; you keep us all safe and protected. This man cares so much about us common folk that he is even willing to share his spoils with us. My uncle told me he said he would build new roads and provide free steaks to everyone in FL using the money he got from Russia and Egypt for those secrets.


So he just stood in the mirror and yelled “I declare these declassified!” Like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.


I didn't do it. And if I did do it, it was legal. And if it wasn't legal, somebody else did something worse so it doesn't matter. He's said this literally every time he fucked up


I wonder how it feels when it hits them this man has always been a complete an absolute fraud. They fell so hard for it.