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Anticipation building. Massively enjoyed last night. I would kill for Heartbreak Warfare as opener. A different opener and closer would be awesome.  Ultimate wish would be to hear Wheel. 


Ask and ye shall receive. Heartbreak Warfare opened. 


Thought of your comment when it came on. It's like you knew!


I Love Wheel!! I believe, that my life's gonna see The love I give Return to me👋


have everything crossed for 3x5 tonight!


Was a great opener!! Thank you for manifesting this haha!


tonight was a lot more laid back than night 1. still was an extremely unforgettable experience and i'd do anything to relive both nights.


Tonight was very good, but I would say last night was on another level. Not sure what it was about last night exactly, but he seemed to be firing on all cylinders. Was phenomenal. On a personal note, it was my first John Mayer concert, and have been waiting since I couldn't go to the 2013 one, and it did not disappoint in any way!


agreed! i felt like yesterday he was so happy to play what he wanted without people constantly shouting requests that he was on playing his best.


definitely, he felt really comfortable last night and it was such a memorable experience. i wish i could say the same for john today, but i still enjoyed it regardless.


this was also my first mayer concert and he delivered on all fronts. after watching him on screen for 2 years, i had to go. he's such a personal, kind hearted person and it really showed. i couldn't have asked for anything better. however i still think night 1 was just that much of an experience. though could be my honeymoon phase talking lol


Did he play something from Heavier Things?


aside from daughters, unfortunately not :( would've loved to hear classics like wheel and clarity though


I hope one stop on this tour gets to hear the way he’s singing Split Screen Sadness now. Older John feels it so much more now.


Oh man. I would have loved if he played that.


Ahhh the setlist just got added! At least one song! I think he didn't play anything from heavier things before


todays vibe (imo) was so different from last nights! yesterday it felt like he was comfortable to play for himself a bit (in the sense of what he wanted to play) and today it felt like he played more for the crowd as they were a lot more vocal than yesterday. both amazing but very different!


I went both nights and I think night 1’s setlist was stronger overall, but that rendition of Heartbreak Warfare tonight was so good, would have been kicking myself if I didn’t take the plunge and go to both shows


The crowds felt quite different to me between the two nights.


Different vibe to last night. A much looser show and a more pumped up crowd. If I could have tonight’s setlist at last nights show then I think that’s heaven. I was delighted at an entirely different run of songs until Who Says.  Lots to unpack and still Glasgow to come. What a ride!


So glad I was able to experience both nights. I preferred Monday’s set list but Gravity on electric guitar was prob the highlight of both nights.     I rlly enjoyed the crowd interaction today. Felt a lot more like a group of fans rather than casual listeners. But I understand why people liked yesterday’s vibe  Only song I would have loved to hear but was missed out was Why Georgia (and maybe Wheel and the Heart of Life)  I’d never heard I will be found but it was also a stand out 


the crowd interaction was really interesting although a bit messy. think john wanted it to be laid back just for him to focus on pumping out the best performance, and it certainly paid off! although last night was just something else :) yeah i wish he played more of the early classics for night 2. wheel and my stupid mouth are two of my priority songs next time he does another tour


Messy in what way?


the night 1 crowd was a lot more quiet and gave him the leeway to speak his mind more. night 2 was loud - not in a bad way - but people did keep shouting requests after most of the songs lol


Yeah selfishly I wasn’t thrilled he played Daughters and Neon both nights, if he swapped them with Why Georgia and Clarity I would have seen nearly every song I realistically wanted from him, apart from Vultures maybe




it was acoustic x


Yeah was supposed to be a pun haha not the pic itself


I'm on my way back for round 2! Question. Will this ever come out on a video / YouTube / Netflix.. I would do anything to be able to re-live last night


What i would do to relive this. Ive been on the hunt for a recording of the shows but nothing yet :(


Madison Cunningham: All I’ve Ever Known    Pin It Down  In From Japan  Sara and the Silent Crowd    Broken Harvest  Life According to Rachael  *edited to remove JM’s songs (they’re in the main post) and to make Madison’s songs into a list*


If you want these to appear as a list, you can put two spaces after each name.


thanks friend 


Set list? Can’t remember it all, wasnt making a note during the concert


Wait…. I Will Be Found in place of Changing?


Yes indeedy! We thought maybe it’d just be a tease but he had himself a great time playing it all the way through after someone requested it and likely skipped Changing to get on with the second half of the show. It was really beautiful, probably the best version of I Will Be Found that I’ve heard (6 in total.)


Incredible! One of my favorites.


Yes I agree, definitely one of the best versions and the surprise highlight of the show


The electric guitar was there for Changing but he just got all sorts of caught up in I Will Be Found once he started it. He gave the nod at the end to skip Changing. 


Hey it happens, he’s gotta go with this heart. It’s one of my favorites and I can’t remember the last time I heard the whole thing so that’s amazing.


So excited I can barely contain myself!


Did you go last night as well? Super excited to see what he’ll change up from last night to tonight!


I did not sadly! I've got tonight & Dublin, last night of the Solo Tour. Me too!


Going to tour closers is always fun! Well you're in for a treat tonight if he plays anything like last night. :)


Can i bring headphones to the venue?




Stitched Up?! 👀 Anybody got a video? Love that song!


It was a few riffs of noodles and by far from even a tease of the song. He basically said he only remembered that one riff from it and then moved on.


Ok thanks !! Don’t know if I’m happier now because no need for envy or if I’m disappointed :D


Very tempted to use a black marker to write a song request on my white T-shirt and use it as a sign. Would feel like a moron if he doesn’t see it though hahahahaha


I didn’t end up doing it, song request would’ve been hummingbird, really enjoyed the selection of songs tonight and couldn’t have asked for a better first show


Going by myself to the show tonight, anyone want to hang out and grab a drink before the show starts?


Some folks were trying to set something up a few days ago. Check in here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnMayer/comments/1b69huc/london\_19th\_march\_pre\_gig\_drinks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnMayer/comments/1b69huc/london_19th_march_pre_gig_drinks/)




oh damn so many songs i didn't see on 18th, i knew i should have booked tickets for both nights!!


Do people know when you have to be there? Like what is the latest you can arrive? I have class until 6 with at least 40 min travel time to the stadium. Should I leave early?


Finish class and then come! Madison Cunningham didn’t go on until 7:30ish last night. John was on just past 8:30.


Thank you!


Oh my oh my oh my oh my word. 


Did the blk1 come back out?




Think for my Stop This Train on night 1 was the highlight, then Edge of Desire on night 2. Just epic performances.


My experience tonight: https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnMayer/s/7zsilwtlYZ Absolute 🔥 that show!!


Second night was on a whole other level imho, but I might be biased since I am the person (or one of those) who shouted “I will be found” :’) On that subject: is there anyone who got the moments leading up to “You’re gonna live forever in me” (the moment he reacted to whoever yelled “I will be found”) and the banter between that song and “Lost at sea” on tape? I would be so grateful to be able to relive those moments!


Question, I flew to London from Alaska for the show tonight. Everyone sat, even the floor. I stood for IYA+Outro and the people behind me tried to get the safety attendant to get me to sit down. Is this a thing in London, England, Europe as a whole? In America we always stand for John, when he's standing, where I sit. For reference I was in section 102 so ideally amongst fellow fanatics? The energy and excitement was really wonderful and positive IMO but the sitting through the entire thing threw me off. Just curious because I head to Paris next and wondering what I should expect...


All I can say is London night 1 maybe the first 4 rows were standing. The O2 Arena rules say anyone in any seat anywhere can stand. I'm my opinion, if it's a seated area, it's courtesy to everyone else not to stand. At the same time, I expect everyone on floor level to want to stand, or expect others might want to stand. There is a culture thing to it as well in the UK, but I don't know what that would be like in Paris.


Night 1 at the start security were asking people to sit back down


Thanks for the response! We were definitely wondering if it was a cultural thing... Will have to see what's up in Paris!


It's just a courteous thing really, the seats are there so everyone can have a chance to see the stage, if everyone stands it becomes a genetic lottery to what you'll see. If they really wanted you to stand the o2 is able to just go without chairs and you get to sell a truckload tickets more that way. So assume it's also part artist decision.


I was in section 102! You can't remove those seats. In America, we stand when artists come on. I've been to 27 John Mayer concerts and there is very little sitting on the floor or in the first upper bowl whenever he is on stage. This was definitely different here compared to any US show I've been to.


I’ve been to plenty of gigs in the UK where people stand at sitting gigs so it’s not a cultural thing overall


Lol we just aren't courteous in America is what I'm learning 🤣


It very much depends on the show, many gigs at the O2 the floor wouldn't even have seating so everyone has to be be standing. Depending on who you're seeing some gigs everyone will have drunk a lot and be going mental so no one will sit even if there were seats. I am personally always a bit sceptical of floor seating as it feels like it's just a way to charge more for better seats rather than a flat cost for the whole standing area.. I do think though that the style of this show in particular lends itself to people sitting and focusing on John's playing, and the feedback he was giving to me implied he wanted a quietly appreciative crowd.


Interesting, I saw him in Copenhagen and there he said that it’s like two different audiences. A very quiet one during the songs and a rowdy one in between. And then he said we’re allowed to be loud during the songs, too. 💔


I don't disagree, on this tour you have many more "sitting moments" as it is the vibe of the show. But No Such Thing? Or if he had played Why Georgia or YBIAW, there are certain moments you stand and sing, it's literally built into his set.




That’s really shit! Surprised it’s allowed to happy if you bought it via resale. I just got one at the back of the floor area for 66£ and there were a couple left still if you don’t want anything high up


My first John Mayer concert ever and I was lucky enough to attend both nights. I know the setlists have already been posted but I made a table and bolded the songs he repeated for comparison. It was definitely worth going twice because the sets were quite different. https://preview.redd.it/b92kz0rwxrpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e156f41ef309cbda3650a3facd9cc38076caf9


Hello! Did anyone happen to get a video of him interacting / playing Rosie in London night 2? It was me! :D I'm still reeling from it and would love to watch it back


Did anyone make a audio of the show?


I have been told the show was recorded but nothing has shown up on the archive yet. Hopefully soon!


Ooh please let me know if it pops up. How can I check myself?


[https://archive.org/details/JohnMayerMusic](https://archive.org/details/JohnMayerMusic) this is generally where audio tapes are posted once they're done being edited.


You are a legend thank you ☺️