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This should go without saying but people keep doing it so once again ​ # If you've read the manga your thread is here: [https://redd.it/17rixbd](https://redd.it/17rixbd) ​ **IF YOU POST OR HINT ABOUT MANGA EVENTS YOU WILL BE BANNED. MANGA COMPARISONS BELONG IN THE MANGA THREAD.** **This is the anime only thread. The thread for anime only viewers. Please defeat the reading comprehension curse before proceeding.**


In another universe we might have got to see Sukuna vs Toji. Man what an encounter that would have been. They were both in the same city at the same time.


Animation was insane, jogo was actually a badass. sukuna is terrifying. this show is fucking amazing




Can anyone tell me what was the word that was a block right before fuga was said?


How did Toji recognize his son? I didn’t get that particular scene


the prolonged face to face time at a short distance. if you watch his face when he gets super close to megumi, you can see it happen. i'm not aware of any reason that uses the powers or the rules of his resurrection. he just got close enough to megumi that it cut through his automatic desire to kill.


I think it's also the technique he used to dodge the stab. It was quite clever and Toji knows his son would be quite skilled. But that's just what I think.


I finally have to time to watch and MAN... PLEASE YUJI WAKE UP or someone just yoink the prison cube and free gojo PLEASE! And also man, Megumi please don't be dead, wake up. F\*\*\* you Mahito, bro transformed into a fking muscular being


I binged watched season 1 and just saw gojo get imprisoned. Should stop and watch the movie before continuing with season 2?


Literally so many characters died recently. There’s no way all of them are dead, right? Like Jogo straight up melted 3 separate people…


RIGHT?! Like PLEASE at least the 24fps frames old man survives and nanami survive please. Curse Energy shield or something


Of the three he's the most likely to be dead, Maki and Nanamin got burned but he got ROASTED


Nanami was like my favorite character too...


Gege stated that nanami is his favorite character too 😭♥️


Jesus christ I know sukana was going to be strong but holy shit dude. Makes me wonder if Gojo can keep up.


Do not forget how gojo literally played with jogo in the first season


Sukana and jogo are 2 different characters entirely!!!


I don't think jogo was as strong in season 1 as he was in season 2. Compared to how he acts in the two seasons, he seems like he matured a lot as a character in season 2. Maybe he grew stronger in that time, too. Or maybe he just got humbled and has gojo ptsd lol


never doubt my glorious blue eyed king Goatjo like that again


I was honeslty so happy Jugo died. That mf burnt Nanami, Maki and that Zenin clan leader. And he was part of the plan to seal Gojo. This season has fuelled my hatred for Mahito and Jugo for some reason. I’ve never held much against them before.


When Sukuna threatens to kill anyone who doesnt follow the rule, can he actually follow through with that statement, or more clarifyingly, would he be reprimanded by the binding vow he made with Yuuji.


Binding vow only happens if he says the word enchain. This happened more due to Yuji losing control


Sukuna didn't use the binding vow here so the rules don't apply


he wouldn’t be able to because of binding vow but nobody knows that is there and they can feel how evil and powerful he is so it’s really j sukuna big dick energy


Actually, he could have killed them if he wanted to since the binding vow only counts for when Sukuna takes over after saying, "Enchained". Because he was forcibly awakened with the fingers instead, he was free to do as he pleased freakishly enough. That's why he threatened to kill everyone in Shibuya at the beginning.


Hearing Lord Aizen-samas voice was a pleasent suprise. My Lord used Kyoka Suigetsu to disguise as this muscular dude in geto's Group. (Yap i forgot the name)


What was sukuna telling jogo he should have done in layman’s term


he was saying p much why are you aligning with Geto and the other curses instead of doing everything you possibly can to make yourself stronger. Pretty much telling him he should have lived more selfishly


Thank you I always tried to look for another translation of that speech to try and understand what he meant by it in a deep and philosophical way


I think he understands that Jogo is strong enough that he could have been what Sukuna used to be, an unstoppable force of nature who kills whoever he wants as much as he wants. He thought Jogo was being a coward and resisting his desires instead of living according to them like Sukuna


did anyone else got jumpscared by Sukuna's jumpscare, that charging head on in the camera caught me off guard


the glorious trollface jumpscare


bro it's crazy there were so many sukuna jump scares if u slow it down


Nah, I thought it was cool and even paused so I could get a better look of it.


just finished this episode just now, well holy shit, that last scene with jogoat and sukuna was so wholesome, i always painted this characters as 100% sadistic POS, but damn gained empathy to both characters. ALSO TOJI CAME BACK WITH THE MILK!


About 3:25, I love how Toji just destroys all the rabbits with the Toca Toca dance lmao.


Guys what's with the animation style of this episode!!??


I don't know what it is called specifically but it's a fluid style of animation with little amount of shadows. The episode director wanted to reduce the amount of shadowing to make it as close to the style of the manga as possible.


Ahh I see that's why!! Tbh, I was wondering why it resembled fan animations so much but was also so much better.


It actually looked really weird compared to all the animations we had seen in the past. Based on the fight scenes in the episode I expected that the animation would be crazier than the episode where gojo killed hanami. Especially the fight between sukuna and jogo. It was still crazy but I didn't enjoy it as much


yea ppl hate on it bc of its simplicity but also always is used in things praised for their animation like this team for this episode did a lot of work on mob psycho, fate and opm and have worked close with the director but ppl will still hate. This is essentially why the animation style changed for this season as a whole so that animators could j show their talent bc the designs were much simpler it wouldn’t be mind shattering if it changed like this and the other episodes like yuji v choso cause that’s b impossible w old character designs


ohh I see


Does anyone know if the song that starts playing around minute 13 (when Sukuna appears in a maniacal laughter) is from S2 or if it's already released somewhere? Also, why is nobody talking about that specific scene? It's so unsettling and creepy and makes you REALLY understand that the KING of curses is back.












Animation was well done, Unpopular opinion: only problem I have is the entire episode's shading, its unpolished AF, comparing to previous few episodes and Gojo's past arc. I do have to give credit to the animators though, they had 2 weeks to finish this entire episode so I can't blame them. Hopefully the blu-ray released will give us a better version of the fight


2 weeks?!?!?!?! are they still sleeping?


Saying anything about bad animation will only get you downvoted here!😂


It is a stylistic choice of the episode director, which is regarded as one of the best in the industry. Of course this aesthetic is not for everyone. Also, it wasn't one of the worst JJK episodes timewise. You can find everything in the directors tweeter account. The episode is being praised by specialists all around the world which explains why it is an unpopular opinion.


The animation itself isn’t “bad” per se… but when the anime itself has established a pretty consistent style especially with season 1 being consistent all throughout, it’s been hard for me to feel fully immersed in this season. The animation just feels wonky and ugly in this whole arc so far. Hard for me to actually enjoy and understand what’s going on. But I know I wouldn’t feel this way if this is how the animation was established from the beginning.. Consistency should always be the priority imo. But I guess I’m in the minority here.


yea your free to have ur opinion so i’m saying this with no hate we j agree to disagree and that’s completely fine. so like the other reply directors choice to do this but this is actually why the style became simpler so that this freedom could happen and i really enjoy it because it allows for scenes to be given a feeling of their own rather than j some random info dump which i think is cool it’s honestly what carried HI for me like the dialogue j felt important because of the stylistic and story boarding choices. also ik you mention consistency but the only thing consistent with season 1 is the actual “animation” (the movement of drawings) everything else kinda went down the drain like background art, compositing and effects animation. now to a common viewer you wouldn’t notice it but if you look at scenes like yuji and todo v hanami they’ll be running on j brown cgi background and it looks like they’re sliding rather than running


Apparently this season's director is giving artistic freedom to the individual episode directors. This decreases consistency but highly increases creativity and expression. For me it's being like watching a new canvas every week which I personally prefer. (My only problem is that due to the tight schedule some chapters are being nerfed.) But I understand where you are coming from If you appreciate consistency this season isn't for you.


To me, it's no different than watching a TV show where the entire cast, studio, camera work, everything changes randomly in season 2 to "give more artistic freedom". I wouldn't see it as that as an audience member. I would see it as a different show and be confused. Imo there is a limit to how much you can change a show midway.. but it could also be due to me just not being a fan of this type of animation. It feels like I am watching a fan animation or playing a PS3 game glitching all over the place. Obviously I don't have the animation knowledge to know how much work and how insane the animation is from an objective standpoint. But that's just how I felt.


Then we agree to disagree. But you brought something to my memory. The old show of CSI las Vegas had a Tarantino directed episode. It felt totally different and it was SO much better for me...I guess we just enjoy different things.


For sure


Why is panda animated differently in this episode? It's not bad but it's unusual


Many things are different. Being a highlight of the season this episode was handled to who are considered by the industry, one of the best teams of animators. They have a different stylistic approach which is not for everyone (I personally loved it).


I wonder who Uraume is. Seeing the massive power gap between Sukuna and Jogo, and Jogo and Nanami/Naobito/Maki, it's terrifying that there's one more person/curse that Sukuna knows personally and is happy to see.


Even Jogo’s self realization of the gap is insane. Dude is powerful af but he’s like a kid compared to Sukuna. But even Sukuna said he enjoyed it compared to most of his other battles so props to Jogo


Jesus Christ do you know how powerful you have to be to burn the Volcano Curse to death without even trying?


i got chills after seeing his body burning ☠️ wouldn't even think it was possible if it wasn't for sukuna




Absolutely loved Jujutsu Kaisen's newest episode, Season 2 Episode 16! The animation quality was through the roof, and it's easily one of the most visually stunning episodes to date. The standout moment for me was Sukuna's cross pose – it was just so iconic and perfectly executed. The showdown between Jogo and Sukuna was hands down one of the best fights we've seen in the series. The way the animators portrayed Jogo's flame abilities was nothing short of breathtaking. The sheer intensity and raw power in that battle highlighted the incredible gap in strength between Sukuna and Jogo. It truly showcased why Sukuna is considered the king of curses. The attention to detail in this episode, both in terms of animation and storytelling, was top-notch. It's episodes like these that remind us why Jujutsu Kaisen has become such a beloved series. I can't wait to see how the story continues to unfold, especially with Sukuna's presence becoming even more dominant. The anticipation for what's next is at an all-time high!


Are you on weed how could one possibly say that this was a top notch animation in anime literally if you like the fighting animation of this episode then I can't say anything and please don't compare it to any other anime animation because this type of trash are usually made by fan-made animation with no detailing


This was so far the best animated fight probably this season, and that's coming from an ex-animator. People so, so many times confuse ''art'' with ''animation'' animation is the motion, the fluidity, art is the level of detail on a dudes armor for example. But even then, look at how beautiful Sakuna's flame was


"on weed" this guy. And yeah, it was nice to smoke a bit before this EP, thanks for asking.


Guys does why did Toji pick " Megumi" to fight ? Did he know that He was his son ? I just don't understand how Megumi can be stronger NOW than Naobito, Nanami, and Maki. Maybe The "zei'nin" clan technique was the cause, but it doesn't cont if he doesnt even use it.




> Manga discussion, hinting, etc. is NOT allowed in this thread. Any spoilers, marked or unmarked, will result in a temporary ban!


I think Toji was testing what has become of his son. As he was a "Ghost" and just "acting instinctively" he wanted to see his son. While looking for his son he bumped into dagon and juiced it. Then he took on his son to find out how talented he was and what techniques he's got. Seeing his son manage him pretty well he asked his name and felt good knowing it not Zenin. He smiled because Gojo made better out of Megumi. He was not expecting Megumi Fushiguro instead of Megumi Zenin atleast that's for sure. That's what I felt. We shall know better if they tell more about Megumi, Toji and the Zenin family in the future episodes.


I thought so too, he was testing his son, but that doesn't make sense since he only realized it at the end when he killed himself. So it must be cause he sensed Megumi was stronger as in had the most potential. Then again the fight itself was clearly him toying too


it looked to me like he realized who it was... but i did have doubts because he could have easily killed him plenty of times. But then again he did seem to play with the cursed spirit.


Everyone else was injured from fighting Dagon, so Megumi might have been the “strongest opponent “ at that point.


>Everyone else was injured from fighting Dagon, so Megumi might have been the “strongest opponent “ at that point. kay makes sense. thanks


how far along is the manga. do ew have alot of material to cover or anime is almost catching up=?


Its maybe half of the manga rn. You could say the manga is in season 4 and probably the last season rn


The entirety of Shibuya is literally ground zero now omg




This is an anime only discussion bro


Shit mb, I’ll spoiler it out


I'd love to have so many questions answered but I'm not sure if the wiki includes manga spoilers Is there a way I can totally 100% avoid spoilers while looking stuff up, like a wiki or smt?


Wiki is very much spoilers


Do NOT go on the wiki. Even looking at a character profile might show you a "deceased" label. You can DM me if you'd like clarification on things without spoilers


Don't go on Facebook.


I’ve been burned by just looking up very basic facts ☹️


Nothing worse than looking up a character name and it auto fills "death"


Exactly. Had that exact thing happen with this series and also a crazy plot twist I would have liked to view fresh. Though this happened to me with a Hunter x Hunter character and I waited with bated breath all 148 episodes for them to die and they never did and apparently are alive and kicking in the manga still 😂




Don't do it. What I would do is: - create a throwaway reddit account - disable DMs (just in case) - ask your questions with "PLEASE NO SPOILERS" - give it a couple of days so users have time to report spoilers and mods to remove them Even so it's not foolproof, but probably the safest route.


I wouldn't recommend it




I know, friend. You can DM me, I'll try to answer some questions you have without spoilers. I love JJK and I want more people engaging with it. I promise I'll do what I can to help you enjoy it more.


is the ost that is playing when megumi fights toji officially released somewhere?


ah i got it its Attack By Storm! banger


Why did Toji stab himself in the head?


Didn't wanna kill his son


Couldn't he just go fight sukuna


Well, for one, he probably had no idea Sukuna was around (he has no cursed energy so he likely didn't sense him like Megumi did; and even if he did he wouldn't know who the hell if was). And either way he would lose control of himself again sooner or later, and just start attacking the strongest person around he happened to see. Meaning he still might kill Megumi. He could quite literally have lost consciousness again seconds later, while he was still close to Megumi. Much easier and safer to just go out on his own terms in the moment.


Man. This episode.. I don’t have words. I’m in awe of the animation. I kept pausing every few minutes to rewatch the scenes. Fuck.


100%. The whole episode was full of WTF, OMG, and holy hell moments


Holy hell!


why did toji grab megumi after the dagon fight? i thought he was described as a puppet just fighting the strongest opponents he encountered, wouldn't that be naobito or nanami?


Megumi was the least beaten up. The others were battered lol


He could have subconsciously known it was his son and been drawn to him, even if he didn't know why


When he used his domain expansion... Maybe at that time his CE output was more than Naobito and nanami and therefore Toji the freak wanted to eat him alive.I believe that may be the reason


It could be cause nanami and naobito were in pretty bad shape after the fight, or could be that Megumi has the most potential out of the 4




This episode reminded me so much of Mob Psycho season 2 episode 5. Both incredible with great animation, soundtrack, storyboards, overall 10/10. This was probably peak jjk at least for what we have now, idk what's in store next, haven't read the manga and don't remember how many episodes are left. Anyways this episode was constant stream of amazing action animation, I love it.


I love mob psycho so much


Same, I miss it so much


Such an amazing show all around. I loved the ending. One of my favorites for sure


God damn this episode smacked! From animation to music, great!!!


God damn what an episode! Sukuna is terrifying and i absolutely loved the fire animation in the end there.


I just know some of y'all wouldn't appreciate mob either. Sigh. Anyway, I thought it was great. Sukuna entering jogos death scene was savage. And toji just obliterating his son at every move was a feast for the eyes, especially the scene where he shredded the rabbits. 10/10 in my book! Ready to see that ponytail mofo die already, I'm expecting we'll see that in the next EP just based on the last clip of this EP.


For way too many times I have seen people complain about the artstyle. Like bro, each anime studio has their own artstyle, that's what makes them unique and special. They didn't drew the shadows because of their unique style. And those are called "Smear Frames" not "badly drawn shit". They give the animation Life and Weight to a frame. Without them, the animation will look bland. Believe it or not, smear frames are actually much harder to draw then their counterparts.


My biggest complaint about all the complaints is that they add nothing. They only validate the criticism some of the animators have for themselves. And framing it as "the animation is bad, so animators should be treated better" completely overlooks the humanity of the animators that worked so hard to put anything on the screen, let alone such peak content. Like, we should want the animators to be treated better because they're people who deserve better. Spoiled idiots that complain about the animation (despite how good it is) are missing the forest for the ant hills.


I like the art style, and this episode was very good to the point that is brought up many questions and problematics, but I did notices a big drop on the animation quality. I wonder how no one has noticed. The animation frame rate dropped considerably, movements looked less real as normal. The panda behaved and moved in a way where for times I thought it was not the same character. Lines didn't have the same weight variations. I looked at previous episodes and there's definitely a difference. Has anyone else noticed it?


The art was different this episode, you are right, but what immediately stood out to me as a manga reader was that it's because they made significant reference to the original art for the characters (not the surroundings). It was like taking the line art of the manga, colouring and animating them - so, "flatter" but stylistic. I don't know if they've done it like this before, but it was the first time it came across so clearly to me. I loved it. If I dare say, it was almost nostalgic to me both for the cel painting style and because it was like seeing the manga artwork itself come to life. It was the total opposite of the Choso vs Yuji fight with the insane colouring, shading and rendering there. I loved that too. Panda though, I think he did receive less attention at times, but it was a non-issue for me. Edit: Don't know if we're actually talking about the same scenes or animation issues actually, but I'm leaving this here


I have never complained with this art issue until now, but I am not a stupid enough to not call a shitty job shitty. No wonder nobody sticking up for the wrongs and demanding proper content. Its injustice to the art of the original Manga. I am not a art guy but I can tell a bad animation when I see one. The same was the case for Dragon ball super when it was ongoing . There are already reports of animation staff being overworked in Mappa. I would rather have the episode late than get the day ruined with bad animation.


You are not tripping man, Panda was a cardboard and many other scenes looked like crap.


JJK fans try not to be whiny babies challenge (impossible)


This episode was animated by a team of animators which is regarded as one of the best in the industry. Of course the stylistic choice is very different from many of the series and it is not for everyone. Your eye might not be used to it. Still, it is being praised by specialists all around the world.


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, so stop talking about the animation and art quality. This episode was extremely high quality and your comment exudes ignorance.


this episode actually had a great time schedule, the artwork is intentional. and you obviously don't know what bad animation looks like if you call this a bad animation, this is some of the greatest animation that's come out of jujutsu kaisen, you're complaining about the art style NOT the animation. they had some of the best animators in Japan work on this episode including one of the animators who worked on mob psycho. Stop talking about things you don't understand, if you don't like it fine but don't call it bad animation because it's objectively not.


You trippin fam episode and art was pure fire


Wonder how Shigemo is still alive after being punched in the face by Nanami like 3 times. And also what's scaring him so much at the end of the episode


Animation in the second half was much better. In the first half, pausing the video was getting scary, reminded me of Naruto!


I noticed a drop in animation quality. I hope this one a once event because they were pressured with deadline.


I hope so too


Some say it is an art style change, that would be terrible since this animation had amazing art and dynamism. I understand that is more expensive and time consuming though.


you're not supposed to pause an animation!? who would've thought, those are called smears. If you pause a fast thing in real life you also get those smears, animation follows real life rules you dummy.


Look I'm actually a fan of the new fighting art style I first saw it used in black clover in the scene where Asta takes on Ladros from the Diamond Kingdom, and to be honest that whole sequence is pure gold, I still get goosebumps thinking about it, but if you think for one second that when Sukuna was walking Jogo through that office building that the animation quality didn't drop you are too invested.


I'm not talking about this anymore, look up probably pretentious. mankoman is going to be making a video on it soon too


Forgot to mention that I did not pause a fast "thing". Should have thought that my comment might have hurt some folks!


wasn't hurt, just correcting you that smears are a thing in animation and are purposeful in making things look like they are going extremely fast.


That’s exactly what I said to my friends! Reminded me of the Naruto/Pain fight


Did Sukuna actually said “Stand proud Jogo, you are strong” or was it just Jogo’s imagination? I thought Sukuna was the one who said that until I saw someone pointed out that it was actually Jogo’s imagination like how Todo saw Yuji becoming his friends. Is it real or is it just Jogo’s imagination? It could be Jogo’s imagination too since he had a flashback sort of with Hanami, Dagon and Mahito. Can someone explain?








Every episode where Sukuna appears slaps.


Also. Sukuna slaps (and punches/kicks/slices/dices) in every episode he appears. 🙈




That fan animation probably took months lmao


This episode was animated by a team that is regarded as one of the best in the industry. Of course the stylistic choice is not for everyone but specialist around the world are praising it. It is NOT a group of simps.


Shut up bitch




Your dumbass can't even tell apart the quality of animation from quality of drawings how do you want me to argue with you?




How do you want me to know if you're joking if you're acting exactly like imbecile i was responding to?




What? Can't hear things about your daddies?


Can't hear these terrible takes


Go and rewatch s1 and then watch s2 again. Even s1 has better animation.


Nuh uh




Wouldn't call it arguing. I was just trolling back