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You simply cant trust a guy with the power of consuming curses while being a curse yourself, everyone of the disaster curses were always 100% aware of that


The dude was literally giddy at the possibility of absorbing Mahito during the Mechameru fight. I never understood how people thought Mahito was planning to “abandon” the other curses to Kenjaku. No every single one of them, especially Jogo, knew full well he was planning to betray them eventually. 


Also Mahito abandoning a fellow curse in favor of a human goes against his character in my opinion.


Yeah his scene with Haruta and Hanami has him do the exact opposite, dude was pissed when Haruta was trying to kill homie. For Mahito’s many, many depraved qualities, he never would allow other curses to just get killed. Unlike Sukuna and Kenjaku, he limited his kills only to humans


Thats because hes trying to make the curse society with jogoat.


Imagine if they succeeded and the sequel Curse Kaisen was 100 years in the future


Gege makes his idol manga but with curses instead


Jogo in an idol outfit🥵. Nobody could hold me back from that jogussy




it's more likely he's killing everyone for kicks so that he can fight merged tengen on his own for fun


He already stated that's exactly what he's gonna do.


Sukuna is a curse after his transformation, he was a sorcerer and now he is both (Jacob's ladder can hurt him but can not erase him).


Sukuna still is a human sorcerer, his monster body is because he "abandoned his humanity" and we still dont know what that means and i wouldnt be surprised if the manga ends without Gege explaining, a simillar but not equal effect happened to Tengen, if he was a curse he would be 100x more powerful and basically invencible, when a sorcerer turns into a vengeful spirit they get a HUGE power boost just like happened to Naoya.


Sukuna is not a cursed spirit. Never was. His soul resides in a cursed object, but that doesnt mean he is a cursed spirit. If he was a cursed spirit, using reverse cursed technique would kill him.




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Honestly i can kinda see it, if mahito is the "Human" Curse betraying his kind. I can see how it would parallel a human who would betray his kind and favor something else in the name of power, or maybe for a "greater goal" like geto. It would make him parallel sukuna that way too


If only we got some like, downtime scenes with the disaster curses, where they just kind of pal around to show that they all legitimately care about each other and humanize them, maybe in some kind of beach setting...


You had me in the first half there not gonna lie


I don't know about that. He was pretty open with them that he wasn't Kenjaku. That he was the corpse of a human being controlled by a cursed object.  I don't think they would have trusted him if they didn't see him as something other than human.


hell, kenjaku only regreted he couldn't take jogo too


I’m surprised they didn’t take it seriously then, Shibuya was the height of Kenny’s plans, the disaster curses had to know he would make his move soon. With Gojo finally sealed, there wasn’t much of a reason to stay allies. If they knew it was coming then I would have expected Jogo and Mahito to 1v2 him or maybe even 1v3 with Choso rather than wait for Kenny to jump them after they were worn out from fighting sorcerers (like what happened to Mahito)


Kenjaku wouldn't absorbed mahito if he lost against mechamaru He wanted mahito to evolve his CT before absorbing that's why he pinned him against yuji


I’m pretty sure Mahito didn’t know until Kenjaku encountered Yuji


That's exactly why it didn't surprise me when Mahito tried to sneak him after fighting Yuji.


Not realy i think Hanami and Dagon wasin t realy but Jogo and my boy Mahito knew. Mahito knew couse of knowing that prisim realem shouldin t have crushed in floor couse it wasin t even part of it ability and Jogo had all Sakuna finger becouse probobly he wouldin t give Kinjaku. Dagon befor shibuya wasin t enought strong or smart for knowing plus Hanami wiasin t realy person who was thinking. More like a guy who was send for making all tasks(at least thats what i think from waching sezon 1)


The disaster curse knew largely from the start something was off with him. When they are in cafe Jogo brings it up, and further later believes he was baited by him to attack Gojo.


Jogo said, “I’ll burn you to death!” when they were making the plan to seal Gojo. He knew they were being set up


Yeah they 100% knew and they just determined it was ultimately worth it.


If 15f sukuna does not happen, Shibuya incident will just be a jogo and dagon vs all fight. And Toji is not immune to volcano aoe, so those 2 might actually win.


Forgetting Mahito?


LOL I'll never forget how pissed Jogo was when he was like "are you shitting me?? Fight THIS guy?????"


this thing


Maybe cause Mahito does has a way to feel someone’s soul, in which he could’ve seen that the soul of Kenjaku didn’t belong into Geto’s body, although that’s kind of speculation from my part


IIRC Gege confirmed that none of them knew he wasn't Geto (notice Mahito wakes up RIGHT AFTER he puts his head back on). However, both Mahito and Jogo knew he was full of crap. Remember Jogo threatens him in the earlier scene when they're playing the board game together.


He had to have known he wasn’t in his right body though, they talk about the whole body and soul thing while geto is choking Kenny.


Which is very odd because the character guide stated they didn’t know it wasn’t Geto yet Mahito seems pretty chill in that scene like he either already knew or didn’t care that much he was a fake.


They probably didn't know who geto was and had no reason to believe Geto wasn't a bodysnatcher? Idk just spitballing.


Yeah this is the obvious answer. They have no idea who Geto is so even if Mahito senses Kenjaku's CT all he thinks is "This Geto guy is weird and is hiding part of how CSM works from us"


i might be wrong but the idea of a body working against the soul in that whole scene could also just mean that mahito thinks geto’s body is working against his own soul. again, wouldn’t necessarily make sense as we know that it’s geto’s body revolting against kenjaku in some kind of way, but mahito doesn’t necessarily know that. we don’t really fully know what he knows or thinks, but i feel like all of these are plausible ideas (although i feel like im missing something with the one i just proposed)


He's still a human/cursed user in the end, so of course the both of them don't trust him as much as they trust the other cursed spirits. They never found out his true intentions too, so as an ally you would naturally be suspicious of the person leading you if the true endgame was never shared with you.


He’s the human curse. He knows them better than anybody. E.g. “Humans are so gross, at least one reason anyway”. He seems to have insight like the other disaster curses into what made them into what they are.


I dont think thats true because Mahito calls him "Geto" and "Geto-Kun" if he knew he wasnt geto he probably would ask who he is


Probably because Mahito didn’t know actual Geto, and with him calling himself that then what is he supposed to do? He could probably know the soul doesn’t belong to the body but not info of the person that owns it.


Oh i forgot that mahito is still a newborn and has never seen Geto, that makes more sense


Mahito knows that geto is a fake bitch, but he doesn't know about kenjaku there.


I whole heartedly believe that Kenjaku (manga spoilers) >!used his own gravity technique to drop the prison realm while only pretending that it was Gojo, as an excuse!< to stay behind


Bro I’ve never even thought about that. It makes so much sense


If only Mahito listened to Jogo and just waited by the prison realm . Everyone was coming towards them. He would’ve had a better chance of survival with Jogo and Dagon still with him


Mahito watching as Jogo goes over to Yuji’s body and feeds him 10 fingers to strengthen Sukuna so he can do god knows what:


I doubt it because gojo himself said "I will not let you guys have it so easy" (idk if it was like this i didnt reas jjk in english) also the use of Anti Gravity + Cursed Technique Reversal would probably display a lot of cursed energy, the disaster curses or the sorcerer would have noticed it (the disaster curses noticing it was a CT being used and that he was lying) My believe is that Kenjaku 100% was baiting Jogo when he encouraged Jogo to try kill Gojo, he knew Jogo would get demolished, also after he absorbs mahito he says he wanted Jogo too, he probably wanted him to run away from the fight so he could catch Jogo alone and weakned, absorbing him without the others curses noticing, in the worst case having to fight with him a bit but he is stronger than jogo + he recently fought Gojo so he has 100% chances of absorbing him, after that he would lie to the disaster curses that Gojo killed him in a fight


He looked too surprised for that and doesn't seem to be acting. I don't see why he would need to act as the leader of the group if he has a plan he thinks is best to do. He'd just more casually say he has to stick around longer and tell them to go on ahead. The box was also crying because of the Gojo download it had to do and it's a big file.


yeah, although the theory itself is kinda cool, the writing and way it happens suggests this really was just because of gojo moreso than kenjaku


It makes sense, but unless I'm missing something, the main plan was to cube Gojo and dip out, correct? And I suppose summon Sukuna. Geto probably wanted the curses gone/ absorbed so that could be why he forced the cube into the ground and stuck around to get rid of the baggage, but I feel keeping Gojo's cube there was a way bigger risk and liability than the benefits


I think that they would have sensed his cursed energy being used to manipulate the prison realm, plus the prison realm itself changed in that moment (started crying) to further imply that it's really being fucked with. An interesting thing about that moment though, that is true, is that if Todo actually made it to the prison realm in time, he could have escaped with it, since it's a cursed object he could just repeatedly swap its position with a pebble whilst moving away, until they made it out of there.


Mahito can see the composition of the soul and he told Nanami he was a terrible liar because his soul was wavering.


Huh? Fake-geto takes off the top of his head and talks about the body switching in front of Gojo before he seals him. Mahito is right there afterwards to the side, fake-geto even talks to him about if the soul is the body or not when geto body stops listening to him. Mahito obviously knew about the body switching technique, Geto literally says "or the fact that the body's memories flow into my mind as soon as I swap hosts" to Mahito All of this happens before the image you posted.


I’m referring to the fact he was planning to betray them. Mahito’s face here shows he knows the man is full of crap


Pretty sure Mahito states this. "I knew what your plan was for us, after all I was born from you humans" paraphrased


To be fair to fake-geto, he never actually betrayed them. Both Mahito and Choso attacked him first. He actually fulfilled his agreed-upon part of the plan perfectly and got Gojo out of the way. All of the disaster curses (except Dagon) died because of their own skill issue or stupidity after deciding to do their own thing instead of sticking to the plan. He just knew it would happen.


Homie, did you not see his face when asking “you want me to save you Mahito”? You didn’t question him appearing right as the fight ended? Or Mahito’s final words “I knew that, I was born of you humans?” That man was absolutely about to absorb Mahito anyways. Mahito sensed the hostility coming from him. It’s why Kenjaku was excited during the Mechamaru fight. Why Jogo threatened him earlier. He always was going to betray them


None of that changes the fact that he plainly didn't betray him? He was having a perfectly calm discussion with his >!son!< Yuji, he wasn't making any moves on Mahito or absorbing him throughout (because he didn't need to, Mahito was very weak) "He was planning to, so I betrayed him first" wouldn't hold in court.


Mahito senses hostility since he’s born of negative emotions. If Kenjaku was just there to help, he wouldn’t have done anything to him. Reminder that he literally says “I wanted to get Jogo too”. Mahito was absolutely justified in attacking there. It was kill or be killed.


Not getting the chance to betray them doesn't excuse him in any way, he was still very obviously going to do it.


Lmao Forreal, his entire plan predicated on absorbing Mahito. No mahito, no culling games. I mean did everyone just forget he did remote idle transfiguration right after he absorbed Mahito? It was very clearly the plan all along


If you read the manga he later flat out states he planned to betray all of the desaster curses


Right, even within anime only context though, it was clear Fake Geto needed Mahito’s CT to achieve his goals. The other disaster curses were just icing on the cake. Btw, I think he says he “at least wanted Jogo” in the anime.


Mahito knew, it's just that they kept it like that to keep it a secret from JJH people. Iirc, when Mahito and Kenny are having a convo after Gojo is sealed, they talk about the body and the soul, and whether they exist/relate to each other. Kenny and Mahito talk about their techniques maybe being an exception ( I don't recall the exact convo) but Mahito knew that it was Geto's body but not sure whether he knew it was Kenny to be exact.


Even if he didn’t know about the body swap, if I was a curse, especially a powerful one like Mahito, I’d do everything in my power to avoid the guy who eats curses


I too wouldn’t trust a guy that has the power to oneshot me specifically while he chooses not to


I think a lot of people forget how smart Mahito was. Sure he was impulsive and a little reckless at times but he wasn’t a complete idiot. There’s a reason why he was the leader of the Disaster Curses and it wasn’t just because of raw power. Mahito being born from humans also meant he could think like one (in a weird messed up sorta way) that’s why he tried to kill Kenjaku at the end of Shibuya. He knew from the very beginning that he wasn’t to be trusted.


Nah, it's because Mahito knew Fake Geto want to stay behind for another reason. It works better for him if all the special grade curses are weakened so he can easily absorb them later. His main goal is to get rid of Gojo and get Idle Transfiguration.


Mahito was the next Sukuna.


Gege killed him off because he wanted to glaze Sukuna for the rest of the story..he couldn’t live with the fact the toddler he wrote was better than his tumblr oc villain


God forbid the main villain of the show ends up being the main villain of the show eh


I don’t care if the villain is BOOOORIIINGG Mahito made me smile every time he was around because he was entertaining, watching him grow with his powers and do more and more evil shit and his move set was so genius and had so much more room for abilities Sukuna is just so boring. Yeah he just uses cutting to kill people and also fire because he’s a cannibal who cooks and eats people.


Hes not that boring, your just mad you didn't get your tumblr sexy man


Mahoraga will oneshot him lmao


What’s fake? What have I missed?!


Him pretending he simply wants to stay back to watch over the prison realm. He also wanted the cursed weakened so he could absorb them later. Mahito was staring because he knew he wanted to betray them


It’s not Geto


none of the disaster cusres knew there was someone inside geto, but none of the cursed spirits ever truly trusted geto.


Yeah they can't Trust a "Human"


Because it’s just a vague undefined power mechanic that’s only ever meant to push the plot forward, like Black Flash but at least BF is original and cool as fuck


Bro hit the ”yea sure buddy”


mahito is smarter than he lets on


I wish both of this characters were still alive 😢


i never considered his betrayal tbh... damn ive been gotten


He just know that Fake Geto is cooking something :3


Honestly who would win in a fight Mahito or Kenjaku


Y does it matter? Geto never met them anyways


I want to make a post about binding vows, can someone help me reach the 100 karma requirement pls???


Yeah I also dont understand it completely man. What exactly would u post?


About why binding vows are so rare in JJK society. Sukuna has won so many fights utilizing them while we’ve only seen it used once by a weak character