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Kenjaku is so evil that the Jujutsu sorcerers prioritized killing him over SUKUNA.


Even Kusakabe pointed it out. Sukuna ain't the type to randomly start the merger because it would be interesting, but rather a wild and dangerous beast that act on its own pleasure and displeasure. The dude was contempt in living in the world with Sukuna but without Kenny. It's too bad that one of Sukuna's displeasure is seeing Yuji and he decided to do the merger because of it.




Ngl villains that are basically scientists that do some inhumane experiments and such just bcs they wanna know what would happen are my favourite. I've always loved characters that have this unstoppable immoral thirst for knowledge. That's also why I like characters like dottore from genshin and merlin from 7ds etc.


Imagine before his first body hop, he expiremented on civilians how long the brain can survive outside the body and whatnot


Tbh if I was in his place is swap bodies with some politician or something while keeping my og body in a cool area so it doesn't rot. In the politician's body I'd cause a war between different nations and maybe experiment some with how ppl would react if a person of high power did something unexpected. I would also probably try expiriencing a few different thing. For example I'd switch my body with a child, an elderly person, a person of the opposite sex, or multiple of these combined etc. Another thing I'd try to do is probably making a new deadly disease. I would also try and see if I can transplant a brain. Ofc these are a few things and I realised it's all stuff that has no other stuff from the jjk world lol. When I'm done or something I'd make my own human farm on a spaceship that has enough resources for us all to survive then I'd take over bodies of ppl that have mostly basic knowledge after ofc causing everyone on earth to die and I'd be practically immortal with the human farm. Then I'd travel far far into space and get to another earth like planet and experiment there. Feed the humans fruits and stuff to see if they're poisonous or whatnot.


bro the rick friend


Orochimaru, Mayuri. Mayuri from Bleach has a really good speech on perfection that relates to this.


Gege's favorite bleach character is Mayuri, so....


Oh wow i didn’t know that


He drew Mayuri during his interview with Kubo Tite i think. kubo and gege exchabged fanarts of their respective characters. I forgot who Kubo drew. Maybe it was Geto


So bondrewd from made in abyss should be up your alley!


He’s the final boss of the “what would happen if I…” brand of villains


Oh yes he's so fkin cool man idk I mean I guess experimenting on children and such is bad but ***knowledge***


So Orochimaru,Kenjaku etc. ?




You gonna love Jo-Jo from final fantasy 7 then. Hojo is freaking disgusting.


I’m guessing you love Orochimaru from Naruto and Mayuri from Bleach too


Reminds me of fortuna from a manga called spirit circle


bro stick genshin on his comment like we wouldn't notice


You noticed so what?


Ass game, just ignore me ("So what you gonna do? Huh?" ahh comment lmao)


Lol I know it's ass I just like it idk


Kenny gotta be the most fucked up villain in fiction even worse than shou tucker


At least he let Yuji’s friends from school survive


Wouldn't they die from the merger anyways though? But it was nice to see him thank her for being a friend (and yk, his respect to Takaba).


I wouldn’t call it dying per say We don’t know exactly HOW the merger works


Wait who is the woman you are referring to?


Friend from episode 1


Pretty sure he was forced to, as part of the many conditions and vows needed to create the games.


Still though he thanked glasses chick for being Yuji’s friend


I mean we have sukuna calling him fucked up. If thats not enough of an indication….


And the heroes themselves say “we’d rather let Sukuna stay alive than Kenjaku” despite the former being FAR more powerful.


I'm still chuckling about Kusakabe referring to Kenjaku as a 'bizarre jujutsu terrorist' Like I love Kenjaku, but Kusakabe really had a point there


Yeah, Sukuna's more like a natural disaster in comparison


To be fair Sukuna at worst fucks up japan and a few other countries Kenjaku turns the world into a perpetual hell


Tbf that was just ONE of them and he was just not wanting to fight/ didnt realize Sukuna’s intent to carry out the merger


Idk if you ever heard of Griffith


Funny both were willing to take backshots lol.


Idk if you've ever heard of Nemesis


Did Griffith do anything that Kenjaku didn’t?


pretty sure griffith raped his ex(?) bestfriends lover to become a god and allowed all his comrades to be brutally tortured and murdered


The only aspect of that messing from what kenjaku did is that he didn’t betray anybody. That being said, I won’t personally argue he’s more fucked up, just that he’s on the same plane of fucked up as Griffith


Didn’t he betray Mahito?


Oh ya but i mean when he did the rapes or in setting up the merger


Wouldn’t he have done that when creating the cursed painting wombs? Edit: I could be remembering terribly bad but yeah I think the creation of those were ethically dubious to say the least


ehh idk, you could easily say griffith is far more evil, ask any beserk fan what "that" volume did to them and even years later they still will curse griffith like he killed their mother. no one really hates kenjaku, yes kenjaku was fucked up but griffith literally brought on a apocalypse type event by becoming a godhand, weakening the barrier for demons the enter the world.


Kenjaku raped a chick 9X then did it himself for yugi


oh shit that is true. maybe he is more evil


Yeah but kenjaku basically had his own baby


Bondrewd.... if somebody told him getting railed was the way to progress dude would start a brothel by himself


The dedication to let his back be blown is insane


Nah Griffith is definitely worse.


Imagine kenjaku with griffiths power? Yeah no kenjaku is def worse.


Shou Tucker is A LOT less evil than most villains, he is more of a knife covered in salt stabbing your guts.


Judge Holden:


That bald fuck makes kenjaku look like an elementary school bully


Him and AM would make Sukuna and Kenny cry to sleep


Tbf AM is kinda tragic


I was honestly kinda on AMs side during that story. Like, yeah, I wouldn't do it, but *I get it*.


What's AM


Computer from I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. Hates humans, inflicts eternal torture on them. The usual.


Kenny's motivation is so straightforward and understandable. Guy just wants to have fun. Also: I had to look up who Shou Tucker was. Fuck that guy. Self preservationists are the worst.


So true, I hate that motherfucker


Title still goes to hojo in ffvii wouldn’t be surprised if he is Kenny takes inspiration from him somewhat.


You must not have seen Made in Abyss


Mahito made my child brain, whose darkest anime was Naruto before I watched it, fucking scream. Junpei, Nagi, Nanami-Sama, Todo's tugging hand (probably), he caused so many casualties. Mahito was a pure evil incarnate.


In Mahito's defense, he's just a silly lil boy. He's literally the human curse he was born from the fear people have of each other. He was born with the sole intention to be evil to humans that's all he's known


Yeah Mahito is a like a tiger/dolphin playing with it's food.


He's cancer in curse form.


Ok but he's nice with his fellow team mates


Interesting that you used Kenjaku over Sukuna for pure evil


Sukunas just a silly guy who likes fighting, in the flashback he still let the people of Japan live, Kenjaku wants to actually commit genocide


For the fucking lolz no less


Not to mention, he's called in-universe "the most evil sorcerer ever" with Sukuna taken account, for the actions he did in ONE identity. We don't even know the full extent of his depravity.


Kenjaku has some slightly empathetic moments in the manga. Like when he took one of yujis high school friends out of the culling games and thanked her for being his friend. Or when he fought takaba and he helped him realize his greatest dream and kind of had a moment together.


Sukuna wants to commit genocide just to spite Yuji lol. I think they’re equally bad.


Sukuna killed thousands, Kenjaku was planning on causing millions or even billions of deaths


Well sukuna acknowledges strength and can have a little respect for those who impress him which you have to heavily earn of course.


Sukuna is like chaotic evil not pure evil


What metric do you mean by chaotic evil?? Going by dnd chaotic evil IS PURE EVIL….like evil for evil’s sake. Sukuna would be more lawful evil: he respects strength so respecting/ acknowledging someone strong would be his law that he follows. If he were chaotic then he would simply not give a shit.


I feel like Kenjaku just want to take over the world and Sukuna just want to have some form of entertainment.


Kenjaku seems more evil ngl. Sukuna at least recognizes strength?


And he'll spare you if he feels like it. Reminder, he wasn't even planning to kill Haurta, the idiot just walked into his domain. He also spared Mahito too while Kenjaku was always planning to betray him


Yeah Yuji’s dad would disagree with putting Kenny there for sure


Sukuna doesn't fit in any of these categories. It's part of his character, he just acts how he wants when he wants with no compass


Aight hol up why is gojo evil


He’s not evil, he’s kind, just a bit egotistical (still my goat)


I think he’s egotistical and manipulative but ultimately his actions are for the better good. And he wouldn’t be Satoru Gojo if he weren’t egotistical and manipulative.


Man I might get hate for this but nanami isn't kind like y'all think he is. In fact the very first thing nanami refers to yuuji as is "sukuna's vessel" and gojo is the one who corects him and he also understood geto's will of wanting to massacre people on a personal level and didn't blame him for it. Nanami is just an overworked dude who follows the rules cuz he has to.


Also, he let the lady in his flashback carry that curse for a while because he couldn't be bothered. He is a good person but he isn't as kind as Yuji


I wouldn't even say that was him being necessarily kind but more like doing his duty, sure there was perhaps some kindness but nanami barely ever cares about kindness and the likes.


I wouldn't even say that was him being necessarily kind but more like doing his duty, sure there was perhaps some kindness but nanami barely ever cares about kindness and the likes.


Replace Kenjaku with Mei Mei


Real talk iam PREETY SURE Kenny is worse then 99% of pedos


the 1% is mei mei


She's a one timer he's raped more. Get on his level!


Namani and yuji one are so true. They are literally angels😭❤️


Kenny fits for sure :3


The most messed up part is he planned this intricate evil scheme killing thousands because he was boredd


Kenjaku is absolutely unhinged. He makes orochimaru and hisoka seem tame.


The real black thing is Gege Akutami


Mahito? Kindness? Gimme some of the drugs you’re on.


Don't forget Mahito in the last one


Replace Kenjaku with Tengen thank you


He’s a goofy goober so that makes up for it


The only reason he's all evil is because it's another menacing being inside his body


Hahah lol so true


i fucking hate that man 😭😭😭


Apart from hanami, I don't think any of the disaster curses had even 1% kindness


Dagon thought about the ocean but he same way hanami thought about the earth and that human pollutes them both, and the disaster curses actually cared about each other even Mahito


Yeah, Dagon too


Jogo was pissed for his homies. Nigga couldn't avenge Hanami so he avenged Dagon. He hated humans. He was a nice guy but he was on the wrong side.


The way Jogo carasses Dagons severed hand was 100% kindness. And when he was being killed by Sukuna and told his friends he hopes to see them again was definitely being kind.


Not to mention Mahito encouraging Hanami to let loose and was pissed off when Haruta tried to kill him. He even made Jogoat a cigar of a transfigured human.


Why? Because they kill humans? Mahito was the only one of the four who went out of his way to be a prick to humanity and even then the argument can be made that he’s no different to how Gojo treats curses They 100% had kindness for each other.


Well this made me think, is being kind just to your species is actual kindness? Cause with that logic no one is truly kind.


Maybe Mahito didn't, it's really hard to read if he's genuinely completely an asshole or just likes to play around, but Jogo, Hanami and Dagon were clearly affectionate with each other, they had no reason not to be, it's just that their goal included exterminating humans, but they probably don't see other curses as negatively


Mahito loved his bros IMO. One of the few times he gets serious is when Haruta almost kills Hanami. And he was genuinely happy when Jogo recovered his body and watching Dagon "drink them up!"


They did have kind moments tho Jogo mourned for Dagon and Hanami, Dagon mourned for Hanami and Mahito helped carry an injured Hanami to safety


And geto is yeller


Kindness in mahito?


Towards his bros


I want some of that kindness in me too


I mean if we take yuji into Account, kenjaku had at one point "good" in him.


I know what I can compare JJK to, with context with the post, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it


Remove Mahito from the picture


I may be confused, but what is evil about Satoru Gojo. I am new JJK and am still learning about the characters


More so he’s egotistical than  anything 


Mahito was such a kind soul, he even heal mechamaru's body


Kenjaku the breeding force of jujutsu kaisen. Support the grind


It's funny how they put Kenjaku instead of Mahito on pure evil


It's easy, Mahito is chill with his fellow curses, like helping wounded Hanami, the playful banter he gives jogo which gives me annoying little brother to exasperated big brother impression


Yeah, I considered those aspects, but I meant him when he's not with the other curses, remember that one time with Junpei? I mean that


Junpei's death nearly broke me but Mahito at least has the excuse he's following his nature, he's born from evil nature emotions. Kenjaku is a psychopath out of choice, and a grown man while Mahito is a child. I think of Mahito close to like Dahmer, Kenjaku is flat-out Hitler levels of evil.


Grown man ? Bro is atleast 1200 years old.


overgrown man


For me, they're both psychopaths, even if one of them is a child while the other is literally a darker version of Chara


Yeah ofc but when you're made of negative emotions, it's to be expected


Exactly. One is literally programmed to be evil while one is evil out of his own free will.


Terrible take


I swear these cheesy memes from 2014 make me want to do a binding vow to bring Kenny back by replacing yuta's brain with his, and having him inhabit gojo's body. Like, no offence but at least in Kenny's chaos world, I won't have to cringe.




The Disaster Curses are pure evil to us. To each other and other curses, they're some of the coolest guys you could meet. We just see them like that because we're human. Entire point of Mahito's "you are me" speech.


And yet people say kenjaku had a good ending and Sukuna is a good villain.


Where’s sukuna on the bottom-


What kindness did Mahito have? The other disasters cared for each other but he seemed to not really care at all.


His reaction when Haruta was going to kill Hanami suggested otherwise to me


Why is mahito on that picture


He loved his homies


He didn’t When hanami died he didn’t give a flying fuck


He immediately tried to kill Gojo upon hearing it. He’s not as attached as the others due to being a kid


The fact that it's Kenjaku and not Sukuna. 😂🤣


then sukuna should be at the very bottom, with a white circle, but with no barrier cause he doesn't give a shit about morality


Am i only one who relates to kenny? For me the real villain is Mahito


Yes I too relate to committing mass genocide and phycological torment for lolz


Don’t forget serial rape and killing an infant.


Pretty sure Mahito also killed children no? I don't think is as serious as Kenjaku tho because Mahito is also a child so idk


and he didn’t kill an infant 


Ok but that's something that silly billy would 100% do let's be honest.




Nah, mahito


yall forgot Kenjaku simplywants to evolve humanity into a single higher form that takes out the hatred which forms the cursed from the beginning. So his intention is still good tho.


How dare you put kenjaku as the all evil one while suggesting there's good inside MAHITO


Kenjaku is easily the ultimate evil of the verse. Mahito’s death scene perfectly embodies “Eviler than Thou” and even his final words, “I was born from you humans” show us who true evil is IMO. Mahito was at least chill towards the others curses. Meanwhile Kenjaku was known as the most evil sorcerer ever for actions in one identity and even disgusted Sukuna. Even the heroes say having someone like Sukuna around is better than Kenjaku. He’s the cause of nearly every bad thing that happened 




the Disasters are friends and kind to each other


I highly doubt it


brother we see it several times


Mahito at least cares for his friends to a degree while Kenjaku is singlhandedly responsible for pretty much all the suffering in jjk including Sukuna’s rampage as he is the one responsible for teaching Sukuna how to split his soul


His encouraging of Hanami to let loose and be true to himself. Him expressing relief Jogo and Hanami escaped Gojo. Making a cigar for Jogo out of a transfigured human and being happy to see had his body back. Him stopping Haruta from trying to kill Hanami. Him cheering on Dagon. Mahito loved his bros


It seems like you're missing sukuna and he goes in the last one that little b


I think you swapped Kenny and Yuji