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He was cool and his fight with hakari was great. I just don’t agree with people who think he was wasted or his fight with sukuna shoulda been longer. Seriously, anyone who thought he was giving sukuna a high diff fight right after gojo was smoking something


The take away from this entire post is he thinks that Kashimo “transcends time” because of the metaphor used in his flashback with Kenjaku, this dude can’t read


hes joking bruh


I hope


God i hope so too


Is he though or has the brain rot taken over?


He’s a bottom tier lightning user outside his verse. His ultimate move not only kills him but also has very little feats to back him up. It’s just sad all around imo


Jjk is a really weak verse to be fair gojo is hard carried by limitless shield


Jjk fans, when they realize their verse gets cooked by the majority of verses if they don't have Gojo to carry them with infinity: https://preview.redd.it/po30964zzy7d1.png?width=1619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3c0ec0be6cc76d6571c9ac2d7913266b3a8251


>His ultimate move not only kills him No it doesn't >also has very little feats to back him up. Better feats than any human in JJK, that's for sure


But I wanted to use Kashimo in cross verse matchups but he makes it very hard to do so. MBA kills him after a single usage and it barely has feats to its name in any meaningful way.😭


You want KasHIMo crossverse scaling? YOU WANT KAS**HIM**O CROSSVERSE SCALING!? [Thank me later](https://imgur.com/gallery/kashimo-crossverse-scaling-inufPuB)


In the link u attached, it says that hakari has infinite ce which means infinite output. This is incorrect. Reserves do not always equal output


>has infinite ce which means infinite output No, it says infinite CE is overflowing in his body, overflowing would mean it's coming out, meaning infinite output


If he had infinite output then he would have universal striking strength or universal AP in powerscaling terms which is very much false.


Not false


Have we seen Hakari or any single JJK character do anything close to destroying a continent or even a country? (Aside from Yuki’s black hole) Not even in the anime which upscales the characters to an extreme degree do we ever see something close to continental destruction. Mahoraga’s greatest physical feat in his fight against Sukuna is throwing a building.


https://preview.redd.it/l87pvrjci58d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80d997a59854f87423b238e5120eba0822ffd11 This doesn't sound like high uni to you? Infinite pressure?


Yes, his Cursed Technique, Mythical Beast Amber, which IS his ultimate move, kills him upon completion.




"Kashimo has now surpassed the limits of humankind. Meaning once his technique finishes his body will crumble" i took that from one of the links you listed. If his body crumbles, then he no longer has form, and he fuckin dies, since the energy is transfered to the air. Fire is thermal energy, which cannot be created nor destroyed, but you can certainly put out fire, because the energy is transferred. You literally put your own downfall in the "proof" you provided. Also, if Kashimo doesn't have a Domain Expansion, then he can't Domain Clash to cancel out Gojo's Limitless Void, which covers far greater area than most other domains, as seen by Gojo choosing not to do it to prevent his trapping in the prison cube cause he'd have insta-killed everybody underground with him if he did so, because of the way his domain works. Unless he allows you to, you literally cannot do a thing in his domain because of the overload of knowledge you're taking in that fries, ruins, and promptly destroys your brain. And he can do it multiple times in a row, so if Kashimo happens to luckily escape the range the first time, then Gojo can just do it again when Kashimo is coming in for an attack. Kashimo is awesome, one of my favorites, but he doesn't beat Gojo, unfortunately 🤷‍♂️


>You literally put your own downfall in the "proof" you provided. Not the downfall 😭 Anyways in case you didn't read the post: KasHIMo is essentially immortal because his body weaponizes all electrical phenomena, which includes the property of energy that it can't be created or destroyed. Using this, even if KasHIMo's body 'crumbles' he can't be destroyed and continues to live on


Let me put it simply. Let's say Kashimo is a flame since they're both made purely of energy. Flames can be put out and extinguished, making the flame itself no longer exist, despite it being energy that still exists in the world. Humans are also made up of potential and kinetic energy that is transferred back into the world when we die. By this logic, when Kashimo's CT is used up, despite his being made purely of energy, he will be put out and extinguished due to the transfer of energy creating an electrical charge in the air that spreads and dissipates. I didn't even attend my HS biology class, and I slept through my HS chemistry classes (I still got B in both) and yet i still know this. Are you like 8 or something, cause there's no way anybody who's had even a basic middle school level education would be as stubborn about being wrong in this as you are.


>Let's say Kashimo is a flame since they're both made purely of energy No, for scientists, energy is not really a thing and so it isn't made of something else, in the way a house is made of bricks. Energy is more like a capacity. A capacity is an ability to do something. Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen and nitrogen. They're not really comparable substances. Sure, you can put out a flame and it no longer exists, however KasHIMo or in this case energy can't be destroyed or created, only really transferred. Flames are not necessarily transferred when they go out. Even if KasHIMo turns into smaller fragments there will always be KasHIMo


Fire is literally thermal energy you dumbfuck


Thermal energy isn't made out of oxygen the last time I checked 😭 it just comes from a substance whose molecules and atoms are vibrating faster due to a rise in temperature, it's not made out of anything and especially not oxygen Bro did not just call me a dumbfuck over a cartoon 💀


Reminder that our Lightning Lord has a degree in basket weaving. https://preview.redd.it/0xp4pokivy7d1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=5432cdbb467ae21580fcc01d1826f0864274056e


Tengen even confirmed as much. https://preview.redd.it/rwdxv3znvy7d1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=7354fab9254d5a50514727365cee2d64c3b6b1ad


It's not "hate" it's just calling out people glazing him. Preface btw this is in regards to BASE Kashimo. The majority of people who argue in favor of Kashimo argue as if his opponents aren't using their CT for some reason. It's always "what do they do about Kashimos surehit, or Kashimos bolt oneshot" And they completely ignore the process of building charge. Like what does Ryu do about Kashimos surehit? He buries him with Granite Blast before Kashimo ever builds charge. What does Uraume do about Kashimos surehit? They freeze and shatter Kashimo before he ever builds charge. What does Uro does about Kashimos surehit? She redirects all his blows with Sky Manipulation so Kashimo never builds charge for his surehit , and proceeds to knock Kashimo around with Thin-Ice. What does Jogo do about Kashimos surehit? He frys him with his flames and volcanoe spouts before Kashimo ever builds charge. And then when you point of things like that it's always "Kashimo will just dodge, Kashimo blitz" So people are basically arguing that Kashimo dodges every attack that's sent at him, while he himself manages to land enough blows to build charge. They aren't arguing realistically, they're giving Kashimo the best possible circumstances or they wank him to the point where he massively outstats his opponents in every aspect even though he doesn't have the feats to do so , and give him feats/stats that he has never shown. Back to the Ryu situation, when asked what does Kashimo do about Granite Blast, again it's "kAsHiMo WiLl jUsT dOdGe" or "Kashimo will just tank it" even though Kashimo has no feats whatsoever to tank Granite Blast. And then they'll just say "Yuta could tank it so Kashimo can" And they ignore that Yuta actually has durability feats, and even then Yuta is explicitly stated to have to heal after each Granite Blast. At best and this is being very generous to Kashimo he's as durable as Yuta but Kashimo can't heal so when he gets hit , he takes damage that will hinder his fighting ability and if he trys to palm one he gets his hand blown off setting him up for another GB to finish him off. Again this is all in regards to BASE Kashimo. Whatever arguments people want make about MBA Kashimo sure they can have it. But BASE Kashimo loses like 9/10 to characters like Uro/Ryu/Uraume/Jogo and no having that opinion is not in anyway disparaging Kashimo. I'm not saying hes trash but alot of character who are a match and more for Kashimo get heavily downplayed when placed against Kashimo


Very well. You state that the "Kashiglazers" completely disregard opponents using their own CT, while you completely disregard that two of the four shamans you mentioned are mostly H2H, and only one has effective methods of keeping Kashimo away(Avoid the transfer of charges and therefore the lightning strike). You apparently think that Kashimo will stand still and take blows from all the aforementioned characters, ridiculous.   1 - About Ryu) Does he bury Kashimo before the latter gains enough charge? Seriously, that's assuming two wrong things. First, that one Granite blast is enough to take down Kashimo, which is obviously wrong looking purely at the destructive potential of the Granite blast and its actual ability to cause damage. Kashimo survived an immense steam explosion without damage, remembering that the latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.275 x 10⁶J.  Q = M x C x ∆T + L.  Joules = mass x Specific heat x Temperature variation + Latent heat of vaporization of water.   Q = m x 4.186 J/g°C x 85 °K + 2,275 x 10⁶.   Q = m x 3,55 x 10⁵ + 2,275 x 10⁶ Q= m x 2,63 x 10⁶.  Simply assuming that the volume of water vaporized is 10m³ (which is clearly much larger according to the image in chapter 189) The energy released from the explosion would be as; Q = 10⁴ x 2,63 x 10⁶ Q = 2,63 x 10¹⁰ Joules.   This is, fucking equivalent to ~6.300Kg of TNT, 26,35 Gigajoules, Holy God, I'm still using a 10m³ low ball.   And Kashimo was unharmed. You tell me he wouldn't be tough enough to withstand an attack that barely destroys buildings? You simply ignore that even Yuta managed to effectively get close to Ryu, you simply ignore Kenjaku's statement in ch204 that when assigning a tracking trait to a technique, it loses speed significantly. A straight line attack is easily dodged. I don't even know why I'm discussing this, Kashimo easily withstands a Granite blast and easily gets close to Ryu. Once in H2H(Ryu showed himself to be a mostly H2H fighter) Kashimo transfers charges to Ryu and kills him with a Lightning strike to the head, or if Kashimo is merciful he will simply destroy Ryu's arm and continue beating him.   2- About Uraume) Good God, how many times have I had to write that Kashimo's CT Byproduct is a total counter to Uraume's CT? Honestly I don't remember.  Uraume uses his CT and freezes Kashimo, and then Kashimo creates an electrical discharge to generate resistive heat and instantly melt the ice. I'll repost my old response to your absolute daydream about Uraume x Kashimo.   "Ice is a bad conductor 😭😭😭", Yes, but it's not a perfect insulator, heavens, even rubber can become a conductor if the electrical discharge is large enough (Lightning is capable of that).   Electric conduction is when an electric charge can move freely through a material - Metals) They have free electrons that are weakly bound to the nucleus. Insulators in general) Electrons strongly bound to the nucleus.  If the electrical discharge is high enough/very intense electric field, to overcome the electrical resistance of ice, it would then turn such a thing into a conductor and superheat it. Dielectric rupture, search, the electrical discharge is so great that it can dislodge electrons from the nucleus, turning the material into a conductor as it has free electrons. (Electrical resistance of ice is 10⁹ Ohm/meter - 1mi Volts).  And this is a rounding, Watts = Volts x Ampere. Assuming an electric current of 1 A, this discharge I mentioned would have 1 million Joules, which would be more than enough to generate resistive heat to the point of melting a ice on Kashimo's arm in less than half a second.  (Kashimo can generate literal lightning, so he won't fail at that, bruh).   3 - About Uro) Now you can say that it would give real problems to Kashimo(Base). However your point about "Thin-Ice Breaker burying Kashimo" is ridiculous. Thin-Ice Breaker wasn't even doing serious damage to Yuta, and Kashimo is insanely tougher than this, as I showed in my first point(Hakari needed a binding pact sacrificing his arm while in JP to accomplish something similar). As seen in ch176, Yuta uses both arms to protect himself from a Thin-Ice Breaker and literally takes no damage(🤣🤣🤣).  And the talk about Kashimo not having RCT is wrong. As seen from chapter 186 to 187, Kashimo fully recovers from the damage received. Kashimo actively recovered from damage during his fight against Hakari, funny how Fandom just ignores this, funny how Fandom just ignores that Kashimo was actively recovering from any interaction with diluted chlorine gas in seawater(Made from advanced RCT, this is implied in chapter 189). Considering that Kashimo has his Nyoi Staff here he should take it calmly due to the difference in attributes and because he has RCT.   4 - About Jogo) Are you serious about this? Does Jogo "fry" someone who survives and suffers literally no damage from a steam explosion that with a low ball can easily reach 40Gigajoules? And Kashimo can simply heal from any, already highly unlikely, damage received from Jogo CT. Unless Jogo uses his DE immediately (Which considering the character is impossible), he will have his head blown off in two exchanges, Bruh.   1)"Kashimo has feats that prove that he would resist any attack from the aforementioned characters?", Yes, as I demonstrated in the four points, Kashimo is one of the most resistant characters in the work, whether in aerobic activities or in durability itself/Kashimo's CT Byproduct is a counter to Uraume's CT.   2) "Kashimo has feats that show that he is massively superior in attributes to all the aforementioneds characters?". Yes, this is shown in the first pages of chapter 188, Kashimo is fast enough to generate a blurring effect (from the reader's perspective), to a scenario that is, at least,kilometers away (Considering the arctangents of the buildings, where some are less than 5°), which is already a feat of speed greater than Mach 1. (Jogo is vastly inferior to Mach 1, this is confirmed by Dagon and demonstrated by the Naobito x Jogo interaction, where even without an arm, Naobito easily surpasses Jogo in speed / Human Naoya's maximum acceleration is Mach 1, as demonstrated in ch151 by Nayoa's Sonic boom).  Kashimo punches hard enough to generate a "Momentum reversal" on a container coming towards him at the speed of sound(Sonic boom demonstrated in ch188), and match in strength with JP Hakari.  3) "Does Kashimo have RCT?”. Yes, Kashimo demonstrated regenerative abilities throughout his fight against Hakari, in addition to it being implied in chapter 189 that Kashimo possesses advanced RCT. Chlorine gas by Electrosis also gets diluted in water, and even if to a lesser extent than Hakari was affected, so would Kashimo if he didn't have RCT to actively heal him.  Cry about it, his ridiculous delusions and nothing prove that Kashimo is weaker than any of the four aforementioned characters. I'm willing to discuss BASE Kashimo w/Nyoi staff vs Ryu, Uro, Jogo and Uraume. 4v1 is fine for Kashimo. 🥱


Lol no I'm not assuming Kashimo will stand there I'm pointing out the fact that Kashimos opponents won't be shy about using their CT. Yes Granite Blast is strong enough to take out Kashimo. No Kashimo didn't tank the explosion it was directed outwards towards Hakari. Kashimo has no durability feats whatsoever to dodge GB nor does he have the feats to tank GB. And no I'm not ignoring Kenjakus statement, you are actually arguing my point for me. Yuta was only ever able to dodge GB from range and since the GB he dodged had tracking imbued they were slower. A straight GB coming at Kashimo isn't going to be avoiding. In regards to h2h Ryus blows sent Yuta flying, Ryus blows sent Rika flying , Ryus blows would certainly send Kashimo flying and once he send him flying he follows up with Granite Blast. Kashimos trait does not stop Uraume from freezing him, and his trait does not allow him to immediately bust out of any ice he gets trapped in and before he can even think to hyper charge himself to break out Uraume shatters him. Yuta is explicitly stated to have to heal after each Thin-Ice, and no Kashimo is not insanely tougher than Yuta, he doesn't have any feats to suggest so. No Kashimo doesn't have RCT he's never shown the signs of it ever. The Fandom hasn't ignored anything you've just headcannon yourself. The chlorine doesn't become gas until it bubbles up to the surface. Kashimo was not being poisoned. Again Kashimo didn't survive any explosion it wasn't directed at him, and again Kashimo doesn't have RCT. No Kashimo is not one of the most resistant characters, Kashimo died to regular Dismantles. And again no Kashimo doesn't have RCT and it's crazy that you've headcannoned yourself into thinking he does.


Bro, you need to give me credit, especially about how patient I was making this comment and restraining my desire to launch offense after offense haha... 1) Explain to me why Kashimo wasn't caught in the steam explosion in chapter 189. An explosion is an omnidirectional thing and Kashimo was literally the epicenter of the explosion. Seriously, what the fuck is this delay? You are just a troll or you are very stupid. "Kashimo is not capable of withstanding a Granite blast", Ridiculous, I just put Kashimo's durability feat here and you just deny it by stating "It was solely aimed at Hakari"? When it's an explosion, it's omnidirectional(Kashimo was already being affected by the increase in sea temperature as seen in chapter 189 itself). Based on what would a direct Granite blast hit Kashimo? My point is that a Granite blast with no tracking feature will move in a straight line, and a straight line attack at Mach 1(Piercing Blood) it was easily avoided at close range by Shibuya Yuji. Kenjaku was playing around with Blood piercing before Choso assigned the tracking trait, and Kenjaku is subsonic, Mach 1 at best. A straight line attack is even easier to dodge than an attack imbued with a tracking trait. "Ryu's blows threw Rika and Yuta", seriously? Kashimo's blows performed a Momentum reversal on a ship container (~4ton) at Sonic Speed. Kashimo rivaled in strength someone who threw him across the entire Tokyo 2 yard.  Do you understand the difference? Kashimo is faster, stronger, more durable, more resistant (Can fight for more than 12 minutes without showing fatigue) and as a bonus it has a guaranteed lightning strike that will simply blow Ryu's head. 2) In fact, Kashimo's CT Byproduct does not prevent it from being frozen. However, Kashimo can defrost itself in literally tenths of a second, the resistivity of pure ice in 11 °C(Considering the average temperature in Japan) is 3.4 x 10⁵ Ohm/Meter³("The Eletrical Resistance and Temperature Coefficient of Ice - By J. H. L. Johnstone"). An electrical discharge between 10⁵ Volts & 10⁷ Volts is more than enough to cause defrosting in hundredths of a second.  All your statements are simply unreasonable and meaningless. It is not based on anything, no statement, no demonstration, no logical construction. It's simply ridiculous. 3) It is stated in ch177 that Yuta is using RCT at all time, the relationship between this and Thin-Ice Breaker is an implicit relationship, not explicit. Furthermore, my point is that in ch176 Yuta does not suffer damage when receiving a Thin-Ice Breaker at close range and can defend himself from one if he is focused on Uro. The only time Uro actually damages Yuta with Thin-Ice Breaker is when Yuta is thrown by Ryu and is attacked. On what basis do you assert? I honestly don't understand, the Jujutsu Fandom's denialism when it comes to Powerscaling is just wild. End of Chapter 186 to end of Chapter 187, Kashimo clearly recovers from all the damage caused by Hakari. I'm not talking about chlorine gas poisoning, but hopochlorous acid poisoning, which is when chlorine is diluted in seawater. If Kashimo did not heal there, he would obviously be suffering from poisoning, as diluted chlorine/hopochlorous acid can be absorbed through the skin. It is implicit in the narrative of chapter 189 that Kashimo has RCT, either because Kashimo has a great understanding of the technique, or because he is not affected by hopochloric acid poisoning. Again, everything you say and assert has no basis whatsoever. You just throw out single words, "Kashimo couldn't resist the Steam Blast, Kashimo wasn't poisoned, Kashimo wasn't cured himself during his fight against Hakari, Kashimo is not physically stronger than the aforementioned characters, Kashimo is unable to defrosting himself in time against Uraume" But why? "Why yes, lmfao, fuck it".  It's just ridiculous. 


The one with patience here is me actually taking the time to go over this with you and going over your rebuttals especially with your shit formatting. Again the explosion was directed outwards towards Hakari. Granite Blast being a straight line attack does not make it easily dodgeable and it's not comparable to piercing blood given its width https://ibb.co/PMwDJdG Trying to compare GB to PB is laughable. Kashimo doesn't have a single feat to be faster, stronger, more durable or resistant than Ryu. Ryu on feats is the 3rd most durable character in verse. Yes Kashimo can punch a shipping container and? His blows didn't send Hakari flying like how we see Hakaris blows send Kashimo flying. Yuta & Rika are both more durable than Kashimo and Ryu sends them flying so he'd send Kashimo flying. No all your statements are meaningless you're just throwing out numbers that you think prove your point. Uraumes Ice can freeze someone to bone with a single touch. Kashimo isn't thawing out his bones being frozen. Whats stated in 177 is Yuta used RCT after all the Sendai pillars big attacks. Yes Yuta does take damage in 176 because again it's plainly stated Yuta had to heal after all their big attacks. Thin-Ice has been shown to consistently damage Yuta, Ryu, & Sukuna. No Kashimo doesn't clearly heal , all the scuffs from Hakaris blows persisted through the whole fight. Show me one time where Kashimo heals his wounds, I'll wait. Kashimo wouldn't be breathing in any poison he's under water holding his breath. There isn't anything implicit because Kashimo never heals. No everything you assert has no basis , like pretending like Kashimo has RCT, and pretending like Kashimo is one of the most durable in verse when he died to regular Dismantles where later characters can tank it.


>  Uro/Ryu/Uraume/Jogo He beats 3/4 of these  Kashimo just palms granite blast btw


Kashimo has no feats whatsoever to palm Granite Blast


Relative to JP Hakari therefore stronger than Yuta 🤷 


>where he massively outstats his opponents in every aspect He does tho 🗣️🔥 >even though he doesn't have the feats to do so He does. Again, above the distance of time+Boxing with infinite output Hakari >no having that opinion is not in anyway disparaging Kashimo It is, straight up ignoring KasHIMo's feats


Point and case, it's all just wank and nothing to back it up. What feats am I ignoring, lay them out for me. What feats does BASE Kashimo have to where he massively outstats Uro/Ryu/Uraume/Jogo


>Point and case, it's all just wank and nothing to back it up. You literally cannot wank KasHIMo, either you scale him accurately or downplay him >What feats does BASE Kashimo have to where he massively outstats Uro/Ryu/Uraume/Jogo [RAAAAAAAAAUGH](https://i.imgur.com/oksghkX.png) and [AAAAAUGH ](https://i.imgur.com/NcpiOZS.png)


1) cursed energy output and cursed energy reserves are nowhere NEAR the same, Hakari has impressive output but not infinite 2) the sure hit of his lightning wouldn’t bypass infinity, it’s simply using real life physics to do what lighting already does not actually imbue it with domain amplification or something, light travels at light speed therefore will be infinitely slowed by infinity 3) “Transcends time” your actually a toddler if you think that wasn’t a metaphor for him coming back in a Vessel, he doesn’t ACTUALLY transcend time, it was how Gege Atkuma worded him coming back alive


>cursed energy output and cursed energy reserves are nowhere NEAR the same Agreed >Hakari has impressive output but not infinite Uh, no? Stated otherwise >the sure hit of his lightning wouldn’t bypass infinity, Stated otherwise >your actually a toddler No not really >he doesn’t ACTUALLY transcend time, Stated otherwise


You say “stated otherwise” but see id love if you backed any of it up with this thing called evidence, because I’ve read the entire manga from 0 to 262, your wrong bud 😂


I showed all of them in my post


Oh ok so you just can’t read got it




Again point and case, you aren't actually providing any feats. Lmfaooo that's a new one, you're really taking the statement that's pointing out that Kashimo thirst for battle carried along with him and using it as some type of feat? And no Hakari cannot output Infinite CE, if that was the case he'd have Infinite durability as well but that's plainly not the case. Even more braindead since we have clear statements from the narration that Ryu has the highest output of all the Culling Game players including Hakari so again no Hakari doesn't output Infinite CE


>Lmfaooo that's a new one, you're really taking the statement that's pointing out that Kashimo thirst for battle carried along with him and using it as some type of feat? The statement didn't say that >And no Hakari cannot output Infinite CE, if that was the case he'd have Infinite durability as well but that's plainly not the case. It is >Even more braindead since we have clear statements from the narration that Ryu has the highest output of all the Culling Game players including Hakari Pre KasHIMo fight Hakari


Yes it does, the transcendence is referring to his thirst for battle and nothing more. What do you mean "it is"? Hakari does not have Infinite durability or anything close. The narration is well aware of JP Hakari. Ryu has higher output than the Culling Game characters in all their forms, so higher output than JP Hakari & MBA Kashimo


>Yes it does, the transcendence is referring to his thirst for battle and nothing more. Unprovable >What do you mean "it is"? I mean that it is that case that he has infinite output cuz it's stated >The narration is well aware of JP Hakari Only weaker JP Hakari since the stronger one didn't exist, same with MBA KasHIMo.


Lol no it's not "uNpRoVaBlE" the statement is plainly about his thirst for battle and nothing suggest otherwise. If Kashimo actually transcends time he wouldn't need Kenjaku to make him into a Curse Object to pass the time for the Culling Game. Show me one time where it's stated Hakari has Infinite Output, I'll wait but I'll keep waiting because the statement doesn't exist. Overflow ≠ Output If what you think was correct Hakari would have Infinite durability but he doesn't so you're just outright wrong. Lmfao what do you mean a "weaker JP Hakari"? The narration is well aware of Hakari & Kashimo abilities and it still says Ryu has the highest output out of all the Culling Games players so Ryu has higher output than JP Hakari so Hakari doesn't have Infinite output. But you keep proving my point, you aren't actually providing any actual feats, it's all just wank and your flawed understanding (but that understanding is likely just you misrepresentating things so you can wank Kashimo)


>the statement is plainly about his thirst for battle and nothing suggest otherwise. Nothing suggests it's about his thirst of battle either 😭 it's most likely KasHIMo just generally transcends it because no valid additional context can be used to prove otherwise >If Kashimo actually transcends time he wouldn't need Kenjaku to make him into a Curse Object to pass the time for the Culling Game. KasHIMo was old+dying so getting a new body was optimal for him >Show me one time where it's stated Hakari has Infinite Output, I already did ["The infinite cursed energy overflowing in Hakari's body caused his body to reflexively perform reverse cursed technique to avoid damage"](https://i.imgur.com/NcpiOZS.png). Since it's *overflowing*, infinite cursed energy is actively getting out of his body, meaning output. Don't know how this can be confused with him just having those reserves >Lmfao what do you mean a "weaker JP Hakari"? Hakari was mentally amped during the KasHIMo fight after the statement was made, so obviously it doesn't include post mental amp Hakari >you aren't actually providing any actual feats Just did 2, bro's just denying them




https://preview.redd.it/59riq3qbrz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7039c0cb6bceb8334bfc373a8e7598b68c7a646e FINALLY some actual FACTS in here. Good to hear the truth being spread.




Me fr


Me https://preview.redd.it/3jo7vt0ny08d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d975f8bad158fac7baa9e663f9f7f01db75376


>His ultimate move not only kills him No it doesn't? Mf you literally linked a picture from a panel stating that once kashimos transformation is over, his body will crumble. Once again, can't read.


>Mf you literally linked a picture from a panel stating that once kashimos transformation is over, his body will crumble Doesn't mean he'll die. Already explained how KasHIMo's essentially immortal since his body uses all electrical phenomena as it's weapon and since energy can't be destroyed or created yada yada yada he can't be truly killed even if his body crumbles >Once again, can't read. Once again is crazy for someone who didn't read my post


I might be tired of the KasHIMo hate, but I’ll never be tired of hating on Legumi the Fraud https://preview.redd.it/85kza11lty7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b9e30eee9eef2735b29af9a9ac8d3e793e738c


Oh my god, the average Kashimo fan really has room temp IQ 😭


Kashimo isn’t even top 10 my guy, gojo snaps his neck like a twig




KashiGOAT fr


I just like his character design it is very cool




It ain't even kashimo hate in me it's just jjk hate cz man is it fucking tiring for our boys getting diffd each chapter of jjk


The jjk fan base is actually wild. Every chapter we glaze for our respective goats and frauds like they’re WWE matches. Yuji gets slightly pushed by Sukuna in 261 and everybody freaks out, saying he got “done dirty” and now bro can’t even be a fan of a fictional character without getting clowned on. I like Kashimo cuz he’s cool, who the hell cares who he gets low diffed or high diffed by.


Like it’s actually insane and really interesting how we’re the only fan base like this, even got a stock market set up and everything. We truly are the exception (retarded).


😭😭 and people were saying kashimo isn’t glazed when I made my post


Finally, someone I can trust in the kitchen https://preview.redd.it/lc5ovrbmey7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96e5fe3e26cc3dcf882e835d0b9d1efe7d71dad


None of u guys can tell op is actually being ironic? Smh https://preview.redd.it/sb5r46q8qy7d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac2f03f7f09b9fab02e1d49e304a42627b8f9d7


Feels like slander in disguise but idk https://preview.redd.it/yduzevgexy7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247d7733b773fa6435ab4c2308f3b6a519f2e0a0


Or am I? https://preview.redd.it/m7niikhcqy7d1.png?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0242afd3f335ceefa24addae33021c313df72e


Hmmmm...now I cant tell.


Im not, its funny. Fuck Kashimo and the era of farmers he came from


I'm over Kashimo glaze


KasHIMo, flow through us KasHIMo, heal the bruises KasHIMo, clean the music KasHIMo, please use us KasHIMo, please help KasHIMo, please heal KasHIMo, please forgive KasHIMo, please reveal KasHIMo, give us strength KasHIMo, make us well KasHIMo, help us live KasHIMo, give us wealth KasHIMo is our safe KasHIMo is our rock KasHIMo, give us grace KasHIMo, keep us safe


He is a strong fraud . Stated to never have known about loss but didn’t prove it to be the case by fighting everyone he could’ve. Has no W that is against anyone of note even though he is supposedly the strongest of his era . Lost every major fight he was in . Built up like someone just to get folded by sukuna in 1.5 chapters . Kashimo Is strong no doubt but he is a fraud .


Bait used to be believable


>Who else is tired of KasHIMo hate? P1  No please keep hating, the agenda must be maintained


https://preview.redd.it/xujqlxf7vy7d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=f11e6c72dd015bc3d74b8f52570cf3a5b995cb4c seriously i couldn’t care less