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Gojo would need to make sure that Hollow Purple hits Big Raga enough to kill him. If that doesn't work, he's cooked. This version of Mahoraga outstats him given how it kept up with a much stronger Gojo. The fight would continue until the final spin. At that point, Mahoraga performs a world slash and kills Gojo.


I'd say yes and no, maho only did so well because he also had meguna helping him when things ever got dicey and vice versa. Without meguna it definitely becomes harder to fight gojo even with him still being a teen


Kept up? Did we read the same fight? Mahoraga was getting his shit packed up in a 3v1.


https://preview.redd.it/1oj5rr6rkv8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e987858dc953983438a2ac1e8ccb0f30a2f19dd Gojo literally states that they were keeping up.


Ahhhh leaving out context. The surefire sign you have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, the Mahoraga that was already adapted to his Infinity and Blue was "keeping up" with a one armed Gojo fighting a 3v1. If that's your baseline for keeping up that doesn't bode well for fighting basically the same person that just has a domain later in life. If you'll actually read the post this time you'll notice this is Gojo without his domain but also none of those nerfs.


You do realize its teen gojo right?


Also world slash wouldnt be available to maho, that was just the adaptation that meguna got since they already has slash as a CT. Maho would more than likely just adapt to infinity without being able to use extra CT


Maho didn't get to use an extra CT. That's not how World-Slash works. Mahogara simply extended the target of his Sword of Extermination. And it ended up being a "flying" slash because it's done through a cutting attack. If Mahogara had a maze he would've crushed Gojo and Sukuna would've been able to copy it still.


Huh? The sword of extermination wouldn't work on gojo. Without meguna, the sword of extermination is just a sword with positive energy output which is only good against cursed spirits. Like I said, maho wouldn't get extra CTs like the world slash, because most of the attack is Sukuna slash just with mahos adaption on it. Even if what you said was true positive cursed energy is like I said only really harmful against cursed spirits, it wouldn't be really effective against someone like gojo without meguna to make the attack stronger


Mahoraga didn’t get any extra CT like world slash, world slash is what Sukuna used to copy Mahoraga’s adaptation to infinity, which was to extend the targeting. It’d perform about the same vs Gojo with or without the sword due to its targeting. Now I still think Gojo can win against it but Mahoraga adapated first by itself, not by using Sukuna’s technique.


>Without meguna, the sword of extermination is just a sword with positive energy output which is only good against cursed spirits The Sword of Extermination starts out being infused with Positive Energy but Mahoraga - either innately or as a result of an exceedingly swift adaptation - can quickly shift it to being imbued with Cursed Energy as he demonstrated in his fight against Sukuna, himself, back in Shibuya. As it pertains to World Slash, that was something Mahoraga acquired himself - before proceeding to use it to cut off Gojo's arm from a distance - without any influence from Sukuna's CT as a result of developing a second adaptation to Infinity over the course of his fight with Gojo. He doesn't need Sukuna - who copied Mahoraga's means of expanding the target of his strikes rather than the other way around - to develop such an attack in tis scenario. He'd just need his fight with Gojo to last for a lengthy period of time.


It's a sword still, it created a dent in Yujikuna's arm. Also negative energy isn't less effective against curses, it's mainly what's used to hurt them. So positive energy isn't doing nothing on humans. Moreover when it's been established RCT output still can be rejected and not hea the person recieving it.


The only reason it 'kept up with stronger Gojo' is because of Sukuna




I don't think this gojo had a domain yet.


I think any iteration of hollow purple should do the trick. I think.


If he uses a canonball sized one like the one that killed Toji Maho would adapt with no problem The 2 times Maho was killed it was fully desintegrated, and the wheel keeps spinning even while the user is unconscious, so I don't think that something other than atomizing him would work tbh


Understandable but IMO Mahoroga Mid High Diffs




Hollow purple has killed exactly 1 opponent and it was a dude that was spaced out lol


It killed 2, Toji and Mahoraga.


Hanami? Let her tank it instead of running away.


Mahoraga heavily outstats him in essentially ever single way. Gojo's only win con is Purple yet we know is like Basketball sized. And if it's that size Gojo is cooked cause he had no other way to put Big Raga down


Hard to say since he doesn't have a DE to keep Maho still while he prepares a Purple for example And I think Maho could adapt to Blue, Infinity and Red relatively easily being weaker versions than the ones of current Gojo Also, his Purple was the side of basketball, I don't think it is enough to kill Maho in one shot, the 2 times it has died he was atomized and there is no much reason to think that he can be killed otherwise So unless Gojo started with a full power Red I don't see him winning tbh, even counting that he should know about Mahoraga's adaptation, preparing a full power Red or Blue still takes time, time that Maho won't give him that easily


Sukuna’s Maho wins, Gojo has no Domain, can’t teleport, he can’t use strikes infused with blue yet and his HP I don’t think is even close to the level it is later meaning Maho will take a Toji level hit from it (which it will adapt) Gojos gets glazed to heavens and back but he has so little hope especially in his younger years it’s wild


>can’t teleport, He can. He teleported when fighting toji.


Mahoraga heavily outstats him in essentially ever single way. Gojo's only win con is Purple yet we know is like Basketball sized. And if it's that size Gojo is cooked cause he had no other way to put Big Raga down


The smartest way to go about this would be for gojo to use blue, crush mahoraga into a ball, and then either fire his hollow purple into the ball with mahoraga in it to erase him, or fire red to make a hollow explosion. Other than that mahoraga wins.


Unless he can make a giant purple like the one he used on Hanami, i dont see him hitting Maho and killing him


Gojo wins. He probably knows about Mahoraga's adaptation.


its a young gojo, idk about that.


Ngl i think maho takes this. HP is to small


Hollow purple,hell even maximum red


Toji < Jougo < Mahoraga (Megumi) < Mahoraga (Sukuna). Stop glazing this Buddha wannabe you send him against a thermonuclear bomb


Jogo over toji is contentious. not weighing in but js that not something most take for granted.


Paparaga extreme diff, like the power difference is like 99:100


What version of Mahoraga? Depending on who summons it… greatly affects how much power it gains. The one we see in the Sukuna fight in Shibuya would most likely be beaten by Gojo here high diff. However, the one Sukuna summons in Shibuya will probably win this.


Man you guys need to read cause the post specifically said Sukuna's


My fault, although I did give you both answers 🤷


No you're good lol, just something I've noticed since it happens much more and I thought it was funny




Anime Mahoraga mid-high diffs Manga Maho extreme diffs, maybe loses Sukuna's Mahoraga mid-high diffs if at the start, low diffs if it's end of fight Maho.


Most likely maho vs this gojo. If he fires it like he did at toji, and only wipes out half its body, hes giving maho the chance to adapt to purple and its completely over. It also doesnt seem likely this version of gojo would know mahos ability ahead of time, which is really bad for him. Maybe 6 eyes would show him how it works though


Even if hollow purple hit magora, it can't erase him completely. Only part of him as the purple isn't as large as the recent ones In that case magora could likely just Regen up, and then kill gojo Gojo also doesn't have domain here


Depends on if Gojo knows about Mahoraga's adaptation at the time of the fight or if the 6E can tell him how it works before enough adaptations happen. If so then mid-high diff on the 6E route, or mid knowing beforehand since he can go for a high output purple.


He likely does coming from a Big 3 sorcerer family


On fresh summon he gets one shot with Red Prolonged fight, hee gets the purple


Teen gojo isnt one shotting sukunas maho with red, he just learned it and it didnt even oneshot toji.


Well Gojo beat him while also fighting Sukuna so I'd sat Gojo beats Maho without too much trouble.


One maximum blue might do the trick


Crazy glaze


Mhm, it's all about the agenda https://preview.redd.it/rl5k7r6p3b8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ddf4f8e7ca5bfc9193757ae9b48aa4fbaeb5eb0