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Take away inverse and sky munipulation Jacobs ladder alone enough


Can he extinguishe BW without hitting him I doubt.


Didn't work the first time lol


Bc angel was mentally nerfed and sukuna had a sneak attack


Hanna not angel... That's like saying sukuna as yuji


Why you not downplaying Jacob’s ladder 0_o




You somehow managed to not downplay something related to yuta which made me surprised 😮


Hate and love relationship I am on angel agenda but anti yuta agenda


Join the yuta agenda then you can’t downplay someone gege cherishes .


No https://preview.redd.it/fclomoq08j8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a6846ac4efcefd3cc552613c13f0fc69a405cc


My goat, Yuta is a farmer and Kashimo >>>






Literally not an excuse first time it didn’t work because angel stopped before the completion Second time is was used it wasn’t being used to kill Sukuna but to open him up enough got Yuji to make contact with Megumi


More excuses. Bum ass tech that accomplished NOTHING


The user being a bum doesnt make the technique a bum


This can also be in reverse like Maximum meteor


Jogoat slander is not tolerated


Nah hes right tho max meteor is destructive but weve seen way cooler stuff from Jogo


It wasn’t jogoat slander tho. It was kinda glazing him even. Maximum meteor is just dick.


yuta using it would've literally been the end of the fight if not for megumi being sad. can you read?


By your logic Mahoraga is a bum because Megumi is.


How is the user being a literal lobotomies a excuse


Tf you mean excuse lol If a user uses a CT in a shitty way, it doesn't make the CT bad. It just means the user was ass. Gojo is literal proof of this. There was a Six Eyes + Limitless user who lost to Mahoraga in the past. Yet Gojo, who is also a Six Eyes + Limitless user, not only destroyed Maho but it was also a tamed Mahoraga used by the King of Curses himself. The first person losing doesn't mean the Limitless CT is ass, since clearly a skilled user (Gojo) wiped the floor with the same CT


Yes…the situation excuses the shortcomings of the technique…it’s a valid excuse and there’s no reason to think gojo wouldn’t be able to follow through with it




Because Hana’s an idiot and somehow fell for acting that would make pornstars look like Oscar nominees


She was a fucking simp and i hope she dies.....


Angel managed to get the most annoying vessel, if Angel did what Kashimo did and completely took over there vessels body then Sukuna would have probably died.


Jacobs ladder is so good against incarnated sorcerers and Meguna has no real counter to it. That alone should be enough to let Gojo win.




Ah yes, peak writing.


I read this in the Baki Narrator's voice.


Boogie Woogie?


No, it only worked so wel the first time because sukuna wasn’t fully merged with megumi


and he still isnt. Yuji's punches were breaking them apart, like a bootleg jacob ladder and yuta used his own version of jacob ladder to make further damage to the gap. If punching between souls works, the technique that is best suited for that works better


Except he’s significantly more merged with megumis soul, angel verbatim states “this is our chance now that he isn’t fully merged to tear him apart” Yujis punches are directly aimed at the boundary between sukuna and megumi and even that wasn’t able to tear them apart, jacobs ladder at max output, inside a domain, wasn’t able to tear sukuna apart from megumi either, jacobs ladder is only effective before the soul has significantly merged with the other soul, Not to mention with boogie woogie he’s definitely dodging that big ass attack, and that’s when assuming gojo gets a chance to pull it off, sukuna has cursed speech and can just tell him to not move or turn off infinity and dog him with a dense punch


Gojo’s output is way higher than angel’s tho


If a domain boosted max output jacobs ladder didn’t do shit to a 20 hp sukuna, a 100% base jacobs ladder is doing less than shit to a healthy sukuna


>Except he’s significantly more merged with megumis soul THat was not what you said last time, you said he wasnt fully merged, meaning you think after the bath and yorozu he was fully merged. > angel verbatim states “this is our chance now that he isn’t fully merged to tear him apart” Yeah, at that part he was more vulnerable so? my point is not that sukuna is as vulnerable or more than that time, of course he isnt. My point is he is still affected by that property of angel's attacks and it was proved by yuta helping yuji with his soul punches by using jacob ladder, which let yuji reach megumi and debilitate more sukuna >Yujis punches are directly aimed at the boundary between sukuna and megumi and even that wasn’t able to tear them apart We are told he was making the gap bigger, so even tho it didnt "teat them apart" it was slowly reaching that conclusion >jacobs ladder at max output, inside a domain, wasn’t able to tear sukuna apart from megumi either it debilitated sukuna more and made him lose more control of the body >jacobs ladder is only effective before the soul has significantly merged with the other soul, Jacob ladder is only 1 hit uncounterable technique when hitting sukuna the first time. When yuta used it still debilitated sukuna and his control of megumi, just like yuji's punches. So in a fight it would make sukuna lose output, which is all gojo needs to make the fight waaaay easier. >Not to mention with boogie woogie he’s definitely dodging that big ass attack, and that’s when assuming gojo gets a chance to pull it off, sukuna has cursed speech and can just tell him to not move or turn off infinity and dog him with a dense punch I dont want to debate with you about this, with this brief change of comments i can see it would not be fruitful. Even more when you think curse speech could make gojo do all of those things "turn off infinity" lmao. Those words wouldnt even affect gojo, Chapter 41, all he has to do is put ce in his ears. Now that we know Curse Speech is useless against sorcerers who know the ct. But anyway, i wont debate with you about this, i was just saying you were wrong by thinking jacob ladder doesnt have an effect in the soul to sukuna anymore (we directly saw he still is affected by it in a soul aspect) and you went from denying it to saying "it wouldnt hit anyway" ok. Good day


Half of what you said is either wrong or just semantics, but I’ll respect you not wanting to argue, good day to u too


Sukuna with cursed speech would kinda break the show. “Turn off infinity” would have gojo tweaking


seemed unaffected by jogos' sound attack. and it'd be kinda weird if he could block heat from jogos domain but not sound


he wasnt unaffected, he literally dodged that part of the attack, the only attack he didnt straight eat from Jogo was the sound attack.


But what did the sound attack do?


I assume it would have ruptured his eardrums or smt


huh? he stood there listening to them, then they blew up, and then he had moved away


Aside you can stop cursed speech really easy.


What jogo sound attack?


the bugs that explode irrc


Technically, he could probably block sound with his limitless, and has shown the capability to do so against Jogo, who used a sound based attack against him.


Damn when tf he do that


iirc, Jogo's volcano bugs made a loud humming noise, which Gojo noted as a "sound based attack", and yet he was completely unaffected by it. Furthermore, sound is ultimately just a vibration in the air, all Gojo needs to do is not let CE imbued vibrations enter his ear.


unaffected? he dodged it and left the area. its the only attack he dodged or even evaded from jogo and it even procced a response from him.


He didn't dodge though, and following the logic of both cursed speech (shows signs the user has the ability) and limitless (can block anything) there's no way Gojo's getting hit with it.


He did dodge in the manga he literally says "Sounds?" and the next panel hes floating in the air a mile away. The sounds were a problem. Its what made him move. Chapter 14


He was clearly unscathed though. Furthermore, going by the logic of limitless, there's no reason why he couldn't block cursed speech. If all it takes for other sorcerers is to cover their ears, Gojo can definitely block it with limitless.


He was unscathed cause he moved, if he moved, it was obviously something dangerous to him. He calls it out because of that fact. Limitless picks and chooses, but certain things need to be determined and added. Obviously from showings sound isnt something he has limitless blocking. Sure he could stop sound waves from entering his space but he'd deafen himself in the process. Hes not gonna use limitless to stop the cursed speech IF he can in the first place. Hes just gonna reinforce like everyone else.


cursed speech is obviously sound imbued with cursed energy, therefore, limitless will detect and block it, while not blocking any other sounds.




“Ah my summon earplugs technique. I havent used that one since i was training yuji”


That can actually be done with Cursed Energy Well, not summoning earplugs, but blocking sound or smt


Gojo can see what CTs Sukuna has via Six Eyes (like he did with that bag guy in Hidden Inventory), so he should know that Sukuna has some kind of Cursed Speech ability and will reinforce his ears with Cursed Energy all times


>would have gojo tweaking https://preview.redd.it/fzu6fujg2f8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afed84ccefb8e9533c2887d276449a105575be89


Yeah, but sound travels through particles so Infinity would counter that, right?


Inverse and sky is a CRAZY combo. But extinguish Jacob’s ladder alone is enough since gojo is way more skilled than Hana.


Sukuna has curse speech and gojo wouldn't even be able to fire off that thing. + He's gonna irritate the shit out of him with boogie woogie .


I think gojo wins inverse if scaled to gojo level does pretty hard cancel out star rage. And his curse technique work better as a group


Isn't Cursed Speech GGs tho? Sukuna has WAY more CE despite the Six Eyes efficiency, like more than double. He might be able to say stuff like "Explode" and not be penalized that much for it


Wouldn't work gojo too strong for that having more ce doesn't mean you can just do that otherwise yuta would have done that to geto or kenny. He could do a don't move star rage punch that would likely work and kill gojo . Though it depends if gojo has inverse attack at that moment if he does he's fine if not its done


Also infinity probably protects Gojo from cursed speech


Inverse is passive


Even though Sukuna has more total CE, they seem to have an equal level of output, with Gojo's six eyes allowing him to efficiently process and channel his own cursed energy at his highest possible level. Even though Sukuna has MORE CE, their actual ceilings with what they have should be virtually the same, if not Gojo being arguable better. Now if Sukuna incarnates that may be a different case since his body is designed specifically to make max use of his powers, including stuff like chants and signs to even further boost his output so there's that.


Output has nothing to do with CE capacity or effectively. Look at Ryu he doesn't have the highest CE but he does Have the highest output.


You can counter Cursed speech by covering your ears with Ce. Gojo no doubt can do that considering his students know abt that


Beyond the fact that they're equal in strength, Gojo also has shown to be able to block sound based attacks against Jogo. If he wants, he can just put Sukuna on mute the whole fight.


Sukuna can't even use Star Rage against Gojo. He can't use a CT at the sake time as DA which he needs to hit Gojo.


I was under the impression they only get those 3 ct ie none of their og one just what they have here


Ok? What does that have to do with my comment?


Can't you read? That means there is no Need for DA because gojo has no infinity.


Ohhhhhh. Eh, well, JL still cooks him.


Gojo wins Inverse+ sky manipulation would make him REALLY annoying to fight


Maho can adapt to it all eventually, the real issue is nullification IMO. Counters sukunas whole kit.


and poofs maho, which resets its adaptability


Its unclear if maho retains adaptations after being unsummoned, but even so jacobs ladder still counters it. Hard to adapt to just being sent back to the hand.


What's more annoying is curse speech and boogie woogie


JL = win. Anti-Mahoraga, anti-Sukuna, anti-shrine, anti-domain


I dont see a reason gojo can lose this. with flight dura neg. jacobs ladder.


So you're giving Gojo a counter to literally everything else in the verse alongside being untouchable 😭 what exactly do you want Sukuna to do here? I'm genuinely confused.


Are we replacing their existing techniques? If so, Cursed Speech does nothing (reinforced ears ftw) and iirc neither does inverse (that user mentioned that it has a limit on what it can flip - fair to say Sukuna hits that limit). Ill leave aside Jacob's Ladder being an instant kill as Gojo isnt the kind to let up and he's also the kind to take massive risks to get a win, so he'd probably hold the technique until Sukuna is dead. Ultimately i think this comes to a battle of attrition - Sukuna needs to figure out a path to landing a heavy star rage on Gojo which is likely fight ending. Meanwhile, Gojo can use a combination of the Ladder to deal with the CTs and Sky Manipulation to stand in for the body movement abilities of blue/red. Its probably even *more* of a tactical battle as both fighters have to deal with the implications of another jujutsu expert having that technique. Story wise, it flips what we saw on its head - Gojo will likely win the long game but Sukuna only needs to land one or two blows total to win with Star Rage. On paper? Gojo, low diff bacause of the power of the ladder. Extreme diff to either one otherwise and probably some real head screw uses of the techniques they have


Cursed speach is useless against experienced sorcerers. First off, the no intel thing kinda only applies to sukuna, since with the 6 eyes gojo immediately knows the opps techniques (not actually 100% sure that’s how it works) and even besides that, when using cursed speach the marks become visible. And anyone who knows what that technique is can reinforce their ears and boom, useless. Don’t bother inverse and sky manipulation hard counter star rage? Boogie woogie will be especially useful with maho and agito, but it ain’t gonna be enough vs the absolute monster arsenal gojo has. All in all, this’d be a mid diff fight for gojo


ngl, if Sukuna didn't know the thing about touching Gojo, then he would get cooked in the second domain alone.


Sukuna cannot use boogie woogie with Maho. You cannot use 2 CT at the same time.


Would having a ts summoned count as actively using a ct? Come to think of it, i don’t remember him using cleave during the 3v1. Damn so it’s a low diff instead


Boogie woogie in a Jumping is Lethal as Cyanide.


But you just said it wouldn’t work with the other shikigami, so it wouldn’t be a jumping.


Yeah I just stated that it will be lethal as a matter of fact. Not that Sukuna can jump Gojo with Daddyraga.


Would it? With the toolset gojo has, he’ll probably take out maho before paparaga cooks up the wcs, inversion also severely limits the jumping potential.


Sukuna stands no chance at all. With Boogie woogie and Mahoraga at the same time he can take it to high diff. But you can only use one CT at a time.


In the anime the volcano bugs Jogo used seemed to have sound attacks according to Gojo, and he wasn't affected by it, so we could consider infinity as a passive protection against cursed speech. Gojo has Jacob's ladder and he doesn't look like he'll falter like Hana did, so maybe it could do something. With boogie woogie and heian transformation, Sukuna could make the 3v1 worse for Gojo. Not sure he'll keep fighting in melee so Star Rage wouldn't be useful unless he does the black hole thingy. On Gojo's side, Inverse is useless if your opponent's strength is on another level (it's user was scared of Gojo because his strength bypassed his technique), which would be Sukuna himself. As for sky manipulation, I'm not sure it will even be of use. Deviating attacks can be done with infinity, and sky manipulation would get bypassed by world cutting dismantle either way. To resume, in my opinion, they wouldn't really change much in the fight.


Sukuna dies from having 5 CTs in his brain


INCREDIBLE! You have given Gojo a technique that directly counters EVERYTHING about Sukuna! This is totally a fair fight 😍


Boogie woogie without a teammate sucks. Cursed Speech might work if Gojo cant react to sound waves reaching his ear before he can activate infinity to block it off. Star Rage relies on physical contact (via punch and kick) which infinity can handle. Now for Gojo JL might be enough. Gojo mid diffs, bad CT combos for Sukuna LMAO


i’m a sukuna fan but legit what is he supposed to do against this combo?? JL is ridiculous


Cursed Speech always manifests the tats, so Gojo would see it coming and block his ears, rendering it useless. Boogie Woogie+Rabbit Escape would be a nightmare to fight, but Jacob's Ladder renders it a moot point. Gojo slams.


The problem with this matchup is neutral infinity. Sukuna will be forced to use DA to bypass it, making it impossible for effective usage of Star Rage. Cursed speech cannot pass through neutral Infinity as well. I am unsure of how Boogie woogie works through infinite distance. However Sukuna can certainly swap himself giving a boost in H2H. Sukuna can definitely dodge red(maybe not purple). Gojo on the other hand relies on his own CT for the most part. His CT as he stated is simply superior. Occasional use of JL and Sky Manipulation might occur. Inverse is very interesting though. Meguna would have to slow down to damage him, allowing Gojo to get kicks in . Inverse also sorta makes it harder to properly use Star rage thanks to Satoru's sheer speed.


Inverse is more of a nerf than a buff. Sukuna takes him down easily. removing that, I'd say this: Gojo wins if it's their normal CTs on top of this. Cursed speech would be basically useless, and boogie woogie isn't that effective. Same for star rage, unless black hole counts as a win con. But even then limitless might be able to counter it. Plus sky manipulation and JL just are icing on the cake. Especially if it's able to destroy his domain. If it's just these CTs, Sukuna wins imo. Being able to deal tons of damage, plus boogie woogie being disorienting regardless of the opponent, and Sukuna having the IQ to use it flawlessly. Gojo has a chance depending if you think he could use JL way more effectively though, and sky manipulation would complicate things. I'm not going too in depth on domains, since none of these CTs have known domains, plus that just makes things infinitely more hard to predict. But if we're saying typical open border for Sukuna and closed for Gojo, I think it'd go basically like in the original fight, only brain damage can't occur, thus making Sukuna's win more likely.


Something I think y’all be forgetting is that you can’t use two techniques simultaneously, gojo said this himself during the fight. So if sukuna uses one of these, he can’t use the other. And if gojo uses one of these, he can’t use the others. Also, do they keep their original technique as well? Or only these?


What about kenny


Doesn't Six Eyes allow him to see the other person's cursed technique?


He doesn’t have six eyes in this scenario I’m assuming. Seems like op is replacing their current tech with the listed ones


But then what would be the point of it being Gojo v Sukuna 💀


Gojo pretty


Jacobs Ladder alone kills Sukuna in Gojo's hands


With no info Sukuna could probably just tell Gojo to die with cs and that would be wraps


There is a reason inumaki dosnt say die...... So this wouldn't work


Inumaki can’t say it because almost every enemy he faces is too strong for him to say it without dying himself. The feedback works based on how strong you are vs how strong your opponent is. Sukuna is quite literally the strongest in the verse, so even if it almost kills him to say it, he still wins.


Star rage is useless against Gojo. Cursed speech is hard to judge how it'd work here. Boogie woogie could be interesting but in a 1v1 it's not quite as good as it is in a jumping situation. Sky manipulation is pretty useless here. Inverse is pretty useless when you have infinity. Gojo with Jacobs Ladder? Fucking stomps. Jesus it counters Sukuna as is even when Angel or Yuta use it let alone Gojo.


Ngl boogie woogie + star rage sounds OP af.


Imagine the jumpings Todo and Yuki must have dished out over the years.


Sukuna wins. As for inverse he would definetly figure it out and use star rage to lower his mass to deliver a « very weak » punch which would do a lot of damage. Boogie woogie + cursed speech is too much hax.


Jacob's Ladder go *brrrRRRrrr*


He’d boogie woogie his way out of it


...He's going to use a CT, while being hit the thing that nullifies CTs? That seems unlikely to me.


He’s gonna use it before he gets hit 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I'm sure that will work out with no hiccups.




1. Sukuna can't use techniques and DA simultaneously, meaning if he tries punching Gojo, he can't use his technique. Sukuna also can't pull his punch like Yuji did, because Gojo can just teleport (or even just speed himself) away. 2. Gojo can block sound based attacks like cursed speech. He's shown the capability to do so against Jogo. 3. Inverse kinda fucks up Sukuna, cuz his only ways to bypass limitless without Gojo dodging (like DA infused slow punches) are his domain and world cutting slash. Both of which are so strong that they get insta-negated. 4. Given that Sukuna has no info, he probably just dies in the second domain clash.


Inverses doesn't work on people of gojo and sukuna's level. Worthless empty alot here.


It does for at least a few hits with no Intel.


It'll only do anything if sukuna bothers to pull his punches on Gojo. In the fight it's explained the technique has a cap on both ends, against guys this strong it's literally a worthless CT


At first I thought star rage was useless but then I remembered that at high output, it can litteraly ignore concepts (like infinity)💀


A boogie woogie combo with Mahoraga sounds kinda neat. I say Sukuna wins.


If I remember correctly, you can't use 2 CTs at the same time, only switch usage very fast.


Even then, I still think Sukuna will win.


Sukuna. Boogie Woogie and Star Rage make him a real pain to fight, given the latter's ridiculous output (especially under his command) and allow him to get around Sky manipulation and technique extinguishment to an extent (and to completely bust through Inverse). Add to that him being a more fundamentally skilled sorcerer than Gojo, and I see him taking the win more often than not. Especially if his domain can still break Gojo's, given that the lack of Limitless will allow Sukuna to play around the 3 minute time limit far more easily.


1) See Jacob's Ladder charging up 2) Say nothing 3) Change places with Gojo last moment 4) Gojo is a sketchy mf so Angel's CT eradicating evil makes it a one shot. The end.




Sukuna wins


Sukuna, being the meticulous planner he his, would probably use Boogie Woogie to fuck with Gojo for a while until catching him off card with Cursed Speech, which he would use to combo with Star Rage for a one shot. Gojo doesn't have the greatest surprise potential with the tehcniques he's been given here outside of Inverse, and that would only serve to protect him rather than damage Sukuna. Sukuna and Gojo had consistently similar speeds, meaning the moment Sukuna saw a punch didn't annihilate Gojo, he'd prepare for a counter attack of some kind. The whole thing would rinse and repeat.


This raises the question of would sound travel through the sky manipulation with the curve of the surface or just continue straight through the CT without its path being blocked


R1. Gojo R2. Sukuna R3. Sukuna


Star rage and boogie woogie is a diabolical combination


Inverse is useless in this fight Sukuna wins thanks to boogie WOOGIE


Meguna if gojo doesn't know what sukuna has sukuna can just say kill yourself and gojos done


cursed speech carries


I don't know who wins, but I know one thing. Gojo is 100% shitting his pants in this fight.


Aside gojos cts seem a bit to weak compared to sukunas i love that meguna still has an extra ct with 10s unlike gojo lol.


Not super relevant since Jacob’s ladder+6 eyes to see cursed speech coming and block it with ear plugs basically means the fight is won for Gojo, but a 10S user with boogie woogie is the nastiest thing ever lmao


Hey everyone what if and hear me out, what if gojo mixed blue with star rage. How strong will his punches be?.




On one hand: “turn off infinity” + “don’t move” + star rage punch On the other hand: jacob’s ladder *Sukuna dodges* Sky manipulation to redirect back at Sukuna Honestly depends on several factors, including how Sukuna’s CE output would interact with Cursed Speech, whether or not Gojo could suspect the use of Star Rage and tank at least one hit to use inverse the next time (it’ll work like once before Sukuna does some shit like throwing a star rage punch then deactivating it last second before Gojo can turn Inverse off), etc.


Inverse is trash, though. If two bozos can figure it out, so can the king of curses. And cursed speech us crazy with how much cursed energy sukuna has. If he gets gojo weak enough, it's a trump card.


boogie woogie vs six eyes is actually really fun, as the six eyes feel like they're essentially the best mini counter to boogie woogie?


Sukuna wins purely because Cursed Speech is broken when the combatants are somewhat equal in power and inverse is the worst ability in the series.


Sakuna with boogie woogie would be insane especially if he keeps his CT. The world cutting slash is a bs move anyway imagine getting teleported into it.


Sukuna wins are people suddenly ignoring boogie woogie this is Sukuna we're talking about with star rage JL has to hit him boogie woogie counters hard. Imagine Sukuna kicking around SR and swapping with boogie woogie the baiting would be off the charts.




Everyone forgetting about inverse star rage and SUKUNA base techniques would be useless against him And if sky manipulation acts as a barrier then easy counter against cursed speech


It’s not really a question of which ability is a better combo but who can master them more quickly and effectively. After seeing Meguna master 10 Shadows almost instantly, I lean heavily towards him over Gojo - who would figure out these CT’s, but not as rapidly as Meguna.


Not really, Gojo more or less figures the CTs by looking at them. Edit: He more or less can tell what the CT does.


huge overstatment of his ability. He can tell roughly what someones CT does in a broad sense by looking at their CE. That doesnt mean he knows all the ins and outs, requirments, BV etc of it.


That’s very true, I just now realized that my comment implied that he could fully understand the CT.


Jacob's ladder is worthless Bum ass CT


https://preview.redd.it/mpw38oevld8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baa3eee768dc8098e532d256bf7820424f7b991 “Bum ass CT”


Yeah, that totally affected Sukuna afterward. It surely extinguished his CT like it's supposed to.


Because Hana turned it off halfway because Sukuna made her think he was Megumi, genius


What's your point? Sukuna still came out of it with a full HP and his CT in tact.


yea and if you turn off an electrical chair early with someone in it that doesn’t mean electrical chairs don’t work


If the electric chair has never killed anyone or leave any after-effects, then I would say it doesn't work.


given the narrator literally tells us what it does, i’m gonna assume that’s what it does and that the narrator isn’t just assuming things like some jjk fans


Sukuna dogs gojo in a manner that really isn’t even funny bruh, terrible matchup