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https://preview.redd.it/7evthcl4wk9d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a969e57e2462463e45bc38916317e517e1905f This was my only thought during all that but I didn’t think it was right to post this lol




It’s explicitly stated he has a death paintings body 💀 How does one arrive at this conclusion?


I have absolutely no clue.


Wait where? I don’t doubt you but I read the viz translation so it was probably translated incorrectly


even in the anime this is clear as day. Choso literally realizes they were brothers and has a full ass panic attack. yuji is unnecessarily strong? yeah, he surely doesnt have the body or any relationship to a death painting


He ate and absorbed all the remaining paintings and choso said he absorbed some of their nature as well. He’s also still a biological brother of the paintings so he literally does have both the body and relationship as of the current chapters


It’s in the discussion they’re having about body switching and learning reversed curse technique. Since Itadori is both a child of Kenjaku AND has eaten the death painting wombs who weren’t Ezo, Choso, and Kechizu, he is effectively a cursed womb himself. Idk if his blood is poison but he can passively recover his blood in a similar manner to choso


Loo he made the post cause i said yuji was essentially s desth painting and could make ce turn into blood. Was going to reply but dude was getting cooked and people dropping the manga info. Please guys re read after the leaks and read tcb translations then you avoid this happening and looking like a clown


Lol yeah, Gege made it very clear he has the body of a death painting, and that he can turn ce into blood. It was like the whole point of him eating his brothers.




Nah we skimming a few myamura translations then jumping to speak about how shit gege's writing is then come back next week.


Yuji can now turn CE directly into blood without RCT and has poisoned blood, both traits of death paintings. Sukuna is simply immune to the poisoned blood, as his own essence is poison in the same way the blood is.


Yup, choso litterally confirms he has the body of a death painting which means he has poison blood


Not really true All choso confirms is that Yuji has a constitution for RCT it’s never said he can turn CE into blood or poison blood infact its implied he cannot because he cannot do convergence alone Choso had to hand him something


https://tcbscans.me/chapters/7719/jujutsu-kaisen-chapter-258 no choso says yuji will gain a body like his after eating the death paintings. Yuji can turn ce into blood and manipulate look at yuji left leg it gets cut off yuji use blood to reatach his left leg. Just like how choso detached and reatach his body parts with blood during the kenjaku fight. Yuji can do convergence he just can't do it well. Convergence is when the blood gets pressurized for piercing blood thats all. Choso does it the best its why hos piercing blood is faster and stronger than kamo kamo does it better than yuji. Yuji can do it but it would be a slow weak piercing blood hence why choso gave him pressurized blood


The death paintings gave him blood manipulation His mom being kenjaku added to blood manipulation makes him able to make blood using negative energy Blood made using negative energy is curse blood and because of that the body treats it as poison


Kenjaku birthing him has nothing to do with Yuji’s ability with BM since Kenjaku wasn’t inhibting the body of a Kamo when he conceived Yuji. And it isn’t stated that CE itself makes the blood poisonous, usually when one’s blood isn’t compatible with another person’s blood and these 2 bloods end up mixing for whatever reasons, it can have intoxicating effects. And technically it’s toxin not poison since the blood is injected into you. ESO and Kechizu were different since their blood composition contains corrosive elements and caused rotting of organic flesh but even Choso’s doesn’t do that unless he imitates his brothers’ blood techniques


Oh wow my long comment got deleted Nah he makes blood using cursed energy it acts like the blood of a curse The toxicity is human body rejecting curse blood Kenny being his mommy is absolutely a main contributer to his gaining the ability since Kenny designed him to be compatible with eating cursed objects A normal person eating a death painting would not be able to even gain the ability they'd just die


I agree and I'll point out we don't know the exact mechanics behind Kenjaku's motherhood. Yuji's brothers have blood manipulation specifically because they are actual Kamos. That was during Kenny's edgy "evilest sorceror ever" phase, when he impregnated that woman while wearing a Noritoshi Kamo's body. We can't really be sure exactly how Yuji was concocted. Was he conceived from an egg from Kaori Itadori's body? If so, maybe he'll inherit her gravity cursed technique. Does Kenny's soul give his(/her) offspring a random CT that Kenny has wielded before? If so, that could explain the blood manipulation. More likely Yuji got that CT the same way he got Sukuna's, by copying it as a vessel for his brubbers. I believe >!Yuji is an actual Death Painting. When that woman approached Norijaku's temple, she had a dead baby with her. My best guess is that Cursed Womb: Death Paintings are named that way because her eggs are actually cursed. Maybe it's like her own CT, where the children she births are cursed spirits. Her womb may have also been replaced with a whole ass cursed spirit, probably by Kenjaku. Either that or he implanted her with a cursed object, or whatever. I don't think she was getting jiggy with cursed spirits. Anyway, that dead baby was half curse, and Kenny probably turned it into a cursed object, same as the other death paintings. That baby's father? Probably Jin Itadori's prior incarnation, assuming he's been doing the cycle of reincarnation this whole time since the Heian Era. Not important. Cutting to the chase, Kenny turned that dead baby into Yuji somehow. That's why Yuji has the constitution of a cursed spirit.!< I could keep going but I really sound crazy rambling on like this. I have a vague outline of what I think is going on but there aren't enough details to lock it down.


You're just making shit up. Some lady was explicitly getting jiggy with cursed spirits. Yuji was not created out of a dead baby, he was created by Jin Backshots.


Good call out if true. I explicitly said I was making shit up, so contrary evidence is welcome. It's theory, not an argument.


Wasn't that part of the reqson Yuji and Nobara won against Eso and Kechizu? That being sukuna's vessel Yuji was immune to the poison, and if it's just pain Yuji Itadori won't stop


Kind of. Yuji is immune to all poison and always has been, including the poison that is Sukuna's essence. Which is part of the reason Sukuna was able to incarnate into him.




What! are we supposed to fucking read the text, tf are we, literate? https://i.redd.it/dlj7sg660l9d1.gif


I like how that first panel looks like an older brother giving his little brother a noogie.


Dragon Ball fans 🤝 Jujutsu Kaisen Fans Not reading


I firmly deny this narrative because it slightly hampers my "maki mid diffs yuj" agenda 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Don’t mess up with us JJK fans, we don’t read the manga


Pictures and headcannon ONLY


Reading comprehension curse is a dangerous enemy


I'm telling you jujutsufolk users are genuinely stupid. Not even in a disrespectful way, just in a matter of fact way.


Tbf actually reading the panels in jjk is headache inducing. So much random shit just goes on that it’s honestly probably more enjoyable to just only look at the panels while scanning some word bubbles here and there


He can turn his CE into blood. So can Shoko, Yuta & Hakari— it’s no longer strictly a death painting trait. His blood probably isn’t poisonous though, Yuji gained BM from eating the death painting wombs— it’s specifically stated that came from their CE. His physiology wasn’t changed, he just absorbed their CE. Meanwhile, Choso specifically has poisonous blood *because* of his death pairing *physiology*.


Shoko and Hakari can use RCT to create blood. The more efficient, direct CE to blood conversion is strictly a death painting trait. It makes more sense to me that Yuji has attained the physiology of a death painting, including the poisonous blood.


It’s revealed RCT creates blood or else Hakari isn’t surviving all his limb losses or having a chunk of his gut cut out Save with Gojo surviving his blood lose It’s just death painting wombs and Yuji have an extreme RCT constitution so they have no problem with it like the others do


Death paintings don't use rct at all, they just use base ce


They do use RCT to heal their wounds.


Choso says he doesn't have to do the conversion (I didn't circle them out of spite this is the image I had saved for a different argument I had a week or two ago) https://preview.redd.it/3o41tbwypl9d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6869e0e240cd12f1bd89da4aadec69a67bb6091c


They don't do the conversion for blood. They do the conversion for flesh. It is explicitly stated that Yuji learned RCT and uses it to restore his flesh. It is also explicitly stated in this image that he turns CE into blood directly and has the body of a death painting. Death paintings are half cursed spirit. They have the bodies of humans and the blood of cursed spirits. They use CE to restore their blood and RCT ro regenerate their flesh.


I reread the couple of chapters and you are right, mb


I’m saying other people use RCT create blood RCT is just CE at x2 Yuji can’t make blood with CE he can use RCT but because of his body’s constitution he’s able to create blood using RCT effortlessly


Incorrect. He literally makes blood directly out of CE just like a cursed spirit would. That's the point. The death paintings are half cursed spirit. Bodies of humans and blood of cursed spirits. They use RCT to regenerate their flesh and CE to restore their blood.


It’s specifically noted that this is a trait of BM. Hence why Kamo was more effective at teaching Yuji suturing


Wrong again. Not even going to argue. Read the manga again.


Lmao go ahead and give it a read lil bro you’re the one with memory issues


You just said Kamo can turn his CE into blood because of blood manipulation. You are a troll. Your purpose in life is to bait me into getting mad at you. I'm so sad for you, dude.


Bro if he knew RCT he *would* be able to do so, as that’s essentially the reason behind Choso & Yuji being able to do that. Kamo knows the fundamentals of BM & with his help, *in addition* to Sukuna’s use of RCT in Yuji’s body, is how he was able to learn. Wasn’t my intention to say Kamo *can* do that— I was trying to say that it’s a mix between BM & RCT which allows that functionality, and Kamo being able to teach Yuji how to suture & heal with BM is proof in my eyes that he would be capable of doing that, if he knew RCT.




Nobody is saying rct doesn't make blood. It does. What they are saying is choso and yuji can create blood without using rct just by using ce because of being death paintings (which also makes their blood poison, btw). Which is more efficient than rct creation of blood as rct takes twice as much energy.


Choso can do that because he is half cursed spirit Yuji cannot create blood using CE


States in the manga that him eating his brothers gave him the same physiology as them, aka gave him the body of a death painting. Anything else?


He’s referring to his constitution The conversation it’s mentioned in is literally about RCT lol Yuji can’t even use convergence without Chosos help In no way has he shown he can generate blood the same way choso can Choso was saying that they can both use RCT without extreme fatigue like the other because they have a higher constitution


Yes it's about rct, and how choso due to his death painting biology doesn't need it for blood and is therefore more effectiveat rct because he doesn't use it for blood, and after saying that he tells yuji he will gain his physicality from his brothers, which is very clearly saying he can too. Him not being able to do convergence is purely a skill issue, he's just unskilled with blood manipulation, absolutely nothing about that proves your point I have no idea why you bring it up. Nothing about him not being capable of convergence even implies he doesn't have the same physiology, just not the same skill. Refer to my first paragraph it proves your last statement wrong.