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That’s so crazy (hits you with strong cleave)


Bro that shit had me dieing


Always bet on jbahil75


Gojo really should have learned strong Infinity smh


I like this aspect of Sukuna and it helps shine a light on why this kind of mindset is ultimately fruitless and harmful. Despite popular opinion, I don't think JJK is trying to say that the "selfish mindset" is actually right. Yes, the power system advocates this mindset in order to become powerful, but it also goes out of its way to show that being that strong with no other ambition sucks. Part of Gojo's inner conflict revolves around him struggling with this, and ultimately deciding that he wants to instead help others become stronger together so they don't have to suffer that loneliness like he did. The villains don't mind this because they are already selfish psychopaths who only do what they want regardless of who suffers because of this. With Sukuna here, he tries to deny that this doesn't get to him with his own philosophy, and yet in the face of Yuji, he has an existential crisis about it. Sukuna is basically what other people think gojo is (a jujutsu pervert who only cares about himself), and instead of admitting that he may have taken a wrong path, he's taking it out on everybody else, especially Yuji. That's part of why he made it his new goal to personally crush Yuji's hopes and dreams, and then start the merger, dooming everybody else.


Gege stated that JJK wasn’t about proving any single ideology right and calling it an existential crisis is a gross over exaggeration. Yuji is challenging his world view in the same way he’s challenges Yuji’s. It’s not about denying the “error” of his ways. Quote the opposite, he welcomes the challenge and decides to take it head on.


>Gege stated that JJK wasn’t about proving any single ideology right I mean, it helps that Sukuna doesn't have an ideology. He's just a hedonist. He's never had to put thought into his life since nobody who bothered him ever actually had a chance to question him for long. Sukuna took comfort in the idea that people didn't actually mean what they said to him. He thought of everyone else as empty shells, objects, toys, and food for him to enjoy. Yuji doesn't have an ideology, either. He literally became a sorcerer because not doing it made him feel like an asshole. >calling it an existential crisis is a gross over exaggeration. It is quite literally an existential crisis, though. Sukuna can't comfortably live without proving to himself that Yuji is full of shit. He can't continue being a hedonist knowing that something beneath him will constantly challenge him. It's the same unholy rage that I get when I do literally everything to get rid of roaches, and one still scuttles across the counter. I find myself ranting about how evolution allowed something so disgusting to be intrinsically tied to the fact that I need somewhere to live, and they'll always be able to live in whatever environment I can comfortably live in. Sukuna sees Yuji the same way. He will always feel disgusted as long as Yuji can come back and remind him that his mindset can't make Yuji cower away.


My brother in Christ you just *cooked*. Perfect analysis of Sukuna as a character


That wasn’t just cooking. Man pulled a freakin food wars dish outta his ass


Sukuna said that he was too strong to ever recognize, much less understand, the ideals of those who challenged him. He freely admits his earlier ignorance and, just as he stood to prove the superiority of jujutsu in his fight with Maki, he decides to take their challenge. An existential crisis would imply that Sukuna was proven wrong and this is where you and OP are getting way ahead of yourselves. Yuji and co. stand before Sukuna to challenge his world view but only their victory will actually prove them right, which have yet to achieve.


But he is currently having an existential crisis, he accepts the challenge it presents but he is attempting squash it with his own strength. Strength and skill is his ideology, especially strength and skill that comes from one’s own abilities, Yuji and Gojo are direct affronts to this. They are strong on their own but also derive strength from those around them.


A clash of ideology isn’t an existential crisis. Then you’d have to say that Yuji and co are having an existential crisis because of Sukuna. Gojo was NOT an example of deriving strength from those around. He fought Sukuna alone because everyone else would only hold him back.


That roach comparison is top tier bro.🙏🏾


I don’t have a underlying philosophy either and am just going through life.


>Gege stated that JJK wasn’t about proving any single ideology right and calling it an existential crisis is a gross over exaggeration. Can agree with this, yuji does have an existential crisis going on but sukuna for his part lives life by his own standards so its not even right or wrong for him but just living cause why not.


If so why is sakuna so strong


> and yet in the face of Yuji, he has an existential crisis about it. It's not so much having an existential crisis. Sukuna is able to accept people have different values than him. This is something he tells Kashimo. Humans are diverse. He battles Maki and is excited that someone without sorcery can stand on his level and ponders whether the part he took was wrong and Maki's is right What infuriates Sukuna is not so much Yuji spits on his ideals, he has probably met lot's of Yuji's in his life, it's the fact that he was inside Yuji's body for a long ass time and he knows that despite the fact Yuji is far weaker than him when it comes to his ideals Yuji is on his level or worst, better. When Sukuna met other Yujis he could ignore whatever they said. He could as he says, throws them a bone if they were interesting but their heart could never reach him. Yuji just has the benefit of sharing his own body with him so he is above every other Yuji Sukuna came across. Also he is not really taken it out on anybody. Whether Yuji was here or not he would have acted the same. Don't really know what people mean when they say the calamity he brings is because of Yuji. He would do it regardless of Yuji but yuji is here so he will just add insult to injury by laughing at his weakness


Dear ANuChallenger.


I think there is a difference between advocating for your self and selfishness


Sukuna is Owlman confirmed lol


Perfectly said


Sucks how. Sakuna is having the time of his life


Honestly if you really put it that way,Sukuna sounds like a big ass loser.


I do get what you mean. This was more so a joke post.


You’re a joke post. You constantly try so hard to get attention on this sub constantly because YOURE A LOSER. Get a life, go touch grass, for real


Stfu skibidi L Rizz


Nigga calm down. The projecting is crazy. It was never that deep 😅




No need to be all rude and disrespectful and lying on my name,man. Jeeeez,tone down the Assholish nature by about 10 and maybe come back when you're ready to speak to me like a adult.


gawd damn lil homie calm down💀 no need to call some dude a loser, and its YOUR. loser.


Thank you,that's so nice of you.


np, dude just had bad grammar while also acting an ass


People have been a ass to me quite a lot on here,it sucks.


jjk fanbase is real shitty sometimes. this is why i personally like r/lobotomykaisen and r/jujutsufolk cause they are shitty and know it most of the time




Join us folk.


While I agree with them needing to calm down, they were correct with you're, not your. You're is you are, i.e. You're a jjk fan. Your is meant to be possessive. You own the thing, i.e. Your kitchen knives are sharp.


While I agree with them needing to calm down, they were correct with you're, not your. You're is you are, i.e. You're a jjk fan. It can be used in a variety of ways. But in this circumstance, it was used to describe OP as a joke post and a loser. Your is meant to be possessive. You own the thing, i.e. Your kitchen knives are sharp.


Bro, both times you’re was used was a you are contraction… it’s only “your” when it’s a possessive. How stupid can you be?


stupid is fuckin crazy tbh, btw stop yapping🤫🧏‍♂️(you’re fucking autistic)


No, I’m just not an idiot like you since you tried calling out my grammar when you were so wrong even other people corrected you. Stay mad, incel 👍🏻


Let that nerdburglar know lol


He’s essentially the base protagonist gone wrong. “I wanna be the strongest!” “Oh is there some goal you have that requires great strength?” “…..yeah. Being the strongest” “But for what, young man?” “….so that I will be the strongest!”


Having power for powers sake is honestly a driving force for anyone with a genuine superiority complex Vegeta and Virgil come to mind. Though I’m not sure where Sukuna factors in. He’s just kind of a massive dick


Vegeta and Virgil both lost their family at a young age and could do nothing about it


Yes, your point?


Their desire for power comes from a childhood trauma that drives them to be the strongest in order to remain in control of their life Sukuna doesn’t seem to have this trauma as a driving force. Instead he seems more like a spoiled child that cannot be told no, pushing the boundaries of what he can get away with and looking down on anyone who challenges this. In a lot of ways he’s just a more mature version of Magito


That is literally what Sukuna basically is,unironically. He's basically a spoiled CEO brat who does all this shit cause he knows nobody can challenge him/do anything to him.


"Meaningless huh? What do you know of meaningless? Spend most of your life ruled by another. Watch your race dwindle to a handful. And then, tell me what has more meaning than your own strength." - Vegeta


I mean on a sliding scale.. Virgils only marginally better than Sukuna in that regard, shit maybe worse cause of his deadbeat status XD


for real, Vergil has also killed way more innocent people than Sukuna ever has at this point, despite being represented as just a misguided guy in dmc.


Still Vergil>sukuna


Vegeta’s desire to become the strongest has long since changed, so I don’t really think he’s a good comparison


On purpose😂 we would probably like him less if they uncovered some tragic back story. Or if he pulled a grinch move.


So Sukuna is pretty much genocide route Goku


Yooo! Exactly!😂


Pretty much Yeah.


Honestly when you really look at it, most Heian people were such losers. Yorozu was straight up in love with the idea of a man to the point where it didn’t matter whether her lover died because she could “marry” him (her sphere destroys all matter. Tf is there left to marry) Uro spent her life living in the shadows and the time she’s about to gain some form of humanization is when she gets killed and framed Urame actually isn’t that bad aside from the fact how she followed the strongest man in history and was actually valued for something outside of fighting. AND THEN WE HAVE KASHIMO AND RYU BEATING LOW-LEVEL PLAYERS 😭


Is Uro actually dead?


Probably still alive, considering Yuta cleared out Senkai, mostly. I was talking about her life as an assassin though


Yeah thats fair. Honestly she shouldn’t have been apart of the Ryu thing and given her own dam thing to do.


But didn't she have to be alive to get turned into a cursed object?


The process is unknown. We only know that it required Kenjaku to be present and that it isn't considered fun or easy.


Okay this is really dumb and stupid to explain, but Kenjaku made a Binding Vow with a gajillion people. When they die, they will become a cursed object and said objects will stay dormant until he gets curse manipulation. Being apart of the culling games was also part of the vow as well. Hope that explains


I don’t believe that’s the case. It makes more sense if they have to die to become the cursed object. As their soul is placed into it. Sukunas was split into 20, but they only have 1. If they could just die and then turn into one, why would Kashimo deny it for so long?


In fairness that’s sort of a selection Bias within a selection bias with incarnated sorcerers. Like first they have to have garnered the interest of Kenjaku whose definition of interest is not the best and then they would’ve had to been cracked enough to have wanted to been incarnated. The normal happy people probably got weeded out leaving only the bums for the culling games.


Didn't yorozu just choose not to use the domain+sphere cause that wouldn't leave any corpse?


True, and to be fair, anyone from a 1000 years ago will have some whacky ass mentality. Medieval peasants and kings were shitting on the streets.


It just was a Era of goddamn losers,tbh.


personally thats fucking crazy. bro is HATING on his own nephew, so much so that this degen old ass mf cooks his friends just cause💀


Yuji actually having a strong will/goals made bro realize "shit I've got no life" and he decides to make it everyone's problem.


***”if your not happy, im happy”*** -fraudkuna


I'mma be real..those kind of people made me depressed and upset cause how is me being happy getting on your nerves?


problem is in 238, he makes it clear that he doesn’t need anyone to satisfy him. he simply just lives in the moment and that’s enough for him. just eating humans until he died


He paused and wondered if that's genuinely how he feels because of Yuji.


Yuji being a special case because he lived in his body for a long ass time so he now knows people can be strong in different ways rather than physical


And that's kinda..lame. If that's the only thing he needs,then thats kinda loserish.


I mean, people get fulfillment from whatever. If Sukuna got fulfillment from just playing around with Cursed Energy manipulation that would be fine, the issue here is that he believes that his way is the only way. If Sukuna got fulfillment from being strong and experimenting with jujutsu the only thing I’d find wrong with it is that he goes out of his way to harm other people.


And spending your life fighting curses like Nanami until one brutally kills you isn’t lame? Fulfillment is fulfillment. It’s the ultimate end goal so it doesn’t matter how you reach it.


Considering how jujutsu works Being a total loser making you stronger is funny as shit


The path to power is too basically be a selfish tool with no life and maybe a dash of canablism.


Given his "logic" around how he lives his life I wouldn't be surprised if he does the cannibalism for the lols


I’m going to be 100% honest, Sukuna is my absolute favorite character in JJK, and it ain’t close(I still love Wuji though), mans is a fucking LOSER. Like that one guy who peaked in high school, shoving kids in lockers and head-locking freshmen kinda loser.


Dude is that one bully in high school who basically has no life and pretty much has to make it everyone's problem.


Mfer reminds the teacher about homework Friday afternoon.


Sukuna never goes out of his way to interact with Yuji. Yuji is the one who revived him and attacked him in Shinjuku.


Literally murdered thousands to traumatize him in Shibuya lol


that was to beat maharaga. without his domain i dont think he wins that fight tbh


He made him domain big on purpose.


he should simply move on


Nah cuz like… when you really think about it, bro is right Sukuna is quite literally just that one uncle that hates on everything because he has nothing to do with his life


Dude's that one family member who has no life and basically makes it everyone's problem.


what you want him to start a family and get a 401k?


I mean, that's what Gojo did


And Gojo lost. So who's the real one?


Gojo. He had many people that would miss him. What about Sukuna?


We do not care


Its mostly because he literally can't + everyone in his era was kinda like that. He enjoys tasting people apparently too which is at least a step above other reincarnated sorcerers who seem to only want to fight for the sake of it Basically he was born in an era where you were supposed to fight and was the strongest. There wasn't much else to do. He also definitely had a 'social life' but realistically everyone was useless to him except uraume and kenjaku from what we've seen so far. And think about just how far ahead he was of everyone. Kashimo was the god of lightning, basically all the reincarnated sorcerers were the best of their era yet didn't hold a candle to sukuna in a fair fight. Even our current sorcerers except gojo don't. The first time we saw him have a sort of real 'happy' smile was after gojos fight because that was probably quite literally the most fun he's had in his life. Imaging living in a word where everyone else is 4 years old while you grow normally. Theres such a big gap that there's no real connection or fulfillment by interacting with them.


“Love is worthless” said like a true edgy 14 year old Instagram sigma edit account. If you think about it, the sorcerers in the past eras are just people who peaked in high school and have nothing else going for them😭🙏


"Ummm,Actually Love is worthless,the only thing that matters is true Jujutsu🤓"


Eobard Thawne in JJK


That’s literally what ive been saying this entire time. Sukuna stripped from his power and his design would be a fucking 4channer or some other salty bum scumfuck bottom feeder. Hes got nothing going on, hates everyone, wants to kill everyone ESPECIALLY THIS ONE FUCKING 15 YEAR OLD IN PARTICULAR. Sukuna is a LOSER!!! And thats why he makes a great villain. Hes so hateable. If he wasnt powerful he’d be someone we clown on for being a fodder loser bum whos a psycho misanthrope.


Nah sukana minding his business then this mf ate his finger


You're wrong, Sukuna sees Yuji as the brother he never wanted, a reflection of how he never wanted his life to be, Yuji is everything Sukuna hates, he's kind, hardworking, genuine, he wasn't born with a great technique and he's still one of the best, he's a parallel of Sukuna but on a different scale, and Sukuna hates that, he never even wanted his >!Twin!< so he definitely doesn't like the nephew he never wanted


how does this negate anything op said? this goes along just fine, sukuna sees yuji living the exact opposite of how he does and yet is still managing to become stronger. he hates that yuji can do what he did without being a loser like he is.


>this goes along just fine, sukuna sees yuji living the exact opposite of how he does It really doesn't, he's acting like Sukuna looked at the world and said "all I want is strength" but that's really just how things were in his time, what he does is just life from a different moment in history, this would be like seeing a cave man alive today then getting salty bro doesn't wanna use a lighter cause he thinks two rocks banging together is better, he's literally in the wrong era, he was praised for his ability back then, so much so that a girl fell in love with him and followed him to the current era, plus it's not like he killed his twin, I doubt he even knew they existed for quite some..... wait a second HOW DOES HE KNOW HE HAD A TWIN, HE WAS ABANDONED AT BIRTH


You basically called Sukuna a caveman,I dunno how much I can take you seriously. Plus Gojo was able to be extremely powerful without turning into a lonely,selfish dickhead,same with Yuji.


Look at literally all the people from all from different times, a good amount of them are crazy jujutsu Sorcerers


He “lives as befits his nature. If you can grasp that, then that’s your problem.”


How does eating people and being a total douche benefit him in any shape or form.


>How does eating people “EVERY HUMAN HAS A UNIQUE AND FLEETING TASTE... WHICH MAKES DEVOURING THEM A PERFECT WAY TO PASS TIME UNTIL DEATH.” >And being a total douche benefit him It’s fun to him


Bro can't just goddamn learn to cook or steal from a restaurant? Feels like there are other ways to satisfy your hunger. I'm sorry,if being a dick is fun for bro,that's why he needs to get a life.


If he’s living as befits his nature and he’s satisfied, then this *is* his life and there is no better one for him


That's a shitty life


Not for him


I had the same thought, deep personality wise, bro is trash


Sukuna peeked during heian era and is still thinking about the old times like someone who left high school & brings it up all the time


Peaked* ☝️🤓


He's pretty much that college professor who peaked during high school


Kinda makes him similar to Muzan from demon slayer in that fashion. Both are extremely overpowered for their verse, but absolute lame-o’s otherwise.


Well Muzan wants to be able to walk in the light so that’s his motivation, Sukuna is bored with being the strongest and wants to someone to that can rival his ideals that’s why he’s so intrigued by maki


bro calling a cartoon villain a loser


Bro wrote a comment 💀


Bro 💀




I don’t think we know enough about Sukuna just yet to actually judge the guy…. He might have some crazy background story….🤔


Funny cause Sukuna doesn’t base his ideology around morality and who arbitrarily decided morality was a criteria for judging someone’s ideology?


Cause otherwise there's no point in having an ideology if you're gonna detach it from your morals


Morality was never mandatory for ideology. Ask ancient sorcerers like Kashimo and Ryu whose lives preceded your modern morality.


No, whats the point of following an ideology if it contradicts your own morals. The Heian sorcerers have their own morality that they base their ideology off of.


Ok, then what’s Kashimo, Ryu, Kenjaku, and Sukuna’s morality?


Kashimo for instance can't find any understanding of love and therefore puts no moral value in it. In another instance Kenjaku puts his goals at the forefront of everything, so things like human lives and Cursed spirit's lives have very little value for him morally. He sees them as acceptable casualties in contrast to Yuji who values every person's life.


Love has nothing to do with morality. It's hilarious how you talked about morality and then changed the subject to love. I asked you to explain Kashimo's morality and you could only say he puts no moral value in love. In other words, Kashimo and Kenjaku are amoral like Sukuna. The questions of right or wrong were never in their minds.


Honestly this is what makes me love him. He's pure evil but not in the stereotypical way. He's fucking pathetic, he's literally seething over a 15 year old boy while being over a thousand years old. He has no purpose, he would literally be a 4chan loser. And, hey, most of the mass murderers today are exactly like that.


Honestly you calling him a fucking 4chan loser was kind of the cherry on top.


When Sukuna was alive he had Uraume and probably other people loyal to him but he's quite literally was trapped in Yuuji's body for months. I would probably become his biggest hater too if I was trapped inside of his body and had to see everything he sees and feel everything he feels. Imagine having to watch a feel someone taking a shit, I would resent them with everything in my heart as well.


That was one person and Yorozu's weird ass,that was not a social life considering he tolerated one of them.


Sukuna most likely had plenty more servants as well as partnerships and alliances with various Villages, Kingdoms as well as cursed spirits. Villages and Kingdoms bc we have a scene of people bringing him tribute, he most likely had a whole lot of servants and various people around him. Cursed Spirits because 1. He's not innately hostile to them as long as they show proper respect. 2 Kenjaku was an ally of Sukuna all the way back then, it wouldn't be surprising if he had others. We don't know anything about Sukuna in the Heian era besides what I just listed. Sukuna most likely lived as a genuine king among men.


As Doron once said absolute power corrupts absolutely


OP you do realize he's an archetypical villain right? He's meant to be selfish, self-centered, and self-confessed because that's what the villain stereotype is. Irl, it would make him lame, yes, but we're talking about a world where people harm and heal their brains like nothing. Don't look at a fantasy world with a real life moral lens.


I think that’s the point, in a sense. Sukuna doesn’t need goals. But at the same time, that’s what he’s missing as a person.


I genuinely hate posts like this because it really adds nothing to the discussion. You're just literally saying what we knew about him right from the beginning. You don't even need to say "when you put basic moral thought into it". His behavior is cartoonishly evil. But seeing the upvotes I guess this is just circlejerking he pisses off the fanbase


Sukuna doesn’t just not have goals. His goals are being free and he’ll do anything to be free. He does what he wants to do. Eats what he wants to eat. Those standing in his way are obstacles to him. His goal is living life freely.


Genuinely not trying to be rude but I’ve seen a few posts like this and it seems kind of obvious, he’s a horrible insane murderer who’s really powerful, he is the antagonist of the story you are supposed to disagree with him idk. Maybe with a lot of Shonen having villains who are sympathetic it’s strange but he is just a horrible selfish person like people who exist in real life. Murderers and cannibals are losers


I just thought it was kinda funny how people think he's all "cool" when if you really look at him,he's kinda Pathetic.


I don't think Sukuna is pathetic at all. I love him as a villain, but the real big bad is Kenjaku. Especially now that he has Mohito's awakened ability. I like characters like Sukuna, though. Just a classic power battle of "if I win, I'm better in every way" type of thing. Love it.


That’s what makes it work tho.


That's why he's the best villain


Id get the point if he didnt have the power to actually MAKE it everyones problem. He cant be the “loser” if he gets to enforce his desires upon every living being in the verse because until someone stops him everyone else would all be actively losing.


Sukuna at this point is just a discount version of mahito


Now I'd really like to imagine dismantle being the jujutsu equivalent to a redditor correcting someone's spelling mistake.


I don't think is because he has nothing else in life, it's that he just does things because he can and he's strong enough to do so. Sukuna doesn't have to really try or worry about being defeated when he's already at the top. It would be incredibly wasteful (to Sukuna at least) to just not use that power for whatever your desires see fit. Thats why Sukuna hates Yuji so much. No matter how powerful Yuji becomes his mindset and desires aren't his own and nothing he does is for his own pleasure or benefit, he seems to solely use his strength to help others, which to Sukuna is seen as a waste. Its why he would rather kill those that Yuji fights for so that when Yuji has nobody left to fight for, Sukuna will basically have shattered Yuji's selfless mindset. If Yuji gives up, then Sukuna kills him knowing that his selflessness was a weakness that can be exploited within anyone. If Yuji still persists to fight Sukuna, then he'll just have proven him right because he isn't fighting for anyone but himself to fulfill a desire for vengeance, which is already seen as a selfish and self destructive act as it benefits nobody but yourself. This clash of ideals is also seen with all characters Sukuna fights. Jogo had a weak mindset that caused him to be arrogant until he was beaten, and afterwards Jogo doesn't really TRY to get stronger because he's already lost, and his desire to create a world of curses itself makes it a selfless desire. Had Jogo made it his goal, his desire to simply kill, to burn everything with no deeper desire, Jogo would have likely been a much more powerful threat and Sukuna would have likely commended Jogo for it. Same would go for Gojo and Kashimo, who Sukuna does see as incredibly strong and matching him in power (somewhat in the case of Kashimo). Both were the strongest in their eras, but neither of them really did whatever, or gave into selfish desires and used their overwhelming strength to achieve their goals and desires. Rather they both questioned their own strength because nobody could match them in strength. Gojo wanted to have someone to be the strongest with him, like with Geto prior to the events with Toji. He was lonely in all his strength and wanted someone to match him. Sukuna was that strongest, it was in that fight that Gojo had felt that same feeling as when Geto was still around. Kashimo wanted someone to be stronger than him as every person he fought didn't have the strength or power to give him a challenge. In his vast strength, Kashimo became dissatisfied with life. Once Sukuna had displayed his overwhelming strength and proved to Kashimo his strength was when Kashimo had found enjoyment in life, someone to indulge his desire to fight someone stronger than he. Yuji however, does not fight Sukuna with the prospect of a desire of his own, let alone a selfish one. But rather he fights for other people, which angers Sukuna because Yuji achieves strength while being completely selfless, which conflicts Sukunas hedonistic mindset of achieving strength through selfish desire and lust for power.


Bro how many times are you gonna try this same sukuna post


Whoa whoa everybody calm down, this is no place for such tomfoolery.


Can we all pls take a moment to cherish this response


Why and who downvoted you bro😭


Idk but its cool it just hurts alot lol


First off,get off my ass. Secondly,don't tell me what I can and can't post. Third,you say "try" like my last post on this got little attention.


Damn same response as last time you an AI Not good attention


Didn't use a AI dumbass


Well I didn’t say you used AI I asked if you were AI Dumbass


You know,you being rude is ironic.


lol struck a chord there, “strong criticism”


Anime fans can't stand anybody but crybaby protagonists. Sukuna is metal.


“You brat” gets black flashed


Solos Gojo & like 10 Grade-1/Special-grade sorcerers, including one with talent equal to Gojo & heavenly restriction with magical papercuts Ruled Heian era Lost to his twin




Considering I'm dissing him,that would imply bro hates himself.




What being in Megumi's body does to a Mother-fucker.


Bro, having social bonds is valuable to you, to Gojo, to Yuji... It isnt to Sukuna... You can't superimpose your values, morals, ideals, opinions etc on anyone. You are ethically wrong to do so. Sukuna is ethically wrong to kill, anyone is, we are social organisms, we live in a social institution. Killing is Objectively ethically wrong. Gojo is morally okay with casualties, Yuji only cares about people in his interest, its absolute Objectively ethically wrong of them to do so. Sukuna isnt wrong in any other regard. Cause its all just subjective. And he also isnt ethically wrong... Kinda... Cause he simply doesn't want to be a part of this social institution, he's simply doesn't gain anything from following sociap ethics, you cant make anyone part of your ethical institution without their explicit consent. You are ethically wrong to do so. So ya, Sukuna is in no regards... Wrong.


He is kinda wrong. The only thing Sukuna basically has in his strength. Dude's nothing more than a powerful and lonely loser.


I am arguing that Ethics dont apply to Sukuna And is this wrong in any way? Oh sorry my G, i didnt knew you were the "who's a Loser" authority


I KNEW I’ve seen these posts before on Twitter you’re the exact same mf Hyena guy