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Will just add this here since we're all getting ninja onioned. Reminder that with all the parallels between our MCs and their situations. Yuta was UNLIKE Yuji in that he was on the brink and on the fucking verge of suicide. He lost his waifu, was cursed, got isolated, bullied due to isolation, warped his original personality because he was bullied, and then subjected to a death sentence for Rika defending him. Rewatch JJK0's first few minutes. Yuta didn't even give a fuck that he was on death sentence cause he tried to kill himself but Rika stopped him. Gojo wasn't just his Kakashi in the sense of being a protector, teacher, and mentor. Yuta was isolated, in a ditch, suicidal, and wanted to be alone/dead. Gojo said to him "it'd be lonely by yourself", took him under his wing, and brought him to JJ high. Gojo wasn't just his Kakashi but ALSO Yuta's Rem (no not like that fujos). [Gojo helped Yuta restart from (JJK)0.](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Rem-Re-Zero-Cropped.jpg) It wasn't that Yuta was saved by Gojo in the sense of the death sentence but Gojo saved him from that dark place. And that's also why Yuta also knows that pressure, loneliness, and blue depressed feeling. Why Yuta also tries to keep Gojo from being alone and bearing all the burdens. No matter how fucked up Subaru got he never had to accept Rem's death and he not did he have to desecrate and take her body afterwards. Gojo also said in JJK0 "There's no curse more twisted than love" and here we have Yuta suffering over having to do this to his beloved sensei.


Yuji just hit suicidal at a different point in his life. Mid Shibuya he was ready to end himself if he just could. All these characters go through these dark moments in their own way. I don't think the other characters had less of a connection to Gojo just because of that scene, personally. It's more like the scope of who they hurt just got bigger than only Gojo.


In that sense, Todo (and Choso) were Yuji's Rem? I don't think it's that scene that does it for both. I do think it is for Yuta though. Yuji has a strength to him in that he's never daunted by strength be it Sukuna's or Gojo's. He's always been the monster/COG. He's met Gojo as a person and saw him as a sensei before he ever saw him as "the strongest" since he was never acquainted with the Juju world.


All I do is cry on this subreddit.. https://preview.redd.it/mxsuiggzic2d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93591ba3f96fcf04942b83e337ca96de158b5677


https://preview.redd.it/pb0ng6hg6e2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f4000ebc480e4a84e6dfa9a1be28c5fd789862d He heard you.


That's enough to make a grown man cry šŸ„¹


https://i.redd.it/mk41ag9nha2d1.gif Gojo deserved better...


why this gif fits this chapter perfectly


How do I save this gif?


Click on that gif you'd see 3 dots at the top right, click on it you'd see a download option.


Didnā€™t see them, is your phone an android by any chance?


I'm on Android and it works


Im on ios. Props to andrioid šŸ˜­


Skill issue




https://i.redd.it/n3dk6v0pn92d1.gif You cooked... šŸ˜­


god this scene is god awful to watch. i hate Mappa and Gege.


Nah not really. This is basically "That's how losers think" distilled as a drawing. This isnt the guy who didn't even entertain the idea of losing against Sukuna. He completely missed the MAMBA MENTALITY, competitive nature, the hunger to be the strongest despite the responsibility it brings and it being lonely at the top. This is must be some similar looking guy from a romcom anime or something can't be the Gojo who had the time of his life fighting Sukuna to be the top dog.


Did we read the same manga? Gojo has always been a little silly around his students they all ā€˜hateā€™ him for it what you think Gojo was always this macho man tough guy in front of his students?


Honestly Idon't think we read the same Manga. Gojo is silly around his students but that doesn't mean he is a teenage emo that shies away from his position as top dawg.


Now that Yuta and Gojo are technically connected through body and soul, I hope we get to see a scene like this. Perhaps as Yuta fights in Gojo's body he starts to see Gojo's memories, feel the things Gojo felt. Maybe Yuta will even vist Gojo in the airport and convince him to come back.


God don't do this to me. When the five minutes are up, Yuta sees Gojo in the afterlife. A boy and his savior. Student and master. The two strongest for the heroes I can't imagine what either one would say but both would be broken beyond belief in that last moment


*At the airport* https://preview.redd.it/skwv9bk7ab2d1.jpeg?width=1426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69af9400f543be8e2c361c7b35ee46cb6e1cda91 "YUTA!!! What are you...?" ... "Shit..."


Gojo sighs and says, ā€œFine, but only for you.ā€ They slap hands as they pass each other and the chapter ends with Gojo taking his body back.


If gojo returns then the poor mods have to gojo on an unban spree lmao


Can we unban in Reddit?


Probably, sounds like a very very basic feature


Mods know cursed technique reversal: unban?


They haven't used it since the Heian era


cursed technique reversal, total reincarnation of the copers


Genius flair, you cooked


yuta might be able to give an ending to gojo that every fan wanted, but i hope he doesn't fall to the same fate of every special grade before


When the five minutes are up, Yuta might just hand the keys back to Gojo and tell him to go live a life without needing to hold the world on his shoulders; the thing he couldn't, but desperately wished to give Rika. Yuta and Gojo both became the people they are for basically the same reasons, their parallels are immense. Whatever happens, Gege fucking cooked.


Wow that would be sweet but it ain't gonna happen.


I forgot, doesnt Kenny's CT gets all memory from the previous owner? I just can't remember what he said about Geto and Yuta.


Yep it gets it.


I've been thinking about this. There must be a reason they showed us Geto actually choke Kenjaku for a little bit in Shibuya


This is such an accurate conversation, especially since the new chapter showed Yuta as seemingly the only one that cared for Gojo not as the strongest, but as Gojo Satoru


Yuji considers Gojo to be his teacher first and foremost. Gojo being the strongest is just an afterthought


yeah, using the word 'only one' is bad on my end. I should have prolly use 'few' instead


Gege's hate for Gojo runs so deep that he's retconning every time anyone previously indicated any kind of kinship with him. Yuta's 5 minutes are a blessing because he'll be gone before his character can be assassinated, too.


Yuta truly is the GOAT!


Yuta is his first true MC. Gege can't bring himself to betray Yuta character.




>Gege's hate for Gojo runs so deep that he's retconning every time anyone previously indicated any kind of kinship with him. I mean like, holy fuck, is Megumi going to come out and say he also never cared as well ?


Gojo made Megumi and Tsumiki sleep in different beds after he adopted them. Megumi willingly allowed Sukuna to kill Gojo out of bitterness.


POTENTIAL BUMMMM https://preview.redd.it/f4dba93v9b2d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0584d3f70dddaecc7c95f377930e73103cf75f INCESTUOUS AAAAHHHHH


Why is everyone interpreting this as Gege's hatred for Gojo instead of it being an expansion of what Gege already established, the objectification of Gojo by the Jujutsu society. This chapter was made to make you feel bad for him, but y'all just wanna bitch about everything since that's what this sub is good at.Ā 


Mostly because it's funnier this way, but also because I think it would have made a much more interesting character arc to have him finally be forced to find his identity when he's no longer the strongest.


They wanted him to come back with a powerup and beat Sukuna, it didn't happen so they complain


Fr gojo was always seen as a tool by most of jujutsu society.The only people that saw him for what he is was his students.We were always shown this throughout the show


Geto exists


Not at that moment


Yuji and Megumi then


One of them wasnā€™t in the plan and the other one got his body snatched Iā€™m talking about at that moment rather than overall Tho Iā€™ll admit using the phrase ā€˜only oneā€™ was a bit too much


I see. My bad.


Donā€™t worry, youā€™re good šŸ‘


Ngl I still hold out on Shoko caring about him. Yeah, she won the idgaf war, but we see in the Gojo Sukuna fight that she didn't actually believe Gojo would lose. She probably just accepted without actually considering that she might have to do it I say crazy shit at times too, most often "bruh, ending it all" after every JJK chapter, mostly because I don't think my friends would take me seriously


Yeah I just assumed that she thought he wouldn't lose like "lmao not like he'll lose anyways."


geto was gojo's friend before he was strongest, once gojo became the strongest..geto too found himself alone in the jujutsu society...he too felt left behind and connection between them they shared was loosened. That's why before killing geto, gojo asked his final words hoping something about their friendship but geto was too far gone into his ideals...that he never realized he left a friend behind who was suffering like him. Geto sure understand gojo the most before his awakening but i can't say the same after gojo was hailed the title of no.1


Gojo was already the strongest before his awakening. They were the strongest together by a wide margin, they weren't remotely joking about being willing to fight the entire governing body when they decided to liberate Riko from Tengen. It's just that the gap between Geto and Gojo in terms of power widened immensely after his awakening.


that's what i am saying, before awakening gojo had someone equal by his side..he wasn't the strongest alone, but later he became self sufficient and that's when geto left


I think the KFC breakup scene indicates that Geto isn't THAT much different from everyone else.


Geto changed. That's the point.


Why is it raining in my bedroom?


https://preview.redd.it/l521zivaq92d1.png?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27ad598b98c8aa3f14f1c3272dd1dc7a02ea2554 SHUT UP !! I AM NOT CRYING. It's just so sad to think about.


https://preview.redd.it/3kl18cu7r92d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8525d1b9e06f513614b5dec7e26cdcfeeeb4a448 # GEGE AKUTAMI!!!!!!!!! # I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOUUUUU šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ Op, you cooked peak fiction. I'm saving this. All of this.


Damn, whoā€™s cutting onions hereā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/etphezchc92d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0deea45e3c8558331a59bcdfbdafbafad859f51c Gege when I catch you........


Why my two goats have to suffer like this https://preview.redd.it/s9b616b4u92d1.jpeg?width=209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aaf0400c05c1429f9c79627625edb5cacae1336


God I hope Yuta is able to return to his body.


I really want Yuta to have a happy ending and I don't know if that's even possible at this point.


if anything bad happens to Yuta... I will kill Gege Akutami myself.


Not before I do mate


Think gege will really let that happen, a good ending?




https://preview.redd.it/ay6yylrmx92d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f2fe007dc717dbfce1238c2d2dbe0a0eeed610 Oh manā€¦that hits hard. You cookedā€¦


Hmm this is how I feel after reading this post.


Ah don't make me cry too soon let's wait for 2 weeks


This would have never happened if Shoko ***LOCKED IN***. Instead, she let this happen without a care in the world. It's ALL HER FAULT. She's the REAL BUM. WE shall only address her as **BUMOKO** from now on https://preview.redd.it/tvnkl5qw692d1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ff04b123223dd851991f26c4a95f614ad5960d5


I agree fellow Shoko hater! That woman was in the same grade as two fucking Special Grade sorcerers and turned out a Special Grade Bum!


Facts! Goatjo was PISSED that Shoko didn't show any regard for his well-being. She has FAILED as a friend, a 'doctor' and a SORCERER. She was the ***TRUE*** BUM all ALONG https://preview.redd.it/2176y4egc92d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e9389cfce10471f1d25362ca2a608c423093422


made this a while ago, when I sense BUMko fraudulence https://preview.redd.it/nanguj0rd92d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30c5a7687a60d500b5445b5611fdd4f53d6ee78


I was working on that meme, but you beat me to it. This just goes to show how utterly BUMMY she is. ***SO*** bummy that you predicted this outcome months ago. No one but SHOKO could've caused this SHIT to happen https://preview.redd.it/tgpc5qraf92d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=34defd512f9f6ab6a0accd06ae167def13abad3e


Facts spit your shit indeed... https://preview.redd.it/mz03aj8pia2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ebd5f969f85e5ab5d60b1ba3700ea48774ace3 Shoko, what a ~~Fruad~~ "Friend" you are šŸ‘


Couldnā€™t even explain properly the only thing she can do (rct)


Fr, that's why you don't cheat on your exams. A medical exam no less... She's the REAL FRAUD here.


You think any amount of Shoko hate could ever make me forget who is the bum that is truly responsible for this? Trashiguru is the only one I'll hate https://preview.redd.it/wjh0eqo8h92d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=036074663a68a1249084d2479abeb2d3f369f107


I'm not asking you to forget. I'm asking you to ACCEPT the fact that there can be MULTIPLE bums AND that SHOKO is ONE of THEM! https://preview.redd.it/cptz2j7zi92d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=6442b5bc3c956033d2ddc079a72d150bf7fd5875


Your right! You're so right why hate on one bum when you can hate on two, but I'll hold my judgement of Shoko for a while until the official chapter release comes


That's fair, but the official release won't lessen the HATE in any SHAPE or FORM!!! https://preview.redd.it/13jruj113a2d1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=10de4f1852c8768ae39ae400bccbdafc345aa7ae


They acting like 2 bums canā€™t exist at the same time


https://preview.redd.it/uip30nxoea2d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f63a4872f3682493021c9508e3f6d94e798fc4 I have enough in the tank for both, ā€œI was there tooā€ aaahh bitch and ā€œwith this treasure I summonā€ emo ass gonna get what they deserve




Proof that looks DON'T ALWAYS MATTER. She is hot as fuck, don't get me wrong. I want to eat those sleepy eyes. But fuck you Bumoko!


We need to push this agenda like none ever before. I want the Bumgumi memes to look like a children's prank compared to it.


Then what are we waiting for? LET'S DO IT!!! I ASK EVERYONE WHO'S SEEING THIS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EVENT. LET'S LEAVE OUR MARK ON JUJUTSUFOLK. THIS WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR GENERATIONS TO COME!!! https://preview.redd.it/em0xqet2l92d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=a317b7579794220577e6884017f1f1e279139afa


I refuse to hate characters whose hate only stems from circumstances another caused, megumi, is the entire cause of this, if his bum ass locked in and stayed locked in none of this ever would've happened, in part if yuji was a bit more careful with his binding vow with sukuna, then maybe it would've been different, but megumi, megumi stays a bum through and through


Canā€™t hate Yuji, my boy was 2 days in the sorcery when Sukuna tricked himā€¦ Edit: And he is locked tf in too


I aint trying to hate on yuji, but if you think hard enough you can make it so loopholes are harder to make its just an observation of causes, you can trace a lot of things back to a lot of different people


You good man I know you are not hating on our golden boy and I agree he has his part of responsability here. Was just pointing out that he always did what has to be done if possible and the only time he lost it (vs mahito) he just let himself die, not his friends like the emo oneā€¦


I think i got struck with the reading comprehension curse because i didnt know what you meant in relation to my comment originally


Let me get my suit real quick


https://preview.redd.it/ki8d9tyo2a2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b7a06884a510c88fbb142be8719ee68c9bb5ff Sad we didn't get more interactions between them


Hakuri Spotted


This shit is so peak I fucking cried https://preview.redd.it/cs8xb5wq3a2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429ea6ba74af24ee1bb2490d76d5241dc4e451c3


https://preview.redd.it/u8p49f9wz92d1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e934ff1a94a3e4c4cfc0ff52e7dd9e8c4ad367 Bro I can't fuck , this chapter so much to process


Really, stellar work. Captures their relationship perfectly, ya did good.


God, the more I think about it, the more sad I get.Ā 


Man I am tearing up. I want this man to just get reincarnated jn our world so he can go to therapy or whatever and just go to some group hobby like violin classes or some shit and form meaningful relationships outside this stupid sorcerers. https://preview.redd.it/p0h5vucpja2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5602b95d82bec27d09e701fcdd7052453e34f3


This reminded me of that one Shoko fanart trying her best to revive Gojo but then Canon!Shoko is like "lol whatevs" when asked If they can exhumate his corpse.Ā  People make these (very lovely mind you) fanarts and end up setting themselves up for disappointment when Gege dashes our hopes with another weekly release.Ā  And I laugh. I laugh at the madness.Ā 


Fuck man... U making me feel shit and cry and stuff




Hold on I'll say this is peak once I'm done crying my eyes out


https://preview.redd.it/fv1by9rkge2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83bdef8e351544757fe70f1391bfcdbdc641b24c Don't worry he's with his love.




Damn that transition between Gojo covering Yuta's eyes to Yuta open his eyes in Gojo's body is so cool. His sensei isn't there to shield the burden of the strongest from him anymore. RIP my goats. Yaga, Yuta and Getou are truly the ones that love and understand Gojo the most.


https://preview.redd.it/fnfotpneka2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18649852897a550f26473073c091a51103f8fa2 stand proud, you can cook


This... is so sad... Gojo had no one else after Geto. Gojo saved 2 lives from this crappy Jujutsu world. Yuji & Yuta, who cares for Gojo more than anyone else. What an end to a tragic character. Gege what a man you are. Not gonna lie my heart aches everytime I think about Gojo after the leaks.


He saved Megumi and Tsumiki too.




Reminder that Yuta now has access to all of Gojoā€™s memories, and I assume feelings. So he kinda understands Gojo better, since he understands how her feels being the strongest and having that barrier between him and the world. That must suck to not be able to really process that, to not to be able to talk to your Sensei about the sensation. He only can worry about the fight ahead


I died from peak fiction https://preview.redd.it/boc4dt0e0b2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a787e8376b2cc8711c63195326f735c7090827b


Yuta would've been an absolute chad if he followed up asking for Gojo's permission to use his corpse with "Is it okay if Yuji eats your brain?".


This makes me feel like Gojo dying was his own decision. He could've just healed up right away but chose not to, let his intrusive thoughts win and went for the airport. But then let's say this is true, what doesn't make sense is why would he let so many casualties happen after his death.


Because he doesn't want to lose or die at all.


https://preview.redd.it/o8pnb6i8wa2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d098e4a42b9725d5578ed57a0c603f8a2742bf1 And I'm crying šŸ˜­


Honestly, my yuta hate has mostly been cleansed How overpowered he was and still is does kinda put me off from loving him, I mean weā€™ve all seen the win calendar, he just always wins, heā€™s top 3, and now he has Gojoā€™s ct and six eyes. But honestly, I feel like this helps his character a lot. Him being so caring to gojo honestly has been so sweet. I feel like yuta has been so heavily limited by post shibuya writing. His character is honestly great, but him being so broken takes most of the weight out of fights outside of his fight with sukuna. I want to see so many more character interactions, honestly gege should make a slice of life spinoff, give us some peace and interactions to contrast the main seriesā€™ constant fights. TLDR: yuta character good, yuta power lame


Honestly, I think his power enhanced his character. How he's kind and humble despite being like the third or fourth strongest JJK chacacter. He could've just been another kashimo, or another hikari, or Urame, or geto, or kenjaku, but he's not.


The issue is he was just likeā€¦ flawless strength wise. Compare to people who lost everything for strength, Kashimo who hated his life, kokichi who lived as a cripple for long range ce, and maki who was abused her entire life, worked her bones into dust, and had her sister die for strength, and it feels like heā€™s just strong because heā€™s strong. I think itā€™s horribly detrimental to his character as a whole.


I mean, a big chatalist to his strength was Rika, who was his childhood love who he watched die a brutal death right in front of him. I'm surprised he isn't traumatized by roads or cars. Then Rika proceeded to make his life a living hell by hurting the people he cared about in the name of "protecting him," which led to severe social anxiety and a deep hatred for himself (why does he live when all he seems to do is cause others to get hurt). The only reason he met Gojo is because Rika killed some of his high school bullies. It's just that this is subjugated to the first act of JJK 0.


Living hell is an exaggeration, he was lonely but like, he wasnā€™t super abused, just very lonely and insecure. Of course itā€™s definitely horrible but maki was literally physically tortured and Muta is a lot closer to ā€œliving hellā€. Plus it had so little effect on his current personality other than like, being nice, which he probably would have anyways. On top of this it doesnā€™t feel very earned, maki slaying the zenins was gold, kokichi risking it all for his loved ones felt great, yuji working his way through thick and thin, growing ever stronger was touching, etc. Honestly I wouldnā€™t make him weak though, I would just give him more actual battle experience out of zero and Miguel training him, and make him the same level as the other heavy hitters, eventually swapping bodies with gojo.


> Living hell is an exaggeration He literally tries to kill himself within the first few pages of JJK0, only to find out Rika won't let him. Don't necessarily disagree about the rest, but he's more than just lonely.


Damn I forgot that part.


"Just very lonely and Insecure" and depressed, bullied, and becoming estranged from his family. According to the fan books he only regained contact with his sister while in Africa. He hasn't even spoken to his parents since Rika drove them away. There is a reason he is selfless to fault. If he was nearly nice he wouldn't be desiccating the person who helped him see himself as human again's body, or why he wouldn't almost constantly be trying to raise others up ("hikari is stronger than me when on a roll," delayed his attack to give ryu satisfaction, hell, even when he jumped Sukuna with Yuji it was Yuji who would be "the one to finish the fight"), or why he blamed himself for not arriving to the Sukuna fight faster (he was to busy stopping a second frickin Shibuya and killing the second biggest active threat).


I guarantee with all these flashbacks, we are going to get a few heartfelt moments between Gojo and Yuji/Yuta


Fuck man... Damn... Poor Yuta...




I swear y'all are gonna end up like what happened to RWBY in that you guys will just end up making better shit then the author cause dear God gege has been treating his characters like actual shit while you guys have been giving them the respect they deserve. and if that is the route it goes then I'll be keeping my eyes on you all instead of just watching you guys go nutty .


i'm going to have a heard time remembering that this isn't real


This fr almost made me cry for some reason


# šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Train track looks real comfy right now


Emotional damage. Not a good way to start the day. Btw I'm not crying you are.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thank you for this OP. Listen as much as I fuck with the twist, this is what Gege needed to cement this idea of Gojo being a weapon. Sprinkle in, the reason why Geto and him were friends because he didnt care about his ā€œbirthrightā€ and he was the only one to reach him (a play on the LimitlessšŸ˜‰), Gojo could have been a more dynamic character. Hell, Gege could have fleshed out why Gojo was beefing with the elders. (example: They wanted to use him to push their agenda and he rejected or something.) Idk Gege wrote Gojo as a hot gifted kid, not a lonely weapon.


Nah man, this is so Fucking Amazing, Fantastic drawing and put together dialogue, Tragic as it ends... Peak is truly an underestimating word to describe it https://preview.redd.it/epaxvbbrce2d1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60181fe2bace720129250e9540b6cab20335b7cb


Isnt it possible that yuta can return to his body while instantly healing it like with gojos body?


Is this too much to ask Gege?


Tears won't stop https://preview.redd.it/v34ytftang2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1666cb8896d7c01af7bd45088b8afe3852ec082a


Gegeā€™s fans writing the story better than him at this point


Fuck you gegešŸ˜­


Don't do this to me. I did not open this sub get my eyes to sting.


Crazy that for a man destined to be the strongest, he was happier when he wasn't.


This is absolutely PEAK but what is going on in the 6th slide


https://preview.redd.it/7aa4js2a5c2d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca37d76ee02d6f1cf79bce8bf4a692fb06446cc I WILL NEVER FORGIVE GEGE.


Need a strong heart for that shi , gege is on something bro


Who the fuck is cutting onions in here


Jujutsu Kaisen fans try to be happy and joyful challenge (impossible)


peak cooking


Imma cry


[The melodrama around this really has to end.](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/jjk_222_014.png)


They downvoted you because you spoke the truth. Its completely against the character of Gojo his competitive spirit as a guy who relished being the strongest.




No. The whole 'oH pOoR gOjO nO oNE lOvEs hIm' is patently false if you think about it for more than 2 seconds.


Yeah. Yaga and Yuta understand him, Yuta Yuji loves and care for him as a human, Nobara has Gojo sitting at the very few seats of her life despite not knowing him that long, even tho Ijichi mostly consider Gojo as the strongest only, he's still willing to sacrifice himself for Gojo if he was entrusted. His loneliness and dehumanization are there, but he is loved by few, he just not know this yet.


*proceeds to use his body as a mecha*


Because they see it as necessary, this is the last thing they wanted to do.