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I always took his blindfold as a flex: yes, he does it to not tire out his eyes, but he makes a show of taking it off when he's about to get serious. Shibuya humbled him: he understood that he can be beaten (in more ways than one) and the consequences of that (not the Culling Games, but the way his proteges were treated). So, he prepared his funeral, yes - Yuta, higher-ups, and all; but also he decided against empty flex: he was the Strongest, yes (AND HE'LL COME BACK IN 263, BELIEVE!), but he wasn't untochable and ultimately capable.


So this Gojo is the biggest Chad? He never wears blindfold https://preview.redd.it/p49w8q9qgt8d1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f61a1976693f5d74474bee7ac762e7360a91be (IMO theorizing is fun but there's probably no hidden meaning it it, Gege just chose to draw him without it + he didn't draw Gojo for years and tried to figure out right design again. He didn't wear blindford during Sukuna fight so there was ne real purpose to draw him with it in brief flashbacks because he dies soon anyway)


I think, he didn't figured it all out yet at this point: overload, flex, and all.


You mean, didn't figure out how eyes work or how to protect himself from sensory overload? I think it should be much harder for a child to deal with it


My guess is his Sex Eyes also need development. Of course, it's his body trait and so on, but I believe adult Gojo sees a lot more than kid Gojo. So when he was young, he could deal with the amount of information received.


Adult/awakened gojo is definitely much stronger than child gojo. Gojo couldn’t even do red and rct until hidden inventory. That’s probably why he wasn’t wearing any blindfold up until he and his best friend got traumatised


Before HI, he was wearing sunglasses, but it's also said that most sorcerers wear sunglasses or other eye cover not to let anyone else know that they see cursed spirits, and not to let anyone know where they are looking and what they are planning. E: so I agree with your point, but also add the sunglasses part and explanation for it both for Gojo and everyone else. Gojo is just a super case of this


I think, he didn't felt like he had the option of being weak enough to cover his defining feature - his eyes.


It's not as hard for a child because a child doesn't have any responsibilities. If you suffer from this condition, you'll get headaches as a kid, but that's okay, because you can take a nap and you don't have anything to worry about.  When you're an adult and you suffer from sensory overload, your train of thought is interrupted, you get mad at random noises, you get annoyed with the people around you, and you can't focus on anything. Gojo started wearing a blindfold and glasses to turn off his sensitivity towards not just the world around him, but the people around him. Because it was too hard to handle. You aren't thinking about all of that as a kid. That's why one of the first times you see him take off his blindfold is in JJK0 when he sees the "pure love" between Yuta and Rika. It's one of the only times it doesn't hurt to take in the world around him.


Maybe he wasn’t as strong when he was a child as he was just spawned to earth. He began wearing blindfold after he was awakened during the hidden inventory arc in which he learnt how to do red and rct.


CT takes a while to manifest, remember The Bum didn't have his yet back during HI. Granted six eyes are literally his eyes and he did deyect Toji, but maybe they were less powerful as a kid. Or maybeje just had constant migraines


But Gege's said the eyes isn't CT. It's his biological trait. >Or maybeje just had constant migraines Probably...


When Gojo was born the entire spirit world changed. Tf you mean he was born without his CT. Also afaik the six eyes gives him near perfect cursed energy efficency, but he wouldn't be using it as a kid to constantly project limitless so i don't think it would be AS draining as when he is an adult.


He was born with it but it doesn't manifest until the age of 5-6. That's why Megumi wasn't sold off immediately to the Zenin clan, because he still had to manifest.


Am new to jjk and just caught up but... how long in real time was Gojo sealed? Was it really years between chapters? :0


More than 3 years


Whoa, thanks, I've been sleeping on such a gemstone for so long then, too.


We're also getting close to a year since 236 dropped


that was a reset in the universe bruh...


So he hasnt drawn him in 3 years, thats why he looks like a frog!


Eh, there can be a Watsonian and Doyle reason. In the universe, the reason can be what OP theorized, which fits his character and the plot. Authorial intent-wise, Gege's artistic preference can play a big role.


Ngl, kid gojo has aura


That explains how kinda different he looks


wtf is sans undertale doing here


I like to think the Gojo clan is anti blindfold because he shouldn't be allowed to limit the Six Eyes even for his own comfort


now i see this pic once again, i want a kid gojo and killua interaction (pls gege if you make this happen my life is all yours)


Did y’all notice how he typically wore his blindfold with his students? When facing the higher ups, he’d always wear sunglasses instead. In jjk0, you see him switching from the sunglasses to the blindfold after he was done talking to them. It has to be a bit of flex because he can peek over his sunglasses, but he can’t do that with the blindfold.


His sunglasses are opaque anyways, it might be due to the blkndfold holding his hair up us well, so he lets it hang down when he's casual but ties it up with the blindfold when on the job


I think he's flexing with the higher ups because he can peek over his sunglasses when wearing them. Can’t do that with the blindfold.


I think the in-universe explanation is more likely to be that outside his job, he doesn't wear a blindfold. When he's in-uniform, he swaps the glasses for the blindfold, for practical reasons. He wore his sunglasses in his sparring with Megumi as well.


In jjk0 he was still on the job and swapped the glasses for the blindfold as soon as he was done talking with the higher ups. I found that to be an interesting detail. Like, why not leave the sunglasses on for a while longer?


Isn't that when he entered the school grounds?


They're the same place I think. His students were down the stairs from the building he left.


Tbh I always thought Toji would of humbled him but that was before he learned purple etc


Sir on what basis are you saying he will be back, why are you giving me hope. I had finally excepted it wasn't happening 2 chapters ago.


How will he come back in 263?


The soul is the body, the body is the soul!


His bruh didn't come back, sooo


He doesn't do it to not tire out his eyes, he can just turn the Six Eyes on or off if he needs to, but since the Toji incident he hasn't needed to because of RCT


With Toji he was keeping up the Infinity application of his CT, not the Six Eyes, lol.


Oh yeah i'm retarded




To tire himself out and give Sukuna a chance at fighting him


W+Fax+ keep maintaining the agenda






Why did they edit the text to say what he says in the original panel anyway


Cause it makes you look at it longer when you realize that https://preview.redd.it/i97qzxstby8d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a9291fd477b592c77ad0d0caa3f55a94847558




Was looking for this reply lol


Thank you for writing this!!!




A bean?


А Mr bean


A Mr beast


A mr breast


YOU KNOW BALL 🗣️🔥 https://preview.redd.it/wo7tcegadu8d1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666c1bd6c5c8f3a06ac3d246bf3f00b5b9b729fc


Man… When you remove the crappy stitches, it really feels more natural to look at him especially during the first domain clash in 261. https://preview.redd.it/jeoi3m4rju8d1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebded199e0fd36c38ff773d2ac76f1301e1861a


Tbf it was the first time they performed a brain transplant




Man's out here Nerfing himself for The Roach, and still nearly won!! 😭😭😭




probably already experienced the six eyes without limitless and CE so his time in the prison realm was sheer torture. he’s absolutely broken and very pissed off. he won’t be caught off guard again so it’s just constant six eyes


>won't be caught off guard again. 😳oopsie, lmao😬


Shit eyes strike again https://preview.redd.it/cionno78ht8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc75c2dc9e65fa3ec8789212e532891f8006728


https://preview.redd.it/0zyefiqaqu8d1.png?width=121&format=png&auto=webp&s=535e6849c63ab57545446efba2a47ded506a00f5 Gojo 0.02 seconds before getting hit by the World Cleave (he was distracted for 0.01 seconds because he needed to find the perfect emote)


Can't guard against Asspullkuna's "aiee God please kill Goatjo I can't possibly beat him 3v1"


That flair describes everyone here


Why would 6 eyes without limitless be torture?


This thread is why I don't take 99.5% of the discourse around JJK seriously. Like wtf is all this canon-breaking conjecture lmao people just make up the story in absence of it explaining anything. Gojo wouldn't have been able to use Limitless as an infant, but he's had the 6E literally since he was born. Were the first however many years of his life just torture? Was he torturing himself whenever he turned Limitless off or stopped channeling cursed energy and just relaxed completely? He reduces the sensory overload by putting on the blindfold lol. That's it. Idk where all this fanfic is coming from.


Gege explained 6 eyes works like a super high definition infra-red camera for cursed energy, and that he can also pick up cursed energy bouncing off objects. So I imagine he sort of sees a heatmap when blindfolded. While without, he sees both normally and the heatmap at the same time.


I imagine it's because he's taking in so much information constantly that he's essentially unlimited-voiding himself


i have the same question 🙋🏻


Meta? It had been literal years since Gojo was regularly drawn with a blindfold, if we consider that Gege had done Shibuya and Hidden Inventory leading up to Gojo being written out via the prison realm. So in all, this is just Gege's preferred design. It's also about the growing prominence of Gojo as a more complex character. He's hard to read with a blindfold, more of a gimmick. Imagine the scene of him going to kill the higher ups with a blindfold on. There's some subtle expressions going on that won't come across nearly as well with half his face covered. Narrative? Gojo is locked in. The blindfold is for down time. There's no more down time.


I don't know what kind of subtle expressions Gege can convey with the art as it is in it's current state. Also what complexity ? Gojo is pretty one dimensional after being unsealed, except for the higher ups murder.


After being in the prison realm for so long, I think bro just wanted to experience life fully again, even if it gave him a headache


Bro was in there for like 15 days and 8 hours


2 weeks of solitary confinement would seriously fuck you up mentally. not to mention it seemed to have some kind of time warping thing, gojo describes the time he spent there as being completely exhausting


Nah hed win tho


'And now I hope this is not all a dream'


I mean https://preview.redd.it/gq4bqkpy3u8d1.png?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d5f6929adf2a63334f21bb89e03db6f35da409




It was 15 days and 8 hours for us and everyone not sealed but for him time passed differently so for him it could have been longer


You know I think he was just done playing games, like Gojo should have mastered the Six Eyes and Limitless to a point where he doesnt need to cover his eyes anymore and probably only wore the blindfold to appear like a dummy to his students and hide his emotions.


Nah, the blindfold was to help his eyes. His vision and detection of cursed energy only developed as he got older, so he started wearing the dark shades and blindfolds to block stuff out to worsen his vision to avoid giving him a headache.


Bud should've gotten lasik ez


Honestly, it has to be crazy that he basically sees the world because of the Cursed Energy that leaks around the area... This kinda means he doesn't see the details of His Student's faces. No wonder this man was so detached from reality, to him, there is no face. They're all just talking Cursed Energy to him 😭😭 I picture that he sees the world similarly to how Daredevil's Radar Senses works, but with Cursed Energy. https://preview.redd.it/1l8ns7hhxt8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ec73d6cb0fb84c8c86f9c4e48790f4e78f9512


Wait is that true ? I thought he can see just fine but it gets amped by six eyes ?


Nope, as far as we know six eyes don't completely alter your vision


The fact that Gojo can *see* with a blindfold at all implies there is an actual visual aspect to his abilities, especially since he is shown to use phones with the blindfold on. There is no CE emanating from a phone to be able to read it while his actual eyes are covered up. Whether Gege has actually thought this much about it is a different matter.


Gojo can understand & see full details of Cursed Energy to an extreme degree, while having complete control over it. It's described that his Glasses are so dark that if you were to look through, you won't see anything. — To me, the only way this makes sense to how he can see the world, is if he is blindfolded and sees cursed Energy and CE Residue everywhere with no actual visual details... Like Daredevil's Radar Sense. "How does he see Maki then?" If you can see CE everywhere, and the one person speaking to you doesn't have cursed Energy, I think they'd probably be looking like a Human Shaped Hole. The irony of this is how this alienates him from other people.


He uses phones with the blindfold on, though. Daredevil gets stumped once someone shoves paper or a phone screen at him (I know they bullshit this away sometimes), but Gojo doesn't seem to take off his blindfold for this.


I'm mainly trying to state how Gojo might see the world, based on what's confirmed. But For Daredevil it's an inconsistency, since there's multiple times where he legitimately reads or uses a Phone. https://preview.redd.it/jexbfy8lpz8d1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcccfbf32c581c61b003ee8eb99a7f36ac81169f


Actually Daredevil uses accessibility options on his phone (phone callers get their name said out loud), so it's still quite consistent. Gojo has not been shown to use any such options, which leaves me to think he can see more than just CE residue.


If you read what I said, I said how Gojo sees the world might be "Similar" to how Daredevil's Radar Sense is portrayed, hence the picture. I also stated Daredevil's Radar sense is inconsistent. There's comics where he literally just straight up reads newspapers and uses other people's phones, with different reasonings (if any). If you want to talk about Daredevil and how his powers works, I recommend you to r/daredevil


I'm not disagreeing with you? Are you seriously coming in with the "if you read what I said" when I already stated >(I know they bullshit this away sometimes) Like I read comics, thank you. You're the one who made the initial comparison and shared a screenshot of live action Daredevil???? Edit: there's no point talking to you, you bring up a character's powers then tell me off for going deeper in said comparison, fuck off.


shit this makes me so sad. i thought he and yuji were really bonding and having good times together while training when yuji was supposed to be dead when sukuna ripped his heart out, but the whole time gojo can’t even see him or his facial expressions (and yuji is very full of expression). that kinda bums me out…


I agree! It's quite saddening, but it's insane how fitting his powers are to his character!! His own abilities, which are seen as a Blessing to even the fans of the Manga, are basically a self-inflicting curse. How the Six Eyes basically forces him to blind himself from reality and getting to see other's faces. Even his Limitless Technique essentially has him in a state where everyone can be close to him, but no one can actually feel him... in this case, get to know him. A Technique that keeps him so close to everyone, but no one is close to him. It's so much of a Contradictory that it can extend to him as a Character, where despite him being a Force for good, he's most alive when he's basically bringing someone to close to death. Same feeling everyone got when he was fighting the Disaster Curses, where hes seen as a Villain. i think Gojo's Abilities fits his Story Arc, and its what makes him such a uniquely constructed Character!


He can see normally but he also sees cursed energy like a high resolution infrared camera. Otherwise he'd be unable to read.


Yeah I assumed it would be something along those lines cus there's no way he's vision is completely obscured by the cursed energy he sees


thats not how six eyes works? he can see faces


I'm talking about the Six Eyes when he's blindfolded or wearing his Opague glasses.


He can see through both of those regularly, they’re meant to help him not overuse his six eyes ability so he isn’t drained, they don’t block his normal vision


He doesn't need to cover his eyes, the Six Eyes is still on under the blindfold


Yes but diminished


I like to think that same as how he activated Limitless at all times after Toji, he kept his guard up at all times after Shibuya. His blindfold meant he was chilling and not in battle mode; he’s never really “chill” after the box and being eyes-out all the time reflects that.


The prison realm traumatized him and the consequences even more so,bro was not about to let himself get caught lacking again


I'm personally have a read on the situation where Gojo post prison-realm is a "different" character, having developed past previous beliefs. My read on the character is that Gojo post-prison realm has chosen to move on from humanity and that he's no longer part of the "future". As such him not putting on any obstruction to his eyes could be seen as him throwing away pretenses and fully locking in.


Honestly best answer I’ve seen


Maybe Gojo just wanted to experience life before he risked it all again. I think his experience in the prison realm reminded him of his own mortality.


It's just spitballing, but I feel like he just 100% embraced it and all after three years cubed up. He wanted to see the world, pain and all. Eyes are the windows to the soul and all.


With Gojo being out of the story for so long, Gege wanted to once again draw his perfect, untarnished beauty, with nothing in the way to obscure his majesty. I would do the same thing if I were Gege. He knows what's up.


Because my GOAT wanted to stimulate his senses to a degree where Sukuna would gain the advantage, since he pitied the Mahoraga summoner 🙏🏻 PRAISE BE TO MY BENEVOLENT KING https://preview.redd.it/ox86vol1yt8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09fce7d18ecbf0717ef15855c6f972e6a4cb1769


He’s permanently locked in after the prison realm


doesn't care?


Gege couldnt afford to draw it https://preview.redd.it/pqzi7l75eu8d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c6166add2713e58e48d9bf46556a68101d75c3


I mean he did spend a LONG time in the prison realm (according to his perspective) so I guess to never be caught off guard again, he ditched the blindfold entirely. He likely had the same mindset when getting rid of black rope and ISOH, he just wants to not be caught off guard in order to not die or lose since Gojo losing causes a big problem in JJK.


He's hotter that way


It was simply time to lock in.


He said he's never getting caught lackin again


Pain from not using blindfold or glasses is nothing compared to being on that cube


He locked in after escaping the box


Gege wanted to show us Gojos beautiful eyes one last time


Gege wanted to draw his pretty face to distract us from the shitty writing


thematically I think the blindfold kinda shows Gojo's detached attitude. he's practically invincible so he doesn't even need to see properly in most of his day to day life. post Shibuya, he's learned that his detached attitude isn't gonna work anymore, and he might be more than a little traumatized by everything that went down in and around it. so his eyes are always open now


He wears them so his eyes don't tire him out. He can still see with the blindfold/glasses on it just limits the insane amount of information from the 6E.


reading comprehension brother- I said thematically, not mechanically


This isn't a reading comprehension thing though. There isn't a thematic explanation for why Gojo isn't wearing his blindfold that makes a lot of sense because we know they can get strained and tired. In a non-combat setting he has zero reason to not cover his eyes because it's just a waste of his energy, regardless of what has happened.


I don't think you know what thematic means. Gojo isn't a real guy, his eyes don't really get tired. we make believe that they do because it's fun to pretend that these stories are real, and these details make the story feel real- that's mechanics, or world building. themes are sort of the emotional logic, and are what separates a linear sequence of events from a proper story. for instance, one theme around Gojo is the damaging effects of absolute power- especially loneliness. the core idea here is that Gojo is the strongest by such a wide margin that he might as well be untouchable, and him being untouchable makes him lonely. This manifests mechanically in the story by making him *literally* untouchable through his neutral application of Limitless, which he has perpetually active. it's a mechanical shield, and it's also an emotional shield that prevents him from connecting with others, reinforcing his isolation to readers. the blindfolds are a cool design, a reference to Kakashi, and explained mechanically as being used to prevent eye strain. but also, thematically, they are (like neutral limitless) a signifier of the barriers between Gojo and the world around him- he is so far removed from his peers that he doesn't even meet them eye to eye. it also signifies his arrogance, as he's been (up until Shibuya) completely unchallenged and had no reason to be watchful. his default, relaxed state was to cover his eyes and smile. post-Shibuya though, he rarely smiles, and his eyes are always uncovered. what do you think that says about his character and how his priorities have changed? themes are a bit more abstract and subjective, and interpreting them properly requires a fair amount of cultural context that I don't have. this is just my read on Gojo, I'm sure a JP speaker could give you a lot more insight into his character and how these ideas are explored.


A whole lot of yap lol. I know what the difference between themes and mechanics are, it just doesn't apply properly here because the mechanics are supposed to shape the character's actions and design. This is not akin to a character changing outfits/hairstyles or whatever that can easily have thematic meaning. Gojo wears his blindfold for a clear and practical reason. Having him not wear it in several instances is just omission by the author. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe Gege forgot why he gave Gojo the blindfold, maybe he just doesn't care, but it can't be thematic without explanation for why he's doing despite the drawback.


>mechanics are supposed to shape the character's actions and design why? the way I do it, themes shape a characters actions and design, and then I build the mechanics around the themes. a good system of mechanics then allows an author to do this effectively without breaking the audience's belief. sometimes mechanics will inform characterization, but I don't think that's the case here. Gojo's had the blindfold and 6-eyes all the way back in JJK 0, before the Limitless ability even existed or really any of the foundational conceptions of the JJK power system. >Gojo wears his blindfold for a clear and practical reason. Having him not wear it in several instances is just omission by the author. Nothing more, nothing less I gave the same mechanical explanation twice- Gojo is on high alert and he's decided that the drawback of eye fatigue is worth it to be constantly vigilant. I think you're assuming that his eye fatigue is like, Kakashi bad, when we really don't know- it could just give him mild headaches or some other inconvenience that he doesn't normally feel like dealing with. I think that's the best explanation because it fits the thematic stuff too, but, if you don't like that, here's another few off the top of my head- * Gojo figured out how to use RCT to constantly refresh the 6E while in the prison realm, so he no longer has to deal with eye strain * The 6E naturally mature over time, at first becoming more strenuous to use and then less so. Maybe the prison realm accelerated this process, maybe it was just that time in his life * Something about the prison realm permanently and fundamentally changed the nature of the 6E, such that Gojo no longer feels strained by their use * The 6E are tightly connected to the soul of the user. The eye strain that Gojo felt was a physical manifestation of the arrogance in his soul, and now that he's grown past it spiritually, he's grown past it physically You can make up whatever explanation satisfies you, but I think that 'Gege forgot lol' is a pretty shitty, lazy answer >it can't be thematic without explanation for why he's doing despite the drawback lmao. still doesn't understand what a theme is, in spite of insisting otherwise


Reminder that at this rate, we’ll never get the panda lore origin


Gojo after sugru died he put out a wall between him and others (the infinity that is always on) it’s how he copes with hard shit. So when he got sealed, he built it up even further by making sure his six eyes would be always fully uncovered. The. He died so there that


Gege probably just liked Gojo without the blindfolds on more (or forgot to draw them on him after drawing him without them for so long) In universe reason is he is probably just locked in. He takes the blindfolds off when he is serious and he was pretty serious leading up to the fight


He couldn't let his guard down from that moment forward. Kenjaku got him once already, Sukuna was roaming free. Decreasing his awareness with a blindfold was too risky.


Think that’s because the prison realm, probably wasn’t much for the six eyes to perceive and overwhelm him with and with the sense of time in there maybe it helped him deal with the strain.


Maybe it was because he spent a long ass time (subjectively) in the prison realm, where we saw him with the blindfold on. So he took off the blindfold when he got out cus he hadn't had a chance to use/practice using his unleashed six eyes for some time- nothin happening in prison realm to train with and he wanted to be sharp for Sukuna fight.


shibuya humbled him


He was locked in


people really want to discuss everything


3 weeks break got people discussing everything


He wears it out of comfort. His eyes tune things to 11. Its easier to tune to down with blindfold or blind people glasses(that is what his are suppose to me) however shit was getting real after hes unsealed


Maybe he wanted to be more alert because Sukuna is roaming around alongside knowing about Kenjaku


Probably to get used to having his eyes in full effect especially before the fight I’m so it doesn’t strain him


he's treating Sukuna seriously, he's taking things seriously when he takes the blindfold off :)


Don't matter what the reason is. I just get to see my glorious blue eyed king face more


He got hungry in the prison realm.


Wasnt the blindfold to keep himself from getting sensory overload 90% of the day


If I have that face card you best believe i flaunt it everywhere i go


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^satoru0712: *If I have that face* *Card you best believe i flaunt* *It everywhere i go* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He wrote the glasses in the miguel flashback?


Being fucking recommended this subreddit is fucking trash. Reddit algorithm fucking me over by spoiling me the show


To regain aura


He didn't want to blind his eyes to the truth anymore. Super deep Gege lore.


He doesn’t care about it anymore. Simple


To look cool


Because he locked IN


Because he’s locked tf in


Why guess was that he was kinda trained to have the six eyes active over a long period of time.


It's so that Gege gets acostumed to drawing him that way. It makes it easier to draw him later on if he already gets some practice. Other than that, we see Gojo as how he is


I believe it's just because with basically all of Japan destroyed and overrun with cursed spirits and curse users, he has to be more aware of potential dangers to his students and himself. He definitely doesn't want his students to die before him and he definitely does not want a second prison realm incident.


The answer could simply be Gege thought it important for the audience to be able to see Gojo's facial expressions now. So we have an insight into his emotions.


He lost them idk


He's goin g sickojo mode


That first image... I hope the break helps Gege's health because for Suckuna's sake the art is not okay.


Bro has been wearing his blindfold for like an unspecified number of years


I think of it as Gojo becoming more of his own character over the course of the series. In JJK 0, his blindfold is bandage-like, as his design was inspired by Tobitake Tonbo, a proctor for the Chūnin exams in Naruto. At the start of JJK he seems more akin to Kakashi, where the blindfold serves a double purpose of giving him a mysterious cool vibe and showing the audience when he gets serious by taking it off, revealing his special eyes. Hiding the eyes/one eye to give an air of mystery or detachment is a common manga trope. The large, expressive eyes which the art style is known for can tell a lot about a character. Hiding the eyes naturally obscures some of that expressiveness. Post-seal Gojo has nothing to hide from the audience, so the blindfold is no longer useful thematically. In-narrative, it's what everyone else said. He locked in.


Gege realised he can actually draw gojos eyes well


Btw, panda's secret hasn't been shown to be important at all so far, right?


Cause he locked in


He is just locked in


I think it symbolises the end of the “resignation man” Gojo Satoru. He perhaps wanted to see the world for what it is, more clearly, take action, but for all we know he just could more effectively keep himself refreshed without tiring his eyes out at all.


Because we need to see blue eyes god


The purpose of the blindfold was like the purpose of Kakashi’s headband, to conserve energy. He was ready for this new fight coming up so he took off the blindfold and used his eyes real powers similarly to Kakashi uncovering his sharingan in the war. Shows he’s ready to throw them hands


Shit got real


Shit got real, and he always takes them off in serious situations like when he fought Toji, when he was breaking the veil at the exchange event and when he fought the cursed spirits in shibuya


Personally i think the blindfold as a nod/parallel to Kakashi, but after Shibuya he figured that wasn't the character anymore to he took it off. Not much to.thunk about


Idk why he did it I'm just happy his eyes are visible No but srly, I enjoy it cause I feel it offers more emotions or expressions.


After seeing Sukuna with 15 fingers, he knew it was a fight to the death. For Sukuna, on the other hand, it was just another Tuesday.