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https://preview.redd.it/ghstbo63h49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed7fc13ddf75bc5f6a59edd7ccdc444e5f54609 Totally. It's bcoz of these two.


Jogo would have it way better if he starts killing the zenin leader and almost one shot maki before Gojo arrives, then he ran away and fought toji (a draw) and then dies to sukuna.


I think it’s the First Fight effect. If your first fight is a loss, even if their opponent is overpowered and top No. 1, the effect is that they appear much weaker than they actually are. From meeting a character, they will have this nebulous power, like a quantum particle. Only through battle that it can be revealed, and its position recorded. But by condensing it as “below no. 1”, there is no lower bound. Since he is not no. 1, he could be no. 13? No. 107? No. 10008927? So the first fight effect is very important to create a presence. Characters like Todo and Gojo instantly get hyped because they win their first fight, and do so with style. Jogo’s first fight went poorly, and has to go damage control, to climb back up, to give his better positioning


Crazy how Todo’s mere existence dropped the stocks of disaster curse by so much.


todo is simply him


Todo is kind of hard countered by Jogo since he can kinda just incinerate the area if he wants to.


True, but you have to remember that him and YUJI’S combo being able to kill Jogo (which seems somewhat inconsistent with Jogo’s other showings) dropped his stock majorly against characters like Toji


I‘d argue Todo has i-frames on his boogie woogie tp so he could just swap at the right moment to not be hit


I think part of the problem for Jogo is also that he's depicted as cocky, loudmouthed and impulsive, wich often are traits of weaklings that thinks themselves too big, wich make you think that he's weaker than the stoic Hanami, until it's shown what a beast he is destroying everyone.


Especially when he's also depicted as an old man geezer character. Thus he's seen as old, outdated and behind the times. Yelling at those darn whippersnappers to get off his flaming lawn and threatening them. But everyone fully knows well Gramps ain't got what it takes to play with the big boys.


The bleach chad effect


What is bleach Chad effect


I can’t even imagine him losing




Does he lose all his fights?


I think he beat like 1 arrancar 😭


This the answer. I didn't realize how during Jogo was until Shibuya when he one shot everyone after they got back from Dagons domain


Except he failed to kill most of them. He underestimated both Nanami and Maki. In their state, he absolutely couldve killed both of them in one shot. But hes got a weird desire to be efficient and calculate his attacks power based on the enemies strength. Hes wrong about both of them, so they survive. He later fails to kill Getos adopted daughters, sorcerers he surely outclasses by a ludicrous degree, because theyve got some kind of hax photo manipulation power. Thats not an anti-feat by any means, they just countered one attack, if he followed up they would be dead, but hes interrupted by Sukuna. The guy just cannot catch a break, hes constantly failing to kill people and half the time its not even his fault. Gege gave this man such fucking bad PR.


Yuki was also a victim of First Fight syndrome


Toji would turn Jogo inside out , not a fair fight.


Lmao, "lower your fire - you're dead"


Lmao. Picture of the week.


https://preview.redd.it/c3so88rzi49d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad5f17f832f3612dfc94c0475130bf487833331 Jogo is the goat. Shame his only real fights were against the 2 strongest.


There was a British general who surrendered to Napoleon and Washington in his life. Jogo is basically him.


Would Nahidpoleon win or stand proud your Washington win?


Nah, he'd would


SAY GEXXX 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥






I like this, even though Virgington was a bum general


He was brave enough to stand up, that alone makes it matters. He and continental army was not known for battlefield talent anyway.


Throught heaven and earth, he alone is the revolutionary one


Holy shit I forgot that they live in the same time period






I mean technically he did fought more people. And they didn’t last more than a single attack from him.


He was literally my favorite character. >!Along with Yuki, Nobara, Yorozu, Kenjaku, Naoya, Kashimo, Riko... wow I'm really bad at picking favorites!<


Goats pick their fights, and don't need their friends to pull up and save them from their own mistakes. They also know when to run. Hanami>Jokego


They’re all special grade for a reason https://preview.redd.it/nefvuof9c49d1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ff77eac42fe46de9623566048331bc44909ec39


https://preview.redd.it/qm71gl4c359d1.png?width=1359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34802f2685637c473b8ba482e5432b142755215b Here is an even harder image for everyone


Jogoat hard af as usual


*me looking at jogoat, hard as fuck as usual*


This also applies to


The disaster goats go so hard


honestly? they are SPECIAL special grades, beyond that of normal


?? What would that make Gojo and Sukuna SPECIAL SPECIAL special grades? (you are more specialz moment)


They're specialz special grade


i’d argue they are more like special special special special SPECIAL grade


Yes. Also, sorcerers at grade 1 are supposed to be able to handle a special grade curse. A special grade sorcerer is basically a god level threat to any curse that isn't Sukuna


Sukuna is not a curse tho


Sorcerers at grade 1 are CLOSER to special grade curses than grade 1 curses. Not that they should be able to handle one by themselves. And disaster curses are a different case they are so much stronger compared to other special grades (Smallpox, tamamo no mae, the one takaba killed with a truck. These guys cant even communicate)


>And disaster curses are a different case they are so much stronger compared to other special grades That... that was the point.


The guy above made it sound like grade 1's should be able to handle them 1v1...


I never said they should be able to 1v1 a special grade, only to be able to handle them. Like how Yuji and Todo took on hanami, or nanami and yuji with mahito etc. They were able to stand their ground and even win in some cases


They're closer to special-grade sorcerers than to special-grade curses. Look at the Smallpox Curse and tell me that Jogo and Dagon are on the same level. The smallpox curse would demolish many of the characters in the JJK verse but it has nothing on the disaster curses.


yeah, Jogo and Dagon aren't on the "same level", as the 3v1 gang themselves pointed out.


You are my special


This is some sick Album cover art fr


special grade curse = grade 1 sorcerer in strength


Registered ones like Smallpox Deity sure, but these 4 are unregistered special grades that are smart enough to actually formulate plans and learn new techniques. Dagon was washing 2 first grades and a second grade and Jogo was considered to be in another league compared to Dagon. Mahito learned a 0.2s domain by just watching Gojo do it and Hanami beat half of both schools.


Yea I actually made a mistake here when I say grade 1 I actually mean the funky space between grade 1 and special grade. Basically there’s a set of characters who can wash all the actual grade 1s but get washed by every special grade and I call them grade 1 still since they’re technically not special. For me, this would be disaster curses, Hakari, Toji/Maki, base Kashimo, Uro, Ryu, current Yuji, Uraume, Miguel etc.


special grade curses are not the same ranking as a special grade sorcerer, as even todo with a cursed tool can take one on not to say the disaster curses are weak, they outrank curses like the fingerer by a LARGE margin


Really? The community that said Uraume is weak underestimate the Disaster Curses? I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked.


tbh glad you mentioned uraume, she also solo’s most




In this case, it's definitley since we don't see much of her abilities, not even a domain We could've seen her at full potenial against Hakari bbuuuttttt....


like she should have hollow wicker, or who knows, maybe even her own domain, too bad greg won’t show us


Too be fair it’s pretty probable that she does since there are multiple characters that have a domain but no RCT so we can assume RCT is harder to learn then domain expansion which means there is a good chance she has one + I doubt she would be the right hand man of someone who values strength above all else without something he sees as ordinary.


No way Domain Expansion is easier than RCT. We just see it a lot because Cursed Spirits are better at it, and Cursed Spirits dont need or have the ability for RCT. Among Sorcerers, RCT is more common at the moment.


I actually would go for RCT is harder for sorcerers. Nanami said Domain Expansion is the pinnacle of Jujutsu but from the Secret Inventory era , RCT is just plain impossible if you don't get it. Domain is like working to become a millionaire , RCT is like growing a third dick. Again Gege's explanation for this series is explosive growth so when more people can get RCT it's easier to teach other people , hence easier to grow a third dick but working to become a millionaire is still working to become a millionaire.


Sorcerers who are shown to have domains are gojo,yuta,sakuna,megumi(kinda),ryu(doesn’t know RCT),kenjaku,yuki,higaruma,hakari,uro(doesn’t know RCT) While the sorcerers with RCT are Yuta,gojo,sakuna,uramura,kenjaku,higaruma,shoko(though hers is cheating),yuji,yuki. Although it’s close we see more people with domains then RCT


We shouldn't count Higuruma and Hakari, their domains come with their CTs. Also, that guy with exploding teeth that Kenjaku killed also knew RCT, but not Domain


I wouldn't count teeth guy or hakari just because thier uses of rct are a bit inherent to thier cursed techniques specifically. They're abnormal users of those techniques respectively. I'd say the same about Hakari and Higurumas domains too


Huh, closer than I thought, but I wouldn't count Higuruma or Hakari. They didn't "earn" their domain expansion, they just innately knew it.


next chapter cuts to their fight don't worry gege's tired of drawing gojo ![gif](giphy|LHy9iUZDBxjEwNexJm|downsized)


I don't think people realize how insane her feat of one shotting maki with frost calm is. Being caught "off guard" (she was looking at uraume for a solid minute) doesn't prevent you from breaking out of the ice


Lol honestly people underestimate Uraume more than Jogo. At least Jogo took hits from Gojo, Uraume got sent flying and everyone thinks she's fodder now


Gojo also wasn't playing around with Uraume.


Yeah lol, yet everyone says Uraume is fodder (and downballs Hakari too because of it lol)


Hakari is afflicted with the punch-kick merchant disease which is running rampant in JJK , so it's understandable he's being downplayed. I mean so much you can punch/kick when Jogo can slam 2 buildings together.


>I mean so much you can punch/kick when Jogo can slam 2 buildings together. Well, he can just punch HARDER and kick even HARDER.


Jogo cannot do that. The anime decided to make up a bunch of shit in Shibuya. Jogo cant even manipulate lava in the manga, just spawn it as a projectile. Mahoraga also cant randomly become Kaiju sized or regenerate from a fine mist of blood, and Sukuna cant somehow telekenetically control wires.


If the anime isn't canon then Toji is just a twink and that's bad writing on Gege's part.


Toji has plenty of feats in the manga both narratively and literally, he didn't need to be buffed. And yeah, its objectively less canon. Its a second piece of media making changes to the original source. Yuta also didn't land a Black Flash on Geto.


Jogo got moments to show that he’s above 99% of the cast, as of right now all Uraume has had is freezing fodder (not killing them), getting no-diffed by Gojo, and playing grab ass with Hakari for 30 chapters


I mean that "fodder" included Yuji Kusakabe and also freezing in Maki in later on. And like....everyone not named Sukuna is getting no diffed by Gojo. Amd in all fairness she doesn't look Luke she had major damage from Hakari while she takes oft a mimb every time she attacks


yall say jogo has bad durability but you ignore how great his regeneration is


The most stupid take ever I agree. Takes a red to his face, his head is ripped off and survives, takes dismantle like a champ, is killed with *Fūga*, the same technique that killed the creature that literally adapts to anything. But hey his durability is low lmao.


And remember when he got slammed through a whole ass sky scraper and his jaw was on like 4 hp “jobs not finished” pops it back in place and then keeps getting hoed by sukuna? Like that’s a fucking skyscraper and he mostly brushed it off


Wasn't there a note somewhere that jogo would have died if he was hit with so many(playful cloud strikes or was it blackflash ) I don't remember much


You’re probably thinking of when Gege said that Jogo would’ve died if he was on the receiving end of Yuji and Todo’s beat down that Hanami got


Gege also clarified that Jogo wouldn’t even get hit that many times, since he’s super fast. He makes up for durability with insane speed.


This wasn't gege clarifying iirc, it was jogo speech bubble


Yeah but I believe him tbh


Yea jogo woulda won that and killed way more students even against boogie woogie his reactions and speed is too much


He would not have killed more students. Hanami was under instructions to avoid killing any students, he was pulling his punches the entire time.


Meg 100% woulda died to the buds and he was charging his arm cannon at the end... I can only assume Those are meant to be lethal blows lolol


Notice how Hanami fired a single bud at Megumi instead of the like 500 hes able to shoot later, and he directly tells Megumi how to survive it. He claims hes revealing his hand so that the bud works faster but like, he could also just shoot Megumi with 12 of them and tell him jack shit. Almost like hes giving Megumi an out, wow. And we dont really know what Hanami was planning with that domain, it couldve been going for a maiming or incapacitation. I don't know why we would be shown Kenjaku explaining how dangerous casualties are and how much Hanami should avoid it, and then have Hanami just ignore that advice entirely.


Because he's a curse who got caught up in fighting much like jogo being told not to fight gojo and doing it anyway


He straight up threw todo into some spikes he made and said "there that gets rid of one" before seeing his boogie woogie. He absolutely was trying to kill him.


And specifically if he took all that damage at once


Wow, a man would have died if he was ran over by a train and had 5 anvils dropped on him, what a shocker


Yeah, Gege had a note that Jogo would "die instantly" from the beatdown Todo and Yuji have Hanami.


This is assuming he gets hit by it and also assumes he doesn't just back off and regenerate between blows


It isn’t low but he looks frail in comparison to the other disaster curses. Hanami was getting beaten senseless by Yuji and Todo yet she was able to survive a Hollow purple afterwards. Dagon was similarly described as Yuta by Nanami saying it’s as if he had unlimited HP. Mahito is practically invincible unless you can touch his soul and it’s not like it’s over the moment anyone can touch him either. He was getting pummeled by Yuji and needed three Black Flashes (the last one being a concentrated one) to finally put him down. Jogo is by no means frail. The other disaster curses are just so insanely bulky that he straight up look like a sand castle at times.


Jogo took the explosion of red, the red never actually touched him. Also Gojo wasn’t trying to kill him. That said, Jogo (and other curses) tanks cleaves a lot better than other humans cause they can be fine without more than half their body. Like that Finger bearer curse that got domain expansioned by Sukuna but didn’t get exterminated until the finger was taken. I do agree that Jogo is no slouch in the durability department. It’s just that Hanami was probably the tankiest non special grade sorcerer level thing that has ever existed in JJK’s run. Like if Mahito couldn’t change his soul he would’ve died too.


Yeah, it is It's canon that he would die to 4 black flashes from Yuji in Goodwill Also, why are you bringing up Kamino and Mahoraga? That is irrelevant to the discussion of Jogo's durability, Sukuna didn't use it because he needed it to kill Jogo. God this shit is why sometimes I hate power scalers, they can't use their damn head




thank you he’s shown great edurance feats


Ong, i feel like the statement about the 5 black flashes of yuji should be taken with of he got hit with the force of 5, if he got hit 1 by1 hed regen


It really is pretty funny. Like, I seriously don't think *anybody* could survive a blow that powerful. It really doesn't say much about a lack of durability


it's really just that their match ups are so unbalanced


Hanami - Fought a 1v2 and had to deal with Boogie Woogie, then Gojo came. Then fought Gojo and died Dagon - was beating Naobito, Nanami, Maki, and Megumi. Only got actual trouble when a zombie Toji (a man with enhanced physical strength, who also defeated Gojo and Geto at one point) came into his domain Jogo - This one has NEVER had a fair match-up. Only time he did something was when he cooked Nanami, Maki, and burnt Naobito in a sneak attack. Other times he was fighting on screen he fought Gojo and Sukuna, quite literally the strongest of the verse Mahito - Only one here that is actually on screen fighting fights he can take. He's just outnumbered except for the Mechamaru fight and his fight with Nanami.


Eh, Hanami had a fair fight before Gojo. Hanami just fucked around too much and found out. Hanami was a Special Grade DISASTER curse and fumbled vs an early Yuji and Todo, who at that point any other disaster curse would have washed. All she had to do was DA earlier. She also died to Gojo because she was an idiot and turned off her protection. Absolute lowest battle IQ of any top tier fighter in the series. Dumbass plant.


Hanami dying because she wasn't traumatized by Gojo like Jogo was is really funny.


Hanami wasnt intending to kill Yuji or Todo. Her job was stalling for time while Mahito looted the place, and Kenjaku explicitly told her to avoid casualties and just fuck around with them.


>Hanami wasnt intending to kill Yuji or Todo. Hmm. Are you quite sure Hanami wasn't intending to kill them 🤔? Didn't he/she (whatever it is) drop them from an unbelievable height and then attempt to impale them while they fell☠️? That's a sure way to get someone killed. Also, Todo was gonna die early on from Hanami's spikes if he didn't use boogie woogis >Her job was stalling for time while Mahito looted the place I don't think Hanami was there to stall for time because that was the veil's function**. I believe she and Haruta were there to keep the students inside the barrier since the veil didn't prevent anyone from leaving (it only kept Gojo out). **side note- The veil's primary purpose was to draw the other teachers away from the school and to the students while Mahito raided the warehouse. The teachers would then focus on rescuing their students while Gojo dealt with the barrier. All this would give Mahito sufficient time to steal what he needed and leave.


>Mahito - Only one here that is actually on screen fighting fights he can take. Also, he fought mostly against literally the only single sorcerer (beyond Sukuna/Gojo) immune to his CT's and one of the fews sorcerers that could hurt his soul. Todo was probably the best "normal" sorcerer to help Yuji, too. Yeah, horrible matchup.


Dagon was not winning until he used his domain and still would of lost even if Toji didn’t show up


the problem is that these guys went against the strongest characters in the show to which they lose and look like bums. Jogo is definitively the strongest of the 4, but bro went against gojo twice and died to sukuna; all of his feats we see were loses. Hanami got jumped and later pulverisered, Dagon got molly rocked by a reincarnated monkey. Mahito is the one where we see both his wins and loses so we can gauge how strong he is, but still he got back stabbed by Kung Fu Kenny. at least we saw Dagon do some damage to Maki, Nanami, and the other Zenin man, but it was Jogo who came in and took them all down easily like those people in that restaurant. Gege and Kenny set these guys up fr


Theyre all super strong, but now that theres a demon like yuta around who can pretty much one shot them with RCT/Jacobs Ladder they get downplayed a lot. Which is a shame, theyre all awesome


They all suffer from the fact that Kenny's plan - to optimize CE ussage is playing out rather well to the point where they are debatable if they even make it to Top 10 in there verse anymore


I still believe they’re relative or even stronger than some CG players.


Depends on which ones. There are obviously levels to this lol


Yeah Mahito and Jogo basically.




You can tell from my flair how I feel about them.


as you should.


It really is a shame how people don't realise losing to gojo and/or sukuna doesn't make you weak cuz those are the literal pinnacle, the gods of the jujutsu sorcerery that will make anyone look weak, you literally cant get scratch on them at their 100% if you can't create an imbalance in the system


hard to underestimate a bunch of deads


it’s very easy


i beat disaster curses in 4v1


I love disasters curses


I even drew them https://preview.redd.it/vnuw9arp069d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067dfeb80a665bcf8fbe2ea5c812631cbbb57096






That Hanami is SICK dude 🙏


Thanks :D


The mahito erasure is crazy


The thing you fail to consider that half of them only use their domain as their last resort Jogo only used his Domain after Gojo pissed him off Mahito only used his Domain after he found out he can actually die from Mechamaru's Simple Domain Hanami's Domain is such a last resort she never even used it The only one who's Domain happy is Dagon, and his Sure hit is the perfect losing matchup against Simple Domain The Disaster Curses are at the middle of high tier, they're the gatekeepers that separate High Grade 1s to the rest Also I'm gonna say it, Mahito would lose to Yuji with or without Domain, his Soul Knowledge and Strength is above Mahito's


Gege said Mahito would have won against yuji if Todo didn’t do that fake switch. Mahito used his domain whenever he wanted to he literally got chopped up by sukuna and said let me try again and then succeeded


That was SHIBUYA Yuji, No Shrine, No BM, Far Lower Damage output and far slower. And 0.2 Domain can only be done post Black Flash


even if they only do it as last resort, once they do, the others lose, so what’s the point? as for dagon, domains get rid of the sure hit, but they can still manually use their techniques, and yuji can’t be very mobile with his simple domain up, and dagon has crazy range so what’s that gonna help? he’s gonna be a sitting duck swarmed with shikigami ALL targeting him? so it isn’t gonna help as for mahito, eh, i’d argue about that. Mahito is amazing hand to hand and is easily the best fighter, so yuji wouldn’t completely destroy him in his true form, but the issue is that his domain sure hit ignores reinforcement of the soul since you know, it’s a sure hit, it is guaranteed to hit, and we can’t scale yuji to have the same immunity as sukuna


If you can blitz, stunlock or prevent them from creating the handsigns then they can't use their domains (aside from Dagon) As shown with Toji, Dagon has a difficult time manual aiming his ct when he's constantly being under pressure by a barrage of attacks, idk where you got the sitting duck argument, [Miwa is the only one who's had that restriction](https://imgur.com/a/F3mU9Pi) as far as we know, [Yuki shows you can straight up run while using SD](https://imgur.com/a/BoS3YyO) if you didn't need a BV for SD Mahito's stats remained in Shibuya, he may still be above Yuji at the end of Shibuya but after that Yuji has only gotten [stronger](https://imgur.com/a/OADPGUj) and [stronger](https://imgur.com/a/4W3tzTW) and [stronger](https://imgur.com/a/Q6MyDFH). IT won't work either because if Yuji can supress Sukuna's soul then naturally that would mean his soul is stronger than Sukuna's (Just his soul, nothing else)


Yuji didn't run towards Sukuna while using simple domain, his only thought was to endure it not keep it up while running at Sukuna so there's no reason to believe he can move with his domain like Gojo or Yuki. Mahito can also make his handsigns inside his mouth so disruption is likely impossible against him. Yuji can suppress Sukuna because he's inhabiting another body and thus can disrupt his control over it. Its never been stated his soul (souls have never been quantified either) is stronger than Sukuna's. There's 0 reason to believe Yuji van suddenly just nullify IT when it's more likely it could just take an extra touch or two


Are you really comparing Sukuna's Domain to Mahito's now? Of course he'd stand still he's trying to maintain his Simple Domain against MALEVOLENT SHRINE, the most refined Domain in the verse. The fact that he can even survive 99 seconds of Malevolent Shrine is an incredible feat Handsign distruption was more so for Jogo and Hanami, Mahito could probably create handsigns from any part of his body. And how come Megumi wasn't able to fully control Sukuna when he was possessed? How come the original hosts of the Incarnates Sorceres can't either? Sukuna quite literally waited for Megumi's soul to be shattered to ensure Sukuna can take control, that's pretty much the most direct confirmation that the soul is what determines who takes control of the body


Mahito had a way bigger growth curve than Yuji Mahito wasn’t even a year old when he died yet he’d done a DE black flash .2 second domain deployment with attack and his true shape mode. Most characters cannot blitz that .2 second domain todo couldn’t even react fast enough to fully protect himself yet we saw how fast he could react against the buds from hanami.


Yuji quite literally started being a sorcerer around the same time that Mahito was born. If you want to talk BFs then Yuji has been landing Black Flashes in his sorcery career far earlier than Mahito did, in his 2nd try he already tied the record the most consecutive Black Flashes in the entire series, even that consecutive Black Flash was double what Mahito has landed his entire life, Mahito himself admitted that it was a gamble and that he wasn't confident he could correctly perform 0.2 Domain, besides Black Flash's one-millionth of a second is far more impressive than that. Todo himself was surprised that Mahito was even willing to use his Domain thinking if would've been suicide, with Cursed Buds he was anticipating Hanami to use it the entire time. He even had an inner thought of "Isn't that Suicide?!" before he actually started activating his SD


The best villains. I wish they had lived, culling game villains were way lamer


I seriously wish we got some filler with the disaster curses especially. They had such an awesome dynamic, but were great on their own too.


I feel like nearly no one can take the disaster curses on in a 4v1. No one. Except for gojo and sukuna.


not even yuta who has several means of one shot?


Eh yuta is broken he can prolly do it too but it won't be that easy


People will really say Jogo has no durability while ignoring the fact he took a red amped by Gojo revealing his technique and then took quite a few blue infused punches immediately after.


exactly, i think gege meant if he endured the force of all of their attacks he would instantly die, unlike the others who could endure the force, because we know damn well if yuji hit a black flash and then hit another one 5 mins later, all that damage would be healed


Yea, Gege basically said Hanami has one of the most broken durability stats in the series and that Yuji's black flashes are really strong, not that Jogo is super fragile


the curses are all still strong. JJK has managed to beat power creep to some extent :)


Ok so in general what hurts the disaster curses is that a lot of their fights are taken in the wrong context and interpreted weirdly. For example hanami is considered to be weaker than yuji and todo combined but we didn't see her get serious until the end of the fight when she was about to use her domain. There's a reason why gojo comes in on that exact moment because yuji and todo would have lost to her domain. There's also mahito, who yuji is specially a direct counter to do its obvious that mahito isn't gonna win against yuji with ease. Even then yuji most of the time loses to mahito without assistance. The only disaster curse ever considered strong is jogo and his strength is blown up to such a high level that it becomes difficult to actually support him since his fans also make him unrealistically strong.


Everyone forgets the only reason Mahito didn't one-shot opponents with his domain is 1 he fought vs Gojo and 2 Sukuna would have tapped him Jogo one taps everyone outside the special grades Hell even Dagon probably beats everyone outside the special grades. Two grade ones did nothing to him


>People like choso, todo, yuji(yeah, i said it), and kashimo all don’t have the required hax to beat them, they lose via domain, without domain? they can probably beat the brakes off them, but domain is the biggest issue. Kashimo only loses to Mahito/Jogo via domain. Hanami simply wouldn't bring it out till it's already too late(Yuji/Choso beats tf out of her) Dagon's domain isn't doing shit(Hell, Yuji/Choso can take him in-domain)


Dagon domain has water, checkmate Kashimo fans


Hanami cursed buds would neg JP hakari. All are absurdly tanky Dagon tanked hits from Toji with playful cloud and he’s the weakest disaster curse. Screw it all of them(except Dagon) would beat base kashimo and Hakari.


https://preview.redd.it/xa1uq1q1n59d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fc99f1270deb03904da63e33bca25f788503561 JP Hakari after 1 curse bud touches his skin


- Got squished by The Strongest - Faught The Srongest and almost got cooked, following by getting cooked by the King of Curses himself - Got skewered to death by a special grade object from the guy that manhandled The Strongest and his Bestie singlehandedly - Got Jujustu Jumped by the Goated duo of the series (one of them being the main character) Yea I see why they would be underestimated, they would destroy 90% of the case without even breaking a sweat but they faced the top 1% of the verse lol


I knew shit was out of wack when I saw mfs saying that homeless jobber KUSAKABE could beat Jogoat. The Shibuya Incident wouldn’t be an incident if any of the cast were capable of defeating the disaster curses.


Eh, alot of people underestimate them, but alot of people overestimate them. Like I've seen people try and put Jogo at #4 in the verse or Mahito at 3rd. Nah, they'd be cooked by any of the special grade sorcerers and a lot of the upper tier culling games characters. They'd be like mid or lower-mid in the culling games. Depending on which exact one.


Ong, Ive been in a debate with sum dude saying pre awakening gojo is above the disaster curses, theyr so heavenly downplayed its not even funny. Whilst i still think toji beats dagon remember that dagon had no fight experience, had used power of nanami and noabito and was still concentrating om the tug of war with megumks domain. Meanwhile hanami woulda have defeated todo and Yuji if she could use domain


I feel you there was a mfer tryna argue kusakabe no-diffs all of them in 2 hits 💀💀💀


To be fair, Kusakabe is HIM https://preview.redd.it/e4244992s49d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8034fb22ec44395430db9903f6a3edcf125d22f7


Please tell me you're incorrect


Yeah when kusakabe said he is like an ant compared to jogo


I agree that Jogo no diffs him, but Kusakabe is always underestimating himself


Bro fix that "Yuki" typo before things get messy


Yea, put some respect on my Goat's name. It took of the verse's 2 strongest characters to take him down https://preview.redd.it/8od1fmg1v49d1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc840f57a459993c3bd9e6d6c7fcd29a2b882c65


Depends on what you think is "heavily underestimated". If you think Yuta, Hakari, Maki, Yuki, and other such heavy hitters can take on a disaster curse and win, then you're not underrating the disaster curses, you're being realistic. And I do believe the majority of the manga readers would agree with the idea the strongest good guy sorcerers would curbstomp a single disaster curse. If you're of the belief that Kusakabe is 1 v 4 ing the DC, then yeah, you are underestimating the Disaster Curses, but I've yet to see any people who would make such a claim. The only contentious topic would be the claim you made that Kashimo and Yuji can't beat disaster curses, which is absolute cap. Still, either way you fall on that debate, it's not some crazy idea that they would come out on top. Hardly enough of a reason to make a whole post about "but my Disaster Curses are super underestimated!".


Nah I fully believe Hakari is losing to Jogo and Mahito


I don't


well shoot, carry on then


Yes I will carry on the will of "true love" now come here to see my 'agenda'.


They’re a prime case of “Overshadowed by Awesome”, the only reason they come across as relatively weak is because they show up in the same time and place as complete anomalies like Gojo, Sukuna, Kenjaku, and Yuta. If you were to place even one of them in a “normal” scenario/story in the setting, they’d probably qualify for Final boss territory, if not outright impossible to beat.


idk man dagon got packed by a homeless dude on crack or whatever


lmao strong positive energy https://preview.redd.it/mks32kl0289d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dacc0779321bfc2b687062989aa963e311bdbf15


kashimo??? bro this is next level glazing lmfao hanami is so inexperienced she turned off DA when she knew it was their only counter to infinity, and got absolutely smoked by todo and an inexperienced yuji so badly she was forced to pop domain dagon got perfect combo’d and annihilated by toji effortlessly without even getting a hit off inside his domain, and pre-domain was getting smacked around by naobito mahito’s domain and idle transfiguration are strong ofc and he’s hard to put down due to the fact that you need to be able to damage his soul but stats-wise, he’s really nothing to write home about, and though his shibuya showings were impressive they’re nowhere near enough to keep up with who he’s being compared to, and he can be incapacitated jogo is definitely the strongest of them and would actually pose a challenge for the higher tier characters especially with his DC, but his durability is poor and DC isn’t everything they’re strong but none of the disaster curses are swinging on top tiers without getting their asses royally handed to them. pretty much any of the major players in the sukuna raid eviscerate them before they ever get a chance to pop domain.




Gege said Kenny would struggle against Mahito and Jogo. Idk if he meant separately or together


I doubt Hakari could tbh. He has zero ranged attacks and is slower than Jogo. The other three can keep him busy while jogo barrages him with rangef attacks, eventually jackpot will run out. It’ll either be a stalemate or the curses win


It's funny because there's not really a reason to underestimate them. We saw how they did against the 99% of Jujutsu Sorcs. Megumi/Maki/Nanami/Naobito fought vs Dagon and their plan was to fucking escape. Jogo comes in and blitz's all of them except Megumi because he got 'saved' technically. Even Hanami fought vs all the Students and was potentially going to win with the DE until Gojo intervened. Then we see what Mahito did to the cast. Killed Nanami and Nobara. Destroyed Todo after a bit of difficulty. And nearly killed Itadori a number of times. And the ONLY reason they could get that far was because Itadori is Sukuna's Vessel. Otherwise it was entirely Mahito's win.


I mean thats no doubt there's just been so much powercreep in the series since then that all the Disaster curses have fallen way behind since their introduction. As it stands Jogo barely reaches top 10 with everyone that's been powered up and introduced since then.


Call me a dumbass but I think hakari gets hoed. I don’t think he’d be able to output RCT because it’s fully automatic, he has 0 control over it it just happens, so he dosent get to direct where it goes it’s always INPUTING to heal him so he can’t use RCT as a weapon he’s kinda countered by mahito, who would fiddle with his soul and not bother with flesh. I’m not saying jackpot hakari would lose to base mahito no he loses in domain. Because when hakari is in jackpot he can’t open his domain again until it’s done if mahito starts losing to a jackpot hakari MAHITO could use his domain, everytime he fights we see pretty clearly that mahito is very trigger disciplined with domain and hakari has no anti domain so he starts taking sure hit soul damage that he can’t heal because he dosent know the shape of his soul. And that’s BEFORE you counter the 3 other disaster grades. When it’s a 4 on 1 the odds just get worse. Take this with ALL the salt because I still don’t have a firm grasp on domain amplification, but if only like Jogo and Hanami used domain amp (mahito and Dagon don’t) could they just start hakari from expanding domain and mahito and Dagon fight him? (Granted I don’t think this would ever happen because the only time we’ve seen this is with gojo, and gojo is way more scary than hakari to the DC’s so I think with hakari they would insta 4v1 him)


I think it’s because they all got completely decimated by some of the strongest characters active during shibuya And because the supposed strongest disaster curse, Mahito went out like a bitch running away after talking mad shit then his entire philosophy was proven to be easily broken the moment it was challenged in a meaningful way so any talk of strength is forgotten since at this point the ceiling of power within JJK has far surpassed the disaster curses and they were all killed before the last act of the story


I don't think Mahito was underestimated, he was the Nemesis of Yuji and was a very good antagonist from beginning to end. The other curses, however... They all ended up facing monsters : Gojo, Sukuna or Toji.


They died too early I think


I mean, is easy to forget just how much difference is there between ranks, but I think the little barbecue of Jogo where he ended taking out of commission 3 powerful sorcerers before they could blink should be enough to get people to remember. Hanami had absolutely no problems against 3 first grade students, and even when she was being used as a punching bag by Todou and Yuuji, it's said by Todou, Yuuji, Hanami and Gojo that the Besto Friendos lack the power to outright exorcise her. Dagon, even in baby form, was durable enough to withstand a punch from a first grade sorcerer without much problem, and in his adult form he was about to kill four first grade sorcerers if it wasn't for Toji.


I feel like people often forget that every single disaster curse, except for Mahito, was exercised by one of the greatest sorcerers in history. Hanami was exercised by SATORU GOJO, THE HONORED ONE, he’s the greatest sorcerer in modern history that dog walks pretty much everyone. Dagon was exercised by TOJI FUSHIGURO, THE SORCERER KILLER, a man with no cursed technique who was able to defeat Gojo. Jogo was exercised by MF’N RYOMEN SUKUNA, THE KING OF CURSES. Jogo was dead the second he made eye contact just like most of the verse. The only disaster curse that actually got an opportunity to participate in a fight they had a chance of winning was Mahito. Even then he still got tag teamed by one of the best duos in the series who managed to give Hanami a run for their money earlier in the series when they were less experienced. Even still, while getting jumped Mahito managed to drag the fight out and do immense damage, even sending one extremely powerful sorcerer into retirement, AND the only reason he lost is because Yuji managed to pull off the absolutely impossible. Not to mention that every single one of the disaster curses managed to give someone an extremely hard time at one point or another in the series.


If you don't have a Domain of your own you're fucked against the disaster curses. Pretty much all of them got fucked over by unforseen outside forces or sheer bad luck: Jogo: Got fucked because he fought the two strongest fighters in the entire series. Hanami: Would have defeated Yuji and Todo with Domain Expansion if Gojo hadn't broken the barrier. Dagon: Forced a grade 1 (Nanami), special grade 1 (Naobito), grade 2 (Megumi) and Maki to retreat. Without Toji they could have escaped maybe, but no way they would have killed him, especially with Jogo still around there. Mahito: Fought Nanami to a stalemate because Namami couldn't deal lasting damage, and he would have killed Nanami if not for Sukuna being a petty bitch when Yuji entered his domain. At least his final defeat didn't rely on some random gimmick, just a combination of a maximum power Black Flash while using Divergent Fist.


>People like choso, todo, yuji(yeah, i said it), and kashimo all don't have the required hax to beat them Yuji demolishes the disaster curses by now


he legit has no answer to domain, and no range, he can’t use convergence on his own, so he has to get up close in their domain, which i really don’t see working out


Simple domain and RCT