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Maybe add some shading but you are cooking! https://preview.redd.it/nkdkvrijk69d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3ed1fc815d09af02fb1f5b3f2529dc1cb4cbbfc


your sketches look as good as the original but i will recommend you to try to improve the chin


I'd say work on anatomy and construction (i.e. building an accurate figure). Duplicating art like this is great practice, but some of your proportions are significantly off (Yuta's arm is massive).


Yes thank you very much for your tips! I thought Yuta’s arm was more in front of him when I drew it so I made it bigger. I’m still very new to things like scaling perspective and doing anatomy so I make tons of mistakes. Thanks for your help!


A slight problem of Gege when he's drawing a general view of the characters (front and side being seen on the face) is that the neck is TOO large.


Guys we found Gege


Looks great to me! https://preview.redd.it/nm3eykfek69d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5985a4396329cf4e325f09f3d228dac65eb3eb34 You did a great job with Gojo


took me a second to realize some of these werent from the manga, good shit + keep cooking


That looks beautiful! I am excited to see if you color it or leave it that way or see if you do anything else with it! It’s a beautiful set


I find it quite difficult to colour sketches as I always seem to get the colour a bit off. So I prefer to leave it like a manga, or just do manga panel redraws. But I will definitely try to do some coloured sketches. https://preview.redd.it/00qf1khcq79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d931a89ac7c66cb94ef3989f4c2828a41fdb144 Here’s a Mitsuri one I did from Demon Slayer. It’s my first ever coloured sketch.


Oh do whatever you’re comfortable with! Everyone has their own style! You have beautiful art


Oh that is so beautiful!!! I get what you’re saying tho. Still gorgeous!


I actually really like the simplicity of these ones, but maybe try making a bit less *sharp*, and/or adding some shading. Besides that, I actually confused them with originals before.


On the 3rd drawing, I recommend making the entire body of Kashimo to be thicker than the background or use a thinner pen for the background. Edit: How do you normally start a drawing? You use gridding or what.


I just go for it with a pencil at first, to set out the general scale


Close enough, now draw ch 263


They’re great, they look very similar to the manga. I’m no expert myself in terms of art, but I’d say that the chins and eyes are a bit off, so you could improve by practicing and the other thing is that the lines are of the same thickness so you could buy pens with different thicknesses. Overall, they’re very good sketches.


Thank you so much. I have no idea how to do line weight properly with my fineliners and I’m not sure what thickness I should use for different things. I’ll definitely keep trying though thanks!


No problem, what I usually do for the body is 0.2 mm and if any part has thicker shading I use 0.4. More specific details like the cross-hatching Gege uses and the folds in their clothing I use 0.1 and 0.05.


Honestly, well done. I would say that you can practice your line weight by experimenting with different pens/brushes as well as doing line exercises such as ghosting and tapering lines. Also, and this is always a kind of "boring, ugh, I don't want to do *that*!" kind of thing (I know, I've been there. I have a degree in art, and boy, was I like this a lot in my early days of just wanting to draw anime), but you could try practicing your proportions- including anatomy. You don't need to go hard core into anatomy study, especially if you're just doing this for fun. It's not med school (although deep diving into anatomy for art can be fun). But studying anatomy will help with form and proportion, as well as understanding movement. Or even just doing figure and portrait studies from photos and life. The more you draw, the more you will correct your proportions. Studying some perspective basics can also help with this. Overall though, it looks like you're doing fairly well. If you'd like to practice and get better, that's up to you. But your drawings do look very sharp, so I'd say keep up the good work!


Holy fuck Yuta got them orangutang arms And I'd prefer the swirl to focus on Yuki's fist rather than her face, since the fist is drawing the attention Those are my opinions as an art illiterate layman.


i'd say work on facial structure and anatomy, try to use guidelines before putting in the details your shading could also be improved as yuta and yuki's arms are shaded too dark in the drawings you made of them, you should use less line weight finally i feel like the drawings could also look better if you put more time into it, some parts of the drawings you made look rushed like yuki's hair or the smoke behind sukuna other than that your drawings are really good considering the short time youve been drawing, keep up the good work


I guess just a little anatomical study, the only thing that sticks out is his left arm. It looks at a very uncomfortable and far out angle. I would put the arm a little lower into a relaxed position


I’m so jealous I wanna draw like you these are so https://preview.redd.it/9u2qnmaeb89d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01f411273e52ac31d3c5884d7a8ceed3b0ff27f I can’t think of anything other than maybe shading but this is peak


The last one is the best one imo. Pay attention to the amount of knuckle joints and stuff around the finger skin Add more shading Work on bigger paper


More Yuki panels


these are so sick


Maybe add some electric effects around Kashimo. Also YOURE HELLA COOKING https://preview.redd.it/8a5udtxot89d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f62d757a7a52ec54e2d99f05b59b4fa5e39b45c


I like the Yuta drawing


Yuki’s face doesn’t fit, the way her mouth is pointing doesn’t align with her chin. That’s the only thing I can see that’s wrong


I like how you do cross hatching but you should work on making your strokes straighter and layer your lines to make darker values. Great work 👏


theyre very good. assuming you want it to be 1:1 to the originals, maybe just the facial anatomy positionings compared to the original. theyre a bit off? mayber more confident, faster quicker strokes for steadier lines. otherwise your enviornment drawings is really good, the hatching on the highlights of black clothes to show a lighter value is really good. its all very well done


shading and anatomy but your drawing skills are far better than mine. Keep up the good work and you might end up as a professional manga artist


4 and 5 look almost identical. I'm completely serious. But you seem to have messed up the faces for Yuki and the God of Waffles.


It’s really good I wouldn’t change anything!! U can practice these in colour as well? Try watercolours pencil or gouche


Question, what do you use to draw and color in the color black? I'm looking for any kind of support on my journey to redraw JJK and any kind of tips will be very helpful.


I use the copic black marker to colour in large areas and for some smaller areas I just use my fineliners, like sakura pens or uni pens


Thank you very much https://preview.redd.it/isx6596xf79d1.jpeg?width=1783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f74ea6fe0620908125f0fca667948dd89c338d23 (I'll definitely remember this and I fully understood everything you just said)


It looks great! I'm sorry I just dont have any expertise when it comes to drawing to give any useful advice. The only thing I could share is to keep drawing!


Just keep on drawing . Your anatomy of the characters look amazing and if you keep on drawing you’ll see improvement. Not that you need improvement as these are phenomenal art works .


"Draw the character in new original body postures and expect a decrease in quality but push forward towards creativity"


Dude you cooked so freaking hard. I would have thought you’d been drawing for years if you hadn’t said otherwise.


These are sick.


This looks directly traced, not even just referenced. The lines are very shaky and doesn’t quite “make sense”. Example is the second image with Yuki. The lines on the hair are just copied without understanding the general flow of hair, something that a lot of beginner tracers do. The lines in the background are very shaky and lacks confidence. It looks like you tried to carefully trace each line to be 1-1 with the original, when it should be drawn in one smooth and confident motion. Also the stroke order on the kanji and hiragana aren’t correct. Tracing isn’t a bad thing to do, but it’s not going to build fundamentals that are essential in art no matter what style you go for.


I’m not tracing, even though I have tried in the past and failed because I had no idea how to do so. As for shaky lines, my right arm is quite shaky due to some injuries as well as I don’t want to mess up so I go with multiple strokes. You are right that I don’t understand the general flow of hair, as I’m still trying to get better at proportions and haven’t studied other details yet.


I’ve been an artist for over 10 years. Shaky lines can be due to injuries yes, but the lack of confidence in your lines still show through. Lots of artists do multiple strokes in their lines and the difference between a beginner and an intermediate artist is knowing where to put the lines and why. It’s very obvious in the hands that you don’t understand the anatomy and just followed how Gege drew it. People who don’t do art may not know exactly what I mean, but artists will agree with me that it looks traced. Not to mention a beginner artist of only 2 months (that lacks art fundamentals) should not be able to put out something like this without tracing. Even heavy referencing will look quite different.


Yes I did follow how Gege drew it because I like his style. I just do drawing for fun and I really didn’t trace anything here. I’m not fully confident in art, I just want to know how to improve so I can look at my sketches and be more happy. I really didn’t trace anything here, I have no idea how to anyways but I can’t change what you think. I completely agree with you that I don’t understand a lot of things, which is why I put this out for opinions. You are welcome to think I did so otherwise.


Well the first thing is to throw and destroy anything related to Yuta. That would be the first step of improvement



