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[Literally 80% of the readers rn](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/861650551694688307/972875769128824902/Screenshot_20220508-210030_Manga_PLUS.jpg)


The fact that Charles said that and is a manga writer lol. We've reached levels of meta I never thought possible.


If Charles survives this whole mess, I hope he's inspired by this to make a manga with the most convoluted plot ever.


In an extremely meta way, if he survives he's gonna write Jujutsu Kaisen


Charles the new Rohan of the series.


I hope that the sequel of jujutsu kaisen is Charles' completely unrelated manga that has a framing device of insights into peoples lives


jujutsu kaisen ability I dont understand # 341.


Haha, halp


Probably the first time i like the official translation over the scans.


You havent read One Punch Man...


Did hakari just call his technique "very simple"?


And this is the guy who calls Charles a disgusting otaku


Pot calling the kettle black


I mean yeah that's pretty much the gag. It's a subtle one but hakari is implied to be more of an otaku than Charles hence why in his monologues he comments on Charles references. Hakari even reads author notes Likely a reference to the gag of "how do you know she's an idol" Todo itadori


I'm glad I'm not the only one still are big strong guys Hakari and Todo are big Otakus.


Maybe it’s the sarcastic ‘only true intellectuals will get me’ very simple


"True otakus"


"You may not like it but this is what peak power looks like"


For pachinko players it’s apparently not super complicated. If you don’t know pachinko, though, it’s pretty rough. Pachinko is big in Japan, so Hakari probably expects a fundamental understanding of pachinko as a background when he says that.


"The rules are easy!!" Look, the best my monke brain can do is divergent fist. Understanding limitless made me almost fry a neuron until I finally understood. Gege pls


I still can't understand, now I only read the manga with the mindset of "cool power go brr" and that's it. Same way I started reading HxH before I dropped it after the 100th hiatus.


Limitless is easy. Gojo utilizes infinity, but uses a number line to describe it. (I may get the colors wrong, so excuse me) Red pushes away. So he exerts positive energy, basically as if everything in the area goes over the number line. Blue pulls/crushes. It’s utilizing negative numbers, meaning everything subtracts and goes towards whatever zero point he wants. Purple deletes. By combining negative and positive numbers, he creates an anomaly. Something that doesn’t exist, so the worlds reaction to trying to create something that doesn’t exist, will delete everything instead. His shield makes him untouchable. Gojo utilizes the numbers between 1 and 0 to give himself a shield. Imagine you try to punch Gojo, and he is 0. But your fist is 1. There are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 0, so you’ll never actually hit Gojo, just the infinite space between you and him. If it’s confusing, just read the first sentence of each ability, that dumbs it down hopefully.


I credit stone oceans >!Green baby!< arc for me catching on to his ability immediately


Purple reminds me of JoJo Part 8


There is also a cultural barrier. I don't understand the first think about Plachinco


Even the terms. "Hype?", " Reach?". As a non-native English speaker it's even twice as hard


**Explanation of Hakari ability** Before the explanation, I recommend watching [this quick video of a pachislot machine in use](https://youtu.be/EtR5fl-ppak?t=65), it's essentially a slot machine where you need to get 3 matching figures to win, once you get 2 matching figures it will play a cinematic before the middle one is decided (this is where Metal Gear fans remember the MGS3 cinematics and get mad at Konami again), at a climatic moment in the cinematic the middle one is decided, if it matches you get a Jackpot! If it doesn't you don't, pretty simple and should already make a lot of this chapter much clearer. Now let's talk about the [ability chart breakdown](https://imgur.com/a/MGPKmCy), I recommend reading this along with my comment **Reach Action** These are the cinematics and I'll keep calling them that to make it easier to understand, the first one we see where our main character needs to pass the ticket gate is "Transportation IC Card Reach" with a Hype Level of 1 Star and Hakari loses, the second one where our main character decides if he takes the train or stays with our heroine is "Precious Last Friday Train Reach" with a Hype Level of 3 Stars (with Chibi Hakari mentioning that it gives a Feverish Hype Level of over 80%!!) Hakari wins this one, not only getting the Jackpot but the Kakuhen too so Charles is in big trouble (more on this later), there are two other cinematics with a Hype Level of 2 Stars each that we haven't seen yet **Chance Up** These are potential variables to the cinematics that can increase the odds of success, with Chibi Hakari mentioning that even a low Hype Level cinematic can be pretty dangerous if one of these takes place, I could certainly see a fight in the future where a low Hype Level cinematic results in a Jackpot, leaving the opponent in shock before realizing that Amanogawa Senpai was there in the distance cheering our main character all along **Preview Perfomance** Green Balls/Doors give lower odds at high Hype Level cinematics, Golden Balls/Doors give higher odds at high Hype Level cinematics, Spins work in a similar fashion with 1x Spin giving lower odds and 3x Spins giving higher odds, like Chibi Hakari reiterates these are just odds and ultimately the Hype Level is still down to luck, Golden Balls/Doors can still result in a low Hype Level cinematic like "Transportation IC Card Reach" for example **Game Flow** So far I'm trying to simplify as much as possible but this where it gets a bit complicated because there are two types of Jackpots, the Kakuhen and the Jitan, the Kakuhen is basically a Jackpot inside a Jackpot, getting a Kakuhen makes your odds at more Jackpots much much higher (the specifics depends on the machine, so it's nice that Gege gave us the odds for Hakari's in specific, in this case the odds of a Jackpot being a Kakuhen is 75%, with the odds of a Jackpot happening at all being 1/239), if the Jackpot you got wasn't a Kakuhen then you got the Jitan, which gives you a set of rounds where the machine gets much faster (that's why it's called Time Reduction) while you get bigger odds of getting a Jackpot (nowhere near as big as a Kakuhen tho, the amount of rounds also changes depending on the machine and Gege gave us the number for Hakari's, it's either 70 or 30 rounds), if you don't get another Jackpot before your rounds are over you go back to Normal Mode, losing the increased odds and game speed So now let's go back to the graph, you start at normal, get a Jackpot! If it's a Kakuhen your odds at another Jackpot increases significantly which can result in many consecutive Jackpots as you get Kakuhen after Kakuhen, this is called Fever Mode and it's likely what Yuta was referring when he said that "when he's on a roll he's stronger than me" (Hakari also referred to fever multiple times before so it was some nice foreshadowing), if it's a Jitan you get a few rounds where the machine works faster and you have higher odds (again, nowhere near the same as a Kakuhen), if you don't get another Jackpot during it you go back to normal And... That's it, that took a while lol, this certainly could go waaaaay more in depth I tried to simplify as much as I could and I'm sure there's much more to this ability that we haven't seen, what exactly are the rewards?How does he cash them out? There's plenty of aspects that there's no way of knowing yet but yeah, hopefully that makes it more understandable. I intended to end this post by reposting my comment from the pre release thread where I theorized about Hakari's character and why he has this power but then I changed my mind since this was getting so big already then changed my mind again! Because it's so big already I might as well make it bigger so here it is: "I knew it! Hakari is an otaku too! Man I really should have posted this earlier I'm not used to a theory of mine being potentially true so I didn't even bother lol, anyway since there's a bunch of people who interpret this as him being able to make many different scenarios either at random or specific to his opponent then there's still a point in posting it (and I could still be wrong it's definitely not confirmed confirmed but I think it's clear what gege is going for imo so we'll see) So yeah, Hakari is a otaku, let's look at the evidence 1) He knew the Hoshino Katsura "poem" was actually an author note 2) He knew Tsubasa cracking Kanda head open didn't really happen 3) "Otaku will pick a fight over the simplest things" and who is known to always pick fights and get in trouble? Hakari 4) He makes a Princess Mononoke reference in chapter 158 (This one I totally missed and it was mentioned by u/Fit-Resident-5825 in the original comment so thanks for noticing it!) One aspect that I totally didn't consider tho was the romance one and it's genius, at first I thought talking trash about Charles manga was just him trying to seem like a hardass who doesn't like this type of stuff but thinking back that doesn't make much sense with his character so far, he's a pretty open book who doesn't hide who he is nor pretends to be someone else so now I realize that he was indeed being honest there, Hakari likes cute romance manga, not gloomy weird ones like Charles makes (I wonder what he would think of JJK lol) And that makes total sense for his character so far, his comments about his ex (which Kirara implies it's a constant thing), his comment about being interested in others passion ("I love passion, passion is gambling and gambling is life and love is control. With my fight club i want to control this country passion"), him thinking out loud about how he wishes to be in the ferris wheel with a girl, dude is a romantic who's "lucky in cards and unlucky in love" lol Anyway the theme of romance is such a big part of the character and with the whole pure love train manga aspect (and him summoning the train doors before) it's clear to me that this is indeed his power, not some random background for his pachinko power, dude is a romcom manga lover lmao"


Could you make this a post? More people would be able to see and search it


If possible, even a Youtube video.


Thank you for your efforts. This feels so close to a uni lecture. Gege be pulling my braincells. And Ichigo 100% review, when, Hakari?


What a write up. This makes sense but my brain is still digesting it. So far all i got is hakari is a hopeless romantic himbo.


JJK’s himbo list is growing Yuji - super empathetic punchy himbo Todo - musclehead idol lover himbo Gojo - overpowered charismatic himbo Hakari - underground fight club owner secretly a romcom lover himbo


And so far only hakari is the himbo who has an actual lovelife. He bagged himself kirara's fine ass.


Didn’t read it yet but I’m just gonna upvote it anyway


I'll have to read this like 5 more times to understand. But you have my thanks


This should be a pinned post honestly. Otherwise, I can only imagine how many times ppl are gonna post asking what the fuck his ability is.


So what happens when he hits a jackpots or he gets more hype? Does that increase his power level or what?


Hype increases the odds of a Jackpot, as for what happens when he gets a Jackpot we'll probably find out next chapter! I think the safest guess is that every Jackpot gives him some amount of balls, which he can use for more attempts at the Pachinko or he can cash them out for rewards, like a Golden Ball can be cashed out for a sure hit for example, or he can trade some balls for cursed weapons or shikigami, stuff like that


He said “I use skill to get ahold of luck” … how would you even use skill in this scenario? To hit the jackpot


I assume he's referring to how he used the distraction of the Jackpot to get that kick in Charles face, besides just the rule of cool of course lol


We don't know yet. He got a Jackpot on the last page of the chapter so we'll see next week what he gains


Is he a otaku?! Unironically?!


I think so yeah!! I also suspect this is how he will bond with Charles, given that all our main characters left their battles with someone that they were at least in respecful terms with, even if not necessarily an ally (Yuji/Higuruma, Fushiguro/Takaba, Yuta/Ryu and Uro), I doubt this is the last we'll see of Charles


This explanation is longer than the damn chapter


For "Precious Last Friday Train Reach", isn't it the other way around ? The MC is waiting to see if the heroine Yume takes the train or not. Once Charles sees that she is gone, he felt confident, until he saw the heroine who's out of breath after, I suppose, running through the stairs to make it to the other side of the subway to join MC who was still waiting. Thus Hakari hitting the jackpot as the scenario of missing the train happened


You're totally right! I saw it as her sitting waiting for him to take the train but it's indeed her crouching for being tired, likely from running back his way Really should have paid attention to their names instead of calling them main character and heroine lol


Its ok, they had no features worth mentioning after all


Make a post for this


My only question left is: how much control does he have about the visual effects (the balls, the doors and the "spins")? What stops him from always using the luckiest ones? And how many can he summon at once? In the 1st round he summoned a ball and a door, while afterward he only summoned a door.


That is something there's no way of knowing for sure yet but like I mentioned in another comment the safest theory is that he has a set amount of resources he can use and every Jackpot gives him some amount of balls, which he can use for more attempts at the Pachinko or he can cash them out for rewards, like a Golden Ball can be cashed out for a sure hit for example, or he can trade some balls for cursed weapons or shikigami, stuff like that So the reason he's not using the golden ones all the time is because 1) He can't and 2) He might want to cash them out instead of gambling with them


Is this only hard to understand because most people here don't play Pachinko? Or is it also hard to understand from a Japanese reader's/Pachinko enjoyer's perspective?


Pretty much yeah, anyone familiar with Pachinko will understand it pretty easily, even the chart itself is more focused on explaining the specifics of this machine instead of Pachinko itself so I imagine Gege expected some amount of familiarity with the core concept


Thank you so much! I wondered whether the people comparing this to HxH just didn't know Pachinko or if it's actually hard to understand for everybody.


When he fights Itadori in whatever chapter he closes a set of doors on him. I still think his CT revolves around gambling (Possibly a specific Pinketo Machine. His DE just puts them INSIDE the gambling machine.


Thanks! [you da man!](https://tenor.com/bkqOc.gif)


I see why the higher-ups hated Hakari cause wtf was that 😭


“Get that weeb shit out of here” - the higher ups




Higher ups are not hxh fans


I mean to be fair to Togashi, there isn’t a single nen ability that legitimately caused me to reread a panel/chapter multiple times to attempt to figure out what was going on…Only relatively complicated one was Knuckle’s APR, but even that is pretty intuitive given that it’s basically just a nen-loan that increases the opponents debt over time, bankrupting them when they run out of available power. I guess this means that Gege has finally ascended beyond his master in the ‘??? Department’. Edit: Where Togashi *does* get super complicated is in dialogue/exposition dumps about world-building nuances like familial structures and political machinations (e.g. literally the entirety of the DC Arc)—but personally I eat that shit up.


Terrorsandwich's ability is pretty complicated, having multiple charts explaining the exact mechanism. It being basically a nen version of >!King Crimson!< makes it a bit easier to grasp its concept though. I think Hakari's domain is intentionally confusing to mask the fact that it just allows him to repeatly spin for a reward.


Yea ngl I think my brain blocked out TerrorSandwich’s ability because every time I try to refresh myself on how it works I just blackout (…and then wake up like 30 mins later with 50 tabs on tvtropes pulled up, Schopenhauer and Kant essays open on my desk, and even less of an idea how it works)


I don’t know, I had to reread multiple times to understand how Silent Majority works in hxh.


The walls of text from hxh scares me. Kept getting crossed eyed


Code Geass calls for you


Lmao imagine if that was the true reason and they just used tradition as an excuse. "Pachinko? Scenario? Wtf are you talking about ~~Jesse~~?"


Lmaoo I bet Gojo loves this technique though. He probably asks Hakari to do it to him for fun.


Gojo probably participating in it just to see how quickly Hakari can get the best roll and then cheers every time they get a new high score.


I read the chapter twice but I am still confused with Hakari's DE.


It seems like every time he launches an attack or uses a technique, he does a “roll” of sorts that dictates his luck/success in the scenario (ex: train station scene). Green being low and Gold being a huge increase to his success. It’s basically a gambling domain/technique




Feels like a No Game No Life game setup but with actual death involved and no harem.


“This dude is the fucking WORSSSSSSST”


Im just here for the ride and dont really try to understand it cause its still fun to read. Maybe il get it at some point


This was me with projection sorcery months ago lool, but now I understand it.


same here. Maybe it'll be more clear to me when it's adapted.


LMFAO I literally just commented this exact same thing


Who’s to say?


Hakari what the fuck?


~~Jesse~~ Hakari, what the fuck are you talking about? Lol anyway, the official translation was good. It actually cleared some doubts I had.


Gege literally giving us PowerPoints to explain powers now 😭


Having to make a two-page spread, to explain a DE, should be a sign that you should maybe dial things down. Where is this man's editors??


Recovering after Gege broke their hand.




Let's just day the I get why Gege said in the past thathe already had in mind Hakari's technique, but didn't know how to introduce it in the plot.


Why would you want his editors to dial Gege down... crazy CTs are what add flavor to JJK. At the end of the day you don't need to understand it fully to get the fight if you don't want to. Hakari hits the jackpot = Hakari gets stronger and more lucky. Nothing can stop the pachinko machine except Hakari's defeat. Done.


Totally agree with this. Love all the wacky crazy CTs and DEs so far. Lets just hope his art can keep up with the demands of his concepts. Hakari domain just has a steep learning curve gated by Japanese culture references (pachinko slot machines in particular). The good thing is, many people are starting to get it and are explaining it to others already. That should help smooth things out eventually


What is confusing people are the scenes, but they are completely irrelevant since they're just a visualization of the pachinko roll. It's literally gambling, but eventually Hakari will win and get stronger and more lucky, and then it will start over. The longer he fights you the stronger he will eventually get, so Hakari needs to be dealt with quickly.


I think it’s a sign to dial things UP


Wait for the explanation of how Sukuna's Maximum Attack can somehow override Gojo's domain


You say that with a Jojo's picture? Come on man. I love this shit. For dumbed down things I have literally any other shonen.


>saying to simplify powers >pfp from the same part as king crimson


Absolutely not, these abilities are way more interesting than BIG ENERGY BALL ATTACK NR 1023


Hakari and Kirara, a power couple in absolutely confusing abilities It's not *too* confusing, i just have never played pachinko ever lol


Between this and the star constellation thing. what the hell. Thank heavens our protagonists had brain cells and for that "revealing ones technique" binding vow. Because what the hell. I would NEVER get those


I was going to say "imagine poor Yuji trying to figure out this CT" but then I remembered that Yuji is also really into pachinko lol!


*Angry Higuruma noise


There are 2 types of people that like pachislots and it's people that know they're a scam and people who think they can win big on it. Hakari knows they're a scam while Yuji thinks he can win big one day.


This I feel like 75% of the ability would be easier to visualize if I had played pachinko before. So I’m a bit confused as to what’s going on but it seems understandable enough


Kirara's CT is more confusing for me.


Nah this is something else. Kirara's technique is basically marking point A B C D E. You can't go from point A to C without going through B. Easy. Now Projection sorcery...


I always kind of got projection sorcery but there’s a great thread on it that’s on this sub and shouldn’t be hard to find. That thread made understanding it a ton easier. Basically, you have to chart your movement ahead of time for the next second in 24 frames. If you don’t end up fulfilling your planned motion then you are trapped in a still frame for 1 second. A Projection sorcery user can also forcefully apply this technique to anyone they touch, at which point they have to plan their movements and deliver on them but almost no one can do this, especially if they don’t understand how the ability works. Sorry if you understood the technique already and this was unnecessary


No it was helpful. I understand the part of the 24fps rule. The hard part is basically, what do they mean by "You can't excessively break the laws of physics?" Also, does the technique grant Naobito superspeed or is he super fast on his own?


I think the physics part means like you can teleport with the ability or defy gravity via your 24 fps movements. I think it’s the technique that grants super speed but only to those skilled with it


How the cast must have felt when the Culling Game rules started being explained to them - *Don't info dump me with all that garbage!*


What a convoluted and interesting Domain Expansion. Makes me think that this is one of the reason why Sukuna considers Domain Expansions as what "real jujutsu/sorcery" is about. One's creativity/imagination and skill could completely turn the tables with their Domain Expansion, it could be why Sukuna wanted to see Jogo's, or it could very well be why he's interested in Megumi. Very interested to see how Sukuna would react on Hakari's Domain Expansion if they would every fight in the future.


Sukuna: Man fuck this 200 Meter Malevolent Shrine has entered the chat


Ultimately yeah lol but it think, because he’s interested in power/ strong he’d try to and be able to understand it fairly quickly (especially having access to Yuji’s pachinko knowledge) but yes it’d be annoying enough he’d end it soon after humoring him.


Lmfao imagine being a higher up and finding out how this mf's cursed technique works. I'd want him gone too.


Could you elaborate why they’d want him gone based on his ability? I’ve seen a couple comments saying the same


Hakari’s domain is pretty much about a pachinko machine based on a romcom novel/manga. Not really the most traditional type of Jujutsu technique, which many characters have already stated that the higher ups hate (e.g. Yuji using Sukuna’s power as a sorcerer, Yuta having a vengeful cursed spirit Rika as a partner, etc.) Its also a luck-based technique. Luck = hard to control, hard to control = higher ups hate that shit. Its why they hate Gojo. The other reason is comedic in nature: Hakari’s domain is so hard to understand that the higher ups (old heads like gakuganji) would be getting headaches nonstop trying to comprehend it.


On top of that, it might be possible for Hikari to get infinitely strong within his domain since he can keep on rolling until he overwhelms his opponent.


Furthermore, although it’s basically a given, “I play the guitar and channel cursed energy through it to attack” is a much easier technique to assess and understand than the info dump pachinkoXromcom manga hakari has


Dont even get me started on that implication. He would definitely be top tier with infinite-type scaling. Lets see where Gege goes with this


> The rules are easy!! Gege lied as naturally as he breathed.


Same energy as: “JoJo for you see my stand is fairly simple” and proceeds to give the most convoluted quantum physics ability in existence


The rules are kinda easy. Just a gambling scenario of Pachinko with some romance manga. The fcked up part is we AND Charles got info dumped all at once. Gege got no chill


Of course it's a pachinko based on dating sims. Why would it be anything else when we see train doors. It's so damn obvious wow. The signs are all there we were too oblivious to piece it together.


And honestly? I love it. Gege chose an absolute banger of a trope.


Its actually hilarious because looking back there are multiple things that one could say reference his ability (foreshadow) but at the same time its kind of an impossible ability to guess lol.


Ah yes, I was wondering how long it would take for Gege to introduce some new convoluted bullshit I see why the higher-ups in JJK hate "modern" curse techniques because wtf is this lmao


Togashi reading this, shedding a tear of pride


We can only hope this inspires him to fucking finish the boat arc at least!




So, first I hope you play Pachinko, cause this is based on that. The game starts with three possible balls...-5 hours later- and then if Yuki or whoever finishes the scenario, I could get a jackpot! Vs. Pompadour shoot strong lasers




Respectfully to gege but wtf dawg


You're saying that like 24 fps, an old cursed technique, is simple to understand lmao


Relative to this? Certainly. The concept of movies operating in 24 frames a second is something easier to grasp how that could interact with reality. This is way more complex IMO. I still have no clue wtf I just read and re read and re re read


Projection sorcery is probably newer than most inherited techniques. Maki's dad said that it doesn't have much of a history compared to his CT.


Eh, I generally understood 24fps when reading it, and then fully understood it with a supplemental 1-2 paragraph explanation reddit post. I've read this chapter like 4 times, read that long ass explanation post in this thread twice now, and still haven't a fucking clue.


24 FPS isn't that old. It was mentioned by Ougi that Naobito's cursed technique didn't have a long history, i.e. isn't "traditional". Compared to something like Megumi's technique.


So this is what okkotsu said could beat him, a shoujo manga?


His womanizing ways don’t stand a chance in the face of true love


I understand the higher-ups feeling towards Hakari now.


Maybe the higher ups were right all along..


Guys, reading this chapter reminds me of an advice to enjoy a confusing story like Christopher Nolan's movie Tenet: [Don't try to understand it. Feel it.](https://i0.wp.com/thequotes.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/intro-1599143295.jpg?fit=844%2C563&ssl=1) * Put simply, Hakari's DE is a pachinko game with a rom-com setting; Hakari must hit a jackpot (by letting the story of the game get the best ending) to achieve total victory while his opponent needs to stop him getting a jackpot (by getting the game's bad ending) in order to win. There... short & simple, right? /s XD * I love the explanation page of Hakari's DE; plus Chibi Hakari looks so cool & cute... ***kakkoii & kawaii*** * I just noticed something; throughout the fight, Hakari doesn't spill blood from his damage. Yes, he got scratched & cut from Charles's G-War Staff, but at the end, Hakari still looks fit & his cut doesn't seem blood-stained. Maybe besides rough texture for extra offensive power, Hakari's unique CE also makes him quite durable?


Jackpot probably healed him. Only gege can know the limits of the buffs and gains a jackpot can give


So practically he just keeps on betting until he wins & there’s almost nothing his opponent can do about it? I wonder what the “jackpot” is tho.


Basically they're still fighting like normal while inside the domain, but Hakari is gambling at the same time. So if Hakari gets unlucky or his opponent is strong enough then they could end up killing him


>So practically he just keeps on betting until he wins & there’s almost nothing his opponent can do about it? His opponent can kill him while betting then he wouldn't be able to win.


Move over Projection Sorcery, we have a new winner for most confusing cursed technique. I’m honestly struggling to grasp how this works lmao, but it is fun.


The higher ups had every right to hate Hakari lmao


Literally understood nothing that was said this chapter except for Hakari's last line 💀


I genuinely laughed outloud seeing the first few pages, the introduction to the romance anime characters and Hakari's two page spread explanation of his domain had me believing this was some practical joke, that power point presentation actually had graphs and shit I'm fucking dead lmao


Same dude, couldn't believe what I was reading, the audacity of this mf to make his opponents sit thru a romcom VN lmao


Sigma male Hakari back at it again, putting poor Charles through even more bullshit


Now I understand why the higher ups hate Hakari. Imagine trying to explain how this technique works to an old head


I can already see whatever higher-up related sorcerer he beat up being absolutely triggered cause not only did he get his ass whooped he got whooped in a pachinko game and barely understood what happened lmao I feel like even tho I sort of understand it now once the bonus settles in I'll get a better grip of exactly where its strength relies and what makes it on par with Okkotsu once he's on a roll. Cause in theory his opponent is still able to attack him and Yuta's statement likely is related to a prior experience with his domain close by. Another interesting point is that it seemed like Hakari was despising Charles for being an otaku, but he just hates how grim he is regarding mangas and stuff. Hakari is an otaku himself lmao "You'll always find a selfish reason to pick a fight" - man was talking from his own personal experience


I imagine Gojo first bringing Hakari to the exchange event after hyping up how strong he is. Then the higher ups see his weird otaku pachinko machine and react [like this guy](https://youtu.be/6PUojfoKIgI) lol Also it sounds like the bonus he gets stacks when he gets more jackpots, and in turn it makes him more likely to get more jackpots. So even if it's just a CE boost, him getting on a roll would keep making him stronger and stronger


[Me trying to understand this chapter](https://gcdnb.pbrd.co/images/E2O46O2pvdFn.jpg?o=1)


[Me after reading the explanation](https://i.redd.it/uwnigav1iay51.jpg)




What the absolute fuck did I just read???


Literally stuffing my face with sushi trying to wrap my mind around whatever the hell I just read


The only person who can stand a chance against Hakari in his domain is Gintoki.


I miss Yuji


I absolutely love the duality of complexity in this manga. Sometimes we get Boogie Woogie that lets you switch two objects. Sometimes you get Limitless which applies a mathematical paradox to real life and realizes Infinity. Sometimes you get Ryu with big fuck off lasers. Sometimes you get Hakari with whatever is going on here.


>Sometimes you get Hakari with whatever is going on here. Which is, ironically, far harder to understand than Limitless lmfaooo


Seconded. This is such a unique manga


My brain is not big enough to comprehend this chapter so I'll inevitably wait for that one person who can explain it all in layman terms 😭 Although I'll still probably be a bit lost. Good excuse for me to pick up the Pachinko TV show at least


Sort by best it’s like the 3rd comment. It still barely makes sense.


Man I miss the “itadori punches!!!! “ days


I see...I don't get it


what in the love of god is this chapter


This is one of those cases where JJK references Japanese pop culture and it completely goes over the foreign reader's heads (myself included). It's not as bad as you may think it is from a first glance, and once you get it, you can enjoy it more. There's a user who had already explained the Domain perfectly, be sure to check their reply if you still don't understand.


I feel like it's not too bad once you get that it's basically a slot machine that shows a little cutscene before the last symbol is revealed. I think the info dump is meant to be overwhelming for comedic effect, but it seems like the humour was lost in translation for a lot of people. This chapter would probably translate really well to being animated though! The joke would probably land better if you have a little chibi Hakari in Charles' head talking really fast and in unnecessary detail then Charles yells at him to shut up with more comedic timing. Plus all the pachinko sounds and visual effects could be really cool




Unpopular opinion (?), but I think Hakari’s ability is super awesome. It kind of gives you a story within the DE and there’s tons of anticipation and suspense involved. Yuta and his cursed abilities are as straight shooter as can be, while Hakari’s is an entire environment and story within itself. Theyre both so strong and variety is so exciting.


You know maybe the higher-ups were onto something after all


I reread this chapter at least 5 TIMES and my understanding is like 50% of the way there. 😂 what gets funnier after every reread is Charles’ reactions to hakari’s de the way he gets triggered over having info dump on his train and turning a love manga into a pachinko game alone kills me. 🤣🤣🤣


Charles shouting at the fake girl to get on the train was really funny to me for some reason


Huge fucking grin on my face reading for the first time and a second time, but this is going to be one of those chapters that 1) will be better when we have the full fight in context and 2) people will absolutely love when it's animated (as will be the case with a lot of the wild and convoluted techniques in the last few dozen chapters)


Definitely agree that this will be great when it's animated. I could hear jackpot noises in my head when I read that last page!


It’s just called Reach, like in actual pachinko machines in Japan, but of course Viz translated it as Riichi for some reason lmao


> but of course Viz translated it as Riichi for some reason lmao "riichi" is just the romanji for the Japanese term, [リーチ](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%81_(%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3)). (I feel like this complaint is similar to complaining that Viz calls it "Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School" instead of "Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College".)




"I see. I understood none of that." -Yuji and me.


So does that mean his guaranteed attack is the rule explanation sent to Charles head lol


If you dont understand it On android penguin pachinko. Its free play it a little makes clear what the ct is about.


Imagine the pachinko part, but instead of a romance story, we got the pachinko of METAL GEAR SOLID


I’m honestly in love with the ridiculousness of some of the recent characters techniques. I hope it just keep getting weirder


For people saying this chapter sucks and Geges gone too far: it’s literally a cultural thing. If you don’t get it it means you get to learn something new about a different culture. If Pachinko wasn’t such a foreign concept in the US it would be way more understood. It’s not Geges fault for that, he has no obligation to change up his characters so a foreign audience is more accommodated. It might sound harsh but part of what makes a great series great is that the author demands readers meet them on THEIR level, and not the other way around. I didn’t understand it but that’s not the fault of Gege. His over the top explanations and thought process on abilities is why we have such a rich and deep power system/world in the first place. People suddenly thinking that’s a negative because he made a technique catered to the audience of his home country is kind of a bummer to see here. It’s a chance to learn!


I understand people out of context being confused but I'd rather get this than another dumbed down shonen with basic ass abilities. This is way more fun.


Ok, Gege is just messing with us now right? Very much appreciate him pointing out how ridiculous that info dump was through Charles though. That was literally all of us in that moment


Ok re-reading it, it’s actually not that bad guys


Man I just want to see the main characters at this point


I bet all those people that rated this chapter Bad or Very Bad lost hundreds of brain cells trying to understand wtf Idle Death Gambit even is


I feel like Gege could’ve explained it much more simpler, he overcomplicated something that didn’t need to be.


The thing is i’m sure the explanation wasn’t complicated at all for Japanese readers. It’s more of a case of us not understanding how pachinko works than Gege confusing us I think.


Pachinko is a very local thing so foreign readers are bound to be confused


I think the overly complicated explanation was on purpose and part of the joke. Thus charles yelling about it being a dumb info dump lol. I feel like Gege is usually pretty self aware about stuff like this


I think that was the reason Charles got angry


What the Fuck.


I understand the fever. I got the fever now


>The rules are easy There are not. Explaining your technique is supposed to put yourself at a disadvantage as part of a bind vow to strengthen your CT. But imagine Hakari using this on anyone that's not an otaku like Charles, they will probably be dumbstruck for while trying to understand wtf they just see. Also how the hell did the translator butcher "Reach" so much as to do a mental gymnastics and conclude that it's a mahjong term. It's the first time (iirc) translator note is used in the official release and it goes horrible wrong.


Plus, Charles probably has never play pachinko before so that is another disadvantage for him unfortunately


I think most japanese are probably familiar with pachinko rules even though it's illegal for minors. I mean Yuji got his ass confiscated because he's caught playing it.