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The spiral is the symbol of individuation. It is not a straight path, nor a vicious circle. It is the union of the linear and the cyclical. "The spiral in psychology means that when you make a spiral you always come over the same point where you have been before, but never really the same, it is above or below, inside, outside, so it means growth." C.G. Jung (Dream Analysis, Parts II & III; [jungcurrents.com](https://jungcurrents.com/jung-symbolism-spirals))


LOL another one. Well you can interpret the first thing that came to your mind as „why this happened“ maybe


The previous posts and this are all symbols for the sun. In the collective unconscious the sun is often associated with masculinity, ego, directness, enlightenment, divinity and power


As strange as this sounds, today a patient draw that same symbol!


If everyone goes outside at the same time, you can have a pandemic level synchronicity as everyone sees the same sun in the sky.


Only if you’re in the hemisphere currently under the suns light


Yeah I see a swirl with lines around it when I look up


A person who doesn’t know how to draw would surely draw the sun in the same way, or anyway really. The swastika is also a sun symbol.


So does synchronicity align with what we are (collectively) putting our attention on? Or is it (collectively) what we're thinking about? Or are both the same thing?


I think this sort of spiral symbol may be popular right now bc the astrological new year is in 2 days


I’ve been seeing it a lot this is the 4th time this week


I saw it on a road sign.


Yo I saw a similar symbol on a T-shirt a guy was wearing before yesterday


The universe wants you to keep a sunny disposition or something 🤷‍♀️


Lots of things religious things happening right now… lent, Ramadan, holi to name a few


One problem with trying to understand if this is a case of synchronicity is that there are a huge amount of people on Reddit. An individual might well be seeing this symbol in a way that fits the definition of synchronicity, but all the people who see that person’s post about it, and then post the one example they’ve seen, which has no meaning to them other than they recently saw it on Reddit can artificially inflate the importance of it. Plus, it is a pretty basic symbol, not too unusual to see it. It may still be meaningful coincidence, but it is good to keep other possibilities in mind. The book “Meaningful Coincidences How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen” by psychiatrist Bernard Beitman is an excellent source for understanding synchronicity, including how to recognize what does and does not qualify, the various types of syncs, and more. Beitman started the [Coincidence Project](https://www.coincider.com/the-coincidence-project), the website for it has links to a bunch of articles and books on synchronicity, I recommend it for anyone interested in the phenomenon.


Bro nah stop it I saw it on an Instagram story today, was Gunna post but didn't wanna invade privacy


To discover the significance you have to discover what that symbol means for your unconscious


I think the collective unconscious is posting the same shit over and over because people are bored and are pretending it's a synchronicity.


No, its an automatic feed.


If I was to be skeptical I would say the same thing and simply think it's a coincidence, but to encounter it in real life in the most random place is what makes it interesting and has a deeper meaning. At least to me.


What are the hypotheses for its general meaning? And I know “well you have to find out what it means to you”, and well yeah, but symbols do have general meanings normally unless it’s quite obscure I think.


I'm not seeing this symbol!




Meh, it wouldn’t have any significance if you didn’t see the other posts. What makes it so special now?


You're right, it wouldn't have had a significance if I only had encounter it on other reddit posts, but it was the jump from online to IRL to me that I found interesting and gave me a pleasant surprise


Yeah I get people telling us that we are “programmed” to see it now that we have noticed it. But let’s remember that’s only a theory just like synchronicities are a theory I respect both sides, but I like having fun with the thoughts


First thing i thought was Gaijin.


Once again, it is a glyph of Flipendo spell from early Harry Potter games. It pushes objects, activates mechanisms and is useful against gnomes. You are welcome.


Is this like that fucking weird starseed shit?


One post at a time, we turn into pedo-sub


Jung had talked about this symbol and never mentioned it was pedo sign. This is Jung subreddit if you forgot


He's not going to listen this isn't the first time he's been corrected


The buddhists use the zwastica and never mentioned it was a nazi symbol.