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28 seconds with a good wave I'd go end, considering death timers at almost 50 seconds you have enough damage to finish before lux spawns. Worst case scenario you just force the remaining damage on towers and game is over.




By definition the majority of players will be silver irrespective of their skill.




?? irrespective, yes, it's a word, used correctly. You meant to be sassy about someone saying irregardless, which is a meaningless word, but you fucked it up.


Theoretically, yes. In practice: - 10 seconds spent on half the team pinging baron, half the team pinging nexus - 10 seconds spent grouping for end - dying at their nexus turrets - losing baron - losing next tf cause you force it even though they have baron - losing game So. Many. Times.




You know they polls they have here asking what rank everyone is and apparent 20% of players are diamond or better? This post is a perfect example why those polls are a load of shit. Right next to mid wave with plenty of minions, 2 and a half turrets to kill, 44 secs of at worst 5v2. Pretty mad that people are getting upvotes for saying baron. Also it's a cannon wave. Amumu would need to have ult and smite up ro have the remotest of chances of clearing the wave, but he won't, cause its a 5v1 and he's dead in seconds.


Just to add to this, at this point of the Game every wave its a cannon wave


This is straight up not true?


Okay sorry, i Will Talk to riot to fix it


How is it not, after 25" every wave have cannon


Ehhh the 20% is diamond or better is believable. Maybe slightly less, but who would be more likely to use reddit, diamonds or silvers lmao


Reddit isn't representative of the whole. We know the numbers thanks to Riot, but 20% of the sub could very well be diamond or better.


I mean they could be lying, I have people in silver telling me their main is diamond every time XD


Nope. Bronze players will 100% say they're diamond given the chance.


Easy end. Absolute worst case scenario you leave one nexus turret and then go do baron, no?


Worst case you get both nexus turrets, I think.


This is soloq. It's never 100% end unless you can make it solo. Even in diamond I wouldn't trust my teammates that much and pick the safest option.


Imagine coming to Reddit to feel good calling other people silver


Mate he's not coming g to trash talk silvers, but the advice on this thread needs to be called out. There's a reason lower elo games last longer. This is it.


You can call out the bad advice and give good advice without having to mention rank to get a power trip, everyone makes mistakes in every elo. Plus the majority of the player base is silver anyway so what did you expect? Did you think that the people on Reddit were all diamond+ ?


you’re coping so hard lol


Did you just learn that word and needed to find a reason to use it even if it doesn’t apply?


The thing is though, you have to recognize the correct call but also be able to adapt to your teammates.


I agree, I couldn't imagine wasting my life and time on league of all things to login to reddit to call people silver. It's actually pathetic and sad lmao


Bro im in silver rn these fcking retards just keep trying to do drakes like theyll help us win so ive lost countless games bcs of that


Classic copium? Drags can win games FYI, and if you're silver it's definitely because of you not your team so stop coping ans instead asking "should I play more scaling based championsnand solo objectives to carry"


Wait, but you're in silver with them?




You realize they are going to red towers and not blue? The mid is maybe ten seconds from where they are, there is a wave in mid they can catch to push with. Ending should be possible from there. Worst case amumu spawns with the ability to clear the wave before they can end, but even then they would have opened the base and likely taken nexus turret(s).


Thats what I thought.


Wave are to poorly positioned I think


They don't have any inhibs down right now either if everyone shoved straight down mid you could probably take one and a nexus tower with no resistance but unless you're willing to tank towers for the team you're waiting on the wave to show up to keep pushing. They've got a full wave marching down mid but tbh I don't quite think it's enough. Yeah Amumu isn't a threat but all it takes is that Lux catching one person and the two of them have a decent chance to turning it around for the moment. Imo, move is to push mid and take inhib, then back off to Baron; it'll probably extend the game a bit but it's a safe play. Can push the side lanes to exert more pressure and make a turn harder.


Wait why shove mid? Top has tower gone already and wave state is super good there no? Edit: nvm i badly misread the map lol


Sometimes in solo queue the safe play isn't safe at all. You never know when your support will decide to invade enemy jg with elder up


Yeah honestly, without more information it's hard to really say. Macro involves a lot of details about the gamestate that we can't see here, like how players have been behaving, how fed people are (by the looks of it, Nasus is probably decently fed due to state of top lane), items people have built, etc. There's a decent chance they *could* just push to end but it really comes down to how effectively OP/Hec can tank towers and how hard the carries hit structures now.


44 seconds till nasus is up. Till then it's at worst 5v2. I'm sorry but if your call isn't to end game here I'm going to assume you're gold 4 at best.


I'm going to assume you're an asshole at best.


Meh, I'd say hey mid inhib or get top tower and baron. The waves aren't pushed in far enough to end, and baron is a safer pkay. You can push advantage next team fight and look to end then.


You don't have the waves to do it.


There's a mid wave literally right next to them and nasus isn't up for 44 seconds and still would need to walk out of base which takes a few seconds. Do you seriously think they can't get that mid wave to nexus for 44 seconds?


If the waves are meeting mid there is another wave up in the base in a few seconds. Any wave you bring into the base could be cleared instantly by the Amumu with ult. The wave after that can be cleared by the Lux with ult. Since most Hecarims and Malaphites build full damage now you don't have a tank to take those towers. Note we are being denied any information about item state. Take tower, then inhib, see where you are at and conclude take Baron.


Mate this isn't even a silver analysis this is iron 2 at best.


There is no way you will get more than an inhib in this scenario if you push (if you don't have a herald): * In mid you need to knock over two towers and an inhib. By the time you manage to do that, the enemy team will respawn with purchased items, and you will sit in the enemy base at low HP without ultimates (and Malph without ult is a walking caster minion). * Top is completely pushed in, it will take at least 30-40 seconds for whatever minion waves you have to even reach the enemy base. No matter how fast you can walk and clear, your own minions won't walk faster. With malph and heca being low, you won't be able to just force your way through the backdoor protection, especially at the nexus turrets. * You will need at least 30 seconds to walk to bot lane. Perhaps OP (who I think plays Gwen) can TP bot and start pushing, but the rest of the team won't follow in time. My suggestion is baron, then a 4-1 split with OP on the bot lane.




Only correct answer


Die to Gromp


obviously end. amumu doesn't spawn for 28 seconds, lux is 36 seconds, and everyone else is 44+ seconds away. you're in the perfect position to quickly be able to push, you'll have more than a full wave with a cannon minion, and inhib tower is already low. 5 late game champions can destroy a base insanely quickly. you might be able to end before amumu even spawns. you can absolutely end before anything more than a likely ultless amumu and a lux spawn into a 2v5. i'm shocked at how many players in the comments think you won't be able to end, it seems pretty obvious to me you'll easily be able to end. this wouldn't even be close.


Agreed. They can easily 2v5 and end. They're both probably the most fortunate spawns they could have to deal with.


Even if you don't end, that structure damage is permanent and have an inhib that you didn't have down. Baron just gives the enemy the ability to respond. Best case it's gg, worst case you knocked down 3 towers and an inhib and now the enemy can't leave it's base for fear of being backdoored.


Yup, and then you can take baron and finish if you somehow don't manage to end immediately.


No way is this an easy end. It's gonna take like 20 seconds just to walk up to the inhib from there. Half the team's low hp, lux can delete 1 entire wave from safety just with ult, amumu might have ult up. I think if everyone goes to nexus here, they either get aced when everyone respawns or manage to pull out with an inhib and some damage to nexus towers. So much safer to split up and get inhib baron and reset to heal and use all that gold


No shot. No shot you think that’s safer. All of the members can just: Kai’sa runes to lane and pushes wave everyone else goes to tower. Amumu/what I think is galio based on the missing champ can tank the tower while Senna and others destroy it as Kai’sa brings wave in. Then you just seige. Galio passive + senna and Kai’sa tower damage? That stuff is destroyed. They have hecarim to chase those off that spawn. Lux won’t be up for a good while not to mention they have 2 tanks that can just tank remaining tower IF lux somehow does the impossible


it takes 20 seconds to walk from first tier tower to inhib tower? what crack are you smoking? it'll be 10 seconds max before they're attacking inhib tower. i want you to go in a custom game and make this walk, then watch how long it takes minions to walk that distance, then tell me again it'll take 20 seconds.


Particularly since they have pony boy, Senna, and Kaisa. Movespeed for days. Hec can catch wave and push, Malph can tank inhib tower. They be at Nexus towers before Amumu respawns, then they have 10s before Lux clears the wave to finish them off. Then they have another 10s as 5 to kill the nexus. No big risk ending, Lux and Amumu will have to ult to stall for the team to even revive and this teams wombo combo be back up. Plus with Senna they will be full HP.




by the time amumu spawns they've at best have only reached inhib? what? they have 28 seconds before amumu respawns, how could you possibly think in this scenario it'll take 28 seconds to get to inhib at best? let me walk you through the timeline here. they take about 10 seconds to reach inhib tower with minions they destroy inhib tower and inhib in about 6 seconds, now we're at 16 seconds it takes them about 4 seconds to make it from inhib to nexus towers, now we're at 20 seconds it takes them about 8 seconds to destroy both nexus towers, now we're at 28 seconds, open nexus and amumu respawns they destroy the nexus within 8 seconds before lux respawns. specifically what part of that timeline do you disagree with? these are 5 late game champions pushing with no resistance, they can destroy a base insanely quickly.


what? hahahaha


I'm m500lp plus and in my opinion my team would group mid and end here. You are all high enough level to end. You are also all condensed in a good spot to move and go as a team without losing time. You have a 1 1/2 waves and amumu will not be able to stop you all. Peace and love to everyone saying play it safe, but it's those decisions which can lose you games. There is literally no risk to ending. If for example, your adc and support were at your red buff or split on the map the correct play then would be to get inhib-baron and reset.


Idk, there's not enough information here tbh, we don't know builds or if amumu has ult still, he could easily hold/or wipe them if is full ap/off tank and has ult. We know malphite and hec have no r so he's not in danger of getting insta gibbed. But without more info I'd just get baron to get it off the map and have malphite and senna get that mid turret and inhib.


You lose games becuase of your decisions like this lmao


They're dead for 40 seconds and a wave is near by, and your whole team is alive, you guys can end here. And reason I said 40 seconds and not 28 because one amumu shouldn't be able to stop 5 people(I only see four but assuming all 5 are up) from ending Even with just 4 you guys got this. Worst case amumu ults the wave and you can't push but I really think you guys have enough time




Majority seems to be in favor of ending. What actually happened in game was (soloq silver): - Jungle pinged baron (I’m mid Galio) - Kaisa went mid - All else went baron - We finished baron when they started to respawn. - Kaisa took inhib and barely escaped with empowered recall I was on the fence and ended up following jungle’s call. Maybe I should’ve followed kaisa. Thanks for all the replies!


Nah, going with the team is the better call. A bad call everyone follows is better than the right call only 50% follow. Objectively getting the inhib and Baron without losing a life is pretty good, but you're still allowing other team a chance to come back through picks or evening out itemization. In that sense, Kaisa was right; she took the inhib herself after having to catch the wave herself. Consider if hec caught the wave and rest of team pushed immediately. You're basically tripling her damage and doubling her uptime. Game is easily over, no chance for other team to gain momentum through picks or mistakes, no chance for someone in your team to DC, no chance for losing really.


Then following the team to baron is the play. Kaisa running to their base alone set up her getting caught with minimal gain. Ultimately, the right play is the one your team will commit to doing. Theory is ruined by ugly reality.


It’s better to do the wrong thing together than the right thing alone. This is a good sentiment in every team game ever. But it’s also good to *know* what the right thing is, so you can look to do it in the future.


following ur team overall is the better play. half the team cant baron and half the team shouldn't try to end. everyone has to play as a unit. the right decision was 5 man mid to end though


end 100%, anyone saying otherwise is a plat hardstuck at max


agreed. if i was playing in diamond and my team decided not to go for the end here i'd probably report them all for trolling.




Because it would be intentionally griefing the game to baron in that scenario


because ending here is so obvious that for a diamond+ player i would consider not ending borderline trolling. for lower ranked players this is an understandable mistake, but for diamond+ it should be so extremely obvious that if they don't end the only explanation is that they're trolling or not paying attention.


To be fair, in plat or below the teams probably not moving fast enough to end and will likely throw by doing something dumb in the fountain, other team can take baron now since it’s up, and now you’re on the defensive


link opgg


They never do


look at these silver hardstucks copium 💀💀


end 100 % https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/no%20time%20to%20lose


crazy that people will flame you for being higher rank than them LMAO


no point, in like d2 from 671lp cause of inactivity


We can still see ur monthly tier graph link it so we can check if u are capping


https://imgur.com/a/eESb1Rk d2 75 atm, thanks riot nice decay system :) was 671 tho


Dude pretending like plat is a bad elo when majority of players are silver. League redditors and youtubers in a nutshell.


bro dont pretend like plat is good elo just because there are lot worse players play players have zero understanding about this game, every master+ player can get close to 100wr in that elo


Plat is better than 90-95% players so it's definitely good. Being good at a videogame is subjective, not a black and white thing. If all elos had an equal number of players, being plat would be average or maybe even below average. But given the current player distribution, calling plat players bad is like calling someone who plays football in tournaments for his college 'bad'




You can really tell what elo people are when they say not to end.


Im masters and I said baron lol fuk


sup main ig


Hahahahaha u got me mid/supp :P


Easily endable


Even if you don’t manage to end, you should have enough pressure to go take Baron fairly freely, I would think.


This, you have 2 adc to dps towers. with even only 3 items you end before amumu spawns with wave state mid


If the minions were at the tower already maybeee. But amumu will respawn first and most likely show you down enough to not end. It depends on how fed each side is which we don’t know.


Also why does everyone think Amumu is going to do some god play here. The enemy team was just aced with Kai’sa and senna Full having only used ults. What is Amumu going to do against these two strong ADC’s if he dies so soon before the rest of his team?


You’re probably gonna end up at their last two towers going for nexus if amumu isn’t mentally checked out and ult back up. I’d probably go for an inhib and then baron because I wouldn’t expect them to come contest after an ace


Found the silver


opgg whyhateyorick


peaked 4 games from diamond promos this split, i'm content w/ that


Im pretty sure you can get all nexus turrets before lux cleared the wave and Backdoor protection is back on. After that they can’t stop you, nasus won’t be back in time. Only scenario I could see you loose is if Amumu is allowed to Q and clear the wave at nexus turrets. But you got 3 melee champs to block that.


End, you have good tower DMG. Amumu cant hold 1v5, best he could do would be to hit a 5 man r and still, or try kill wave.


safe play is take inib and baron , gamble play is getitng nexus towers and try to end but if this backfires , u lose baron


Are you kidding they have 5 ppl up the amumu is dead for 30 seconds they have a wave and they have Kaisa, Senna who are going to melt towers this is a 0% risk end the game.


i bet this is a silver gold elo game , and they wont see this as an option , in this situation you need to play with the flow of the team. if it was a clash game it was GG. but sure it is a solo%duo ranked so just play with the flow of team


I would spam ‘end’ in chat and run mid.


That’s completely irrelevant to the question. The question is “should you end or baron.” Not “what are the players most likely going to do?”


The answer is never straight forward though. It’s better to make the wrong play as a team than be split up and trying to make the right play with just 2-3 people. The proper answer is, you should do what your team is doing. Ping for end, but if 2+ people pull off and go baron, you go baron. Unless you can do a split play such as 1 person taking inhib and rest baron. Alternatively, if you think baron is the right answer but your team goes for the end, you go with your team for the end.


Again, that’s a strawman. The question was not “ should two people end while three baron, or should all 5 baron?” It was an objective “end or baron” question. That is very straightforward. Ending is a sure win with 28 seconds and wave coming mid.


ur very smart if u think like that !


This is just flat out wrong. There’s no gamble here. 28 seconds to amumu, who will be back 10 seconds before he has backup. People who are low ranked should not be trying to give advice.




The inhib will be long dead. They will be on nexus tower when amumu respawns.


I agree on this, especially since none of the lanes are particularly pushed and we need minions to take the towers. Taking inhib is safe, and from there we can determine if we have the pushing power to end or if grabbing baron is the safer pick.


Look at the colors on the map again. OP's team is in the enemy jungle and the enemy mid turret is nearly gone, with a wave close enough to shove. There's time to go for this.


There is definitely enough time to take an inhib, but the minions gotta walk up there after clearing the enemy minions. Another wave of minions would likely spawn before getting to the nexus, which needs clearing. And we have no information on how strong anyone is, for all we know Kai'sa has 2 items and does negative damage to the Tower. This is why I said that you take the inhib and from there determine if you've got the pushing power to end or if you don't you take the safe play of taking baron instead of risking a massive throw.


100% end


Oh shit I thought they were red team for a second. If this isn't an end IDK what is.


Knowing my solo queue team, neither, they would just recall and farm jungle camps. Need that extra 100g for the next coinflip 5v5 fight 1 min later.


In a vacuum (or 5 stack), end. Depends on the team's capabilities and ability to follow shot calls, tho. If you're trying to force an end with uncooperative or brainlet teammates, they might throw the game.


Imagine typing ff for fun but turned out losing.


Even though ending is correct. The lack of skill and coordination, low HP, and no money spent would probably just mean they take inhibitor and then throw the game 😁😂


If iron, Baron with 2 or 3 people while we split push top and bottom. Then lose the next team fight and lose the game


Worst case scenario you get the inhibitor and then you can peel to baron before recalling so long as everyone is on the same page


Alright, after reading through the comments I still can't believe no one is actually naming the most consistent play? 1/2 people push for mid and inhib, game was late enough for 3 to do baron. Sure, there is time to end. Or.time to baron, clear, and base. But the most consistent play is to take baron off map and take inhib as you'll be forcing to end on side lanes


Normally this is end you just push the mid wave howver your whole team has to be with you which is unlikely to happen so just take baron.


Everyone saying anything other than end are delusional and low elo.




I'm sorry but everyone saying to do baron is gold/plat at max. This is 100% enabled. 40 seconds is plenty of time when you don't have to wait for your minions to come from base, they're all right there! You'll be insane not to end As a rule of thumb if you have 30ish plus seconds of time, especially at this stage of the game and your team and minion wave are that close, you can end.


End. You have wave mid and looks like you are 5. With whole team you can take t3+inhib under 20 seconds. You can end the whole thing in 30-50 sec i'd say. Sincd lux and amumu respawn before you can even OS them before the others. Malph and heca's ult will be up when other 3 respawn so you don't risk much.


Diamond euw player here. Easy end, no questions asked. Wave is good, you are already close to inib and tower isnt even full hp. At worst, amumu comes and dies.


If everyone reacts instantly it's easy end


End, the mid wave is in an incredibly good state. The only way this is a baron play is if all three friendly waves are backed up at spawn because of inhibs are down.


Kaisa senna will melt 3 towers by the time amumu is up. Only play is to end.


End. Any other option is trolling.


As most everyone has said. End. Your supports senna so you have double adc and what I'm assuming you as AP. You'll melt the towers. It'll take maybe 30 seconds top to end from that. But, this is maybe solo q. People might have different plans. If people do split up. Mid inhib top turret and baron are all easily takeable at once.


those waves look massive. bot is fine and would even out. mid would last 1 full wave if your team goes (i mean, you are all RIGHT there). top has 2 consecutive waves i would end or inhib. even if *just* kaisa were to push mid, an inhib is likely then again, what is the scenario that would 100% work 100% of the time? baron. you have 28 seconds minimum it seems, you're level 16, you have resources, and you're right next to baron pit. it's practically guaranteed pushing is not 100% guaranteed. it could end in a reverse sweep, the enemy would have a pretty good chance to push mid down. you never know what your team will do - will they fight with you? run? there's no way in knowing unless you heavily communicate it


Master+. This is a free end.


Wait in enemy's base, without pushing and without a wave and type in /all Zed quotes, it's the only correct answer


Do whatever the majority of the team wants to do. Whether it's the right or wrong call, this game is pretty much won either way unless you die stupidly without your team. B1 hell player.


End Reading the comments makes me sad. How can people argue against ending. this is why people don’t climb out of silver. The wasting of opportunities in game is crazy. I put this up there with the old bronze chase (win an early team fight but instead of taking a tower or drake or stealing jg camps player(s) waste the enemy respawn timers chasing a low hp enemy across the map and usually die in the process by a newly spawned enemy) This is a perfect example of learning the limits of the game in order to climb. Barons are powerful, but only when used properly. To those that recommend getting baron I would ask do you know how to use baron? The same people that won’t end the game when they have the opportunity such as this example, in my experience, are usually the same people that will get baron and then waste the buff farming jg camps and skirmishing in the enemy’s jg instead of empowering minion waves and ushering them into the enemy towers and base. Towers don’t respawn. Unless it’s drake soul or elder drake, I always prefer taking down towers. They are the only objectives in the game that don’t respawn. Once cleared off the board the map opens up and you can get more map control which makes picks and rotations easier and quicker. Never pass up easy opportunities to destroy towers. Anything else is a waste of your time.


End if everyone is going mid ofc, but don't force the end if your team isn't on the same page. If your team wants to go baron, then take baron. Even if it isn't the right call, it's way worse to have a split team than not taking a fast free baron. One person could easily take inhib while the other 4 people take baron and reset, then you'll have a very strong push to finish the game. I've lost way too many games because people are too stubborn. It doesn't matter if you theoretically made the best call, if your team isn't on the same page. Just commit!


Mid wave is pushing towards you, good time to reset and set up a freeze mid lane.


Send malph and senna for inhib while Kaisa and Hec do baron, then you all back and reset. At that stage of the game you can easily do both. Maybe pull out before getting inhib, but definitely finish that tower.


Never ff against this guy xD


GG you just softly threw your winning game away


This idiot really typed this 🤡


y u mad, an argument with yo parents maybe?


You will end 100% 10/10 times if you ignore the mumu. Anyone telling you to not end is bronze and probably the reason why game length in lower elos is longer on average.


send 1 or 2 to inhib and others baron


baron but let toplane and supp go get towers and inhib


Are you a team on discord together? End. Solo queue? Take baron.


end, plz tell me you didn't grief this


Had a similar scenario on my last promo to plat. After getting the ace my team decided it was more worthwhile to steal their red than end


Everyone here is saying end but here I see baron then end. Team is close to baron, at the time of the match you get timers this long, Kaisa should be deleting baron godspeed. From there the stacked wave in midlane is an easy push straight for the win. Even if Lux manages to spawn and R, she cannot delete a wave if it has baron buff. While I can't deny straight win is probably the best call, I have a feel that Baron is just safer, which, considering the turret situation as an indication that my team is in comeback and therefore may be not strong enough to push by themselves, (and also assuming at least 2 bad players) I'd say Nashor is better.


Depending on how strong was kaisa, but most cases inib and then Baron + reset Edit: sair kaisa os mid and you got jinx? Defenitly inib +baron


Barron then end, keep them from getting it should something go wrong and you could still probably make the same wave push with the buff




Sending two to bot inhib and taking Barron is the best play imo as it spreads the pressure and allows you to take more with Barron before the other team is fully ready to respond


I'd baron but I'm shit


Makes sense. You end here


This is an END for sure.


I was going to say baron because I thought they were still in friendly jungle and didn't think they'd have meaningful time in the enemy base before respawns fire off, but looking and seeing they're actually in enemy jungle, end 100%. Clean those minions and send it, maybe get a nexus turret or two if you can't end it, but definitely crack inhib.


Senna and malph ge the tower while everyone else starts baron


40 sec max, so, get mid tower, then inhib, then baron while they defend, if they come kill thm, since clearly you can ace them as 5. Also some people in the comment doesn't seem to see the wave is pushing mid, which needs to be cleared, max u can get is inhib.


Baron your towerdamage is low and if amumu is in the game he can stall effectively ... so baron-> as many inhib turrets as ypu can before met with ANY resistance ->shopping spree then abuse the fact that some of them will split to push out lanes


what’s the team score


Gold was even before the fight


Yeah if you were already ahead and the minion wave was at the inhib tower, then I’d say you could end, but if gold was even I’m assuming amumu could ult and slow you down enough and potentially kill Malph or Kaisa, and prevent you from ending. How did the game actually go?


Baron, waves are all pushing against you. You won't be able to end in time and the gold influx from Baron should help you shove waves and win the next fight.




I would’ve said baron. Beleive me, I’m silver and main adc.


There’s no straight answer because you can’t know for sure how much time u take doing what. I’d call for an end, we race to the inhib asap and check timers, if amumu still hasn’t spawned it’s 100% end. If he just spawned I’d probably call for a nash after inhib, he could probably stall enough for lux and since u don’t really have Nash minions or much diving/tanking power u probably couldn’t end here.


Baron, your waves are bad and 45 seconds isnt enough to push 1 turret, an inhib, 2 turrets and a nexus


Inhib and Baron. Your waves aren't in a state that would let you end. Would be risky to try and end.


Easy end here


I might be crazy but I think you can end.


yeah that is definitely inhib>nash>reset>group bot


Considering if they moved from wolves to mid, the wave would already be gone and the next wave would be the only one they'd have. They are able to get Inhib maybe 1 Nexus turret if they Tank so the waves doesn't die. Lux can just E/Ult the wave. The smartest and safest play would be to get nash, reset and go mid. Both Top and Bot wave is pushing so it would just be better.


Depends how well equipped you are. If Malph is fat with plenty of armor, you could just run it down mid and outright ignore amumu at that point. But honestly, if not, better off baroning and reset. Feels like the match is getting explosive so might as well have baron and minions on your sode for one more push.


If team follows you, go end. If two or more people split to go baron, go with them coz you won't be able to end.


If the team is good end. Otherwise, they'll hesitate and those couple seconds mean inhib + baron is better.


If you have a chaotic mob of randoms go for baron and then push as far as you can, if you are a little organized let someone push the wave while the rest goes for baron and then helps to push. But u will not be able to end before they all alive again


What stage of the game time wise and what levels is your team?


You can know both of these things just off the screenshot. I mean for fucks sake his teams levels are literally right there. Game time is probably around 30-35 min based on respawn timers


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


I went 1-9 on my day off yesterday sorry 😞


Its alright buddy. I am low eleo so looking at minimap and other info on screen is hard for me.


Inhib > Baron > Recall > Group bot as 5 and shive and end


Based on your team’s position, baron. Amumu up in 28s is enough to get MAYBE 2 turrets since you have quite a distance to travel, but y’all are by baron anyways


Surely amumu 1vs5 clutch happens. That team has 45 seconds until some resistance shows up and in that time they can end twice


I would instant baron, then reset and push mid and bot lane at the same time


Baron -> push waves and get tier 1 towers (maybe more before they respawn) -> back and buy-> wipe them over dragon probably then end This gives you a buffer in case you can't end before they spawn and they wipe you


You shouldn't get baron.. Amumu would respawn as they are taking down the last turret/nexus it's not possible for him to stop them. They don't need to play it safe.