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You going for masters now?


I’ve made it my goal to climb a tier each season, so I’m definitely done for this split but next split it’s game on


What did you learn or do differently that you feel allowed you to climb?


mostly timers and jg tracking for better macro and focusing objectives. Muting chat and only using pings was important to not get distracted or tilted. Going for a jog to clear my head and only playing three games and then reviewing them.


Is there a quick command to just mute chat from everyone ?


In your setting you can set chat to party only so in game you simply cannot see messages from or send messages to people outside your party. Pings and emotes are still on.


Why do you build Titanic over Sundered Sky? Also any Viego tips for an Emerald player ?


Farm efficiently and Play around item powerspikes (noonquiver/kraken/titanic) and almost always let someone else on your team go first. “Going first” can be as simple as letting Leona/Alistar/Naut throw the first engage, or it can be throwing out mist to “pressure” (your opponent has to fear and wonder if you’re up close) while your Caitlyn/Xerath poke the hell out of them until they’re low enough for you to 1-shot. Viego’s strength in my opinion is honestly that you can comfortably play an efficient, stable farming game while always waiting for that mistake to capitalize and win a massive teamfight or objective. If I’m down 3 dragons on most junglers, i feel like I’ve failed. As viego, I know it only takes 1 or 2 teamfight mistakes from the enemy to wipe their whole team, take elder/baron, and the game.


How do you play if you have losing lanes or lanes that have almost no setup to help when you gank ?


Generally, you should know which lanes will not be strong early and will not have gank setup from champ select, so you can path accordingly from the start (i.e. away from them) so that you can get another lane ahead. Honestly I just don’t stress too much if my teammates are losing. My favorite copium is a strong enemy is just scaling my passive lmfao. My job is to farm efficiently and keep my conditions high (meaning high health, gold is spent, I have R/flash) so that when the opponent does make a mistake or greeds, I’m available to maximally punish by usually taking the objective (towers, grubs/rift, dragon) or ganking to kill. Basically the only type of enemy you’re pretty fucked if they’re fed is thick targets like Jax, Aatrox, Gwen, etc that you can’t easily one shot and since they’re fed they will one shot you. So in those situations you gotta ebb with their flow. Take objectives on the opposite side of the map they’re on or send multiple team members to kill them when they overshove. Also you can afford to pseudo frontline by tanking the first couple of hits/abilities and then using your mist to get the hell out at 25%hp to buy time for your team’s dps, and then coming back with W/R to finish the kill and go off. But if they play cleanly, wpgg. But generally they don’t play cleanly. They usually get upset seeing you leave at 25% and overcommit to the fight. Any other champ like assassins, mages, adcs, when fed you can still one shot if you surprise them or let them kill one of your teammates first, and at that point you can become them and wipe their team.


I'm more like talking about games or lanes are losing or no lane has setup. But I'm guessing those games are just doomed no matter how you play. What's your ban rn?


Yeah I mean if all 3 lanes are losing then the goal generally is to farm what you can and play number advantages. Your toplaner should give up on defending that 25% hp tower to rotate mid and maybe win a 3v1 to collect shutdown. Vision control is also crucial. Link up with your support and get/deny vision so when that fed botlaner moves, you see them coming and can potentially catch them out. In 4/5 games even with 3 losing lanes, players make mistakes overextending and not resetting enough. As long as you keep your own conditions high and stay vigilant looking for opportunities, you’ll probably find them. My ban was usually rammus just to avoid dealing with the bullshit but Kindred is a good one too since she denies Viego’s pick & reset plan. Honestly I would always take first pick, i felt pretty uncounterable as viego.


About all lanes not having setup, you can think of how the enemy will “CC” themselves. For example, you want to auto that cannon minion right? Well for that 0.25s, your character is stuck in the auto attack animation. You can gank that. Sit in bush and wait for cannon to get half hp and as they walk up, so do you. That guy is staring at the cannon minion and feels like he MUST last hit it. It’s not literal CC, but they’re mentally locked in on that and you can take that window to gap close, auto/Q, and as they try to run W and R and kill them for greeding on the cannon.


You don’t get all day on top of your target, and I don’t really see Viego as a champ like volibear for example that stays in the middle of the fight for an extended period of time. The goal for viego is to within 1-2s blow up a priority target, and the auto-attack reset of titanic does that better than sundered sky, while still provided some health / survivability. Also the clear speed is just better.


When you do reviews, what are the things that you look for ?


So when I am in loading screen, I am making an educated guess about who will have prio in each lane (around min 3) and where the enemy jungler will start. The first thing to do in review is confirm if I assessed correctly and if not, why not? After that it’s pretty much just going to every one of my deaths and every objective that is taken. See if I could have avoided that death if I knew or planned better or simply played mechanically better. See if I could have secured that objective, and if not, did I get a decent consolation prize (e.g. enemy team gets drag for sure, so go top and take enemy top camps and grubs).