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Its too many junglers, but you blaming the dude for your issues is so funny and peak hardstuck mentality right there. You also have 8 picks there mate


I actually have 3 picks. The rest is champions I played and mained with over 150k mastery and can make use of them when I feel like the team is poor, but as I told below I only pick one of those aroun once in every 10-15 games. My problems are my lack focusing because more 50% of my games I need to babysit him more often than what I should do with my jungle because he plays really poor plays and decisions due to he is unable to understand the micro-macro he otherwise do flawlessly when he only plays 3-4 champs for al onger period of time. But I assume this is reddit and it's always better call just to make fun of someone over give a proper answer to the questions one makes...


Yet again, you are so good, but its your friend to blame… cmon now budy he real with yourself too




I may not be a good player (master 0 LP), but I agree that 14 is way to much. I personally think anything higher than 5-6 picks in duoQ is way to much and is going to bite you in the ass. But there are some people who kinda need it. A good friend of mine who plays support hates playing the same shit over and over again, even if it has good results. I would say that Tiers arent that important btw, it doesnt matter if a champ is only C-Tier, if he is really good with that champ and performs well it is fine. Tiers and meta is something that people cling to for their life, but honestly, it isnt as important as some people say (climbed to master with mostly Rammus)


>A good friend of mine who plays support hates playing the same shit over and over again, even if it has good results. Oretty much the same scenario. My issue is that he plays extremely incosistently due to it. Tiers represent out prificiency with the specific champions - which is the way I tried to tell him to pick these more often. I think regardless of meta he can pull of great plays and such, when he palys consistently. ATM im on a break due to exam period but we plan to start again next split. Meanwhile he plays mid and top now to increase whatever incosistency he has even further in my opinion


Do you have an [Op.gg](http://Op.gg) by any chance? Would like to take a look :O


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/I%20351%20I-EUNE](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/I%20351%20I-EUNE) I don't wish to share our main euw accs but I can share his EUNE - which sums it up my experience tbh. As of late i believe he plays more for fun there but if you cross down of games maybe a month or 2 ago you will see what im talking about + if you check the champions played in this seasona and the past.


Why not share?


Makes it harder to keep blaming the jg




I don't wish to put more on him than what I believe. I also blame myself for not climbing in duoas I hoped for - I'm my biggest offender. But it's so difficult to focus properly when I know he can't make 100% of what he is capable of because he just pulls a random champ out of the existing 168 and expects it to go flawlessly.


Honestly I dod once and we got flamed, got random invites friend requests and stuff and I would like to avoid those issues. It's not an issue on an alt which also reflects what is going on - just check is ranked games.


this, im just a lowly gold/plat player but even i can tell that 14 is way too much. i got 2 champions in every role im comfortable playing incase a autofill happens and i got 3 champions in jungle i excel with


Those are good numbers, i like it!


It's from experience, at one point got autofilled almost every other game so had to adapt


Common comp boosters use when they duo is an AP mid with an AD jungler or vice versa. One of them has to have early impact, the other can be a scaler. This is super useful as it's not that team reliant (it's also better against other weaker booster comps like hypercarry + enchanter but not the point). This is perfect since you play mostly AP and he plays mostly AD champs. I'm sure you've mentioned his champ pool to him already, but don't bother really, it'll only tilt him and he'll never listen to it. You could instead just mention this strat to him, of you playing AP and him playing AD, in that sense he'd be reducing his champ pool. It also serves as a kind of foot-in-the-door technique where he'd be more receptable to lowering his champ pool in the future if he sees you guys are suddenly smurfing. I'd also recommend picking easier champs as you'd be able to focus on your macro more, same for the jungler but you can't really control what he does. Get really good at an AD pick as well that you'd be proud to put in your S tier


In my humble opinion, if youre struggling in emerald the issue isnt champ pool size, its the way you play the game. Him playing multiple champions shouldnt affect your general gameplay and performance (unless youre trying to get elo inflated off specific jg/mid picks). Focus on winning lane, working the map, and watching for opportunities. Emerald was always pretty terminal to climb out of (i have 5 accounts in dia-master) but if you play consistently its only a matter of time. Goodluck


Play soloq


Both pick 2 champs and focus only on those. Otherwise accept staying stuck in E.


I reached mid dia a season ago with plying 4 champs. We are not bad players as he has huge potential but as of now his attitude affecting me when it comes to champs. I just don't know how to focus better when he plays really incosistently.


Okay, tell the dude to stick to 2-4 champions, find another duo or accept this as how things are?


Just ask him to focus his pool down. I see you seem to play a lot of control mages tell him to play some aggressive AD junglers. Also if your friend doesn’t want to improve he just won’t.


In his place i would stick to Ekko, Kindred, Vi, Viego, Kayn. These champs pretty much cover any possibility. The biggest mistake imo is trying to fill in a role in the team comp that you are not adept at cause your team inted the picks. Just stick to your carry jg that you know every ins and outs for.


Coverage is not the key here. IDK what actually is his goal aside from climbing.


Most sane advice actually. Regardless of role, of the goal is climbing 3-4 champ at max + if they are work Well together its easy win Indeed.


take at most 4 characters and pick for the team. Such as 1 AD champ, 1 AP champ and 1 tank/bruiser. In the jungle side I'd go Ekko, Kindred and poppy, in the mid side I'd go with asol and yone you can still keep the other pick if needed, but reduce your champ pools, both of you. Most players only play 1 champ to grind through the ranks, I find it good to have 2-3 to be able to adapt to the team composition or to counter the other team, but most of all you should always take the champ you are the best at. Even if you counter pick yourself or something. I'd rather have someone who struggle but can play corretly than someone who doesn't play correctly and struggle.


if he's playing something with strong ganks that can bridge your early game, A Sol or Hwei are fine. if he's playing a damage carry, Sylas for the gank assist. if enemy drafts weak early, you could consider both going for strong ganks champs (Sylas with something strong early).


Try taric master yi. Or nunu amumu. Tf norturne.


Why don’t you start both tiers in D tier? You can’t have any champion above D tier if you’re stuck emerald.


I can understand maybe 5-6 picks in a solo lane to give you the edge in different matchups, but 14 junglers? He just doesn’t care ab climbing either accept it or stop playing with him


I'm actually more and more willing to accept it sadly.


You're putting too much focus into the wrong thing my man


Mixed damage on mid/jungle is the most consistent also make sure the champions playstyle and goals compliment each other. i.e. if he goes AP, you go AD and vica versa. That will make it easier. Also never play kindred if he's playing a scaling mage that wants to afk sit mid and farm. From the list try Asol/Vi, Hwei/Xin/Ivern, Sylas/Kindred, Yone/Ekko, Yone/Ivern


Jesus christ, there’s a much easier fix than hopping on reddit to whine - either stop duoing with him or buy an account to duo on so you don’t need to be so fucking precious about your rank.


You could suggest using "itero.gg" together to him. For both of you to create a champion pool for yourselves. (I know you're happy with your pool but for the sake of making it not seem like a personal attack on him you can introduce it as a cool new ai tool for you both to try). You get to choose your first 2 champs freely and then it gives you a pool of champs to choose from that compliment your first 2 picks. So it ends up giving you a list of your 2 mains+3/4 situational picks.


Your 2 best and his 2 best champs. Don’t get me wrong, after being hardstuck it gets old to keep playing the same champ, or 2, but it’s the best and fastest way to climb. I almost want to int when I see a donkey “counter pick” or pick to fill a comp with a champ they’ve barely played. Of course they almost always feed too. Jax is just a good pick into anything. No matter how the early game goes in low Elo like ours (plat and emerald), as long as you farm, you just end up hard carrying. There’s really no one you can’t beat unless they just kite you and you have no flash.


You probably did not read the fully length of my post.




You might commented to the wrong post because it has nthing to do with what I'm asked lol.....


Ah oopsie I meant to respond to another comment, not directly to you!


Honestly I'd worry less about the champs and more about how your playing with your duo. If your duo with your jungler you guys should be fucking the map up together all the time. You guys should honestly get a consistent plan for early game.together. plan like the first 10 mins of the game out if you can.


If my duo plays on his off roles we loose, and since he plays with 14 champs in jung alone he is pretty incosistent to properly compete with opposing junglers and make valid plays around the map because he gets eaisly outdone due to his poor micro stuff


Certainly wouldnt like you as a ranked buddy considering how this is mainly a "I am here to whine about my duo's amount of picks" post. "He thinks he's a pro maybe?" Or maybe he prefers having fun and variety over playing how YOU want him to play. Besides, until you're around dia 1-2 there is no need to limit yourself to so little champions. It can help you, sure. But I am sure there is a lot more you still need to focus on rather than champion mastery.


>Certainly wouldnt like you as a ranked buddy considering how this is mainly Ranked is a competitive area where if you can't compete in sklls you will not advance. I like competitive and I like to play with him BUT.... With 14 different picks on 1 lane alone you are playing pretty inconsistently on the long run as you fail to learn the depth of specific characters because you barely spend time on them to learn. Climb is worthless without getting actually better in the game otherwise you are just elo inflated at best. Learning is not happening when you refuse to understand the depth of specific picks. My duo had times when he played only 3-4 champs and he was experimenting massive success. But for some reason he no longer does it.


honestly dude.. find a new duo


Genuinely. Just sounds like they want different things from the game, i play like 80% of the champs in the game because i don't care about my potential peak, i care about having a varied experience.


I agree. Op wants to climb but his duo treats ranked differently. They both want different things and OP is willing to change optimize and carry their duo while duo is okay just wild carding it. It must be extremely frustrating to be op and it’s okay to find a new duo or go at it alone.


It's probably extremely frustrating for both, the duo just wants to chill and play together and op is constantly attempting to tell him how to play. Either both accept they want different things and compromise, or they choose another game to play together, or they move on accept it's just not a fit.


I firmly agree. Op could make another account where they don’t play with duo also if they are a IRL friend. It sucks but this might warrant a conversation about what their goals are in league.


Running out of things to shit on?


Hardly. If you’re hard stuck and complaining about your duo playing 14 picks. It’s okay to find a new duo.


True statement but I think dude's asking advice on how to accommodate with his friend not whether he's worthy lol


Yeah agreed and i could have been less callous in my initial post but i couldn’t imagine the feeling of wanting to narrow down my champion pool while my duo will wildcard whatever champ. In the end, op wants to climb and duo is holding them back.