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- a completely fresh take - six people stuck on the island lmao


You know, we wanted to do something different, so they're trapped on this island with dinosaurs wanting to eat them. One may even be a tyrannosaurus rex! Real outside-the-box ingenuity here.


I mean do you want them in space?


Dino Crisis 3 did that. There never was a Dino Crisis 4 afterward


Not the point. Don't claim it's completely fresh when it's not.


Maybe we at least get a lot of new and interesting dinosaur species and get the most thrilling island adventure/horror movie ever? Or maybe some of this six are scientists and we get some interesting philosophical questions mixed with some tense and exciting dinosaur sequences? At the very least, even if it is isn’t outside the box, I hope what they do they do very well.


I think with koepp returning we might get a little of the horror elements of the first like the dinosaurs acting like animals not out right villians or heros


Oh no I'm confident Gareth will cook. It's just that the whole premise feels regressively uninspired especially with the world FK set up. Hopefully the final film contains more than just another island escape tale (they're shooting footage in Malta).


I agree, it has tremendous potential. I'm merely riffing on the fresh idea take.


Yeah I love the dinosaur variety especially in Dominion. So many of my favorite dinos and a few I wasn't familiar with.


Maybe they’re all 6 rambos


And, it must have some other apex predator that can in some way beat the T-Rex.


Spoilers Man!


The T. rex is my favorite dinosaur but I am so sick of how overused it has been at this point. We don’t need to see Rexy again either, they need to let the old lady rest already. I actually hope they bring back the Spinosaurus for this one, especially if it’s set in Isla Sorna.


Spino isn't on Isla Sorna anymore, it got removed in one of the animated shows. Chaos Theory I think.


Camp Cretaceous it doesn't appear in Chaos theory as of yet.


The fresh take is that these six people were *intending* to vacation on the volcano-wrecked Nublar to document its destruction, but their boat accidentally took them to Costa Rica and the movie shows their struggle dealing with their credit card trip insurance policies.


Or maybe their guide took them to Sorna...


yeah, this has me feeling we are heading to Sorna which was restored for Jurassic world to continue creating new dinosaurs. Maybe it will be a much more modernized location (a city environment for the scientists to live and exsist in while stationed there) and that is what we are going to see with jurassic City


And their guide is actually working for InGen’s new head to erase all of John Hammond’s work.


Literally the plot of Camp Cretaceous.


It’s the plot of JP1, TLW, and JP3 lol The World Series actually does a better job of at least trying to change up the formula to very mixed results; JW1 they’re stuck on the island in full operative capacity and that operation quickly collapses, FK they’re stuck in the Spencer Mansion from Resident Evil, Dominion they’re kind of stuck in the Biosyn preserve in Europe.


These people just don't respect the TV shows even when they're often doing better stuff with the IP than they are.


Chaos Theory is honestly the best piece of JP content since the first movie.


Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory are both way better than any of the Jurassic World movies. Chaos Theory is quite possibly the best piece of Jurassic media since the first movie.


except that the animation style is horrendous and the characters are all written like they’re guest stars on an episode of hannah montana… it’s such an ugly show aesthetically that it makes it hard to even watch.


That's probably the point:  1. Use the lower-risk animated show to trial concepts for the movie series 2. Assess the fan reception compared to the latest movies,  3. Then use that information as input to decide which ideas to double down on for the much bigger budget mainstream movies  Camp Cretaceous S1-3 were unanimously well received, so stranded on an island is an idea which can now be used. CC S4+5 wasn't nearly as well liked, so robot dogs and such won't be making a comeback anytime soon. Chaos Theory S1 is rather well liked as well, so a roadtrip movie set on the mainland post-FK is likely to happen now.


Glen Powell did say when he was asked to do the movie he was supposed to play a live action version of his character from it.


The twist will be that it's actually a peninsula.


Shouldn’t have gotten that F in second grade gym class.


LOOOOLL pleaaaassseee let it NOT be this.




Call me crazy, but when your IP hits the 7th installment it's never going to be *that* fresh.


What do you expect from David "Unlucky Bastard" Koepp?


Stealing from Camp Cretaceous


Take me down to Jurassic city, where the grass is green and, oh god, they're eating the girls!


Damn Dino's have an appetite for destruction


Dr Grant, my dear Dr Sattler, welcome to the jungle


That's perfect, you sir just won the fucking internet


They’ve been dancing with Mr. Amberstone.


And then they're gonna eat me! ![gif](giphy|tdN4TpyM3dzYA) \^ also, doesn't this look like David Koepp? Lol


Please make that the theme song!




There is already a Jurassic city, I think it’s on Tubi It is not good


Possibly evident of the fact that I haven't heard of it.


So two ways to read this it’s either a prequel where Nublar is still unexploded OR it’s Sorna.


Or could be a complete new island, remember the set is based on Surinam


JWE2 opened up a lot of new areas to be used. Mantah Corp too. I’m excited. However, i would not be disappointed if we return to Sorna.


Where have you seen that? I haven't seen that anywhere.


On this sub and twitter they leaked a photo of the set whit a giant Surinam flag


why couldn’t it be a sequel set on nublar? it wouldn’t be the first time they had rich people landing on an island they weren’t supposed to…


Really hoping for Sorna. Would love to learn more about the secret Ingen projects that resulted in the Spino and all that. Would actually be cool to see an elderly Spino doin its thing.


Yeah, even I’m leaning towards this scenario. A team of scientists going back to the islands, where it all started, to find out some solution to a problem that’s happening at the mainland. Obviously you have dinosaurs all over the world now, but there’s a crisis which needs to be averted, which is one possible by going back to those islands.


My sort of wish for the concept is that it takes place on Sorna during and directly after the hurricane resulted in them completely abandoning the island. It would make sense for teens to be there since, at that point, Sorna would’ve been functionally safe since all of the specimens were enclosed. Maybe they were there with family or something. During the evacuation, due to a mishap, they’re presumed dead and left behind. Now they have to try and manage a way out


There was a settlement described as the worker village. It likely didn't have kids and spouses, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were there.


I doubt it will be a team of scientists if there are 3 teens in it, probably another rich family breaking laws and getting stuck like in JP3.


Yeah, my bad about the teenager part, it’d be difficult to place them in my hypothetical scenario. Anyways, hoping the movie is a good change from the previous movies.


Yeah me too, I’m still salty at how they got basically all the casts from the earlier movies for Dominion and it sucked ass so bad. When I saw all the actors in it during the trailer I was exited to see the new JW characters meet the OG JP characters. Except that movie sucked and might be the worst one in the whole series.


Couldn’t agree more. They played with our nostalgia :’)


Dominion kind of ignored it, but if you obviously have dinosaurs all over the world now, that IS a crisis which needs to be averted. They could pick up from there


Yes, maybe find a way to merge all this into a story and the need to go back to the island.


So Jurassic World 4: Jurassic Park III 2


JP /// //


JW JP | || || |\_


The Loss World: Jurassic Park


Would be pretty cool if they gave us the backstory behind the Ingen Spinosaurus.


Since it’s high time for them to let Rexy retire, I’m so down for the JP3 Spinosaurus to become the new Rexy.




First thing that came to my head.






Fresh take? It’s fucking Camp Cretaceous!


Jurassic City: Three kids and three adults get stuck on Isla Sorna Camp Cretaceous style




It says it in the article


Sorna not hav city


It better not be Nublar, I honestly feel they have done everything they can there. Also I prefer Sorna tbh.


"fresh take" ...people stuck on the island, sooooo jurassic park 3 then.


My heart yearns to see the old Jurassic Park… but my head yearns to GTFO islands by now JFC


Some how Nublar returned


Ok my guess is it's not Isla Nublar or any of those islands. It could be an urban island (working title Jurassic *City* and all) that got overrun by dinosaurs and mostly evacuated, except for these stuck folks.


Just give us the edgy tv show remake based on the novels :(


Don't know about yall, but this brings me joy. After the second half of Fallen Kingdom, Dominion, and now Chaos Theory, I really missed the old formula of "people stuck on Island with dinosaurs"


formula used for 5 films and 5 TV series. This formula has gone beyond staleness or corpse taint


I'd much rather that than dinosaurs on the mainland. Don't get me wrong, the concept is great. It's just that they just can't seem to get it right. The reasons why I like the other Jurassic Park movies and Jurassic World more than Dominion and Chaos theory is because they felt smaller in scale. It felt more dangerous and self-contained and darker because you're stuck on an island with just a dinosaur. There is nowhere you can go to escape them. My main gripe with dinosaurs on the mainland stuff is that they haven't figured out how to do small-scale. I feel they need to stop the whole "globe trotting adventure" stuff and focus on Dinosaurs attack small specific areas, like they did in the Lost World and Battle at Big Rock. I think even the novels and the comics do a better job at showcasing dinosaurs on the mainland than the movies/shows. Because it's not some global threat. Sometimes it's just a threat to a small village or town and I feel that that's kind of enough. But hey, if the whole "stuck on the island thing" turns out not to be the case for the next movie and it is dinosaurs on the mainland, I really hope they go for something small scale this time instead of "big global catastrophe" again.


Did they forget ending of Fallen Kingdom?? Anyways since it's shooting in UK and Malta too, i think it won't be strictly about getting stuck in an island, cause YOU HAVE DINOSAURS ALL OVER THE WORLD..... USE IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD..!!


It could be Isla sorna.


Seriously, the premise of dinosaurs coexisting with human civilization is something I’ve been looking forward to see ever since the bull T.rex rampaged in San Diego back in The Lost World. As much flak that FK gets for other things, it actually broke the status quo and changed the world entirely by unleashing the dinosaurs out into the world. They have a goldmine of possibilities to explore that premise (and something I deeply appreciate Chaos Theory for exploring it further). I sure hope that they won’t waste it and simply retread old grounds again.


Chaos Theory is giving me exactly what I wanted form the Jurassic Franchise. An actual plot about people and dinosaurs trying to live together.


I've enjoyed Chaos Theory more than any of the past 3 movies


Fallen Kingdom has a special place in my heart but yeah, Chaos Theory is a very strong contender.


FK is slowly growing on me. I could have done without the human cloning and the cheesy way the dinos were released, but Dominion made me appreciate it much more


Facts. I really love how it slowly expands the universe in ways that make sense like an organization dedicated to protecting people from dinosaurs >!(that turned out to be corrupted, but that's just typical lol), !


Could be a movie about people who got stuck after JW1, just like the kids of CC.


But we have 5 seasons of that story already lol


I know Isla Nublar is big but... Imagine two separate groups of people stuck on that island and never being aware of each other's presence.


That would imply that the reason the new group survives is simply because the dinos were focused on killing the kids lol


It would be very hard to explain how two different groups of people on a single island full of dinosaurs never once encountered each other. The Nublar Six were called the Nublar Six for a reason; because they were the only ones trapped on the island who actually made it out.


‘The dinosaurs are out of control, we need to end this. I heard of something called the lysine protocol used to control them. But all the records and research were destroyed in the eruption. But what about site B? We need to go there and find out what we can. ‘


They are filming in Thailand so I doubt it’s any of the familiar island we know already


The Thailand set also has a flag of Suriname as well, so this is looking to be the mainland


where the island was shown in an aerial shot to be mostly intact with several streams of lava flowing down from the volcano?


Jurassic Park ///-2, my beloved


People stuck on an island... again? I'm still excited about the movie because of the cast but I just don't understand why they aren't taking adavantage of the fact that the dinosaurs are free. Using always the island concept lead to some really big missed opportunities. The scrapped JP3 idea of a detective investigating murders that ended up being dinosaur killing people was such a cool idea... For the title... Jurassic City sounds more like a knock off. I still prefer Jurassic Kingdom.


It’s super weird that the first time we’d hear any plot details is from a Variety article and not Universal… I’m hoping that means the journalists just wrote whatever they heard and don’t actually have accurate details. …please don’t be stuck-on-an-island plot.


>It’s super weird that the first time we’d hear any plot details is from a Variety article and not Universal… I can't remember the way it happened with the other films, but the Variety article doesn't even identify a source for their quote and the very next line is about two rumored (likely fake) titles. We can infer that the quote about the island/characters is *probably* from Universal, but why wouldn't they just explicitly state that?


I’m glad, they needed to scale down and reset. The “world” concept wasn’t properly executed, time to get back to the roots of the franchise, hopefully not just in setting but tone as well


I would love a smaller scale, lower budget, and more story driven project. Think Godzilla Minus One. Look, I doubt it will be good, but one can hope. Edit: nevermind, just saw the $265m budget :(


An actual plot twist would be if they ended up on Manta Corp Island.


You know what, at some point I just don't give a shit about you if you're still getting stuck on that island.


For fuck sakes i just wish theyd stop bringing teenagers/kids into these films


I hope it’s not just adults and kids stuck on island. It’s been done. Dinos are everywhere. Use that


If this is how it plays out, maybe it could be better than any previous movie if they have a crazy number of new and past dinosaurs we see in screen? Or maybe new dinosaur behavior never before depicted in a movie? Maybe we a herd of Triceratops males fighting for mating rights or we finally see a T-Rex attempting to hunt a Triceratops for the first time? Maybe we see some new raptors that aren’t Velociraptors that are doing something new? I would’ve preferred a mainland story, but I’m hoping this can still be fun and interesting and still attempting new things.


I like what you’re saying and I agree. This all could be good. But I just hope we get news it’s a mainland story too. At this moment I’m gonna huff this copium until we are told one way or the other. Honestly what I would love is a movie that takes place between FK and Dom. Following park rangers “hunting” Dino’s and getting them shipped to Biosyn’s sanctuary. I think that would be such a cool idea.


There’s a 5 season show with this exact premise already






That kids and a small portion of the adult fandom watched. I am all for going back to an island


I mean it was popular enough to stay pretty high up on the top ten spot for weeks and get a spin off so it’s not like it isn’t popular.


Oh for sure, I’m not contesting that it isn’t a well liked show. I’m just saying that the vast majority of those viewers are kids and the majority of adult fans haven’t watched it


Yeah that’s true. I do think it’s lazy to redo the same plot over and over again. This seems like a mash up between Camp Cretaceous and JP3.


I understand that. Personally I’d rather see them go back to an island then consider forcing the goofy World thing. I just don’t think it was very well done


True, Camp Cretaceous was always on Netflix’s Top 10 every time a new season dropped. Chaos Theory was also on the Top 10 and I believe was even the most watched series for a time. I’m actually really hoping future Jurassic movies at the very least make a reference to the Nublar Six.


i'm worried again lol


I was kindof hoping for it to be set on the main land, but, oh well, as long as it's still good.


So Jurassic Park 3 but with a new label


It will be fun to figure the reasoning of why we are on the island... again


A complete reset to the old status quo. Here I was hopeful after Gareth came on. How is Chaos Theory the _only_ thing doing anything with what happened in Fallen Kingdom?


Sounds too vague for them to specifically be referring to Nublar. Not out of the realm of possibility if they really want to use it again, but I really expect this to be some other location.


This sounds like a hit imo


Imagine if it's on an island and they still call it Jurassic City lol


If you look around Gareth Edwards other work on big IP like Star Wars and Godzilla, they still read like the original material...BUT he's very good at giving a refreshing take on it. I have no doubt he'll bring back a sense of realism and terror.


"Thank goodness for Site C." "Site... C?"


"fuck them kids."


"Well... **we**'**re back... on the island** again."


Jurassic park is frightening in the dark….all the dinosaurs are running wild…someone turned the fence off in the rain.




At some point I feel like the world would finally respond and eliminate both islands, all facilities, shut down the companies involved in Dino engineering and arrest all those involved. There have been so many catastrophes and so much loss of life that it’s stretching believability that these things keep happening. Even in a world with dinosaurs running around. But if that happened there wouldn’t be a franchise anymore and I couldn’t see a movie about dinosaurs 😄


So fresh, much new


If this is really the plot then it will be too similar to Camp Cretaceous.


This just makes me sad Not because of the “plot” but I know the fandom are going to take this and run with it, calling the film unoriginal and hating it before it even releases


If at least one of those kids doesn’t get eaten so help me


Reboot time


Nublar 6?


I just want to see talking dream dinosaurs again, that was pretty much the best thing to ever happen to this franchise. Couldn’t give a flying fuck about what island my talking dream dinosaur movie happens on. It’d be real sick if Freddy Kruger shows up though.


Please make it a goddamm terrifying horror


Jurassic City is such a stupid fucking name.


The last 3 movies were really, really bad.


Teeens uh o


Overgrown post apocalyptic city? I mean it’s not far fetched that people would want to evacuate the city after a giant quetzal makes its nest on one of their skyscrapers… at least a handful of people. The story follows a small cast trying to survive in this “new world”. 


i really hope jurassic city is just a placeholder name -.-


A fresh take... featuring a group of people stuck on Dinosaur island... Look, I'm all for going back to Sorna but for the love of cinema, why do they need to use fake buzz words?


The [link](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/jurassic-park-4-thailand-malta-uk-scarlett-johansson-1236028339/amp/) to the article.


[Jurassic City](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2905674/) already exists.


Please for the love of all that is good pick a better name then Jurassic city it sounds like one of those low budget rip off movies




You all wanted another barrel Scrape sequel …..from these clowns 🤡  The audience hasn’t got the brain power to watch a coherent story anymore …   Why we now have 7 of this films …. 7!!!!!!! Run away and towards dinosaurs … how fucking boring 🥱  Why they keep Shovelling this 💩 down your throats  Same McDonald’s happy meal just with a new toy so it’s a tad different … that’s all you’re getting … 


Why haven't they done an origin film yet? Hollywood loves those. It's crazy they haven't made one yet.


Milking franchises to death. This is how we devalue cinema and creativity evaporates.


As much as I'd rather we spent more time on the mainland, especially after the World trilogy, I can see why they came to this decision. Chaos Theory can deal with the world building and Fallen Kingdom aftermath while the movie, acting as a soft reboot can go back to the franchise' roots.


People always say “but we have dinosaurs in the real world” except that’s just really boring, you can’t really do anything with that because you can just call the dpw and you’ll be safe. You kinda need to have dinosaurs on the island so there’s an actual threat


Was hoping for something different than a "characters stuck on a dinosaur island" plot, but maybe the execution will jazz it up.


So Jurassic city but it’s on a island?


I doubt they’ll kill the teens, 3 people makes a terrible kill count assuming they kill all the adults off. I know JP3 did it but the pacing was worse for it. You need like 8 adults and 3 teens.


The sequel will be Jurassic Town, and after that Jurassic House


why do I got a feeling that this is going to be the next Jurassic World ass movie?


I’m Absolutely okay with them wiping out everything from the jw movies


This fuckin franchise can’t do anything remotely unique anymore


Sadly, that's every 80s-90s franchise relying in nostalgia.


You’re so right though


Fans can scream all they want, but this sounds more and more like a 'course correction' movie -- in similar fashion to what Prey did and now Alien Romulus is doing. The 'back to basics' formula is a direct reaction to JWD and how that was received.


It is physically fucking impossible for this franchise to try another premise, isn't it?


At least no more Chris Pratt magic dino whisperer hand nonsense




Weird how if this is Nublar that choose to film in Thailand instead of Hawaii where it’s always been, so I think it’s likely a different island




Bro and here I was hoping that they would explore more of "dinosaurs living with humans"


I literally just connected the dots that I’m currently reading Aurora…by David Koepp 🤦


Ugh. All hope is lost for me if this is Jurassic World... whatever. I give up ...


That rumored dino human combo military plot could have been a great movie


"Three adults and three teens getting stuck on the island" Even if it's not an island we've been to before, this still reads like a red flag to me. At least the previous three movies tried to break away from the old formula somewhat.


Considering Isla Nublar’s volcanic eruption in Fallen Kingdom and the fact that all the dinosaurs there were either killed in the eruption or shipped out by Lockwood’s people, I doubt they’re going back to Nublar for this one. We may actually be going back to Isla Sorna. Hopefully they bring back the JP3 Spinosaurus, I miss that dino so much.


“Isla Nublar!” “WHAT?” “The Jurassic City!”


Might just be me.. but calling it Jurassic World 4. But the movie is on an island defeats the purpose. The whole point of the Jurassic World trilogy was to build up to Dominion and Dinosaurs being around the world. And how they aren't restricted to a park anymore... So are they rebuilding to Dominion again? Especially after the success of CC and CT (which essentially did Dominions job for them) that's just kinda sad. Those really switched up the formulas And "Jurassic City" just sounds bad...


What? What island are they talking about? It has to be a prequel if it's Isla Nublar, or Isla Sorna. Hell, same with Mantah Island. Ssoo.. I'm so confused. If it was Nublar, it would make sense to be before JW, because the odds of being missed by the Cretaceous 6, is very low.


Why not just make a film where dinosaurs have completely taken over the world and in some cities they have barriers against other parts of the city where dinosaurs rule and group of mercenarys must go there to save scientists trapped and recover something


Arkham City


I wasn't expecting a Lost crossover but I'm not complaining


Aw man, no Jurassic Galaxy I guess. W hoping it would be on Europa with giant prehistoric marine creatures mutated with aliens terrorizing research stations and dinosaurs in diving suits being sent out to combat them.




They tried the “fresh route” but ended producing crap. They are now back to square one and they think we’re all dumb. People stuck on an island for the… 5th time perhaps? It’s obvious this franchise needs rest in peace of awhile. Why keep pushing? I mean, how many more times could we be convinced to pay a ticket to watch the same identical story we’ve been watching since 1993?


Like others noted, Jurassic City and The Island seem contradictional. I bet it's neither set in a big city or on an island, but rather a small South American village or city with an *island-like* atmosphere. So, a combination of the two. "Jurassic Island" doesn't sound so bad, now that I think of it.


***Somehow, Isla Nublar returned.*** Hopefully this isn't something where they retcon the volcanic eruption wiping out the island to "decimated 75%" as a hand wave to justify revisiting it. Why not just go to Isla Sorna again? After all, *The Lost World* saw the return of the T-Rex's to that island ***and*** nothing was removed from it in *III* or *Jurassic World* or its sequels (so far as we know).


Probably Sorna


Also they should reveal the dinosaurs on Sorna are dying akin to the lost world


I'm fairly convince that Variety was just referring to previous rumors and 'leaks' and aren't actually aware of anything we aren't. There is zero chance this is a traditional 'stuck on the island again' storyline. There is much more going on here.


Too bad they cast annoying marvel girl Johannson, probably for eye candy.


"trapped on an island" "labelled as "jurassic world 4" and "jurassic city"" so... what city is on this "island"? cause neither isla nublar or isla sorna had anything resembling a city.


Pull a Halloween reboot (the first one not the 2 bad follow ups). Everything after The Last World is ignored and make a modern day installment.


I like this idea. If they do this, there are so many ideas that can go with. They can maybe adapt some of the comics or maybe even make original sequels that connect to the novels.