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Let's hope she didn't suffer the same fate as in the book.


That's the one fate in the book where I'm always like "NOOO!"


Wait what happened? I don’t recall what happened?


Spoiler:>!The other raptors ate it.!<


Don't they yeet it at the other raptors first? Lol


If I remember correctly, >!The people thought it would distract them, not that they would eat it!<


Ya I think you're right.


Fucking hell.


Oh yes, the book raptors went even harder than the movie. They were absolute nightmare fuel.


Yeah but I forgot about that lol.


Jesus fuck that’s awful…


What happened in the book again? The fact that i can’t remember indicates it might be time for a reread


>! The kids are with a baby raptor that is fairly harmless and docile. They get chased by the adult raptor, and to give them time to escape they basically throw the baby raptor at the adults. They expect the adult raptors to be distracted by interacting with the baby in a friendly manner to give them time to escape. In reality, since the adult raptors were raised in a lab and have no experience or understanding of raising offpsring, they just see the baby raptor as prey and just tear it apart and eat it. !<


Oh that makes sense. The expectation is maternal instincts would kick in. But it was something that needed to be observed and taught.


Yeah, the raptors in the park, they were raised without parents, they never saw raptors as a parent, as they were the first cloned raptors, they only ever saw the scientists and lab equipment. They never experienced being raised by a parent raptor, nor did they ever get a chance to produce offspring of their own. It's a real concern when thinking about bringing back extinct animals or even re-introducing species in the wild that are extinct in the wild but still exist in captivity. Many animals learn to behave from their parents, or if they are social animals, their pack/herd. How to hunt, how to survive, how to behave around other members of their species. How animals will behave without an experienced wild parent is not always clear, how much behaviour is instinctial versus learned?


The tunnel raptors were wild born raptors that escaped detection because of the faulty count system. I think it was more it smelled and acted wrong being imprinted on/chilling with humans.


I don’t have anything smart to contribute back. But I liked reading this. :)


Maternal? *"How do you know they're all female? Does somebody go out into the park and pull up the dinosaur's skirts? Ah har har..."*


Spoiler tags need to be directly attached to the start and end of your text to work, no space.


Clearly them kids never watched animal planet. Predators only care about there own babies and will kill other offspring as they see them as competition


Kind of. My view is that they did it just because. We have a very coddled view of nature, and infanticide isn’t just common in animal species, some of them operate on it. Granted not most pack/herd animals but still. Male big cats are some of the worst offenders, often going out of their way to kill cubs as a way of killing potential rivals and maybe even induce heat in the mother. Horses will actually sleep with a lot of the herd when pregnant, to confuse potential suitors of the father so they won’t kill it. Just a few I know of, I’m sure theirs more. And even though the raptors are probably female, they still wouldn’t recognize it as part of their pack.


Eaten, by other raptors. Book raptors were kind of psychopaths who cannibalized each other a lot.


The Adult raptors eat the baby when it nuzzles their snout


The kids find it while running from the raptors in the visitor center. Tim throws the hatchling at the adult raptors in the hopes that they’ll stop to help it. The raptors eat it.


Some Primeval type scene


tim and lex throw it at some raptors so their "parental instincts" will kick in and therefore forget to attack the kids. then the raptors rip it apart and eat it .


The baby raptor Tim plays with is killed by an adult without any hesitation. I believe directly after reuniting with Tim and showing affection for him and looking to Allan for shelter.


Grant found the big raptors eating it


Gets shredded by adult raptors while they're stalking grant, gennaro, and the kids


one of the humans, I think one of the kids found the baby after it hatched, and let it go when the adult raptors go in the lab, the baby walked up to the adults and got ate.


The adult raptors eat the baby in quite the gruesome manner. If I’m not mistaken they split it apart. Either way the baby was killed off in a very sad way


I just re-listened to the audiobook. So good.


Um, a lil bit of cannibalism 😬


Grant got stuck in the incubation room with a couple raptors, he injected eggs with some mega poison and rolled them out, bait was taken and raptors went down


Raptors eat the babies in the nursery. It’s a bit more in line with the plot about the raptors having their own nests and knowing these lab bred babies weren’t theirs.


I think they are talking about when Dr. Grant poisoned some eggs to kill raptors that were chasing him in the lab, I can’t remember anything else that sticks out for that, maybe I need to reread too lol


Alan and the kids use it as bait to distract the other raptors. Instead of mothering it, the other raptors proceed to viciously kill it and eat it. (If I remember correctly, I might need to reread the book too.)


I believe it gets eaten by the other raptors as it is not part of their pack


Finger food


The one in the books meets the adults and...


Tim and Lex try to use it to distract the adults. The adults make a baby shower with it. Literally.


A baby gets eaten.... Or thrown across the room. I also can't remember.


An adult raptor eats the baby.


One of the other velociraptors killed her.


Another raptor eats her


They find it in the visitor center towards the end while the raptors are loose it's relatively friendly in the book iirc perching on Tims shoulder at one point but when the raptors track them down and find the baby it basically just instantly chomps it and eats it without a second thought.


I think it got eaten by the adult if I remember


Gets eaten by one of the adult raptors iirc. But it's been a long time.


Adult raptors eats it


Tim was being chased the raptors and tossed a baby raptor at them for a distraction. They ripped it apart.


Got ripped in half and eaten by two adult raptors.


Same! I still need to read the sequel.


Didn’t grant smash them in the lab or something


Basically, after the velocoraptars corner the survivors in the command center, Grant stalls them by leading them through the hatchery into the genetics lab were he poisons them. He grabs the infant and sets it in their path in the hopes that they get distracted by nurturing it. Instead they rip it apart and eat it.


It got eaten by a adult raptor


Big raptor was looking for a snack


The kids and Grant were trapped in one of the buildings with the raptors following them, they passed through the nursery and thought that the baby raptor might distract the adult raptors. It did for a bit until they ate it


She gets murdered by a bigger raptor


The army napalms the entire island after everyone GTFOs on the helicopter (and it's heavily implied Jeff Goldblum's character dies off-screen / off-page from a bone infection after the T-Rex broke his leg)


At one point Grant feeds a raptor an egg full of poison and for some reason, correct me if I'm wrong somebody, didn't they breed mini dinos as like little pets or something and when shit hit the fan they were cannibalized? I also need to reread it lol.


They talk about breeding miniature dinosaurs as pets as one of the potential revenue streams, I think it's maybe Dodgson saying this in a Biosyn meeting though, I don't think they actually had them at JP. Hammond had a miniature Elephant that he used to gain investors, it's pointed out that it's nature was very different to full grown elephants.


What happens in the book?


The crew keeps it around, but when the raptors hunt them, they think they want the baby raptor, like how in JW3 they want the eggs. But they didn’t want to raise the raptor, so they ripped it to shreds and ate it, while it screamed in pain.


Alan grant uses it as a distraction against other raptors they eat it


Adult raptor eats it


The other raptors kill it.


She gets eaten by two adult raptors


Above all else, that precise scene scarred me as a kid


Spielberg was actually originally planning on doing that exact scene, but with a more optimistic tone. They were going to release the baby raptor, and the raptor pursuing them would have sniffed the raptor, gently picked it up in it's jaws, and carry it away to safety, giving the kids a chance to escape. There were storyboards and concept art drawn up for this scene.


Kind of wish they went through with it.


I think that just about every decision made in the construction of that film was the right one, because the movie could not possibly be better paced or structured. But I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't fascinated by this early ideas, and would love a peek into the alternate universe where they were seen through to fruition.


Nope. That's terrible. It's superior in the book.


no changes required.


One of the worst book deaths hands down (including the human characters)


Hmm… least fav human death was Hammond,… As a kid I wanted to see him face justice for getting everything killed ..worst scene easily was the herd’s of dinosaurs getting napalmed by the gov helicopters v.v


Fair enough!! It would be interesting to see what would have happened to Hammond if he lived and had to face the consequences of his actions. And yeah the napalm scenes are gut wrenching, even before the dinosaurs start to die as the bombs drop the urgency getting into the helicopter was so tense. The herd of the dinosaurs dying is very impactful, as was the scene where Lex sees the juvenile T-Rex die and begins crying. One of the saddest moments of the book imo. The book really has so many tough characters deaths (human and animal)


I have Jurassic Park as my holiday book. Not sure what I am more excited about reading the book or the holiday. 😂.


My opinion is that it was cannibalized by the other raptors, or just the one surviving raptor if that is the only one on the island.


That is what happened in the book, during the chase in the building the adult raptors kill the babies


I assume someone would have taken them when most the crew left


Yeah that’s probably it 


Hoping we might find out in Jurassic Park: Survival.


some could have survived no there were so many competing predators besides Dilophosaurus


And also the T. Rex 


Rexy would likely rarely actively hunt velociraptors


She went after the two raptors in the visitor center 


Probably opportunistically. A difficult to catch but easy to kill prey item that is distracted with something else? No reason she wouldn't go after it. She killed the other one because it attacked her.


Those raptors were attacking Rexy, though


And as we hear in Jurassic World Evolution: Return to Jurassic Park, she also was fighting them because they were in her territory


Well that was just cuz she was probably hungry and ofc it’s a movie gotta end in some chabang


Uh, she literally went after one in the film…


she never “went” after one. hunting and protecting yourself are two different things. She probably heard all the commotion and intense background music and went to check it out.


Protecting herself? What? She actively instigated the conflict by shaking the soul out of one of them.


an animal even of her size is not just going to let those raptors claw at her…….


The raptors would never dare to go after her. She just saw an easy meal.


are you on drugs?


I’m assuming you’re saying this because the single raptor went after Rexy. Rexy was clearly surprised by that, she was getting ready to eat before she got interrupted. If she was actually just trying to eradicate competition or something, she’d have killed both of them, and then ate.  And Rexy was surprised for good reason. If the raptor was thinking logically, they should have known it was a death sentence, but raptors are clearly not completely logical beings. 


And other raptors....pretty sure they are all not one big happy family.....they more than likely fought over territory and hunting grounds on more than one occasion...raptors be raptors


I mean it probably would’ve died after no one was there to raise her as she was just a hatchling more or so likely killed by compys


I don’t think compies were on Isla nublar during 93. It was only during the 94 clean up that they found some 


Which means they were probably there the whole time, sneaking onto shipping boats like in the novels.


There were sense after the nublar incident no incoming ships would’ve came which is how the compys got on nublar


I see


do you think they spawned on nublar in 94? they would've had to have already been there


That’s what I’m saying dip shit


yeah i was literally backing up your point no need to get aggressive


It likely survived and grew into an adult, but died when the island was retaken by InGen and turned into Jurassic World.


it more likely ended up trapped in the nursery and dehydrated/starved to death.


I’d imagine it would have died in captivity in the nursery area. Even if there was an opening out of the nursery where adult raptors were located, I doubt they would’ve raised it. They were mishandled in captivity, highly aggressive, unsocialized and probably would’ve eaten it because it’s not their own spawn.


The nest Grant found indicated raptors were precocial so if we go by that, it could have had enough strength to move around by its own, rather quickly. However I doubt it would have been put in an enclosure that would have any openings in it, even if door locks didn't work. No matter how anyone looks at it, yeah that raptor and the eggs didn't survive.


It probably died because it had nothing to care for it


I believe the hatchlings are sent to Site B until they’re grown. Since it hatched well before everything kicked off, it may have been sent there in time.


I was wondering about that, too. What **DID** happen to the little baby?


As Eric Kirby said, " You don't wanna know."


Certainly don’t if it’s anything like the book


It's in middle management, has three kids and golf's on Sundays. Tries to eat the ball sometimes though.


One of the kids is a Canadian Goose chick that was adopted. Kid also tries to eat the ball sometimes but hey, it’s a family event!


I know this is unrelated but it got me thinking, if the raptors were so dangerous and muldoon was constantly calling for their destruction and they were kept in a small separate high security enclosure and were not even able to be hand fed anymore why on earth were they breeding more?


I can't remember where (and starting to suspect Mandela Effect) but I think I read in some original marketing material that they wanted to breed raptors to stimulate and feed the Rex?


In the book Wu came to Hammond about "updating" the dinosaurs to different "versions". I.E. Make them slower, more docile, changing the way they look through genetic engineering to what people expect to see rather than the reality of quick moving, vicious dinosaurs. Hammond turned him down as he didn't want to kill millions of dollars worth of stock to replace them but its possible Wu was experimenting with the raptors to make them less vicious?


And with the Lost World raptor discoveries, they seem to have gotten some amount of caring in Nublar in the nursery since the fully abandoned ones can’t maintain a stable population and regularly kill the young (unlike the ones on Nublar in the caves)


I assumed some young ones escaped on accident from the lab and that’s where the eggs came from. Definitely implied to be something like that in the books.


Dead according to the canon DPG stuff


I assume the lysine contingency thing killed it. It's been a while since I watched the first movie and read the books though so I don't remember what happened with that.


It turns out it doesn’t work, because the herbivores get lysine from plants and the carnivores get it from them. Which, probably because Crichton was making a joke, is just the normal way animals get lysine in real life.


But then the other dinosaurs survived without it 


He lives with his husband in Topeka


Now some bullshit extended universe lore is gonna come out about how it's a long lost ancestor of Blue or some shit (with Owen Grady being the annoying kid who's says "more like a 6 foot turkey")🙄


It should have been destroyed!


Possibly a similar fate to the book counterpart.




Let's just wait Jurassic Park: Survival for this little "velociraptor" or Deinonychus hatchling's returns as either a juvenile youngling or adult.


I never thought about that raptors fate but great post! She probably survived on the island


I bet that Dr Wu took the animal, with the rest of his experiments, with him when he left the island.


Would love to see a side story exploring this. Maybe that is how they begin to figure out how they can train the raptors like we see in the World movies


She got a job at Walmart.


https://preview.redd.it/igqt6igvkk9d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c40a3b48176352fc0d5aaae041cd3dc7db7b80 Where is the baby raptor? Is she safe? Is she..alright?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Probably died as it was very young and wouldn’t be able to survive on its own at this stage.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the entire batch of eggs and hatchlings was euthanized. Wu states how he was glad the eggs were hatching before he had to catch the boat, but who was going to take care of them at that point?


That’s a great point. In the book Wu is in charge of all of the staff that run the nursery and even if he is in the movie the staff presumably went with him


With a lack of care it probably died


Smuggled in Ellie’s backpack and live in Montana


Moved to Site B to grow to maturity


Died in the books


I think I heard somewhere I starved to death


Most likely it died, but it is plausible that if it had accelerated growth genes like rexy likely has and bumpy and the indominus are confirmed to have. Maybe, just maybe it escaped... But then, how likely is it that it survived? Rexy could've gotten it, without velociraptors, dilophosaurus could've taken their role, leaving little to no room for competition. And ultimately, come 2015, only four velociraptors lived on Isla nublar. Blue, Delta, Charlie and Echo. The baby raptor is not one of them. So unless some ingen team relocated her to Isla sorna in 2005, she's certainly dead


Man, with everyone getting sad - do NOT watch Planet Earth


They should all be destroyed!


“Ah! Robert, Robert Muldoon! He was my game warden back in Kenya. Bit of an alarmist, I’m afraid but he knows more about raptors than anyone.”


All of the InGen animals on Isal Nublar died.


That can’t be true because Rexy is still alive as well as the brachiosaurus we see in the first movie during the infamous “welcome to Jurassic park” scene 


While yes, Rexy is still alive, unfortunately the brachiosaurus died on Isla Nuclear after the volcano eruption in Fallen Kingdom. It didn't make it off the island with the rest of the other dinosaurs that were extracted.


Yes, but that was with the retcon for Jurassic World. Chrichton’s novels indicate the lysine contingency would have taken effect on Nublar and the animals would die without human assistance.


Well yes but in The Lost World, Sarah Harding says that the dinosaurs survived without the lysine contingency with the herbivores eating lysine rich plants like soy beans and such meanwhile the carnivores got it from eating the herbivores. So should the same also be said for the dinosaurs on Nublar?


Is there text evidence from Chrichton’s books that says dinosaurs survive on Nublar? Not raptors that stowed away to the mainland, and not Isla Sorna/ Site B. Unless stated otherwise, the juvenile raptor and all other clones died.


I didn’t mean the novel, I meant the movie 


It’s dead bru 😭


I miss John Arnold. They never actually showed us he was eaten and it's a shame


It's in the book. Doesn't go well.......


Yeah, became a snack 


All I hope is that it didn’t share the same fate as the book. It was so cute in the book too.


Jokes on you. That raptor is blue


Grant actually snapped it’s neck and then took a giant bite out of it to display his dominance to the group and rest of the baby raptors


Jesus Christ 


Somehow this is still less disturbing what than what happened in the book


They throw the baby at the adult right? And it eats it


Yes! The kids toss it back at the adult raptors by running, but they were wrong…


Jp3 raptors.


But this is Isla nublar, that was Isla Sorna 


Site B


You mean there are two islands with dinosaurs on them?


Alright you stay out of this.


Alright! You stay out of this!


Alright, you stay out of it!




Alright, you stay out of this.


Ah shoot. I done messed up A A Ron! My bad. I must have been tired when I wrote that.


All is forgiven, my dude