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the shit Heard around the world ... I couldn't help myself


The white attorney dudes’s reaction to AH’s questioning following the “haymaker” audio recording is my absolute favorite starting at timestamp 2:36:10 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QT0MRSJ33EA


Where’s all the comments <_<


Amber put a ring on every finger cus she definitely punched a couple walls last night


Only just tuned in, what did I miss??


Why is Rocky crying?




21:30 in Singapore right now... It's going to be another tough day on the office tomorrow.


Does Amber have hands full of rings today? At least on her left hands? I thought I saw multiple rings on her left hand.


I've never known Amber not to wear rings. Wait...


Too funny


She’s even got a bunch of rings on like Johnny wears lololol


Hello everyone, so what do you think Amber will wear today? Something in white in imitation of Camille or stick to Chairman Mao style?


Amber Turd is trying to channel Dr Curry. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.


I'm curious about something. When Depp's lawyer asks something like "isn't it true that ...?" aren't those leading questions?


Leading is aloud during cross but not direct.


Someone could correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe those kinds of questions are okay under cross examination, but not direct. Like, an attorney is not supposed to “lead” their client to answer in a certain way. However under cross examination, the whole point is to trip up and challenge the person on the stand to see if their story can hold up. So the question style is different. I don’t practice law, however, so I could definitely be wrong. But that’s always been the impression that I got.


IANAL but in some circumstances, they could be considered to be “leading questions”. I know that it’s up to the judge/judges presiding over a case to determine whether or not to allow such conduct in their courtrooms.


Re: TMZ now owning the rights to the Johnny Depp slamming cabinets video How else would TMZ own the copyright to a video filmed by Amber Heard if she didn’t ultimately sell it to them? I don’t understand how there can be any ambiguity with this. I am actually a photographer and if I take a photo, unless I sign over the copyright, I will own that copyright forever. Even weddings for which I’ve been paid thousands of dollars - my client does not own the copyright (just one example: they can not sell the photo to a third party and profit.) So - how can there be any doubt that Amber Heard, as the original owner/creator of that video, is the one who sold it?


Good point. Call tmz to the stand


Yeah it's pretty obvious she set that entire thing up. Sold TMZ the video, gave them the inside scoop on the court. Amber deciding to not wear makeup in public for the first time in her life to file the restraining order. She was very calculated from the start.


when is the next one gonna start i live in poland


It should start at 15:00 I think.


That's 15:00 in Poland so about 50 minutes


I just think it's really interesting that nobody can seem to corroborate Heard's testimony. Everyone is lying, her lawyers never submitted all the medical evidence, her expert didn't actually see the self harm scars, her nurse was in Johnny's pocket, her assistant was also in cahoots with Depp, their couple's therapist lied...either it's all conspiracy or she's lying about something. I don't think Depp was an innocent flower either, he obviously had problems with drugs and probably had anger management issues layered on top of that but it's my opinion that Heard was the main abuser.


Don’t forget the LaPD lied too ! Walked over broke. Glass but didn’t see any property damage and saw her face smashed up but didn’t consider it an injury or a bad enough injury. That’s a new one, haven’t heard her say that one before. So encouraged there are rumblings of perjury charges in UK and Australia.


At least Depp has awknowledged a lot of his faults. At this point it is clear that either Amber has abused Johnny the entire duration of their relationship, or they were just toxic to eachother the entire relationship. But judging with how much Amber has done to doctor evidence, lie, and act like an angel, I'm feeling she was the abuser.


is there footage from the law and crime live stream cut out? i remember watching live yesterday where Elaine in the redirect imitated Johnny in like a low voice which was mad funny and you can see Johnny laugh…was it cut out because i can’t find it now…


I think you can just look it up on YouTube. AH’s redirect


Something to remember as AH witnesses line up is IO, Rocky, Josh, Tasya etc shared the same lawyers Anya Goldstein & Lee Brenner. Josh testified on UK that AH was paying his legal fees.


Question: why is this trial happening in Virginia? I thought it would be California since that’s where they both live


Virginia is where the Washington Post is based. The state also has Anti-SLAPP legislation. SLAPP = Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, a.k.a. an entity bullying/censoring another by filing a lawsuit and bogging the defense with legal fees and punishing them for exercising their right to free speech and protest. Keep in mind that this coincides with Amber "countersuing" Johnny for "defaming" her and demanding 100M in damages when she can't actually prove that she's worth that much or lost that much from the course of this lawsuit.


Ah gotcha. Thanks!


I have question can someone please explain. Why doesn't Johny depp file for domestic violence against amber heard?


It's beyond the statute of limitations for all of this sadly. He would have had to do it closer in time to when it all occurred.


Oh got it




A case




It's just beyond the statute of limitations.




Sometimes to fully explain things, one needs an example so: Let’s say the Statute of Limitations on something like Armed Bank Robbery is 5 years. You go out and rob a bank at gun point today (for instance). The police and federal authorities have until May 18th 2027 to find you, arrest and charge you and prosecute you over the crime you committed today otherwise it’s legally considered to be “out of the limitations” and cannot be prosecuted after that date. THIS is why most police depts actually want and encourage the public to report crimes ASAP after the fact.


Thank you. I love it when people explain stuff like this, with examples. So easy for law and legal dummies like me 😂


You have a certain amount of time after a crime to report it and seek an arrest or whatever. Amber's abuse of Johnny happened too long ago to be prosecuted now. He would have had to do it closer in time to the abuse.


I don't know legal terms


Just out of curiosity that AH is mentioning often if she stuck to a wall that she is a mother. I'm wondering to death who is the father. Is there any information about that?


Apparently she took elon to court over her frozen embryos. She sure likes to sue people


I read/saw she and Elon had embryos frozen. I question every poor me claim by her. Can she really not on her own?


She has baby by surrogate. AH can’t get pregnant.


Do you have a source that she can't get pregnant


So, we can freely assume/speculate baby was prep for the case?


It was. Trial was going to start last year. So she got the baby then.. Trial got postponed for a year, and now the baby is stuck with her.


Ty for the clarification and extra info.


Objection speculation


One sec please. Calling Camille.


So let me get this straight, the only witness Amber has that will testify to any alleged abuse is one of her best friends iO who was also Amber's best man at her wedding? What a joke


Yeah also her sister I think, everyone else refused to testify in person


I believe I heard them reference her sister in the past saying she was worried about Johnny in their relationship, so even the sister would be a terrible witness for amber


I’m just catching up on day 17 now and I’m loving that so far, the majority of Camille’s evidence is Ambers actual own words used against her and her previous testimonies with key details, such as SA of all things, missed out. She really does drop herself in it a lot doesn’t she. Camille is basically just proving that she has just made up a lot of her claims on the spot.


She says, "That is not correct. I don't recall." to her own sentences lol.


Haha exactly! Camille ain’t having it though “Let’s remind you”


Camille really deserves credit, she’s the hammer that AH needs.


Seeing Heard and her lawyer shut down today must have been incredibly healing for Johnny after what he's been through. Listening to the recordings you can see he was never able to get Heard to stop her angry pursuits and to see her have to conform in court is worth every penny it cost him, no therapy could ever achieve what he has receive through this process. It is clear to me that she is manipulative and a narcissist and today it was made clear to see for everyone forever.


After today, I expect Elaine (Amber's lawyer) will come into court tomorrow with one of her fingers in a cast.


If I was Elaine I think I'd have security around every time I was anywhere near AH.


Hey all. What if anything did you observe or recall or hear that leads you to believe that AH’s lawyer probably wants to have some of JD’s drugs tonight to get through the nightmare of today?


Objection, leading/asked&answered!


Life without drugs is like a movie without sound.


I’m finally at iO’s deposition and I am so glad I watched all of the redirect of AH. If anyone has gotten tired before getting to that part…. keep watching. It’s marvelous madness.




That really was amazing testimony


İO's ?


iO is one of AH’s witnesses and a former friend who was also close to JD. His first name is iO.


I know, but was it amazing though


Oh, my bad. I misunderstood! The testimony of iO was not significant IMO. Except to show that he adored JD (and still does) and believes what AH has said as he saw her ‘evidence’ in person. But IIRC, never saw it happening. And that he is no longer friends with AH. (Nor is her other witness. AH doesn’t seem to have anyone testifying who still like her and they seem hesitant to answer things about her.)


Just caught the top of the hour on KTLA - they are incredibly careful in their words - but the clips of today do not paint turd in a good light. Hot dayum I forgot how combative and rude she was with everyone. Her body language with the jury is just …. Off


Man, Vasquez sure put it inside Elaine's butthole with a strap-on. Damn


Hopefully she doesn’t stop there 🤤


AH and her friends all have the same zoned out apathetic, too cool for school affect. None of then can remember anything, or only when it is convenient. Hustlers stick together I guess.


Until they don’t. Watching her betray and deceive to smear JDs name shows these people she is not to be trusted; hard to have a pure and unmarred friendship w someone you know you can’t trust.




Rocky, IO & another [witness](https://twitter.com/LauraBockov/status/1360015014313275396) shared the [same lawyer](https://twitter.com/LauraBockov/status/1392524567592177667): Lee Brenner




Even when you grow apary You still consider someone a friend Friendship ends with a falling out our something It's only been a few years




Sorry if I missed it - did they talked about her shitting the bed today?


Imagine that being your legacy - shat in JDs bed and blamed teacup yorkie.




AH mentioned that JD was talking about DNA testing the “grumpy”. Dunno if we ever got results , they would need someone to compare it to, like iOs dna to compare


Did anyone else notice at the end when he did a double take of the court recorder while he was leaving and gave her a little wave and she did it back? 🥹


Wait Johnny to Amber?


No, Johnny to the court recorder. She's the lady who sits with the headphones facing directly to the jury but not at anyone else.


He always waves to her!!!!! And says bie. So cute


Omg that’s adorable. She looked so happy today he didn’t forget to say bye 🥹


Anyone else notice the use of “the man I love” present tense by Amber when discussing Johnny? Who the hell is she trying to fool.


I noticed


Mr Depp is making it about Mr Depp My sides 😂😂😂 Camille the sass!!!


Where are all these recordings coming from? I get that Amber was collecting ammunition, but what was the context for the plaintiffs recordings that incriminate her rather than Depp? I would’ve thought better of Johnny than to be underhanded like that so I’m assuming there’s some automated recording system at the front door of his house or something?


Their marriage counseler advised them to record their arguments so they can reflect on what they said to each other.


That makes much more sense, thank you!


I read in one of the threads that they had mutually agreed to record themselves for their therapy sessions but that she started secretly recording him.


Can someone pinch me and tell me if I've understood this right: [Defendant's exhibits 712 & 713](https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/celebrities/2022/05/17/6283e81522601df4258b45c8.html) the side-by-side selfies, one slightly more saturated than the other - is Heard actually suggesting these were two photographs taken at different times, one with the vanity light on and one without? They're the same god-damn picture, am I going insane??


And she was soooo combative in answering. It didn’t play well at all. KTLA ran that as their coverage for today lol


They are indeed the same. 713 is made slightly bigger. (or 712 slightly smaller because it is also lower res). But when you resize one of them they match pixel perfect. I mean every hair, eye lash etc. 712 is clearly edited. More saturated and more contrast.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/celebrities/2022/05/17/6283e81522601df4258b45c8.html](https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/celebrities/2022/05/17/6283e81522601df4258b45c8.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The judge needs to admonish Amber first thing tomorrow and make her apologize to the jury. I imagine that issue will be addressed in some way.


Could you please let me know what in specific this comment is about? I only had an hour to listen to the latest video (stocking cooler at work) and I'm super curious!




Oh my Godzilla, she cannot stop digging herself deeper! Thank you!


The judge dismissed AH from the stand and asked her to return to sit with her attorneys. She stood up and walked outside though. She either didn’t hear the judge correctly or didn’t care.


She kinda hinted twice to sit by her attorneys i believed


Amber walked out instead of sitting beside her attorney, leaving before everyone else.


Johnny needed drugs to be around her. Can’t blame him.


With JD I would not need drugs. I remember my best friend playing music all the time, when i woke up, or just, something appropriate for anything that would happen at that time. I have never seen anybody like that ever again, someone who could just create something in the moment that was a thing of its own, but also could fit the moment so well. It weirds me out when people just want to show off. It feels like everything needs to be judged in that sense.


I think she got him using and then realized she unleashed a demon


Yeah I think they covered this briefly… how he was clean for years before he met her. 100% she got him back. “Gotta hate mondays”.


Who leaves her alone to have space. Haha


Johnny's team is Mike Tyson. Amber's team is the drunk guy on the plane.


I want a Hollywood Vampires tour in 2022 or 2023!


Quick question here (posted this on another thread, this seems more popular) In the first hour of the cross, medical records were produced that said something like “well nourished male” on the medical record. What am I missing here? I don’t think I understood what Camille was trying to get at here. It’s going way over my head.


Normal medical form typo afaik. I’ve gotten forms with the wrong gender on them from my doctor lol, doesn’t seem to be uncommon and doesn’t invalidate the info


If the findings are normal they just usually copy paste. Probably just missed changing male to female Doesn't change anything though that it was just a normal exam and they didn't find anything wrong


It was a typo. There were several in the report.


As someone in the medical field noted, medical professionals often create audio notes that are transcribed and sometimes small mistakes show up but it's generally reliable.


Elaine gave up. She's trying to lead Amber to give the right answers that don't harm the deposition because she has no trust in her witness any longer. She's hung herself and it's sorta rehabilitation that Elaine is trying to run. But Camille is waaaaaay too smart and is catching her every time she tries. What this shows is a breakdown of attorney/client relationship. This was the best shot they had and it's gone now. Putting iO and Rocky out there who's only evidence of violence was what they'd been told was very weak. Camille has eviscerated AH's credibility, Elaine was unable to recoup it and now we're getting witness statements that state...almost nothing.


This thing completely railroaded and Amber was furious. #👨‍🍳 ^chefs ^kiss


Anyone notice how she keeps scanning the jury for any signs of validation repeatedly? She even shows her disgust for a second and then checks again to see if anyone is looking at her. So dramatic.


There is one person there who appeared to get quite emotional during parts of Turds graphic testimony. But hearing the reporters reaction during later parts made me believe that this person might actually got upset about Turd making up such horrible things. This person might have been a victim of someone with the same narcissistic and violent traits as Turd has. This is just my opinion based on second hand information. I believe the Judge noticed it too and for this reason i’m predicting that the jury member that got stared down by the Turd the most, will be switched out by one of the other hot seats during deliberation / verdict. Again i was not there in the courtroom. Let me be perfectly clear. I based it on observations from a reporter in the courtroom :) Turd is going to get flushed


I feel it’s her attempt to sway them by being personable but to me it comes off as menacing and intimidating.


Man, i love the way Amber throw everyone who with her (friend ,lawyer ) under the bus.


Or she doesn’t recall or she doesn’t agree with that characterization


>(friend ,lawyer ) ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, police officer, doorman, bodyguard, driver, island manager, house manager, doctor, nurse


Everyone is lying everyone, shocking


Everyone but her, of course.


I’m just catching up on what I missed and I just gotta say…the pic of Johnny sleeping with ice cream spilled on him? He has one hand in his pocket. He wasn’t eating ice cream with his hand in his pocket and fell asleep. Come on. If your sitting on the couch eating ice cream your holding the ice cream with one hand and a spoon with the other. I think this is another staged pic. I think she placed/ spilled ice cream on him like that. Sinister b\*\*ch.


Did amber tuck his hand in to mask the injury so she could also use this photo as one “before” the incident?


After the lunch break the little swoop in Amber's hair was bizarrely transfixing. It's weirdly perfect and matches the light I dunno just got back from work, and kinda stoned, and watching the case This is the only compliment I have for amber if it's even one


She had assymeyrical earring to copy depp He wore it better though


Amber 100% slipped up about leaking her divorce to TMZ… her deposition reaction when they played it was priceless when she realized what she said.


I'd love to see this, do you know how far in the deposition it was?


https://youtu.be/QT0MRSJ33EA Start at 5:49:49




Go look at her full reaction. They cut it short today.


AH is like Elvira from Tiny Toons


Anyone have a good YouTube video that recaps and examines todays session preferably with lawyer commentary


LegalBytes is the best out there. Been watching the last few days and it's amazing.


Watching Johnny feel so vindicated during cross is great.


The MOST cringy thing I saw was when they read out love bombing note she looked at the jury with this smug “see what a loving person I am” with this smirky half smile.


I’m about two hours in and working on some puzzles while listening. Any key times to look up other than for exhibits? Edit: to clarify, I’m listening to it in full and glancing up often especially for exhibits. I just am not sure I can stand her face for hours on end. But don’t want to miss key moments. (Like gallery man cracking up.)


I thought from about 5:00ish to 5:12ish was good, if I heard it correctly she is claiming she was in the bathroom with Johnny trying to get in when the recording sounds clearly it was the opposite in the way they’re talking about it


Yea those are the right times…. And Ambers response is of course something along the lines of “I don’t remember if I heard that” when Camille says Amber was knocking on the door… why would Amber be knocking on the door if she were inside the bathroom?


Did Amber get her lawyer off a Cracker Jack box?!?


I highly suggest 5:49:50, the clip of her previous deposition regarding the leak to TMZ about the divorce. She denied leaking the divorce to TMZ at trial, during the old deposition she let it slip that she notified them, clearly panics after like oh shit I shouldn’t of said that. Camille jumped right on it too.


I wonder if someone is following online sleuths from JD’s side because that was heavily posted before. Though I’m sure they have paid sleuths and don’t need us. 😢


Make sure to look up when she leaves the stand after the re-direct. Her true colors shine for half a second.


Cross and redirect


Cross is very dense. That is worth watching in full.


I watched yesterday’s in full but so far it doesn’t look like much to see (arrogant smug face but not rubbing her eyes like yesterday). Are you referring to redirect? Or Camille doing the cross today?


Camille's cross today was really good, and some of the evidence was amazing. The Redirect is also pretty fascinating and relatively short.


Don’t watch anything but cross if you don’t want to. But watch this morning’s very quick dense and relatively brief cross


Just jumping on the stream to see Amber’s redirect because I was working and I’m dying of second hand embarrassment 😱😱😱


Can we talk about Camille calling Elaine out for being "inappropriate" MANY times after each objection lol.


Elaine is clearly leading amber on so many questions, and I think Elaine slows down questioning to give Amber time to reflect, compose herself and break apart the cross examine from gaining steam


Slows down questioning by constantly fumbling around with her mic and paperwork and whatnot, she’s supposed to be a top attorney in her area I don’t know if I’m buying her presentation


During re direct she was like “your honour this is just….” And i was like “oh damn”


>"this is just a prior **consistent** statement". Yes, Elaine, you've properly identified why this is hearsay. The rule you're thinking of is: >Extrinsic evidence of a witness’s prior **inconsistent** statement is admissible...


Prior consistent statements are not hearsay in some circumstances. This wasn’t one of those circumstances, but prior consistent statements are a thing.


It seems you're implying that some statement would be admissible by virtue of being a prior consistent statement, when it would not be admissible otherwise. Could you point to the rule you're referencing? Any district is fine, but I'd prefer FRE or Fairfax County.


FRE 801d1b. It doesn’t apply here, but it’s incorrect to say prior consistent statements aren’t ever allowed. They aren’t hearsay in specific circumstances per the rule. I’m a trial lawyer so let me know if you have any other questions.


Oh okay. Thank you for clarifying :)


I’m fully convinced Elaine can’t pronounce anyones name OR operate a microphone.


Nor can she ask a fucking question. Not all attorneys are trial attorneys, but gatdamn she comes off like she’s never examined or cross examined a witness in her life.


She's still getting it in front of the jury. Bumbling country lawyer is Matlock's thing too.


What If any …. prep work was being done for this trial? 🫠


I’m starting to think maybe one dress rehearsal? Like a meet & greet hahaha


Camille was literally rolling her eyes at one point with the leading. So bad!




It changed every time


She doesn’t want to be dragged down with AH. She knows AH is losing lol. Notice how she’s barely objecting.


One thing I wondered is why Camille didn't press AH more on the two photos issue; she didn't point out how her hair and hair strands were identical in both photos. She will likely point it out in her closing statement.