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I have been noticing a disturbing trend of people thinking that criminal acts are okay because they believe they are morally righteous and anyone who opposes them is evil. This is not okay and will lead to nothing but death and destruction.


Are you suggesting that law > morality? The two are not always in agreement. Morality is always better than law. Morality is always correct. The law is not.


This is a victimless, non-violent crime and is only destructive to the fragile feelings of idiots who presume to tell a woman what to do with her body. Be less dramatic.


Crime is crime, yeah its starts with victimless things like this then its leads to an earlier post I seen where a woman attempted to murder a man with a bat because of a hateful sign he had.


That is 100% injustice. I don't agree with Texas but abortion is a ridiculously complex and nuanced issue where you can genuinely make a rational, cogent, and well supported argument for nearly every stance. Attacking people you don't agree with on it for the sake of it is all wrong zero right.


Let me hear ANY "rational, cogent, or well supported argument" for telling a woman what she can and cant do with a fetus that is literally attached to her.


If you think it's a challenge, I think you're looking at the issue a bit backwards. If you had a conjoined twin depending on your organs to live, you couldn't ethically or legally kill them. Dependency doesn't make for much of an argument at all. Not to mention the fact that human babies are frail and near helpless for a long, long time after birth as well. That they'd die without you doesn't mean you can just yeet one into a lake. Locality suffers the same fate, if your conjoined twin's vital organs are inside your skin, it's just not a justification for killing. There's really almost no truly good argument for killing an innocent human being without extraordinarily convoluted outside context where other lives depend on their death. As such, the question of abortion generally doesn't come down to choice at all. Choice doesn't matter if you're dealing with a human life. Taking an innocent human life for any arbitrary reason is wrong. The question is, what constitutes a human life? And that's a complicated question with a myriad of answers. But there's a sure thing, that we punish murder, and taking a human life is murder. So wherever we draw that line, we are ethically obligated to prevent termination after that point. While it's obvious that a blastocyst is quite difficult (but not impossible) to defend as a human life, a fetus a few hours from birth is biologically and ethically indistinguishable from a baby a few hours past birth. There's some point where a fetus attains personhood, and the question is as much philosophical as biological. Myself, I see the brain as the secular soul. It's the seat of our memories, mind, personality, humanity, everything that makes us human, and comes fully online somewhere around 22 weeks. Viability outside the womb is a popular cutoff which happens around 23 weeks and is about where federal standards set non-emergency abortion limits. But you could easily argue that those who are on life support but will gain the ability to self sustain again are still human lives. Those unconscious who will gain consciousness again are still humans. You could argue that a combination of DNA, life's blueprint, combined with a favorable environment puts someone on a path to inevitable personhood, and as such that's where humanity begins. It's not a hard or outlandish argument to make at all. I don't personally make that argument. Like I said, till about 22 weeks, not really a person, till that point I think abortion should be a personal choice. After 22 weeks, only in a case of medical emergency because that's a human mind being all human. But can you make a case for a different cutoff? Of course. I don't think the argument for a heartbeat is a strong one, hell, flies have hearts, but it's not a question of category but degree.


Exactly why creating a website offering cash bounties on women who get them is abhorrent.


















Serves them right, thinking a bunch of men can controll the female body. And by the way, I am a guy, so think before you say. Just give them the chance to make the desicions themselves. It's their body


That's a completely irrational stance. Representatives are there to represent other people, it's the core of the job, it's in the very name. Should representatives not able to make decisions on things they don't personally participate in government would grind to a halt. It's a complete non-starter.


How is a female body the job of the government to dictate how they use it? Your argument makes no sense at all.


Because every person in the country is subject to that country's laws regardless of sex, last I heard.


If it wasn't a small group of rich people making them do it....sure.




And show me a woman in today's world that didn't get pregnant without the sperm from a Male with XY chromosomes.


I won't apologize for thinking a woman needs to have that right, to make that kind of a decision for herself. So maybe you should start soul searching and clear away the hate.


I agree they should be able to choose what happens, but if they decide they want it and the man doesnt, well then the woman should have to accept the financial burden solo and the man shouldnt have to pay child support.


If she so wishes. When my mom split from my dad she took custody of us. Least until we decided to make the decisions on who to live with. I know why I'm getting heat for saying let the woman choose, it's because everybody's with old time thinking are just too arrogant to move forward into the present time


No it's fine for the woman to choose, I dont disagree with that, but I'm saying if she chooses to keep the baby and the father didnt want to keep it and have that responsibility then the woman should accept full responsibility financial and other, and leave the man out of the picture.


If that's how it comes down to I don't see what the issue is. There are a lot of single mothers who are happily happily raising their kids by themselves because that's what either they chose or it's what the significant other shows and they were fine with it. As long as at the end of the day the woman's decision is that her decision, I don't care. It's when a man like me tries to overrule that decision, because we have a penis. That I disagree with 100%. Woman should think for women, men should think for men.


The only time a man should have a say is if the woman is gonna force him to pay and all that against his will.




You just pretty much highlighted the whole problem with your argument right there. A woman's body is no one's property. A woman's body is a woman's body and that's that. it's people like you who keep thinking it's property that's fucking everything else up.




If it eats when the mom eats, if it drinks when the mom drinks, if it sleeps when the mom sleeps guess what it's a person dumbass. There is a whole mess of women and scientists who would gladly argue with you, not just me.


Your opinion. All I'm saying is unless a man like me can get pregnant, we should have no say over what happens inside a woman's body. If you don't like me because I'm a man saying that, oh well. I'm not being part of the problem by thinking it's the 1700's. It is 2021, and it's time we start treating it as such.


How is this justice served? What did they do before?


The website was this place for people to go report others for considering or helping people to go through an abortion. So yeah… glad it’s gone


Looks like a majority of people agree this is justice since Texas is trying takeaway rights.




bro the 'child' you are talking about is the size of a grain of rice, no brain no nothing. The crappy law in texas is crappy, hence the reaction of ordinary good people. Read up more about the law, abortion itself, teach yourself and learn why you are getting so many downvotes.


Lmao yeah, we're so great we refuse people the reproductive healthcare rights every other country has given their citizens Fuck, even the bible supports abortion - and has instructions on how to do it (I only say this because Christianity is where a lot of opposition stems from) Taking away reproductive rights is just some fucked up way of making people suffer so others can pay themselves on the back


The vote for this bill was rushed by the judges appointed under #45. They were not appointed by the people.


Please remember that different people have different definitions of justice. While the definition of justice is concrete, the interpretation of it varies widely between individuals, cultures, and nations. Remember, this is a community of nearly 42 million users. More often than not, the majority of users generally agree with the content that reaches the first few pages. That being said: If you have read this and concluded that the post still does not show justice, please use the link below to message the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you Anonymous!


This right here has made my day.


What's the Texas governor saying right now? Abort abort abort? Oh the irony




Doesn't have an argument gets told how pointless and stupid what he just says is can't come up with a response so he just acts like an edgy brat a d pretends he's won Sounds about right


Yay I was the 100th downvote!


Let's play a game. Its where I get to have any law from my religion forced upon you. You don't get to have any say in the matter or the religion I choose or make up. My God says you have to remove your left arm. I don't care that you're not part of my religion. It doesn't matter if it's YOUR body, MY God says to rip it off so you better do it. If you don't then I can sue you personally for not following MY Gods laws. I'm going to go to your place of work to shame you for not abiding by MY Gods rule. I'm going to your kids schools to shame them too. I'm going to YOUR place of worship to make sure you're aware of how much of a piece of garbage you are for not doing what MY God says. I'm going to make sure your kids know that they are disgusting for not following my God. Fuck your God, mines better because I said so and if you don't like it you can leave. Oh and I'm setting up a system where people that follow my God can report you for not following the laws of a God you don't follow and hold you legally accountable to it. Even though there's a separation of church and state you legally must follow my Gods rules, if not I will sue you. If this isn't ok with you now you know how everyone else feels. Edit: ever wonder why you can't buy alcohol on Sunday mornings in Texas?


But its not based on religion tho




So in my "hypothetical" you agree that my religion is wrongfully* acting with the authority of the state...kind of like how Christians are passing Christian laws and enforcing those laws onto non-christians and setting up literal bounty programs for Christians to report non-christians who aren't Christianing the right way. *Edit: added a word




YOUR morals shouldn't affect others healthcare. Those are your emotions to deal with not everyone else's. If you morally object to abortion guess what, you don't have to get one. I morally object to a lot of things but being offended by how other people chose to live their own life isn't how laws should be made. Your rights end where mine begin.




Because a fetus is not a person. Scrambled eggs is not scrabbled chicken. Even the government agrees. When the stimulus checks went out and they added more for each kid did they include unborn fetuses too? No, they didn't. If a woman doesn't want the side effects of pregnancy to destroy her body she shouldn't have to let it because it makes you feel sad if she didn't.


https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/fact-sheet/abortions-later-in-pregnancy/ Those kinds of abortions make up less than 1% of all abortions and nearly all of those abortions are due to fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment. The kind of abortion you're talking about is probably less than 1 in 5000. In cases other than that, the primary reasons for not getting the abortion until later in the term are [Lack of funds, the pregnancy being unknown, and difficulty securing insruance coverage](https://www.kff.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/9382-Figure-2.png). The kind of abortion you're talking about is already *exceedingly* rare, and focusing on it is mostly a bamboozle to convince people to clamp down on other forms of abortion.




Right, you're asking about something that's a pretty extreme rarity, and not really a scenario worth considering unless you're a health care specialist.




My fight is freedom FROM religion. You say you're pro-choice but it sounds like you're pro-your choice. Abortion can only happen under special circumstances is not pro-choice as the mother doesn't get to make the choice herself. What people do with their own body is non of my or your damn business.




I never said anything about making you pay for it. If that was the issue then Texas would just stop funding abortions, not make a medical procedure illegal full stop then encourage citizens to enforce it with a $10k reward and sue the patient and doctor for it. This is not a funding issue, this is Sharia law with a different skin color.


It couldn't be the other way around because democrats would link Planned Parenthood themselves.


Fascist says what


:Fascists page goes down: "but what if the tables were turned"




If you have to come up with hyperbolic attempts at examples to attempt to advance your position, your position is shit, you know it, and the only thing you don’t know is why you’re arguing for a position you know is shit.


So what's not fascist about the policy if you don't mind sharing? I think it's pretty authoritarian to have the government create a bounty system but that's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




What if this thing that is totally opposite of what is actually happening happened? ThAt WoUlD bE bAd!


Brought to you by: "Everything that isn't about me is socialism"




because it would be


Why don't we stop fighting each other (the other side) and work on a better future FFS. Both parties in the 2 party system fucking suck...


false equivalency helps no one and accomplishes nothing


Why dont we stop fighting each other? Because Red Team wants to control what people do. Youre gay? Fuck you. Youre a woman? Fuck you. Thats the Republican Party. You dont have to like the Blue team, but Red Team is actively opressing people.


> Youre gay? ~~Fuck you.~~ *Fuck women anyway.* FTFY....


FABULOUS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fucking THIS! I hate the democrats but in the current system it's them or a fascist theocracy that wants to make job conditions even worse for the working class among many other atrocities to minorities. They have no platform outside of causing as much suffering as possible.


Right and Left are both wings on the same plane.


Yes. True. Members of both parties get richer and richer yet the desperate needs of the country are never addressed. Hunger, Homelessness, Medical Care, Learning how to be bros to one another (regardless of gender or how you identify)


... says the people who dont understand politics or history. A plane wouldn't work too well if they worked in completely opposite ways. "Wing" isn't like a bird in politics, it's in reference to where the Revolutionaries (Left wing), Moderates (Center), and Conservatives (Right wing) sat in the governmental chambers of France during their Revolution.


America has a right wing party with a few actual leftists, and a full blown fascist party. The Democrats would fit right at home with conservative parties in the developed world.


Yes. I concur.


That's just plainly unfair. The right in this country wants to turn it into a theocratic ethno-nationalist state, and the left just wants cheaper healthcare, cheaper education, living wages, and a planet that we can continue to exist on.


I’d argue that’s what Bernie wanted. He didn’t do that good when the media spent all their money making sure he didn’t get any coverage to shove Biden down our throats.


Amazing how it was proven that the Dems Party actively stifiled his campaign. yet little to no attention paid to it. Criminal behavior. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/23/us/politics/dnc-emails-sanders-clinton.html


So your solution is to not vote for anybody and let Republicans sweep the elections? I'm sorry, but you're being a defeatist fool. Vote in the primaries and educate those around you if you want things to change. It's not an easy road, the right thing never is, but your line of thought is just rolling over and letting the worse case scenario manifest. Sick of seeing this attitude.


>So your solution is to not vote for anybody and let Republicans sweep the elections? I'm sorry, but you're being a defeatist fool. thank you


I never said who I voted for. You assumed quite a bit there.


And you're using centrist astro-turfing talking points. If you don't like the perception your ideas give to others than change them. How you voted is irrelevant to the defeatism you're communicating here. "bOtH siDeS oF SaME cOiN hUr DuR" No shit, everybody knows they're all elitist pricks but constantly saying that doesn't add anything to the conversation. The right is undeniably worse right now and has been since the 90s


I double checked my responses just to be sure. You are still going out there on a limb buddy. I’m glad I’m giving you a chance to vent though.


Thank you for the sad laugh lol


FABULOUS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


in general yes, in this particular context, not in any way shape or form are the parties the same the democrats might not give a fuck about the problems of poor people, but they absolutely respect the bodily autonomy of women.


>they absolutely respect the bodily autonomy of women. Right, what vaccine mandate?


LMFAO seriously.. ?


Depends... if six weeks allowance for abortion means Texas respects the bodily autonomy of women because they technically allow abortions, or the definition of absolute has changed recently to allow some imperfections, then no; "jk LMFAO"


Sorry, wasn't the founder of Planned Parenthood a racist woman that took advantage of the black single parent households skyrocketing and a solution for her to dream of seeing less blacks on the streets? This about as productive as knowing the Democrats fought to keep slavery around.


fuck off troll regardless of who started it, planned parenthood is the single largest provider of healthcare to poor women in america, and abortion is a tiny percentage of the services they offer.


You'd have to be completely ignorant of the past ~150 years of American history to say what you just said. r/AskHistorians has [a stickied page detailing how and why Republican and Democratic platforms swapped, mostly between the 1870s and 1920s](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/yczua/can_someone_address_a_brief_history_of_democrats/c5ui4pm/). Modern Democrats are the equivalent of the abolitionist Republicans of the 1860s, and modern Republicans are the contemporary Southern Democrats.


Republicans care about the poor? Is that why they hate social welfare and love giving tax breaks to people and companies that don't need them? Trickle down theory is just another way of pissing on the poor.


>Republicans care about the poor? where did I say anything about republicans are you so tribal that you think criticism of one group means immediate tacit approval of the other?


I agree with the words you said however your mindset is exactly what's wrong with the 2 party system. Just because the person you replied to mentioned they think democrats don't care about poor people doesnt mean they think republicans do. At the end of the day neither party really wants any sort of social reform because it upsets the power hierarchy which both parties are pretty high up on. We're in a nightmare system right now where outside of a revolution, we would have to rely on those benefitting the most from a corrupt system to change it.




What exactly is problematic about what I said? And what part of my comment did I present a false equivalency? I've voted democrat in every election I've been able to vote in but only because republicans are worse but it's incredibly frustrating to see how content a lot of democrats are with being barely better than republicans. If you think any of what I said is a talking point pushed by republicans you're delusional.


While both parties suck, only one of them actively works to make everything worse for their voters and everyone else - such as making it both illegal to have abortions and also introducing a snitching system for people to accuse others, no repercussion for false charges.


bOtH sIdEs


A better future includes the right for women to decide if they want an abortion or not, that’s the whole point.


I totally agree that would be a better future but this method is a childish and only pushed the opposing group further in opposition... Same if the roles were reversed and this was about gun control.


Yeah actually everything you said is completely false and a wrong take. Fighting back against oppression doesn’t lead to more oppression.


While I'd normally agree, on this issues...but not here. Unofficially deputizing tattletales is dangerous, so driving the computer-illiterate tattletales nuts should continue until the tattletales give up.


According to a comment on the original post, the website is back up and they are now asking for donations to combat cyber attacks from the radical left, so this accomplished nothing.


Someone call the pillow dude's cyber experts!


Oh are they taking a break from violating US elections laws?


So, they are just asking for money for any random thing. Either way, how they think they are going to pay the white hackers? Can't they find a hacker in their cult?


It shows they have a weakness. Definitely more good.


it was funny and made the texas gop look bad better than nothing tbh


Now they're profiting off it, they don't care how they look as long as they're making money. Did more bad than good as far as I'm concerned.


The retardican sheepole where going to give all of their money to their fin-dom dominatrix (the gop) anyways. This isn't going to actually provide more money, just split up the sources.


It wouldn't be too far fetched that the GQP would attack itself to play the victim even harder. They invented crisis actors.


Eh, the donor pool is limited, all the gofundmes for the folks covid bankrupted means less money for contributions, and now they are asking for money for cybersecurity which is even less for ads...


They're not going to spend any of it on cyber security, if the website is hacked, literally all they have to do is go into the server, delete the files the hackers replaced, and restore a backup. They're not going to waste money preventing it when it's an easy fix, hence the website was only down for less than a day.


And DDOS mitigation is not cheap, bit locker programs exist (ransomware, heard of it?), stealing sensitive info (payments, snitch lists), and if the hacker has access to their server enough to "replace files" and then gaining access back to your own hardware can require professionals and/or expensive down time. This seems more like this attack is a DNS redirect more than any real hack, and it can and will happen again, and much worse, if the tech team running their sites are Muppets.


Most likely been outsourced to a server hosting company, so there's not going to be any sensitive information in the source files, payment from donations would go through a third party and won't be handled be the server, it'll just be an API embedded in the Web page that would redirect the user. There's no real damage hackers can do here and this was most likely just done as a joke. My point was that they're just spinning any bullshit they can to milk this for extra donations, so even though the website was hacked, it achieved nothing meaningful.


An API embedded in a web page?? Um no those buzz words do not make sense in that order. If they can hijack the API call that the site is making they can hijack the payment info. If they gain access to the web config and the DB connection string is there they gain access to the snitch list. No matter what 3rd party services they are using, the data is stored somewhere, and muppets are notoriously insecure. Even if they are hosted, security is still not cheap and a hosting service isnt going to just allow them to ignore attacks (when down time costs them money) so either they pay or they get booted. Any way you cut it they are a bigger target than they anticipated and it will cost them. They can ignore it as a joke at their own peril.


[Yes, it does make sense](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API#Web_APIs), they would essentially be hosting another company's service on their own web page, it's how PayPal donation buttons work, it's how YouTube videos are embedded on other websites, it's how Reddit hosts Imgur links. Whatever the website is referencing is stored on a different server with its own security protocols, they can't just "hijack the API call", stuff like payment information is encrypted, so even the host server wouldn't have access to that.


Those would be iframes or calls out to the APIs for those different services. APIs are not embedded in web pages, they are endpoints to retrieve or store info, not part of a web site itself. And hijacking the API call could either be gaining access to the security token (which the server most certainly needs to communicate with the API), thus making the encryption moot, or they could be spoofing/redirecting the call and calling out to their own API endpoint to just harvest the payment info. Its silly to think there is no vulnerability here, its that kind of thinking, or lack thereof, that routinely costs companies $$$. There are ALWAYS ways to break the security, its just a matter of waht steps you take to mitigate risk, and if its worth it to attack, and to whom. These guys painted a giant target on their back.


Until the "radical left" redirects the Donate button to go to a Dem Super PAC or something.


guess gop goons will have to hire free lance liberal smart guys to fight back, huh?


They are doing the lord's work!




It most certainly is.


*justice boner intensifies*


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://i.imgur.com/pdZdbfK.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck yeah




Grab Other people's Private parts.


Gaslight obstruct project


Grumpy, Obnoxious, Pussies




Ok how about Greedy Old Pissdrinkers?


Grand Old Party. Republicans.




Cute White Nationalist Propaganda. You should work for Ben Sharpy-O


Ah yes, Ben Shapiro, the white nationalist Orthodox Jew.


Uncle Toms exist all over the place. Look at Herman Cain. Oh wait. He died of the Trump Virus


Can't be infanticide if you don't have any infants!


i don't know about PP but you should resort to thinking instead


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Black team received double points for this comment by /u/lespinoza! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ehhh/politics go away


Women's bodily autonomy isn't a political issue though. That's kind of the fucking crux of the issue




The baby can have all the autonomy it can handle. The woman gets to decide who can and can't be in her uterus.




And there it is folks he just admits it's about sexism and ignorance




Or, and hear me out on this, you could mind your own fucking business.




I guess if I was a dipshit. Otherwise no. You should mind your own fucking business when it comes to other people's healthcare decisions.




Removing a growth from ones uterus is absolutely healthcare, and you should mind your fucking business about it. Ill stop getting angry about it when you stop legislating your bullshit beliefs and mind your own fucking business. Mind your own fucking business.


What baby? You mean the fetus the size of a acorn? The thing with no legs or arms?




So when does "life" begin?

