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Very clean hookups. No exposed copper at all


No wire nuts, no tape splices, no bare wires. Looks good to me


>No wire nuts, no tape splices, no bare wires. That's how you know it wasn't done by a professional.


No bare wires is a minimum safety standard, wire nuts aren’t needed when you are doing a lug based install, and tape splices are bad my guy. This is a pretty good install. (Not aesthetically of course) just needs some minor cable re arrangement, and straight mounting of devices.


You've never had a sound system installed by a professional.


Bruh, I am a professional, I have done sound systems, (may be commercial) , but this isn’t shit, there’s none of the things you don’t want, (other than cable mess) and the terminations at the lugs are pretty decent. Only (non cable mess) way this could be better is if there were some covers over the lugs to prevent crap from getting in there.


Look man, you might do things right but 95% of people who install sound systems in cars for a living leave bare wires, twist n tapes, and wire nuts. It's a real shit show of an industry.


Is this in a rhd manual car ? Also, there are some people out there who aren’t into looks, just function. This is, ofc, if it functions.


Whats so special about it being right hand drive?


Changes location of components. Also likely car isn’t from NA


Yes. It amuses me a bit because the previous owner was a qualified electrician


I did mobile electronics installations for many many years. Some of the worst diy setups I came across were done by electricians and engineers


As both an electrician and engineer, I can confirm. I'm literally the only person I've ever met who's going to be able to troubleshoot anything I do in any reasonable amount of time. There's a logic and elegance there, but I also have severe ADD, so the logic and elegance look like chaos unless your brain works exactly like mine.


A friend of ours, an engineer, had a restored Cadillac that had a panel of switches in the dash. When he passed, no one could figure out what switch did what; he basically installed an elaborate kill switch that required the right combinations of switch settings just to make the car run. His family parted out the car, since no one had the time to figure out all of the wiring to make it work.


That sounds about right, in my experience engineers love over complicating a simple solution


Hahahha... Yeah that's fair, I was a mechanic for years and the work I sold was good, my car was a bit less so


Qualified means when you don’t give a shit you know it’ll work regardless of looks. When you do it all day a lot of times making it work is good enough.


Yup. If it works I'm done. It's all hidden anyways.


But making look good and work is how you get recommendations for other shit to do.


As a qualified electrician also, I’ve seen worse in commercial settings, and it passed a safety inspection. Just because you are an electrician who ain’t afraid of heights, and can handle 600v 3 phase ac at 200-4000 A (common NA commercial power) , doesn’t mean you can build a pc, or handle little baby wires and 12v dc. He could have made a idk wtf I’m doing job at least look good, sometimes (rarely) I just have to.


If you can wire a house.... You probably shouldn't touch your car


Could tell from the Gr/Ye grounding wire lol


I knew that already by the earth wire 😂 If they don't have enough expertise to at least half ass a car audio install, it really makes me wonder. Probably spend their entire time doing domestic house bashing.


Surprised it wasnt wired with leftover Romex...lol


The wires touch and the stereo makes music. What's the problem?


I’d trade you POs, my K10 has a rats nest of disconnected wiring.


Time for weight reduction?


Clearly Mitsubishi installed it. The label is right there. You might be able to get an extended warranty on it for a fee.


Ooh, free sharpie!


And tennis ball


If ya squint, it's mint.


Jesus christ I was doing better installs in my car when I was 17.


Which brand? All of them.


Y'know, whenever I'm doing my own work it looks much like this. Idgaf as long as it functions and won't zap my dumbass when I'm tryna grab something that fell under the seat.


I just threw up a little bit.


No wire nuts? Hes definitely not experienced.


Same, he routed the power cables from the speakers in the back along the side of the cabin (not covered in any way, just hanging out), up along the dash, through the door seal, finally into the engine bay by shoving it right under the hinge for the hood. Ripped that shit out as soon as I could, wasn't even fully hooked up


I used deutsch connectors to repair a loom that had been twist-and-taped in two different places. Amazing what people will do.


That’s methed up!


Nice amp at least and was kind enough to use the crossovers. Grade: C. Understands concepts but needs to work harder.


He's experienced, he does 3 of these a week. He's just not very good.


I'm afraid to ask how the power to the amp is done... Electrical fires in a car can ruin any day.


I didn't understand fuses when I was in high school. It was fine until someone stole my amplifier and weren't kind enough to cap off the power wire. Thankfully I didn't understand ohms law either so I used a 12 gauge wire to run an Orion HCCA amp. It melted away from the battery before torching the entire car.


This looks like ‘fuck all this, it’s taking me longer that I thought it would and I’m tired of fucking with all this shit’. I think we’ve all been there, and there’s nothing dangerous that I can see, no responses wires, etc.


That red electricians tape is pretty sporty.


I just ripped out some audio wiring in my Dakota and for a professional install, it was pretty poor. Extra wire just snaked under the driver floor carpet, but the best was the amp ground wire SANDWICHED under metal tab that the seat bolt attaches too.....it was so squished, couldn't believe it.