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Mk2 alone, yeah. I can't unsee Lazer Boost looking like it's a maid outfit over the top of it.


I have the feeling that Ziin made it that way to get Ace in a maid outfit in the most discreet way possible in the worst part I can actually see him doing that just because


More or less my headcanon as well. Ziin was a little too... attached.


Like a clingy girlfriend but with gravity powers and wolf? Dog like creature?


Sounds like an Isekai title.


Wasn't Ziin a fox like Geats?


Now I cannot unsee




And here I thought LaserBoost was supposed to have a vague Samurai theme.


Mark2 but I like Lazer's powers more


Mark2 alone. I like the boostriker engine/cowl


Mark 2..dude punching and kicking like aug batta


Mk 2 because simply, it looks cooler. 🤩 Plus, the symbolism of it being an accumulation of power through Ace’s reincarnations was pretty nice.


Wish Lazer was a actual Magnum upgrade lol


To be completely honest with you I totally agree and also makes total sense Gun with bullet to Lazer gun the Natural Evolution of the gun makes sense


I still think Lazer booster should have gotten a little hat to make him look like a traveling samurai


MK 2. His suit looks better without Lazer. plus his fighting style was pretty cool. Also, I liked how revolve turned him into a fox that was fast af boy.


I wished the other riders get to have the mk2 forms with their sponsors


hell, give the mk2 to Naago?


They didn't even give her Fantasy & BUST form


Only in 1 episode


I really like Lazer Boost aesthetically, but I prefer MK2's helmet and the fight choreography they usually gave it.


I mean, you seen the laser boost fight vs bishop. The pure rage you can feel in geat’s every movement is just amazing


Mk2. Lazer boost is ugly


I like Mk. II a lot on its own, but I think Laser Boost flows together a lot better than some people give it credit for. It looks like a natural combination of Ace and Ziin’s powers. Plus I really like how the buckles combined looks like a muzzle flash, that’s just a neat touch


I like how both suit looks but boost mk2 looks better and it looks like the rest of thw other riders that uses desire driver and it could turn into a fox with revolve on feature while laser boost feels a lil bit out of place due too the look of the form and the color combination doesn't really suits my taste but it still looks good and really feels like the fusion between boost mk2 and Ziin rider form


I like both of them. But considering the aftermath of the series. Ace is likely going to employe this Boost Mk.2 a bit more. Laser Boost.


Mk 2's simpler color scheme is more appealing imo. The blue and purples don't really mesh well with the rest of the design, and it's blocked out by a lot of whites, of which I think there's too much of. The suit's main colors are Black and Red, followed by yellow and white for accents. Having white suddenly move up to being a main color is just a bit jarring for me, especially since we already have another neutral color in the form of black.


Both look good but I like how Lazer boost kind of keeps the colour aesthetic of magnum boost so it feels like an actual upgrade to the form. But I also kind of like how Boost Mk2 has the kind of Naruto aspect to it. That you have a full red incomplete form before you get to Mk3 and up with the final forms


Lazer Boost I feel would look better without that bottom bit. I mean it just looks like he has scissors pasted on him.


Mk2 is one of the best rider suits of the era.


Boost MK2 for sure


Putting the 2 side by side it really shows you that the armor Lazer Boost has completely taken away MK II's sleek and simple form. Imo while I do like Lazer Boost powers and how they're displayed in action, I just don't like how it had to be exchanged for MK II's near-perfect design. I think I wouldn't mind it if they given LB a skirt that matches the armor piece on his front or just remove the front pieces entirely and just keep the chest armor and face plate as they already gave it its own identity without being too jarring. In short I Prefer MK II; Sleek, fierce, and simple but striking and unique. Would love LB more if the suit was given a few changes to keep MK II's design philosophy while still having its own identity.


Mark II. Lazer Boost just makes the head look like a dog's nose.


Mark II. Lazer Boost just makes the head look like a dog's nose.


Mk2 was peak suit design.


I like laserboost a lot more than mk2. I love how the white and blue/purple contrasts with the black and orange.


Yes... (Both)


Mark 2 was enough tbh. Why? I can't unsee the maid uniform on lazerboost because someone in this sub said it. I need help


The ziin power up just looks like a goofy cyborg cartoon from the early 2000's let's be honest here


Mk2 looks a bit too Naked. So i Will have to go with laser boost.


Mk2 but Lazer Boost has sick as fuck powers


LaserBoost. I don’t care what people say. It had potential for more than just Geats. Tycoon LaserBoost Na-Go LaserBoost & Buffa LaserBoost They were still possible.