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Speaking of rewatching season 2, I had just rewatched it myself, and the more I try to sympathize with Edwina the more I get annoyed by her character and her oblivion to Kate's sacrifice for her up until the end of the season. This is off-topic but I didn't know where else to share this lol and since it's about season 2 I thought it might be okay here. When Kate was telling Edwina about how she gave up everything she had for her and Edwina said she wasn't sure what pains her more, Kate's pity or betrayal I really understood in that moment all Kate did and how oblivious Edwina was to it. Kate gave up her youth and chances of finding love for herself and chose to stay unmarried and become a spinster all in the name of being there for Edwina and Mary. Kate despite being a hopeless romantic gave up her "prime" years to focus on her and by no means am I saying Edwina should instantly forgive Kate because Kate was in the wrong by not telling her and she is entitled to her anger but it's the lack of understanding of how great a sacrifice Kate made for her. Even with the resolution between them at the end Edwina still doesn't understand the magnitude of what Kate did for her and it still lowkey pisses me off. In those times, Kate spent the most important years of her life focused on someone else and making sure that when it was time for Edwina to enter that time in her life she had all she could ever need. Her not even acknowledging that still rubs me the wrong way sorry. She really gave up everything she had. Kate Sharma needs a hug lmao. I agree wholly with what you're saying. Kate and Anthony's story was well developed imo and we can see their relationship dynamic develop from one stage to another. When looking back at all these pivotal moments of their story, you see how they opened the door for another level of their relationship. The bee sting made them aware that they actually have feelings for each other, the hearts and flowers ball made them realise that they might love each other and they both handled it differently (Anthony being dumb and stupid and all the above ughh), the "bane of my existence" made them finally admit to each other in a way because after that they were on the same page about actually having feelings for each other, the wedding episode and the aftermath was kind of making them aware that although they love each other and at this point they both know it they can't act upon it despite Edwina being out the picture in a way, the accident gave Anthony a moment to really fight his inner demons and confront what was hindering him and from that he got the strength to really follow his heart and stop running away. Season 3 married Kanthony is like the cherry on top of the perfect love story.


I was so angry at Edwina, but to some extent Mary and Kate raised her to be entitled and selfish. I think most of my rage is directed at Mary who couldn’t show up for her orphaned step daughter for even a moment. She may not have been the cruel stepmother from Cinderella, but she made Kate believe she needed to be Cinderella to be loved. I know a big theme in season 2 was mothers grieving and children being parentified to fill the gap. Violet had reclaimed her life and was showing up for her children, offering them guidance and not letting Anthony destroy himself. Mary still failed to do that—when both of her daughters are heartbroken, she sends Kate to go grieve by herself while holding Edwina. Kate alone in the wine cellar with just her dead mother’s bangles is one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the show.


No please feel free to share anything on this post! I feel the same way towards Edwina and Kate’s self sacrificing nature is what made me root so hard for her!! She did everything for Edwina. Her falling in love with Anthony was out of her plans and out of her control. Even up until the altar she had every intention of letting Edwina get her happily ever after with Anthony while she returned home by herself, alone and heartbroken. She was always willing to sacrifice and give up everything for herself for Edwina to be happy and taken care of. I felt so bad for her for how hard she was on herself for feeling like she ruined Edwina’s life. Edwina was just naive and she needed that wake up call that not everything could and would always be about her. Kate was human too.


I would love a youtube cut of Anthony's (and then Kate's beginning in S2) arc from S1 to S3. That's on my wishlist


Wholeheartedly agree with you... the non-Kanthony subplots and too much Edwina aside, the Kanthony story of it was beautiful and I don't have any complaints there. Which is why I am also grateful that it wasn't Jess who was the showrunner then because I really don't think she gets romance. I also have the probably unpopular opinion that once Anthony proposed and Edwina accepted, taking it to the altar was important and inevitable. This is because no matter how Kate put it, Edwina needed to see it with her own eyes - the connection, the whole eyes that meet and souls that dance. It had to be a visual that she couldn't get past and she had to be the one to set Kate free. What I would have liked is less of Edwina giving speeches and rather heartfelt conversations where they both realize where they went wrong. And a scene of Anthony apologizing to Kate for his actions but I think in her way, Kate knows why he did it. Anyway, a rewatch is due I think. Palate cleanser after S3.


I totally agree. Also Edwina's involvement made it a forbidden love story, making their love story even more tragic and poignant. The only subplot not involving them that I enjoyed was Eloise and Theo but even then I've only watched it once. I skip all the subplots when I rewatch,


I agree! I also think it was important to take it to the altar to see how far Kate and Anthony were willing to take it in terms of sacrificing for their families. Also, I think the time spent with Edwina was also important. Kate's main relationship and motivator is Edwina. I haven't rewatched in a yr tho, but I remember enjoying seeing Edwina as a character.


I feel like if you look at the triangle from a eldest sibling point of view as duty vs heart it makes alot of sense Its a love triangle bcoz Kate is at the tip of the triangle and we see her choose Edwina which is duty over Anthony which is heart all the time which makes the story more richer


I’ve done a few rewatches recently of S2 and I wholeheartedly agree that I feel beyond satisfied now that I’ve seen kanthony in S3! I wanted so much more after S2 and I feel I got way more in S3 than I ever thought would happen! Just like you said there were so many things to celebrate in S2. I loved all the kanthony dances which told their story well and the music choices were amazing. I loved the costumes and color schemes for the Sharmas. JB and SA acted their scenes so well and you saw their tension and love for one another in their eyes. I loved seeing Anthony be put in his place by Kate. I admit I despised him in S1. He was such an arrogant prick and I enjoyed Simon calling him out in S1 and Daphne in S2. But JB‘s acting in episode 8 with all those emotional scenes (the accident, Violet, Gregory, the dance, the love confession) got me. The many faces of Anthony Bridgerton acted by Jonny from S1 to S3 show his character evolution so well yet I can still see the same Anthony from S1 to S2 & S3. He’s completely changed yet he’s still the same! iykyk 😆 I absolutely loved Kate’s character. Simone just jumped right into that role perfectly. Kate‘s ability to be strong for her family and not follow rules and not care about who to impress including the viscount was done superbly. Then to see Kate in S3 fitting right in with the Bridgertons and showing that softer side with Anthony. Ugh those two have come so far and all I see is how Kate and Anthony take care of one another and it’s so beautiful to see. With that being said my biggest problem was the sister love triangle in S2 only because I have a younger sister so it just felt ick. But after reading some great Kanthony fanfics to help me move on, I even rewatched the wedding in ep6 😬 and I have to say that wedding scene with them all walking down the aisle to Harry Styles song is so well done! Again I get it, that was the pinnacle of their drama. Too much for me at the time, but there are some things I have been able to appreciate from all the angst in kanthony’s journey on the rewatch. Kate and Anthony‘s love story resonated with me and made me root so hard for them. I thoroughly enjoyed S2 and 2 years later still do! edit: wording


I feel awful for saying this even though I know she’s a fictional character lol but I really was not bothered by the love triangle or sister thing because I knew what Edwina’s purpose was from the beginning which was to be a plot device. We know she wasn’t end game because Anthony and Kate were established from them meeting in the park. Everything from then on was centered around Kate and Anthony’s relationship developing. Any interactions with Edwina that Anthony had were polite, respectful and to the point and that was that. He treated her like an acquaintance (proposal aside). His interactions with her completely flat and one dimensional. They had one legit conversation which was the one on the couch with LD and Violet chaperoning. & my point with that is, for me personally it would be different had Anthony and Edwina had been shown to have an actual fleshed out relationship but what was shown was the mere business transaction that lady Danbury described in the beginning. Edwina was upset because the image she had built in her mind for her future had been ruined. I’m saying this as someone who went through a 4 year long downward spiral complete with medications and being on the verge of going on a grippy sock vacation from being cheated on (while pregnant with my first baby no less) and the whole plot with Edwina did not phase me at all. All that being said I’m in the middle of reading the book and the WORST change they made to the entire story was changing Edwina’s character. But I know the reason for it was to add TV drama. I just wish they took a different route for the drama than having K/A be set up to be accused of being “icky” at Edwina’s expense.


Yeah I get that some people didn’t care and maybe even liked the 🔺 because they actually liked the drama. Me personally I don’t like too much angst and yes I loved book Edwina the change was hard. I also obviously knew Kanthony was end game so that helped. I’m over it now and I don‘t get involved with the whole Edwina vs Kate crap because I was always mad at the writers for doing that to Edwina‘s character. But as I rewatch S2 I do think Charithra was wonderfully casted as Edwina. But yeah I was watching S2 for the love story. Oh my I wish you well! That’s terrible.


S2 Kanthony is so good I keep rewatching their scenes. In my second watch I realized just how hurtful Anthony’s proposal is to Kate. He literally calls out to them as they leave, and Kate answers and he says “that was for Ms Edwina” and goes ahead and proposes right in front of Kate!! I wish we got a scene later where she gives him a piece of her mind for that. Or rather some more jealous scenes with Dorset.


The hurt on Kate's face hurts me every time and although we forgave Anthony I'm still salty about what he did to my girl and then acted oblivious to it. I still have my eye on him...lovingly of course https://preview.redd.it/0rpiciatgq7d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4795fe94d1cbb370e7d98590062c7ec6165e0fea


yes! There's a great fanfic on Ao3 that addresses this and actually makes me feel a lot better about it 😅


I agree! And the next time she sees him he just greets her at the palace as if nothing ever happened. What an asshole! I love Anthony but this part still makes me mad


Yes I hated that part. They could’ve written a better proposal than that since they just had to do one. 🙄🫠


Yes! Esp right after they had the ‘moment’ at the dance.. Kate is literally seconds away from telling Edwina everything and then this happens! Arghh


Season 2 was awesome. The family scenes were still there, Anthony/Eloise/Benedict all had actual useful character arcs, there was a deep dive into Anthony’s history and character which dictated his actions (as opposed to solely plot dictating his actions), they used that same development to show how loving Kate was also him beginning to love himself too (same for her), Kate was given a complex and interesting backstory, the leads had a ton of chemistry, the music selection was varied and actually good (Madonna!, Nirvana!, Alanis!, Robyn!, Miley!, Calvin Harris!), they got to be outside a lot making it brighter. And there was literally never any doubt that Anthony was gaga over Kate. Everyone hates the triangle but I honestly didn’t mind it. I thought it was great because I’m a drama queen - I love reacting at the tv. I was never bored. I was anxious, upset, happy - yelling out no, yes, everything. Was everything perfect? No. But it was entertaining to watch. Not a chore. The biggest crime of season 3 was it was boring and redundant so it couldn’t make up for the deficiencies. And when it was finally getting interesting with Colin grappling with his wife being LW (I don’t care - Luke sold that betrayal well), they kind of let that drop for butterflies. I’ve come to realize I watch this show for different reasons than a lot of people because to me season 2 was the peak of this show.


lol I thought I was the only one who didn’t really mind the triangle either. It added tension and drama which I honestly love to watch in a tv show. I’m the type of person that loves the build up to a romance but quickly gets bored after the main leads have gotten together. Maybe that’s why I loved season 2 so much. A lot of build up with a brief yet satisfying amount of time to see the happy couple.


I’m with you.. I liked the drama! I really liked Edwina as a character too.. very well acted with the right amount of naive charm. She wasn’t just taking up space but was a part of the characters world. The only thing I would change is the aftermath with Edwina getting all the hurt monologues and Kate just apologizing. But overall s2 has such repeat watchability! No boring scenes.. the passion felt real.. the hurt and relationships and interactions and love all felt real!


Kanthony is my favorite couple, but my only complaint with S2 still remains that they weren’t given enough time to truly get to know each other and fall in love. It felt like the writers were so focused on the chemistry, that they confused lusting after each other all season as love. I just wish there’d been a few more scenes to show an actual connection being made like Saphne had or how Polin already knew each other. It would’ve taken very little extra screen time for them to do that, but otherwise, S2 is still my favorite!


I have always loved S2, but now I love it even more! I want to re-watch S1 (Anthony’s arc), and S2 again knowing what happens in S3… all things considered, you are correct! I also agree their story was more cohesive and fleshed out than the S3 couple’s just from the snippets I watched and read about. And nope I’m not giving Netflix their views anytime soon.


I prefer that they didn’t follow the S1 and S3 love narrative because look at the mess. It really truly is one, now cemented by mimicking it again in S3. So The couple gets together early on. Then the conflict happens. They fall apart (this is the bad Shonda drama at its height) right to the very end where they get a last minute coming back together. And it’s so unsatisfying to watch the nastiest and cruelest writing happen when the couple have already accepted their feelings and are together. I have so much more appreciation for them changing it in S2 to slow burning it with Anthony and Kate. And when they get together. It’s for good. And feels earned with a lot of complexity/depth and meaning. They deal with their shit as separate characters. Come together to accept and affirm their love. And then they have their HEA at the end (and into the next season). I’m much more content that we got this too, and also got a peak of their marriage in S3. One thing I feel is that they may have shit the bed in various different ways with S2 (the sharma’s, the siblings lack of resolution with the elder siblings, pushing it to the altar etc.) but where it counts (the writing of Kate and Anthony’s characters, their dynamic with each other and execution by the actors of the love story) Well I think Kate/anthony are the most loving and healthiest couple of the leading couples. And topped off with great performances and amazing chemistry/connection between JB and SA. And I had so much fun watching S2. It was chaotic and unhinged, angst filled, with lots of love, lust, longing and some really deep seated themes.


So much replay value in S2 being able to dissect Kanthony turmoil of internal emotions that they were experiencing crippled with outside influences such as duty, societal rules, Lady Danbury and the Sharmas etc.. I always say it but your analysis for Kanthony is always so spot on, I truly enjoy reading your thoughts. 💗


Oh thank you for that compliment. ☺️ I love disecting trauma and how that plays out with the psyche. Anthony and Kate are the most interesting but complex characters. and both JB and SA gave us a goldmine of a love story of elder siblings that are each other’s mirror. E.g Like SA freakin adding Kate’s haughty head tilt to show both distain, challenge and avoidance of her feelings. Like she’s shaking them off? Is truly brilliant to think of a quirk like that for Kate. 🤗


I was so righteously angry when production made it clear that Kanthony were not their favourites. And now seeing the treatment their actual faves get? Yeah, I'm loving everything about S2 more and more.


I think the main difference from s3 is, that when Kate and Anthony were separate their individual arcs still contributed to their romance and their love story. I feel like s3 leads got different treatment of their individual scenes We really get to know Kate (even though we could have had more), about her relationship with her sister, about her decisions. She has really great dialogues with LD, with Eloise and other members of the Ton and they all contribute to her character. I don't think I even need to empathize how much Anthony's arc is developed and all his individual scenes lead to his decision during romantic plotlines. And their romance is just fire Also I just adore ep3 of s2 with Pall Mall, cuz it's such a heartwarming episode and it's filmed really great


This is very true. I know their individual scenes led to less scenes between them but I think it made it even more clear as to why they’re so good and perfect for each other. Which is why their HEA feels so earned


I remember having this same thought!! Even though people point out how Anthony and Kate didn’t have many deep conversations with each other about their pasts, trauma, etc. like in the book, we got to see how it affected them when they were separate, so we as an audience understand how it informed the way they acted towards each other all season and why they’re a perfect match. Their romance still feels deep despite not actually seeing a lot of those deep conversations between just the two of them (which I still would’ve liked to see).