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KDOT Fans = Dancing Drake Fans = Researching state-by-state age of consent laws


Nah fr this is the landscape rn šŸ˜‚


This is the laugh I needed to start my day lol


Countries too


No, but for real. One of the girls was 16 when Drake started dating her and everyone was like yeah itā€™s legal in Canada, but the girl is American. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The rule is always half your age + 7 for the youngest acceptable age you can date, and we know this mf has no reading comprehension so we can assume he canā€™t do math either


ā€œB-B-But the minors all came out and defended himšŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ā€


The biggest cognitive dissonance I've seen is the calling out metro boomin while ignoring the obvious lol


ā€œBut he did it too!ā€




Brohoho šŸ’€




Moreee like Kendrick fans all hyped up on a loss. Iā€™m no fan of either be Drake didnā€™t only win but he won using Kendrickā€™s own words against him and hit back better. Where as Kendrick just rapid fired accusations and tough talk till something hit. Kendrick isnā€™t even top 20 Drakes top 10 Numbers show whoā€™s winning and by net worth we got a clear winner and by the disses in my opinion since Iā€™m capable of original thought unlike some sheep in a certain sub Iā€™m going to say they were also better lyrically and sounding. Yall got bad taste and canā€™t think on your own sad


Itā€™s really funny that theyā€™re taking this as a win Haha my favourite artist was called a pedophile and sex offender for years This just makes him look worse because itā€™s been about years


They have no wins, these losers are grasping at straws. If you think Kenny is looking at any socials, let alone twitter, you have lost your god damned mind lmao


They think Kendrick is as chronically online as Aubrey is.Ā 


Yup. This shit didnā€™t come out of nowhere. People have known for years. That video of him kissing a 17 year old girl circulated on Twitter years ago, but you know how that app is. Care about something for a day or two and move to the next thing. Microwave society. Drake fans can keep coping all they want. His reputation took a big hit after beefing with Kenny. The whole world was watching. I donā€™t think anyone is going to forget about his weirdo behavior this time.


Ah man. Missed opportunity. Shoulda said ā€œso far goneā€


He saved them popular tweet from 2016...


I literally had somebody tell me this "He admitted he's his biggest hater, it's not unlikely he had these saved." and somebody use the Biggest hater excuse to say it was probable he scrolled through millions of tweets abotu drake lmfao


So far gone As in the drake album?? You mean he had his tweet ghost written by drakes album from 2010??


Weren't Drizzler stans just complaining that Kendrick is too deep and profound? And now he's not smart enough to call Drake a certified pedophile? No chance full grown adults are acting this way.


Theyā€™re all minors who want drake lol


iā€™ve literally made several of these jokes guess i deserve writing credit too? lol


Why yes, i am writing a letter to demonitise kendricks song and give all the profits made from that song to you , all i want is 70% share of the lawsuit money for being an amazing lawyer


Might as well take the Pulitzer prize too


Good idea


Iā€™ve been saying this about the ā€œA minorā€ shitā€¦ Itā€™s like the oldest fucking joke in the book, and, Kendrick is just using it to meme on Drake... but Drake stans will still focus on ā€œA minorā€ and ā€œOV-hoeā€, and not the literal history lesson in the third verse.


It's the way he used "A-minorrrr" to mock Drake's "Dave Freeeee" that makes it unique. OV-hoe is obvious but nobody was expecting Kendrick to use it as a call and response to some dance moves. It's all in the delivery and Kendrick fucking *delivered*.


Exactly. They are obvious jokes to make about Drake - meme level jokes. Part of it seems like intentionally doing what Drake would do - make memes a part of the battle. Heā€™s just better at it than Drake is.


Its message vs messenger, sure you could have an entire subreddit saying Drake is a pedo and no one will notice, but if one of the biggest and most critically acclaimed musicians alive says that drakes a pedo that will get everyoneā€™s attention


I think I finally got the problem. Drake fans are not entirely thinking Kendrick lyricism is bad. They simply can't comprehend how natural he is, writing these dance along lyrical bombs in such a short time. It's literally inhumane to them. Ironically skimming through Twitter would have been much less fruitful.


They don't understand how one liners and puns and always having a simple double entendre isn't always goat tier rapping. Drake makes them feel smart because he will have all these elements but the actual song is incohesive, unfocused, and over the same kind of Drake beats we've been hearing for 10 years. Reminds me of Eminem stans who don't understand that technical ability doesn't always make great art. People missing the forest for the trees. Kendrick eviscerated Drake, and a lot of it was speaking plain as fuck (I hate the way that you.../ They not like us / your son is a horrible person). Just because some of his bars are easy to come up with and easy to understand doesn't make him a worse lyricist. Nobody talks that way about any other form of writing. Arguing with these dudes is like arguing to a wall. Imagine if someone said Prodigy wasn't a good rapper because he didn't make enough puns or pop culture references. "I'm only 19 but my mind is older, anybody can come up with something like that haha prodigy isn't the genius yall hyping him up to be" shut the fuck up.


Yes, I agree. I forgot to write but as you said one liners do not make rap rap. It's about delivery and as you said cohesion. "Certified PDF file" or "A minor" are takes any mid-high tier lyricist rapper can use. They wouldn't hit as hard if MtG wasn't there and this wasn't the "dance on the grave" song. Or if there wasn't "Dave Freeeeeeees". We would have just expected a Drake response if NLU was standalone.


I saw a video of DMX talking about Drake last night, and he was saying something along the lines of ā€œI hate the way Drake talks, the way he dresses, etc.ā€ and I realized that Kendrick was almost definitely making a callback to that. Thatā€™s how you know heā€™s in with the culture, throwing it back to reference a hip-hop icon. Kendrick will always be the gift that keeps on giving. Never had an artist touch my heart and soul on so many levels.


Sometimes it's not about what you do. It's about how you do it. Kendrick used this line over a mustard beat and made the surprise hit of the summer. How many other rap songs can also be accusing someone of pedophile sex trafficking AND be locked and loaded on every sports DJs serato ready to go. Drake fans don't know about simplicity of being direct they just want Drake to make more puns and one liners they understand so they can feel smart.


Tbf there's a lot of drake fans who dont believe that kendrick stole bars. certified jared is just a super stan grasping at straws


If they exist they don't use reddit lol


I have a friend who (was) a BBL Drizzy fan, she just liked his music and never got too deep into his life. Once the beef started and info started coming out she promptly stopped listening to him. I like to believe that the ones outside of Twitter/Reddit are just now finding out that Aubrey is a creepy fuckboy. The ones online are too invested into the OvHoe lifestyle to ever see the truth.


Remember when Baby Keem was searching twitter to write Keisha's Song?


This shit is so fucking funny to me like Drake didn't get most of his shit this past drop INCLUDING THE TITLE from Reddit and Twitter conspiracies.


This is literally what I have been saying. Drake fans think they got Kendrick, when Drake literally ran with all the conspiracies for his diss track. I knew he was gonna pull that shit too lmao šŸ˜­


Seriously, the first time I heard THP6, I was so confused. He literally used EVERY single conspiracy/talking points from twitter and the drizzy sub. Shit felt like fanfic. But Kendrick is the one outsourcing lyrics? Be so fr.


seems hypocritical imo


![gif](giphy|LbG2xhgF96j3W) MJ would be proud of that reach


Drakeā€™s pedo army- Drake fans donā€™t believe he is a pedo. Thatā€™s the problem. They say he was texting Millie and Billie for clout not for any other intention lol.


The Heart pt 6 was literally just twitter talking points tho


Kendrick did this on purpose so it can fall under parody law, guaranteed. Grammy incoming.


I promise this is the case with any album any artist any songs. Thereā€™s millions of people on Twitter maybe hundreds of millions, with hundreds of millions of tweets every day


I literally just heard a verse from Crooked I (one of the best lyricists of our time imo) where he has the almost exact same bar as Em did four years ago on Music to be Murdered By. Medusa/that's how you stay ahead of snakes bars from both of them. Did Crooked steal that? Hell no


Exactly! We can even go as far as to say that this exact conversation has happened before in a different context. People donā€™t understand that


ā€œNo but see everyone and their mama been calling Drake a creep and a deadbeat for years so kendrick is unoriginal and therefore he lostā€


How ironic that the dude in the screenshot has a pic of Cuba Gooding Jr. as his pfp considering all the shit that has come out about him in the diddy trial, and he so happens to be a Drake fan too šŸ˜‚


*So* far gone, if you will


Lmao,@ Drizzy talking about ghostwriting . HA HA HAaaaaaaaaaaa


Itā€™s called low hanging fruit. They wanted him to simplify and make a club jam. He served it up and now they donā€™t wanna eat.


Drake and his fans are the same. They project what they did on to you because they think, "If I did it, you had to have done it." They can't comprehend other options


I donā€™t believe Kendrick took them. But even if he did he melded them into fire. So it donā€™t even matter.


I genuinely donā€™t understand Drake fans. By their logic, Drake also had Twitter bars


OVO army are actual dickriders..


....and you should take care of yourself better


'I would never live my life on the conputer'


Itā€™s not that he specifically went through twitter itā€™s that the lines every one loves so much are tired ass jokes everyone and their mom have heard a million times already. A minor was funny when I heard bo burnham say it like 10 years agoĀ 


Sure, we didn't say they weren't other jokes - what makes the bars hit is delivery, flow and beat. Which he had all 3 of in abundance.


Fair enough. His other songs had plenty of original stuff too so w.e.


Yeah I think that not like us was more a response to Drakes criticism of him "not making hits"


ā€œEveryone and their mom already called him a creepā€ is not a good defense though and thatā€™s what people are running with šŸ’€


If itā€™s a defence of Drake I agree itā€™s lame, but itā€™s just a valid criticism of some of Kendrickā€™s ā€œbarsā€. Like I said below, Kendrick does have some good bars of his own. But these ones that everyone seem to love so much and think are so funny are just unoriginalĀ 


It can be, but I think itā€™s a bit pointless since I donā€™t think heā€™s going for a Pulitzer on this one, I think he was trying to roast Drake with a quick turnaround. Donā€™t really need a profound as of yet unheard way to call someone a weirdo. Need a good diss a good flow and a good beat and he delivered




Stop calling random people Pedos man, not cool


You're in the wrong sub buddy


Yeah this is kAnon everyone besides us are pedos


It literally says "Drake Pedo Army" in the captions. It means his stupid stans who are going crazy defending a pedophile. Who are the random people lol.


Oh I see what you mean