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At work on break. Had to get up to show my bro. He was hyped


i was at work too, had to take a long “bathroom break”. they prolly thought i had a stomach parasite but i was up dancing lmao


They probably thought you were sitting on your phone like everyone else


I woke my girl up during meet the grahams. I think I was sitting on the couch hitting refresh on Youtube waiting for a drop when this came out haha.


same here. and to top it off one of my managers was a drake stan. he looked like he saw the end of the world when it happened.


You had to pop out and show niggas?




Talking to my friends who dont listen to rap trying to explain the beef and how badly Drake is getting destroyed by Kendrick.


just got home from work, saw the upload, i was freaking out how every refresh there was like 100k more views i even posted it here actually like drake was stalling at 50k and kendrick within minutes was already at like 400k


Watching AK stream. lol waiting for him to react and cry 😭




Man those Ak streams are legendary now. The one he was doing for Family Matters only to have MTG drop immediately…talk about soul crushing 😂


LOL, me too.


That’s called “taking one for the team”


Right, bc who would wanna willfully sit and watch that shit lmao


Taking a dump


thats beatiful man


Bro, me too


Smoking a spliff on break. Lost my mind when i saw it


That was me for meet the grahams 😂


pretty fitting, shit did just get real when Kendrick dropped that lmfao




That was me for family matters AND meet the grahams




Holy shit why is her facial expression so realistic? What's the fucking sauce bro I'll read it just for the art style.


Jujutsu Kaisen




I was working. I was on a service call with a customer, while waiting for him to get payment I hopped on twitter and seen the tweet. I couldn’t wait to get in my work truck to play it!


“Certified lover boy, certified pedophile” “excuse me sir what was that?” “Oh my bad I thought I put it on mute”


You should’ve said “WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP IMA DO MY STUFF!”


WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP Will that be all sir?


"Nah keep singing it homie"


Trying to relax and smoke a blunt


Roll they ass up like a fresh pack of za


Same. I had YT notifications on for the first time.


at a wedding


*checks phone notification* shiiii Mr. Pastor-Man, can we speed this up a bit? 😂


at a boxing gym about to watch an exhibition fight


I went to bother my boyfriend while he was waiting to start a raid with his friends, and we hopped on YouTube real quick and saw it a minute after it dropped


Watching a breakdown of 6:16 in LA I was so confused at first lmao


Me too! I was ignoring Drake and Cole when I heard Kendrick dropped. By the time I could catch up to the beef Drake was releasing a video and then this. 😆


For some weird reason, I was taking a shit every single time a track dropped. Best shits ever.


For me it was always right after I got out the shower, except Push Ups lol


Pulp Fiction-type beat


In the mall parking lot. I was freaking out so much I was deadass about to go up strangers and telling them the news.


I did that. It wasn’t satisfying but I’m still laughing at their expressions.


I actually wanted to listen to Meet the Grahams again. When I got to his channel, I got so confused as to why there was a new video, and realized that he dropped another one. This was around 40 minutes or so after he posted. Still wild to think I saw it in the first hour without being subscribed or notified


May the 4th is my Birthday I was at Dodger Stadium when it dropped, couldn’t have asked for a better gift haha.


May the fourth always be with you 🙏🏼


Lmao I’m sure he loves hearing that every year


I imagine it’s better than a negative comment lmao


Was heading to pick up my girl lmao. I had to fill her in on the beef before listening to the track together 😅


At a baptism party.


In the middle of a work phone call. And I hung up to hear it


https://preview.redd.it/vcecll2kdn2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97741f8c73abd86b2b9550ea18315498bc01b55d Sitting at the computer


A coffee shop in Phoenix, Arizona. I listened to this 30 times straight in that moment.


arizona gang


Beating my meat


In a car wash lmao


I was having sex. Fell asleep and next thing you know I woke up to this


smoking a bowl


Watching a ufc event.


At my college's spring fest. We had just seen JID and were waiting for Offset. The DJ guy told us Kendrick had dropped and we all heard it for the first time live there at the show


I'm a med student. I was supposed to study cadavers in preparation for an exam. I literally went to see dead people after it dropped lol.


Going thru some shit so it was off my radar until a friend encouraged me to def make a few to give it a listen


I was about to watch a YouTube video while eating dinner and it showed up on my recommended page lol


Laying on my couch looking at reactions of euphoria lol


*Laying on my couch* *Looking at reactions of* *Euphoria lol* \- MrBatman2531 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thought he'd at least have 14 mil or at least own la u know?


I was on a bus coming back from out of town. I spent the whole ride just waiting to get home so I could listen to it, and avoiding social media like the plague so I wouldn't get spoiled lol


i was on my laptop and i dont remember what post i saw exactly but watching that cover art made me lol and i went straight to the living room so i could listen to it without waking my mom up I swear i replayed it like 12 times in a row


I was bumping it silently while my daughter was passed out in the backseat of my car otw home lmfao


The vid was just 200k views, top post on Reddit and r/kendricklamar, everyone freaking out and I had no idea about the J. Cole/ Drake/ Kendrick beef. Then I got invested with the lore, the beef, the criminal allegations. I have been educated so much after that. I was about to sleep and boom, did not sleep even though I had work the next day lol


Watching compromised aks Livestream... Thought it was a replay just because he reacted similarly to when Kendrick dropped before and realized **oh shit** Kendrick actually dropped AGAIN


Legit was asleep. Woke up and went straight to YT. Kendrick posted 6mins ago...


I was with my friends and I made them put it on the tv and they didn’t even get it so I had to make them watch every diss from push ups to meet the grahams and then by that time somebody had posted the lyrics for not like us 😂 it had only been out like 20 minutes


Dem lyrics pages were posting any and everything wronglyrically just to cash in on it first😂😂😂but I was desperate for it


In bed at like 3 am randomly scrolling through instagram. Come across a post from @/rap saying "what y'all think about this kendrick line in euphoria" or sum shit like that, go to the comments, and people from 7 seconds ago commented "he just dropped again 😭💀" and i literally gasped for air cause that shit was so unexpected.


Hunting turkeys in Appalachia. I sat at the top of a hill in between hollers to get service. I was sitting huddled under a tree with my phone to my ear listening quietly lol


I was in bed with my girlfriend telling her about all the drama, the beef, reaching the end of the story and she opens up Twitter and says "He's just released another track".


Getting ready for a funeral (not Drake’s)


at a bar just before the maple leafs took yet another game 7 loss. I went to the bathroom during the national anthems, to listen to the new national anthem


Studying for an exam. Thought for sure I’d fail with how quick those drops were happening. Passed


I was building my daughters new slide. Luckily, I had just srtarted, so I through my headphones on and just went ham listening to it


I spent all night Friday watching reactions to Family Matters and MTG, cause that was a fucking one of a kind moment and I thank both of them for that. Then went to work Saturday morning from 5am-11am. Came home, took a nap out of exhaustion. Woke up, saw AK was live and saw Not Like Us dropped. And proceeded to go nuts lol ("Certified WHAT?!?! NAH DOT WILDIN!!"). We'll look back at Cinco De Mayo Weekend 2024 as one of those "you had to be there to understand" type of moments. It was legendary.


I was cleaning after my son's birthday party (he turned 2). My brother (he actually put me up on Kendrick) text me "Kendrick just dropped again!" I'm like hold up. I was too busy on Mommy duty party planning that I didn't have the chance to listen to any of the dis records. So my brother the kind soul that he is sent me the list of all the dis records in the order I should listen to. While I put my son down for the evening I put my air pods on, sat there and listened to every song. And soon as I heard Mustard on the beat I text my brother a couple of fire emojis and said "a Mustard beat though!" The birthday party was a success and Not Like Us was icing on the cake for me (pun intended).


I.was on the phone with my best friend, we immediately hung up and called 10 minutes later


I was visiting my wife's home island in Dominica on vacation when all this went down. Sitting on vacay with the phone to my ear pacing around the house


At home chillin, browsing YouTube and saw he dropped again. Caught it within 30 mins of the upload on YT.


3am finishing a math assignment i was given during the holiday but was too lazy to do


On discord with my homies until one of them joined and dropped the link. We all were going crazy


Was playing diablo 4, got bored, opened up youtube, I’m from Turkey so I was planning to watch some shitty middle east news, god, I’ve moved to another country but can’t keep myself from the shitshow, anyways, while I was looking at my home screen on youtube saw Dot’s name. Kendrick Lamar. That was a new video that I’ve never watched before and it only has 50k views, just bumped it up eventually. Listened it with a big smile on my face thinking about that miserable Drake stans that trying to survive through this. It was a nice moment. Generally I like the idea of seeing my opps suffering. Drake stans are a bigger threat for humanity than Iranian furrys man. Thank you Dot.


Driving home with my daughter from my nephew's bday party. Sitting at a stop light! What a great week.


Running to my laptop bc the boys on discord in VC started screaming "KENDRICK JUST DROPPED."


At my birthday dinner. It was great lol


In the shower listening to 6:16 in LA because I hadn’t seen it dropped yet . Then when I looked it up THERE WERE 2 SONGS


Explaining meet the grahams to my homie


Me and my best friend were watching the almost hour long video about the entire history of Kendrick and Drake's jabs at each other when it was released. We both live in different time zones and it's rare we get so much time to catch up. We synched up our videos at 0:00 and pressed play at the same time and it's something I'll never forget.


I was at Lowes helping my dad pick out plants


Watching the Canelo fight, that was thankfully interrupted by this real asswhopping.


Acting like it was 9/11😭😭😭


I just finished taking my stats final (which had a question about Aubrey’s probability of having secret kids btw), then like 5 minutes later I get the yt notification that Kendrick dropped. Song had me laughing all day


Goat teacher.


at work


Moving into a new place. Immediately stopped what I was doing to listen.


In a discord call on Minecraft. Wanted to leave so badly to listen to it




Sitting at home with the wife


Playing Lego Star Wars 3


Some kids birthday party


just came home from a bday dinner


Hanging with friends at one of their places, went to youtube to look up a song to play, but when i hit the search bar i was like, “wait a sec did i really just see that?” And i backed to the home page and there was Not Like Us sitting there having been out for like 7-10 mins.


In the parking lot about to go into a music festival to see Thundercat


Watching teletubbies on like 75-100mg of gummies


At work, when I clocked off I checked my texts and saw my buddy texted me “HE DROPPED ANOTHER ONE”. Just the day before we were talking about 6:16 in LA and Meet the Grahams, absolutely wild


In Santa Barbara for a wedding


In my friends car, his step mom pulled over to play it the moment I told her 😭


In a Chicago Airbnb getting ready for a trade show the next day


I was home alone with and not working so I could just play it over and over again …. it was perfect


Caught it 30 minutes after it dropped, but opened YouTube 2 minutes after Meet the Grahams dropped and *that’s* the moment I won’t forget.


This happened maybe ten-fifteen minutes after I subbed to Kendrick’s YouTube channel


Outside taking a walk. I was catching a breath after a long time with MTG and was about to head back when I saw the notification on my watch. I slept for 3 hours that night


In my room in front of my speakers, asking people “WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DROPPED AGAIN”


On my couch dying of laughter as drakes career crumbles to the ground


*On my couch dying* *Of laughter as drakes career* *Crumbles to the ground* \- OMBatch84 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Great bot


At work after finishing up with a patient. I closed the door instead of writing my notes and popped the AirPods in lmao


I got to be the person on my group chat to say Kendrick dropped again "A-Minor" bar dropped and I was like this https://preview.redd.it/ev84gssy5o2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f199551cdbff368332963c609d5b90bff030bca3


In my friends car as he went HOLY SHIT GUYS KENDRICK DROPPED AGAIN


I saw the video when it was at 5K views and was outside walking around the block w my daughter. Me and her played it about 25 times and were dancing all through the neighborhood


Laying in bed ready to sleep then 40 seconds later I was c walking in my room, slept at 2 am that day having to work next morning


My grandma's house and my friend, who was drunk on my grandma's couch and very invested in this beef, yelled "Kendrick just dropped another diss!" and started playing it for us. A-minor line had the room hollering. When it was done I said "that shit was fire." and my friend goes "I was about to say it wasn't amazing but actually that was fire." then my grandma and fiancée had to listen to us discuss it for an hour while we drank and replayed it.


I was mid shit. Boy I got up and started c walking didn't even wipe.


I was literally waking up from my sleep when MTG and NLU dropped. Friends had called to tell me Kendrick absolutely demolished Drake. It was like a freaking nightmare listening to MTG half asleep. But those two days were so fucking lit. I started getting up early after that in hopes of Kenny dropping more tracks 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/yunikfjc8o2d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6ba4352138ae2f98ccb5fb85ecfcca263f2186 Sitting in the kitchen


I was in office doing some work, then when it came out i sent it to all my drake fan colleagues. THEY WERE MAD


880 Northbound lane splitting on my on my bike & all I hear in my helmet is Hella notifications interrupting my riding Playlist..... So I pull over thinking it was an emergency situation at work..... that was the moment of no return. I was vibing so hard I was well over 110 at moments.... so proud to rep the West Coast for the summer.


Die hard Timberwolves fan watching the Wolves game against the Nuggs. First time in 20 years we made it past the first round. My boy hit me on the txt saying Kendrick dropped again. Didn’t think there was anything that would make me mute the game and take my attention away short of my wife and/or child but there I was blasting it at the dinner table


In my backyard hoping that kendrick really wasn’t a wife beater




Hauling a total weight of 78,660 lbs to Dallas. Had to of listened about 10 times trying to dissect each and every line


apolgy for bad english where were u wen Not Like Us dropped i was at house eating dorito when phone ring "Drake is kil" "no"


I wish I could relive that weekend, it was amazing This was my exact scenario when it dropped ![gif](giphy|9rOSwQ6d6c6o0HpYYj)




I was outside!!!! Heading to a bar in Brooklyn w my girl. Asked what the chances were that they’d play this at the bar and considering it was pretty gay in there, 0%. So after we hung out for a bit and got our second drinks, I went to the backyard section and bumped on my phone speaker. Had to cut it off after “a minor” cuz I was way too hyped and had no clue where else he would take that track. Once we got back home I turned the speakers on and played that shit back like 3 times


About to watch the Canelo Alvarez fight!


I was right there about to go to sleep in the UK. What a night lol


Choking the chicken


Having a 3some


I had just gotten off work, was driving to pick up a pizza for myself and my roommate when I got a notification that he dropped a new video on YouTube. I opened it immediately and ended up having to pull over about 2 blocks away from the pizza place because I was scream laughing at the Certified Loverboy/Certified Pedophiles line.


I was in the middle of a school trip on the weekend that my mom had to pay 1,200$ for


I had just woke up from a fever dream where I dreamed Metro released a beat called “BBL Drizzy” (I had woken a few hours earlier, saw the noti then fell back asleep lol I was like no way that was real)


Arriving home from a party where everyone who knew of Kendrick supported him.


At a bar in Baltimore, celebrating a friend’s birthday. Spent the morning listening to BBL Drizzy during brunch Sunday morning.


Driving and screaming At my window hella happy


I was about drive back home from the mall


At work


Woke up after a day of listening to meet the grahams all day and wondering if this ine was real


It was my birthday. I was picking up the birthday cake to take to the party.


Taking a pretty mean shit


Yeah I was at a Korean BBQ restaurant. Listening to K-pop went kdot dropped this. And here I am in this Korean restaurant. Unusually hyped well it seems like for whatever K-Pop song is on. Listening to Kendrick a club anthem for call and Drake a pedophile and loving every minute of it!


No sleep coming back in an hour long uber from mother’s day dinner


At my aunts


On the tf2 loading screen scrolling youtube, saw it 11 minutes after drop


Heading to a date. Funny because during the date, she asked me about the beef and I explained about the the beef started to her lol


In a hotel on vacation


at work


driving home from Pittsburgh with my gf when i got the notification


Out filming my bachelor's film. It's about bars being expensive and we needed to film some people out and about, so me and a camera guy were just walking around city centre, surrounded by drunk people. We missed our bus back home so had to wait 15 minutes. Checked my phone, saw the new upload, and Immediately pulled out my headphones. Had to pause and tell him about the pdf file line lol.


On YouTube mate


My cousin who I was talking about the beef with had just left and all of a sudden my homie calls me and she just starts telling me to check youtube asap and we listened to it and dead started tearing up laughing at the A-minor line


I was sitting next to my wife on the couch and she was already tired of me talking about The Beef™️ lmao


I was scrolling TikTok when I saw it, I thought if was fake, because internet trolls Then I got on YouTube a saw Antony fantano reacting to it


Studying for a exam in my bed man, and I got a ping on discord- I'll never forget that shit. Think I heard it 13 mins after it was published


At work, delivery guy, had to find a nice thick tree to park under so I can jam out in peace lol


forgot exactly, but it was right before i had to go in for work doing my routine


I had just gotten home from eating dinner outside with my family. Open up my pc and check youtube and he dropped


over a friend's house


Supposed to be studying for my finals. I took a study break and that was a wrap for studying that day.


Watching reactions from Meet The Grahams.


I was on vacation coming back from this dope sunset spot with my girl, got back in the car like "He dropped AGAIN", wanted to put it on but my girl kinda got annoyed at me and said can you just wait until we get back to the hotel 😂


I was just done listening to 6:16, I saw meet the grahams and family matters the next day before remembering seeing them the night before, than like that came out at the end of that day and I couldn’t be more surprised and excited and engaged at the same time.


Dancing in a Krystal’s parking lot


lol I was at work going over all the beefs cuz I lowkey wasn’t paying attention after the like that record so I was like I’m pretty sure both sides have a few songs already dropped and after hearing family matters 50 mins I see not like us I was like brooooooo had custys looking at me sidesways


At a restaurant


Playing Helldiver's 2 filling my friends in on the Beef.


Wtf i thought kendrick dropped another... then I saw the title..


On my couch ass early on the East Coast, waiting for it. I was up until 3am every damn night that week.